Author Topic: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.  (Read 757 times)


  • Getbig V
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World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« on: January 17, 2022, 12:29:28 AM »
Leave it to Canadian news to make so many assumptions about this case. Here is a better video questioning some of the things that Canada's national broadcaster failed to:


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2022, 12:33:40 AM »
I'd love to see that study stating that myocarditis from Covid is 8x more common than myocarditis from the vaccine.

Let me take a wild guess...all the people getting myocarditis from Covid all weigh 320-lb or more?  ::) Meanwhile, the vaccines don't appear to discriminate at all over who may get myocarditis from them.

In fact, young males are getting them at the highest rates from what I can tell - the theory being that since they aren't aspirating the needle before injecting the vaccine, that they are injecting into blood vessels every so many vaccine administrations. As for why that is causing more myocarditis in young males, the theory there is that young males have blood vessels which, on average, have a wider surface area, due to age/youth.

Correct me if I explained any of that wrong.


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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2022, 12:37:49 AM »
Before the fucboi shots, just check on stats for Myocarditis especially in young males.  I mean it's not that hard.  The problem is, before the fucboi shots, they are primarily reporting "covid storms" in the lungs.  Show me where there was more carditis vs storm cases due to covid before pre-fucboi shots.  the initial wave of deaths was from carditis. Fucking narrative changes weekly especially when it exposes the side effects of the experimental shots.  What's next?  The body's helper cells (made that one up like the bullshit on the news) are transporting the localized spiked cells to organs causing autonomic responses?   End of this bullshit.


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2022, 12:54:56 AM »
Before the fucboi shots, just check on stats for Myocarditis especially in young males.  I mean it's not that hard.  The problem is, before the fucboi shots, they are primarily reporting "covid storms" in the lungs.  Show me where there was more carditis vs storm cases due to covid before pre-fucboi shots.  the initial wave of deaths was from carditis. Fucking narrative changes weekly especially when it exposes the side effects of the experimental shots.  What's next?  The body's helper cells (made that one up like the bullshit on the news) are transporting the localized spiked cells to organs causing autonomic responses?   End of this bullshit.

That's exactly what seems to be happening - they are blaming the emerging vaccine side effects on the virus, WHEN NONE OF THESE SIDE EFFECTS HAPPENED BEFORE THE VACCINES.

And they are hoping we are too stupid to connect the dots - and they are desperately trying to get rid of the control group - because those who are unvaccinated aren't getting any of these issues.

I also suspect "Long Covid" is complete doggie doo doo as well. Just another way to sweep fuckboi vaccine side effects under the mat.

The thing about Covid is: it has no risk of killing you unless you are a fat dinosaur with one foot in the grave already. Meanwhile, the average age of a vaccine injury is 32.  ::)

Covid, as a pathogen and risk vector for all of us, VERY HIGHLY DISCRIMINATES. By age. By severe obesity. And my health status.

The vaccines don't discriminate.

In fact - if anything, what evidence currently exists, shows these vaccines pose unique risks PRECISELY TO YOUNGER PEOPLE.

Why on earth would I get a fuckboi vaccine for a virus that I have less than a 1 in 10,000 chance of dying from - which I already purposely got, and recovered from, AND still have natural antibodies for - that has a higher chance or giving me SOME kind of vaccine adverse event or injury, whose pharmaceutical makers are not legally liable to pay me in the event that happens??

There is NO EVIDENCE I will be injured by Covid, especially given it only amounted to 20 days in bed for me [six bad days, then prolonged sniffles].

But THE SECOND that I take that fuckboi vaccine - I am AUTOMATICALLY putting myself in that 1 in 10,000 chance for an adverse reaction. And generally I'd say - those are great odds! And at least Big Pharma will pay me if I'm one of the more rare victims of a more extreme adverse event.


So WHY THE **** would I get a fuckboi vaccine that has a GUARANTEED 0.01% of causing me a negative side effect for a virus that, at least at this point, most likely has a ZERO PERCENT chance of harming me???



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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2022, 01:19:54 AM »

Sorry for that extended ramble. These fuckboi vaccines hit a sore spot with me.

On CBC, they even had a video of Louisiana hospitals that really put me in a foul mood...

Our Canadian state sponsored news outlet did a tour of Louisiana hospitals, and basically tried to portray the good people of Louisiana like this:

"Huk, huk...I wash mahself with a rag on a stick here in good 'ole Loosiana...I didn't get mahself that fuckboi vaccine cuz mah sister told me it sticks to yer body like a magnet, and I didn't want magnets stucking to me for our weddin comin up in four weeks. We gunna have ourselves a big crawfish boil for the weddin and drink that moonshine I've been working on in my garage what's almost ready ter drink now.

