Author Topic: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!  (Read 26232 times)


  • Getbig V
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CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« on: February 27, 2018, 03:59:27 PM »
I'll try to make this brief as I'm a little pressed for time at the moment.

Friday at noon was feeling fine then, maybe within a couple hours after started feeling a little loopy and dozed off sitting lengthwise on my couch and caught myself dozing off with my head going back so caught myself and my head Snapback forward, however that didn't quite wake me up in off and it happened again. So when I went to stand up off the couch I noticed my legs and my knees or super freaking sore. Unusually sore like I have been doing a hundred freaking sets of hip thrusts with 315 on my waist or something. Not to mention my neck was super freaking sore from the base of my skull down through my shoulders, which is still super freaking sore for whatever reason and that progressively got worse and moves down throughout my entire spine and that got progressively worse and move throughout my entire body especially my glutes hams and my lower back is specially using voice text here so some s*** doesn't make sense I'm too lazy to go back and fix it at the moment.

Then like I said whole body was sore so I went to pee and sat down like a freaking woman and when I got up I noticed my pee was the color of freaking Folgers coffee so I thought that's strange well maybe I didn't check before I sat down and maybe the toilet didn't flush right last time I went and there was already p in there and it was already dark or something or whatever... I don't know. So the next time I went to pee I sat down like a f****** woman again, got up and seen God damn thing P was the color of folders f****** coffee and I was a little concerned so started to Google and what not and realized holy f*** I likely have rhabdomyolysis. I've been dealing with an infection in my shoulder which about three weeks prior maybe four weeks I really wasn't keeping track, which I had been to the ER already and they did a needle aspiration Andrew out about 10 cc's of pus and gave me a script for 7 days worth of clindamycin at my request after telling them clindamycin usually clear it up infections like that for me in the past period and went on my way...

 Well starting Saturday maybe around 6 or 8 p.m. I started taking pictures of my pee as well as pudding notes next to it on the toilet bowl stating the time and how much water I had guzzle down varying from 1L, up to 3L, up 2 a gallon up to a gallon and a half as of I believe the last picture was at 5 a.m. Sunday morning when the P was gradually getting lighter, however still dark however my body aches were not really improving and everybody urging me to go to the ER so finally Sunday I go to the ER and tell them I likely have Rhabdomyolysis as well as an infection in my shoulder.

*€* keep in mind, I have been off anabolics since I was released from the hospital back in September except for to testerone injections, which both went into my right glute. Everything else that has gone into my biceps and delts has been vitamin B12 shots because, well I won't get into the reason but I had to get rid of the B12( which I'd gotten in Cancun on vacation a while back), and for reasons I won't quite get into here was cleaning house of everything labeled, even empty bottles. Legal or not) so needless to say I had about 50 ccs of B12 water-based mind you, that went into my delts and biceps and only that one delt got and infection for whatever reason.

Anyways, I know I'm jumping around a little bit here, as I'm working on very little sleep still. Some people here know the situation and have been aware of the situation since the whole thing started back maybe around Sunday or Saturday or whenever it was, I just hadn't posted it on the boards here.

So they admitted me, and I was afraid I had the same type of infection in my delt that I had in my glute and they were going to have to slice open my Delta the same way they did my glute. However that was not the case all they did was make a little Maybe 3 mm incision and squeeze out maybe 10 mL of pus and pack it the same way they packed my spider bite on my hip from years ago. No big deal. However yesterday I finally talk to the doctor and who tells me they wanted to keep me for another two or three more days, which I said was not an option because I have obligations to take care of namely Court obligations stemming from my DUI and stuff I have to take care of because of that, especially that particular day yesterday Monday, and it was like pulling freaking teeth to get him to tell me what my CK levels were down to below 10,000 and that my kidneys were now functioning fine, and that when I first came in I was in early stage renal failure, however like I said now they are functioning fine however my BUN levels were still a little high and he said he would check in tomorrow(today, Tuesday) to see how things we're progressing. Wtf? Seeing a Dr once a day? Not acceptable as far as I was concerned.

