Author Topic: if its not hgh, what is it then?  (Read 8468 times)


  • Getbig III
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if its not hgh, what is it then?
« on: June 10, 2018, 11:23:06 AM »
i hear so many people say chinese hgh is not growth hormone or its fake.. well im taking 6iu of nordex somatropin ED and i dont get fat at all.. for the first time i have 6 pack and got visible wains sticking out everywhere. almost:) ... so would you say i got HGH ? been using for almost 3 month now.. was 12% before and now im 8-9% take notice!! im not trying to lose fat by any means


  • Getbig IV
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2018, 07:15:18 PM »
Yeah man its like its every so often the emphasis of Chinese  hgh is all bull shit, I never felt like spending the kind of money it would cost to run just simply 4 to 6 ius a day of pharma (maybe I'm just a cheap ass) but I don't really have any complaints with the stuff I periodically use, I always wind up with a nice look, more lean more full more round.

I also feel the same with anabolics  I have used plenty of the pharma from the 90s and recent and underground, I stick to the same two underground labs and I honestly never noticed much difference,  not to mention I'm not buying the revlar tren pellets and that whole process.

I feel its a expensive hobby that we all want to do for a long time so I try to keep it affordable as possible.


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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2018, 06:34:41 PM »
going to use 10iu per day of grey tops... trusted legit guy as far as that goes.. been off gh for 6 months.. will keep same anabolics going straight through, same diet for fat 400iu worth... starting at 225 14 percent bf, down from an outta shape 260 w no gh..


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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2018, 12:31:25 AM »
i hear so many people say chinese hgh is not growth hormone or its fake.. well im taking 6iu of nordex somatropin ED and i dont get fat at all.. for the first time i have 6 pack and got visible wains sticking out everywhere. almost:) ... so would you say i got HGH ? been using for almost 3 month now.. was 12% before and now im 8-9% take notice!! im not trying to lose fat by any means

That is what i was saying in the other thread. We are using fake GH yet we have all the legit GH effects. ::)


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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2018, 04:39:53 AM »
i hear so many people say chinese hgh is not growth hormone or its fake.. well im taking 6iu of nordex somatropin ED and i dont get fat at all.. for the first time i have 6 pack and got visible wains sticking out everywhere. almost:) ... so would you say i got HGH ? been using for almost 3 month now.. was 12% before and now im 8-9% take notice!! im not trying to lose fat by any means
For how much are you selling it?


  • Getbig III
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2018, 06:01:41 AM »
For how much are you selling it?

lol i would never risk it and ship out aas and gh.. you would have to come to iceland and meet me personally for that :) i know it looks like promotion. but i didnt meant to make it look like thst.


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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2018, 03:58:24 PM »
Think about it.... why is pharma so expensive compared to cheap Chinese shit?
I posted a great video that should help you answer that and you really should be questioning what it is you are REALLY using....

What is sick is that you hear about people taking 10u-30u/day of Chinese crap, but no sane person would EVER take that much pharma hgh. (some pros excluded.... LOL)

There is no way around the costs and time it takes to manufacture HGH. Do you really believe the shit from China at such a LOW PRICE is being manufactured the same way?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2018, 07:24:03 PM »
Think about it.... why is pharma so expensive compared to cheap Chinese shit?
I posted a great video that should help you answer that and you really should be questioning what it is you are REALLY using....

What is sick is that you hear about people taking 10u-30u/day of Chinese crap, but no sane person would EVER take that much pharma hgh. (some pros excluded.... LOL)

There is no way around the costs and time it takes to manufacture HGH. Do you really believe the shit from China at such a LOW PRICE is being manufactured the same way?

ive used both pharm and generics.... there was real hgh in those... I mean, I looked exactly the same on both when it was all said and done after I pulled it.... I used 10iu of generics and 4iu of pharm grade.. have used slin with both as well.. yeah ive gotten bunk shit maybe 2x.. my girl used 3iu of the old riptropin and lost 20lbs just walking my dogs for cardio, 3 days at the gym, and a so so diet.... but yeah I get where you are coming from... doesn't make sense to me either... but something works


  • Getbig II
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2018, 08:29:17 AM »
Think about it.... why is pharma so expensive compared to cheap Chinese shit?
I posted a great video that should help you answer that and you really should be questioning what it is you are REALLY using....

Is that the Ameen video? He is talking out his ass...