But then, here I am in the hospital wit that there Coverd...all cuz I didn't get that fuckboi vaccine like King Fauci told us too.

So mah message to all y'all Canadians is this here:

"Get yer fuckboi vaccines, or else you gunna be holed up in here with tubes in yer nose like me, and yer sister's gunna be so mad when you tell you have to reschedule yer guyses weddin."

...ALL them yummy crawfish and that there lovely Loosiana moonshine to wash them critters down at the cookout. Yummm! Yessah, dear Canadian Eskimo peoples - maybes y'all think living in yer igloos protects y'all from that there Coverd...but let me tell you:

It don't.

You best be running off to that there needle clinic to get yer fuckboi vaccines now! Talk to y'all later!"


Literally to imply that all Louisianans and other Southerners are backwards hicks, too stupid or otherwise incapable of making intelligent medical choices.

These messages are purposely supremacist in origin: they are intended to make Canadians feel that only some dumb Southern inbred hick wouldn't get a fuckboi Covid vaccine...and you wouldn't want to be like THAT would you...?

What really grinds my balls is the irony of that: so these holier than thou Canadians [and in fairness, some Northern Americans think like this too] don't realize that by stereotyping Southerners as being unintelligent, or bigoted, it is THE CANADIANS HOLDING THESE ATTITUDES who are guilty of exactly what they are projecting onto The Deep South.

I was so ****ing annoyed when they showed the videos from Louisiana hospitals, all to make the good folks of Louisiana look like hicks and hillbillies. As if Canada is in any position to talk.  ::)

Don't expect the CBC to show a nuanced and articulate video about vaccine injuries like the one below, any time soon:

^ 2.3M views. Nice!


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2022, 01:29:38 AM »
Here in Portugal we have one of the highest rates of vaccination in the world, 88% or so. Group imunity has been reached by 70% i believe.
Still, there is a frenzy from the media to allienate the few ones who hadn't take the vaccine, and news ad nauseum repeting that the only ones in intensive care today are unvaccinated.
Even common people give you the eye if you tell them you are not vaccinated, regardless if you have auto imune diseases and your doctor told you not to take the vaccine.
There are already several treatment options, cheap, and more efective than the praised vaccine.


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2022, 01:56:54 AM »
461 and counting...


Great link. Thank you for posting that, Ssxa. I'll be sharing it as much as I can.


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2022, 02:03:04 AM »
the braindead do not see what is going on, they just say "yes sir may i have another" (jab)
then they want others to comply to their braindead way of non-thinking.
and they listen to cnn and other fake-news channels (fox too but not as bad)
oak takes a drink of water and spurts water everywhere from his tons of holes in his body
when his heart blows up he may change his mind (might take a few years for many)


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2022, 02:20:08 AM »

Sorry for that extended ramble. These fuckboi vaccines hit a sore spot with me.

On CBC, they even had a video of Louisiana hospitals that really put me in a foul mood...

Our Canadian state sponsored news outlet did a tour of Louisiana hospitals, and basically tried to portray the good people of Louisiana like this:

"Huk, huk...I wash mahself with a rag on a stick here in good 'ole Loosiana...I didn't get mahself that fuckboi vaccine cuz mah sister told me it sticks to yer body like a magnet, and I didn't want magnets stucking to me for our weddin comin up in four weeks. We gunna have ourselves a big crawfish boil for the weddin and drink that moonshine I've been working on in my garage what's almost ready ter drink now.

But then, here I am in the hospital wit that there Coverd...all cuz I didn't get that fuckboi vaccine like King Fauci told us too.

So mah message to all y'all Canadians is this here:

"Get yer fuckboi vaccines, or else you gunna be holed up in here with tubes in yer nose like me, and yer sister's gunna be so mad when you tell you have to reschedule yer guyses weddin."

...ALL them yummy crawfish and that there lovely Loosiana moonshine to wash them critters down at the cookout. Yummm! Yessah, dear Canadian Eskimo peoples - maybes y'all think living in yer igloos protects y'all from that there Coverd...but let me tell you:

It don't.

You best be running off to that there needle clinic to get yer fuckboi vaccines now! Talk to y'all later!"


Literally to imply that all Louisianans and other Southerners are backwards hicks, too stupid or otherwise incapable of making intelligent medical choices.

