Author Topic: I love it! Vaccine anyone?  (Read 1329 times)


  • Getbig V
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I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« on: June 23, 2021, 12:32:15 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2021, 12:45:02 PM »
They can fight it and hope that the state's laws don't conflict.

Health care employers considering these mandates may be encouraged by a recent ruling in Texas. Last week, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit in which employees of Houston Methodist Hospital challenged the health care provider’s vaccine requirement. Ultimately, 153 people resigned or were fired over their refusal to get the vaccine, according to The Washington Post. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has also issued guidance saying it’s legal for employers to necessitate staff to get vaccinated in order to enter the workplace.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2021, 12:53:25 PM »
They can fight it and hope that the state's laws don't conflict.

Health care employers considering these mandates may be encouraged by a recent ruling in Texas. Last week, a federal judge dismissed a lawsuit in which employees of Houston Methodist Hospital challenged the health care provider’s vaccine requirement. Ultimately, 153 people resigned or were fired over their refusal to get the vaccine, according to The Washington Post. The federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has also issued guidance saying it’s legal for employers to necessitate staff to get vaccinated in order to enter the workplace.

Good luck to those Hospitals finding replacement staff.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2021, 01:01:51 PM »
They can fight it and hope that the state's laws don't conflict.

You ever deal with unions, lol? I have- while a supervisor at a GE facility. Laws mean jack shit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2021, 01:20:46 PM »
36,000 otherwise healthy people in the USA who were an average age of 84 have died of C19, so...vaccinate everyone?

The other 564,000 were also average age 84, but had 2-3 underlying comorbidities, and were already dying, so...vaccinate everything?

If any government agent in Canada forces this vaccine on me, that needle goes through their eye.

Dave D

  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2021, 01:32:55 PM »
36,000 otherwise healthy people in the USA has who were an average age of 84 have died of C19, so...vaccinate everyone?

The other 564,000 were also average age 84, but had 2-3 underlying comorbidities, and were already dying, so...vaccinate everything.

If any government agent in Canada forces this vaccine on me, that needle goes through their eye.

Matt where are you getting the information on the average age? An average age of 84 is very old and seems unlikely.


Thin Lizzy

  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2021, 01:49:52 PM »
Surprised at how much air time this  story was getting on CNBC.🤔 Can’t imagine this would do anything about vaccine hesitancy.

FDA to add warning about rare heart inflammation to Pfizer, Moderna vaccines | Reuters


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2021, 04:50:48 PM »

You ever deal with unions, lol? I have- while a supervisor at a GE facility. Laws mean jack shit.

Yes, from the Union side. I was Chapter President (shop steward to some) representing for over 1,000 employees for about 15 years total. I was also a union activist who lobbied at the state and federal level representing Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT). I was a Zone rep for OSEA for two terms of office. I've attended about 28 annual OSEA Conferences as a Conference Delegate.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2021, 04:56:38 PM »
Matt, will you use your special forces background to disarm the agent in dramatic fashion before rendering him blind?

Or could you perhaps knock him out like you did to that hapless cop who tried to arrest you?

Or what about asking your gang of autistic Hell's Angels to pin the agent to the floor while you inject him with the deadly concoction?

Or what about using your retard strength to lift him above your head before impaling him on the needle? There's many options for a man of your credentials.

Maybe beat him w/ the 6.45" parsh of peace?


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2021, 05:30:47 PM »
Matt where are you getting the information on the average age? An average age of 84 is very old and seems unlikely.


I have all the primary sources to verify that.  Bear with me, Dave - it's hard to dig up the most up to date information when there is the most universal and monopolistic mainstream media and Big Tech censorship campaign to bury this information, making nearly impossible to search for on Google - the search engine used by the largest share of the population.

Dr. Bret Weinstein [evolutionary biologist] said that it's hard to find studies on the COVID vaccine safety profile, even when you have experience searching the relevant medical and scientific databases - making it nigh on impossible for the average person to find this information.

Consider this - the trials for this vaccine on pregnant women are only STARTING now.  When was the last time a pharmaceutical was rolled out to millions, or even likely over a BILLION people by now, BEFORE EVEN COMMENCING STUDIES ON PREGNANT WOMEN?:

This may well be our generations Thalidomide.

Also, the keys stick on this laptop off and on, and sometimes the mouse just freezes, and I have to restart it.  I should have known when I bought it from my friend for $75 that I was NOT getting a laptop in "perfect working order".

