LOl - the only devastation was caused by left wing governors and their minions. I honestly can't believe you are a guy in his 70's. Where the fuck have you been to describe this flu as devastating? It has a 99.7% survival rate. On the other hand, my grandfather had tuberculosis - and that had a nearly 15% death rate. Talk about devastation...
Keep thinking Covid is no big deal. Ignorance is bliss.
Sorry to read about your grandfather.
Why Tuberculosis Has Been so Difficult to EradicateThere is a vaccination that prevents it.
There are drugs that can kill it.
Tuberculosis is a global pandemic, killing someone approximately every 22 seconds — about 1.4 million in 2019 alone.
The health agency reports that in 2015 there were more than
10 million new cases of TB worldwide.
In the United States, 9,563 cases of TB were reported in 2015. More than 500 people in the United States die each year of the disease.
First known cases in January 2020, 10 months ago
Currently, no vaccine is yet authorized and recommended to prevent COVID-19.
There are more than 62.1 million cases worldwide, 39.6 million recovered and 1.45 million deaths
In the United States 13.2 million cases and 265 K deaths.
Note: As you pointed out the comparative rate of death is a lot higher for TB. In 2019 an almost equal number died from it worldwide. So, it is definitely more lethal than Covid. However, it is also more of a 3rd world disease at this point. In 2015 in the U.S. there were only a fraction of the number of cases as compared to Covid and it killed only 500 people.
The bottom line is that, at this point, you are much more likely to die from Covid and TB simply because there are comparatively so few cases of it in the U.S.
It is worth noting that someone with TB can contract Covid and if they did, their chances of survival are diminished. I guess if you think 265 K deaths in the U.S. 10 months in is not noteworthy and something to be concerned about, then Covid is no big deal. But, keep in mind that you are much more likely to catch Covid than TB. Furthermore on average people with untreated TB live about 2 years. If you are cured of TB it having had it may reduce your overall lifespan by about 5 years. (nobody knows at this point if having had Covid reduces one's lifespan.