 No onto the "new" nurse, yesterday Maureen who was getting all pissy because I hadn't filled a urine cup she had left for me which I was not aware of and I kept feeling there giant urine collector thing with a handle not knowing that urine cup was there. So she kept coming into the room every 10 to 15 minutes to give me s*** about not feeling the urine cup she had left and I kept telling her yeah sure I'll fill it you know what the fuc? So finally I feel it and she still continues to give me attitude and s*** complaining that I was eating the food that I had brought with me instead of their f****** absolute garbage breakfast and lunch they had brought me. I did eat the eggs for breakfast, however I couldn't move the bed up or even scoop my self up to a position where I could eat comfortably. I couldn't push my heels into the bed to lift my ass up to scoop myself up because it felt like there was 400 f****** pounds of plates sitting on my hips because of the rhabdo, so eating the eggs had given me a really shity case of indigestion. So I was getting bored as f*** just laying there in bed so it took every f****** ounce of strength in me 2 scoop myself up and get on my feet to go walk around carrying my IV pole like I did last time I was in the hospital. Walked once I got around to walking on my feet I was okay but getting up was the hard part obviously. Now the unit at the hospital this was a different hospital this time as I had an issue at the last hospital I was at I'll get into that at a different time,. And the floor at this particular hospital was extremely small so I decided 2 get in the elevator and go explore a little bityeah, and even go out side, which was never an issue when I was at this particular Hospital a few years back. So I come back to the floor about maybe 30 minutes later or less and the nurse comes to the room to check on me and starts talking to me about some random s*** I forget what it was and mentions if I want to go look around the hospital that's fine but let them know first however if I leave the floor that's considered leaving the hospital and that I would need to come back through the ER entrance again. Even if I were to go down to the cafeteria. Mind you I was fully clothed in street clothes still despite having only the IV pole hooked up to me, which I had done previously when I was at this hospital a couple years prior like I mentioned. I said oh oh oh okay fine

Oh I should also mention that when I was in the ER speaking with the doctor in the ER they had approved me for some painkillers namely morphine. A whopping 2 million mg dose of morphine which I as well as Percocet. Every 4 hours. And the ER doc happened to be a bodybuilder and was mentioning to me that he had competed back in the day and one show and had bought a bottle of Sustanon and paid like $375 for it and I laugh my ass off at the price and told him what I did and at Sustanon should cost about 60 bucks. Anyways so we had a pretty good rapport and I asked him if he could mention to the doctor I I had a pretty extremely high tolerance to opiates still and mention to him the doses I was taking when I had my surgery back in August and told him that I would gladly" Exchange"  the morphine and Percocet every 4 hours 418 mg dose of dilaudid every 6 hours and he mentioned he said he would mention it to the doctor and the doctor would likely approve it. So when it came time for my morphine dose I asked him if that was the 2 milligram dose, and he said well the vile comes in formula mg, so the other two milligrams wer'e "supposed to throw away... and I know your tolerance is pretty high, so you can take that however you like" ( kind of wink wink), so I'm pretty sure he gave me the full form of mg even though that still did pretty much nothing for me..

Anyways so I mentioned that to the Night Nurse and she said the doctor still hasn't changed anything regarding the Dilaudid yet and gave me a 2 milligram dose of morphine which like I said obviously did absolutely nothing. Fast forward to the new b***** nurse in the morning and I mention the same thing about what what the doctor was going to change about the Dilaudid and she said there's been no change at all so the morphine is what I get and I can get a Percocet if I wanted it so I said no thanks I'm 5 mg Percocet will do absolutely nothing for me.... I know I'm jumping around a little bit so when the doctor actually came in I mention to him while the nurse was actually in the room about the Dilaudid change he said yeah he had approved me for dilaudid in addition to the morphine and I said thanks but the order hadn't gone through or something I guess in the computer system. So the next time the nurse came into the room she brought in packing material to repack my shoulder and I could see the vials of Dilaudid and I told her I'm just going to have to check out because this is taking too long and I have obligations I need to take care of today and she said I thought so I have the paperwork right here. So instead of getting the Dilaudid which I had a feeling she was planning on bribing me with because she already knew I was thinking about checking out AMA... and set the bottle of"Curad packing strip" on the table. And I asked her so what do I do about my shoulder because the hole is packed. Do I come back for that or what. She says I don't care what you can do whatever you want with it. you're checking out AMA so its your problem". LOL what the fuck? Haha whatever I guess I'll just Google it or something I had the same thing with the spider bite on my hip and they told me just to cut off the strips as they pushed out as it healed from the inside out. Or I'll just Google it or something I guess whatever. The dumb b****. I was f****** amazed at how rude she was since I was nothing but f****** polite to all these nurses since they were all extremely nice to me from the start when I first came in. I was surprised since I had been going to the other Hospital for the past few years because that was the hospital where all my wealthy clients went, as well as we're all the famous people went when they were in town including ex-presidents who were visiting or had retired here... but I was surprised at the great service I was receiving at this particular Hospital and was kind of disappointed I hadn't been coming to this hospital all along even though it wasn't as nice, and the food was kind of garbage compared to the other place but that's another story.

