Author Topic: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/  (Read 38712 times)


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #225 on: December 17, 2017, 09:49:17 PM »
Matt why do you continue arguing with these people. Facts don't persuade them.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #226 on: December 17, 2017, 09:56:07 PM »
General Topics?  GTFO.


Vince B - thanks.  Thanks for being so afraid of a contrary viewpoint that you needed to push to get this moved to the general board.

Why is it that so-called "liberals" are terrified a dissenting view?  I know so much about this topic that I have NO FEAR of debating it.  People who claim that all races have equal IQ averages don't scare me in the least bit, given that there are literally MOUNDS of data refuting that point.  Literally EVERY SINGLE TEST on the subject shows that my position is correct.  I have no fear in debating this.

Too bad alleged liberals are terrified of this topic.  Of course they know their side is as weak as can be, and falls apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny.  And after all, what would happen if my side is proven correct?  We would have to stop blaming White people for all the problems facing other races.  And that would be soo horrible!  We can't have that!  Best to keep blaming White people for all the problems in the world while claiming to be against racism.  ::)

Vince B

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #227 on: December 17, 2017, 10:11:43 PM »
Matt, shake your sorry head. I doubt anyone will contest the IQ scores that you have based so much on. The point I am making is that discussing these differences here is tacky to say the least.

You will end up looking like a very biased individual. Do you comprehend this? It is one thing to have strong opinions but quite another to keep arguing about your point of view on a board for bodybuilding.

Come to think of it, you showed very poor judgement having that guy as a moderator on your forum. Sure he and his girlfriend were smart but they were nasty individuals. So where is your forum now?

Would someone be correct to suggest that Ron A is smarter than you because his forum is still active?

I never contacted the moderators about this thread. To me it was in bad taste to debate it with a black person and others here. Tactless. Seems to me this thread got what it deserved and it deserves what it got.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #228 on: December 17, 2017, 10:22:10 PM »
Matt, shake your sorry head. I doubt anyone will contest the IQ scores that you have based so much on. The point I am making is that discussing these differences here is tacky to say the least.

You will end up looking like a very biased individual. Do you comprehend this? It is one thing to have strong opinions but quite another to keep arguing about your point of view on a board for bodybuilding.

Come to think of it, you showed very poor judgement having that guy as a moderator on your forum. Sure he and his girlfriend were smart but they were nasty individuals. So where is your forum now?

Would someone be correct to suggest that Ron A is smarter than you because his forum is still active?

I never contacted the moderators about this thread. To me it was in bad taste to debate it with a black person and others here. Tactless. Seems to me this thread got what it deserved and it deserves what it got.

Strange that you bring Duchaine into this wholly separate argument.

Why would you even bring that up?

I smell a rat.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #229 on: December 17, 2017, 11:07:42 PM »
General Topics?  GTFO.


Vince B - thanks.  Thanks for being so afraid of a contrary viewpoint that you needed to push to get this moved to the general board.

Why is it that so-called "liberals" are terrified a dissenting view?  I know so much about this topic that I have NO FEAR of debating it.  People who claim that all races have equal IQ averages don't scare me in the least bit, given that there are literally MOUNDS of data refuting that point.  Literally EVERY SINGLE TEST on the subject shows that my position is correct.  I have no fear in debating this.

Too bad alleged liberals are terrified of this topic.  Of course they know their side is as weak as can be, and falls apart under the slightest bit of scrutiny.  And after all, what would happen if my side is proven correct?  We would have to stop blaming White people for all the problems facing other races.  And that would be soo horrible!  We can't have that!  Best to keep blaming White people for all the problems in the world while claiming to be against racism.  ::)

Haha moved to the General Topics  :D


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #230 on: December 17, 2017, 11:08:27 PM »
Haha moved to the General Topics  :D

Where threads go to die.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #231 on: December 17, 2017, 11:11:17 PM »
It depends on you define intelligence - I define it as IQ test.  Not social intelligence, or "EQ" [emotional intelligence, which is virtually USELESS as a predictive model], etc.