Bear with me, Dave - I'll get you that age demographic mortality data.  Keep in mind that the 80+ average age of a Covid-19 death is in the WESTERN WORLD.  A dump like India CANNOT be used as a basis for comparison with any Western country, as it is simply not an apples to apples analogous comparison.

Hang on, and I'll get you those numbers.

And yeah - doesn't that show you just how much of a joke this "crisis" really was?  The average lifespan lost to a person who died of Covid-19 was 22 MONTHS, according to life insurance actuarial tables.  And given that 94% of Americans who died were both 84 years old AND had 2-3 separate underlying health conditions, chances are, they were in their FINAL year of life, even without COVID!

Now it's starting to make sense why we're living through a pandemic that not ONE SINGLE PERSON can actually see with their own eyes is even going on...


Out of curiosity, how many people do you know who were seriously ill due to COVID, or have died from it?  Don't answer if that question is too personal for you.  Although I suspect the answer is the same as mine - zero - so it should be fine for you to answer. ;D



  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2021, 07:20:35 PM »
Matt where are you getting the information on the average age? An average age of 84 is very old and seems unlikely.


This took me a while, so I hope you enjoy.  As promised:

Dave - skip to the bottom to the 18pt font bolded heading if you want the way I calculated the extremely high average age of death using currently available data.  The part before that analysis goes to show how much fraud and data manipulation has been used to psychologically terrorize people over an extremely low-lethality virus for 85% of the population.  Enjoy!  And have a good night, Dave.


Regarding the Canadian figures, a friend of mine who is a local firefighter posted an article that reported the average age of death of a Canadian dying of Covid-19 to be 82.5 years old.  I believe that article was published by the Toronto Star.  But as with everything about COVID that is not scaremongering or outright fear porn, it's very hard to dig that information up on Google, as it does not set out to psychologically terrorize people of average or above average health status who are not extremely elderly.

It is essential that the complete lying narrative that Covid-19 is killing healthy people of all ages be advanced, when all available data shows that the only people dying of the virus are:

[1] the extreme elderly [not even over 65 - but over *80*; people who are older than the average human lifespan],

[2] people with multiple underlying conditions [94% in the USA have 26 underlying conditions per 10 Covid-19 deaths, average 2.6 per person - or "2 to 3" as I say, because a person cannot have 0.6 of a health condition...unless diabetes counts as an underlying condition, but hypoglycemia counts as 0.6 of one?  But we have to call it "2 to 3", rather than 2.6, which is technically the overall average, but not possible for any individual to have],

[3] the immunocompromised [these people can die from all sorts of reasons, ranging from anaphalaxis for allergies that they don't even know they have, to dying of common colds - many of these unfortunate individuals are dead men and women walking during the best of times - which is the same for people over 80, as they have already lived beyond the average human lifespan], and

[4] extremely overweight or obese people, people addicted to drugs or alcohol, and other people in similar poor health status, due to poor lifestyle habits.

^ As you can see, these are all dead men and women walking, and that's why you can't tell me with a straight face you notice we're in a pandemic.  The most extremely vulnerable are dying WITH Covid-19, and without any other figures to compare those deaths too, while being reminded by corrupt news media on a DAILY BASIS, people are psychologically terrorized of something that none of whom are even seeing with their own eyes.

Combine that with PCR tests being used to test for COVID, which uses something called polymerase chain reaction [the title = PCR], to amplify very small molecules upwards of billions of times in size to make them readable to researchers, and were literally created by accident by Dr. Kari Mullis while he was researching a completely separate chemical process, and according to Dr. Mullis himself who unfortunately died in August of 2019, just prior to the Covid-19 pandemic starting, PCR tests are not intended to test for viruses for the reason explained above; they amplify the very small upwards of billions of times in size [dependent on something called a "cycle threshold", and how many are used for the test - and with enough cycle thresholds used to amplify COVID molecules over a billion times in size, it makes PCR tests at least *one thousand* times more sensitive than required to determine if a person is sick in a practical way [as opposed to simply having ONE Covid-19 molecule in their body, that effectively does NOTHING, and is destroyed by their immune system, possibly while the fraudulent "positive" COVID test is being recorded.

Now is it making sense why we're seeing so many "cases", but no one getting sick in any serious way, and even fewer people dying - almost none of whom are normal healthy people under 60?