Anyways I got s*** to do I'll come back to this later

Nether Animal

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 04:03:44 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2018, 04:04:06 PM »
Sorry to hear that... noticed you hadn't been around so much - be careful dude!



  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2018, 04:28:25 PM »

Go 4 It

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2018, 04:36:41 PM »
Wow, dude how did you get Rhabdo? Overtraining?

Nether Animal

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2018, 04:40:59 PM »
I had high CK levels in Summer 2016, presumably from overtraining and walking in the heat, even though I didn't feel off at all and my urine wasn't dark. I was in the hospital for something else routine and they discovered it. I can't recall the number offhand but it was in the thousands. I noticed after a particularly brutal leg training session about a week beforehand that my calves were extremely sore, so dunno maybe that was connencted.

Stay well.

Go 4 It

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2018, 04:44:55 PM »
I had high CK levels in Summer 2016, presumably from overtraining and walking in the heat, even though I didn't feel off at all and my urine wasn't dark. I was in the hospital for something else routine and they discovered it. I can't recall the number offhand but it was in the thousands. I noticed after a particularly brutal leg training session about a week beforehand that my calves were extremely sore, so dunno maybe that was connencted.

Stay well.
How do you treat Rhabdo? Rest? How the fuck can these Crossfit or MMA fighters not get it? They train 3-4 times a day.

Nether Animal

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2018, 04:49:30 PM »
They just kept me in for a couple of days and it went down... they put me on blood thinners for some reason as well but only while I was in there.


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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2018, 05:08:24 PM »
The Bible is shorter than this.  ;D Get well


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2018, 06:33:18 PM »
It says HARDCORE right on the label, OP. I would avoid operating with such callousness around this badboy in the future.

Worth its weight in gold!


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2018, 06:44:22 PM »
How do you treat Rhabdo? Rest? How the fuck can these Crossfit or MMA fighters not get it? They train 3-4 times a day.

Actually Rhabdo is a problem with CrossFit:


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2018, 06:51:14 PM »
Wow, dude how did you get Rhabdo? Overtraining?

Had 2 full body workouts, bout 2hr long.. Nothing crazy and nothing intense. Obviously because they were my first workouts since like September or something. I may be forgetting a couple or a Galaxy or a few more go to head in September or October or whenever it was. But these workouts you wouldn't think would have caused it. Especially being as clean as I've been since I was 16 years old LOL

Certainly not to the point where my CK levels were 15000 and I was in early stage renal failure


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2018, 09:36:12 PM »
Be Back should be here any minute  ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2018, 10:15:51 PM »
Did you forget to log out of your "Matt" account before posting this?

be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2018, 10:21:08 PM »
I'll try to make this brief as I'm a little pressed for time at the moment.

Friday at noon was feeling fine then, maybe within a couple hours after started feeling a little loopy and dozed off sitting lengthwise on my couch and caught myself dozing off with my head going back so caught myself and my head Snapback forward, however that didn't quite wake me up in off and it happened again. So when I went to stand up off the couch I noticed my legs and my knees or super freaking sore. Unusually sore like I have been doing a hundred freaking sets of hip thrusts with 315 on my waist or something. Not to mention my neck was super freaking sore from the base of my skull down through my shoulders, which is still super freaking sore for whatever reason and that progressively got worse and moves down throughout my entire spine and that got progressively worse and move throughout my entire body especially my glutes hams and my lower back is specially using voice text here so some s*** doesn't make sense I'm too lazy to go back and fix it at the moment.

