Author Topic: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle  (Read 14153 times)


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #325 on: May 02, 2024, 05:20:09 PM »


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #326 on: May 02, 2024, 09:36:40 PM »
bhank says he has frequent diarrhea, probably why he thinks opioids will help. Kinda the same thing with me, you lose nutrition when you are shitting all the time.

Regarding lower test and sexual function in the above sheet, Tramadol can make it impossible to climax, which is why it has been investigated as a drug for premature ejaculation. Don't believe me, go on pubmed. I think the delayed orgasm is from the serotonin part of its mechanism.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #327 on: May 02, 2024, 10:08:12 PM »
It's growing again, getting closer to 100.  What has now become the Hanky is a Junkie thread seems a good place for this.  I can't believe these 2 were never included, especially the NPD, which is probably the root cause of many of these:

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec ("missing half a pec"; "a Chronic pec tear. I first tore it at 25 years old. I then tore it again at 40 and 43. The thing with Chronic pec tears is they keep happening")
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.
8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training
68.  Medically too lean
69. sick the last few mornings with acid reflux in ndigestuin and no appetite (sic)
70.  Dead arm
71.  Botched hernia operation
72.  Brittle nails due to vitamin deficiency
73.  Pain in abdomen from where he had a surgical implant
74.  Throwing up bile on Thanksgiving morning
75.  Dyslexia
76.  Liposuction scars
77.  Spends half the night passing gas
78.  Painful peptic ulcer (of peace)
79.  High blood pressure  200+/160+.
80.  Passes blood for a month prior to bodybuilding shows
81.  constant painful heartburn
82.  cankor sores (those are typical signs something is wrong)
83.  Fungus toenails (on Mongoloid toes)
84.  mania
85.  left shoulder is not entirely stable
86.  Droopy left side of face/slurring while "taking the mustard to ya"
87.  Throwing up a gallon of "black stuff"
88.  Coughing up blood
89.  Carpal tunnel in hands
90.  Deviated Septum
91.  Chronic back pain due to (??)
92.  Opioid addiction
93.  Oppositional Defiant Disorder
94.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Humble Narcissist

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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #328 on: May 03, 2024, 01:07:44 AM »
How is he still alive? ^^^


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #329 on: May 03, 2024, 04:04:12 AM »
Note the similarities:





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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #330 on: May 03, 2024, 04:40:16 AM »
You don't have to argue.   You don't absorb more nutrients due to the slower digestion.  Do I need to school your saggy ass on the mechanisms of digestion that are inhibited from opioids?

Opioids can increase fluid absorption by delaying colonic transit. However, some clinical trials indicate that fentanyl and morphine may impair intestinal absorption of protein. Opioids can also inhibit relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, decrease propulsion of smooth muscles in the small and large intestine, and delay gastric emptying. These effects can result in nausea, vomiting, altered fluid dynamics, and increased GI transit time

You are going to need that doughnut to sit down I am fucking you so badly.

I can read it.....and explain it to you because these are things that people 1,000,000x smarter than you have researched and found out.  You  have almost ZERO knowledge on the workings of the small and large intestines.   You still think your stomach is your gut.  Shut the fuck up Brian.

Again slower digestion more absorption of nutrients not sure why this is a difficult concept for you


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #331 on: May 03, 2024, 04:44:44 AM »
bhank says he has frequent diarrhea, probably why he thinks opioids will help. Kinda the same thing with me, you lose nutrition when you are shitting all the time.

Regarding lower test and sexual function in the above sheet, Tramadol can make it impossible to climax, which is why it has been investigated as a drug for premature ejaculation. Don't believe me, go on pubmed. I think the delayed orgasm is from the serotonin part of its mechanism.

I have not had diarrhea in over a month. I have not had an opioid since last July. Not sure why if I get a sniffle, you guys think it is a perm daily ailment.

I cut out the high animal fat bacon and sausage and whole milk before my show. I also do not eat a lot of heavy animal fats I try to keep it lean on the meat. I have continued to not incorporate those items into my diet. My digestion has been great I have not even had a stomachache since. Meanwhile I was having a lot of issues prior. Of course, I am also keeping the calories on the lower side as well.

