Author Topic: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth  (Read 6225 times)


  • Getbig II
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Fuckwits online frequently like to pretend SEA is the wild west of the world, usually people whove never been there or only ventured to the sexpest tourist parts and think the entire countries are like that. Its certainly more lax than stick-up-the-ass anglopshere countries, but its hardly the stuff of libertarian wet dreams.

Thailand has been done to death by everyone and their dogs, so I wont belabour covering the same ground again here but only to say that the idea that thailand is a cornucopia of HG gear is complete bullshit, its 99% UGL stuff lining those "pharmacies". And not great UGL at that.

Instead I'll go over the much less travelled ground - Vietnam and Cambodia.


Human Grade:
Sustanon 250 1ml amps
Tesmon test prop 5 x 1ml amps by some chink pharmaceutical *
Deca-durabolin 50 1ml amps*
Saizen blue top 10ius
pretty much every ancillary drug you could think of including plentiful HCG and HMG (contrary to bullshit i read online), however T3 is notably absent while T4 is everywhere

*low supply, hard to find reliably.

Vet grade (mostly supplied thanks to the gamefowl scene):

Nandrolone Phenyl Propionate 25mg/ml 10ml vials under name SLAZBOLAK out of phillipines pharma "lakpue"
Methandriol dipropionate (dont know why anyone would want this crap but it is there)
EQ 50mg/ml in the form of "equi-gan" and actual US made Equipoise. Equi-gan seems to be predominately 10ml vials and equipoise is 50ml but both of these are such low dose and high cost as to not even be worth pursuing IMO. You think wow, real pfizer EQ? sign me up!! until you realize that youll be paying about $400 USD for what amounts to 2500mg.

you wont find any tren kits or shit because that stuff is banned for use in slaughter cattle production here

UGL scene:
typical trash hit/miss UGL shit from thailand such as global anabolics, medi-tech and newer trash such as black dragon. On the other hand, there is also pharmacom which to my mind might just be the best in the game at the moment as far as ugl goes.


human grade:
sustanon 250 1ml amp
deca-duraboin 50 1ml amp
most ancillaries, hcg hard to find

vet grade:
seidon stanozolol 5mg blisters

there is a distributor for vet pharma "agrovet" in cambodia. Agrovet makes a 10ml deca product and a 100ml boldenone product. I'm sure a bit of negotiation and waiting could lead to a fruitful relationship.

ugl scene:
thai trash shit
"khmer pharma" claims to be a legitimate pharmaceutical factor- yawn youve heard this shit before. seems to retail most of the popular indian and slav UGLs as well as their own trash.

thats it fellas. Cambodia i didnt spent that much time in but i definitely did the gear hunt on foot, through talking to girls and online, but Vietnam I am absolutely sure of I've exhausted every avenue having lived there for the better part of a year now.

wouldnt be surprised to see cambodia take over thailand in the next few years as a hot spot for steroid using sex pests. its cheap, its not overrun by tourists yet and the whores are stupid hot. thailand is getting sick of foreigners and cracking down on the abuse of their relaxed entry/exit policies for most 1st world citizens. Cambo on the other hand, a "business" visa is just a matter of cash up front and cambodians are still in that honeymoon phase where they love the money foreigners bring in more than anything.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2018, 07:23:13 AM »
Great thread! Thanks very much,I have been looking for up to date info on Vietnam and Cambodia in regards to their gear scenes .Can I ask a couple of questions ?
The human grade gear (Susta,saizen,etc) are these products found in the bigger brand name pharmacies? Or the mum and dad pharms that aren’t big and fancy?
Are the vet products also found in the pharmacies?
Are prices negotiable in the pharmacies like Thailand? Thanks again for the thread


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2018, 03:01:43 PM »
Great thread! Thanks very much,I have been looking for up to date info on Vietnam and Cambodia in regards to their gear scenes .Can I ask a couple of questions ?
The human grade gear (Susta,saizen,etc) are these products found in the bigger brand name pharmacies? Or the mum and dad pharms that aren’t big and fancy?
Are the vet products also found in the pharmacies?
Are prices negotiable in the pharmacies like Thailand? Thanks again for the thread

So I can't comment so much on Cambodia, because i didnt spend a great deal of time there and thus didn't really get a feel for whats what, but from what I saw most of it is in the bigger brand style pharmacies youll find in the shopping malls like AEON and such. A couple of dudes I met there got their gear from a mom and pop shop, but it was mostly sustanon shit. Prices are negotiable in cambo because they WILL try to fuck you on price for being whitey.