Then like I said whole body was sore so I went to pee and sat down like a freaking woman and when I got up I noticed my pee was the color of freaking Folgers coffee so I thought that's strange well maybe I didn't check before I sat down and maybe the toilet didn't flush right last time I went and there was already p in there and it was already dark or something or whatever... I don't know. So the next time I went to pee I sat down like a f****** woman again, got up and seen God damn thing P was the color of folders f****** coffee and I was a little concerned so started to Google and what not and realized holy f*** I likely have rhabdomyolysis. I've been dealing with an infection in my shoulder which about three weeks prior maybe four weeks I really wasn't keeping track, which I had been to the ER already and they did a needle aspiration Andrew out about 10 cc's of pus and gave me a script for 7 days worth of clindamycin at my request after telling them clindamycin usually clear it up infections like that for me in the past period and went on my way...

 Well starting Saturday maybe around 6 or 8 p.m. I started taking pictures of my pee as well as pudding notes next to it on the toilet bowl stating the time and how much water I had guzzle down varying from 1L, up to 3L, up 2 a gallon up to a gallon and a half as of I believe the last picture was at 5 a.m. Sunday morning when the P was gradually getting lighter, however still dark however my body aches were not really improving and everybody urging me to go to the ER so finally Sunday I go to the ER and tell them I likely have Rhabdomyolysis as well as an infection in my shoulder.

*€* keep in mind, I have been off anabolics since I was released from the hospital back in September except for to testerone injections, which both went into my right glute. Everything else that has gone into my biceps and delts has been vitamin B12 shots because, well I won't get into the reason but I had to get rid of the B12( which I'd gotten in Cancun on vacation a while back), and for reasons I won't quite get into here was cleaning house of everything labeled, even empty bottles. Legal or not) so needless to say I had about 50 ccs of B12 water-based mind you, that went into my delts and biceps and only that one delt got and infection for whatever reason.

Anyways, I know I'm jumping around a little bit here, as I'm working on very little sleep still. Some people here know the situation and have been aware of the situation since the whole thing started back maybe around Sunday or Saturday or whenever it was, I just hadn't posted it on the boards here.

So they admitted me, and I was afraid I had the same type of infection in my delt that I had in my glute and they were going to have to slice open my Delta the same way they did my glute. However that was not the case all they did was make a little Maybe 3 mm incision and squeeze out maybe 10 mL of pus and pack it the same way they packed my spider bite on my hip from years ago. No big deal. However yesterday I finally talk to the doctor and who tells me they wanted to keep me for another two or three more days, which I said was not an option because I have obligations to take care of namely Court obligations stemming from my DUI and stuff I have to take care of because of that, especially that particular day yesterday Monday, and it was like pulling freaking teeth to get him to tell me what my CK levels were down to below 10,000 and that my kidneys were now functioning fine, and that when I first came in I was in early stage renal failure, however like I said now they are functioning fine however my BUN levels were still a little high and he said he would check in tomorrow(today, Tuesday) to see how things we're progressing. Wtf? Seeing a Dr once a day? Not acceptable as far as I was concerned.

 No onto the "new" nurse, yesterday Maureen who was getting all pissy because I hadn't filled a urine cup she had left for me which I was not aware of and I kept feeling there giant urine collector thing with a handle not knowing that urine cup was there. So she kept coming into the room every 10 to 15 minutes to give me s*** about not feeling the urine cup she had left and I kept telling her yeah sure I'll fill it you know what the fuc? So finally I feel it and she still continues to give me attitude and s*** complaining that I was eating the food that I had brought with me instead of their f****** absolute garbage breakfast and lunch they had brought me. I did eat the eggs for breakfast, however I couldn't move the bed up or even scoop my self up to a position where I could eat comfortably. I couldn't push my heels into the bed to lift my ass up to scoop myself up because it felt like there was 400 f****** pounds of plates sitting on my hips because of the rhabdo, so eating the eggs had given me a really shity case of indigestion. So I was getting bored as f*** just laying there in bed so it took every f****** ounce of strength in me 2 scoop myself up and get on my feet to go walk around carrying my IV pole like I did last time I was in the hospital. Walked once I got around to walking on my feet I was okay but getting up was the hard part obviously. Now the unit at the hospital this was a different hospital this time as I had an issue at the last hospital I was at I'll get into that at a different time,. And the floor at this particular hospital was extremely small so I decided 2 get in the elevator and go explore a little bityeah, and even go out side, which was never an issue when I was at this particular Hospital a few years back. So I come back to the floor about maybe 30 minutes later or less and the nurse comes to the room to check on me and starts talking to me about some random s*** I forget what it was and mentions if I want to go look around the hospital that's fine but let them know first however if I leave the floor that's considered leaving the hospital and that I would need to come back through the ER entrance again. Even if I were to go down to the cafeteria. Mind you I was fully clothed in street clothes still despite having only the IV pole hooked up to me, which I had done previously when I was at this hospital a couple years prior like I mentioned. I said oh oh oh okay fine

