Close but the real reason probably lies within females’ innate nature to seek true masculinity. Sadly they see what cucks white guys are becoming and women are driven to abandon them and seek real men. Blacks are generally manlier than whites, physically and mentally. Stronger culture will always prevail even without violence. Women decide who‘s genes they pass on so they weed out weak men from the get go.
Laws are stopping western men from being men inside the family that's why we see kids with a behavior like that. When a man cannot educate his kids the way he wants (sometimes using violence) or talk to his wife in an angry strict way without repercussion the kids grow effeminate and weak. Nowdays you may lose your child to social service if you wanna educate him and not tolerate his bullshit. White men can easily go to jail if their women wants too. That's why they display such beta behaviours.
What do you want a girl to think of white men if she lived in a house where her mother is going out whenever she likes and is bossing her father? Same for the boy, he'll feel castrated because his father who is a bigger and stronger version of him, cannot stand to women so how could he one day stand to them?
A good strong white generation will come out only out of a traditional family where the father is respected and feared and to enable it you gotta put laws to protect masculine behaviours.
Black men are more masculine because for some reason they do not follow laws. Not following the BS women empowering laws makes them unproductive but more manly and attract women. Women are aware of that that's why, just like this little bitch on video, will stick with white people to have a stable life and money but will fulfill her desire with black men to fuck her right and slap her if needed.