Author Topic: Lebanon: Is there a Solution?  (Read 1336 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Lebanon: Is there a Solution?
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:50:21 AM »
Tony Nassif's answer to this question:  (

The answer is simple.  There are several keys to a successful solution

Hezbollah has to divest itself of the belligerence toward Israel.  Now do you really think that is going to happen?   

Syrian troops left Lebanon but their influence has not.  Their intelligence services have not.  Iran has deep hooks in Hezbollah and Hezbollah has deep integration with Iran.   

If there is a viable solution, the Lebanese will discover it.  Remember, it was Bashir Gemayel who, when elected president of Lebanon declared his desire to have a peace treaty with Israel.  Unfortunately he was murdered shortly thereafter.

Yet, the process of peace with Israel took hold with Egypt and Jordan and who knows who is next.

What possible solution hasn't been considered?

Here's a thought

An international force with full military capability of enforcement be dispatched to Lebanon to protect her borders and internal sovereignty.  Secondly, a mutual defense treaty be established between Lebanon and Israel.  Oh I can hear the reaction now.

What, in principle would this do?  First it would bring the full military power of Israel to the defense of Lebanon and vice versa.  Some may ask, "What benefit could the Lebanese military have for Israel?"

Simply put, Lebanon would have a treaty obligation to defend Israel from internal threats and by relation, the international force would be available to reinforce it.  Therefore, if Hezbollah and their client states sought to use Lebanon further they may think again knowing that by treaty they would be engaging the international community.

If the international community is going to honor and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a member nation who cannot defend itself then it must be willing to give aid and assistance to that member nation.

If anyone thinks that Hezbollah, Syria and Iranian extremist leaders are going to change their intent toward Israel they are sadly deluded.  Changing ones actions by external stimuli is one thing.  Changing the attitude and intent is quite another.

Regardless of what form the cease fire looks like, those attempting to use Lebanon to attack Israel will continuously (and most likely successfully) attempt to find ways to circumvent any provision of the cease fire.

Wait a minute!  A cease fire is just that.  A temporary cessation of hostilities. It doesn't deal with the root of the problem.  It is like putting a Band-Aid on a cancerous tumor.

         If the devices which perpetrated the recent war on Lebanese soil (note I didn't say "war with Lebanon") are put in permanent check then what next is unthinkable.

Now come the resolution to stop the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.  What's right and what's concerning about it.


We need to review the underlying elements which has brought the current events of devastation to a small nation of great people.  A nation that is peaceable.  A nation that is as a maiden who was abused, raped and manipulated by others who entered their country as a guest.  A people whose hospitality, warmth and openness was repaid by using its territory as a base for military operations against its neighbor with whom Lebanon lived in peace for many years.

How Lebanon Became a Battleground

When the PLO were driven out of Jordan nearly 30 years ago the Arabs via PLO decided to use Lebanon as a base of operations against Israel.  Unfortunately, many Lebanese were massacred in the commencement of this military operation by an outside force imposed on the peaceable Lebanese.

When Israel invaded Lebanon in the 1980's the PLO were driven out and in their stead came Hezbollah setting up operations in southern Lebanon.  Enter Iran, using and funding Hezbollah via humanitarian work doing things that on its face appear to be benevolent and worthy of praise.  However, with the honey comes the hook.

Hezbollah continues military operations.  They are now more sophisticated than the PLO ever thought they could be before being driven out of Lebanon.

They virtually control southern Lebanon without regard, respect or acknowledgment of the sovereignty of the Lebanese people and their government.

The Resolution for Cease Fire

No resolution of cease fire will work unless the military threat to Israel is completely eliminated.  Otherwise a renewed and more deadly conflict will arise in the not too distant future.  The source of the military threat in this venue is Hezbollah.

Even though many believe Israel was planning this operation before their soldiers were kidnapped, the fact remains that Hezbollah lit the fuse and if Hezbollah were not there and planning military operations against Israel then the need for Israeli intervention would be none existent.   

The Israeli military operations in Lebanon were never against the Lebanese but against those who hijacked the dignity of the Lebanese to create a base of military operation.

Some say the military operations must first stop and then negotiations such as the disarming of Hezbollah, etc.  This won't work.  We know the dynamics of international diplomacy.   

The root and cause of the military destruction of Lebanon must be totally and completely eliminated.  The outside influences fueling and perpetrating the roots and seed of the problem must be pulled up and discarded much the same as a gardener rips out the weed of a lawn by pulling up its roots.  Namely, that Syria and Iranian influence must at best be marginalized.

Lebanon offers 15,000 troops.

That seems to be a positive step except for some concerns.   What will the Lebanese troops do?  Put themselves in the cross hairs of Hezbollah and Israel?  Will they be sent to disarm Hezbollah and dismantle their infrastructure as a military operation.  This would be naive for anyone to believe.

If they didn't or could not do it before, what dynamics have changed that gives confidence that they could/would now?