Oh I should also mention that when I was in the ER speaking with the doctor in the ER they had approved me for some painkillers namely morphine. A whopping 2 million mg dose of morphine which I as well as Percocet. Every 4 hours. And the ER doc happened to be a bodybuilder and was mentioning to me that he had competed back in the day and one show and had bought a bottle of Sustanon and paid like $375 for it and I laugh my ass off at the price and told him what I did and at Sustanon should cost about 60 bucks. Anyways so we had a pretty good rapport and I asked him if he could mention to the doctor I I had a pretty extremely high tolerance to opiates still and mention to him the doses I was taking when I had my surgery back in August and told him that I would gladly" Exchange"  the morphine and Percocet every 4 hours 418 mg dose of dilaudid every 6 hours and he mentioned he said he would mention it to the doctor and the doctor would likely approve it. So when it came time for my morphine dose I asked him if that was the 2 milligram dose, and he said well the vile comes in formula mg, so the other two milligrams wer'e "supposed to throw away... and I know your tolerance is pretty high, so you can take that however you like" ( kind of wink wink), so I'm pretty sure he gave me the full form of mg even though that still did pretty much nothing for me..

Anyways so I mentioned that to the Night Nurse and she said the doctor still hasn't changed anything regarding the Dilaudid yet and gave me a 2 milligram dose of morphine which like I said obviously did absolutely nothing. Fast forward to the new b***** nurse in the morning and I mention the same thing about what what the doctor was going to change about the Dilaudid and she said there's been no change at all so the morphine is what I get and I can get a Percocet if I wanted it so I said no thanks I'm 5 mg Percocet will do absolutely nothing for me.... I know I'm jumping around a little bit so when the doctor actually came in I mention to him while the nurse was actually in the room about the Dilaudid change he said yeah he had approved me for dilaudid in addition to the morphine and I said thanks but the order hadn't gone through or something I guess in the computer system. So the next time the nurse came into the room she brought in packing material to repack my shoulder and I could see the vials of Dilaudid and I told her I'm just going to have to check out because this is taking too long and I have obligations I need to take care of today and she said I thought so I have the paperwork right here. So instead of getting the Dilaudid which I had a feeling she was planning on bribing me with because she already knew I was thinking about checking out AMA... and set the bottle of"Curad packing strip" on the table. And I asked her so what do I do about my shoulder because the hole is packed. Do I come back for that or what. She says I don't care what you can do whatever you want with it. you're checking out AMA so its your problem". LOL what the fuck? Haha whatever I guess I'll just Google it or something I had the same thing with the spider bite on my hip and they told me just to cut off the strips as they pushed out as it healed from the inside out. Or I'll just Google it or something I guess whatever. The dumb b****. I was f****** amazed at how rude she was since I was nothing but f****** polite to all these nurses since they were all extremely nice to me from the start when I first came in. I was surprised since I had been going to the other Hospital for the past few years because that was the hospital where all my wealthy clients went, as well as we're all the famous people went when they were in town including ex-presidents who were visiting or had retired here... but I was surprised at the great service I was receiving at this particular Hospital and was kind of disappointed I hadn't been coming to this hospital all along even though it wasn't as nice, and the food was kind of garbage compared to the other place but that's another story.

Anyways I got s*** to do I'll come back to this later

I got caught drink driving again.....



  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2018, 10:47:28 PM »
I'll try to make this brief  ::)

be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2018, 12:15:30 AM »
looks like the painkiller addict got himself hospitalised again for free drugs

another infection from his shitty bathtub brews......

and the nurses are rude because they are sick of seeing a self harming loser taking up a bed for a genuine case..

What a fucking freeloading bag headed loser......

What's the matter Eric, not getting enough attention on the outside?

