Author Topic: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate  (Read 4143 times)

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #25 on: November 13, 2022, 09:58:39 AM »

Biden repealed that Trump regulation because it was never implemented since it would not have effected pricing.   What Biden did was to call for a cap on insulin prices which is what is really needed because its the pharm companies setting those prices.   

Even if I agreed with the Trump policy, my post was intended to explain why the GOP lost badly in the mid-terms


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #26 on: November 13, 2022, 10:00:35 AM »
D's about to take the House too

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #27 on: November 13, 2022, 10:08:13 AM »
D's about to take the House too

Yep, I called it on Wednesday


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #28 on: November 13, 2022, 10:37:07 AM »
I see. So the headlines are wrong? Could you be a bigger shill?

Let me remind you what people actually want

Let me remind you what people actually want.

Bid, Senate, and possibly House in Democratic control.  Not rigged, not faked, no cheating...   ::)   That is what voters chose. 


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #29 on: November 13, 2022, 10:48:47 AM »
Welcome To The United States Of Zimbabwe - Same Rigged Elections.

Lovely fair Honest DemoCunts.

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2022, 10:56:17 AM »
Let me remind you what people actually want.

Bid, Senate, and possibly House in Democratic control.  Not rigged, not faked, no cheating...   ::)   That is what voters chose.

So you literally have nothing … as usual


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #31 on: November 13, 2022, 11:04:58 AM »
OAK having fun with his new gimmick. It took 5 days for the communist party to cheat this

Let me get this straight.....she was barely over 50% with 400,000 votes "left to be counted" days later, and she got 63% of those the next day, huh?  Yeah, nothing fishy about that at all.  Especially in Vegas of all places!

Funny, I said gas prices would go up on Nov. 9th no matter what.  It was $3.19 driving past 2 stations, on my way to the one I frequent.  $3.19 all day through the 8th at all three.  On the 9th I drive past two others heading to get groceries, sure as shit $3.59. .....and now we have depleted SOR's.  I predict $7 here, and around $10 by mid-December for you poor bastards living in CA and NY.

I was watching something on YT on my TV while trying to fall asleep (I think it was a clip from "Redacted" channel.  They made a good point and showed data going back as far as when people changed how they voted.  When things were Republican Presidents people had to reach a breaking point to vote them in.  Then they got comfortable, and voted Clinton, and Obama in.  Obama only won because he was black, and up against shit Republican candidates.  By the end of his second term people were fed up enough (and they hated Hillary) that they voted for Trump.

Trump only lost because of the MSM constantly bashing, and all the lies they told.  His Twittering didn't help, but it was the MSM and mostly mail-in voting for everyone that allowed them to cheat in new ways.

Covid was declared over as a pandemic.  Mail-in voting should've been put to death as an option then and there, as it was here.


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #32 on: November 13, 2022, 11:12:37 AM »
They didn’t think banning abortion would piss women off? Huge mistake.

I think it pissed a lot of men off too.  The huge mistake was deciding it before the election, and as IroNat said "Nobody (federally at least) banned abortion!"

Nobody banned abortion.

It's just left up to each state to decide for itself.

If you don't like the laws in your state or its climate move to a state that has what you want...or keep your legs crossed.

You really think people that are enraged about the decision watch anything but "The View", and MSM?  And do you especially believe that people having sex without contraceptive pills, shots, condoms, and the morning after pill available are smart enough to realize that the power simply went back to the states.....C'MON MAN! ;)

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #33 on: November 13, 2022, 11:22:50 AM »
Republicans have Trump to blame.


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #34 on: November 13, 2022, 11:30:15 AM »
I make enough money that those 3 things don't bother me.

^This!  Finally, a person who is 100% in on being a part of the loving Democratic Party who supposedly is for the common person.  You guys don't give a shit about anyone struggling financially or physically.  You all want to be special and have them as poor as can be..

Biden's federal pot release scam got exactly zero prisoners released for simple pot possession as it's not a federal crime.  Also, since he said federal, and nothing about states, no one got out of state prisons either.

He lied about there being 55 companies that made billions, and how he would punish them through taxes.....he was fact checked on his own Twitter account where he made the claim.  There are only 14 that made $1 billion or more.

His lowering of 10 drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate is a 10 year process, and only 1 drug will be done sometime in 2023....we don't even know what the 1st is as far as I've heard or read, and no clue what the other 9 will be in 2023.
We paid for the Covid research, and development via taxes.  Pfizer just paid for marketing, and we helped with that to via CDC and FDA ads, and hysteria caused by Dems talking about it everyday on the news.  It costs $1.18, and Pfizer just announced they will mark it up 10,000%.  $119 per shot. It is not free anymore, and if someone doesn't have insurance that's what they need to come up with for a drug that doesn't work.  Also, they negotiated a deal with the EU for 10 shots per person every year.  They want to make it a yearly shot like the flu shot is here.

