Author Topic: Russia has penetrated Ukraine  (Read 379885 times)


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #925 on: March 12, 2022, 03:49:28 PM »

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #926 on: March 12, 2022, 04:25:37 PM »
The state must be made to lose the means to finance their war effort, to be economically strangled and starved of funds.

Why waste bullets and the lives of one's own soldiers when they can be starved out?

Oh, "military expert" is talking !.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #927 on: March 12, 2022, 04:34:14 PM »
Is Russia being attacked on their own land at the moment?

Silly old man, Operation Ukraine started because of Russian people oppression in Donbass & Luhansk, Russian language was banned !.

In 2000 Ukranian population was 49 millions, in 2020 around 42 mill. , millions of Russians left from Ukraine since 2000 ...........

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #928 on: March 12, 2022, 04:37:35 PM »
There are a lot of countries within both NATO and the European Union. I think this situation needs to be deescalated as soon as possible or else a possible WW3 scenario could ensue. The USA has already declared war on Russia by way of trying to destroy their economy and the value of their ruble. The attempt to essentially starve the Russian people from access to foreign trade and aid is not cool. There are over 145 million people living in Russia. Only a small contingency are oligarchs and political players. No need to make ALL Russian people suffers for the decisions of a few.

Aside from NATO & EU members, what I also see is that Russia has allies in the form of China, North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, UAE and numerous other middle eastern countries. How hard would it be for Japan to side with Russia if things really got dicey? They are still the only country that has ever been attacked with nuclear weapons (by the USA) on 2 separate occasions within Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also, it isn't farfetched to imagine that South America has many countries that will turn on the USA given the suppressive nature that the US has taken against many of them. What about Africa? I doubt they are in love with the USA.

I think this shit needs to end.


Turkey is not boycotting Russia  ;D

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #929 on: March 12, 2022, 04:40:29 PM »


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #930 on: March 12, 2022, 04:45:03 PM »
There’s really been no change to the oil supply as a result of the war. Russia’s biggest customers are still buying it and Russia is still pumping it out.

The problem is that Central Banks can print money but not oil.

Russia adds 5M barrels per day, let’s call it 5% for simplicity sake.

Russia has ships loaded with oil which are abandoned at sea as they can’t get insurance nor do captains and crew want to be on vessels during wartime. I’m hearing they can’t get oil out of Russia right now because of this problem.

Now, I understand the shell purchase that people went apeshit over was from someone else that had already bought from the Russian’s, it wasn’t a direct shipment/sale but via a 3rd party who already had it.

In addition the oil companies who maintain the oil equipment have or are pulling out of Russia because it’s all lost in their eyes. Nobody in Russia can run the gear because it was all done from outside.

Russia has 80M barrels storage (I’ll have to clarify that) which gives them limited storage capacity until they have to turn off the drills which will be the result if they can’t logistically get the oil out of Russia. Once they shut down production there is nobody to turn it back on and it might be a 20y-30y wait to get it going again.

Hence we haven’t seen any sanctions on oil because there is no need ie the war has seen their economy and business collapse and if forced to shutdown oil they will only be left with gas as energy export income……

I tend to believe this take. I think this is all WAY worse than we are lead to believe and the US are trying to blast Russia back to the Stone Age.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #931 on: March 12, 2022, 05:02:33 PM »

Only new paperwork is needed to sell this 'now Nigerian' oil  ;)


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #932 on: March 12, 2022, 05:42:02 PM »
As much as scumbags like Straw and ChOak and their Leftist buddies bitch about Putin (who is scum too), they'd do the same damn thing as hum because they are totalitarians.  No free speech, take your kids, put people in camps or jail for disobeying.  They're all little Putins so there a huge irony to all of this.

First of all, why am I a scumbag? Because I'm vaccinated? Why do you care? Sounds like you're the totalitarian!

Secondly, if you had ANY knowledge of the Ukraine or the war you'd know that my city has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine. So yes, I am Ukrainian and so are most of my family and friends. To suggest that a Ukrainian is "Putin" is deplorable and beyond stupid.



