Author Topic: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...  (Read 52104 times)


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2012, 11:52:27 AM »
Once again jag/samson runs away when confronted with the truth.  Who even lets her post here? It's nothing but spamming her current scam.
Abandon every hope...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2012, 01:08:00 PM »
Hahaha so your response is a conspiracy theory that fort knox has no gold and Germany can't access theirs? Hahaha Please stop making things up.

Interesting that you would mention conspiracy theory, especially considering the warning I got yesterday.
I'll respond to this on the Conspiracy theory board, so as to not derail this thread OFF topic.

  Your dumb statement about China and India was shown to be false.

My statement was NOT shown to be false, on the contrary, ...your logic and level of awareness was.
It's clear you haven't done your homework on the situation, and are accepting as fact, figures spoonfed to you like pablum by those who want to maintain an illusiion.

The fact is Indians & Chinese have been collecting GOLD for centuries. It's part of their culture. The Chinese have not been collecting gold as long as Indians, but they have been prolific savers; On average 30% of Chinese families save over 30% of their incomes, and have been encouraged by their own governments to save in gold. In india, even the most impoverished can can get a bank loan if the intended purpose is the purchase of GOLD. Both countries, in addition to having significant populations, have a culture of saving. And they save in gold. They are the new power structure by virtue of their populations alone. Decisions made by those two countries will dwarf any decisions made by Washington or Brussels. Theirs in the world's fastest growing middle classes, for the past 10 years running, while during that time the middle classes in Europe & North America are quickly & systematically being wiped out.

Forget "official figures" for Chinese & Indian gold holdings. They are irrelevant. China was able to amass significant amounts and increase their gold position significantly, all while flying under the radar. They have reduced their dollar exposure significantly, and are no longer the biggest holders of US Debt. They have offloaded much of that debt onto the backs of US tax payers in that the Federal Reserve is now the largest holder of US debt. And all that debt = the wealth, labour, and property of USA citizens is encumbered. The Federal reserve has a lien on it. They OWN you and all US Federal Reserve note holders.

  You can back two countries with less gold than an ETF or you can take a dose of reality, the majority of gold belongs to 4 western countries. 

Ah yes, the ever present ETF. Ask Gerald Celente how well ETF's worked out for him, and all the other MF Global clients.

Speaking of ETF's, I was rushing to log onto my Update webinar yesterday when I responded to you and didn't realize you weren't referring to the IMF fiat SDRs, but was instead referring to the ETF SPDR. IMO, ETF's are another scam paper derivative used to suppress the true price of GOLD & other precious metals relative to fiats. For example: Not sure if you've followed it as closely as I have, but we saw a recent attempt to smash the price of gold. Gold dropped in price after Fed chair Ben Bernanke announced they would maintain a zero interest rate. Bernanke's statement worked miracles in terms of it's effects on Gold prices (Thanks for the sale Ben) It shook the stupid money, and the speculative money OUT of the markets, triggered stop loss sell offs, but it had no effect on those of us acquiring physical. We were happy because for us that simply meant GOLD went on sale.

Come on, let's use some common sense here. No-one sold 31 million ounces of gold. Instead, a lot of paper got shuffled. The entire COMEX registered and eligible stock totals 11.4 million ounces. This means that this entire inventory was bought and sold three times over in a day. The COMEX is a paper market pricing system which has nothing to do with real supply and demand or even genuine price discovery. GOLD is far more valueable, infact, infinitely more valueable than the public has been led to believe, due to the proliferation of ETF paper derivatives out there. That however will soon change. More & more Americans are coming out of their trances, waking up to the truth, and no longer listening to the morally bankrupt liars who who speak out of their anatomy, or libel and smear people who are genuinely trying to help them.

But getting back to China's & India's gold stocks. These are not necessarily limited to "official" numbers. You're failing to take into account inventory held by their citizens. The gold of citizens sure went a long way for the USA in 1933 when Roosevelt madde it illegal for US citizens to own gold, and forced Americans to turn over all their gold to the government.

How much do you think India's gold inventory would increase if India made such a similar declaration?

Especially now that American & European sanctions designed to cripple Iran, and stunt the growth of a couple of the world's fastest growing economies (India & China) both of whom are heavily dependent on Iran for oil.

These sanctions have backfired, because US dollars & Euro can no longer be used as a settlement.

So what has India done, ...they have instead chosen to trade GOLD in exchange for Iranian oil, alerting even the most die-hard comatose sleepers, that GOLD is indeed money, and reducing the amount of Petro dollars or Petro euros traded, and in the process, hastening the unraveling of both fiats.

What is the US response? ...threatening India or else. Threatening Iran with invasion?
And what happens if the USA goes to war with Iran? More American lives are sacrificed on the alter of the FED, while they add additional printing presses to pay for the war, exponentially increasing the speed of the dollars demise.

GOLD is the real thing, ...paper money is simply a poor counterfeit imposter.

There's a video on my YouTube channel 'karatbarbullion' entitled "I AM GOLD" that showcases Gold's unique properties, and reveal why it is indeed the real thing.

I'll throw up a few more that help to clarify the situation when I have more time to edit or upload.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2012, 01:10:27 PM »
I get my metals at a good company online - sorry jag.   


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2012, 01:12:51 PM »
Haha Chinese consumers collecting gold chains makes their currency strong is your argument?