Everything Dems says is a lie...especially if it's coming from Biden, Schumer, Shiff, Pelosi, and spider-head KJB!

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #35 on: November 13, 2022, 11:38:41 AM »
^This!  Finally, a person who is 100% in on being a part of the loving Democratic Party who supposedly is for the common person.  You guys don't give a shit about anyone struggling financially or physically.  You all want to be special and have them as poor as can be..

Biden's federal pot release scam got exactly zero prisoners released for simple pot possession as it's not a federal crime.  Also, since he said federal, and nothing about states, no one got out of state prisons either.

He lied about there being 55 companies that made billions, and how he would punish them through taxes.....he was fact checked on his own Twitter account where he made the claim.  There are only 14 that made $1 billion or more.

His lowering of 10 drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate is a 10 year process, and only 1 drug will be done sometime in 2023....we don't even know what the 1st is as far as I've heard or read, and no clue what the other 9 will be in 2023.
We paid for the Covid research, and development via taxes.  Pfizer just paid for marketing, and we helped with that to via CDC and FDA ads, and hysteria caused by Dems talking about it everyday on the news.  It costs $1.18, and Pfizer just announced they will mark it up 10,000%.  $119 per shot. It is not free anymore, and if someone doesn't have insurance that's what they need to come up with for a drug that doesn't work.  Also, they negotiated a deal with the EU for 10 shots per person every year.  They want to make it a yearly shot like the flu shot is here.

Everything Dems says is a lie...especially if it's coming from Biden, Schumer, Shiff, Pelosi, and spider-head KJB!
I'm off to get my Pfizer Booster at 4pm today as a matter of fact. And I will pay 0 for it.


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #36 on: November 13, 2022, 11:39:06 AM »
Republicans have Trump to blame.

Part of me doesn't disagree with you.  Now he's talking shit on Desantis and Candace Owens has said she has no plans to run for anything anytime soon since she just a a baby recently.  Horrible strategy. 

I think Trump was all caught up believing the "tsunami" shit.  They said that in 2018 and 2020, so I didn't believe it much this time especially with all the illegals coming in and mail-in ballots for everyone in most places still. His big announcement this coming week after how things have turned out is going to be "I've decided not to run in 2024.  I've seen the decline in Biden as he has changed, and I am getting older too.  If that's what it looks like, I want to spend time enjoying life with my family, not traveling all over the country doing rallies"

First time we've ever agreed Mr. King of the Gimmick Accounts.


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #37 on: November 13, 2022, 12:03:31 PM »

Biden repealed that Trump regulation because it was never implemented since it would not have effected pricing.   What Biden did was to call for a cap on insulin prices which is what is really needed because its the pharm companies setting those prices.   

Even if I agreed with the Trump policy, my post was intended to explain why the GOP lost badly in the mid-terms

And what to you think that cap will be?  I've never taken it, but have had quite a few friends that did back in the 90's. They told me all they had to do was walk into the pharmacy, say you lost your bottle and it was $26.

I found a graph showing the price per bottle, and posted it on here around the (2018) election.  It was pretty steady until 2008 or so. Then Obumma starts convincing Pharma, and insurance to jump on board with Obumma Care.  Knowing this would go through and you see a huge spike from 2012 and beyond.  If I remember right it was around $250-$275 by then.  I can find price per dose charts, but that varies from person to person.  The chart I'm referring to exists in one of my posts on here.  I'm not spending  all day googling for it again.  If you don't believe me just search my posts around that time frame going back to 2015.  It will be there, and it's not like I post a ton.  I think my average said 6.7 per day, and the 2018 and 2020 election spiked the shit out of that number.  LOL!

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #38 on: November 13, 2022, 12:04:03 PM »
Let me get this straight.....she was barely over 50% with 400,000 votes "left to be counted" days later, and she got 63% of those the next day, huh?  Yeah, nothing fishy about that at all.  Especially in Vegas of all places!

Funny, I said gas prices would go up on Nov. 9th no matter what.  It was $3.19 driving past 2 stations, on my way to the one I frequent.  $3.19 all day through the 8th at all three.  On the 9th I drive past two others heading to get groceries, sure as shit $3.59. .....and now we have depleted SOR's.  I predict $7 here, and around $10 by mid-December for you poor bastards living in CA and NY.

I was watching something on YT on my TV while trying to fall asleep (I think it was a clip from "Redacted" channel.  They made a good point and showed data going back as far as when people changed how they voted.  When things were Republican Presidents people had to reach a breaking point to vote them in.  Then they got comfortable, and voted Clinton, and Obama in.  Obama only won because he was black, and up against shit Republican candidates.  By the end of his second term people were fed up enough (and they hated Hillary) that they voted for Trump.