These messages are purposely supremacist in origin: they are intended to make Canadians feel that only some dumb Southern inbred hick wouldn't get a fuckboi Covid vaccine...and you wouldn't want to be like THAT would you...?

What really grinds my balls is the irony of that: so these holier than thou Canadians [and in fairness, some Northern Americans think like this too] don't realize that by stereotyping Southerners as being unintelligent, or bigoted, it is THE CANADIANS HOLDING THESE ATTITUDES who are guilty of exactly what they are projecting onto The Deep South.

I was so ****ing annoyed when they showed the videos from Louisiana hospitals, all to make the good folks of Louisiana look like hicks and hillbillies. As if Canada is in any position to talk.  ::)

Don't expect the CBC to show a nuanced and articulate video about vaccine injuries like the one below, any time soon:

^ 2.3M views. Nice!

I remember watching Dr.Campbell's videos in the beginning of the plandemic and I think he had around 600k subs back then. He's over 2 mio now - the reason why he probably doesn't want to adress the elephant in the room. Or maybe the dude is just naive and can't even imagine his peers would actually be a part of this global criminal activity. He does come across as a good guy but who knows


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2022, 02:34:01 AM »
Here in Portugal we have one of the highest rates of vaccination in the world, 88% or so. Group imunity has been reached by 70% i believe.
Still, there is a frenzy from the media to allienate the few ones who hadn't take the vaccine, and news ad nauseum repeting that the only ones in intensive care today are unvaccinated.
Even common people give you the eye if you tell them you are not vaccinated, regardless if you have auto imune diseases and your doctor told you not to take the vaccine.
There are already several treatment options, cheap, and more efective than the praised vaccine.

That's so irritating that people would treat others like that over a virus that over 99.99% of Canadians under age 65 have thus far survived [only 3,072 Canadians under 65 have died - out of over 31 MILLION in that age range! Can you believe that?].

Your post got me thinking...

As some here on Getbig know, I rarely use steroids, just because I find I always end up back at my natural body weight anyway after enough time passes [give it three years without hormones, and not one IFBB pro bodybuilder in normal clothes will look like he ever touched a weight in his life].

So I've always just sort of accepted that, and was fine with my physique anyway [and, no matter what anyone thinks about size - the bottom line is, it's healthier to have a BMI in the optimal range than to be vastly heavier, even if that disparity in body weight is chiefly muscle].

But I think now might be a good time to run an actual real cycle, for the first time for me since 2006.

Once the weather gets warmer, I'll be able to wear tank tops, and one thing I noticed about being unmasked at stores in a tank top us that NO ONE had the balls to confront me over not wearing a mask.

It happened ONCE last July at a retail store, and I shut that bitch down so fast, it wasn't even funny.

This has gone on way too long. People need to start pushing back. Masks are intended to be nothing more than a visual reminder of a pandemic that NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON HERE would have even noticed if NOT for the masks, and the 24/7/365 news coverage for the past [almost] two years now.

I'm extremely cooperative to any person politely telling me to wear a mask. If the reason is that they are going to get in trouble at work, and they are polite about it, I'll offer to go outside and wait.

But the SECOND that I get the least bit of attitude from ANY rude person STILL scared of a virus they have more than a 99.9% chance of surviving, I immediately show them my police letter that explicitly states I don't have to wear a mask.

The police showed up when I wasn't wearing a mask, and I am currently in the process of charging them. I gave them a FULL YEAR to deal with the matter in-house, and they didn't. They even claimed to have lost the paperwork of when they showed up to a chain bookstore I was at, when the manager called 9-1-1 on me for not wearing a mask.  ::)

The police messed up badly, and any motivation I had to wear a mask "for the greater good" [there have been over 47 major studies on masking so far, and NO evidence proving they help] completely disappeared because of the intimidation used against me to attempt to get me to wear a mask.

Someone calling 9-1-1 on me for not wearing a mask?  ::) Seriously??


Yet the police are illegally enforcing people to wear masks here.

That's why at this point - being SO OVER ALL OF THIS SHIT - now might be the time to juice up to 200-lb. And it's not like I'd be exactly fat at 200, if I use juice to get me there.

And then I CAN'T WAIT for some skinny little bitch retail bookstore manager to attempt to get me to wear a mask.

LOL...I've literally worn a mask twice this entire hyped pandemic!

I know some of you have or were FORCED to wear masks at work. I get that...I respect that.



Yeah, mask wearers are geniuses.  ::) Impeding their breathing, while doing NOTHING that helps ANYONE.

