Author Topic: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!  (Read 4934 times)


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #25 on: October 19, 2023, 10:14:28 PM »
more shocking is that you read it and agree with a basically a word salad ?  it says nothing of merit/facts - tell us  exactly what criminal offences were committed in your own words ?   you will do not this  :-\

I don't have to.. You have a bunch of indictments you can read for yourself.. but you wont


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #26 on: October 19, 2023, 10:15:55 PM »
Doesn't surprise me (or anyone) that you are so stupid.



Nailed it.  But then again anyone with more than two brain cells knew she was full of shit from the get-go.  Except Qoach.  He still believes her.

How did that work out?  Tell us again.  Because you went on and on about it.   ::)

Said in reference to Powell's statement that “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.”

How did that Powell led audits work out for you?  You kept bragging about them.  Remind us the outcome again.  Or how did her court cases work out?....

Yeah, because they found it was bullshit.  Which everyone already knew.  You jumping on the bandwagon only double confirmed it to be bullshit.  And you still make excuses today.  LOL

Really?   :D

Because it was bullshit.  See above answer where your total parroting of it confirms it.

This didn't age well.  Talk about not being close to being accurate and "debunked".  Story of your life as reflected by your posts here.

Hahahaha.  No she wasn't.  And neither were you.  As usual.

How did this work out for her?  Or for you thinking you posted something "accurate" for once?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA   No they haven't.  And neither have you.

Remind us how that turned out again.  Please use a dictionary to learn what an "affidavit" is too if possible.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH AHAHAAHAHAHA...     Oh wait, I meant ...    "lol"..... "sure they are"

So how did Powell and her "affidavit" turn out?    Hmm?   Remind us again.  Leave out no detail.  Because reality says it backfired and blew up in her face just like your threads do to you on here.

"credible sources"
I would ask how stupid you must feel at this point to not only believe her bullshit when it first came out, but to continue to believe it today,... even when she herself has said that no “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.”   It's like you only want to confirm to everyone that you are mentally retarded and can't think outside of easily exposed delusions.  You don't have to do that.  We already know you are.

[Narrator] - "Unfortunately for the confused manlet, those sources were proven to be anything but reliable."

You sound like you know what you are talking about.  I kid... I kid.... No you don't.  You don't know shit.  How did that work out?  For either?  Two ruined attorneys.  Multiple felony charges.  Most likely will equal the same indictment numbers as Trumpy.    She's not going away?  Let's hope not.  Because her guilty little ass is going right on the witness to testify against the other cronies as well. 

How did it "pan out".  I mean, everyone already knows how it "panned out", but I want to hear how it panned out in your little head.  We know what reality is, but let's hear your side of the story.

Now what?  What excuse you got now?  What lie you want to tell now and get laughed at?

Pro tip

When dealing with Coach Tard, keep it short and simple. He is easily overwhelmed with information.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #27 on: October 19, 2023, 10:21:49 PM »
If I had the inclination, I would dig out the Coach Kracken posts where Sydney was going to save the day... but we all remember them.. and how we were so wrong... The Kracken was going to set things right... We repeatedly warned Coach and SC that it was B.S. but they wouldn't have it... now....

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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #28 on: October 19, 2023, 11:38:59 PM »
If I had the inclination, I would dig out the Coach Kracken posts where Sydney was going to save the day... but we all remember them.. and how we were so wrong... The Kracken was going to set things right... We repeatedly warned Coach and SC that it was B.S. but they wouldn't have it... now....

Yeah..but it wouldn’t change a thing since no judge even entertained looking at the evidence and since literally all of these fake court cases are taking place in districts that are 95+% Democrat strongholds it wouldn’t make a difference.

The more you post the more I question you as to who you are.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #29 on: October 20, 2023, 07:05:02 AM »
You just hate getting your ass handed to you. It’s ok, I love handing it to you. You must  not understand how plea deals work…dippy

The only thing you are handing me is your usual retardation served piping hot from that empty retard bakery on your shoulders.

It's either very pathetic or very funny that you are too dumb to realize how stupid you are.  But don't worry, everyone else knows how stupid you are.  We get daily reminders every day when you post.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #30 on: October 20, 2023, 07:11:25 AM »
This is a prime example of a demented mind. See how Joe twists the information to support his belief even though the information contradicts his belief? Classic Tardism. People who suffer from CT will take any information.. for example, Election officials conclusions, court rulings, State Supreme Court rulings, Attorney Generals and Vice Presidents conclusions, are twisted in an attempt to contradict their rulings and further support the Tard's contention the election as stolen.

