Holy shit, don't think the judges can judge what is beautiful when it comes to coloreds.
Look at Miss Finland for example, that's not many beautiful features.
And don't get me started on Miss Canada!
It's not serious from-the-gut feeling I suspect. It's ideology, "every race is just as beautiful so we will have to hand the blacks a box to stand on, because... equity." I'm not trying to say all blacks are ugly, they may not be my cup of tea, but beauty is probably somewhat subjective so I don't care what anyone else thinks, but here I think the driver is ideology. My mother isn't the least racist but she was watching a female black Swedish comedian. My mom is Finnish and the comedian goes, "is there are more ugly peoples than Fins, they desperately need to be cross bred" and everyone laughed. My mom was really offended, because imagine the opposite of making fun of blacks' looks
Ms Canada is pretty "special" looking.