Author Topic: Gun Control  (Read 65676 times)


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #250 on: May 23, 2022, 12:25:20 PM »

Nevada County Evicts Anti-Gun Judges From County Government Building

“Gun-free” zones are something of a contagion, particularly among government entities. When rigorously treated (through opposition and education), they can be contained to a reasonable size and cover only “essential” places like prisons. When ignored and allowed to flourish, they have a way of spreading and infecting areas around them. That’s exactly what’s happened in Nye County, Nevada.

When Bruce Jabbour, a pro-gun county commissioner, got into office in 2021, he found out that he wouldn’t be allowed to lawfully carry his pistol in his own office. Why? Because the county building also has district court offices located in the same government complex building, and Judge Kim Wanker (yes, her real name) had issued an order banning firearms from the building, ostensibly for security reasons.

This set the judges and the county commission on course for a turf war over control of the building.

Jabbour initially tried to settle the issue with the judges privately, asking them to revise the order and limit it to only the court’s offices, leaving the rest of the building alone. That wasn’t acceptable to those in robes, so Jabbour brought the issue up at a county commission meeting.

The commission, exercising its authority over the parts of the building not run by the court, voted to have signs banning guns removed from the main doors and moved to the doors leading to the court’s portion of the building.

In response, the judges took the issue to Las Vegas media outlets, claiming that the county commission was determined to endanger the judges and their staff. Jabbour then took the matter before the county commission last week.

That item was before the board on Tuesday, May 17, at which Jabbour said judges had disrespected the commission by ignoring its action. When he consulted the Nye County District Attorney’s Office, he was reportedly told he would be in contempt of the court order if he were to remove the “no weapons” signs himself.

The commission, with no remaining options left, decided to do what any decent landlord would do when faced with problem tenants: they evicted them.

At a meeting last week, the commission voted unanimously to kick the courts out of the  building and relocate them to other county-owned buildings that are either not currently being used or will soon be vacated.

Not only does this solve the standoff, but according to Commissioner Debra Strickland, the county was in need of more room anyway. Booting the courts and judges will give the county much-needed room while also respecting the Second Amendment rights of those who work there.

Stories like this are a good reminder that we should never accept an anti-gun situation as something beyond our ability to change. While there are certainly places a reasonable governmental entity might want to prohibit firearms (especially when criminal justice matters are involved), these restrictions should be kept to the minimum and not allowed to infringe on more people than absolutely necessary.

Some history on this "judge":

Judge Wanker receives public reprimand for actions in case


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #251 on: June 19, 2022, 05:32:37 PM »
The party that hysterically claims "our democracy is in danger" wants to make it prohibitive for Americans to purchase firearms. (Beyer's net worth is estimated at $124 million)

Notice the last sentence. What a traitorous weasel.

Beyer introduces bill to tax assault-style weapons at 1,000 percent

If Congress won’t entertain a ban on assault-style weapons, Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) has a new idea: imposing a 1,000 percent tax on them.

Beyer introduced the Assault Weapons Excise Act on Tuesday with 36 Democratic cosponsors as Congress continues debating gun-safety proposals following last month’s back-to-back mass shootings. A 1,000 percent excise tax on semiautomatic rifles such as AR-15s would mark a drastic increase from any existing federal excise taxes on firearms — a proposal that Beyer is hoping could bypass the Senate filibuster, which requires support of at least 10 Republicans. Insider first previewed the legislation earlier this month.

The idea, Beyer said, is to increase the price of certain semiautomatic rifles, including AR-15s, to such a degree that it significantly limits accessibility to those guns but stops short of a full ban. The tax Beyer proposed would also apply to high-capacity magazines. And the guns that would be taxed are similar to those laid out in the Assault Weapons Ban legislation, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said she wants to bring to the floor but that is unlikely to go anywhere in the evenly divided Senate.

“It’s trying to hit the sweet spot, where it’s not an all-out ban, but people’s independent purchasing decisions would be much more ‘no’ than ‘yes,’ ” Beyer said in an interview Tuesday. “You want to shift the demand curve pretty significantly.”

