Author Topic: More Matt Furey  (Read 1274 times)


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More Matt Furey
« on: May 27, 2006, 04:59:20 PM »
The Truth About Bodybuilding

Hi ,
You know how I'm all-time spoofing them thar
bodybuilders. Their greased up skin. Their shaved
bodies. Their habit of mirror-gazing for hours.

Their tanning booth skin. Not to mention having
big muscles they can't do anything with - except
primp, preen and pose.

And that's just the start. I could go on and on about
these grease monkeys. Every time I worked out with
one of them on the mat they got hurt so fast you'd
think someone shot them.

One time, back when I lived in San Jose, CA, I threw
a guy - and while he was in orbit - he screamed in
agony. He got hurt while flying through the air. He
was hurt before he felt the impact of hitting the mat.

Strange but true.

Just so you know, bodybuilders, by and large
hate my guts - mostly because I'm spilling the beans on
their ridiculous claims about being healthy while their
liver and other internal organs scream for mercy.

As well as all the injuries caused, not only to their
external body via isolation exercises, as well as the
bench press, deadlift, and so on - but the INTERNAL
problems they've caused with the rampant use and abuse
of steroids.

I believe they've ruined an entire generation
of athletes, getting them to pump iron instead of
using their own bodyweight to get stronger. And
they've done it all under the guise that pumping
weight will help 'prevent injuries.'

My arse.

Want to get hurt - then pump iron.

Want to get fit and recover from all the wounds
caused by weights, then do Combat Conditioning.

Anyway, enough of this Fure-cat's latest rant -
go read about the apology I received from a
body builder. You and I have helped pull another lost
soul away from the 'DARK SIDE' of fitness.

Go to
and see what this former 'grease boy' had to say.

Kick butt-take names,

Matt Furey

P.S. If you're a bodybuilder and are deeply offended by
today's insinuations, too bad. Me don't care. So there.
Reform your life NOW, Bubba. Dump the iron and come over
to the 'light.' Living on the DARK SIDE is no way to go through life.
Once again, go read what this midwestern boooooby-builder had to
say by going to