Author Topic: Kamala plans to run for POTUS  (Read 70350 times)


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #75 on: January 29, 2019, 09:19:27 PM »
Like Obama, she’s media manufactured.

I saw a news report she's going to be doing a town hall in Iowa soon.  Maybe the reporter misspoke, or used poor word choice but they said the town hall was sponsored by CNN.  Slip of the tongue, or unapologetic truth at this point?

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #76 on: February 13, 2019, 08:53:41 AM »
Kamala Harris says she smoked marijuana in college while listening to music that didn't exist yet
washington times ^ | 2/12/19 | Andrew Blake
Posted on 2/13/2019,

Sen. Kamala D. Harris, California Democrat and 2020 presidential hopeful, appears to have fibbed during an interview Monday about smoking marijuana in college while listening to music by Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur.

...Neither of the future rap legends had released music by the time Ms. Harris completed graduate school, however.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #77 on: February 13, 2019, 11:05:36 AM »
Another lying liberal......big surprise.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #78 on: February 13, 2019, 05:29:27 PM »
Kamala Harris says she smoked marijuana in college while listening to music that didn't exist yet
washington times ^ | 2/12/19 | Andrew Blake
Posted on 2/13/2019,

Sen. Kamala D. Harris, California Democrat and 2020 presidential hopeful, appears to have fibbed during an interview Monday about smoking marijuana in college while listening to music by Snoop Dogg and Tupac Shakur.

...Neither of the future rap legends had released music by the time Ms. Harris completed graduate school, however.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

________________________ _


A while back she tweeted that she would not have become a senator if not for Brown v. Board of Ed.

The problem with that claim is that she went to public school in Montreal (which was not affected by
Brown v), then Howard University (which was not affected by Brown v.), and then law school in California
(which was not affected by Brown v).   ::)

She did not respond to my comment.  ;D

She has no shame.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2019, 09:21:29 PM »
A while back she tweeted that she would not have become a senator if not for Brown v. Board of Ed.

The problem with that claim is that she went to public school in Montreal (which was not affected by
Brown v), then Howard University (which was not affected by Brown v.), and then law school in California
(which was not affected by Brown v).   ::)

She did not respond to my comment;D

She has no shame.

Did you seriously?  Did you get blocked and/or blasted by her followers?  Any clever ones?


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #80 on: February 13, 2019, 10:33:22 PM »
Did you seriously?  Did you get blocked and/or blasted by her followers?  Any clever ones?

I ended my tweet with something about the inevitability of her becoming a Senator - with or without Brown v. 
I find her ambitiousness quite remarkable.  I recall a few likes and one snarky but irrelevant comment about
America’s racist past.

A while back the good Senator soft-blocked me, meaning she (likely her aide) blocked then unblocked me. 
Blocking me drops her from my twitter feed; unblocking means I can re-follow.  It took me a while to realize
I wasn’t seeing her tweets, and then I re-followed. 

SCOTUS ruled that an elected official can’t block a follower on twitter, so soft-blocking is a way around this. 

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #81 on: February 14, 2019, 08:57:21 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #82 on: February 14, 2019, 09:28:25 AM »
KAMALA HARRIS’ POLITICAL BLACKFACE ROUTINE: Awkward racial stereotypes by a fake black candidate
Front Page Mag ^ | February 13, 2019 | Daniel Greenfield
Posted on 2/14/2019, 12:24:03 PM by

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

If Senator Elizabeth Warren wins in 2020, the millionaire class warrior will break the glass ceiling as the first fake American Indian to become the President of the United States. But Senator Kamala Harris is outdoing Warren as the first 2020 fake black candidate who actually is black.

It’s easy to fake being a member of a minority group that your DNA test says you can lay 1/1,024th claim to, but what’s really challenging is being a fake member of a minority group you actually do belong to.

But Kamala Harris is making being fake look easy.

The other Senator from California decided to tout her racial cred by announcing her candidacy in Oakland on or around Martin Luther King Day. It all went according to plan except that photos showed a sea of white faces in the crowd. Behind her, you could see the sort of unwashed hipsters who haven’t figured out how to shave or cut their hair, but attend every Democrat event anywhere in America.

Harris had been born in Oakland, but grew up in Berkeley and Montreal. And when the LA Times interviewed African-Americans in Oakland, it found few who thought of her as a native daughter.

At her rally, Harris waved, alongside her Jewish lawyer husband, Douglas Emhoff.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Kamala Devi Harris, who was raised by her Tamil Indian mother Dr. Shyamala Gopalan, and who spent her formative years in Canada, had attended a Hindu temple, and wore a flower garland around her neck at her wedding to represent Indian tradition (while the groom broke a glass), exemplifies diversity.

