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Author Topic: Strawman  (Read 186065 times)

Coach is Back!

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1325 on: May 11, 2021, 09:32:31 AM »
How's that wall coming along?  Oh that's right...  3 guys behind the fundraiser for it have been indicted and charged for defrauding the Trump morons out of their money for this crap.  Well, it was 4 guys being indicted and charged, but Trumpy pardoned his buddy Bannon and left the other supporters blowing in the wind.  Surprise.  (not).

Like funk, you and Strawman come up with the most irrelevant bullshit 🙄


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1326 on: May 11, 2021, 09:45:00 AM »
Like funk, you and Strawman come up with the most irrelevant bullshit 🙄


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1327 on: May 11, 2021, 02:29:02 PM »
Like funk, you and Strawman come up with the most irrelevant bullshit 🙄



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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1328 on: May 11, 2021, 03:29:27 PM »
Like funk, you and Strawman come up with the most irrelevant bullshit 🙄

Says the midget birther.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1329 on: May 11, 2021, 03:53:40 PM »
55.    Let’s go !


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1330 on: May 12, 2021, 10:38:17 AM »


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1331 on: May 12, 2021, 10:41:59 AM »
Says the midget birther.

Name calling like Straw when he's losing the argument.


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1332 on: May 12, 2021, 10:47:55 AM »
From Newsmax - Biden Pitching $4.1T Spending: 'Snap My Fingers, It Will Happen'


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1333 on: May 12, 2021, 10:49:00 AM »

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1334 on: May 12, 2021, 11:02:46 AM »
Joe Biden, the phantom president, gave a speech recently that the world immediately little noted nor long remembered.

For the doddering, barely ambulatory, linguistically challenged Biden, his first address to Congress was intended as a substitute State of the Union speech, but like everything else he does, it fell as flat as he nearly did when scrambling up the steps of Air Force One back in March

So let me help our poor president out: the state of the union is terrible, and getting worse. Examples abound:

Russian hackers apparently just took out one of the most important pipelines on the East Coast, and it’s taken the administration more than a day to respond to this direct assault on our national security. But what’s the rush? The anti-American “progressive” left hates the oil industry anyway and is busy plotting an oil-and-carbon-free future for Grass Hut America, so overall, it’s a net plus!

The American birthrate has now fallen for six years in a row, to a record-low 1.64 babies per woman. Some blame this on the dreaded COVID, but it would make more sense for births to rise, given that couples have had more than a year of snuggle time while riding out the “pandemic” and collecting government checks.

A more likely reason is the non-stop barrage of propaganda from the anti-human left, whose refrain has long been “how can you bring a child into this world?”—a world, by the way, they’ve been doing their best to ruin for more than half a century with abortion, divorce, and latterly, child sex-change operations.

Speaking of COVID—caused by the CCP virus, which most independent authorities now agree could have been hatched in a lab in Wuhan—the practically state-run media is now openly fretting that vaccination rates are leveling off as Americans begin to ask themselves whether they want to voluntarily take part in the biggest real-time laboratory experiment in history.

And now, the FDA has authorized the Pfizer vaccine for use on children aged 12-15—a group that is essentially immune to COVID-19 anyway, while Washington—in collaboration, National-Socialist-style, with its media, tech, and corporate lackeys—will soon turn to vaccine passports, brothers under the skin of the old Soviet system of internal passports.

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday authorized use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds in the United States, a crucial step in the nation’s steady recovery from the pandemic and a boon to tens of millions of American families eager for a return to normalcy,” cheered The New York Times, the American equivalent of the USSR’s mouthpiece/newspaper Pravda.

Around the country, especially in Democratic-dominated states, “homeless” encampments have sprouted like kudzu. The famed Venice Beach in Los Angeles now resembles the anarchic opening “Dawn of Man” scene from Stanley Kubrick’s film, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” with vagrants, derelicts, and hobos viciously attacking and beating residents and each other.

Meanwhile, across town in Angelino Heights, work crews just removed more than 35 tons of human biological and hazardous waste from Echo Park Lake and its surrounding park, which is similarly bristling with brand-new tents and, no doubt, cell phones.

Meanwhile, “anti-racism” mania has now turned its sights on technology and discovered “techno-racism”—an unwitting and unintended discrimination against “people of color” that is, according to CNN, “baked into some of the technology we encounter every day.” The reference is to the difficulty some facial-recognition systems encounter in distinguishing between and among black faces.

Even when tech developers and users do not intend for tech to discriminate, it often does so anyway,” says one critic. “Technology is not neutral or objective.