These same Tards, if the civil war they want broke out, would either stay in their homes at their keyboards like the ones on Jan 6th who support those traitors, but didn't have the balls to go themselves.. We are talking housewife's went, plumbers went, carpenters went, unemployed went, but our resident Tard who lives in upscale California, didn't go. They will be at their keyboards relaying false news like they are doing something for the cause. The fact our resident Tard is calling for civil war and "looking forward to it" would again hide out and let the other imbeciles eat bullets and whine about it on some forum.

It's just like I said before.  Qoach's prep for the upcoming civil war <-- hahaha  will be purchasing a bigger bandwidth package from his internet provider, stocking up on Bang energy drinks and Ramen noodles, pulling down the shades, inserting a catheter, pulling on his Depends and arguing on the internet.

With that heart attack, those strokes, the long covid that kicked his ass, and general Down's syndrome complications, he can't do anything else.  He couldn't even sustain participation in a hearty chant without being winded right away.  God knows he couldn't climb those stairs at the Capitol.

Qoach about to make a Cheetos run :


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #31 on: October 20, 2023, 07:14:06 AM »
Sidney Powell Pleads Guilty in Georgia Case in Exchange for Reduced Charges – Will Testify to Avoid Jail Time

Attorney Sidney Powell on Thursday pleaded guilty in the Georgia RICO case against Trump in exchange for reduced charges.

Powell will testify against her co-defendants to avoid jail time.

In August Fulton County DA Fani Willis hit President Trump and 18 others with RICO and conspiracy charges for daring to challenge the 2020 election.

Sidney Powell was charged with counts 1, and 32-37: RICO, Conspiracy to Commit Election Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Computer Theft, Conspiracy to Commit Computer Trespass, Conspiracy to Commit Computer Invasion of Privacy and Conspiracy to Defraud the State.

Powell will serve 6 years probation, pay a $6,000 fine and write an apology letter to Georgia, the AP reported.

The Fulton County DA lied to the court repeatedly about the law.” attorney Techno Fog said. “They hid exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating the prosecutor’s oath to do justice).”

AP reported:

Lawyer Sidney Powell pleaded guilty to reduced charges Thursday over efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election in Georgia, becoming the second defendant in the sprawling case to reach a deal with prosecutors.

Powell, who was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law, entered the plea just a day before jury selection was set to start in her trial. She pleaded guilty to six misdemeanors accusing her of conspiring to intentionally interfere with the performance of election duties.

As part of the deal, she will serve six years of probation, will be fined $6,000 and will have to write an apology letter to Georgia and its residents. She also agreed to testify truthfully against her co-defendants at future trials.
Sidney Powell was the second person to plead guilty in the Georgia junk case.

Last month Scott Hall, the bail bondsman from Coffee County, Georgia, pleaded guilty in Fulton County in the Trump Georgia election case.

Scott Hall will also testify against the rest of the defendants in the case. It took Hall a little over a month to plead guilty to the charges. He will serve no time in prison in exchange for his testimony against the other 18 co-defendants.

Not only does the retard "Techno Fog"    ::)  that quoted this not understand plea deals, but the retard that posted it here doesn't either.

No.  One.  Is.  Surprised.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #32 on: October 20, 2023, 09:03:35 AM »
 :D    While this is most likely the smartest legal move/decision/action that the Kraken has ever made, this most likely spells doom for Rudy.  Obviously, her lawyers found a way to penetrate her crazy fog and make her realize that it was in her best interest to cut a good deal with the District Attorney now before it's too late and avoid imprisonment. 

The second domino has now fallen....  I bet Jenna is in hysterics with her attorney right now to try to get a deal like this.   You know Cheesebro is going to try the same thing.  I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it by the end of today.

Trump blindsided by Powell guilty plea — and her “sweetheart deal” is ringing alarm bells: reports

MAGA attorney Sidney Powell’s guilty plea blindsided TrumpWorld on Thursday, raising concerns that she will testify against former President Donald Trump.  "This caught TrumpWorld by surprise, as it did all of us,” New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman told CNN on Thursday.
"This was one of the best-kept secrets out of that DA's office in some time," she said. "They are trying to figure out what it means.  There's nobody in TrumpWorld who is pretending this is a good development,” she added. “They are split on what exactly it means."