Hahaha piss off already.
Abandon every hope...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #29 on: March 16, 2012, 01:18:22 PM »
Once again jag/samson runs away when confronted with the truth.  Who even lets her post here? It's nothing but spamming her current scam.

First of all I'm not Samson.

Secondly, if you think my latest business venture is a scam, that speaks volumes about your level of intelligence,
...or rather lack thereof.

We've been endorsed by Bund der Sparer, an independent 3rd party Consumer Watchdog organization in Germany.
We've also entered into agreements with Governments, Sports Teams, Celebrities, and The Vatican!

If you are under the mistaken impression that The Vatican is merely a 'religious organization', WAKE UP!!!
They are a MAJOR FINANCIAL POWER. And they don't just enter into agreements with just anybody.
I can assure you we have been vetted to such an extent it would make your mind boggle.

If our integrity & credibility is good enough for The Vatican, it should be good enough for anyone else reading this forum.

Or do you need to see Jesus Christ himself come back and say what we're doing is infact legitimate?
I hope for your sake that's NOT what you need, because if it is, then, will be too late for you.


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2012, 01:42:05 PM »
I get my metals at a good company online - sorry jag.   

I don't care where you get your metals, just so long as you acquire some.

Of course I would prefer you got it through the same source I use, ...but hey, as long as you have some.   :D

I hope you're getting bars and not gov. issued coins.

When one purchases government issued coins, you do NOT own them.
You are merely the BEARER and must relinquish those coins at face value, should the government choose to recall them.

Yesterday's closing spot was $1600 something. Would hate to see someone  pay spot + refinery markups + dealer markups etc, only to have to turn it over to the government under penalty of imprisonment for $50

  • Does your Gold dealer gve you FREE GOLD?
  • Does your Gold dealer report all your purchases to the government?
  • Is your Gold dealer subject to national laws? ...or do they operate under international law, placing them on the same level as other countries, and thereby not subject to arbitrary laws that may be passed in any particular country?
  • Does your Gold dealer provide you the option of FREE storage for your gold; offshore in a non-seizure country?
  • What's the point spread on the buy-back?
  • Does your Gold dealer have a worldwide network of acceptance points whereby you would be able to exchange small fractions of a gram for goods & services?
  • Do you get free GOLD back into your account when you shop online with various merchants?

Soul Crusher

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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2012, 01:43:30 PM »
I don't care where you get your metals, just so long as you acquire some.

Of course I would prefer you got it through the same source I use, ...but hey, as long as you have some.   :D

I hope you're getting bars and not gov. issued coins.

When one purchases government issued coins, you do NOT own them.
You are merely the BEARER and must relinquish those coins at face value, should the government choose to recall them.

Yesterday's closing spot was $1600 something. Would hate to see someone  pay spot + refinery markups + dealer markups etc, only to have to turn it over to the government under penalty of imprisonment for $50

  • Does your Gold dealer gve you FREE GOLD?
  • Does your Gold dealer report all your purchases to the government?
  • Is your Gold dealer subject to national laws? ...or do they operate under international law, placing them on the same level as other countries, and thereby not subject to arbitrary laws that may be passed in any particular country?
  • Does your Gold dealer provide you the option of FREE storage for your gold; offshore in a non-seizure country?
  • What's the point spread on the buy-back?
  • Does your Gold dealer have a worldwide network of acceptance points whereby you would be able to exchange small fractions of a gram for goods & services?
  • Do you get free GOLD back into your account when you shop online with various merchants?

i take physical possession and get copper, silver, and a little gold.   

I have a shit load of lead too.   :D  :D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #32 on: March 16, 2012, 01:55:11 PM »
Haha Chinese consumers collecting gold chains makes their currency strong is your argument?

Hahaha piss off already.

No, Chinese citizens buying bullion at rates of up to an ounce per month for those who can afford to do so "officially", ...and considerably more under the radar.

Crunch the numbers. We're talking populations in the billions. If just a teeny, tiny, fractional percentage of the population shifted the 30% they were saving in paper into GOLD. It has a tsunami effect. Remember, I once experienced the effect of Chinese enthusiasm for a particular product or service. I saw those numbers grow as Chinese citizens as well as the Chinese government embraced a previous product I was associated with because of it's tremendous capacity to reduce vehicular emissions and reduce pollution. They wanted the air cleaned up in time for the 2008 Olympics.

People think of China & india as impoverished countries, and yes, in certain areas there exists a lot of poverty, but when you consider the overall size of their populations, you realize, there are more millionaires in India, than the entire population of Canada. If you take into account the gold they have been acquiring & passing down through generations, the number of BILLIONAIRES in india boggles the mind. I won't even go into the Dragon family of China & Taiwan.


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #33 on: March 16, 2012, 01:59:22 PM »

i take physical possession and get copper, silver, and a little gold.   

Physical possession is good too. my source also makes that available for those who want it. Of course some do prefer it be stored.

I have a shit load of lead too.   :D  :D

Really? I would never have guessed!  :P

Soul Crusher

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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #34 on: March 16, 2012, 02:03:20 PM »
Physical possession is good too. my source also makes that available for those who want it. Of course some do prefer it be stored.

Really? I would never have guessed!  :P

I take only physical possession.

As far as lead goes - plent plenty plenty - all common calibers - mostly 9mm, .22., .308, 12 Gauge etc. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #35 on: March 16, 2012, 02:25:41 PM »
I take only physical possession.