Is the sickening nature of how all of these factors were manipulated by media sources and our political class that used the most intense pressure and coordinated series of censorship campaigning and reprimanding to strike down anyone who attempted to explain the extremely basic, and objectively verifiable information above that puts the real extremely low threat level of the Covid-19 pandemic into the correct perspective?


The Spanish Flu infected 33% of the entire world's population, and killed 5% of all human beings living at the time.

Covid-19 has thus far infected 2.25% of the world's population so far, and killed 0.05% of all human beings living since this pandemic started.

^^ And consider that those infected "cases" yielding the 2.25% figure is based on PCR tests routinely being used fraudulently by ramping up the cycle thresholds, making the test one thousand times as powerful as necessary to test for an actual virus in practical terms.  Having two Covid-19 molecules in your body is meaningless from a perspective of viral sickness, or ability to spread said [non] sickness to others.  These people are not sick.  These people cannot spread Covid-19 - they merely have two [or 200 - or 2,000] Covid-19 molecules in their body, soon to be destroyed by their immune system, before doing anything to them, let alone hurting anyone else.  Again, these cases are meaningless.

As for the rounded up figure of 0.05% of the world's population who have died of Covid-19 so far, with only 6% dying exclusively of Covid-19, that puts the actual death figure at under 0.003% of healthy people dying of Covid-19 since this scam-demic started.

Which means that 99.997% of HEALTHY PEOPLE who were alive at the start of this pandemic, are still alive now.

And even among the healthy people who died - the average age is over 80!

Now is it becoming COMPLETELY CLEAR how this entire pandemic - while actually real - comprises an incredibly low-lethality virus that produces an almost identical mortality outcome as a function of age, taking a STEEP geriatric curve if plotted on an XY-axis.

What that means stated in English rather than using mathematical concepts is this:

If you look at flu deaths by age group, they shoot up starting at age 65, and get steeper from there.  The flu is an extremely geriatric ailment, posing almost zero risk of death to anyone under the age of 65.  Covid-19 is an even MORE steeply geriatric virus, with 92.2% of all deaths over the age of 65, and 85.2% of all deaths being among people over the age of 70 [based on the Canadian data - the American data shows even OLDER average ages of death than of those in Canada, showing you just how extremely geriatric Covid-19 is; at least if the metric of interest being analyzed is mortality - death itself - as opposed to other things such as potential for myocarditis, or "brain fog", or whatever other vague "LONG COVID" symptoms are claimed anecdotally, showing virtually no representation in the scientific literature thus far.  In the case of Covid-19, it is really at age *80* that dying of COVID really becomes a thing - with 65% of Canadians deaths being among Canadians aged 80 or over - but when you consider that this is older than the average Canadian lifespan, there are not nearly as many people over the age of 80, and yet they comprise the largest share of deaths.  Here are the updated Canadian population figures, broken down by age group:

So if you do the math, you will find that a person over 80 is AT LEAST 1,000 times as likely to die of Covid-19 than a person under 40.  I calculated it to be 2,807x as more likely, but I'd have to get into a few qualifiers to explain how I arrived to that figure.

So is it not PATENTLY ABSURD to have made all people equally afraid of dying of COVID, when this is now proven NOT to be the case, not just as a reasonable assertion to make, but as an objectively verifiable CERTAINTY, based on ALL currently available mortality data?

I have never seen in my life such a coordinated and singularly focused campaign to exploit people's inability to interpret data, and to exploit the fact that the average person finds most mathematical concepts to be difficult, and who thus rely on experts to explain to them the truth of these results - real experts, cherry-picked by politicians and news organizations playing medicine, who themselves are inept at math, despite being experts in their fields - evidenced by the fact that all of their predictions have been shown to be wrong.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE.

The emperor truly has no clothes, Dave.


Here are the percentages of Canada's 25,996 deaths, broken down by age group, as per the information I referenced above, attached as a screenshot below.  I am putting the figures here in reverse order, just so you can get a sense of how geriatric the average age of a Covid-19 death is in Canada [with an even higher average age of death in the USA, and even higher still in Ireland, which I will have to get in tomorrow, to prove those ages to be correct].  But let's start with Canada's data, showing the percentages of deaths per age group, listing them from 80-89, all the way down to 0-19:

80-89 [65%]
70-79 [20.2%]
60-69 [9.3%]
50-59 [3.6%]
40-49 [1.2%]
30-39 [0.5%]
20-24 [0.2%]
0-19 [0.1%]

