Author Topic: Ron - Updates in BB Media  (Read 20974 times)

michael arvilla

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Ron - Updates in BB Media
« on: July 17, 2019, 10:24:50 AM »
I noticed all the “BB media”(you/tubers and such) are all quoting you/using your references in regards to the Shawn Rhoden case and the latest soap opera between William Bonac and Neil Hill... first off props/congratulations for all the fact finding! (Nice job) second you usually take a much more
lais·sez-faire approach to things .. nice to see you in the forefront of things!


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Re: RON = on top of his game!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2019, 10:29:09 AM »
First, I have a lot of help from friends and people who care, so I give them credit first.  Not me.  Also, I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I try to be fair as a reporter, not always put my biased view in things. And I like this sport, the expo, I am a fan (not a bodybuilder) and I love photography!  Also, I am not one for being PC, and don't get offended much, if they are talking about a public figure, not family or private people.

This will be my 23rd Olympia going to in September. I enjoy it.   I will be at the L.A. Championships this Saturday, and the NPC USAs next weekend.  For me, I try to give all the respect they deserve in getting into shape, because I know how hard it is.


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2019, 10:37:24 AM »
Excellent post. You are the master.


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2019, 11:17:03 AM »
Our Lord and Savior

The Master of all things Avidenne.

michael arvilla

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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2019, 11:50:05 AM »
Awesome! (Just goes to show you everybody in the industry young/old pro/amateur reads getbig!)


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2019, 11:51:08 AM »
Awesome! (Just goes to show you everybody in the industry young/old pro/amateur reads getbig!)

Even people outside the industry!

We have both preachers and barristas reading Getbig.

Coach is Back!

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Re: RON = on top of his game!
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2019, 12:01:57 PM »
First, I have a lot of help from friends and people who care, so I give them credit first.  Not me.  Also, I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I try to be fair as a reporter, not always put my biased view in things. And I like this sport, the expo, I am a fan (not a bodybuilder) and I love photography!  Also, I am not one for being PC, and don't get offended much, if they are talking about a public figure, not family or private people.

This will be my 23rd Olympia going to in September. I enjoy it.   I will be at the L.A. Championships this Saturday, and the NPC USAs next weekend.  For me, I try to give all the respect they deserve in getting into shape, because I know how hard it is.

See you at the LA and the Olympia


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2019, 12:07:33 PM »
ron, why not start a getbig youtube channel?

if you ever need help with presenters/interviewers at expos you can fly the eye candy like booty or go4it in.


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2019, 12:17:10 PM »
ron, why not start a getbig youtube channel?

if you ever need help with presenters/interviewers at expos you can fly the eye candy like booty or go4it in.

Yes Ron!

Use Matt C and Booty to interview people!

Fly in Go4It and Goodrum to promote the Getbig Supp-line and merch!


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Re: RON = on top of his game!
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2019, 12:27:16 PM »
First, I have a lot of help from friends and people who care, so I give them credit first.  Not me.  Also, I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I try to be fair as a reporter, not always put my biased view in things. And I like this sport, the expo, I am a fan (not a bodybuilder) and I love photography!  Also, I am not one for being PC, and don't get offended much, if they are talking about a public figure, not family or private people.

This will be my 23rd Olympia going to in September. I enjoy it.   I will be at the L.A. Championships this Saturday, and the NPC USAs next weekend.  For me, I try to give all the respect they deserve in getting into shape, because I know how hard it is.

No dig on you ron but being in the industry and being around guys and gals in great shape how did it not rub off on you..
since this kinda is your lifes work


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2019, 12:31:29 PM »
Yes Ron!

Use Matt C and Booty to interview people!

Fly in Go4It and Goodrum to promote the Getbig Supp-line and merch!

ron would do well. he has all the connections already.

what's the point of letting this youtube channel shills leech off of getbig when you could easily do it yourself.


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Re: RON = on top of his game!
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2019, 01:41:51 PM »
First, I have a lot of help from friends and people who care, so I give them credit first.  Not me.  Also, I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I try to be fair as a reporter, not always put my biased view in things. And I like this sport, the expo, I am a fan (not a bodybuilder) and I love photography!  Also, I am not one for being PC, and don't get offended much, if they are talking about a public figure, not family or private people.

This will be my 23rd Olympia going to in September. I enjoy it.   I will be at the L.A. Championships this Saturday, and the NPC USAs next weekend.  For me, I try to give all the respect they deserve in getting into shape, because I know how hard it is.

How's your olympia prep coming?


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2019, 03:13:16 AM »
A getbig channel needs to be built. Need matt, vince (both of them), true adonis, 240, go for it, mr.zimbabwe,wiggs, alex23, booty on it.


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #13 on: July 18, 2019, 03:45:45 AM »
A getbig channel needs to be built. Need matt, vince (both of them), true adonis, 240, go for it, mr.zimbabwe,wiggs, alex23, booty on it.

The channel needs ALL of them!

Can you imagine the popularity, clicks, likes???


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Re: RON = on top of his game!
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2019, 05:00:23 AM »
First, I have a lot of help from friends and people who care, so I give them credit first.  Not me.  Also, I am not one to pass judgement on people, but I try to be fair as a reporter, not always put my biased view in things. And I like this sport, the expo, I am a fan (not a bodybuilder) and I love photography!  Also, I am not one for being PC, and don't get offended much, if they are talking about a public figure, not family or private people.

This will be my 23rd Olympia going to in September. I enjoy it.   I will be at the L.A. Championships this Saturday, and the NPC USAs next weekend.  For me, I try to give all the respect they deserve in getting into shape, because I know how hard it is.

That’s Very Decent & Fair of you Ron
Much Respect to you.

It’s great who you State you are a Bodybuilding Fan - Though not a Bodybuilder
And you’re so positive about Bodybuilding & Report what goes on if you know about it.

I find hard to deal with so many Anti & Negative Posters On here ref Bodybuilding
/ Strongman / Weightlifting/ powerlifting - Why do they bother being on a board
When they Detest what it’s about So Much.
And Yes There are Issues & Problems associated as there are in any Sport.
The Constant Hate & Negativity From Some makes me wonder how desperately
Miserable lives they must have... With no positivity.

Anyway well done Ron.


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2019, 04:00:52 AM »
Well done Ron, fantastic work.

Mayor Of Bodybuilding

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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2019, 06:54:33 AM »
Get Big has good information and Wiggs posts here. 


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Re: Ron - Updates in BB Media
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2019, 11:24:55 AM »
Get Big has good information and Wiggs posts here. 

MD put your name out there but Getbig photoshops (and the little timmy story) made you a legend.