Vietnam on the other hand, is much more professionally run. I suspect pharmacies while they can be "mom and dad" owned, are still regulated by the ministry of health and have to source from the same supply line and what not. Typically for reliability of stock you'll still want to stick with the bigger name chains, for example:

the great thing about 'Nam is they have a "pay on delivery" model as standard for the post. So you dont pay a fucking thing until the dude rocks up at your apartment with your goodies. Makes it much easier to avoid getting scammed and if theres any problems like missing or incorrect product you just dont pay and tell him to fuck off until they fix it.

As for prices, not really negotiable. Usually the products are clearly labelled with a price so you know you're not being ripped off for being a foreigner.

As for vet gear, typically supplied by the fighting cock/gamefowl scene. Typically order online only and they deliver to you. SLAZBOLAK is the only product worth considering IMO, and pretty easy to find places supplying it by just typing "slazbolak thuoc" (thuoc means drug in vietnamese) into google when you're local. Most of these webshops dont seem to have storefronts, but I'm sure a few might I never bothered to look in person once I found out about pay on delivery.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2018, 10:24:30 PM »
Excellent info,thanks again.i will definitely be using your advice when I travel to Vietnam soon.what about gyms in Vietnam? Did you train there?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2018, 02:35:32 AM »
Excellent info,thanks again.i will definitely be using your advice when I travel to Vietnam soon.what about gyms in Vietnam? Did you train there?

yeah but i was big on getting back into combat sports so i wasnt doing much serious lifting, that said there are gyms dotted all over the city, ranging from crap to fantastic. Big chain gyms like california fitness and the saigon sports center might actually be worth checking out because you are getting top class treatment for what amounts to basically $20/month


  • Getbig III
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2018, 05:06:36 AM »
I lived in the region for a while, used Meditech and Keifei (and I know competitors who used both also) - only used Test (no other compounds) but both seemed pretty OK. You felt that Meditech wasn't good?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2018, 03:33:09 PM »
I lived in the region for a while, used Meditech and Keifei (and I know competitors who used both also) - only used Test (no other compounds) but both seemed pretty OK. You felt that Meditech wasn't good?

I felt it was hit or miss. a quick google search just now reveals many others feel its underdosed.

my main source of distrust with UGLs is I think most  of these fellas just relabel testosterone... like the enhanced athlete guys found out when they tried to run their "deca" experiment in thailand... couple weeks in they get their shit analyzed... oops its just plain old testosterone and now the whole experiment is fucked.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2018, 12:43:22 AM »
Wow this great info.
Kind of what I expected, it seems like most gear in SE Asia comes from Thailand... which is really hit and miss.
How much would they charge for a vial of test or a box of AIs ?
Do you know anything about Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore scene ?
I know singapore quite well, there are definitly guys on gear in every gym out there. From what i know you cannot get anything OTC (never tried, my test my luck with some proviron when im going in a few weeks  ;) )


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2018, 01:40:59 AM »
Wow this great info.
Kind of what I expected, it seems like most gear in SE Asia comes from Thailand... which is really hit and miss.
How much would they charge for a vial of test or a box of AIs ?
Do you know anything about Indonesia/Malaysia/Singapore scene ?
I know singapore quite well, there are definitly guys on gear in every gym out there. From what i know you cannot get anything OTC (never tried, my test my luck with some proviron when im going in a few weeks  ;) )

a sustanon amp in vietnam is roughly about 190k dong which is about 8USD. some places stock cheaper but thats about the average price from memory. Pretty sure i picked up some amps from the popular pharmacies for about 100k dong.

a UGL testosterone 10ml vial is 1.3 million which is about 56 USD.

pharma ais: letrozole (femara) 30 x 2.5mg - 2.4 million (103 USD), aromasin 25mg x 30 tab - 2.6 million (112 USD), arimidex 1mg x 28 ta - 2.1 million (90 USD). Pretty expensive as you can see, but as legit as it comes. Might be some generics of these floating around but I never bothered looking.

Don't know anything about indo/malay/singa or phillipines for that matter, but I imagine its very similar. A lot of guys online like to write bullshit about how these countries crack down on drug use so its impossible to get steroids or youll end up being hung or other dumb shit but none of that shit is really true. SEA governments are concerned with narcotics traffickers, they dont give two shits about steroids. Actually its a good lesson one should keep in mind for SEA in general: the governments in this region are pragmatists, very rarely is letter of law followed to a T.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2018, 12:47:28 AM »
a sustanon amp in vietnam is roughly about 190k dong which is about 8USD. some places stock cheaper but thats about the average price from memory. Pretty sure i picked up some amps from the popular pharmacies for about 100k dong.

a UGL testosterone 10ml vial is 1.3 million which is about 56 USD.

pharma ais: letrozole (femara) 30 x 2.5mg - 2.4 million (103 USD), aromasin 25mg x 30 tab - 2.6 million (112 USD), arimidex 1mg x 28 ta - 2.1 million (90 USD). Pretty expensive as you can see, but as legit as it comes. Might be some generics of these floating around but I never bothered looking.