As far as lead goes - plent plenty plenty - all common calibers - mostly 9mm, .22., .308, 12 Gauge etc.  

Gotta keep part of your lead collection a secret.
Let the F#%Ker's show up expecting a handgun, and give 'em a bazooka instead!  :P


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #36 on: March 16, 2012, 02:34:11 PM »
No, Chinese citizens buying bullion at rates of up to an ounce per month for those who can afford to do so "officially", ...and considerably more under the radar.

Crunch the numbers. We're talking populations in the billions. If just a teeny, tiny, fractional percentage of the population shifted the 30% they were saving in paper into GOLD. It has a tsunami effect. Remember, I once experienced the effect of Chinese enthusiasm for a particular product or service. I saw those numbers grow as Chinese citizens as well as the Chinese government embraced a previous product I was associated with because of it's tremendous capacity to reduce vehicular emissions and reduce pollution. They wanted the air cleaned up in time for the 2008 Olympics.

People think of China & india as impoverished countries, and yes, in certain areas there exists a lot of poverty, but when you consider the overall size of their populations, you realize, there are more millionaires in India, than the entire population of Canada. If you take into account the gold they have been acquiring & passing down through generations, the number of BILLIONAIRES in india boggles the mind. I won't even go into the Dragon family of China & Taiwan.

Hahaha so once again you're pinning your hopes on consumers in India and China buying gold watches and chains?  Wow you really are a bad scam artist.  
Abandon every hope...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2012, 03:13:45 PM »
Hahaha so once again you're pinning your hopes on consumers in India and China buying gold watches and chains?

WTF? either...
  • You have a serious English comprehension issue, or
  • ...I'm in the TWILIGHT ZONE, or
  • ...BOTH!!


  Wow you really are a bad scam artist.  

You're right about that. I'm so honest, I would be a bad scam artist.  :D




  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2012, 04:05:39 PM »
Thank You for such a lovely complement.  ::)

Hmmm... you think I'm a moron, ...yet you agree with me? What does that make you?
  • A. - a really, really bigger moron?
  • B. - a bellicose individual who simply likes to argue and fling mud whether he knows what he's talking about or not?
  • C. - BOTH?

Please show me where in my post I stated that Obama wasn't playing favourites.

First off, I think perhaps you might have missed the part about refinery capacity. And secondly, positive returns for oil companies, do not equate to lower prices at the pump for consumers.  Record oil company profits along with record high fuel prices from 2006 through 2008 should have taught you that.

When the purchasing power of the US Federal Reserve note is eroded, it buys less.
Regardless of what it is that is being purchased... whether it be gasoline, groceries or clothing.
As such, it will always require more & more of the fiat paper to acquire the same thing.

That is the actual subject of this thread. go ahead... check the thread title... I can wait.

An increase in domestic drilling without any increase in refinery capacity does nothing for consumers. Increased demand for fuel, from growing markets like India & China who have both demographics and stronger currencies on their side, will mean a scarce supply of fuel to meet domestic needs, ...again resulting in higher fuel prices.

It comes down to monetary policy which has been unsound, and unsustainable.
holy goodness you cant even keep track of your posts....

First I didnt bring up GDP you idiot, you did a company making and yes a company taking on a profitable project will add to GDP. I dont know what you brought up GDP but the fact is your an idiot and dont know the different ways to calculate it, if you did you wouldnt have made that comment.

Second if we produced more oil in the US or for your example even more oil in foreign countries paying the workers in US dollars we wouldnt have the foreign exchange exposure which is your point.

Another thing you dont take into account is that a weaker dollar also helps some ppl. Look at where the majority of the world is investing. It isnt china, germany, BRIC's its the US part of that is b/c their money gets more here.

The dollars value has been pretty flat over the last year, so what do you say is the reasoning for the record high gas prices this year?

which currencies do you feel the dollar has lost a good amount of value against?

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #39 on: March 16, 2012, 04:18:30 PM »
24KT=Samson=Jag=Betty Blanco=pathetic pyramid pushing troll


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #40 on: March 16, 2012, 04:34:52 PM »
There was something recently about Germany asking us for their Gold, and we told them no.... lol.

60% of it seems to reside in the US -> so gone forever.
A german minister wanted to know the exact amount and "traffic" of german gold and got dissed by the men in power that such info would harm american/german relations.
This a another paramount indicator that politicians are just clerks for a few in higher positions.
It seems that right now there's frantic gold fever among european countries in preperation to reverting back to a currency backed by gold.

BTW, interesting info 24kt.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #41 on: March 17, 2012, 12:11:20 AM »
holy goodness you cant even keep track of your posts....

First I didnt bring up GDP you idiot, you did a company making and yes a company taking on a profitable project will add to GDP.

Who brought up GDP first was not in question. What I asked, was for YOU to point out where in my post I stated that Obama wasn't playing favourites. that was an assertion YOU claimed I made. I simply asked you where in my post I said that?

I dont know what you brought up GDP...

GDP is important for two reasons. Improved corporate profits with no benefit to the consumer, does nothing to reduce fuel prices at the pump. What kind of oxymoronic statement is a "jobless recovery" anyway? Do you know what that really means? It means corporate profits will increase with no such correlative increase or relief for consumers

Secondly, when it comes to GDP, you are well past the tipping point. The debt is insurmountable. You can tax every man woman & child in America 100% of their income, and it would not be enough to even meet the interest payments on the debt.