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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #933 on: March 12, 2022, 06:13:34 PM »
We all need to be more like Thomas Krause, that is to say pretend that getting ripped off is meaningful.

Wait....what?  How are people this retarded?  Maybe 81 million people really did vote for Biden ???

Thin Lizzy

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #934 on: March 12, 2022, 06:18:24 PM »
First of all, why am I a scumbag? Because I'm vaccinated? Why do you care? Sounds like you're the totalitarian!

Secondly, if you had ANY knowledge of the Ukraine or the war you'd know that my city has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine. So yes, I am Ukrainian and so are most of my family and friends. To suggest that a Ukrainian is "Putin" is deplorable and beyond stupid.


Are you really Vaccinated? According to the CDC the initial Vax is good for about six months, the booster 4. So, all of the people who were vaxxed and boosted early are now unvaxxed.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #935 on: March 12, 2022, 06:21:44 PM »

I keep telling friends that these exponential increases to the price of gasoline and oil have very little to do with Russia. It's ALL due to inflation. Russia is a small piece of the oil supply pie when it comes to the USA.

In a matter of a few weeks, the cost for average gas has gone up by close to $2. Inflation continues to rise at a quick rate, we just passed a $1.5 Trillion dollar spending bill (more inflation) and Jerome Powell has just said that he looks to push back rate hikes (more inflation).

This thing will continue to get worse and I wouldn't be surprised if by this summer (August) inflation gets to around 10-11%.


Heard it was up for consideration the other day.  Never thought it would pass.  Rep. MTG had a vid posted on Forbes talking about it.  Dems met secretly after midnight, and Repubs were expected to vote on it the next morning even though no one outside of that small committee (even other Dems not on the committee) ever saw it.   It's over 2,700 fucking pages according to her.  Our Gov't is a really shady and fucked up thing,  So broken!


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #936 on: March 12, 2022, 06:22:18 PM »

The Scott

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #937 on: March 12, 2022, 06:23:30 PM »
First of all, why am I a scumbag? Because I'm vaccinated? Why do you care? Sounds like you're the totalitarian!

Secondly, if you had ANY knowledge of the Ukraine or the war you'd know that my city has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine. So yes, I am Ukrainian and so are most of my family and friends. To suggest that a Ukrainian is "Putin" is deplorable and beyond stupid.


You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ay past "scumbag".   You are a twatling.  A fool.  A bag o' douche.  A cuntlette.  A cuckold libtardian.  Here's to you being tarred and feathered and sent to Lethbridge or Red Deer for the winter.    Go fuck a dead rooster, you seriously moronic bag of shredded mouse testicles.  I look forward to your brief obit.

"He was a dumbfuck canuck cuntlette who died alone with his gerbil and his sock puppet.  The End".


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #938 on: March 12, 2022, 06:32:58 PM »
Ukrainian Refugees Are Hitting a Wall at the US-Mexico Border

The ripple effect from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has reached the United States border, with the first trickle of people displaced by the conflict starting to arrive in Tijuana, Mexico, hoping to cross into the U.S. to seek protection.

The arrival of Ukrainian and Russian asylum-seekers — including at least one woman and her three children who were allowed into the U.S. on Thursday, and eight others currently stuck in Tijuana — is testing the limits of President Joe Biden’s willingness to continue enforcing a Trump-era policy that has blocked thousands of asylum-seekers from crossing the border.

The first Ukrainians arrived Monday at the port of entry near San Diego, a 34-year-old mother who’s been identified only as Sofiia, accompanied by her kids, ages, 14, 12, and 6. They were turned away twice, once in a car on Tuesday and later on foot, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, which had a reporter present when Sofiia and her family tried to walk across into the U.S. on Wednesday.

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents reportedly cited the policy known as Title 42 when turning the family away, according to immigration attorneys who were helping the family and tweeting from the scene on Wednesday. Enacted under President Donald Trump at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic in March 2020, Title 42 puts tight restrictions on who can cross the border “in the interest of public health.”

In years past, migrants who reached the U.S. border could seek asylum or other humanitarian protections. They were typically detained or released into the country pending a final immigration court decision, a process that could take years due a large case backlog. Today, under Title 42, some people are flown back to their home countries but most are simply returned to Mexico, where they face threats of kidnapping, robbery, and worse at the hands of cartels and criminals along the border.