What is sick is that you hear about people taking 10u-30u/day of Chinese crap, but no sane person would EVER take that much pharma hgh. (some pros excluded.... LOL)

Serostim is often prescribed in excess of 18iu's daily for HIV patients.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2018, 01:06:57 PM »
Yeah and at 18iu per day most AIDS patients will not take it because of the side effects.  Every single box of Serostim I have seen has a dose of 18iu per day on the script.  I currently use 3iu of Serostim and 2iu of Norditropin FlexPro per day, and it is plenty. 


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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2018, 02:03:58 PM »
Yeah and at 18iu per day most AIDS patients will not take it because of the side effects.  Every single box of Serostim I have seen has a dose of 18iu per day on the script.  I currently use 3iu of Serostim and 2iu of Norditropin FlexPro per day, and it is plenty. 

18IU daily would mean that patients go through 1kit a week.  All the prescriptions I've heard of are for one kit/month


  • Getbig III
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2018, 06:57:57 PM »
The expense in producing HGH is the set up costs of the factory etc.

Once the factory is set up the actual cost of producing the HGH isnt that expensive

Being based in Hong Kong from what I have heard is a lot of the blue tops, red tops etc are coming out the same factory as Chinese Pharma Grade HGH suppliers they obviously pay a fee to use the factory etc.

Currently using some generic blue tops and they work just as well if not better than Jintropin and Ansomone (albeit running a higher dose than before)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2018, 09:04:10 PM »
18IU daily would mean that patients go through 1kit a week.  All the prescriptions I've heard of are for one kit/month

Exactly.  There are 7 vials of Serostim and 7 vials of sterile water in each kit of Serostim.  The reason there are 7 vials of each is because they take 1 vial, which is 18iu, every day of the week. 7 vials=7days.  There is sterile water included because the vial of Serostim is mixed with the vial of sterile water and injected immediately, so no need for bacteriostatic water as nothing is left over.  AIDS patients get one kit per week, which is 4 kits per month.  In fact, when they get them, depending on how the pharmacy dispenses the kits, a lot of times all 4 kits will be taped together with just the script on the top kit.  Other times they have to get them separately.  Every single kit I have in my refrigerator, and every kit I've ever used all say inject 18iu per day right on the script that is on the box.  I've never seen any kit of Serostim that said anything different.  If they used just one kit per month, then they would only be using 4iu per day, which is not even close to the dose they use for AIDS wasting. 


  • Getbig II
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2018, 07:24:34 AM »
Think about it.... why is pharma so expensive compared to cheap Chinese shit?
I posted a great video that should help you answer that and you really should be questioning what it is you are REALLY using....

What is sick is that you hear about people taking 10u-30u/day of Chinese crap, but no sane person would EVER take that much pharma hgh. (some pros excluded.... LOL)

There is no way around the costs and time it takes to manufacture HGH. Do you really believe the shit from China at such a LOW PRICE is being manufactured the same way?

bro, insulin and hgh are both recombinant dna technology. HGH is no more expensive or harder to make than insulin and how much does insulin sell for? 35 bucks a vial. It's simply a matter of demand. The demand for hgh is not that great so the mark up is absolutely huge. It's not expensive because it's costing them a dick ton to make. They have to make money or it isn't even worth it to produce. Look at the price for Increlex. The need for Increlex is EXTREMELY rare, thats why its so expensive and basially unobtainable. Not because it's so much harder or more expensive to make.

Also consider. I just saw a study done from last year showing new methods of making hgh. Basically they can make a purer more potent product at a cheaper price. Yes. there are actually studies being released on projects like this. Things just aren't the same as they were 10 years. This shit is advancing tremendously. They are still refining this shit, like they do with all things. The info in that video is basically outdated.

People who post videos like that usually have an agenda because they're making money off of selling pharma grade hgh. they want to keep you buying their marked up product for their benefit.

AND, there are a few brands that have been proven time and time again, through bloodwork and both HPLC and Mass spec testing, that they can make a generic literally almost as pure as serostim. You obviously have not seen any of this....

If you get the right generic it can be very damn close to pharma grade. an entire arsenal of testing shows this. In the end, yes pharma grade is still a tad better. The problem is no one can afford to run a big enough dose of pharma to really reap the benefits of it. Most guys i know can only afford maybe 3-4 IU's of serostim or Saizen, when you could be running 8ius of a top generic for a fraction of the price and tripling your IGF1 levels.