Now...since the breakdowns are given for 10-year age groups [aside from the youngest one, which gives the 20-year age group, 0-19], I will assume for the sake of this calculation that the deaths per 10-year age group are broken down with exactly as many deaths per year.  So for example, 65% of all Canadian COVID deaths are in the 80-89 age range, as shown above.  So I will assume for these calculations that those deaths are evenly spread as follows:

[1] Age 80: 6.5% of deaths.
[2] Age 81: 6.5% of deaths.
[3] Age 82: 6.5% of deaths.
[4] Age 83: 6.5% of deaths.
[5] Age 84: 6.5% of deaths.
[6] Age 85: 6.5% of deaths.
[7] Age 86: 6.5% of deaths.
[8] Age 87: 6.5% of deaths.
[9] Age 88: 6.5% of deaths.
[10] Age 89: 6.5% of deaths.

^ As you can see, all ten years assigned an equal 6.5% of total deaths adds up to the 65% death figure for the entire 80-89 age demographic.

For the record, this breakdown is actually unlikely; as we know from the decade on decade increase in percentages of COVID deaths, it - we can use a micro-projection to assume that there would be MORE people aged 81 dying of COVID than people aged 80; more people aged 82 dying of COVID than people aged 81, etc.

So in fact, the figures above would likely yield an average age of death even LOWER than the actual average, because it is reasonable to assume that each year within a 10-year age demographic group does NOT hold an equal percentage of deaths than older years.

But let's go with that anyway, since the specific data on that is not collected - at least not in Canada.  Breaking down the average age of a person in the 80-89 age group, we simply add up 80 + 81 + 82 + ... + 87 + 88 + 89, determine the sum, and divide that sum by 10.  If we do this for all age groups, we get the following ages, representing the average person aged 80-89, 70-79, all the way down to 0-19.  Here are those average ages [note: we can only do this since I'm assuming each year has an equal share of the deaths of the 10-year age group it is in, which is unlikely, because greater deaths tend to trend upward.  But since that data is not available, and I am actually calculating a CONSERVATIVE [low] average age of death by assuming each year has an equal percentage of deaths as just described, this works favourably in answering your question.

So we arrive at this data, showing the average age of a person in each 10-year age range, and the 20-year age range of 0-19:

84.5 [65%]
74.5 [20.2%]
64.5 [9.3%]
54.5 [3.6%]
44.5 [1.2%]
34.5 [0.5%]
24.5 [0.2%]
9.5 [0.1%]

Now it's a simple matter of multiplying each row together and adding them to all subsequent rows, also multipled together, as follows:

[84.5 x 0.65] + [74.5 x 0.202] + [64.5 x 0.093] + [54.5 x 0.036] + [44.5 x 0.012] + [34.5 x 0.005] + [24.5 x 0.002] + [9.5 x 0.001]

= 78.6995, average age of a Covid-19 death.

BUT, BUT, BUT...we're assuming that the breaking down the 65% of Covid-19 deaths for the ten years in the 80-89 age, that 6.5% of those who died were 80, and an equal 6.5% of those who died were 89.

But...given that Covid-19 mortality takes an INCREDIBLY steep geriatric curve with respect to you really think an 80-year-old is just as likely to die of COVID as an 89-year-old, or that a 60-year-old is just as likely to die of COVID as a 69-year-old?

Hence, as I said, my linear assumption of deaths by individual year produce a *conservative* average age of a Canadian death, of ~78.7.

In reality, it was reported as 82.5 in a major Canadian newspaper, but as I said above, it's hard to track that down [and I have to get to bed, lol], and I'm not sure where the deaths per individual one year age [60, 61, 62, 63, etc, as opposed to "60-69"] are listed - if they are listed anywhere publicly accessible to me.

So - there you have it, Dave...I can do a similar analysis for the high average age of an American death [84], and an Irish death [84.8] using publicly available statistics released in those countries as well.

Hopefully this made sense - and once again, I apologize for the long post...but in this case, I just had to thoroughly explain how data is being grossly manipulated to terrorize normal healthy people under the age of 60, who have a close to zero chance of dying of Covid-19.

I'll check back here tomorrow, and do those American and Irish analyses as promised.

Have a good night, Dave - and thanks for asking that question.  Great question!  I'm happy at least some people are asking the right questions. :)



  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2021, 07:23:28 PM »
Matt, will you use your special forces background to disarm the agent in dramatic fashion before rendering him blind?