That was nearly the case with Sofiia.

“I’m not asking for anything from the United States, just to be let in,” she told the Union-Tribune after being turned away on Wednesday. “All we need is to be safe. All we want is to keep our lives safe.”

Sofiia reportedly worked as a Hebrew teacher in Ukraine and has family members in the U.S. who have helped her flee the Russian invasion. When the war began, Sofiia drove from Ukraine to neighboring Moldova, then Romania, and then flew to Frankfurt, Germany. From there, she flew to Mexico City and then took another flight to Tijuana.

“We left our lives, our jobs, our families and houses in Ukraine just to escape from this horrible war,” Sofiia told the Union-Tribune. “All my friends and family are far, far away from me, and I don’t know if they will be alive tomorrow. I just want to keep my kids’ lives safe.”

Erika Pinheiro, policy and litigation director for Al Otro Lado, an organization that provides legal aid and support for people trying to cross the border, told VICE News that what happened to Sofiia is an everyday occurrence for thousands of Central Americans, Haitians, and asylum-seekers from other countries who have been desperately trying to enter the U.S. since Title 42 began. The only recourse is to seek a “humanitarian exemption,” Pinheiro said.

“Usually those requests are only granted to refugees at imminent risk of death or those with extremely serious medical issues for which they cannot access care in Mexico, but I am hoping that we will have more success here given the situation in Ukraine,” said Pinheiro.

Blaine Bookey, legal director of Center for Gender and Refugee Studies, who helped Sofiia and her family in Tijuana, said CBP agents were hostile.

“They’re telling families that Title 42 is in place, no exceptions,” Bookey said “They’re telling them to leave. They’ve been yelled at, told to move, just generally it’s an abusive environment.”

According to Al Otro Lado’s data, the approval rate for humanitarian exemption requests for Title 42 is around 25 percent for all nationalities aside from Haitians, and around 14 percent for Haitians. The approval rates differ drastically depending on the port of entry, Pinheiro said, with some regularly allowing exceptions and others granting virtually none.

“And those are almost all extreme medical cases,” Pinheiro said. “So, if [Sofiia] were not Ukrainian, she would most definitely be trapped in Tijuana until Title 42 is lifted.”

Sofiia was ultimately allowed to enter the U.S. on Thursday morning, but it’s unclear whether border officials will extend Title 42 exemptions to other Ukrainians. A spokesperson for CBP told VICE News that Sofiia and her family were permitted entry after the agency “reviewed the facts of their case.” The CBP spokesperson said the government is “continuing to exempt particularly vulnerable individuals from Title 42 on a case-by-case basis.”

Asked about the situation with Ukrainians at the border, a White House spokesperson told VICE News that “Title 42 continues to be in place and is enforced – regardless of country of origin.”

But with mass displacement from the conflict and more Ukrainians seeking to reunite with family members in the United States, the Biden administration may soon face a reckoning with Title 42. As of Friday morning, according to Pinheiro, there were six Ukrainians and two Russians in Tijuana trying to cross into the U.S. and seek asylum.

One Ukrainian family was separated after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this week, leaving a father and his six-month-old baby on the U.S. side while the mother was held in immigration detention, according to an attorney who represents the family.

Immigration attorney Jacob Sapochnick told VICE News the family fled Ukraine a day before the first Russian attack, traveling through Poland to Germany, then taking a flight to the Mexican resort city of Cancún, then onto Mexico City and finally Tijuana. Ukrainians need a visa in order to fly to the United States, but they can book travel to Mexico without any special travel documents. With a tourist visa, Ukrainians can legally stay in Mexico for up to 180 days.

Sapochnick said his client Kirill Kara is a dual Ukrainian-American citizen but his wife Lena is not. The couple rented a car in Tijuana and drove with their baby to the border crossing.

“When they arrived at the CBP station the officer told them ‘I know why you are here’, and took her into custody,” Sapochnick said. “At the port of entry she was separated from her six-month-old baby. CBP had her in custody for six days before releasing her and that was only because I involved the media.”