But as far as my digestion and Crohn's I have had 0 issues since my show. Not even any acid reflux no indigestion nothing. Knock on wood. Perhaps the penicillin cleared out whatever microorganisms were bothering my gut. But I think reducing hard to digest animal fats has made a difference.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #332 on: May 03, 2024, 04:48:08 AM »
I have not had diarrhea in over a month. I have not had an opioid since last July. Not sure why if I get a sniffle, you guys think it is a perm daily ailment.

I cut out the high animal fat bacon and sausage and whole milk before my show. I also do not eat a lot of heavy animal fats I try to keep it lean on the meat. I have continued to not incorporate those items into my diet. My digestion has been great I have not even had a stomachache since. Meanwhile I was having a lot of issues prior. Of course, I am also keeping the calories on the lower side as well.

so your crohns is gone then?

Dickhead, you have never had crohns you stupid bastard


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #333 on: May 03, 2024, 04:49:19 AM »
It's growing again, getting closer to 100.  What has now become the Hanky is a Junkie thread seems a good place for this.  I can't believe these 2 were never included, especially the NPD, which is probably the root cause of many of these:

1. "sheared from the bone Tricep"
2. Restless Leg syndrome
3. Shaky hands from childhood
4. Bone on Bone knees and surgeries (Titanium/adamantium rods)
5. Torn right pec ("missing half a pec"; "a Chronic pec tear. I first tore it at 25 years old. I then tore it again at 40 and 43. The thing with Chronic pec tears is they keep happening")
6. Surgical re-attachment of right tricep
7. 3 Shoulder surgeries, one on the right side the other 2 were on the left side.
8. Cut bicep tendon from a shoulder surgery
9. Barrett’s esophagus
10. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
11. Crohnes disease
12. Bile reflux
13. Hiatal hernia
14. Umbilical hernia
15. Polyps and cyst (pre-cancerous)
16. Bleeding ulcer
17. Bloody shits, nausea and indigestion and vomiting
18. shin splints in the forearms
19. magnesium and other mineral deficiencies
20. Stingray puncture of left or right foot (he can't remember, see dementia below and "225x15" and 7=10-11)
21. Anemia
22. Anxiety
23. Depression
24. Arthritis
25. Something with the neck from demolition derby (whiplash)
26. ACUTE Organ failure hacking up bile
27. Dementia/Alzheimers (possibly vaping induced)
28. Anorexia
29. "precancerous polyps and cyst throughout digestive system"
30. 2 Herniated bulging disc one lower back and one in the neck possibly causing nerve damage and atrophy on the right arm
31. Astigmatism
32. Broken toe from hopping out of bed
33. Possibly Infected veinless cutless bicep
34. Thrombosed Hemorrhoid
35. Missing esophageal sphincter
36. Male pattern baldness
37.  Erectile dysfunction
38.  Hands and arms completely numb in sleep
39.  Bulimia
40.  Agoraphobia  (not Agorgophobia though)
41.  Lactose Intolerant
42.  Baker's cyst
43.  Cleggian shoulder dislocation
44.  Two-step "sliding knee"
45.  "temporary Injury in the quad" (as of 6/28/23)
46.  Throwing up in the morning (daily ritual before dbol breakfast)
47.  Insomnia due to left shoulder aches
48.  Legs still don't bend right
49.  Starvation requiring midnight cooking meals
50.  can’t hear out of left ear and there is a constant ringing
51.  minor tendon strain pull in the right arm
52.  Sore throat
53.  Debilitating sunburn
54.  110 resting heartrate after coffee
55.  Bench press shakes from Adrenalin or Sugar Imbalance
56.  Elevated liver enzymes and high Hematocrit
57.  Pituitary gland doesn’t seem to be making anything
58.  Tennis elbow/stress fracture
59.  Tweaked right bicep from setting denied World Record Strict Curling in wrong weight class
60.  Red area around the [hernia operation] wound with some yellow puss and a swollen lymph node
61.  Infected hernia side incisions
62.  2 cm meniscus tear
63.  Tennis elbow requiring cortisone injections every 6 months for 2 years
64.  Delts have been dislocated and they do not sit the same in the joint. One is always rolled forward and the other is always rolled backward.
65.  abs hurt when he coughs
66.   foreign objected surgically implanted into abdomen
67.  Acute abdomen pain forcing two day break in post-surgery comeback training
68.  Medically too lean
69. sick the last few mornings with acid reflux in ndigestuin and no appetite (sic)
70.  Dead arm
71.  Botched hernia operation
72.  Brittle nails due to vitamin deficiency
73.  Pain in abdomen from where he had a surgical implant
74.  Throwing up bile on Thanksgiving morning
75.  Dyslexia
76.  Liposuction scars
77.  Spends half the night passing gas
78.  Painful peptic ulcer (of peace)
79.  High blood pressure  200+/160+.
80.  Passes blood for a month prior to bodybuilding shows
81.  constant painful heartburn
82.  cankor sores (those are typical signs something is wrong)
83.  Fungus toenails (on Mongoloid toes)
84.  mania
85.  left shoulder is not entirely stable
86.  Droopy left side of face/slurring while "taking the mustard to ya"
87.  Throwing up a gallon of "black stuff"
88.  Coughing up blood
89.  Carpal tunnel in hands
90.  Deviated Septum
91.  Chronic back pain due to (??)
92.  Opioid addiction
93.  Oppositional Defiant Disorder
94.  Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Most of this is made up. The other half is the same thing repeated 5 times.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #334 on: May 03, 2024, 04:50:01 AM »
so your crohns is gone then?