“One thing to note is just how favorable this plea deal is for her. She’s been permitted to plead guilty to misdemeanors… to get this good of a deal, she really has to know something,” former Georgia federal prosecutor Amy Lee Copeland told the outlet.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #33 on: October 20, 2023, 09:38:07 AM »
:D    While this is most likely the smartest legal move/decision/action that the Kraken has ever made, this most likely spells doom for Rudy.  Obviously, her lawyers found a way to penetrate her crazy fog and make her realize that it was in her best interest to cut a good deal with the District Attorney now before it's too late and avoid imprisonment. 

The second domino has now fallen....  I bet Jenna is in hysterics with her attorney right now to try to get a deal like this.   You know Cheesebro is going to try the same thing.  I wouldn't be surprised if they announced it by the end of today.

Trump blindsided by Powell guilty plea — and her “sweetheart deal” is ringing alarm bells: reports

MAGA attorney Sidney Powell’s guilty plea blindsided TrumpWorld on Thursday, raising concerns that she will testify against former President Donald Trump.  "This caught TrumpWorld by surprise, as it did all of us,” New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman told CNN on Thursday.
"This was one of the best-kept secrets out of that DA's office in some time," she said. "They are trying to figure out what it means.  There's nobody in TrumpWorld who is pretending this is a good development,” she added. “They are split on what exactly it means."

“One thing to note is just how favorable this plea deal is for her. She’s been permitted to plead guilty to misdemeanors… to get this good of a deal, she really has to know something,” former Georgia federal prosecutor Amy Lee Copeland told the outlet.

HAAHHAHAA Cheesebro just pled guilty!   :D

Now you see?  THAT is how you make a prediction.   None of this retarded off the wall shit like the board manlet does. 

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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #34 on: October 20, 2023, 09:46:33 AM »
Not only does the retard "Techno Fog"    ::)  that quoted this not understand plea deals, but the retard that posted it here doesn't either.

No.  One.  Is.  Surprised.

Techno Fog is an attorney, dipshit

Unlike the “attorneys” of the fake impeachments, Jack Smith and the Stalins AG’s in Manhattan, DC and Atlanta

Again, stay hidden. You’re safe there.

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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #35 on: October 20, 2023, 10:41:51 AM »
“Techno Fog Makes Bold Prediction on Sidney Powell’s Plea Agreement in Georgia RICO Case”

Attorney Sidney Powell on Thursday pleaded guilty in the Georgia RICO case against Trump in exchange for reduced charges.

Powell will testify against her co-defendants to avoid jail time.

Attorney Techno Fog made a bold prediction on Sidney Powell’s plea agreement in the Georgia RICO case.

Today, Sidney Powell accepted a plea agreement from the Fulton County District Attorney, pleading to six counts of “Conspiracy to Commit Intentional Interference with Performance of Election Duties.”

Those are all misdemeanors. She faces six years of probation, a $6,000 fine, and has to pay $2,700 in restitution.

Call that a win for the defense. Here’s why.

Powell was indicted with seven felony counts: conspiracy to violate Georgia’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute; two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud; conspiracy to commit computer theft, trespass, and invasion of privacy; and conspiracy to defraud the state.

These charges are felonies that carry heavy penalties. A conviction under Georgia’s RICO conspiracy statute, for example, requires a punishment of between five and 20 years of imprisonment. See Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-5.

That gets us to our second point – the risk of conviction.

Let me start by saying that I believe Powell is innocent, that there was no RICO conspiracy by her or anyone else, that the indictment, along with all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy, is a joke. (More on the charged conduct and RICO below.) That this case never should have been brought, that it criminalizes political conduct. But I’m not a Fulton County juror. And you probably aren’t either.

When these cases go to trial (at this moment, nobody knows if Kenneth Chesebro will be offered, or accept, a plea deal or go to trial on October 23), the defendants will face a jury pool that is approximately 75% Democrat and only 25% Republican. The jurors will salivate at the chance to convict anyone associated with Donald Trump. We’ve seen it in DC with the January 6 defendants. We’ve seen it with the anti-Trump activist who lied to get on the Roger Stone jury. They’re not concerned about justice. It’s political.

