Author Topic: Evolution breaks two laws of science, disproving theory by science itself.....  (Read 20274 times)


  • Getbig IV
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No loopholes in evolution?  Really?

Two of the biggest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there is no adequate explanation for the origin of life from dead chemicals. Even the simplest life form is tremendously complex.  How can matter just become alive and so complex?

The other one is the fossil record, our ONLY documentation of whether evolution ACTUALLY occurred in the past BTW, lacks any transitional forms, and all types appear fully-formed when first present. The evidence that "pre-men" (ape-men) existed is dubious at best. So called pre-man fossils turn out to be those of apes, extinct apes, fully man, or historical frauds.  In the "tree of life" that evolutionists have dreamed up, the gaps in the fossil record are especially huge between single-cell creatures, complex invertebrates (snails and sponges), and fish (marine vertebrates). 

The fossil record shows that evolution never happened.

On top of the origin of life issue and the fossil record, evolution breaks the laws of science!  How can science prove something that contradicts what it stands for?
Second Law of Thermodynamics says that things fall apart over time, they do not get more organized, unless there is already a mechanism in place to build things up.  But this very same Law prevents such a mechanism from assembling by itself.

Then theres the Law of Biogenesis that says that life only comes from life.  Living cells divide to make new cells, and fertilized eggs and seeds develop into animals and plants, but raw chemicals never fall together and life appears.  Evolutionists often call certain chemicals "the building blocks of life", giving people the FALSE impression that you just stack the building blocks together and you get life.  No one has ever done that.  Many people mistakenly think scientists have made life from chemicals in the lab, but they have not (though many have tried very hard).  If one were to succeed, you would know about it.  He would get every science award there is, be all over the news, and have movies, books, buildings, statues, and schools dedicated to him, so desperate are evolutionists on this matter. 

For something to be a law of science, it can never be found to have been violated, even once, over thousands of trials.  No exceptions.  A theory such as evolution that violates two laws of science is in big trouble.

I mean, it's sooooo stupid.  Science has laws to validate theorys, guidelines if you will.  When 1 law is broken the theory becomes disproven or scientifically impossible, LET ALONE 2.  I have just shown that evolution breaks two laws yet, they won't say it's disproven simply for the fact that that would mean there is an intelligent creator, and THAT CANT BE.  It is just ridiculous.  You have an enitity that is so adimitly trying to prove a theory that it's own laws says are not possible.  Thats a joke.  It's a conspiracy, thats what it is. 

There are only two possibilities.  Either living things fell together by themselves or an intelligence designed them.  You decide, it's not rocket science.

Johnny Apollo

  • Guest
Looks like you plagiarized this from a few sources without attributing it to them. ::) biblical_creation_scienc e.html

Johnny Apollo

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Watch. I'll refute this plagiarized and "Get Bigger" won't respond because he doesn't even know what the hell he is even arguing.

No loopholes in evolution?  Really?


Two of the biggest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there is no adequate explanation for the origin of life from dead chemicals. Even the simplest life form is tremendously complex.  How can matter just become alive and so complex?

Actually there IS an adequate explanation. It's called Abiogenesis. Abiogenesis is simple life forms forming from complex chemicals. Studies have been done that support this. Essential amino acids for life formed from less complex chemicals in labs under environments like those of the early earth.

Miller S. L., and Urey, H. C (1959). "Organic Compound Synthesis on the Primitive Earth". Science 130: 245

However HOW life got here and Evolution are two totally different things. Evolution is true REGARDLESS of the origins of the first forms of life. Not knowing exactly how the first forms of life appeared isn't a blow to evolution at all.

The other one is the fossil record, our ONLY documentation of whether evolution ACTUALLY occurred in the past BTW, lacks any transitional forms, and all types appear fully-formed when first present. The evidence that "pre-men" (ape-men) existed is dubious at best. So called pre-man fossils turn out to be those of apes, extinct apes, fully man, or historical frauds.  In the "tree of life" that evolutionists have dreamed up, the gaps in the fossil record are especially huge between single-cell creatures, complex invertebrates (snails and sponges), and fish (marine vertebrates).

There are in fact plenty of transitonal fossils. I detailed the sea-land transition in the earlier thread. The fact you keep claiming there are "no transitions" even after I've proven time and time again without any response or counter point from you means wasting my time doing it again would be pointless.

The fossil record shows that evolution never happened.