Thirdly, there is currently no shortage of domestic supply of fuel. There is also a reduced domestic demand. These factors should result in a reduction of fuel prices, instead we're seeing the exact opposite. Fuel prices at the pump are at an ALL TIME high. Higher than they ever were. The price of oil has dropped significantly... when priced in GOLD, but priced against a US Federal reserve note, is at record highs. Proving my initial point. This has nothing to do with energy policies, and everything to do with FED Monetary policies.


 ...but the fact is your an idiot and dont know the different ways to calculate it, if you did you wouldnt have made that comment.

Your grammar is so atrocious, I'm not sure what it is you're trying to say there.

Watch your grammar Tony. Grammar is very important.

It's the difference between KNOWING YOUR SHIT, and knowing YOU'RE SHIT! 8)

Second if we produced more oil in the US or for your example even more oil in foreign countries paying the workers in US dollars we wouldnt have the foreign exchange exposure which is your point.

Tony, Please, don't try to state my points for me. I will state my own points thankyouverymuch. The USA doesn't have foreign exchange exposure. The USA hold's the defacto world's reserve currency. As the Fed prints the money into oblivion, it is the REST of the world that has the foreign exchange exposure, because most of those notes are held outside of the US. Everybody else's currencies are sitting ducks, because we are all pegged to the US Federal Reserve note. If you all want to go down in flames, you're welcome to do so, ...but the rest of the world is saying "Do what you want, you're not taking us with you!"  Even Arab oil money is shifting into GOLD.


Another thing you dont take into account is that a weaker dollar also helps some ppl.


Darn right it helps some people... those of us who own gold!!! lol.   :D


Look at where the majority of the world is investing. It isnt china, germany, BRIC's its the US part of that is b/c their money gets more here.

You really need someone to explain to you the difference between investing in a nation, ...and buying it up for pennies!

All those homes foreclosed on that are sitting empty, some in guard gated communities, others not... how much do you think they are really worth, and why do you think the banks have not put all that inventory on the market? Why do you think they still have them sitting on their books, propping up their balance sheets with bloated misrepresented valuations? And what do you think will happen when the banks are forced to relinquish these homes and the market is flooded with inventory. What do you think will happen to property markets and real estate prices then? It will be like Weimar Republic Germany all over again where you can buy an entire city block for 3 grams of gold!

You will be just like Thomas Jefferson predicted. You will wake up homeless on the very continent your forefathers conquered. And don't think owning your home mortgage-free will leave you in the clear. States, and municipalities are all indebted to the Fed, and will implement whatever policies are dictated to them. During the transition to a new monetary system, when fiat currency is worthless, ...if you don't have enough GOLD saved to pay property taxes, they will take your house away, right out from under you.

The dollars value has been pretty flat over the last year, so what do you say is the reasoning for the record high gas prices this year?

It was your nation's blood thirsty lust for power and it's insistence on murdering countless thousands of  innocent men, women, and children in Vietnam, that put your country in this trap to begin with. By removing the GOLD standard, Nixon and subsequent administratiions were able to print all the money they wanted to, in order to pay off their war debts, and give the Fed free reign to destroy your country, and attempt to enslave the entire planet.

Do you remember Tricky Dicky's famous comment "I am not a crook", ...well guess what, ...he was!

The PRIVATE shareholders of the Federal Reserve know it, as do it's current, and previous chairs, though they sometimes pretend not to.

"In the absence of GOLD, there is NO WAY to protect your savings from CONFISCATION through inflation" ~ Alan Greenspan, fmr chair of The federal Reserve.

"US Dollars have value only to the extent they are strictly limited in supply. but the US Government has a technology, called a printing press, (or today it's electronic equivalent). that allows it to produce as many US Dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost." ~ Current Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke.


which currencies do you feel the dollar has lost a good amount of value against?


Dude, I'm trying to tell you, but it's like it just keeps flying over your head.

The Important of GOLD



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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #42 on: March 17, 2012, 12:36:59 AM »
24KT=Samson=Jag=Betty Blanco=pathetic pyramid pushing troll

So now, I'm Benny Blanco as well? Whatever. ::)

Hmmm... what do Samson, Benny & myself have in common, except for the fact that our ancestors actually built the pyramids?

Do you have anything constructive or informative to add to this thread?


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #43 on: March 17, 2012, 12:47:16 AM »
60% of it seems to reside in the US -> so gone forever.
A german minister wanted to know the exact amount and "traffic" of german gold and got dissed by the men in power that such info would harm american/german relations.
This a another paramount indicator that politicians are just clerks for a few in higher positions.
It seems that right now there's frantic gold fever among european countries in preperation to reverting back to a currency backed by gold.

BTW, interesting info 24kt.

Thanks Bruce.
Oh ya, gold fever is on in a BIG way all over the planet, ...but the information is suppressed here in North America.
Right now, they are trying to confiscate Greece's gold, others are suggesting Italy divest itself of it's gold.
Why the interest in GOLD if it isn't money, ...and why is Brussels & Israel pissed that Iran is now selling it's oil without the need for fiat paper.
That in itself is proof positive that GOLD is money. So now the USA is scrambling to get it's hands on more GOLD, so all of a sudden they are interested in going after Kony, conveniently enough in a country rich in gold, and all sorts of mineral resources. If they didn't act years ago when Oprah spotlighted the issue, ...why all the concern now?

