Author Topic: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].  (Read 1980 times)


  • Getbig V
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Looks like boogie2988 [Steven Williams] was wanted by the police over a dispute with another YouTube influencer.  As I understand it, boogie2988 discharged a firearm into the air, and the police were contacted, and he was later arrested and jailed.  I think he has since been released.

Some of you may recognize Boogie/Williams.  He is 5'9" and was 525-lb for many years.  He was a bit of an inspiration to me personally, for being so overweight, yet still having such a massive YouTube audience.  He basically proved to me that as long as you churn out good quality content on a regular basis, you can achieve great success on YouTube [or COULD - past tense - because YouTube is WAY too censorious these days to get away with pretty much anything aside from marching in lockstep with the various current mainstream media narratives, all of which are supported now completely by Big Tech, which used to be free].

Williams got stomach stapling surgery [Vertical banded gastroplasty or VBG], and fairly quickly dropped from around 525-lb or just north of that weight to somewhere in the 365-lb to 385-lb range.  So he basically dropped a full 150-lb right off the bat.  He sort of fell off my feed for reasons that I didn't look into completely [he had a bit of a "Rise and Fall" story that other YouTubers covered], and I'm not sure what his current weight is, but if he is still sitting around the 365-lb mark, I would be led to believe that he hasn't been actively doing anything to lose weight, and only lose the weight that the surgery basically guaranteed him to lose.  Essentially, you can't eat after getting your stomach stapled, or you vomit it out or something like that.  So it's like being forced to go on a diet, basically with a gun pointed to your head [that's how Layne Norton explained it].  Although it wouldn't surprise me if Williams just got the surgery, lost that guaranteed 160-lb or thereabouts, and hasn't done anything active to lose more weight.

Aside from having once had a huge YouTube following, it's also somewhat inspiring to me that a man that large can alive, frankly.  Boogie was born in 1974, and I think he just turned 47 recently.  I'm just impressed that people can be alive at all over 40-45-etc, having been so heavy for so many years.  Some people [John Candy] aren't so lucky.

Here are two articles about the incident - the first one is from before his arrest, and the second one is from after:

Dr. Todd Grande did an analysis video of the incident, which is how I learned about it:

I haven't checked out the video below by YouTube influencer TheQuartering [Jeremy], but I will after I post this:

I think I may have posted this video here before, but I'd be curious to hear the views of Getbiggers on this video/experience [this video was post-stomach stapling]:

^ Do you think that Boogie is spending too much time blaming his ex-girlfriend there?  After he, he entered the relationship at like 525-lb, or possibly even heavier.  Sure, she may have pushed him to bring his weight up to 600-lb, but it's not like he wasn't already morbidly obese before even meeting her.  Plus, he seemed to enjoy the sex life he had with her.

Another story about Boogie is that at either a video game or YouTube creator expo, Anita Sarkeesian gave a speech about White Privilege [I think in general, and how it relates to video games], and Boogie followed up with a speech, where he basically said that we should judge people as individuals, and just because he is a White man, that doesn't make him bulletproof.

Apparently Anita Sarkeesian went up to Boogie backstage after the contest, and was completely distraught and almost in a panic over what Boogie said.  She took that time to give him sh*t for being White, basically, while Boogie calmly repeated himself about how just because he is White, that doesn't make him bulletproof.

Keep in mind that at the time, Boogie was probably 525-lb.  Yet that's what these psychos who subscribe to the concept of White Privilege [feminists like Sarkeesian, as well as others] think is appropriate - literally coming from a history of massive childhood and lifelong obesity, child abuse, spousal abuse, almost ubiquitous lifetime suicidal thoughts, growing up in a lower income household or even poverty [I can't recall which], and spending most days not even wanting to be alive is "White Privilege".  ::)

Being that overweight would just be a lifetime of pain doing basic things like walking from one room to the next.

But even if Williams was an extremely happy man, who the f*ck would go up to a 525-lb man looking like she's about to cry because he dared to suggest that just because you are a White man that life isn't always perfect?

I think morons like Sarkeesian seem to think that there is some way to make the world perfect, which in her warped mind, would be the life that all White men are currently living - at least her lunatic far-left social justice ideals can be realized and enjoyed by a select privileged few [cis-straight White men, or White people in general].  To then find out that life is not perfect even for the coveted privileged White males, made Sarkeesian freak out, IMO.  But the way Boogie described her reaction to his mildly "anti-White Privilege" response speech at the expo, it sounded like she was really freaking out to even think it's possible that a White man's life experiences could mean he is anything less than the king of the castle.  What a loser that woman is.