Or could you perhaps knock him out like you did to that hapless cop who tried to arrest you?

Or what about asking your gang of autistic Hell's Angels to pin the agent to the floor while you inject him with the deadly concoction?

Or what about using your retard strength to lift him above your head before impaling him on the needle? There's many options for a man of your credentials.

I did train with the JTF-2 [Canada's Marines], and was deployed with them for the G8 Summit in Kananaskis in 2002.

But no.

This is what I would do:


Good night, all.  :)

Dave D

  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2021, 07:24:23 PM »
This took me a while, so I hope you enjoy.  As promised:

Dave - skip to the bottom to the 18pt font bolded heading if you want the way I calculated the extremely high average age of death using currently available data.  The part before that analysis goes to show how much fraud and data manipulation has been used to psychologically terrorize people over an extremely low-lethality virus for 85% of the population.  Enjoy!  And have a good night, Dave.


Regarding the Canadian figures, a friend of mine who is a local firefighter posted an article that reported the average age of death of a Canadian dying of Covid-19 to be 82.5 years old.  I believe that article was published by the Toronto Star.  But as with everything about COVID that is not scaremongering or outright fear porn, it's very hard to dig that information up on Google, as it does not set out to psychologically terrorize people of average or above average health status who are not extremely elderly.

It is essential that the complete lying narrative that Covid-19 is killing healthy people of all ages be advanced, when all available data shows that the only people dying of the virus are:

[1] the extreme elderly [not even over 65 - but over *80*; people who are older than the average human lifespan],
[2] people with multiple underlying conditions [94% in the USA have 26 underlying conditions per 10 Covid-19 deaths, average 2.6 per person - or "2 to 3" as I say, because a person cannot have 0.6 of a health condition...unless diabetes counts as an underlying condition, but hypoglycemia counts as 0.6 of one?  But we have to call it "2 to 3", rather than 2.6, which is technically the overall average, but not possible for any individual to have],
[3] the immunocompromised [these people can die from all sorts of reasons, ranging from anaphalaxis for allergies that they don't even know they have, to dying of common colds - many of these unfortunate individuals are dead men and women walking during the best of times - which is the same for people over 80, as they have already lived beyond the average human lifespan], and
[4] extremely overweight or obese people, people addicted to drugs or alcohol, and other people in similar poor health status, due to poor lifestyle habits.

^ As you can see, these are all dead men and women walking, and that's why you can't tell me with a straight face you notice we're in a pandemic.  The most extremely vulnerable are dying WITH Covid-19, and without any other figures to compare those deaths too, while being reminded by corrupt news media on a DAILY BASIS, people are psychologically terrorized of something that none of whom are even seeing with their own eyes.

Combine that with PCR tests being used to test for COVID, which uses something called polymerase chain reaction [the title = PCR], to amplify very small molecules upwards of billions of times in size to make them readable to researchers, and were literally created by accident by Dr. Kari Mullis while he was researching a completely separate chemical process, and according to Dr. Mullis himself who unfortunately died in August of 2019, just prior to the Covid-19 pandemic starting, PCR tests are not intended to test for viruses for the reason explained above; they amplify the very small upwards of billions of times in size [dependent on something called a "cycle threshold", and how many are used for the test - and with enough cycle thresholds used to amplify COVID molecules over a billion times in size, it makes PCR tests at least *one thousand* times more sensitive than required to determine if a person is sick in a practical way [as opposed to simply having ONE Covid-19 molecule in their body, that effectively does NOTHING, and is destroyed by their immune system, possibly while the fraudulent "positive" COVID test is being recorded.

Now is it making sense why we're seeing so many "cases", but no one getting sick in any serious way, and even fewer people dying - almost none of whom are normal healthy people under 60?

Is the sickening nature of how all of these factors were manipulated by media sources and our political class that used the most intense pressure and coordinated series of censorship campaigning and reprimanding to strike down anyone who attempted to explain the extremely basic, and objectively verifiable information above that puts the real extremely low threat level of the Covid-19 pandemic into the correct perspective?


The Spanish Flu infected 33% of the entire world's population, and killed 5% of all human beings living at the time.

Covid-19 has thus far infected 2.25% of the world's population so far, and killed 0.05% of all human beings living since this pandemic started.