Sapochnick said Lena Kara was released Friday and reunited with her husband and baby in the U.S. They are now planning to “explore all possibilities to allow her to stay with her family."

The U.S. reluctance to unconditionally accept Ukrainians has drawn sharp criticism in light of the praise the Biden administration has heaped on European countries for welcoming refugees from the conflict with mostly open arms. As of March 11, most Ukrainian refugees have fled to neighboring countries, with 1.5 million going to Poland, 225,000 to Hungary, and 176,000 to Slovakia, according to the United Nations’ refugee agency. Tens of thousands have also crossed into Russia, Romania, and Moldova, and more than a quarter-million others have left for other European countries, including Germany.

The U.S. State Department announced last week that Ukrainians can apply for a temporary visa at any American consulate, with the location in Frankfurt designated as the processing hub. Ukrainians already living in the U.S. now qualify for “Temporary Protected Status” or TPS, which will allow them to remain in the country indefinitely without fear of deportation. But the same TPS protections do not apply for new arrivals at the border.

The Biden administration has reportedly been quietly preparing to roll back Title 42 in April, according to a report Thursday from BuzzFeed News, which obtained documents indicating that U.S. officials plan to notify their Mexican counterparts about the plan in the coming week. News agency Reuters also reported Wednesday that Biden is “leaning” toward ending Title 42.

With more Ukrainians en route to the border, the White House may be forced to act soon. Sapochnick, the attorney for the family that was separated, said he’s been getting “more and more calls” from Ukrainians trying to apply for asylum in the U.S.

“Right now it is very unclear to know who CBP is using Title 42 on,” Sapochnick said. “It's very arbitrary.”

Honestly, I could only read to about the half-way point b4 getting so pissed that I had to post.

So forgive me if I am misunderstanding, but we are letting in 2 million+ illegals from Mexico, Central America, and terrorist nations...flying them where they want to go, not testing them for new strands of Covid, feeding them, and paying their hotel stays...but a woman in a war torn nation trys to seek legit asylum, and we turned her and her kids away 2X.  This administration can't stop finding new ways to make rational Americans completely more and more dumbfounded.  I'm just disgusted by this, and all of the other shit that "Biden" has done in just one year to destroy this country and what we are supposed to stand for.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #939 on: March 12, 2022, 06:39:32 PM »

You're waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ay past "scumbag".   You are a twatling.  A fool.  A bag o' douche.  A cuntlette.  A cuckold libtardian.  Here's to you being tarred and feathered and sent to Lethbridge or Red Deer for the winter.    Go fuck a dead rooster, you seriously moronic bag of shredded mouse testicles.  I look forward to your brief obit.

"He was a dumbfuck canuck cuntlette who died alone with his gerbil and his sock puppet.  The End".

No one can ever accuse you of holding back, and/or not speaking your mind ;D  LMFAO!

Watching you tear down people is like a work of poetry.  I'm seriously LOL'ing bro!


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #940 on: March 12, 2022, 07:52:47 PM »
There are a lot of countries within both NATO and the European Union. I think this situation needs to be deescalated as soon as possible or else a possible WW3 scenario could ensue. The USA has already declared war on Russia by way of trying to destroy their economy and the value of their ruble. The attempt to essentially starve the Russian people from access to foreign trade and aid is not cool. There are over 145 million people living in Russia. Only a small contingency are oligarchs and political players. No need to make ALL Russian people suffers for the decisions of a few.

Aside from NATO & EU members, what I also see is that Russia has allies in the form of China, North Korea, Iran, India, Pakistan, UAE and numerous other middle eastern countries. How hard would it be for Japan to side with Russia if things really got dicey? They are still the only country that has ever been attacked with nuclear weapons (by the USA) on 2 separate occasions within Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Also, it isn't farfetched to imagine that South America has many countries that will turn on the USA given the suppressive nature that the US has taken against many of them. What about Africa? I doubt they are in love with the USA.

I think this shit needs to end.


I think it was a vid by Russell Brand that brought up the Japan thing (and that Germany was building their military as well).  He gave the same points as you basically, that maybe Japan and Germany still have a grudge against us for obliterating them in WWII.