Fuck me you are one weak pathetic fucker.


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2018, 12:46:39 AM »
looks like the painkiller addict got himself hospitalised again for free drugs

What a fucking freeloading bag headed loser......

What's the matter Eric, not getting enough attention on the outside?

Fuck me you are one weak pathetic fucker.

Lookie here, you dumb fuk autistic, the nurse who came in with the jar of packing strips 2 repack the little 2 or 3 mm hole in my delt also brought with her two vials of Dilaudid to get it to me before she repacked the whole, however before she had a chance to giving me the f****** Dilaudid, much less even tell me she had it (I recognize what Dilaudid comes in you dimwit) or even break the seal on the jar of the packing strips, I told her I'm checking out AMA.

And prior to that do you really think the f****** 2 million mg dose of morphine and one f****** Percocet or even going to do jack schitt for me? Hahaha you're a little fantasy version of what you wish daily what my life is like is f****** laughable. Absolutely f****** pathetic that would only make sense to an autistic loser such as yourself.  You're too f****** dumb to realize the full body aches and pains in my joints and muscle wouldn't even qualify for a painkiller dose sufficient enough for me to even "enjoy". Holy fuck you're pathetic. Did you not read the part where I did not plan on Staind in the hospital longer than a day?  And what the f*** makes you think if I wanted actual pain f****** killers I couldn't just buy them on the f****** Street? You dumb mother f*****

I got caught drunk driving again".. Fixed

If that were the case, you f****** dimwit my probation will be revoked and I would be still in jail, you f****** dimwit autistic fuck with the painfully embarrassing obsession with another man on the internet (me). Since my probation will be revoked on the previous charges and I will be looking at like we $170,000 bail.... incense I went to the ER on Sunday, and your little fantasy how about me getting a DUI instead, I wouldn't have even seen the judge until Monday afternoon at the very very earliest, more like Tuesday or even Wednesday if I was lucky, and it would take another day after that before a bail bondsman would come visit me and at the very least accept nothing less than $17,000 in cash, and that's assuming which is unlikely, that the judge would accept a 10% surety bond for a 4th DUI. Ho Lee fuk your stupidity knows no end

... OH! And not to mention I have a nice little ankle monitor that detects alcohol, for the next few more weeks so even if I wanted to drink, I couldn't. You stupid stupid autistic f***.

Oh, and maybe you also miss the part where there are people on this board who have been kept up to date with this entire situation ( complete with pictures) since before I even checked into the ER. You moron.

So make up here dumb little autistic mind. First you claim I got another DUI. Then you change your story... sorry, your fantasy version of My Life, and change it to I went to the hospital for free drugs.


be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2018, 12:50:38 AM »
Lookie here, you dumb fuk autistic, the nurse who came in with the jar of packing strips 2 repack the little 2 or 3 mm hole in my delt also brought with her two vials of Dilaudid to get it to me before she repacked the whole, however before she had a chance to giving me the f****** Dilaudid, much less even tell me she had it (I recognize what Dilaudid comes in you dimwit) or even break the seal on the jar of the packing strips, I told her I'm checking out AMA.

And prior to that do you really think the f****** 2 million mg dose of morphine and one f****** Percocet or even going to do jack schitt for me? Hahaha you're a little fantasy version of what you wish daily what my life is like is f****** laughable. Absolutely f****** pathetic that would only make sense to an autistic loser such as yourself.  You're too f****** dumb to realize the full body aches and pains in my joints and muscle wouldn't even qualify for a painkiller dose sufficient enough for me to even "enjoy". Holy fuck you're pathetic. Did you not read the part where I did not plan on Staind in the hospital longer than a day?  And what the f*** makes you think if I wanted actual pain f****** killers I couldn't just buy them on the f****** Street? You dumb mother f*****

If that were the case, you f****** dimwit my probation will be revoked and I would be still in jail, you f****** dimwit autistic fuck with the painfully embarrassing obsession with another man on the internet (me). Since my probation will be revoked on the previous charges and I will be looking at like we $170,000 bail.... incense I went to the ER on Sunday, and your little fantasy how about me getting a DUI instead, I wouldn't have even seen the judge until Monday afternoon at the very very earliest, more like Tuesday or even Wednesday if I was lucky, and it would take another day after that before a bail bondsman would come visit me and at the very least accept nothing less than $17,000 in cash, and that's assuming which is unlikely, that the judge would accept a 10% surety bond for a 4th DUI. Ho Lee fuk your stupidity knows no end

... OH! And not to mention I have a nice little ankle monitor that detects alcohol, for the next few more weeks so even if I wanted to drink, I couldn't. You stupid stupid autistic f***.