^^ And consider that those infected "cases" yielding the 2.25% figure is based on PCR tests routinely being used fraudulently by ramping up the cycle thresholds, making the test one thousand times as powerful as necessary to test for an actual virus in practical terms.  Having two Covid-19 molecules in your body is meaningless from a perspective of viral sickness, or ability to spread said [non] sickness to others.  These people are not sick.  These people cannot spread Covid-19 - they merely have two [or 200 - or 2,000] Covid-19 molecules in their body, soon to be destroyed by their immune system, before doing anything to them, let alone hurting anyone else.  Again, these cases are meaningless.

As for the rounded up figure of 0.05% of the world's population who have died of Covid-19 so far, with only 6% dying exclusively of Covid-19, that puts the actual death figure at under 0.003% of healthy people dying of Covid-19 since this scam-demic started.

Which means that 99.997% of HEALTHY PEOPLE who were alive at the start of this pandemic, are still alive now.

And even among the healthy people who died - the average age is over 80!

Now is it becoming COMPLETELY CLEAR how this entire pandemic - while actually real - comprises an incredibly low-lethality virus that produces an almost identical mortality outcome as a function of age, taking a STEEP geriatric curve if plotted on an XY-axis.

What that means stated in English rather than using mathematical concepts is this:

If you look at flu deaths by age group, they shoot up starting at age 65, and get steeper from there.  The flu is an extremely geriatric ailment, posing almost zero risk of death to anyone under the age of 65.  Covid-19 is an even MORE steeply geriatric virus, with 92.2% of all deaths over the age of 65, and 85.2% of all deaths being among people over the age of 70 [based on the Canadian data - the American data shows even OLDER average ages of death than of those in Canada, showing you just how extremely geriatric Covid-19 is; at least if the metric of interest being analyzed is mortality - death itself - as opposed to other things such as potential for myocarditis, or "brain fog", or whatever other vague "LONG COVID" symptoms are claimed anecdotally, showing virtually no representation in the scientific literature thus far.  In the case of Covid-19, it is really at age *80* that dying of COVID really becomes a thing - with 65% of Canadians deaths being among Canadians aged 80 or over - but when you consider that this is older than the average Canadian lifespan, there are not nearly as many people over the age of 80, and yet they comprise the largest share of deaths.  Here are the updated Canadian population figures, broken down by age group:

So if you do the math, you will find that a person over 80 is AT LEAST 1,000 times as likely to die of Covid-19 than a person under 40.  I calculated it to be 2,807x as more likely, but I'd have to get into a few qualifiers to explain how I arrived to that figure.

So is it not PATENTLY ABSURD to have made all people equally afraid of dying of COVID, when this is now proven NOT to be the case, not just as a reasonable assertion to make, but as an objectively verifiable CERTAINTY, based on ALL currently available mortality data?

I have never seen in my life such a coordinated and singularly focused campaign to exploit people's inability to interpret data, and to exploit the fact that the average person finds most mathematical concepts to be difficult, and who thus rely on experts to explain to them the truth of these results - real experts, cherry-picked by politicians and news organizations playing medicine, who themselves are inept at math, despite being experts in their fields - evidenced by the fact that all of their predictions have been shown to be wrong.  EVERY.  SINGLE.  ONE.

The emperor truly has no clothes, Dave.


Here are the percentages of Canada's 25,996 deaths, broken down by age group, as per the information I referenced above, attached as a screenshot below.  I am putting the figures here in reverse order, just so you can get a sense of how geriatric the average age of a Covid-19 death is in Canada [with an even higher average age of death in the USA, and even higher still in Ireland, which I will have to get in tomorrow, to prove those ages to be correct].  But let's start with Canada's data, showing the percentages of deaths per age group, listing them from 80-89, all the way down to 0-19:

80-89 [65%]
70-79 [20.2%]
60-69 [9.3%]
50-59 [3.6%]
40-49 [1.2%]
30-39 [0.5%]
20-24 [0.2%]
0-19 [0.1%]

Now...since the breakdowns are given for 10-year age groups [aside from the youngest one, which gives the 20-year age group, 0-19], I will assume for the sake of this calculation that the deaths per 10-year age group are broken down with exactly as many deaths per year.  So for example, 65% of all Canadian COVID deaths are in the 80-89 age range, as shown above.  So I will assume for these calculations that those deaths are evenly spread as follows:

[1] Age 80: 6.5% of deaths.
[2] Age 81: 6.5% of deaths.
[3] Age 82: 6.5% of deaths.
[4] Age 83: 6.5% of deaths.
[5] Age 84: 6.5% of deaths.
[6] Age 85: 6.5% of deaths.
[7] Age 86: 6.5% of deaths.
[8] Age 87: 6.5% of deaths.
[9] Age 88: 6.5% of deaths.
[10] Age 89: 6.5% of deaths.