On the foreign-policy front, Russia is about to gobble up whichever bits of Ukraine it still desires, the communist Chinese just had a chunk of space debris crash-land in the Indian Ocean, and the manifestly unqualified Vice President Kamala Harris, has thus far managed to foul up the one job she has: the entirely Biden-made crisis at the U.S.–Mexico border.

In short, things are coming apart and there’s no help in sight.

In 1920, just after World War I had come to an end, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats published what is likely his most famous poem, “The Second Coming.” To a shell-shocked populace stunned by four years of brutal slaughter, the world had indeed spun out of control:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

That could well describe our world today. The worst—the international, cultural-Marxist left—are indeed full of passionate intensity: an intensity fixated on destroying the old order “by any means necessary,” as their favorite saying goes.

In the half-century I’ve been interacting with them, they have pulled down the pillars of the American nation-state, wielding our own laws, customs, and Constitution against us.

Mere anarchy,” indeed.

But anarchy is what they’re after, and always have been. One by one, they’ve eroded or even abolished constitutional protections such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly found in the first amendment.

They’re publicly gunning for the Second Amendment now, and over the course of the post-FDR period have rendered the Ninth and 10th Amendments (which were intended to establish expressed powers/limited government) as nullities.

Now, in a capital still ringed by barbed wire, a confused old man sits at a desk signing “executive orders” designed to overturn any vestiges of his predecessor—whose aim, you may recall, was to “Make America Great Again.” The economy boomed, the nation became energy self-sufficient, race relations had at least stabilized, the Middle East was moving toward stasis, and both the Russians and the Chinese were under no illusions about our international intentions.

And then came the election and huge blunder of Jan. 6, and it all vanished. Well, as they say, elections have consequences.

Surely, the Second Coming is at hand,” writes Yeats in the second stanza of his great poem. But be careful what you wish for: “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

If you thought Biden’s first 100 days were bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1335 on: May 12, 2021, 11:15:35 AM »

Soul Crusher

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1336 on: May 12, 2021, 11:30:19 AM »
On to 55 !

Straw Man

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1337 on: May 12, 2021, 11:35:07 AM »

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1338 on: May 12, 2021, 11:55:44 AM »

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1339 on: May 12, 2021, 11:57:31 AM »
Lol...the world is burning within 4 months of Biden being “President” and straw, Funk, Lurker and Prime are still talking about Trump hhahahahahahaha

Soul Crusher

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1340 on: May 12, 2021, 11:58:46 AM »
 ;D :D


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1341 on: May 12, 2021, 12:11:40 PM »
Socialist shortages and hyperinflation for everyone, equally.


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1342 on: May 12, 2021, 12:19:59 PM »
Joe Biden, the phantom president, gave a speech recently that the world immediately little noted nor long remembered.

For the doddering, barely ambulatory, linguistically challenged Biden, his first address to Congress was intended as a substitute State of the Union speech, but like everything else he does, it fell as flat as he nearly did when scrambling up the steps of Air Force One back in March

So let me help our poor president out: the state of the union is terrible, and getting worse. Examples abound:

Russian hackers apparently just took out one of the most important pipelines on the East Coast, and it’s taken the administration more than a day to respond to this direct assault on our national security. But what’s the rush? The anti-American “progressive” left hates the oil industry anyway and is busy plotting an oil-and-carbon-free future for Grass Hut America, so overall, it’s a net plus!

The American birthrate has now fallen for six years in a row, to a record-low 1.64 babies per woman. Some blame this on the dreaded COVID, but it would make more sense for births to rise, given that couples have had more than a year of snuggle time while riding out the “pandemic” and collecting government checks.

A more likely reason is the non-stop barrage of propaganda from the anti-human left, whose refrain has long been “how can you bring a child into this world?”—a world, by the way, they’ve been doing their best to ruin for more than half a century with abortion, divorce, and latterly, child sex-change operations.

Speaking of COVID—caused by the CCP virus, which most independent authorities now agree could have been hatched in a lab in Wuhan—the practically state-run media is now openly fretting that vaccination rates are leveling off as Americans begin to ask themselves whether they want to voluntarily take part in the biggest real-time laboratory experiment in history.

And now, the FDA has authorized the Pfizer vaccine for use on children aged 12-15—a group that is essentially immune to COVID-19 anyway, while Washington—in collaboration, National-Socialist-style, with its media, tech, and corporate lackeys—will soon turn to vaccine passports, brothers under the skin of the old Soviet system of internal passports.

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday authorized use of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for 12- to 15-year-olds in the United States, a crucial step in the nation’s steady recovery from the pandemic and a boon to tens of millions of American families eager for a return to normalcy,” cheered The New York Times, the American equivalent of the USSR’s mouthpiece/newspaper Pravda.