I consider IQ to be the measure of intelligence.  So when Basile says "Meta-physical is more intelligent than Matt C", I'm thinking "WTF?!"  And I start frothing at the mouth and biting my t-shirt.

But that's because I assume Vince is referring to IQ.

These things are objectively measurable.  If MP had a higher IQ than me, I would acknowledge it.  I do not think he does.  He asked a question that can be refuted very easily.  He is basically saying that human beings have a universal tendency towards violence.  That has literally nothing to do with measuring disparate cognitive outcomes between individual racial groups.  It's like saying "Look, all races have the ability to read - it must mean all races are equal!"

Yes, and human beings share 97% of the DNA with mice, so it must mean human beings are equal to mice!  Lewontin's Fallacy is sooo effective as a debate tool!  It relies on the ignorance of your audience to use it!

There is more within-group difference between men and women in terms of height than there is between-group difference, so it must mean that men and women are the same height on average.  ::)

The reason why what I'm saying is important is because EVERY.  SINGLE.  SOCIAL.  POLICY.  EVER. attempting to make all races equal has failed and will continue to fail!

Enough already.  Can we PLEASE move on?

I love how the reason why Blacks don't achieve what Whites do in society is because of racist, yet EVERYONE reading this knows that if you even dare to utter a peep about Black people in a negative way - even repeat a racist joke - that you will be fired from your job, socially stigmatized, and even become the recipient of death threats.  But please, tell me more about how racist White society is.  ::)

Also, I've never heard of a "White Supremacist" society that results in police investigations when signs are found that say "It's OK to be White."  Yeah, this sure sounds like what a society ran by the KKK would do.  ::)

LOL, I love how the YouTube link for this video starts with "KKK", hahahaha:


Epic meltdown.

Vince B

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #232 on: December 17, 2017, 11:11:58 PM »
Strange that you bring Duchaine into this wholly separate argument.

Why would you even bring that up?

I smell a rat.

Well, Matt is claiming a high IQ. Just how smart was he to have Duchaine as a moderator on his forum? Not smart at all. I stopped posting there because Matt figured he was allowing free speech.

Yes, freedom for Duchaine to do as he pleased. Result? Goodbye forum.

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #233 on: December 17, 2017, 11:17:12 PM »
Time for another snow bunny thread.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #234 on: December 18, 2017, 07:50:59 AM »
Meta-physical is a magnanimous soul, but, as his strident riposte demonstrates, patience and generosity have their limits. As a service to the board, a brief précis of Meta-physical's precise and elucidative point by point response might prove beneficial:
LOL! I think I prefer the brevity of the précis. It just wouldn't be Getbig without the insults!

lol at Matt melting down because Basile said that Metaphysical is smarter haha lol.  ;D ;D

 ;D Matt Canning in this thread:

Dear Matt,

You really have taken quite the meltdown! Satisfied as I am to simply observe, allow me to address each of your rambling paragraphs in turn, if for no other reason than to potentially cause another mental breakdown.

I have a four year Honour's (sic) degree in psychology in addition to my four year university degree in mathematics, so I quite know what I'm talking about.  Or do I need to be a world expert on a topic in order to be able to intelligently discuss the culmination of 110 years of psychometric and cognitive testing, ALL of which arrives at the same conclusion?

Congratulations, Matt, but I see no reason to challenge someone on grounds of their credentials; what I'm interested in is what they have to say, and whether their arguments seem correct or not. Your fulminations here can simply be disregarded on the basis that they are a product of the Dunning-Kruger effect, and don't even have the merit of being related to what I wrote. So far, all that your 'superior IQ' has managed to come up with is an irrelevant harangue and a series of strawman arguments that do not survive scrutiny. Let's explore:

You speak about petty violent behaviour as some innate human quality when in reality, any dumb mammal is capable of random violence.  To produce a military that required 51 nation states and non-stop waves of men and machines to take it down is quite another matter.