 I think we are going to have a Carter type gas shortage here soon.  I have never seen so many cars at every gas station no matter what time of day as I have lately.  Guess everyone is going with the same plan as me since we know gas is only getting higher everyday.  I top off at the bare minimum when I hit 3/4 full.  I paid over $10 the other day for 2.56 gallons.  When we had Trump and gas was down to $1.69-1.89/gallon I would drive til my gas light went off, and it was around $25-30 bucks to fill my entire tank. 

I don't belong to Costco or Sam's Club so I don't know how much cheaper they are vs. normal gas stations, but I have seen YT vids of both with literally 100+ cars lined up to get gas.

I think we are far closer to WW3 than most believe.  If Ukraine ends up sending them off, and making Putin look like a fool I honestly believe he will push the button on every pre-aimed nuke as he is taken out of power   The dude is nuts.

NATO and the EU are pussies, and a sham.  We've given so much money into said sham while getting hardly anything back support-wise except from the UK always seeming to have our back on a small scale that it is a fucking joke for us to even be in it IMO.  We should just encourage Canada to build up their military, and give them them and UK the amount of money % wise which would be far less than  we give to NATO, and train them as well.  Those are our only true allies. 

If you watch YT war scenarios, the U.S. and Canada/Mexico (if they took our side...they'd be stupid not to) other than a nuclear attack, we can't be beat.  We are essentially a huge island.  Our coasts are all heavily militarized on the outside to stop shit, and if any county gets to the inside the midwest is heavily militarized (SAC) as well.  Not to mention the Midwest and TX  is the MOST heavily armed citizenry anywhere in the world so a ground war would just be a bloodbath for any country that tried to come here.

Have any of you guys seen the vids of the Ukranian and Russian soldiers trying to put a mag into their AK's?  It's hysterical.  They look like 16-18 years old, it takes them around 10-20 tries, and about a minute to do.  I watched them and thought our soldiers if on the ground fighting took place here would be like, "FFS, let me show you how to do this so this is somewhat of a fair fight" ;D

To end, Russell Brand also posted another vid a couple of weeks ago about what he thinks the war is really about.  Minerals and resources,  Notice how Putin is bombing mostly houses, apartments, and now a children's hospital while millions are fleeing.  He doesn't give a single shit about the people of the Ukraine becoming a part of Russia again....other than the eastern part, he knows they hate him and love democracy, freedom of speech, and independence.  Russia's economy is almost entirely energy/resource driven.  He wants the land and resources back....not the population

OMR, am I wrong in my assessment?  you're smarter than me, and I have conceded to that publicly and in pm's multiple times to you, and am sincere when saying it.  If you disagree, please tell me where I am wrong? 

I agree 100% with you this needs to stop ASAP, but I think you see and understand this more from a financial perspective which is your expertise and I don't truly get, and I am just looking at it from a consumer and war scenario perspective.  All are good ways to be thinking IMO.

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #941 on: March 12, 2022, 08:37:43 PM »
Interesting news:

Kharkiv (Ukrainian Chicago) is gone , cleaning operation is on

Mariupol , fucked too, foreign fighters will be castrated  :D

Kiev (Kyiv) , is surraunded , Chechen division (urban fighting specialist) will get in ...................

Looks like sttileto dancer Volodimir is already in Poland ......................

Odessa is easy target, city population is 60% Russian ................

Teutonic Knight

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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #942 on: March 12, 2022, 08:51:52 PM »
First of all, why am I a scumbag? Because I'm vaccinated? Why do you care? Sounds like you're the totalitarian!

Secondly, if you had ANY knowledge of the Ukraine or the war you'd know that my city has the largest population of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine. So yes, I am Ukrainian and so are most of my family and friends. To suggest that a Ukrainian is "Putin" is deplorable and beyond stupid.


Are you 1 of those 66 000 Ukrainian volunteers "fighters"  ;D ;D


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #943 on: March 12, 2022, 09:33:56 PM »
Only new paperwork is needed to sell this 'now Nigerian' oil  ;)

clarification, Russia has until the 24th June to fulfill existing US contracts made prior to the ban. So you still get oil for another few months. Unsure about anyone else.