Here's a crazy idea:

If you're sick, STAY HOME.

Or if you just go out while sick, a mask offers MINIMAL source control if worn properly - but PLEASE get a proper fitted N-95 mask by 3M. The flimsy fabric masks are almost completely useless.

But let me remind you:

If you are not sick, it is ALWAYS useless to wear a mask. The only thing you are doing is impeding your breathing for NO benefit to anyone else.

Mask wearers are geniuses.

I didn't want to have to have the police charged over this, but I gave them adequate warning, so they gave me no choice. Mask exemptions are codified in law here in Canada, and the police don't get to change that.

At first, I even told them I didn't want to press charges, but just get written documentation from them assuring my mask exemption would be respected at all times.

They dodged me for 6.5 months, and told me they had no record of accosting me at the INDIGO store I was at where the store manager called 9-1-1 on me for not wearing a mask.  ::)

I want everyone to know:


And the police AND government know this. The SECOND that I told the police I will defend myself if they attempt to enforce a mask on me, they backed down.

The ONLY thing which is going to get us out of this is united non-compliance. IMO, only 20-30% of people are scared of this hyped pandemic. WHY ARE WE LETTING THEM DICTATE POLICY ON US??

If everyone who doesn't want to wear a mask, or doesn't want to follow the insane rules [lockdowns and curfews STILL happening in Canada] just STOPPED TOMORROW, this would all end.

This is some serious Emperor Has No Clothes level of mass hysteria.

And I KNOW it isn't easy being the one person to not wear a mask in a room, or to otherwise stand up - but that's what it takes to get more individuals to start doing it, to get this entire House of Cards to come crashing down.

With me, I always find I need a MAJOR rationalization to use steroids. But you know what - this IS as good a time as ever to run a cycle.

I literally CANNOT WAIT for another POS store manager to try to get me to wear a mask, or for the police to show up. If any cop lays a hand on me over this, that will become a physical confrontation instantly. Zero chance I'll put up with it again.

We're letting 20-30% of the population bully us into being scared of a pandemic that isn't scary. I have ZERO guilt bullying them in response to THEIR initiation of hostility.

Who the FUCK calls 9-1-1 on someone for not wearing a mask?  ::) What a stupid bitch.


  • Getbig V
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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2022, 02:42:45 AM »
^ Ignore that post, unless interested in the story of someone CALLING 9-1-1 ON ME FOR NOT WEARING A MASK. And how I'm considering steroids to deal with these bullying assholes this summer.

the braindead do not see what is going on, they just say "yes sir may i have another" (jab)
then they want others to comply to their braindead way of non-thinking.
and they listen to cnn and other fake-news channels (fox too but not as bad)
oak takes a drink of water and spurts water everywhere from his tons of holes in his body
when his heart blows up he may change his mind (might take a few years for many)

That's a great point - they want as many people as possible to do as they do, so they can feel right about their decision to be jabbed.

I'm trying to think of the thought process of a woman who would call 9-1-1 on someone for not wearing a mask [although ultimately the police are at fault - it is illegal for them to respond to mask calls, and doing so shows how illegal the Canadian government has been].

Was the bitch capitalizing on an opportunity to be a bully? If so, the joke's on her now that I'm suing INDIGO over it.

Was the bitch SO SCARED of someone breathing air, that she felt the need to summon two men with guns to protect her?  ::) it possible that the bitch just wants OTHERS TO COMPLY WITH HER BRAIN-DEAD WAY OF NON-THINKING [the phenomenon that Gym-Rat masterfully described in his post above]?

I guess we can't know, unless an individual tells us their rationale. But it's safe to say: all of the above is currently [STILL - somehow] going on...this is literally global mass psychosis.


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Re: World Cup Player Alphonso Davies Sidelined with Myocarditis.
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2022, 03:00:48 AM »
I remember watching Dr.Campbell's videos in the beginning of the plandemic and I think he had around 600k subs back then. He's over 2 mio now - the reason why he probably doesn't want to adress the elephant in the room. Or maybe the dude is just naive and can't even imagine his peers would actually be a part of this global criminal activity. He does come across as a good guy but who knows

I felt that Dr. Campbell had an intellectual transformation since earlier in the hyped pandemic, where he went from being pro-vaccine, to someone raising awareness on vaccine injured people, using one of the biggest audiences currently dedicated to that purpose.

Which elephant in the room are you referring to? Since there is more than one, I'm just wondering which one you're referring to.

Do you mean the entire global medical community acting as effectively a criminal conspiracy?