Beyer said part of the thinking behind the 1,000 percent figure was to have a high-enough fiscal impact that the Senate parliamentarian would find it qualifies for inclusion in a reconciliation package, meaning it could pass the Senate with a simple majority.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #252 on: June 19, 2022, 05:38:03 PM »
Gun control is when you hit the target.

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #253 on: June 19, 2022, 05:43:46 PM »
The slew of shootings starting last month is suspicious


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #254 on: June 19, 2022, 05:54:12 PM »
The party that hysterically claims "our democracy is in danger" wants to make it prohibitive for Americans to purchase firearms. (Beyer's net worth is estimated at $124 million)

Notice the last sentence. What a traitorous weasel.

Beyer introduces bill to tax assault-style weapons at 1,000 percent

If Congress won’t entertain a ban on assault-style weapons, Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) has a new idea: imposing a 1,000 percent tax on them.

Beyer introduced the Assault Weapons Excise Act on Tuesday with 36 Democratic cosponsors as Congress continues debating gun-safety proposals following last month’s back-to-back mass shootings. A 1,000 percent excise tax on semiautomatic rifles such as AR-15s would mark a drastic increase from any existing federal excise taxes on firearms — a proposal that Beyer is hoping could bypass the Senate filibuster, which requires support of at least 10 Republicans. Insider first previewed the legislation earlier this month.

The idea, Beyer said, is to increase the price of certain semiautomatic rifles, including AR-15s, to such a degree that it significantly limits accessibility to those guns but stops short of a full ban. The tax Beyer proposed would also apply to high-capacity magazines. And the guns that would be taxed are similar to those laid out in the Assault Weapons Ban legislation, which House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has said she wants to bring to the floor but that is unlikely to go anywhere in the evenly divided Senate.

“It’s trying to hit the sweet spot, where it’s not an all-out ban, but people’s independent purchasing decisions would be much more ‘no’ than ‘yes,’ ” Beyer said in an interview Tuesday. “You want to shift the demand curve pretty significantly.”

Beyer said part of the thinking behind the 1,000 percent figure was to have a high-enough fiscal impact that the Senate parliamentarian would find it qualifies for inclusion in a reconciliation package, meaning it could pass the Senate with a simple majority.
Sounds like classism and the lower class will suffer immensely. Wonder why the government would attack the lower income families like this?

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #255 on: June 19, 2022, 06:49:41 PM »

Dos Equis

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #256 on: June 22, 2022, 08:40:13 PM »
What’s In the Senate’s ‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act’?

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #257 on: June 23, 2022, 01:01:52 AM »
What’s In the Senate’s ‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act’?

The red flags part of this will make it open season on gun confiscation


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #258 on: June 23, 2022, 10:37:20 AM »

Supreme Court strikes down New York law regulating concealed handguns in public

The Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled in a major case involving whether there's a fundamental right to carry a concealed handgun outside the home in public for self-defense.

The court struck down a century-old New York law that has restricted the concealed carry of handguns in public to only those with a "proper cause."

The 6-3 opinion was authored by Justice Clarence Thomas, the court's most senior conservative member. The three liberal justices dissented.

Thomas wrote that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.

"Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State's licensing regime violates the Constitution," Thomas wrote. "The constitutional right to bear arms in public for self-defense is not 'a second-class right, subject to an entirely different body of rules than the other Bill of Rights guarantees,'"

"In keeping with Heller, we hold that when the Second Amendment's plain text covers an individual's conduct, the Constitution presumptively protects that conduct. To justify its regulation, the government may not simply posit that the regulation promotes an important interest. Rather, the government must demonstrate that the regulation is consistent with this Nation's historical tradition of firearm regulation," Thomas wrote.

"Only if a firearm regulation is consistent with this Nation's historical tradition may a court conclude that the individual's conduct falls outside the Second Amendment's 'unqualified command,'" the opinion said.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #259 on: June 23, 2022, 04:50:02 PM »
The red flags part of this will make it open season on gun confiscation

Yeah that's why i keep comments about guns to myself these days.

Unless it's a close friend.

These red flag laws will eventually get put into place.

And every single triggered Lib is going to use them.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #260 on: June 23, 2022, 04:50:36 PM »
Gun control is when you hit the target.