Oh, and maybe you also miss the part where there are people on this board who have been kept up to date with this entire situation since before I even checked into the ER. You moron

I love how to take pride in being a low life piece of shit.

Most people would be embarrassed to admit all the shit you spout on here yet somehow you believe it puts you in a good light...

and why did they give you 2 million mgs of morphine isn't that 2 kilos of morphine, I sense that's a bit too much even for you


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2018, 12:53:56 AM »
I love how to take pride in being a low life piece of shit.

Most people would be embarrassed to admit all the shit you spout on here yet somehow you believe it puts you in a good light...

I love how you make up my mind for me and decide that everything I post I do so 2 paint myself in a positive light.

It's pathetic how you believe this s*** your little Boney Fingers spew about me

be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2018, 01:03:28 AM »
I love how you make up my mind for me and decide that everything I post I do so 2 paint myself in a positive light.

It's pathetic how you believe this s*** your little Boney Fingers spew about me

nothing you have ever posted has painted you in a positive light, you are either drink driving, stealing from people or freeloading in hospital.

What have you ever contributed to society?


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #21 on: February 28, 2018, 01:48:34 AM »
nothing you have ever posted has painted you in a positive light, you are either drink driving, stealing from people or freeloading in hospital.

What have you ever contributed to society?

Once again with your claims of me stealing from people. Same as always I tell you to post the quotes where I'm stealing from people yet you never do, for that matter none of your buddies do either. It's been going on for years where you make such claims and I tell you 2 show me the posts... f*** that show everybody the posts, yet you never do. Nobody ever does none of your little troll buddies included. It's f****** pathetic.

And freeloading at the hospital? LoL... you seem to base that on the month I was hospitalized following to massive hip surgeries after which I had a gaping hole in my hip with a wound vac attached. I guess if it were you you would have gone home (how? I'm not sure since the hospital doesn't send anybody home with that type of wound VAC still attached with a wound the size of a football still open and susceptible to bacteria and greater infection. Not to mention you being an anorexic autistic you would have declined your meals and instead donated them 2 the homeless. So I guess f****** for taken advantage of the excellent dietary options that hospital provided and making use of the nearly $300 a month I had been pain for the past three or four years prior without using it aside from stitching up a gash on my forearm down to my palm once back I believe in about 2014. Not to mention the surgeon office mistakenly sent me the bill instead of the insurance company and I was surprised to see the entire surgery was only $3,500.

So you, living in your little socialist country and a socialist yourself, being a complete Dunst when it comes to business and finance and anything regarding a "bill".

Let me break it down for you autistic little brain. Let's see from 2012 to 2017 that's 60 months. Multiply that by $300 no let's give you the benefit of the doubt let's drop that down to maybe $270 hours per month( and I'll use round numbers so it doesn't confuse you because I know you autistics are easily confused by numbers)... That's $16,000.

Minus the $3500 for the surgeries.. again I know you are autistics have trouble with numbers so let's call that 4000. So that leaves $12,000. So, you're claiming life reloaded over A month's time $12,000 in free food, and housekeeping who rarely needed to change the sheets sense I believe the entire month Iowa's in that hospital I probably laid in that bed a total of 30 minutes per day, and that was Lane sideways on two or three of these plastic absorbable "Matt things". As I would go entire days, usually 3 or 4 at a time with maybe 30 minutes of actual sleep, total, usually with me sitting up at the edge of the bed (which was always covered in those "Matt things", and never actually using any of the blankets. Thus having no need to change the sheets since I was up and walking around a good 23 or 23 and a half hours every day, unlike 99 percent of the other patients on that floor who were getting pain medication recovering from surgeries who would just lay in bed sweating, sleeping, and watching TV without hardly ever touching their meals. I knew this because number one the nurses wood tell me everybody else slept all day after receiving their pain med dose, and I would see there meals untouched on the meal trays outside their room every f****** day.