Around the country, especially in Democratic-dominated states, “homeless” encampments have sprouted like kudzu. The famed Venice Beach in Los Angeles now resembles the anarchic opening “Dawn of Man” scene from Stanley Kubrick’s film, “2001: A Space Odyssey,” with vagrants, derelicts, and hobos viciously attacking and beating residents and each other.

Meanwhile, across town in Angelino Heights, work crews just removed more than 35 tons of human biological and hazardous waste from Echo Park Lake and its surrounding park, which is similarly bristling with brand-new tents and, no doubt, cell phones.

Meanwhile, “anti-racism” mania has now turned its sights on technology and discovered “techno-racism”—an unwitting and unintended discrimination against “people of color” that is, according to CNN, “baked into some of the technology we encounter every day.” The reference is to the difficulty some facial-recognition systems encounter in distinguishing between and among black faces.

Even when tech developers and users do not intend for tech to discriminate, it often does so anyway,” says one critic. “Technology is not neutral or objective.

On the foreign-policy front, Russia is about to gobble up whichever bits of Ukraine it still desires, the communist Chinese just had a chunk of space debris crash-land in the Indian Ocean, and the manifestly unqualified Vice President Kamala Harris, has thus far managed to foul up the one job she has: the entirely Biden-made crisis at the U.S.–Mexico border.

In short, things are coming apart and there’s no help in sight.

In 1920, just after World War I had come to an end, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats published what is likely his most famous poem, “The Second Coming.” To a shell-shocked populace stunned by four years of brutal slaughter, the world had indeed spun out of control:

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

That could well describe our world today. The worst—the international, cultural-Marxist left—are indeed full of passionate intensity: an intensity fixated on destroying the old order “by any means necessary,” as their favorite saying goes.

In the half-century I’ve been interacting with them, they have pulled down the pillars of the American nation-state, wielding our own laws, customs, and Constitution against us.

Mere anarchy,” indeed.

But anarchy is what they’re after, and always have been. One by one, they’ve eroded or even abolished constitutional protections such as freedom of speech, religion, and assembly found in the first amendment.

They’re publicly gunning for the Second Amendment now, and over the course of the post-FDR period have rendered the Ninth and 10th Amendments (which were intended to establish expressed powers/limited government) as nullities.

Now, in a capital still ringed by barbed wire, a confused old man sits at a desk signing “executive orders” designed to overturn any vestiges of his predecessor—whose aim, you may recall, was to “Make America Great Again.” The economy boomed, the nation became energy self-sufficient, race relations had at least stabilized, the Middle East was moving toward stasis, and both the Russians and the Chinese were under no illusions about our international intentions.

And then came the election and huge blunder of Jan. 6, and it all vanished. Well, as they say, elections have consequences.

Surely, the Second Coming is at hand,” writes Yeats in the second stanza of his great poem. But be careful what you wish for: “And what rough beast, its hour come round at last / Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?”

If you thought Biden’s first 100 days were bad, you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1343 on: May 12, 2021, 12:21:14 PM »

Nah....we just told you so. I told you I’d also be laughing my ass off 😂😂😂


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1344 on: May 12, 2021, 01:06:37 PM »
Nah....we just told you so. I told you I’d also be laughing my ass off 😂😂😂

For someone "laughing" you sure are doing a lot of whining and crying.  But that's how Fragile X syndrome works doesn't it?

Straw Man

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1345 on: May 12, 2021, 01:10:52 PM »
I commented on this... hypocrite

who gives a shit


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1346 on: May 12, 2021, 01:22:08 PM »
Lol...the world is burning within 4 months of Biden being “President” and straw, Funk, Lurker and Prime are still talking about Trump hhahahahahahaha

Like you don't talk about him? My guess is you mention him much more often than I do. I couldn't care less about that loser.

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1347 on: May 12, 2021, 03:03:52 PM »
Like you don't talk about him? My guess is you mention him much more often than I do. I couldn't care less about that loser.

So you’re happy with what Biden’s doing now? 🤣


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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1348 on: May 12, 2021, 03:29:45 PM »
So you’re happy with what Biden’s doing now? 🤣

I believe I covered that earlier today in another thread. But, I'm okay with Biden's performance thus far.

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Re: Strawman
« Reply #1349 on: May 12, 2021, 03:40:39 PM »
I believe I covered that earlier today in another thread. But, I'm okay with Biden's performance thus far.

If you’re happy with this then either you’re lying or in the wrong country. No lie