On top of the origin of life issue and the fossil record, evolution breaks the laws of science!  How can science prove something that contradicts what it stands for?
Second Law of Thermodynamics says that things fall apart over time, they do not get more organized, unless there is already a mechanism in place to build things up.  But this very same Law prevents such a mechanism from assembling by itself.

THe Second law of thermodynamics has NOTHING to do with disorganization. The 2nd law of thermodynamics simply states...
"No process is possible in which the sole result is the transfer of energy from a cooler to a hotter body." [Atkins, 1984, The Second Law, pg. 25]
This means that in a closed system any process occuring will use energy and the energy used has a higher amount of entropy than it began with.

This doesn't apply to evolution because..
1.The earth isn't a closed system as is required for the 2nd law to apply. The earth gets TONS of energy everyday from the sun. This powers the processes of life and thus evolution.
2.Has nothing to do with "organization" but with usable energy. Try RESEARCHING the bullshit you say before you say it.

This argument has been refuted over and over by real scientists.

Then theres the Law of Biogenesis that says that life only comes from life.  Living cells divide to make new cells, and fertilized eggs and seeds develop into animals and plants, but raw chemicals never fall together and life appears.

The "law of Biogenesis" has NOTHING to do with evolution. It was a law that was invented hundreds of years ago and applied to COMPLEX life. People used to believe that things like maggots appeared out of nowhere because they never saw the flies plant them. However Pasteur(A french scientist) decided to get a thing of fruit and put a glass top over it and see if maggots "Spontaneously appeared". They didn't. Thus refuting that idea.

This is DIFFERENT from complex chemicals EVOLVING gradually into simple MICROSCOPIC forms of life.

Evolutionists often call certain chemicals "the building blocks of life", giving people the FALSE impression that you just stack the building blocks together and you get life.  No one has ever done that.  Many people mistakenly think scientists have made life from chemicals in the lab, but they have not (though many have tried very hard).  If one were to succeed, you would know about it.  He would get every science award there is, be all over the news, and have movies, books, buildings, statues, and schools dedicated to him, so desperate are evolutionists on this matter.

The building blocks of life are essential chemicals apparant in all forms of life on earth. Without them life could not exist. Scientsits have synthesized viruses in the lab. Many times.

For something to be a law of science, it can never be found to have been violated, even once, over thousands of trials.  No exceptions.  A theory such as evolution that violates two laws of science is in big trouble.

For something to be a "law of science" it needs to fit particular criteria of simplicty. Evolution can NEVER become a law because it's a theory. A scientific theory NEVER becomes a scientific law by definition even though the theory is absolutely true. That's just how it's defined.

As i've pointed out in this post evolution violates ZERO laws of science. Anyone saying it does has no grasp or understanding of modern science.

I mean, it's sooooo stupid.  Science has laws to validate theorys, guidelines if you will.  When 1 law is broken the theory becomes disproven or scientifically impossible, LET ALONE 2.  I have just shown that evolution breaks two laws yet, they won't say it's disproven simply for the fact that that would mean there is an intelligent creator, and THAT CANT BE.  It is just ridiculous.  You have an enitity that is so adimitly trying to prove a theory that it's own laws says are not possible.  Thats a joke.  It's a conspiracy, thats what it is.

Ohh no..A "Conspiracy"??  ::)

The fact of the matter is simple. The examples you pointed out aren't laws against evolution and really have little to do with evolution. They are simply misunderstandings on your/the author of the article of modern science.

IF darwins theory of evolution were to be disproven it would BE REPLACED BY ANOTHER THEORY OF EVOLUTION ACCOUNTING FOR THE NEW EVIDENCE! That's it! Intelligent design would NEVER replace evolution. Intelligent design isn't science! It has no experiments supporting it. No observations. It makes no predictions nor does it follow the scientific method. It's pure speculation. Wishful thinking!

There are only two possibilities.  Either living things fell together by themselves or an intelligence designed them.  You decide, it's not rocket science.

Again you need to do your research. Abiogenesis isn't living things "falling together" it's complex MICROSCOPIC chemicals forming gradually into reproducing organisims(Which are also microscopic). Then gradually evolving into more complex forms of life. Nothing "fell together".

Johnny Apollo

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As I said....The poster of this thread can't defend his absurd claims since he doesn't even know what he's talking about. He plagiarized the entire article from some website and he can't even respond to each of my refutations and explanations and address them.