Internet Tough Guy

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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #44 on: March 17, 2012, 06:48:17 AM »
So now, I'm Benny Blanco as well? Whatever. ::)

Hmmm... what do Samson, Benny & myself have in common, except for the fact that our ancestors actually built the pyramids?

Do you have anything constructive or informative to add to this thread?

Do you?


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #45 on: March 17, 2012, 07:21:43 AM »
Epic novel length response that shows your a bigger idiot than I first thought...

first of all, lets get this out in the open so I can show you just uneducated you are on this subject.

How do you believe GDP is calculated?

next your first post was about the exposure the consumers in the US have at the pump due to the devaluation of the dollar.

What currency do you feel the dollar has lost value against over the past year?(this is the crux of your argument in this thread by the way)

What do you think investing is? you buy the asset that you feel with return the best while giving acceptable risk....

so yes ppl are investing in the US more than any country, look at the markets around the world and what theyve done over the past year...

you really know little about any of this jag going off of your posts, I mean this honestly and with not ill intent. You should put down whatever reading material youre going off of and pick up a few text books on finance, international finance, risk management and investments I really think it would do wonders for your sales to be able to speak intelligently about this.


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Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #46 on: March 17, 2012, 01:45:10 PM »
Epic novel length response that shows your a bigger idiot than I first thought...

Those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and brains to comprehend will both see, hear and understand what I'm saying.
My message and responses, though directed to you, are really for them.
Those who don't have eyes to see or ears to hear will not see or hear or comprehend that of which I speak.
This message is not for them, as it is clearly not for you.

first of all, lets get this out in the open so I can show you just uneducated you are on this subject.

Thanks for that laugh Tony. I love to laugh, and you never fail to trigger a great big belly laugh from me.
Thanks, but no thanks... I'd rather be an "uneducated moron/idiot (or whatever pejorative you choose to insert) and be sitting on a fat gold position, than one who has been "educated" (or more accurately indoctrinated) in the conventional wisdom of John Maynard Keynes.

btw: Are you still looking for a job and collecting government assistance?

next your first post was about the exposure the consumers in the US have at the pump due to the devaluation of the dollar.

Absolutely. Increased prices are a relection of a weaker devalued currency due to Fed monetary policy

What currency do you feel the dollar has lost value against over the past year?(this is the crux of your argument in this thread by the way)

YES, Finally he gets it. ::)

There have been a few, but the first to immediately come to mind is my own currency, ...the Canadian dollar.

Tony, Since 1987, I have ONLY been engaged in residual income producing endeavors, and am still receiving income on work I did as early as 1987. Infact, just the other day, I picked up a nice residual cheque for work I did in 1998. Since 2001, I have earned by income strictly in US Dollars with the exception of Canadian dollar income in the form of residuals for work done prior to 2001. As a result of MY exposure to the US dollar EVERY WEEK when depositing cheques, I've seen the steady decline of the value of the USD because I have the advantage of living in a different country where I am forced to occassionally exchange the greenback into Canadian currency in order to function within Canadian society. Those of us who live outside of the USA see this, and we've been seeing it for quite some time.

Being in the USA, puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to seeing the daily decline in your currency, because most businesses & retailers simply absorbed the shrinkage in their profit margins rather than raise prices to reflect the decline in the greenback's purchasing power. Retailer & businesses no longer have that luxury. They are forced to increase their prices because they cannot shave their profit margins any further and still remain in business.

Part of the reason Canada's economy has fared so well relative to all the other G20's or even G8's, is because Canada declared war on the US decades ago, and devalued their currency 40% - 43% against their biggest trading partner. 70% of our exports currently go to the USA, and our devalued currency made our exports more attractive. We sold you all the softwood lumber you needed to further pump up your housing bubble, and our manufacturers did quite well. As the USD started it's precipitous decline, there was already a 40 point spread in existence which gave our businesses the breathing room necessary, as well as our government the time to enter into trade negotiations with other countries to buy the exports the USA soon would not be in a position to afford.

This was my crackpot theory that we were in the midst of WWIII only we weren't fighting it with tanks & soldiers, but with financial instruments. I came up with in 1993 when someone triggered a memory of something my best friend said when we were sitting in 8th grade math class. I've shared this theory with friends... who for years laughed and told me my elevator didn't go all the way to the top. Well just the other day, one of those friends said he was reading a book called "Currency Wars" by James Rickard, that just came out last November, that infact validated my crackpot theory about a currency war. I've not yet read it, but he claims Mr Rickards puts forth the same premise I proposed. I don't know if he does or doesn't, but I do know that today, ALL nations are trying this strategy, of devalueing their currencies to make their exports more attractive. Just the other day Switzerland pegged it's franc to the euro, in an effort to protect it's export market, saying it couldn't live with a franc valued higher than 1.20% of the euro, ...leaving GOLD as the ONLY safe haven left to preserve puchasing power.

The big problem for the USA is you no longer manufacture anything. you've outsourced it all overseas.

Debasing currencies against your neighbour doesn't work when EVERY BODY is doing it, and especially when you do not have any sort of a manufacturing sector left to speak of... except perhaps the military industrial complex.