Some suggest that Hezbollah be integrated into the Lebanese military.  This is most concerning because in so doing, Hezbollah puts on the cloak of legitimacy.  Their root desire and structure stays in tact only now with the sanction of the Lebanese military/government which could lead to even greater problems for the Lebanese in the future.  Let's face it.  No cease fire or diplomatic negotiation can remove the root of Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah desire to eliminate Israel.

Even more concerning is that Iranian government leaders have ascribed to the extremist position of eliminating Israel and are seeking nuclear options to carry it out.  Yet the extremists have virtually no value for human life and think they are going to heaven by killing innocent people.  How quickly do you think they would use the bomb if they could.  How easily could they transport one to Syrian then Lebanon then Israel.  A nuclear bomb doesn't have to be delivered by air.  Just the radiation effect would be devastating.

We all need to understand that the people of those nations are not like their leaders.  The Iranian and Syrian people want democracy, not theocracy.  They want relations not confrontations with the West and the world.

The Arab League Response

The Arab states declare the need for a full and complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon in order to reach a cease fire.  This simply goes back to the status quo ante.   

Now come the French accepting the Arab position instead of staying with the one the U.S. and they set forth.  I think of crepes.  It gets hot on one side and flips over to the other.  So much for dependability.

The Global Dynamic to the Lebanon Crisis

The Lebanese conflict is part of the wider, global Jihadist, Islamic extremist move for two basic goals:  Global domination ruled by Sharia Law and the extinction of Israel. The target of the extremists are all those who are not of the same malevolent goal.  That includes Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

To the Muslim extremist/terrorists human life is of no value and expendable.  Thus, the end justifies the means.  This is clear in the statements of the extremist Iranian President who leads the way for Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon.

Plot to blow up airplanes.  Case in point is the recent breakup of the planned destruction of nearly 10 commercial airline jets from Britain to the United States.  What is in the heart of those who intentionally plan to kill innocent people and themselves.  Thus the reality of evil.  The malevolence must be met with resolve, force and preemption.

If Hezbollah maintains its military machine at the end of this conflict a thunderous message will be sent throughout the terrorist networks. 

Lebanon:  The Example of Democracy...if

If Lebanon survives and its political institutions thrive, Lebanon will prove to be a bastion of democracy, mutual acceptance and tolerance by multi-ethnic multi-religious groups living in the same country.  Truly an example the region and the world.

Therefore, the crisis in Lebanon has global long term implications. 


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Re: Lebanon: Is there a Solution?
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2006, 10:55:21 AM »
Do you enjoy posting long and complex articles which you don't even understand to appear intelligent?


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Re: Lebanon: Is there a Solution?
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2006, 10:57:10 AM »
Tony Nassif's answer to this question:  (

The answer is simple.  There are several keys to a successful solution

Hezbollah has to divest itself of the belligerence toward Israel.  Now do you really think that is going to happen?   

Syrian troops left Lebanon but their influence has not.  Their intelligence services have not.  Iran has deep hooks in Hezbollah and Hezbollah has deep integration with Iran.   

If there is a viable solution, the Lebanese will discover it.  Remember, it was Bashir Gemayel who, when elected president of Lebanon declared his desire to have a peace treaty with Israel.  Unfortunately he was murdered shortly thereafter.

Yet, the process of peace with Israel took hold with Egypt and Jordan and who knows who is next.

What possible solution hasn't been considered?

Here's a thought

An international force with full military capability of enforcement be dispatched to Lebanon to protect her borders and internal sovereignty.  Secondly, a mutual defense treaty be established between Lebanon and Israel.  Oh I can hear the reaction now.

What, in principle would this do?  First it would bring the full military power of Israel to the defense of Lebanon and vice versa.  Some may ask, "What benefit could the Lebanese military have for Israel?"

Simply put, Lebanon would have a treaty obligation to defend Israel from internal threats and by relation, the international force would be available to reinforce it.  Therefore, if Hezbollah and their client states sought to use Lebanon further they may think again knowing that by treaty they would be engaging the international community.

If the international community is going to honor and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of a member nation who cannot defend itself then it must be willing to give aid and assistance to that member nation.

If anyone thinks that Hezbollah, Syria and Iranian extremist leaders are going to change their intent toward Israel they are sadly deluded.  Changing ones actions by external stimuli is one thing.  Changing the attitude and intent is quite another.

Regardless of what form the cease fire looks like, those attempting to use Lebanon to attack Israel will continuously (and most likely successfully) attempt to find ways to circumvent any provision of the cease fire.

Wait a minute!  A cease fire is just that.  A temporary cessation of hostilities. It doesn't deal with the root of the problem.  It is like putting a Band-Aid on a cancerous tumor.

         If the devices which perpetrated the recent war on Lebanese soil (note I didn't say "war with Lebanon") are put in permanent check then what next is unthinkable.

Now come the resolution to stop the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah.  What's right and what's concerning about it.


We need to review the underlying elements which has brought the current events of devastation to a small nation of great people.  A nation that is peaceable.  A nation that is as a maiden who was abused, raped and manipulated by others who entered their country as a guest.  A people whose hospitality, warmth and openness was repaid by using its territory as a base for military operations against its neighbor with whom Lebanon lived in peace for many years.

