Author Topic: God  (Read 11907 times)


  • Getbig III
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Re: God
« Reply #50 on: September 23, 2012, 09:58:35 PM »
Ahmed gerting destroyed here. No evidence other than his magic book. Someone goes into a cave and claims he spoke to god and writes abook and that is unquestionable. So basically anyone can claim to be a prophet as long as he gain a good sized audience. All these religions popped up when ppl were largely ignorant and belived whatever the fuck they were told without question...sort of like achemed over here. Bible is a collection of stories. Moses goes up a mountain claims to speaketh to god and comes down with commandments. Funny how that would work today...therr are plemty of ppl who claim god told them to do stuff and end up on medication. God voices are apparently created in your head. Maybe muhammed had dementia. Yeah that makes more sense. Besides why would god need one messenger? Since god can send the message to everyone simulatenously through his super duper powers why use a narrow form of communication? Simple mass broadcast like advertisiers do and end this god existence bulshit once and for all. Anything so far? Nope...just one messeger who only showed up when humans were vastly ignorant. Back then everything was an act of god and punishemnt..famine, disease, natural disasters. How is this shit better than scientology and its aliens theory? You believe what you want to believe and question nothing if you're a blind follower like achmed. God created everything but he doesnt need to be created. So now there are two sets of rules. How could you possibly know that? Thats jsut a cop out answer like god works in mysterious ways when you have no rational

If aliens came from another galaxy after humankind were wiped and found a stash of marvel and dc comics what would they think if they had no clue what a comic book or fictional work was? Wouldnt  they believe that we had men and women who can climb walls, fly, gods like thor lived on earth? Lol. Thays what happens when you beleive everything you read without question. Maybe santa claus and the easter bunny exiwt as well. Just becuase there is no evidence to prove that they are there doesnt mean they are not there.

Science doesnt explain everythung because itsstill largely in infancy. Science can explain only 4% of the phenomina but science is evolving. If todays theories can be disproved by new discoveries everything will be adjusted to reflect new information. Decades ago we knew even less than 2%.

Religion has only a unmoving answer based on books written centuries ago. What happened?  god decided to stop sending messsengers when ppl are more evolved and intelligent?
Okay..only send messenger s when people are ignorant God is a human creation to cope with all the stryfe humans go through or to convice others to follow certain ideas. If. I tell you to follow you laugh but if i tell you god told me to tell you? ....greater chance of convincing you if you are superstitious. Thats how religions get shit done..


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #51 on: September 24, 2012, 03:41:38 AM »
Are you mentally challenged? Please find me in the quran where it is advocated to throw acid on women's face?

How much longer will you keep trying to lie against islam? If cultural practices of a certain people advocate such evil, and they happen to have muslims among them doing this vile thing, does that mean it is from Islam? Absolutely not. Christians and Hindus have been doing these acts in these regions. It is the demented culture, not islam.

You believe in 'freedom'. You believe in hypocricy more like it. You don't know what real freedom is.

'Freedom' means someone from some religious group/government not telling me how to live my life.

'Freedom' according to Moslems means living according to the Koran or getting publicly executed if they break some of the 'laws'.

There is no freedom of speech, freedom of thought or freedom of expression under Islamic rule.

Moslems don't even allow statues of human beings, so they limit freedom of art as well.

They are ashamed of the human body and want people to cover themselves up because of their anti-human views.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2012, 02:00:04 PM »
'Freedom' means someone from some religious group/government not telling me how to live my life.

We are not forcing you to follow what we believe, only advising. You on the other hand would if you could subjugate all religions regardless to be secular/atheist.

'Freedom' according to Moslems means living according to the Koran or getting publicly executed if they break some of the 'laws'.

Capital punishments exist all around the world regardless of Islam, including America. Making blank statements such as 'some laws' is ignorant and obviously malintended and hypocritical.

Shari'ah is for Muslims and historically non-muslims such as christians and jews had their own laws and rulings and they would judge themselves by their laws in their own courts under Muslim rule. They had the choice of being judged in Muslim courts and prefered them. Historical fact.

You still don't know what 'freedom' is because if you think you are free think again. You are a slave to the capitalist work horse. You are a slave to television. You are a slave to the dollar. You are a slave to your desires.

Freedom to do narcotic drugs, fornicate, abuse women left and right as disposables in one night stands, these are the freedoms you may enjoy. We don't see that as freedom but slavery in a different tone.

There is no freedom of speech, freedom of thought or freedom of expression under Islamic rule.

Wrong but keep deluding yourself. You think America is the steping stone of freedom of speech or freedom of thought or freedom of expression? Look at television. It's quite the opposite.

It seems the only 'freedom' you have is to bash islam and muslims even though it is clearly hate speech and hate warmongering.

Moslems don't even allow statues of human beings, so they limit freedom of art as well.

We personally do not believe in idolatry and no we do not build idols as forms of art for ourselves. Muslims allowed christians to hold their crucifixes and objects. But we personally do not believe in them as we are against all forms of idolatry or things that may lead to idolatry. There are other ways to be creative other than sculpting idols.

They are ashamed of the human body and want people to cover themselves up because of their anti-human views.

No we are not ashamed of the human body, God is only glorified by his creation and the beauty of the human body. However as to not be wild animals, we believe in dignity of both men and women. All religious people of the past, be they jew or christian covered themselves and their heads. This is fact.

Modesty is something that the so called modern world lacks. You call it freedom when a woman is made a commodity on television, movies and media, basically a sexual object for perverse men, all eyes to see. We do not see eye to eye on this.

Our women cover themselves because they want their dignity, respect and honor. Not for their physical appearance, but for their faith and intellect.

Why do you not attack christian nuns or orthodox chritsians who cover their hair? Even Jewish women cover themselves traditional but israel is built upon secular ethnocentric values not judaism. