Stop with this fasting end all be all nonsense. Stop. No it did not cure your back pain or whatever ailment you were going on about. There is no real fasting going on with you people that should be regarded as actual fasting. Real fasting are the people who live out in caves and deserts and badlands of Africa and they spend weeks on end fasting. Or monks and holy men who go into the mountains and temples to mediate in a state of semi awake. All you people who intermittent fast are just waiting to eat and end up eating less because it’s later in the day and it’s hard to stuff your gullet in a short time frame. If it works for you, then great. But you’re not cracking any biological code, your not bio hacking or whatever, you’re not undergoing authpology or cell regenerate or whatever that crap claims to do, you’re just eating later in the day. Good god. I guess teenagers who sleep in till 2 pm and then eat food must be intermittent fasting too!!! I guess when you eat dinner at 6pm and then eat a late brunch at 10 am must be the reason you’re shredding fat effortlessly!!!! I guess hospital patients who don’t eat until 9 am and had dinner the previous night at 5 pm must be fasting too!!!!!!!!!! Stop with the stupid magic claims of fasting. No stupid Thomas Delauer is not a fasting guru. Stop with the crap of waiting to drink coffee in the morning until whatever worthless cortisol is gone. Stop with the greens powder. Stop with the element crap electrolytes that do jack nothing. If all this nonsense mambo jumbo stuff worked as well as you folks claim then the world would all be healthy and all people would be walking around ripped and healthy. Good lord.