Dickhead, you have never had crohns you stupid bastard

Well according to multiple Gastro Doctors and blood testing I do but thanks for your expert opinion


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #335 on: May 03, 2024, 04:50:50 AM »
Most of this is made up. The other half is the same thing repeated 5 times.
We know its made up, its made up by you to distract from your failures.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #336 on: May 03, 2024, 04:51:56 AM »
Again slower digestion more absorption of nutrients not sure why this is a difficult concept for you

You really want to do this?


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #337 on: May 03, 2024, 04:52:37 AM »
Well according to multiple Gastro Doctors and blood testing I do but thanks for your expert opinion
Crohns is for life, not just when its convenient

You take no medication for it and you eat shit
That means you cant have crohns


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #338 on: May 03, 2024, 04:53:18 AM »
You really want to do this?

I glossed over it, hes got to be trolling, he cant be that stupid


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #339 on: May 03, 2024, 04:54:28 AM »
You really want to do this?

Do what you are a fucking idiot who thinks posting articles means you know something


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #340 on: May 03, 2024, 04:54:48 AM »
I have not had diarrhea in over a month. I have not had an opioid since last July. Not sure why if I get a sniffle, you guys think it is a perm daily ailment.

I cut out the high animal fat bacon and sausage and whole milk before my show. I also do not eat a lot of heavy animal fats I try to keep it lean on the meat. I have continued to not incorporate those items into my diet. My digestion has been great I have not even had a stomachache since. Meanwhile I was having a lot of issues prior. Of course, I am also keeping the calories on the lower side as well.

But as far as my digestion and Crohn's I have had 0 issues since my show. Not even any acid reflux no indigestion nothing. Knock on wood. Perhaps the penicillin cleared out whatever microorganisms were bothering my gut. But I think reducing hard to digest animal fats has made a difference.

You literally sat here and told everyone about your "bad sore throat" and had to mention how infections can kill.  Don't down play how you love the attention like a 6yo girl.  Any NORMAL person would probably have made a small passing comment.  You expounded on it...looking for sympathy and expected us to tell you what a warrior you were for fighting through it.  Pussy


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #341 on: May 03, 2024, 04:58:53 AM »
Crohns is for life, not just when its convenient

You take no medication for it and you eat shit
That means you cant have crohns

Typically speaking it flares up every couple weeks for a week or 2 then goes away for a couple weeks then comes back. When it is gone I add weight when it comes back I lose weight. But regardless I eat great. I have been tested blood test etc mutliple time by multiple gastro doctors over a 25 year period. But now I don't have Crohn's because Jeff says so halleluiah praise jesus.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #342 on: May 03, 2024, 04:59:55 AM »
Do what you are a fucking idiot who thinks posting articles means you know something

Lets examine this logic....

People learn things through doing....(wait for it)....reading.   Books, articles, magazine, etc.  Those same materials are written by people who are...(waiiiiit for it)...experts in the field.   The reason they are experts is.....(waiiiiiiiiit for it) because that subject is allllllll they do.

When you go to the doctor for any number of your ailments...they know what to do with you because they have STUDIED things and can apply that knowledge.

Answer this....when you sit here and claim to have read allll these research articles on ant aging, drugs, etc.  Are you not doing the exact same thing you just claimed I am an idiot for doing?? 

Why do you persist on looking like a twat day after day?


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #343 on: May 03, 2024, 05:00:24 AM »
You literally sat here and told everyone about your "bad sore throat" and had to mention how infections can kill.  Don't down play how you love the attention like a 6yo girl.  Any NORMAL person would probably have made a small passing comment.  You expounded on it...looking for sympathy and expected us to tell you what a warrior you were for fighting through it.  Pussy

Dude I don't want to spend all day arguing nonsense with you. You don't think I was sick I don't care whatever I know I was sick and considered pulling out but I didn't I showed up and I won so suck it.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #344 on: May 03, 2024, 05:01:02 AM »
Typically speaking it flares up every couple weeks for a week or 2 then goes away for a couple weeks then comes back. When it is gone I add weight when it comes back I lose weight. But regardless I eat great. I have been tested blood test etc mutliple time by multiple gastro doctors over a 25 year period. But now I don't have Crohn's because Jeff says so halleluiah praise jesus.

Tramadol is not an opioid because Brian says so....halleluiah praise jesus


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #345 on: May 03, 2024, 05:01:41 AM »
Lets examine this logic....

People learn things through doing....(wait for it)....reading.   Books, articles, magazine, etc.  Those same materials are written by people who are...(waiiiiit for it)...experts in the field.   The reason they are experts is.....(waiiiiiiiiit for it) because that subject is allllllll they do.

When you go to the doctor for any number of your ailments...they know what to do with you because they have STUDIED things and can apply that knowledge.

Answer this....when you sit here and claim to have read allll these research articles on ant aging, drugs, etc.  Are you not doing the exact same thing you just claimed I am an idiot for doing?? 

Why do you persist on looking like a twat day after day?

Most Dr don't know shit they are shockingly uneducated

I also have real world exp I don't just read and then pretend to know something


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #346 on: May 03, 2024, 05:02:13 AM »
Dude I don't want to spend all day arguing nonsense with you. You don't think I was sick I don't care whatever I know I was sick and considered pulling out but I didn't I showed up and I won so suck it.

You don't want to, but you will.  Your dad should have considered pulling out and your mom should have sucked it.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #347 on: May 03, 2024, 05:03:22 AM »
Most Dr don't know shit they are shockingly uneducated

Like your hernia surgeon who didn't want to prescribe you the hgh because you READ about how it can help with "wound healing".

Remember brian....your an idiot who thinks he knows something just because you've read an article.


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #348 on: May 03, 2024, 05:04:07 AM »
Like your hernia surgeon who didn't want to prescribe you the hgh because you READ about how it can help with "wound healing".

Remember brian....your an idiot who thinks he knows something just because you've read an article.

Or maybe I have actually used HGH in the past after multiple surgeries and I have had the same surgeries without using it and I know it fucking helps you daft twat

Doctors not even being casually familiar with studies in their field is wrong you talking like you know something is wrong

We have known for decades now that HGH helps post surgical healing yet Doctors and rehab idiots like you won't discuss it that is wrong

"HGH can speed up the recovery of the original injury that required surgery. It can speed the healing of surgical wounds. It can help to reduce inflammation and help prevent post-surgical bacterial infection, all because of its ability to boost your body’s healing and immune response."


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Re: Hormones and intense excercise builds muscle
« Reply #349 on: May 03, 2024, 05:06:35 AM »
Typically speaking it flares up every couple weeks for a week or 2 then goes away for a couple weeks then comes back. When it is gone I add weight when it comes back I lose weight. But regardless I eat great. I have been tested blood test etc mutliple time by multiple gastro doctors over a 25 year period. But now I don't have Crohn's because Jeff says so halleluiah praise jesus.

You dont have crohns because you say so, its not me saying it.
Everything you post about your diet and lifestyle would be impossible if you had crohns.
Crohns sufferers take medication and have very bland diets
I work with a guy who takes 8 medications and can only eat white food

If he ate your "sausage and gravy with biscuits" it would kill him