Based on her last name, I'm assuming she is Armenian - ok, so why not go live there?  Why must scum like Sarkeesian go pick the Whitest places to live, then chronically bitch about how bad "White Privilege" is, and how evil White people are?  Stupid bitch - no one is forcing her to live around White people.  ::)

We literally politically induce narcissism on Sarkeesian and other feminist scum like her: they go around thinking that White men's lives have no value, and assume every interaction with a White man is a form of oppression, because she is continually being told that.  To tell Black people that every interaction with the police will lead to their death for example, is a similar disgusting line of dialogue that really needs to stop - especially given that Black men are 18.5 times as likely to shoot White male police officers in the USA as the reverse!  In Canada, a Black man attempted to kill a White male police officer, and the wrong Black man was arrested.  The news covered that story nonstop, talking about how "racist" it was for this other Black man [a university student] to be arrested.  YET NOT ONE STORY TALKED ABOUT THE FACT THAT A SEPARATE BLACK MAN SHOT AND ALMOST KILLED A WHITE MALE POLICE OFFICER WHO HAD A WIFE AND TWO CHILDREN AT HOME.  And THAT is the reason the other Black guy was falsely arrested!  Because BLACK CRIME is so high that OBVIOUSLY they end up getting into more incidents with the police as a result of it!  Yet we blame White people for having to tolerate this high level of violence, and sometimes making mistakes while being caught up in it, but never point to the fact that Black people commit more violent crime than all other races combined in the USA [and have similar rates of violence everywhere they go].

Just the notion of being horrified that a 525-lb White man would say that just being White alone doesn't make him bulletproof just goes to show what a mind virus feminism is.  ::)

Here are some photos of boogie2988 AKA Steven Williams, with some being of Williams at his fattest, and some showing how he looked when he lost some of the weight thanks to the stomach stapling surgery he had:


  • Getbig V
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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2021, 02:24:33 AM »

 ;D ;D ;D


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2021, 03:56:24 AM »
Frank Hassle, the guy who trolled him -




Covid trolling - .




Covid / Arab trolling, the interaction at 4:50 is hilarious -


Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2021, 05:20:58 AM »
Frank Hassle......quite possibly the biggest asshole ever.  Just walks up to people and harasses them for no reason.  Going to get shot dead one day


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2021, 06:07:31 AM »
Frank Hassle......quite possibly the biggest asshole ever.  Just walks up to people and harasses them for no reason.  Going to get shot dead one day

And I do pray that he does. Teach these dumb fvcks a lesson.


  • Getbig V
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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2021, 07:02:25 AM »
What i don't like is that Boogies wife left him for a nig


  • Getbig V
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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2021, 07:25:20 AM »
Frank Hassle......quite possibly the biggest asshole ever.  Just walks up to people and harasses them for no reason.  Going to get shot dead one day

Interesting - thank you for saying this, Vince.  And BB - thank you for what was, to me, an intro into this Frank Hassle character.  I can now understand his last name is appropriate, whether that is his legal surname, or just one he uses for YouTube.  :D ;D

I imagine there may be some benefit in having hundreds and hundreds of pounds of excess body fat on your side - but boogie2988 will be turning 47 in just shy of 10 weeks time...he has also stated that its in his intention to live to 55 and stuff like that.  I sort of think of him as I do Markus Ruhl in some ways - in that he's always been around, and for as long as I've known him, I've had to consider the possibility that he could job dead potentially very soon, but ultimately, he probably won't make 55 based on his past history, unless he makes some significant changes going forward.  The stomach stapling surgery was a good idea, but may not be enough in and of itself.

So...another side of me sort of sees him as a dead man walking.  I'm not so certain that I would want to be getting into conflicts if I was in the same medical state, even if excess body weight may be an advantage in some scenarios in life.