Incorrect. I asked an individual whether or not he considered a specific violent behaviour (the rape and mutilation of women and children) to be an example of a 'human capacity for violence that is ubiquitous', or if he believes that it's something unique to the African continent. Secondly, please note that if 'petty violent behaviour' is an innate human quality, and 'any dumb mammal is capable of random violence', then there’s no contradiction there. As for your last sentence, it is entirely unrelated to anything I wrote. 'Quite another matter' indeed.

As for your snide comment about Jordan Peterson...

Incorrect again. Please quote any 'snide' comment made about Jordan Peterson. I stated that you went off on a tangent as you weren't able to rely on him to do your thinking for you. Your lengthy diatribe about transgenderism is therefore irrelevant and can be dismissed as the erratic ramblings of an autistic fool. Please try to focus.

In the words of Stefan Molyneux - not an argument. How about post something that shows you as being something less of a dumb fuck...

Molyneux, in my opinion, is a mentally-ill conman from Canada, suffering from delusions of grandeur - much like yourself. I don't know of any academic who takes him seriously. Let's take this quote of his, for example: 'If we could just get people to be nice to their babies for five years straight, that would be it for war, drug abuse, addiction, promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, ... Almost all would be completely eliminated, because they all arise from dysfunctional early childhood experiences, which are all run by women' (Roy, 2014). Does this in any way challenge your views regarding race and the heritability of IQ? Also, please read the links below for further criticisms of Molyneux's work:

Roy, J. (2014) 'What I learned as a woman at a men’s-rights conference' TIME, 02 July [Online]. Available at (Accessed 18 December 2017)

Please, tell me more about how a pack of Somalians knifing each other on street corners compares to an ethnic group that produced a military that took on the world - TWICE - and almost won!

Another strawman. I never once made the comparison. Please try to focus.

It's so annoying to continue to discuss this topic.  You keep whining about Black lack of achievement and say "Well, if not for these 100 reasons, Blacks would be succeeding.

Please cite one instance of me claiming this. Matt, you need to focus!

Instead, you don't give any evidence, and essentially spew out an argument in the form "But gosh darnit!!  If only Blacks were given another $2 trillion in handouts by Whites, they would be just as successful!"

Again, please cite this alleged argument I made. I quite specifically stated that I accept the validity of IQ as a measurement of intelligence, and differences between gender and racial groups. I also stated that I agree with Charles Murray's point that the implications of this should be that we don't rush into welfare programs and education efforts to improve equality of outcome if it's far more likely to engender more inequality and undesirable outcomes rather than ameliorate them.

My IQ has been tested and retested for 17 years now

Why? This merely highlights your obsession with numbers, stemming from your developmental disability.

You can't complete four years of university mathematics and win the wall full of mathematics awards and contests without having an IQ at or close to what I claim.

LOL! A picture of your high school maths exam? Well done, Matt. You have every right to boast about this decades-old achievement!

Meta-physical does not have an IQ of 180-190.    Anyone who ignores 110 years of intelligence testing that is COMPLETELY CONSISTENT around the positions that I have posted above is not that smart.

More fabrications, Matt. Are you beginning to realise that the claims you're making simply aren’t tenable? Again, please provide evidence of this - and try to focus!

I would LOVE Meta-physical to post his comments in a completely neutral YouTube setting, and watch his arguments get destroyed online.

You have a YouTube channel. I've noticed that when you're around other people you become a timid and socially awkward wreck,with the posture of a boiled shrimp and the demeanour of a man subjected to a childhood full of bullying (see link below). It's obvious that the internet provides you with a confidence that escapes you in reality, so feel free to make a video where you read out my comments in this thread followed by the rebuttal you've posted.

That being said, he asked a nuanced and reasonable question, but I addressed it...So while you can point to atrocities from any race, you simply CANNOT prove that all races have produced as many geniuses as White people have.  Not even close.