  • Getbig V
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I have an answer for all.   First GOD created the heavens, earth and all else.  However he also created the use of his energys to be used in an evolutionary way.   He made the base materials for things to happen...and when they do happen this makes evolutionist very happy...but its not accident, its intentional.   
This also explains the huge gaps that evolution cant explain.  1st explosions and 1st matter and such.   It is simply from GOD.

P.S.   There are 18 parts to a meat grinder. If you put them in a bathtub for a  billion years  they would not, be all put together and working.   This complexity does not even come close to the process of growing grass..........So we have Mostly creation, and a little evolution.

Johnny Apollo

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I have an answer for all.   First GOD created the heavens, earth and all else.  However he also created the use of his energys to be used in an evolutionary way.   He made the base materials for things to happen...and when they do happen this makes evolutionist very happy...but its not accident, its intentional.   
This also explains the huge gaps that evolution cant explain.  1st explosions and 1st matter and such.   It is simply from GOD.

First of all..There is ZERO evidence any "God" exists or such a GOD made the world.

Second of all. The "gaps" in the fossil record are easily explainable. They are explained by the fact fossilization is extremly rare. Only a small percent of the life that once lived on earth are now fossils. Most things don't fossilize when they die. They are usually consumed by other creatures or decompose.

.S.   There are 18 parts to a meat grinder. If you put them in a bathtub for a  billion years  they would not, be all put together and working.   This complexity does not even come close to the process of growing grass..........So we have Mostly creation, and a little evolution.

Meat grinder parts aren't alive so the compairson doesn't work. Living things reproduce. Mutations occur in living things. Mutations selected by the environment are the driving force behind evolution.
Complex chemicals form together naturally.
Meat grinder parts don't.


  • Getbig V
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Meat grinders arent alive??   How do the atoms move around in any substance???  Everything is made of atoms even metal.   The hardness of a structure is given to the tightness of the atoms bouncing around.    What makes those atoms move in a dead object???   Positive and negative charges??  Chemical or not??

Johnny Apollo

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Meat grinders arent alive??   How do the atoms move around in any substance???  Everything is made of atoms even metal.   The hardness of a structure is given to the tightness of the atoms bouncing around.    What makes those atoms move in a dead object???   Positive and negative charges??  Chemical or not??

It depends on what the atoms form. If the atoms form inanimate metalics they can't do much else(Except rust). When they form molecules and such and complex chemicals given the righ circumstances they become more complex. Under heat or electricticty ect. Chemistry 101.

Meat grinder parts are a world apart from complex chemicals such as amino acids ect.


  • Getbig IV
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As I said....The poster of this thread can't defend his absurd claims since he doesn't even know what he's talking about. He plagiarized the entire article from some website and he can't even respond to each of my refutations and explanations and address them.

John Michael Fischer, 2005

Theres my reference, my bad.

Some people have a life outside of Getbig....LOL, when I have a free moment outside of running a real estate development company and a security company  I will respond, and I will include my references.  Patience my favorite Getbig friend  ;)

Johnny Apollo

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John Michael Fischer, 2005

Theres my reference, my bad.

Some people have a life outside of Getbig....LOL, when I have a free moment outside of running a real estate development company and a security company  I will respond, and I will include my references.  Patience my favorite Getbig friend  ;)

That's a link to some fringe idea about plate techtonics. Nothing to do with evolution as this thread was titled.

Address all of my points or don't post arguments you can't refute.


  • Getbig IV
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"Abiogenesis is only one area of research which illustrates that the naturalistic origin of life hypothesis has become less and less probable as molecular biology has progressed, and is now at the point that its plausibility appears outside the realm of probability.  Numerous origin-of-life researchers, have lamented the fact that molecular biology during the past half-a-century has not been very kind to any naturalistic origin-of-life theory.  Perhaps this explains why researchers now are speculating that other events such as panspermia or an undiscovered “life law” are more probable than all existing terrestrial abiogenesis theories, and can better deal with the many seemingly insurmountable problems of abiogenesis."

Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.

© 1999 Creation Research Society.  All Rights Reserved.  Used by Permission
First published in CRSQ—Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 4, March 2000
[Last Modified:  09 March 2006]

Johnny Apollo

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"Abiogenesis is only one area of research which illustrates that the naturalistic origin of life hypothesis has become less and less probable as molecular biology has progressed, and is now at the point that its plausibility appears outside the realm of probability.  Numerous origin-of-life researchers, have lamented the fact that molecular biology during the past half-a-century has not been very kind to any naturalistic origin-of-life theory.  Perhaps this explains why researchers now are speculating that other events such as panspermia or an undiscovered “life law” are more probable than all existing terrestrial abiogenesis theories, and can better deal with the many seemingly insurmountable problems of abiogenesis."

Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible
Jerry Bergman, Ph.D.

© 1999 Creation Research Society.  All Rights Reserved.  Used by Permission
First published in CRSQ—Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 4, March 2000
[Last Modified:  09 March 2006]

And yet he provides absolutely no evidence...

Notice how Bergman comes from the "CReation research society"..Right..Real unbias!

Here is an article about him and how he's a fraud since you think posting articles=an argument here is an article. Which I doubt you'll read.


  • Getbig IV
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Ohh I'll read it, just give me some time.....

[Duane Gish, a retired official of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, said, "This alleged transitional fish will have to be evaluated carefully." But he added that he still found evolution "questionable because paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story." ]


  • Getbig IV
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Here is an article about him and how he's a fraud since you think posting articles=an argument here is an article. Which I doubt you'll read.

There are people in the world smarter than I, why wouldn't I use their articles.  I'm no scientist, I'm just trying to waste your time since I have nothing to do at this current time at work   :-*

Johnny Apollo

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Ohh I'll read it, just give me some time.....

[Duane Gish, a retired official of the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, said, "This alleged transitional fish will have to be evaluated carefully." But he added that he still found evolution "questionable because paleontologists have yet to discover any transitional fossils between complex invertebrates and fish, and this destroys the whole evolutionary story." ]

Duane Gish is another fundamentalist creationist christian. He has done ZERO professional research in the field of evolutionary biology.


  • Getbig V
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Isn't it funny how low creationists are prepared to go to win the argument.  No proof, skewed results, faulty conclusions..  It actually reminds me of another group of people.. People from amway (or other friendly pyramid schemes) :)

Still, here is some dynamic thinking from my mind.  If you eliminate one transitional fossil you create twice the gap.   That, in a creationists mind is twice the opportunity for simple discrediting!  Right on!

Mr. Intenseone

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Isn't it funny how low creationists are prepared to go to win the argument.  No proof, skewed results, faulty conclusions.. 

Funny, that's how we feel about evolutionists. No proof, skewed results and faulty conclusions as presented by YOUR exalted one.....Johnny!

Johnny Apollo

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Funny, that's how we feel about evolutionists. No proof, skewed results and faulty conclusions as presented by YOUR exalted one.....Johnny!

I've given tons of proof. You don't even read it. All you do is skip down what I posted and copy-paste articles YOU didn't even read and can't even defend but with more articles you didn't even read most of which have absolutely no relation to the first posted article! Very frustrating!

"Skewed results"? What skewed results?

Faulty conclusions? Namingly?

You don't know a thing about Biology. How can you think you have the answeres and 250 years of scientific study is all wrong? That 150 years of Evolutionary discoveries are all false? And you and a few christian fundamentalists are right?

A funny thing.. The creationist organization you keep posting sites to made a list of scientists who oppose evolution.

Scientists countered this by making a list of scientists who SUPPORT evolution. However there is a catch. They only included scientists named "Steve".
So far 733 scientists named steve have signed the list. This is more than any creationist list of scientists who deny evolution ever made.

The statement is as follows...

Evolution is a vital, well-supported, unifying principle of the biological sciences, and the scientific evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the idea that all living things share a common ancestry. Although there are legitimate debates about the patterns and processes of evolution, there is no serious scientific doubt that evolution occurred or that natural selection is a major mechanism in its occurrence. It is scientifically inappropriate and pedagogically irresponsible for creationist pseudoscience, including but not limited to "intelligent design," to be introduced into the science curricula of our nation's public schools.

733 scientists named steve signed that list.

Stephen Hawking signed it as well as 2 nobel prize winners in sciences, Steven Chu and Steven Weinberg.


  • Guest
No loopholes in evolution?  Really?

Two of the biggest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there is no adequate explanation for the origin of life from dead chemicals. Even the simplest life form is tremendously complex.  How can matter just become alive and so complex?