Boogie also has a bit of a history with alcohol, but I'm not sure the extent.  Sometimes, alcohol being involved can go a long way in explaining the thought process.  Also...if he DID only just shoot a firearm into the air as sort of a warning shot, I don't really see the big issue, and I know I wouldn't go to someone's house in a tizzy to call them out or something like that, only to call the police if someone discharged a firearm into the air like that.  So I will have to look into this case a bit more to see exactly what happened, and what, if anything, boogie2988 did that would merit being jailed over this incident, albeit only briefly.  Again, basically only to see the whole "ethics" of this incident play out in my mind - not because I don't understand the fact that what happened was technically illegal.  I get that - I'm just curious to figure out who the instigator was, and to what extent boogie2988 had to legitimately fear for his safety, and if there is some history of aggressiveness of one of the men towards the other or something like that.

I see Boogie is still getting some views just making it to that 100K view mark - but this is from an "influencer" [content creator] who used to get consistently deep into the six figure views for each video, if not uploading videos that would get in the 1M+ view range per video [which would tag him at $1,000 USD per video in revenue just from YouTube pre-roll video ads, let alone Patreon or merchandising/in-video paid promotions, on top of sponsorship dollars for doing unboxings and more:

I suspect his channel is still generating $50,000 USD in YouTube video ad revenue alone, and Patreon and other revenue sources can be counted on to double strict YouTube video ad revenue alone...but that $50K estimate for his current YouTube revenue is likely a far cry from what he made before, which was likely midway into the six figures or more, on top of getting all sorts of free merchandise through sponsorships and unboxings, on top of paid trips to various video expos and other expos and conventions, etc [on top of the potential to pull a Lou Ferrigno, by charging $20 to people who take pictures of him with THEIR OWN digital camera while in a booth selling 8.5" x 10" autographed glossy prints for $20 each to 150 people per weekend, in addition to offering deals such as getting a FREE autographed glossy with the purchase of a $30 book or DVD - on TOP of screwing such loyal customers out of the aforementioned $20 for that photo they took with THEIR OWN camera, despite supporting Lou already by buying the book + "free" glossy as just outlined].

While there's definitely still some revenue potential for his channel, YouTube is simply not what it used to be.  The "Adpocalypse" of YouTube from 2016, and subsequent hits on YouTube for revenue reduction have made it a much different place than it was in its heyday from 2013 to 2016, when potential for generating income was at the highest in the platform's history.

Looks like I was right about Boogie having formally lived in complete poverty, as outlined in this video of him talking about being homeless before [it must be that "Morbidly Obese, Potentially On-the-Verge-of-Death Privilege" form of White Privilege that Boogie had at the time]:

Looks like Boogie also decided to become one of many people to be a guinea pig for the new experimental mRNA gene therapy "vaccine" agent:

Better him than me.  On that note - I think that getting vaccinated in order to potentially not make others sick is noble in some ways...but in order for me to get a gene therapy agent or vaccine, or any other drug/medicine in the name of the public health, I need to be AWARE of what the risks are...I got my HPV vaccine thinking that it would potentially prevent me from inoculating women with cervical cancer, even though the two forms of HPV that cause 90% of cervical cancers in women are not known to do anything to male carriers [a REAL example of "asymptomatic carriers"].  And even though it also vaccinated against the two forms of HPV which cause 90% of genital warts, I was still concerned about getting it - and that was in 2014, when that vaccine [Gardasil by Merck] is still questioned at times, as to whether or not it may cause adverse effects.  I notice in the Wikipedia page for that vaccine, that they make it a point to mention that it does not contain mercury - why does that matter?  ???  I thought concern about mercury being used as a suspending agent in vaccines was only a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory?  ::)

I'd say that Boogie has far greater concerns than COVID to worry about - although I suppose given his obesity, which is still probably classified as morbid obesity even now after his stomach stapling operation, given that he is still most likely 365-lb or more, so he probably is in an "At-Risk" group for dying of COVID.

I do find it unusual that it's difficult to find anything about any potential negative consequences of the COVID jab, even if you know exactly what to search for in an attempt to find answers on that.  So you can forgive me for still giving a HARD NO in response to whether or not I will personally get the jab any time soon.

I'll go and try to figure out what happened in this recent incident involving Boogie, but in the meantime [not knowing whether or not he is the villain here], I wish him the best in terms of his physical health progress since receiving his stomach surgery, and hope that he can both physically and mentally heal, and get to a point in overall health where he will be around for longer than age 55.  I can't help but think that life must be a bit of a drag when you spent so many years over 500-lb [and even 600-lb for a few of those years].  Greg Kovacs was over 300-lb for 27 years, and was over 400-lb between 1995 and 2005, aside from a few contests in that window where he dipped below 400-lb to compete.  That excess weight is definitely bad for the ticker, even though 400-lb of mostly muscle weight sustained by PED's is not the same as 500-lb or even 600-lb sustained by massive overeating and basically complete inactivity.

