I do believe war-horse confuses fat and muscle, it's okay lots of "big" guys do so .How is it applicable to state you are natural on a natural board. If you weren't, youd simply post on the "pictures of members" board.And i'd much rather be a swimmer, then a bloated fat pig .
an123, your a frekkin dipshit dude. Your dissin everyone here, including the guy that had the balls to post a pic of himself. This is a bodybuilding board, not a swim team, bud.
your a beast. lol.kidding aside, at least your working out, too many kids are fat. if you haters cant tell...i was kidding about the fat thing.
Candidate don't ever bash or be sarcastic about someones pics of themselves on this board again, especially given your stature. This will not be tolerated. I agree with Oliver and Luke, you look good bro. Nice and lean. Got a really good base. Eat often and good and lift a lot. You will do well.
Everyone see's right thru you, an123. Classic "ab-shooter"
wantstobebigger, dont ever comment on my stature. fag."this will not be tolerated" haha.....who are you, excactly?
Dont ever comment on your stature! Your an idiot candidork....all 240 pounds of you . Hows that for a comment you f**king shmoe. If you don't want to be banned from here, show respect. If not, reply to this and I will delete every post you ever make on the Natty Board......go be an annoyance somewhere else.
bitch im 256 now.now go ahead and delete what i write...jackass.
What you've put on another 16 lbs of fat-well done,mate Stop fantasizing,grow up and get in the gym.