Nations all over the world realize the futility of debasing against each other. It simply becomes a race to the bottom, but one thing is viable that all currencies can debase against, ...and that is GOLD. GOLD is hard currency. It is sound money, real money WITHOUT any counter-party risk. It is not subject to inflation, and cannot be minted at will out of thin air. The value of gold, is not dependent upon any one nation's ability to or promises to repay it's bills, and it is NOT CREATED OUT OF DEBT.

The only thing that the Federal Reserve note promises, that we know for sure it can keep, it promises to tax your butt, and your children's and your grandchildren's asses forever.

What do you think investing is? you buy the asset that you feel with return the best while giving acceptable risk....

Well therein lays one of our many differences of both opinion & perspective. We clearly have different perspectives on the matter.You see, for me, what you just laid out is NOT investing. In MY eyes, what you just described is SPECULATING.

To me, an "INVESTMENT" is acquiring something that is already UNDERVALUED.
To me, an "INVESTMENT" is an acquisition or purchase with my profit margin already in place AT THE MOMENT OF ACQUISITION
To me an investment is NOT buying something... in the hopes that it will go up in value. To me that's speculating.

I buy something KNOWING it's intrinsic value to begin with. And when I see that it's price point is no where near a reflection of it's true value, I get it. To me, THAT's an investment, the other a speculation.

so yes ppl are investing in the US more than any country, look at the markets around the world and what theyve done over the past year...

I have looked at the markets, and I have seen what they've done, ...and it makes me cry when I think of the exposure so many people are facing because the so-called "experts" and financial planners don't give a crap about them. Their #1 concern is how to make money off these people. I think of all the pension funds that are FORCED to invest into paper derivative markets because by law they are required to produce a certain % increase every year. The percentage of increase is useless if that increase comes in the form of inflated debased fiat paper. I'd rather have the purchasing power of a $20 bill circa 1913, than a $100 bill circa 2012. so to me, having my money on a roller coaster of paper derivatives producing gains that are nothing more than smoke & mirrors, and are guaranteed to erode the value of my money and steal my wealth is an amusement park ride I'd prefer not to take.

you really know little about any of this jag going off of your posts, I mean this honestly and with not ill intent. You should put down whatever reading material youre going off of and pick up a few text books on finance, international finance, risk management and investments I really think it would do wonders for your sales to be able to speak intelligently about this.

Ya, ok, whatever! ::)

For my sales? You still don't get it do you Tony?

I came across a company that empowers people to exchange bad money into good money.
And that company pays me rewards in the form of euro, as well as additional gold.
I can take the euro they pay me, and immediately convert it into gold.
I can take the gold they pay me, and keep it in gold, or convert it to fiat if I choose.
If a poop hits the fan scenario occurs, I can use it to shop in the event paper is no longer accepted,
...or a bank holiday is declared and ATM's are shut down or traditional paper money bank accounts are frozen.
Just ask Gerald Celente and the other MF Global clients how much fun it was when their accounts were frozen.
Ask people in Egypt what it was like not being able to buy groceries, or fill up their gas tanks, ...not because prices were too high, ...but because Mubarak shut down all the ATM machines and people couldn't get access to their money. I have friends in Egypt, I know what people went through.

I'm not selling gold, I'm acquiring it.

I've simply found a source that for me provides the most flexible, most reliable, most ethical, least expensive, most practical solution & route to GOLD acquisition, FOR ME, ...and I believe for most people as well.

But that's all irrelevant. This thread was not about karatbars, or my acquisition of karatbars, or even showing people how they too can get karatbars which are 999.9% pure 24kt gold and easily & instantly recognizable by banks, governments, gold dealers etc., in 194 countries around the world as money, authentic, & genuine, due to the tamper proof hologram and LBMA certification. It's not even about karatbars being the highest grade of gold, in it's purest form, for the lowest possible price, available to gold buyers in practical transaction friendly weights. Or even about karatbars being a medium of echange if and when fiat paper loses all value.

This thread was about the superiority of GOLD over fiat paper currencies.

Let me ask you a simple question. Would you rather have a savings account backed by FDIC insurance (insured by a government already 15 trillion in debt) or would you rather have your savings backed by GOLD?

And if you prefer FDIC insurance, where do you think the government will get the money to replace the NUMBERS in your account when they're already 15 trillion in debt ...and climbing?

Enter Fed Chair Ben Bernanke from stage left to crank up the printing presses...

...and what will that do to the value & purchasing power of those NUMBERS they're replacing into your paper money bank accounts?

Understand if your bank goes belly up, FDIC only insures the NUMBER of dollars in the account, not the value or purchasing power of those dollars.

Do you know anyone in Argentina? I do. I remember what happened in 2001 when they called a bank holiday and froze people's accounts. My girlfriend had enough money in her account to buy a house. By the time her account was unfrozen, When all was said and done... the purchasing power of her money wasn't even enough to buy a car.

Gold is the money of Kings & Queens.
Silver is the money of aristocracy
Barter is the money of peasants
DEBT is the money of slaves

So let us all endeavor to be Kings & Queens

Save GOLD money not fiat (paper) currency



  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 26520
Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #47 on: March 17, 2012, 02:02:44 PM »
Those who have eyes to see, ears to hear, and brains to comprehend will both see, hear and understand what I'm saying.
My message and responses, though directed to you, are really for them.
Those who don't have eyes to see or ears to hear will not see or hear or comprehend that of which I speak.
This message is not for them, as it is clearly not for you.