How Lebanon Became a Battleground

When the PLO were driven out of Jordan nearly 30 years ago the Arabs via PLO decided to use Lebanon as a base of operations against Israel.  Unfortunately, many Lebanese were massacred in the commencement of this military operation by an outside force imposed on the peaceable Lebanese.

When Israel invaded Lebanon in the 1980's the PLO were driven out and in their stead came Hezbollah setting up operations in southern Lebanon.  Enter Iran, using and funding Hezbollah via humanitarian work doing things that on its face appear to be benevolent and worthy of praise.  However, with the honey comes the hook.

Hezbollah continues military operations.  They are now more sophisticated than the PLO ever thought they could be before being driven out of Lebanon.

They virtually control southern Lebanon without regard, respect or acknowledgment of the sovereignty of the Lebanese people and their government.

The Resolution for Cease Fire

No resolution of cease fire will work unless the military threat to Israel is completely eliminated.  Otherwise a renewed and more deadly conflict will arise in the not too distant future.  The source of the military threat in this venue is Hezbollah.

Even though many believe Israel was planning this operation before their soldiers were kidnapped, the fact remains that Hezbollah lit the fuse and if Hezbollah were not there and planning military operations against Israel then the need for Israeli intervention would be none existent.   

The Israeli military operations in Lebanon were never against the Lebanese but against those who hijacked the dignity of the Lebanese to create a base of military operation.

Some say the military operations must first stop and then negotiations such as the disarming of Hezbollah, etc.  This won't work.  We know the dynamics of international diplomacy.   

The root and cause of the military destruction of Lebanon must be totally and completely eliminated.  The outside influences fueling and perpetrating the roots and seed of the problem must be pulled up and discarded much the same as a gardener rips out the weed of a lawn by pulling up its roots.  Namely, that Syria and Iranian influence must at best be marginalized.

Lebanon offers 15,000 troops.

That seems to be a positive step except for some concerns.   What will the Lebanese troops do?  Put themselves in the cross hairs of Hezbollah and Israel?  Will they be sent to disarm Hezbollah and dismantle their infrastructure as a military operation.  This would be naive for anyone to believe.

If they didn't or could not do it before, what dynamics have changed that gives confidence that they could/would now?

Some suggest that Hezbollah be integrated into the Lebanese military.  This is most concerning because in so doing, Hezbollah puts on the cloak of legitimacy.  Their root desire and structure stays in tact only now with the sanction of the Lebanese military/government which could lead to even greater problems for the Lebanese in the future.  Let's face it.  No cease fire or diplomatic negotiation can remove the root of Iranian, Syrian and Hezbollah desire to eliminate Israel.

Even more concerning is that Iranian government leaders have ascribed to the extremist position of eliminating Israel and are seeking nuclear options to carry it out.  Yet the extremists have virtually no value for human life and think they are going to heaven by killing innocent people.  How quickly do you think they would use the bomb if they could.  How easily could they transport one to Syrian then Lebanon then Israel.  A nuclear bomb doesn't have to be delivered by air.  Just the radiation effect would be devastating.

We all need to understand that the people of those nations are not like their leaders.  The Iranian and Syrian people want democracy, not theocracy.  They want relations not confrontations with the West and the world.

The Arab League Response

The Arab states declare the need for a full and complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon in order to reach a cease fire.  This simply goes back to the status quo ante.   

Now come the French accepting the Arab position instead of staying with the one the U.S. and they set forth.  I think of crepes.  It gets hot on one side and flips over to the other.  So much for dependability.

The Global Dynamic to the Lebanon Crisis

The Lebanese conflict is part of the wider, global Jihadist, Islamic extremist move for two basic goals:  Global domination ruled by Sharia Law and the extinction of Israel. The target of the extremists are all those who are not of the same malevolent goal.  That includes Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc.

To the Muslim extremist/terrorists human life is of no value and expendable.  Thus, the end justifies the means.  This is clear in the statements of the extremist Iranian President who leads the way for Iranian acquisition of a nuclear weapon.

Plot to blow up airplanes.  Case in point is the recent breakup of the planned destruction of nearly 10 commercial airline jets from Britain to the United States.  What is in the heart of those who intentionally plan to kill innocent people and themselves.  Thus the reality of evil.  The malevolence must be met with resolve, force and preemption.

If Hezbollah maintains its military machine at the end of this conflict a thunderous message will be sent throughout the terrorist networks. 

Lebanon:  The Example of Democracy...if

If Lebanon survives and its political institutions thrive, Lebanon will prove to be a bastion of democracy, mutual acceptance and tolerance by multi-ethnic multi-religious groups living in the same country.  Truly an example the region and the world.

Therefore, the crisis in Lebanon has global long term implications. 

...erm...are you mental..?


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Lebanon: Is there a Solution?
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2006, 11:00:56 AM »
just something I read and am passing on. you decide whatever you want. 

whaddup, Johnny!!!!  ;)