Good! ;D


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #261 on: June 24, 2022, 07:11:53 AM »

Blake Masters IS RIGHT! “Black People, Frankly” DO Commit Almost All Gun Crime In U.S.

If stopping “gun crime” or “gun violence” is the Gordian Knot of contemporary criminal justice matters, then Arizona Senate candidate Blake Masters might be Alexander the Great. With three words, he sliced through the problem by equating gun crime in America with “black people, frankly” [Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly’, By Roger Sollenberger, Daily Beast, June 6, 2022]. You read that correctly. Masters had the courage to say what needs to be said: Blacks with guns, not guns themselves, cause almost all the mayhem and murder in “urban” America. This survey of every major city proves Masters right.

Masters uttered the unutterable in an interview with podcaster Jeff Oravits on April 11.

“We do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence,” Masters said:

“It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly. … And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.”

Wow, imagine having the nuts to tell it like it is??
Im sure they made him back-track/apologize, but he's 100% right..


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #262 on: July 29, 2022, 01:15:46 PM »


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #263 on: July 29, 2022, 04:13:58 PM »

2 Republicans supported it
5 Democrats opposed it

House passes assault weapons ban that’s doomed in the Senate

The House passed legislation Friday that would ban assault weapons for the first time since 2004, in a sign that Democrats intend to pursue more aggressive gun violence prevention measures after a spate of mass shootings.

The bill passed in a largely party-line vote of 217-213, with 2 Republicans voting for the measure and 5 Democrats opposing it.

The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats.

The legislation, authored by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., would criminalize the knowing sale, manufacture, transfer, possession or importation of many types of semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices.

The 5 House Democrats who voted against the assault weapons ban were:
Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Kurt Schrader of Oregon, Jared Golden of Maine and Ron Kind of Wisconsin.

The 2 Republicans who crossed the aisle to support the bill were:
Reps. Chris Jacobs of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

Jacobs' district includes Buffalo, where a white gunman has been charged with killing 10 black people in a racist mass shooting at a supermarket in May.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #264 on: July 29, 2022, 05:54:12 PM »
Keep taking rights away from law abiding citizens. ::) Fucking idiots ::)

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #265 on: July 29, 2022, 06:17:54 PM »

2 Republicans supported it
5 Democrats opposed it

House passes assault weapons ban that’s doomed in the Senate

The House passed legislation Friday that would ban assault weapons for the first time since 2004, in a sign that Democrats intend to pursue more aggressive gun violence prevention measures after a spate of mass shootings.

The bill passed in a largely party-line vote of 217-213, with 2 Republicans voting for the measure and 5 Democrats opposing it.

The level of GOP opposition indicates the bill is unlikely to advance in the evenly split Senate, where it would require the support of at least 10 Republicans to defeat a guaranteed filibuster. It’s also not clear if the measure has the support of all 50 Senate Democrats.

The legislation, authored by Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., would criminalize the knowing sale, manufacture, transfer, possession or importation of many types of semi-automatic weapons and large-capacity ammunition feeding devices.

The 5 House Democrats who voted against the assault weapons ban were:
Reps. Henry Cuellar and Vicente Gonzalez of Texas, Kurt Schrader of Oregon, Jared Golden of Maine and Ron Kind of Wisconsin.

The 2 Republicans who crossed the aisle to support the bill were:
Reps. Chris Jacobs of New York and Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania.

Jacobs' district includes Buffalo, where a white gunman has been charged with killing 10 black people in a racist mass shooting at a supermarket in May.

It will be DOA in the Senate. They don’t have the votes.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #266 on: July 29, 2022, 07:14:43 PM »
It will be DOA in the Senate. They don’t have the votes.

I agree, but there'll be a serious run on semiauto rifles until the bill dies.

Then there'll be these:  :D


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #267 on: July 30, 2022, 08:52:15 AM »
It will be DOA in the Senate. They don’t have the votes.
It was a political bullshit stunt. Such a blurry and overreaching shit bill they are trying to pass, knowing full well it won't. It's all a show for their cuntstituents because they are afraid of losing their asses in the midterms.

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #268 on: July 30, 2022, 11:34:03 PM »
It was a political bullshit stunt. Such a blurry and overreaching shit bill they are trying to pass, knowing full well it won't. It's all a show for their cuntstituents because they are afraid of losing their asses in the midterms.