Thanks for that laugh Tony. I love to laugh, and you never fail to trigger a great big belly laugh from me.
Thanks, but no thanks... I'd rather be an "uneducated moron/idiot (or whatever pejorative you choose to insert) and be sitting on a fat gold position, than one who has been "educated" (or more accurately indoctrinated) in the conventional wisdom of John Maynard Keynes.

btw: Are you still looking for a job and collecting government assistance?

Absolutely. Increased prices are a relection of a weaker devalued currency due to Fed monetary policy

YES, Finally he gets it. ::)

There have been a few, but the first to immediately come to mind is my own currency, ...the Canadian dollar.

Tony, Since 1987, I have ONLY been engaged in residual income producing endeavors, and am still receiving income on work I did as early as 1987. Infact, just the other day, I picked up a nice residual cheque for work I did in 1998. Since 2001, I have earned by income strictly in US Dollars with the exception of Canadian dollar income in the form of residuals for work done prior to 2001. As a result of MY exposure to the US dollar EVERY WEEK when depositing cheques, I've seen the steady decline of the value of the USD because I have the advantage of living in a different country where I am forced to occassionally exchange the greenback into Canadian currency in order to function within Canadian society. Those of us who live outside of the USA see this, and we've been seeing it for quite some time.

Being in the USA, puts you at a disadvantage when it comes to seeing the daily decline in your currency, because most businesses & retailers simply absorbed the shrinkage in their profit margins rather than raise prices to reflect the decline in the greenback's purchasing power. Retailer & businesses no longer have that luxury. They are forced to increase their prices because they cannot shave their profit margins any further and still remain in business.

Part of the reason Canada's economy has fared so well relative to all the other G20's or even G8's, is because Canada declared war on the US decades ago, and devalued their currency 40% - 43% against their biggest trading partner. 70% of our exports currently go to the USA, and our devalued currency made our exports more attractive. We sold you all the softwood lumber you needed to further pump up your housing bubble, and our manufacturers did quite well. As the USD started it's precipitous decline, there was already a 40 point spread in existence which gave our businesses the breathing room necessary, as well as our government the time to enter into trade negotiations with other countries to buy the exports the USA soon would not be in a position to afford.

This was my crackpot theory that we were in the midst of WWIII only we weren't fighting it with tanks & soldiers, but with financial instruments. I came up with in 1993 when someone triggered a memory of something my best friend said when we were sitting in 8th grade math class. I've shared this theory with friends... who for years laughed and told me my elevator didn't go all the way to the top. Well just the other day, one of those friends said he was reading a book called "Currency Wars" by James Rickard, that just came out last November, that infact validated my crackpot theory about a currency war. I've not yet read it, but he claims Mr Rickards puts forth the same premise I proposed. I don't know if he does or doesn't, but I do know that today, ALL nations are trying this strategy, of devalueing their currencies to make their exports more attractive. Just the other day Switzerland pegged it's franc to the euro, in an effort to protect it's export market, saying it couldn't live with a franc valued higher than 1.20% of the euro, ...leaving GOLD as the ONLY safe haven left to preserve puchasing power.

The big problem for the USA is you no longer manufacture anything. you've outsourced it all overseas.

Debasing currencies against your neighbour doesn't work when EVERY BODY is doing it, and especially when you do not have any sort of a manufacturing sector left to speak of... except perhaps the military industrial complex.

Nations all over the world realize the futility of debasing against each other. It simply becomes a race to the bottom, but one thing is viable that all currencies can debase against, ...and that is GOLD. GOLD is hard currency. It is sound money, real money WITHOUT any counter-party risk. It is not subject to inflation, and cannot be minted at will out of thin air. The value of gold, is not dependent upon any one nation's ability to or promises to repay it's bills, and it is NOT CREATED OUT OF DEBT.

The only thing that the Federal Reserve note promises, that we know for sure it can keep, it promises to tax your butt, and your children's and your grandchildren's asses forever.

Well therein lays one of our many differences of both opinion & perspective. We clearly have different perspectives on the matter.You see, for me, what you just laid out is NOT investing. In MY eyes, what you just described is SPECULATING.

To me, an "INVESTMENT" is acquiring something that is already UNDERVALUED.
To me, an "INVESTMENT" is an acquisition or purchase with my profit margin already in place AT THE MOMENT OF ACQUISITION
To me an investment is NOT buying something... in the hopes that it will go up in value. To me that's speculating.

I buy something KNOWING it's intrinsic value to begin with. And when I see that it's price point is no where near a reflection of it's true value, I get it. To me, THAT's an investment, the other a speculation.

I have looked at the markets, and I have seen what they've done, ...and it makes me cry when I think of the exposure so many people are facing because the so-called "experts" and financial planners don't give a crap about them. Their #1 concern is how to make money off these people. I think of all the pension funds that are FORCED to invest into paper derivative markets because by law they are required to produce a certain % increase every year. The percentage of increase is useless if that increase comes in the form of inflated debased fiat paper. I'd rather have the purchasing power of a $20 bill circa 1913, than a $100 bill circa 2012. so to me, having my money on a roller coaster of paper derivatives producing gains that are nothing more than smoke & mirrors, and are guaranteed to erode the value of my money and steal my wealth is an amusement park ride I'd prefer not to take.

Ya, ok, whatever! ::)

For my sales? You still don't get it do you Tony?