^ As you can see, all ten years assigned an equal 6.5% of total deaths adds up to the 65% death figure for the entire 80-89 age demographic.

For the record, this breakdown is actually unlikely; as we know from the decade on decade increase in percentages of COVID deaths, it - we can use a micro-projection to assume that there would be MORE people aged 81 dying of COVID than people aged 80; more people aged 82 dying of COVID than people aged 81, etc.

So in fact, the figures above would likely yield an average age of death even LOWER than the actual average, because it is reasonable to assume that each year within a 10-year age demographic group does NOT hold an equal percentage of deaths than older years.

But let's go with that anyway, since the specific data on that is not collected - at least not in Canada.  Breaking down the average age of a person in the 80-89 age group, we simply add up 80 + 81 + 82 + ... + 87 + 88 + 89, determine the sum, and divide that sum by 10.  If we do this for all age groups, we get the following ages, representing the average person aged 80-89, 70-79, all the way down to 0-19.  Here are those average ages [note: we can only do this since I'm assuming each year has an equal share of the deaths of the 10-year age group it is in, which is unlikely, because greater deaths tend to trend upward.  But since that data is not available, and I am actually calculating a CONSERVATIVE [low] average age of death by assuming each year has an equal percentage of deaths as just described, this works favourably in answering your question.

So we arrive at this data, showing the average age of a person in each 10-year age range, and the 20-year age range of 0-19:

84.5 [65%]
74.5 [20.2%]
64.5 [9.3%]
54.5 [3.6%]
44.5 [1.2%]
34.5 [0.5%]
24.5 [0.2%]
9.5 [0.1%]

Now it's a simple matter of multiplying each row together and adding them to all subsequent rows, also multipled together, as follows:

[84.5 x 0.65] + [74.5 x 0.202] + [64.5 x 0.093] + [54.5 x 0.036] + [44.5 x 0.012] + [34.5 x 0.005] + [24.5 x 0.002] + [9.5 x 0.001]

= 78.6995, average age of a Covid-19 death.

BUT, BUT, BUT...we're assuming that the breaking down the 65% of Covid-19 deaths for the ten years in the 80-89 age, that 6.5% of those who died were 80, and an equal 6.5% of those who died were 89.

But...given that Covid-19 mortality takes an INCREDIBLY steep geriatric curve with respect to you really think an 80-year-old is just as likely to die of COVID as an 89-year-old, or that a 60-year-old is just as likely to die of COVID as a 69-year-old?

Hence, as I said, my linear assumption of deaths by individual year produce a *conservative* average age of a Canadian death, of ~78.7.

In reality, it was reported as 82.5 in a major Canadian newspaper, but as I said above, it's hard to track that down [and I have to get to bed, lol], and I'm not sure where the deaths per individual one year age [60, 61, 62, 63, etc, as opposed to "60-69"] are listed - if they are listed anywhere publicly accessible to me.

So - there you have it, Dave...I can do a similar analysis for the high average age of an American death [84], and an Irish death [84.8] using publicly available statistics released in those countries as well.

Hopefully this made sense - and once again, I apologize for the long post...but in this case, I just had to thoroughly explain how data is being grossly manipulated to terrorize normal healthy people under the age of 60, who have a close to zero chance of dying of Covid-19.

I'll check back here tomorrow, and do those American and Irish analyses as promised.

Have a good night, Dave - and thanks for asking that question.  Great question!  I'm happy at least some people are asking the right questions. :)


Thanks Matt!


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2021, 07:30:49 PM »
Thanks Matt!

The non-autistic answer, merely multiplying the average age of a person in each 10-year age range by the percentage of deaths in each group, assuming those deaths are spread out equally in each age group [so for the 65% of deaths, we assume that breaks down to: 6.5% died at age 80, 6.5% died at age 81, 6.5% died at age 82, etc]:

[84.5 x 0.65] + [74.5 x 0.202] + [64.5 x 0.093] + [54.5 x 0.036] + [44.5 x 0.012] + [34.5 x 0.005] + [24.5 x 0.002] + [9.5 x 0.001]

= 78.6995, average age of a Covid-19 death.