As did calling an aunt before an election, asking her, "Please pray for me, break coconuts at the temple."

But Kamala’s insistence on fake racial pandering, from her Wakanda Forever video to her claims of listening to Snoop before it was possible, makes Hillary’s hot sauce moment seem authentic.

Senator Harris began her series of racial gaffes by falsely claiming that "Two decades after Brown v. Board, I was only the second class to integrate at Berkeley public schools. Without that decision, I likely would not have become a lawyer and eventually be elected a Senator from California."

Harris attended school in Berkeley, California, not Savannah, Georgia. Berkeley schools were not segregated by race. Her mother was an internationally famous cancer researcher and the daughter of P.V. Gopalan, a high-ranking Indian diplomat from the Brahmin caste. Her father was a professor of economics at Stanford who served as an adviser to multiple Jamaican prime ministers.

As a Los Angeles Times article described her, she was the “privileged child of foreign grad students”.

Kamala’s mother taught at universities in France, Italy and Canada. She smugly told Modern Luxury magazine “When Kamala was in first grade one of her teachers said to me, ‘You know, your child has a great imagination. Every time we talk about someplace in the world she says, “Oh, I’ve been there.”’ So I told her, ‘Well, she has been there!’ India, England, the Caribbean, Africa—she had been there.”

Modern Luxury also quoted “one of Harris’s Nob Hill friends” as saying that “her Brahmin background accounts for her ease around wealthy, powerful people.”

Everyone in the Gopalan family was expected to earn an advanced degree and usually did. Both sides of her family were upper class political figures in their respective countries with money and power.

Kamala Harris graduated from "Montreal’s tony Westmount" (École Secondaire) high school. Her mother had moved her to Canada when she was twelve years old and lived a privileged childhood there.

Senator Harris’ pretense that she would never have become a lawyer if not for school busing to Thousand Oaks is transparently fake racial pandering that tries to paint a privileged upper-class woman, as the victim of racial discrimination in one of the most progressive cities in America.

It’s fake.

In her latest gaffe, Senator Harris tried to desperately overcompensate by claiming that she used to get high while listening to “Snoop” and “Tupac”. But as Nick Gillespie pointed out, Harris had graduated from school too early to be listening to either one while getting high or otherwise.

It was another unnecessary ‘Hillaryism’. An attempt to demonstrate her authenticity that only backfired.

And it wasn’t the first time that Harris had been caught awkwardly trying to fake music cred.

In an appearance on Colbert’s CBS Democrat late night fest, she debuted her “mood mix” and declared that the song that most reminded her of attending Howard University, an African-American college, was by Salt-N-Pepa, while pronouncing it, “Salt and Pepper”.

Senator Harris, who had previously opposed drug legalization, denied that she opposed marijuana legalization. “Half my family’s from Jamaica, are you kidding me,” she retorted.

Her family is from Jamaica. But Senator Harris is cynically playing on stereotypes about drug use.

Donald Harris’ Stanford bio describes him as an “economic consultant to the Government of Jamaica and as economic adviser to successive Prime Ministers”. He had been a Fellow at Cambridge and a Fulbright Scholar in South America. He had even done consulting work for the UN and the World Bank.

The Harris family is descended from slave-owner Hamilton Brown. His grandfather, Joseph Alexander Harris, was a landowner. There are values in Harris’ account of his family worth teaching.

Unfortunately, Senator Kamala Harris chose to use her ancestry as a drug stereotype punchline.

Harris didn’t spend her college years getting high. Instead she got two degrees. Those are values that she picked up from both her parents. Instead of passing those values down, she’s condescendingly pandering to racial stereotypes in order to demonstrate her inauthentic authenticity.

Blackface controversies have torn apart Virginia. But Kamala Harris is running her own kind of blackface routine, performing stereotypes about black people for mostly white audiences, in order to get ahead. And the awkward head movements, the phony cultural references and attempts at victimhood, is its own kind of political minstrel show reeking of contempt for both black and white people.

Both Warren and Harris, successful professional women, appropriated the cultural identities of oppressed people to get a leg up because much of identity politics is really performative social climbing by upper-class professionals trying to obtain special privileges by identifying with minorities.

The new political blackface routines, like the old minstrel shows, depend on insulting condescending stereotypes, like Warren’s Pow Wow Chow and Harris’ imaginary Jamaican pot smoking family. Minstrel shows dehumanized their targets and their participants. Political blackface does the same thing.

Senator Kamala Harris could run as a career prosecutor from two upper class families, who grew up traveling the world with her parents, who spent her formative years in Montreal, who counted Nancy Pelosi as a friend back in her Nob Hill days, who married at a Jewish-Indian wedding, and whose tastes in music, very obviously, don’t include either Snoop Dogg or Salt-N-Pepa.