Don't know anything about indo/malay/singa or phillipines for that matter, but I imagine its very similar. A lot of guys online like to write bullshit about how these countries crack down on drug use so its impossible to get steroids or youll end up being hung or other dumb shit but none of that shit is really true. SEA governments are concerned with narcotics traffickers, they dont give two shits about steroids. Actually its a good lesson one should keep in mind for SEA in general: the governments in this region are pragmatists, very rarely is letter of law followed to a T.

Definitly not cheap indeed...
I agree with you, in Asia drugs they are after are narcotics, they dont give a damn about hormones. Its like walking to a pharmacy to buy antibiotics or tylenol.
Ive seen guys on juice everywhere in SEA. If theres a demand there will be a supply.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2018, 05:25:49 AM »
Plebeian ,what are your thoughts on importing hgh into a s.e Asian country like Vietnam or Thailand?i don’t believe any of the hgh I have seen in Thailand is legit,I would like to import some Ansomone or Jintropin and have it delivered to my hotel.How strict are customs with this? Thanks mate


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2018, 04:41:38 AM »
Plebeian ,what are your thoughts on importing hgh into a s.e Asian country like Vietnam or Thailand?i don’t believe any of the hgh I have seen in Thailand is legit,I would like to import some Ansomone or Jintropin and have it delivered to my hotel.How strict are customs with this? Thanks mate

this is a tricky one mate. Thailand you have to be careful because the FDA there is basically a bitch boy for US DEA, and they've been assisting them in shutting down steroid operation... however, i dont know if that necessarily means you can't import your own for personal use.

Vietnam is tricky to import for different reasons, they have massive taxes depending on the price and type of the goods. Not to mention, vietnam international mail has a reputation for being unreliable. It might be a good idea to get a customs broker or similar service there to assure that your goods arrive in a timely manner and unmolested. AFAIK customs doesnt particularly care as long as its not obviously something that is in the values of hundreds or thousands of dollars (some of the shit they do care about for example, is people importing laptops that aren't new. I'm not sure why this is, i if i had to guess its probably something to do with crime syndicates and data theft type shit). There is HGH there however, Saizen blue tops:

I never tried importing myself, so you might be able to charter some new ground for fellas here.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2018, 10:26:48 PM »
Thanks for the reply mate,I have a feeling that technically it’s not legal to import but the chances of success are probably quite high....although as you mentioned,the authorities do random crack downs on pieds both being sold in pharmacies and imported and exported,I guess you might be unlucky and get picked up while a crack down is on...the risk we take.....
The prices you mentioned for pharm gear in Vietnam sound very similar to prices I pay for legit pharm items here in Australia(I have a script)...the Susta amps are same price as well as Adex...I have a strong feeling that certain branded pharmaceuticals that are available in the Asia pacific are all sold for pretty much the same price as this is what the big pharmaceutical companies demand from countries they distribute in.i would tend to think the saizen would be expensive in Vietnam ? The same as other countries in the region....


  • Getbig II
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Re: Gear in south east asia - the whole truth and nothing but the truth
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2018, 02:42:00 AM »
Thanks for the reply mate,I have a feeling that technically it’s not legal to import but the chances of success are probably quite high....although as you mentioned,the authorities do random crack downs on pieds both being sold in pharmacies and imported and exported,I guess you might be unlucky and get picked up while a crack down is on...the risk we take.....
The prices you mentioned for pharm gear in Vietnam sound very similar to prices I pay for legit pharm items here in Australia(I have a script)...the Susta amps are same price as well as Adex...I have a strong feeling that certain branded pharmaceuticals that are available in the Asia pacific are all sold for pretty much the same price as this is what the big pharmaceutical companies demand from countries they distribute in.i would tend to think the saizen would be expensive in Vietnam ? The same as other countries in the region....

the saizen from the store link i showed you is 1.65 million dong which is $70 USD.

and yeah i think you're right about pricing controls.

the UGL gear in nam isnt exactly cheap either, although probably the more economic option in the long run. I'm now apparently reading that "global anabolic" is a popular brand in asia because it comes from hong kong and is high quality. The other stuff like the thai gear that looks like its packaging was designed by someone using ms paint, i wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole (black dragon or whatever its calling itself now)