There are vessels carrying oil which were abandoned though.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #944 on: March 12, 2022, 10:11:14 PM »
Are you 1 of those 66 000 Ukrainian volunteers "fighters"  ;D ;D

Does anyone believe ChOak our resident Covid pimp just happens to be Ukrainian? Some Freedom Fighter, a guy who would throw people in camps for not being vaxxed and jail them for dissenting speech.  He wants freedom for himself but not for others.  If that's Ukrainian philosophy, Putin can have it.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #945 on: March 12, 2022, 10:33:21 PM »
Honestly, I could only read to about the half-way point b4 getting so pissed that I had to post.

So forgive me if I am misunderstanding, but we are letting in 2 million+ illegals from Mexico, Central America, and terrorist nations...flying them where they want to go, not testing them for new strands of Covid, feeding them, and paying their hotel stays...but a woman in a war torn nation trys to seek legit asylum, and we turned her and her kids away 2X.  This administration can't stop finding new ways to make rational Americans completely more and more dumbfounded.  I'm just disgusted by this, and all of the other shit that "Biden" has done in just one year to destroy this country and what we are supposed to stand for.

It's not just Biden. It's the entire Democratic party. They're just hell bent on forcing one jack ass decision on us after the next until this whole country will be just completely fucked.

At this point I don't believe there are any good ones. You look around and see what these assholes are doing and you have to question the intelligence or integrity of anyone who identifies as a Democrat.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #946 on: March 12, 2022, 10:57:01 PM »
Does anyone believe ChOak our resident Covid pimp just happens to be Ukrainian? Some Freedom Fighter, a guy who would throw people in camps for not being vaxxed and jail them for dissenting speech.  He wants freedom for himself but not for others.  If that's Ukrainian philosophy, Putin can have it.

No I do not. Choak typical woke idiot

Wears his mask and his vax band-aide proudly.

Now is Ukranian. Probably wears a blue and yellow mask to show his support.

Among the signs in his front yard are a BLM sign, a sign that says 'we dont tolerate hate in this community" a sign that says 'we believe in science' immediately followed by ' we believe in all genders....'

Next thing you know Oak is going to be a transgendered uyghur.

Im quite certain Oak would let the trucker convoy drive over his testicles  just to get a chance to toss trudeaus salad.


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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #947 on: March 12, 2022, 11:35:11 PM »
No I do not. Choak typical woke idiot

Wears his mask and his vax band-aide proudly.

Now is Ukranian. Probably wears a blue and yellow mask to show his support.

Among the signs in his front yard are a BLM sign, a sign that says 'we dont tolerate hate in this community" a sign that says 'we believe in science' immediately followed by ' we believe in all genders....'

Next thing you know Oak is going to be a transgendered uyghur.

Im quite certain Oak would let the trucker convoy drive over his testicles  just to get a chance to toss trudeaus salad.

If you don’t believe I’m Ukrainian that LITERALLY proves how inaccurate your judgments is.



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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #948 on: March 12, 2022, 11:38:53 PM »
Does anyone believe ChOak our resident Covid pimp just happens to be Ukrainian? Some Freedom Fighter, a guy who would throw people in camps for not being vaxxed and jail them for dissenting speech.  He wants freedom for himself but not for others.  If that's Ukrainian philosophy, Putin can have it.

Wow….at the total disrespect for my people.

Back in the day you would have been a Stalin lover.

You are the genuine definition of a mindless sheep.



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Re: Russia has penetrated Ukraine
« Reply #949 on: March 12, 2022, 11:55:00 PM »
Does anyone believe ChOak our resident Covid pimp just happens to be Ukrainian? Some Freedom Fighter, a guy who would throw people in camps for not being vaxxed and jail them for dissenting speech.  He wants freedom for himself but not for others.  If that's Ukrainian philosophy, Putin can have it.

Yes. I 100% believe him. Getbig is home to some of the biggest hypocrites you'll ever encounter. Probably half a dozen examples in this thread alone.