No, you imagined a series of arguments in your own warped mind and addressed them instead. I never touched upon the subject of geniuses and race. Sorry, Matt, but Vince Goodrum has destroyed you simply by creating a platform for you to expose yourself as a deluded and ignorant little pinhead who lives vicariously through the achievements of others. I find your poor reading comprehension and critical thinking ability genuinely shocking. You lack any sense of modesty yet rely on others to tell you what to think, so you can spew out facts and statistics (as well as complete fabrications) without any framework of understanding. You failed to grasp what I wrote and chose instead to misrepresent my views so that you could attempt to demonstrate your self-professed intelligence. Unsurprisingly, you've failed. You have, however, done more to discredit the value of IQ than anyone else on this forum by revealing yourself to be perfidious and insecure half-wit, whose claim of intelligence rests solely on an above-average numeracy ability, acquired by virtue of a mental illness which makes you almost completely devoid of every other value. You have the ability and the personality of a calculator.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #235 on: December 18, 2017, 08:45:36 AM »
Pain has merit only if it works to correct; its scars the reminder of one's folly.

Meta-physical's utter thrashing of his intellectual inferior is to be known hence as The Caning of Canning (2017).

Matt, you're way out of your depths. Thank Meta-physical for his efforts to correct your thinking.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #236 on: December 18, 2017, 10:35:47 AM »
Pain has merit only if it works to correct; its scars the reminder of one's folly.

Meta-physical's utter thrashing of his intellectual inferior is to be known hence as The Caning of Canning (2017).

Matt, you're way out of your depths. Thank Meta-physical for his efforts to correct your thinking.

Damn, Meta destroying Matt.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #237 on: December 18, 2017, 11:08:03 AM »
Furthermore, Matt, can you please discuss how a predictive model is established.

Vince B

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #238 on: December 18, 2017, 04:08:18 PM »
A curious observation I have accumulated over decades is that the ungifted have no idea whatever about what is involved in being more intelligent than themselves.

Thus, rather pedestrian Matt is oblivious that Meta-physical is both more educated and much more intelligent. He literally can't see it!

Matt deserves a caning for his rather sad comprehension and logic. He attacks others, including myself, for things we didn't say.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. 


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #239 on: December 18, 2017, 08:24:19 PM »
A curious observation I have accumulated over decades is that the ungifted have no idea whatever about what is involved in being more intelligent than themselves.

Thus, rather pedestrian Matt is oblivious that Meta-physical is both more educated and much more intelligent. He literally can't see it!

Matt deserves a caning for his rather sad comprehension and logic. He attacks others, including myself, for things we didn't say.

What we have here is a failure to communicate.  

Well stated, Magister Basile. Canning's incapacity to reason critically leads him to transgress the principle of fidelity by arguing against the misrepresentation of someone else's propositions, which he then sets out to defeat – as you know, this is commonly referred to as the fallacy of laying down a Straw Matt.

Vince B

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #240 on: December 19, 2017, 12:19:49 AM »
I guess Matt has some intelligence, after all, because he clearly doesn't want to debate with those herein!!

He had some lame excuse about wanting an audience to witness his "putdowns"!

No doubt some people share many of his thoughts and ideas but goodness me, who would dare post them on the internet!

He is so convinced that he is right that his convictions have blinded him to good old common sense.

Having a degree is psychology is hardly sufficient training to deal with Getbiggers!


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #241 on: December 19, 2017, 10:04:31 AM »
In the G and O, Matt saying that he destroyed all of our arguments lol haha


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #242 on: December 19, 2017, 12:15:52 PM »
We get it, you're better than all of us. ::)

I have to disagree here, even though I understand you were being sarcastic. Having a high IQ does not make people better. It does increase the potential to be smarter for those who put their gift to good use. A high IQ is not an achievement. 


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #243 on: December 19, 2017, 12:19:09 PM »

Again, Matt has not done much, if anything, with his supposed genius IQ.