Adding to the pressure is the cost and expense of trial. Back in September, the Fulton County District Attorneys estimated this case would take four months. There would be hundreds of witnesses, even before the defense got to their case in chief. That’s the type of trial that could bankrupt a defendant.

The Fulton County District Attorney knows that, and probably threatened the excessively-long trial to increase the pressure on Powell and Chesebro (the only two defendants who demanded a speedy trial) to accept a plea deal. It’s just another example of the unethical conduct of the zealous Fulton County prosecutors, who have engaged in very public evils from withholding exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating a prosecutor’s duty to do justice) to lying about Georgia law to the trial judge. (We’ll add that the plea deal further demonstrates unethical behavior, as it shows the prosecutors overcharged Powell.)

The deal also shows that Fulton County prosecutors don’t want to go to trial right now. Spending four months in the courtroom and presenting hundreds of witnesses would only help the defense of Donald Trump. There would be no surprises at Trump’s trial – all the witnesses would be on record, the weaknesses of the prosecution would be exposed.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #36 on: October 20, 2023, 10:44:55 AM »
Techno Fog is an attorney, dipshit

Unlike the “attorneys” of the fake impeachments, Jack Smith and the Stalins AG’s in Manhattan, DC and Atlanta

Again, stay hidden. You’re safe there.

Sydney, Cheesebro, Lin, Rudy, Jenna, Cohen, etc is/was attorneys as well “dipshit”.  Whatever point you thought you were making, you failed.  Again.  Stay retarded.  You are safe from reality there.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #37 on: October 20, 2023, 10:46:52 AM »
“Techno Fog Makes Bold Prediction on Sidney Powell’s Plea Agreement in Georgia RICO Case”

Attorney Sidney Powell on Thursday pleaded guilty in the Georgia RICO case against Trump in exchange for reduced charges.

Powell will testify against her co-defendants to avoid jail time.

Attorney Techno Fog made a bold prediction on Sidney Powell’s plea agreement in the Georgia RICO case.

Today, Sidney Powell accepted a plea agreement from the Fulton County District Attorney, pleading to six counts of “Conspiracy to Commit Intentional Interference with Performance of Election Duties.”

Those are all misdemeanors. She faces six years of probation, a $6,000 fine, and has to pay $2,700 in restitution.

Call that a win for the defense. Here’s why.

Powell was indicted with seven felony counts: conspiracy to violate Georgia’s RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) statute; two counts of conspiracy to commit election fraud; conspiracy to commit computer theft, trespass, and invasion of privacy; and conspiracy to defraud the state.

These charges are felonies that carry heavy penalties. A conviction under Georgia’s RICO conspiracy statute, for example, requires a punishment of between five and 20 years of imprisonment. See Ga. Code Ann. § 16-14-5.

That gets us to our second point – the risk of conviction.

Let me start by saying that I believe Powell is innocent, that there was no RICO conspiracy by her or anyone else, that the indictment, along with all overt acts in furtherance of the conspiracy, is a joke. (More on the charged conduct and RICO below.) That this case never should have been brought, that it criminalizes political conduct. But I’m not a Fulton County juror. And you probably aren’t either.

When these cases go to trial (at this moment, nobody knows if Kenneth Chesebro will be offered, or accept, a plea deal or go to trial on October 23), the defendants will face a jury pool that is approximately 75% Democrat and only 25% Republican. The jurors will salivate at the chance to convict anyone associated with Donald Trump. We’ve seen it in DC with the January 6 defendants. We’ve seen it with the anti-Trump activist who lied to get on the Roger Stone jury. They’re not concerned about justice. It’s political.

Adding to the pressure is the cost and expense of trial. Back in September, the Fulton County District Attorneys estimated this case would take four months. There would be hundreds of witnesses, even before the defense got to their case in chief. That’s the type of trial that could bankrupt a defendant.

The Fulton County District Attorney knows that, and probably threatened the excessively-long trial to increase the pressure on Powell and Chesebro (the only two defendants who demanded a speedy trial) to accept a plea deal. It’s just another example of the unethical conduct of the zealous Fulton County prosecutors, who have engaged in very public evils from withholding exculpatory evidence from the grand jury (violating a prosecutor’s duty to do justice) to lying about Georgia law to the trial judge. (We’ll add that the plea deal further demonstrates unethical behavior, as it shows the prosecutors overcharged Powell.)