The other one is the fossil record, our ONLY documentation of whether evolution ACTUALLY occurred in the past BTW, lacks any transitional forms, and all types appear fully-formed when first present. The evidence that "pre-men" (ape-men) existed is dubious at best. So called pre-man fossils turn out to be those of apes, extinct apes, fully man, or historical frauds.  In the "tree of life" that evolutionists have dreamed up, the gaps in the fossil record are especially huge between single-cell creatures, complex invertebrates (snails and sponges), and fish (marine vertebrates). 

The fossil record shows that evolution never happened.

On top of the origin of life issue and the fossil record, evolution breaks the laws of science!  How can science prove something that contradicts what it stands for?
Second Law of Thermodynamics says that things fall apart over time, they do not get more organized, unless there is already a mechanism in place to build things up.  But this very same Law prevents such a mechanism from assembling by itself.

Then theres the Law of Biogenesis that says that life only comes from life.  Living cells divide to make new cells, and fertilized eggs and seeds develop into animals and plants, but raw chemicals never fall together and life appears.  Evolutionists often call certain chemicals "the building blocks of life", giving people the FALSE impression that you just stack the building blocks together and you get life.  No one has ever done that.  Many people mistakenly think scientists have made life from chemicals in the lab, but they have not (though many have tried very hard).  If one were to succeed, you would know about it.  He would get every science award there is, be all over the news, and have movies, books, buildings, statues, and schools dedicated to him, so desperate are evolutionists on this matter. 

For something to be a law of science, it can never be found to have been violated, even once, over thousands of trials.  No exceptions.  A theory such as evolution that violates two laws of science is in big trouble.

I mean, it's sooooo stupid.  Science has laws to validate theorys, guidelines if you will.  When 1 law is broken the theory becomes disproven or scientifically impossible, LET ALONE 2.  I have just shown that evolution breaks two laws yet, they won't say it's disproven simply for the fact that that would mean there is an intelligent creator, and THAT CANT BE.  It is just ridiculous.  You have an enitity that is so adimitly trying to prove a theory that it's own laws says are not possible.  Thats a joke.  It's a conspiracy, thats what it is. 

There are only two possibilities.  Either living things fell together by themselves or an intelligence designed them.  You decide, it's not rocket science.

OK God created the Universe. Who created God? Since everything complex cannot just be there by itself God itself is complex so must be created by someone.


  • Getbig IV
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OK God created the Universe. Who created God? Since everything complex cannot just be there by itself God itself is complex so must be created by someone.

It was a big "poof" theory.  Poof, there He was.

Johnny Apollo

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It was a big "poof" theory.  Poof, there He was.

Where's your evidence of this "Poof"?

And why can't the universe just go "Poof" and there it was? Without a God being involved. That would be the prefered explanation, Rather than adding a "God" into the picture if things just "poof" into existence.


  • Guest
No loopholes in evolution?  Really?

Two of the biggest weaknesses of evolutionary theory is that there is no adequate explanation for the origin of life from dead chemicals. Even the simplest life form is tremendously complex.  How can matter just become alive and so complex?

The other one is the fossil record, our ONLY documentation of whether evolution ACTUALLY occurred in the past BTW, lacks any transitional forms, and all types appear fully-formed when first present. The evidence that "pre-men" (ape-men) existed is dubious at best. So called pre-man fossils turn out to be those of apes, extinct apes, fully man, or historical frauds.  In the "tree of life" that evolutionists have dreamed up, the gaps in the fossil record are especially huge between single-cell creatures, complex invertebrates (snails and sponges), and fish (marine vertebrates). 

The fossil record shows that evolution never happened.

On top of the origin of life issue and the fossil record, evolution breaks the laws of science!  How can science prove something that contradicts what it stands for?
Second Law of Thermodynamics says that things fall apart over time, they do not get more organized, unless there is already a mechanism in place to build things up.  But this very same Law prevents such a mechanism from assembling by itself.

Then theres the Law of Biogenesis that says that life only comes from life.  Living cells divide to make new cells, and fertilized eggs and seeds develop into animals and plants, but raw chemicals never fall together and life appears.  Evolutionists often call certain chemicals "the building blocks of life", giving people the FALSE impression that you just stack the building blocks together and you get life.  No one has ever done that.  Many people mistakenly think scientists have made life from chemicals in the lab, but they have not (though many have tried very hard).  If one were to succeed, you would know about it.  He would get every science award there is, be all over the news, and have movies, books, buildings, statues, and schools dedicated to him, so desperate are evolutionists on this matter. 

For something to be a law of science, it can never be found to have been violated, even once, over thousands of trials.  No exceptions.  A theory such as evolution that violates two laws of science is in big trouble.

