Author Topic: Getting back on  (Read 1746 times)


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 374
  • Trensform
Getting back on
« on: November 27, 2020, 10:31:48 PM »
Been off since end of February 2020. Looking to go back on. Reason I came off is because my libido was way off. At the time was on 125mg x2 test e per week and 1mg finasteride for my hair. I had to quit everything to get my libido back. Prior, never had libido issues. Maybe fina was culprit.

All i did for 2 years is 250 test and got decent results for my genetics. Prior to that time period, have an additional 5 years cycles under the belt.

Considering 100mg tren ace eod with 50mg test prop eod and 0.5mg caber 2x/w. Might throw in 50 t3 as well and maybe some ephedrine and coffee.