The deal also shows that Fulton County prosecutors don’t want to go to trial right now. Spending four months in the courtroom and presenting hundreds of witnesses would only help the defense of Donald Trump. There would be no surprises at Trump’s trial – all the witnesses would be on record, the weaknesses of the prosecution would be exposed.

Once someone says “Let me start by saying that I believe Powell is innocent” you know they have no brains cells to be taken with any credibility.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #38 on: October 20, 2023, 12:40:13 PM »
Cheesebro gets 5 years probation, $5000 fine, and implicates Trump. 



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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #39 on: October 20, 2023, 03:51:30 PM »
Oh Sydney....   you took a plea deal.    Now it is 0-2 for the guilty pleas on Team Trumpy.   It is also +2 for Team Truth as they will now testify against the other morons.


That she pleaded guilty surprised me. I never imagined that the 'Kraken' would fall and most likely turn.

Trump's gag orders are a wash; one was lifted (on hold) and the other was enforced with a fine and a reprimand. This is a small win, big lose.

Bet there is Ketchup all over the walls at Mar-a-Lago today.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #40 on: October 20, 2023, 05:39:12 PM »
That she pleaded guilty surprised me. I never imagined that the 'Kraken' would fall and most likely turn.

Trump's gag orders are a wash; one was lifted (on hold) and the other was enforced with a fine and a reprimand. This is a small win, big lose.

Bet there is Ketchup all over the walls at Mar-a-Lago today.

Trumpy claims he didn’t throw his plate against the wall.  He threw it at Rudy but he ducked.   True story.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #41 on: October 21, 2023, 01:15:21 PM »
Sidney says she lied.  Little retards say she didn't.   ::)
Sidney said that "'no reasonable person would have believed her hyperbole about how Trump really won."  The only problem here is that the people she was saying this to are completely unreasonable with no critical thinking skills.   It's really interesting how the MAGA tards are going to spin this one.  That the liar, who admits to lying, is actually lying when she admits she was untruthful.  Is that it?   ???

More than a year ago, Powell conceded in a court filing that “no reasonable person” would have believed her hyperbole about how Trump really won.

Texas and Tarrant County Republicans should listen.

As county party officials meet Oct. 23 to choose a new chairman, local and state GOP decisions are still influenced by a handful of overbearing religious activists who want a complete back-to-the-1950s overhaul of the election system.

No reasonable person would believe the Fort Worth-based Tarrant Citizens for Election Integrity, either.

The small group has promoted wild-eyed, paranoid claims about “suspicious” city and county elections.

If you’re wondering what the Tarrant Citizens for Election Integrity really want, it’s plain.

On their website, they ask God to “remove unrighteousness” and replace “your enemy” with “righteous leaders” in Jesus’ name.

In other words, they want only their kind of conservative Christian “Citizens” running the city, county, state and country.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2023, 06:53:15 PM »
Damn Cheesebro... then why did you do it?

Kenneth Chesebro, one of former President Trump’s 18 co-defendants in the George election fraud case, didn’t truly believe the 2020 election was stolen, according to his attorney.

“First of all, Mr. Chesebro never believed in ‘The Big Lie,’” attorney Scott Grubmann said Saturday in an interview on MSNBC. “If you ask Mr. Chesebro today who won the 2020 presidential election, he would say Joe Biden.”


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2023, 12:10:52 AM »
Damn Cheesebro... then why did you do it?

Kenneth Chesebro, one of former President Trump’s 18 co-defendants in the George election fraud case, didn’t truly believe the 2020 election was stolen, according to his attorney.

“First of all, Mr. Chesebro never believed in ‘The Big Lie,’” attorney Scott Grubmann said Saturday in an interview on MSNBC. “If you ask Mr. Chesebro today who won the 2020 presidential election, he would say Joe Biden.”

If they were honest, . Trump didn't actually believe it... Guliani didn't believe it.. Mr. Pillow didn't believe it.. All but Joe Coach had money to be gained by pretending to believe it.. so they spouted their nonsense in the face of hard facts.  Why Joe Coach believed it... stupidity.. gullibility.. susceptibility to brainwashing..


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2023, 07:17:52 AM »
If they were honest, . Trump didn't actually believe it... Guliani didn't believe it.. Mr. Pillow didn't believe it.. All but Joe Coach had money to be gained by pretending to believe it.. so they spouted their nonsense in the face of hard facts.  Why Joe Coach believed it... stupidity.. gullibility.. susceptibility to brainwashing..