[note that the average age of a Canadian death is 82.5, because it is NOT reasonable to assume the same number of 80-year-olds would die as 89-year-olds who die, or the same number of 60-year-olds who die as 69-year-olds who died].

But yeah - just multiply it out like that, and you see just how old the average Canadian dying of COVID is.

And it's even older among Americans.


Goodnight, Dave [for real this time.  ;D]

Goodnight, Getbig!

Dave D

  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2021, 08:35:25 PM »
I have all the primary sources to verify that.  Bear with me, Dave - it's hard to dig up the most up to date information when there is the most universal and monopolistic mainstream media and Big Tech censorship campaign to bury this information, making nearly impossible to search for on Google - the search engine used by the largest share of the population.

Dr. Bret Weinstein [evolutionary biologist] said that it's hard to find studies on the COVID vaccine safety profile, even when you have experience searching the relevant medical and scientific databases - making it nigh on impossible for the average person to find this information.

Consider this - the trials for this vaccine on pregnant women are only STARTING now.  When was the last time a pharmaceutical was rolled out to millions, or even likely over a BILLION people by now, BEFORE EVEN COMMENCING STUDIES ON PREGNANT WOMEN?:

This may well be our generations Thalidomide.

Also, the keys stick on this laptop off and on, and sometimes the mouse just freezes, and I have to restart it.  I should have known when I bought it from my friend for $75 that I was NOT getting a laptop in "perfect working order".

Bear with me, Dave - I'll get you that age demographic mortality data.  Keep in mind that the 80+ average age of a Covid-19 death is in the WESTERN WORLD.  A dump like India CANNOT be used as a basis for comparison with any Western country, as it is simply not an apples to apples analogous comparison.

Hang on, and I'll get you those numbers.

And yeah - doesn't that show you just how much of a joke this "crisis" really was?  The average lifespan lost to a person who died of Covid-19 was 22 MONTHS, according to life insurance actuarial tables.  And given that 94% of Americans who died were both 84 years old AND had 2-3 separate underlying health conditions, chances are, they were in their FINAL year of life, even without COVID!

Now it's starting to make sense why we're living through a pandemic that not ONE SINGLE PERSON can actually see with their own eyes is even going on...


Out of curiosity, how many people do you know who were seriously ill due to COVID, or have died from it?  Don't answer if that question is too personal for you.  Although I suspect the answer is the same as mine - zero - so it should be fine for you to answer. ;D


Thanks for the response Matt, I know one person 39 year old obese man who was on life support due to covid, I honestly don't know if he died. I will check his go find page and see If there was an update. That said I've known several people who were infected and it was split between bad (not necessarily hospitalization) and no symptoms.

But I was more in the average age of death. As I've said 84 as an average is high, there cant be many people under 40 on the list and I cant believe there are many people over 85 on the list when you consider the average life expectancy is 78. That is a very specific age group.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2021, 09:13:21 PM »
There must be so many different versions they give people. Who knows what the hell are s in there.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2021, 11:03:43 PM »
More words is not better Matt than being concise. You go on an on with your nonsense for pages and pages ad nauseam and you are convincing anyone that you have any idea about what the heck you were grousing about. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #17 on: June 23, 2021, 11:07:22 PM »
There must be so many different versions they give people. Who knows what the hell are s in there.

You are absolutely right because the 'they' you speak about are any number of people with different takes on the same subject, each with a slightly different version. All anyone can do is try to figure out which of those is the most logical.

Walter Sobchak

  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #18 on: June 23, 2021, 11:11:33 PM »
More words is not better Matt than being concise. You go on an on with your nonsense for pages and pages ad nauseam and you are convincing anyone that you have any idea about what the heck you were grousing about.

Zero words is the only tolerable number for all of your retarded posts.


  • Getbig V
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Re: I love it! Vaccine anyone?
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2021, 01:21:21 AM »
Yes, from the Union side. I was Chapter President (shop steward to some) representing for over 1,000 employees for about 15 years total. I was also a union activist who lobbied at the state and federal level representing Oregon School Employees Association (OSEA) and American Federation of Teachers (AFT). I was a Zone rep for OSEA for two terms of office. I've attended about 28 annual OSEA Conferences as a Conference Delegate.

Figures, usually whiny libturdz hold positions like that.

Oregon  ::)