Instead she decided to run as a self-made blackface cartoon because her background is too diverse and too complicated. Identity politics claims to value diversity, but favors simple identities that appeal to chauvinistic racial and ethnic national movements. Kamala’s diversity cuts across those neat lines, outraging racial and religious sensibilities, and necessitating a simpler story complete with blackface.

It’s also much too upper class. In an election where everyone is trying to speak for the oppressed, her real background explains all too well how she tapped into elite political networks (not counting the affair with Willie Brown, the much older Mayor of San Francisco, who appointed her to positions she wasn’t qualified for and bought her a BMW) and how those networks exclude the actual marginalized minorities whom they claim to represent. That’s the explosive reality that Harris is smoothing over.

Identity politics can do a lot for someone like Senator Kamala Harris. Or even Senator Elizabeth Warren. It’s going to do much less for a poor family from Oakland. That’s the ugly truth about diversity.

And the ugly truth is being hidden with a whole lot of blackface.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #83 on: February 20, 2019, 01:18:54 PM »
How many people did she prosecute for marijuana related offences?

Donald Harris slams his daughter Senator Kamala Harris for fraudulently stereotyping jamaicans and accusing her of playing identity politics

Professor Donald Harris Kamala Harris’ Jamaican father, has vigorously dissociated himself from statements made on the New York Breakfast Club radio show earlier this week attributing her support for smoking marijuana to her Jamaican heritage. Professor Harris has issued a statement to in which he declares:

“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

Kamala Harris: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”.

This is the line that has been repeated over by virtually every news media since Kamala Harris gave that response to the interviewer on New York’s Breakfast Club radio show when asked if she smoked marijuana.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #84 on: February 20, 2019, 01:34:36 PM »
How many people did she prosecute for marijuana related offences?

Donald Harris slams his daughter Senator Kamala Harris for fraudulently stereotyping jamaicans and accusing her of playing identity politics

Professor Donald Harris Kamala Harris’ Jamaican father, has vigorously dissociated himself from statements made on the New York Breakfast Club radio show earlier this week attributing her support for smoking marijuana to her Jamaican heritage. Professor Harris has issued a statement to in which he declares:

“My dear departed grandmothers(whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website), as well as my deceased parents , must be turning in their grave right now to see their family’s name, reputation and proud Jamaican identity being connected, in any way, jokingly or not with the fraudulent stereotype of a pot-smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty.”

Kamala Harris: “Half my family’s from Jamaica. Are you kidding me?”.

This is the line that has been repeated over by virtually every news media since Kamala Harris gave that response to the interviewer on New York’s Breakfast Club radio show when asked if she smoked marijuana.

This reminds me of when candidate Obama referred to his grandmother as "a typical white person."


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #85 on: February 21, 2019, 06:23:05 PM »
Soul, that last article you posted was interested and when I got to the part about her mom and then her dad, it reminded me I still had a story in an open tab from earlier, and forgot to post it.  It looks similar to what Skeletor posted just after u and above this one of mine, but that's good as it's a different site and means that her lies being exposed is trending / expanding.   :D


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #86 on: February 21, 2019, 07:40:39 PM »
Harris wasted no time to praise Smollett and condemn the "modern day lynching". The former prosecutor didn't even wait for the facts to come in.

She introduced some "anti lynching" legislation too. When confronted about her tweet a few days ago she was asking "what tweet?".

Finally today, after 3 weeks, she issued this half ass response, just over 5 lines of non apology about Smollett and then 11 lines talking about hate crimes, racism and homophobia...

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #87 on: February 21, 2019, 08:26:04 PM »
Harris wasted no time to praise Smollett and condemn the "modern day lynching". The former prosecutor didn't even wait for the facts to come in.

She introduced some "anti lynching" legislation too. When confronted about her tweet a few days ago she was asking "what tweet?".

Finally today, after 3 weeks, she issued this half ass response, just over 5 lines of non apology about Smollett and then 11 lines talking about hate crimes, racism and homophobia...

She is a disingenuous, dishonest hack.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #88 on: February 22, 2019, 02:11:58 AM »
Harris wasted no time to praise Smollett and condemn the "modern day lynching". The former prosecutor didn't even wait for the facts to come in.

She introduced some "anti lynching" legislation too. When confronted about her tweet a few days ago she was asking "what tweet?".

Finally today, after 3 weeks, she issued this half ass response, just over 5 lines of non apology about Smollett and then 11 lines talking about hate crimes, racism and homophobia...

god have mercy on all if she be elected. the Thought Police will be working overtime

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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #89 on: February 22, 2019, 03:00:52 AM »

Typical leftist

Harris wasted no time to praise Smollett and condemn the "modern day lynching". The former prosecutor didn't even wait for the facts to come in.