"I love the poorly educated" - Trump


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2023, 10:23:20 AM »
Hahahaa.   You knew it was coming.  Just like all the other times.   ;D   This moron is nothing if not consistent with his bullshit.  The Orange Liar trying to reinvent his past association.  Again.  This imbecile really does not think his lies through.   :D  By claiming she was never his lawyer he just blew any chance he had to claim attorney / client privilege.  And since she wasn't part of his administration, he cannot claim executive privilege.  (Not that it would have worked anyway.   :D  )

After Sidney Powell pleads guilty in Georgia case, Trump claims she was ‘never’ his attorney, despite their past ties

Former President  Donald Trump claimed Sidney Powell was “never” his attorney in a social media post Sunday, three days after she pleaded guilty in the Georgia election subversion case.

Despite Trump’s claims, Powell was briefly an official member of Trump’s legal team in 2020, and Trump stayed in contact with her on election-related matters even after she was ousted from his campaign.

“Sidney Powell was one of millions and millions of people who thought, and in ever increasing numbers still think, correctly, that the 2020 Presidential Election was RIGGED & STOLLEN, AND OUR COUNTRY IS BEING ABSOLUTELY DESTROYED BECAUSE OF IT!!! MS. POWELL WAS NOT MY ATTORNEY, AND NEVER WAS. In fact, she would have been conflicted,” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

Trump’s attempt to distance himself from Powell comes after she agreed to cooperate with Fulton County prosecutors and testify against her co-defendants in the case, potentially including Trump.

Trump publicly announced on November 15, 2020, that he “added” Powell to his “truly great team” of lawyers working on the election. She participated in a notorious Trump campaign press conference, alongside fellow Trump lawyers Rudy and Jenna where she peddled unfounded conspiracy theories about an international vote-rigging plot to flip millions of votes from Trump to Joe Biden.



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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2023, 01:37:44 PM »
For the simpletons.  In case mommy isn't around to explain it.

Have fun.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2023, 03:31:41 PM »
I know that most of the people behind these prosecutions really want Trump put away and never able to run for or hold political office again. I for one, don’t think any of these indictments are a big deal, but I do realize that some do and there are some that believe he should be prosecuted for them. I believe that, because on the flip side of that coin, is Biden and all of his bullshit deals that for some reason he has not been indicted for. If he is, I will hope that he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law if he broke it. I know there are people in this very thread who do not think he has done anything wrong.

That said, I worry about what this political back and forth will do to us as a nation. Do we just say fuck it and offer both of them amnesty? Quit the investigations and drop the indictments and just let them run against each other in 2024? I’m kind of on that train of thought. It seems the other option just plunges us further and further into division and hatred for the other side. That will never end in anything good or productive for us as a nation.


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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2023, 03:54:04 PM »
I know that most of the people behind these prosecutions really want Trump put away and never able to run for or hold political office again. I for one, don’t think any of these indictments are a big deal, but I do realize that some do and there are some that believe he should be prosecuted for them. I believe that, because on the flip side of that coin, is Biden and all of his bullshit deals that for some reason he has not been indicted for. If he is, I will hope that he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law if he broke it. I know there are people in this very thread who do not think he has done anything wrong.

That said, I worry about what this political back and forth will do to us as a nation. Do we just say fuck it and offer both of them amnesty? Quit the investigations and drop the indictments and just let them run against each other in 2024? I’m kind of on that train of thought. It seems the other option just plunges us further and further into division and hatred for the other side. That will never end in anything good or productive for us as a nation.

Tit for tat is childish but it's done all the time with the politicians. I don't agree with amnesty. Something being messy and unpleasant isn't a good reason not to do it if it's the right thing. Trump pushed the limit.. pushed past the limit of reasonableness and ultimately brought this down upon himself. Letting him get away with it isn't a good precedent. We would never hold any politician, especially a President accountable if we did that. And if Bidens accusations turn out to be true and he violated laws, hold him accountable as well. Let's hold our presidents to at least the same standards we would hold our school principal to.

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Re: Crackhead Kraken about to get cooked!
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2023, 10:15:52 PM »
For the simpletons.  In case mommy isn't around to explain it.

Have fun.

And still no link.