But, on getbig, everyone has a genius level IQ.

So true!


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #244 on: December 19, 2017, 12:23:58 PM »
Matt, all kidding aside, why would you have your IQ "tested and retested" over a span of 17 years?

Actually, Matt didn't say he had his IQ tested. What he wrote was that it has been tested. Your question as to why this is stands. Many people have no idea what their IQ is.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #245 on: December 19, 2017, 12:29:17 PM »
[1] An IQ of 130 is not a "genius" IQ.  That arguably starts at 145, although some would claim lower.  It may depend on the trait.  My IQ score is consistent with my university education.  You can't complete four years of university mathematics and win the wall full of mathematics awards and contests without having an IQ at or close to what I claim.  What I mean is that it would be literally impossible for a person with an IQ of 110 to do any of that.

[2] Meta-physical does not have an IQ of 180-190.  ::)  Anyone who ignores 110 years of intelligence testing that is COMPLETELY CONSISTENT around the positions that I have posted above is not that smart - not 180-190 IQ smart, that is.  How does Meta-physical explain the fact that the children of Black millionaires do not perform as well as the children of the poorest Asians.

They say poverty explains these things, but how does that make sense when poor Whites and poor Asians outnumber poor Blacks 3 to 1, meanwhile, Blacks outnumber both Whites and Asians in terms of violent crime.

None of you will bet that no Black man will win a Nobel Prize in the hard sciences this year.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  You ALL know that no Black person will win such a prize, be it this year - or EVER - without genetic engineering, and you refuse to put your money where your mouths are.  You guys are so full of shit it's not even funny.  Take my money if you are so confident that I am wrong.

Most people don't care about the racial makeup of Noble Prize winners.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #246 on: December 19, 2017, 12:39:18 PM »
All this talk about IQ, people need to look at their own lives and accomplishments or lack of, individual success is what matters, not a whole group of people

Why many get caught up into this? To make themselves feel superior cause they themselves haven’t done jack shit and nothing to show


Vince B

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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #247 on: December 19, 2017, 02:41:33 PM »
Seems to me Matt should go back to university and not Lakehead. Maybe McGill or the University of Toronto or even UBC. That would broaden his outlook.

He grew up in Thunder Bay and attended uni there. 110,000 people live there now which is a small city on Lake Superior. Rather isolated from the rest of

Canada and the world. Obtain a masters degree in psychology and go from there. Specialize in IQ and heredity and become an expert. If you do that you won't

argue like you are doing now on Getbig.

One wonders how a lad with an above average IQ failed to develop larger muscles. Perplexing to say the least. I conclude that he must be doing at least one thing wrong or

even several things wrong. Sometimes asking too many questions confuses people. I have seen this several times in my gym.

The worry here is that since he doesn't have large muscles he literally wouldn't recognize a program that would deliver him better results.

That strongman stuff is just compensation for not being a big bodybuilder.

I have no doubt that under my supervision and drug free I could build his muscles up considerably. 6 months.


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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #248 on: December 19, 2017, 03:10:23 PM »
Seems to me Matt should go back to university and not Lakehead. Maybe McGill or the University of Toronto or even UBC. That would broaden his outlook.


One wonders how a lad with an above average IQ failed to develop larger muscles. Perplexing to say the least. I conclude that he must be doing at least one thing wrong or

Sage advice.

I admit that I, too, am mystified by the incongruity between Matt's big IQ score and small body; and I'm someone who has presented work before a critical, hyper-IQ audience at both the University of Toronto's department of philosophy AND its Faculty of Law.



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Re: Hey Matt Canning...You Wanted A Call Out Right???/
« Reply #249 on: December 19, 2017, 03:14:10 PM »
Actually, Matt didn't say he had his IQ tested. What he wrote was that it has been tested. Your question as to why this is stands. Many people have no idea what their IQ is.

As one of my venerable colleagues might say, that's a fair dinkum point, Prime. One wonders about the context for such testings.