She introduced some "anti lynching" legislation too. When confronted about her tweet a few days ago she was asking "what tweet?".

Finally today, after 3 weeks, she issued this half ass response, just over 5 lines of non apology about Smollett and then 11 lines talking about hate crimes, racism and homophobia...


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #90 on: February 22, 2019, 09:10:34 PM »
Harris wasted no time to praise Smollett and condemn the "modern day lynching". The former prosecutor didn't even wait for the facts to come in.

She introduced some "anti lynching" legislation too. When confronted about her tweet a few days ago she was asking "what tweet?".

Finally today, after 3 weeks, she issued this half ass response, just over 5 lines of non apology about Smollett and then 11 lines talking about hate crimes, racism and homophobia...

Mentally confused & deranged Bitch.
Who & why were women ever allowed into politics  ::)


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #91 on: February 24, 2019, 04:19:42 PM »
Jesus... it's not about a cost when it is other's money. MENTAL. ILLNESS.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #92 on: February 24, 2019, 05:10:55 PM »
Good decision, unanimous as well, even though it does not eliminate theft committed by government. Interestingly enough, according to the NY Times, the decision was written by Ginsburg.

Supreme Court Limits Police Powers to Seize Private Property

The Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that the Constitution places limits on the ability of states and localities to take and keep cash, cars, houses and other private property used to commit crimes.

The practice, known as civil forfeiture, is a popular way to raise revenue and is easily abused, and it has been the subject of widespread criticism across the political spectrum. The court’s decision will open the door to new legal arguments when the value of the property seized was out of proportion to the crimes involved.

Of course police state advocate Kamala Harris wasted no time to tweet about this and even claimed that "excessive fines and confiscation of property lead to the criminalization of poverty". She didn't seem to think that about civil asset forfeiture when she was Attorney General in California:

As California attorney general, Kamala Harris opposed a 2011 law restraining the practice of civil asset forfeiture. In 2015 she sponsored a bill to allow authorities to seize suspects’ assets before filing charges. That year California forfeitures totaled $50 million.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #93 on: February 24, 2019, 08:26:10 PM »
Jesus... it's not about a cost when it is other's money. MENTAL. ILLNESS.

If people would just pay even a little attention, they'd notice a huge glaring difference in how the left campaigns vs. independents and republicans.

Republicans/Independents = issues that can benefit all society, facts, thought out possible solutions, how it might be done (aka "a plan" for accomplishing the will of the people)

Leftists/Dems/"Progressives" = issues that play on emotions, vague ideas, a few bullet points, "we'll see" or "we'll make it happen" (aka "government leads the people for government")

Clearly people on the left are smarter than our founding fathers, as they apparently got it all wrong. ::)


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2019, 02:00:09 AM »
If people would just pay even a little attention, they'd notice a huge glaring difference in how the left campaigns vs. independents and republicans.

Republicans/Independents = issues that can benefit all society, facts, thought out possible solutions, how it might be done (aka "a plan" for accomplishing the will of the people)

Leftists/Dems/"Progressives" = issues that play on emotions, vague ideas, a few bullet points, "we'll see" or "we'll make it happen" (aka "government leads the people for government")

Clearly people on the left are smarter than our founding fathers, as they apparently got it all wrong. ::)

yes - and people should also do the math on how all these politicians become multimillionaires on a $174k/yr salary.  ???


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #95 on: February 25, 2019, 08:52:55 AM »
yes - and people should also do the math on how all these politicians become multimillionaires on a $174k/yr salary.  ???


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #96 on: February 25, 2019, 07:39:08 PM »
yes - and people should also do the math on how all these politicians become multimillionaires on a $174k/yr salary.  ???

Well that's an easy one Yamcha! 

They're just really good at handling money responsibly, are economics experts, and all mathematical wizards. Just look at AOC...she's got it all figured out at only 29yrs old! Duh! ::)


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #97 on: February 27, 2019, 04:40:30 PM »
Have you seen San Fagsisco lately? Is that what you want for all of Ca?

What is there to see?


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #98 on: February 27, 2019, 04:49:18 PM »
What is there to see?
Massive homelessness, drugs on the streets, human feces on the sidewalks, assaults, rapes, etc all being promoted by democratic backed laws.


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Re: Kamala plans to run for POTUS
« Reply #99 on: February 27, 2019, 08:00:19 PM »
What is there to see?

You really DON'T google any of the topics we talk about on here at all do you?

I thought I was just giving you shit, but it seems you really do choose to be ignorant on political matters we discuss. :'(