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #269 on: February 08, 2023, 03:13:37 PM »

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #270 on: February 08, 2023, 03:49:31 PM »
Fifth Circuit Strikes Requirement that Subjects of Domestic Violence Restraining Orders Forfeit Guns
4 Feb 2023

Because of the Bruen decision, gun control lobbyists have been getting killed in the courts all over the country. The AG's in the blue states especially NY and California have been trying to find ways to circumvent Bruen. They can try to pass laws or even pass them because they know that even though they are all, for the most part unconstitutional, but the time it heads back to the SCOTUS, the damage will be done.

Biden and the left are still for an "Assault Weapons" claiming that when it passed in 1994 it reduced the number of gun violence, they are bold faced lying as an attempt to push it through again. They neglect to say that the 1994 decision had a "sunset clause" that basically said if there no significant reduction in the number of gun violence changes, it would automatically expire 10 years from the expired and now they’re lying to you.


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #272 on: April 07, 2023, 10:45:43 AM »
Jack Posobiec debunks Jon Stewart's claim that firearms are the leading cause of death among American children
by: Human Events Media Group 03/08/2023

Jack Posobiec debunks Jon Stewart's claim that firearms are the leading cause of death among American children

Jack Posobiec took aim at Jon Stewart on Tuesday, who had used his current platform to promote the recently adopted progressive practice of having drag queens read to children in public schools and libraries. When questioning a conservative guest who took issue with the drag story hours, Stewart pivoted to talking about the leading cause of deaths among children as a means to discredit the man.

The only problem is that Stewart was wrong, and Posobiec has the receipts to prove it.

Stewart claimed that the leading cause of death among children was firearms. "That's what it is," Stewart said with authority. "It's firearms, more than cancer more than car accidents."

But it isn't. And Posobiec, who is likely the only conservative to whom Stewart has ever apologized, pointed that out. In fact, the very things that Stewart said were not the leading cause of death—car accidents, cancer—are in the top five. As Posobiec said, abortion is the number one cause of death among children in the US. But among the born children of this nation, drowning tops the list for the age group 1-4. For ages 5-14, cancer and vehicle accidents are the leading cause of mortality.

"The number one and number two killers have children aged five to 14 is exactly what Jon Stewart said it wasn't. He said it wasn't cancer and car crashes. But in fact, that is exactly what the number one and number two causes of child death are in this country. And yet he lied," Posobiec said.

Posobiec looked into the stats cited by Stewart, which "most likely from the Kaiser Family Foundation, which last summer put out a huge headline, firearms are the leading cause of death for children in the United States," he said. That study from Kaiser showed that firearm mortality rates among children in the US are way ahead of similar countries like Canada, France, and Switzerland, among others.

"But just like anything else," Posobiec said, "when you're reading statistics from the left, you have to go a step further and question definitions. How does the Kaiser Family Foundation define a child in this study? I'll tell you how they define children, one through 19 years old."

"They're including teenagers as children in this, Posobiec said.

"Now, let me let me just play a little game with you, you know, little little question game," Posobiec said. "What do you think the leading cause of teenagers is in places like I don't know, Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, New Orleans? I do think that that might be a slightly different dataset than the one that he's talking about here."

Overdoses among teens are up across the country. He also noted that included in those firearms stats for teens are gun deaths by suicide. None of these were stats that Stewart brought up on his show.

"Suicides account for the majority of deaths by firearms in the United States at almost 60 percent in some studies," Posobiec said, "so of course, this is included in that. Even if I were to include homicides, and accidental deaths, which is of course what he's talking about, you still have to deal with the fact that it's teenagers involved here, not children."

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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #273 on: May 09, 2023, 09:16:47 PM »
California Waiting Period Law Challenged Under Supreme Court Bruen Decision
Ammoland Inc. Posted on May 8, 2023 by Dean Weingarten


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Re: Gun Control
« Reply #274 on: May 10, 2023, 05:17:19 PM »
California Waiting Period Law Challenged Under Supreme Court Bruen Decision
Ammoland Inc. Posted on May 8, 2023 by Dean Weingarten
Dumb ass law. Should have never existed in the first place.