I've gotten my igf1 tested while using 3ius of Saizen and 3 ius of Grey Tops and my IGF came in 16 points higher on the Saizen. Both were just slightly under 500 ng/dl.

It's said that you hold less water on pharma grade. woopidy fucking doo. You're still going to hold water, it's hgh. No one in their right mind would run 18-30 ius of Grey Tops.

What people tend to do is lump all Generics into one category. That's not how it fucking worse. Some are absolute bullshit with no hgh, some are peptides, some are hgh with very high dimer rates that produce side effects, some are hgh that are improperly folded, and some are hgh that are actually very very pure. lab testing shows all of this bro, get with the picture. this isn't some voodoo, mother fuckers are out there testing the dicks off these things. not to mention all the anecdotal evidence.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2018, 12:56:19 PM »

bro, insulin and hgh are both recombinant dna technology. HGH is no more expensive or harder to make than insulin and how much does insulin sell for? 35 bucks a vial. It's simply a matter of demand. The demand for hgh is not that great so the mark up is absolutely huge. It's not expensive because it's costing them a dick ton to make. They have to make money or it isn't even worth it to produce. Look at the price for Increlex. The need for Increlex is EXTREMELY rare, thats why its so expensive and basially unobtainable. Not because it's so much harder or more expensive to make.

Also consider. I just saw a study done from last year showing new methods of making hgh. Basically they can make a purer more potent product at a cheaper price. Yes. there are actually studies being released on projects like this. Things just aren't the same as they were 10 years. This shit is advancing tremendously. They are still refining this shit, like they do with all things. The info in that video is basically outdated.

People who post videos like that usually have an agenda because they're making money off of selling pharma grade hgh. they want to keep you buying their marked up product for their benefit.

AND, there are a few brands that have been proven time and time again, through bloodwork and both HPLC and Mass spec testing, that they can make a generic literally almost as pure as serostim. You obviously have not seen any of this....

If you get the right generic it can be very damn close to pharma grade. an entire arsenal of testing shows this. In the end, yes pharma grade is still a tad better. The problem is no one can afford to run a big enough dose of pharma to really reap the benefits of it. Most guys i know can only afford maybe 3-4 IU's of serostim or Saizen, when you could be running 8ius of a top generic for a fraction of the price and tripling your IGF1 levels.

I've gotten my igf1 tested while using 3ius of Saizen and 3 ius of Grey Tops and my IGF came in 16 points higher on the Saizen. Both were just slightly under 500 ng/dl.

It's said that you hold less water on pharma grade. woopidy fucking doo. You're still going to hold water, it's hgh. No one in their right mind would run 18-30 ius of Grey Tops.

What people tend to do is lump all Generics into one category. That's not how it fucking worse. Some are absolute bullshit with no hgh, some are peptides, some are hgh with very high dimer rates that produce side effects, some are hgh that are improperly folded, and some are hgh that are actually very very pure. lab testing shows all of this bro, get with the picture. this isn't some voodoo, mother fuckers are out there testing the dicks off these things. not to mention all the anecdotal evidence.

Its not all about IGF-1 levels,  I'm using Norditropin Flexpro right now, and just 3 iu of that is worlds better than 10iu of any generic I've ever used.  As far as holding water, sorry you're wrong, and that is where it differs greatly between pharm grade and generics.  No matter what I eat, there is no water, more veins, and the skin gets tighter like its shrink wrapped around the muscle.  Not so with any generic.  Totally different look.  I thought the greys were close, and praised them, but after switching back to Norditropin, they're not close.  I do think the Pharm grade pens like Humatrope, Saizen, Nutropin, Genotropin are slightly better than Serostim, as I think with Serostim for some reason gives a little water retention, but still less than any generic.  Im not sure how you didn't have a far different look with Saizen than you did with generics.  For me its not close.  I'm not sure what kind of dose you think is needed to reap the benefits of pharm grade GH, but 4iu per day is more than enough to reap all the benefits it has to offer, and that is very affordable for almost anyone.  Its as cost efficient as running 10iu of generics trying to make up for lack of quality compared to pharm grade GH. 

Derrick Rigg

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Re: if its not hgh, what is it then?
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2018, 02:36:49 PM »
Used to be on 4 ius a day (5-6 days a week) and got slow gains but sweet spot for me was 6 ius a day (6-days a week). At that amount, my body responded dramatically.