I always thought Boogie was a friendly fellow, and I know his divorce really took a toll on him, but he seemed to be recovering, even though his YouTube channel has not made it back to its former glory quite yet [although in fairness, YouTube has been a worse go for most "BIG" content creators since Trump was elected in 2016, and YouTube has been continually targeted for demonetization and censorship since that time.  :-\


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2021, 07:32:47 AM »
What i don't like is that Boogies wife left him for a nig

Really?  Is that so?  I heard that she was from Michigan, and was moving back there.  Could it just be a demographics thing?  Maybe she has a penchant for Big Black Cock?  I didn't realize that she had left Boogie for anyone in particular, although I had heard some rumours of an affair - nothing that I saw confirmed beyond a shadow of a doubt, so I didn't think much about it.

I suspect that dating someone over 500-lb has its share of challenges.  Although she did leave Boogie while he was just in the process of starting his recovery from his stomach stapling operation, which would have guaranteed him the 160-lb or more in sustained weight loss that he later achieved [a figure that I suspect could be much higher if he actually cared more to try harder to get his weight down].

Maybe Boogie was very gassy, making it impossible for his ex-wife to live with him?  ???  :-X :-\ :'(

I'm reminded of Donna Simpson, who had a knee-grow partner herself [Phillippe Gouamba - pictured in the last photo below] on her "weight gain journey", but separated in 2011:

Technically SFW - SAFE FOR WORK - pictures, but there's probably enough unholy content in this thread for it to require a "KWON SAVING" at this point.  ;D


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2021, 07:43:50 AM »


I can't really say anything in that montage video of Boogie's "normalcy" shows him doing all that much to make the most of his stomach stapling procedure.  Then again...why would a man who has been lazy all of his life suddenly start paying mind to his health through full dedication?

I also think it's true what they say - "Fat Don't Crack".  Boogie looked younger [IMO] when he was a lot fatter.  Now that he has lost weight due to the stomach surgery, his facial wrinkles are becoming more apparent.  Maybe that impacted his YouTube "brand" somewhat...but it's hard to say.  I think there are "Rise and Fall" videos online about Boogie which explain in great detail what happened.

His recent arrest is getting quite a bit of coverage by other YouTubers.

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2021, 03:06:42 PM »
Um....I dontlike boogie neither....has a better than thou complex and he's morbidly fat


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2021, 03:05:38 AM »
Um....I dontlike boogie neither....has a better than thou complex and he's morbidly fat

Vince - in addition to my posting the statement "Fat Don't Crack", I should also add that "Black Don't Crack" [!], as you have looked roughly the same age for the past 15 years now.  I can also point to others with African ancestry who Father Time seemed to forget about.  Dexter Jackson comes to mind - I wouldn't have noticed that Dexter was aging as he turned 35-40-45...even 50, when only the salt and pepper in his beard reminded me of his age.

Vince, do you really get an arrogant vibe from Boogie?  I always thought of him as a pretty neutral, peaceful guy, who was never one to make waves or cause drama.  However, I could be wrong about that, and I take your judgment very seriously on these matters.


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #11 on: May 18, 2021, 04:07:05 AM »
Better than thou-complex? From Boogie??

Nah, yer delusional Goodrum


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #12 on: May 18, 2021, 04:26:49 AM »

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #13 on: May 18, 2021, 08:03:20 AM »
Better than thou-complex? From Boogie??

Nah, yer delusional Goodrum

You seen his videos...its ever since he has been making money off his channel and scam endorsements.


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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2021, 08:11:50 AM »
More gym Hassle -



  • Getbig V
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Re: YouTube Influencer boogie2988 Arrested [Wed., 05-12-2021].
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2021, 04:23:51 PM »

A YouTube "influencer".

He's fat.

He was extremely fat, and then got stomach stapling surgery. He then lost about 160-lb.

He's still extremely fat.

He's probably the first person to show up in a YouTube search for "Fat YouTuber" or "Obese YouTuber".  ;D

PS - Who?