I mean, it's sooooo stupid.  Science has laws to validate theorys, guidelines if you will.  When 1 law is broken the theory becomes disproven or scientifically impossible, LET ALONE 2.  I have just shown that evolution breaks two laws yet, they won't say it's disproven simply for the fact that that would mean there is an intelligent creator, and THAT CANT BE.  It is just ridiculous.  You have an enitity that is so adimitly trying to prove a theory that it's own laws says are not possible.  Thats a joke.  It's a conspiracy, thats what it is. 

There are only two possibilities.  Either living things fell together by themselves or an intelligence designed them.  You decide, it's not rocket science.

The 2nd law of thermodynamics is a much abused law. Philosophers and religious nuts do not understand it.

Entropy of a closed system never decreases. Entropy is a measure of unavailable energy. For example your ice cube put into a cup placed in 60F room will melt. The reverse process of water spontaneously freezing by rejecting heat from its warmer surroundings will not happen. For this to happen you need a refrigerator. Now that does not mean a refrigerator violates the 2nd law. The refrigerator removes heat from a cold reservoir (ice box at 30ºF) and rejects it to a hot sink (your kitchen at 70ºF) making heat flow across an positive gradient but it does this by means of externally supplied energy.

Perpetual motion machines of the 1st kind violate the first law. If you have $4 you cannot spend $5 and if you did it is because your system was not closed and you used an overdraft of borrowed from your friend. Simply put the rate of influx of a quantity minus the rate of efflux plus the rate of conversion equals the net rate of storage of the quantity. Next time you hear about a car going 10,000 miles to the gallon its false as it violates the 1st law.

2nd law is violations are PMM of the 2nd kind. For examples that a refrigerator that does not need to be plugged in. Or does but has an EER higher than a Carnot refrigerator (Carnot efficiency is the highest efficiency any heat engine/heat pump /refrigerator can have for a pair of source and sink temperatures). A heat pump does the same thing as a refrigerator but its purpose is slightly different. It also extracts heat from a cold reservoir(Outside air at 20F) and supplies it to a hot sink (building interior at 70F). The refrigerator main purpose is keeping the cold reservoir cold and the purpose of the heat pump is keeping the hot heat sink hot.

Anway if you had spent more time studying science and math this would all make sense to you and you wouldnt need to have a padre fondle your balls and tell you its all God's plan. External energy was responsible for creating protoplasm, say lightening, heat from volcanoes hot springs. The first microbes were viruses - the link between the living and non-living. From there progressed random mutations based on evolutionary pressures (viruses and the first microbes reproduced asexually) until sexual reproduction between different strains of bacteria achieved greater diversity.

something to chew your brains on


  • Guest
Where's your evidence of this "Poof"?

And why can't the universe just go "Poof" and there it was? Without a God being involved. That would be the prefered explanation, Rather than adding a "God" into the picture if things just "poof" into existence.

Getbigger you have just been 0wned brutally. It was like a double attack, the setup question (If complex things need a creator who created god) then to the slam dunk from JA. Go home and masturbate to VM.


  • Getbig IV
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Getbigger you have just been 0wned brutally. It was like a double attack, the setup question (If complex things need a creator who created god) then to the slam dunk from JA. Go home and masturbate to VM.

I have been o w n e d burtally.....LMFAO!!!!  You need to get out of your lab, off your computer and out more, get laid (hell, I'll even pay for a prostitute for your uptight anal arse), get the stick out from up your a**, and get a sense of humor.  IT WAS A JOKE!!  Geez.....

And who the f**k is the one who masturbates here....LOL....

"Prove God poofed, wheres your evidence, show me data"......lmfao....ahhh sheeiiitt.

But serious Johnny boy, lighten up.  You might live longer.

Johnny Apollo

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I have been o w n e d burtally.....LMFAO!!!!  You need to get out of your lab, off your computer and out more, get laid (hell, I'll even pay for a prostitute for your uptight anal arse), get the stick out from up your a**, and get a sense of humor.  IT WAS A JOKE!!  Geez.....

And who the f**k is the one who masturbates here....LOL....

"Prove God poofed, wheres your evidence, show me data"......lmfao....ahhh sheeiiitt.

But serious Johnny boy, lighten up.  You might live longer.

You're the one claiming evolution is false and God exists...Not me. You've yet to prove your claims or address my refutations.