So I guess I'm a freeloader 4 and actually ordering food and eating it after 5 years of hardly ever actually using my health insurance.. Interesting and convenient way thore somebody like you 2 attempt to bolster their claim. Speaking about something they know absolutely nothing about. (Something you have vast experience in.)


  • Getbig V
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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #22 on: February 28, 2018, 01:51:22 AM »
nothing you have ever posted has painted you in a positive light, you are either drink driving, stealing from people or freeloading in hospital.

What have you ever contributed to society?


Another lame attempt to bait me into something where you can respond right away with claims that I am "boasting and bragging".

Pathetic old autistic man is too dumb to realize people realize how pathetic he is

be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2018, 01:53:23 AM »

Once again with your claims of me stealing from people. Same as always I tell you to post the quotes where I'm stealing from people yet you never do, for that matter none of your buddies do either. It's been going on for years where you make such claims and I tell you 2 show me the posts... f*** that show everybody the posts, yet you never do. Nobody ever does none of your little troll buddies included. It's f****** pathetic.

And freeloading at the hospital? LoL... you seem to base that on the month I was hospitalized following to massive hip surgeries after which I had a gaping hole in my hip with a wound vac attached. I guess if it were you you would have gone home (how? I'm not sure since the hospital doesn't send anybody home with that type of wound VAC still attached with a wound the size of a football still open and susceptible to bacteria and greater infection. Not to mention you being an anorexic autistic you would have declined your meals and instead donated them 2 the homeless. So I guess f****** for taken advantage of the excellent dietary options that hospital provided and making use of the nearly $300 a month I had been pain for the past three or four years prior without using it aside from stitching up a gash on my forearm down to my palm once back I believe in about 2014. Not to mention the surgeon office mistakenly sent me the bill instead of the insurance company and I was surprised to see the entire surgery was only $3,500.

So you, living in your little socialist country and a socialist yourself, being a complete Dunst when it comes to business and finance and anything regarding a "bill".

Let me break it down for you autistic little brain. Let's see from 2012 to 2017 that's 60 months. Multiply that by $300 no let's give you the benefit of the doubt let's drop that down to maybe $270 hours per month( and I'll use round numbers so it doesn't confuse you because I know you autistics are easily confused by numbers)... That's $16,000.

Minus the $3500 for the surgeries.. again I know you are autistics have trouble with numbers so let's call that 4000. So that leaves $12,000. So, you're claiming life reloaded over A month's time $12,000 in free food, and housekeeping who rarely needed to change the sheets sense I believe the entire month Iowa's in that hospital I probably laid in that bed a total of 30 minutes per day, and that was Lane sideways on two or three of these plastic absorbable "Matt things". As I would go entire days, usually 3 or 4 at a time with maybe 30 minutes of actual sleep, total, usually with me sitting up at the edge of the bed (which was always covered in those "Matt things", and never actually using any of the blankets. Thus having no need to change the sheets since I was up and walking around a good 23 or 23 and a half hours every day, unlike 99 percent of the other patients on that floor who were getting pain medication recovering from surgeries who would just lay in bed sweating, sleeping, and watching TV without hardly ever touching their meals. I knew this because number one the nurses wood tell me everybody else slept all day after receiving their pain med dose, and I would see there meals untouched on the meal trays outside their room every f****** day.

So I guess I'm a freeloader 4 and actually ordering food and eating it after 5 years of hardly ever actually using my health insurance.. Interesting and convenient way thore somebody like you 2 attempt to bolster their claim. Speaking about something they know absolutely nothing about. (Something you have vast experience in.)

You stole money from people charging them $40 for a $10 blood test they could have done themselves, you didn't tell them they could do it themselves so you mislead and stole from them

You stole from the staff in the call centre by not informing them of their correct commission payments, that's if we actually believe you story of you actually being in a position of trust within the company as opposed to a call centre employee lacky.

You can try and justify all the health care you like, in reality you are a self harming attention seeker.
You are a fucking drain on society, no one will mourn your passing....

Hope this helps

be back

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Re: CK levels Sunday were 15,575!
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2018, 01:55:40 AM »

Another lame attempt to bait me into something where you can respond right away with claims that I am "boasting and bragging".

Pathetic old autistic man is too dumb to realize people realize how pathetic he is

No, I was just asking a question I knew you wouldn't be able to answer... ;)