I came across a company that empowers people to exchange bad money into good money.
And that company pays me rewards in the form of euro, as well as additional gold.
I can take the euro they pay me, and immediately convert it into gold.
I can take the gold they pay me, and keep it in gold, or convert it to fiat if I choose.
If a poop hits the fan scenario occurs, I can use it to shop in the event paper is no longer accepted,
...or a bank holiday is declared and ATM's are shut down or traditional paper money bank accounts are frozen.
Just ask Gerald Celente and the other MF Global clients how much fun it was when their accounts were frozen.
Ask people in Egypt what it was like not being able to buy groceries, or fill up their gas tanks, ...not because prices were too high, ...but because Mubarak shut down all the ATM machines and people couldn't get access to their money. I have friends in Egypt, I know what people went through.

I'm not selling gold, I'm acquiring it.

I've simply found a source that for me provides the most flexible, most reliable, most ethical, least expensive, most practical solution & route to GOLD acquisition, FOR ME, ...and I believe for most people as well.

But that's all irrelevant. This thread was not about karatbars, or my acquisition of karatbars, or even showing people how they too can get karatbars which are 999.9% pure 24kt gold and easily & instantly recognizable by banks, governments, gold dealers etc., in 194 countries around the world as money, authentic, & genuine, due to the tamper proof hologram and LBMA certification. It's not even about karatbars being the highest grade of gold, in it's purest form, for the lowest possible price, available to gold buyers in practical transaction friendly weights. Or even about karatbars being a medium of echange if and when fiat paper loses all value.

This thread was about the superiority of GOLD over fiat paper currencies.

Let me ask you a simple question. Would you rather have a savings account backed by FDIC insurance (insured by a government already 15 trillion in debt) or would you rather have your savings backed by GOLD?

And if you prefer FDIC insurance, where do you think the government will get the money to replace the NUMBERS in your account when they're already 15 trillion in debt ...and climbing?

Enter Fed Chair Ben Bernanke from stage left to crank up the printing presses...

...and what will that do to the value & purchasing power of those NUMBERS they're replacing into your paper money bank accounts?

Understand if your bank goes belly up, FDIC only insures the NUMBER of dollars in the account, not the value or purchasing power of those dollars.

Do you know anyone in Argentina? I do. I remember what happened in 2001 when they called a bank holiday and froze people's accounts. My girlfriend had enough money in her account to buy a house. By the time her account was unfrozen, When all was said and done... the purchasing power of her money wasn't even enough to buy a car.

Gold is the money of Kings & Queens.
Silver is the money of aristocracy
Barter is the money of peasants
DEBT is the money of slaves

So let us all endeavor to be Kings & Queens

Save GOLD money not fiat (paper) currency

try to be more concise jag, only an person who has something to hide needs to write that much to say little to nothing of substance...

so you dont know how to calculate GDP, yet you are still comfortable making the false claim you do about it?

your know little to nothing about the exchange rates as the dollar has appreciated against the canadian dollar over the last year so this actually goes against your argument...

again your knowledge on this subject is limited to what youve been taught in your sales classes.

Again I mean this with no ill intent, pick up a few text books on finance. I think it really will do wonders for your business and if nothing else you wont look so uneducated to ppl have a concept as to what youre talking about.

p.s. Ive never been on government assistance I was unemployed for about 6 months but was interning at Merrill Lynch. Since then I graduated with a degree in Finance(what were talking about here) got a job as an analyst took my GMATS(while going through the annual audit) and entered grad school for my MBA with a concentration in Finance currently have about a year left. I dont really forsee myself having any employment issues in the future ;)

What have you been up to my dear?

P.P.S: remember clear and concise responses!!!

Internet Tough Guy

  • Guest
Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2012, 02:05:42 PM »
Wow Samson/Jag, you sure are smart.  Tell us more about gold and magic gas pills.   ::)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 24454
  • Gold Savings Account Rep +1 (310) 409-2244
Re: Gold Talks & Fiat Paper Currencies Walk...
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2012, 02:49:27 PM »
try to be more concise jag, only an person who has something to hide needs to write that much to say little to nothing of substance...

so you dont know how to calculate GDP, yet you are still comfortable making the false claim you do about it?

your know little to nothing about the exchange rates as the dollar has appreciated against the canadian dollar over the last year so this actually goes against your argument...

again your knowledge on this subject is limited to what youve been taught in your sales classes.

Again I mean this with no ill intent, pick up a few text books on finance. I think it really will do wonders for your business and if nothing else you wont look so uneducated to ppl have a concept as to what youre talking about.

p.s. Ive never been on government assistance I was unemployed for about 6 months but was interning at Merrill Lynch. Since then I graduated with a degree in Finance(what were talking about here) got a job as an analyst took my GMATS(while going through the annual audit) and entered grad school for my MBA with a concentration in Finance currently have about a year left. I dont really forsee myself having any employment issues in the future ;)

Interning at Merril Lynch? Oh well, ...that explains a lot.  :-X

What have you been up to my dear?

I've been accumulating FREE GOLD. 999,9% pure 24KT as a hedge against inflation, and earning income from across the globe whenever anyone else opens a free gold savings account. I'm quite literally getting paid to save money. I've been having fun, making money, and paying less in taxes. :D

P.P.S: remember clear and concise responses!!!

Point taken.  :)