Trump only lost because of the MSM constantly bashing, and all the lies they told.  His Twittering didn't help, but it was the MSM and mostly mail-in voting for everyone that allowed them to cheat in new ways.

Covid was declared over as a pandemic.  Mail-in voting should've been put to death as an option then and there, as it was here.

The last of the votes counted in Nevada are usually mail in ballots and given that Trump made it to not trust mail in ballot, most of them are going to fall Democrat.  Doesnt matter because the loss is because of all votes counted

Vince G, CSN MFT

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #39 on: November 13, 2022, 12:08:49 PM »
And what to you think that cap will be?  I've never taken it, but have had quite a few friends that did back in the 90's. They told me all they had to do was walk into the pharmacy, say you lost your bottle and it was $26.

I found a graph showing the price per bottle, and posted it on here around the (2018) election.  It was pretty steady until 2008 or so. Then Obumma starts convincing Pharma, and insurance to jump on board with Obumma Care.  Knowing this would go through and you see a huge spike from 2012 and beyond.  If I remember right it was around $250-$275 by then.  I can find price per dose charts, but that varies from person to person.  The chart I'm referring to exists in one of my posts on here.  I'm not spending  all day googling for it again.  If you don't believe me just search my posts around that time frame going back to 2015.  It will be there, and it's not like I post a ton.  I think my average said 6.7 per day, and the 2018 and 2020 election spiked the shit out of that number.  LOL!

Honestly,  I agree with Hershel Walker on if people worked out and ate right then it wouldnt be a major issue in the US.   Most of my family has diabetes...i dont because i work out and eat relatively healthy...none of the soul/slave food...chitlins, pig feet, fried everything , etc.Again..only explaining the rationale for the way people voted


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #40 on: November 13, 2022, 12:10:50 PM »
I'm off to get my Pfizer Booster at 4pm today as a matter of fact. And I will pay 0 for it.

Again, people without insurance won't. Even those with insurance will pay.  I don't remember when they said that would start, but I'm guessing Jan. 1st 2023.

Have fun keeping on with getting those shots to "protect" you, and you develop ADE.  You're doing exactly what the globalists want....helping reducing the population.  You won't be missed.


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #41 on: November 13, 2022, 12:20:45 PM »

Honestly,  I agree with Hershel Walker on if people worked out and ate right then it wouldnt be a major issue in the US.   Most of my family has diabetes...i dont because i work out and eat relatively healthy...none of the soul/slave food...chitlins, pig feet, fried everything , etc.Again..only explaining the rationale for the way people voted

Very true about the diabetes least for type 2.

Somewhat agree with your voting rational, but you have to admit mail-in voting and increased illegals being given free shit, and told how to vote are both ways to cheat the system among others going back many years.  There's a documentary on PBS about how the Dems have been doing the latter part going back to when blacks got the right to vote.  LBJ is quoted as saying "We'll have those n iggers voting for the next 100 years"  when signed The Great Society into law.  So far, he was very prophetic.  JFK got elected with the help of the mob in Chicago which helped him finally win.

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #44 on: November 13, 2022, 12:28:48 PM »

So common sense is actually more common there than in the U.S.?  Would have never guessed that one.

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #45 on: November 13, 2022, 12:29:01 PM »
Lol...that guys looks like an assclown

Not the point now is it?

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #46 on: November 13, 2022, 12:31:16 PM »
Not the point now is it?
Maybe you're impressed with the nitwit


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #47 on: November 13, 2022, 12:36:15 PM »
BTW, for anyone interested....while I was trying to re-find that price per bottle chart, I found a fun fact.  Did you know that insulin cost the guys that invented it paid was miniscule.  The common thing out there is that there were 2 inventors, but there was a 3rd guy involved.  They sold their patent for $.03 cents....that's right each of the three guys sold their patent to Oxford University for a penny each.  Oxford than turn around, and sold the rights to Lily for $14....not sure if they got the whole patent or just the commercial use patent as their are other companies that make it now, aren't there.  Anyway, those 3 dudes have to be rolling over in their graves.

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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #48 on: November 13, 2022, 12:36:56 PM »
So common sense is actually more common there than in the U.S.?  Would have never guessed that one.

Yep, but if it was done the common sense way the democrats would likely never win another election. They know they can’t run on policy. For Gods sake Hochul said during the debate with Zeldon, she called the crime in NYC. (And I’m paraphrasing) a “Conspiracy and isn’t that bad”. A friggen MSNBC host even said people don’t feel safe


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Re: UPDATE: Democrat Party takes Senate
« Reply #49 on: November 13, 2022, 12:38:27 PM »
Lol...that guys looks like an assclown

So do white lib queers marching for black lives matter who would never dare to go into a black neighborhood during the day or night.

Don't even get me started on the "pussy hat" march.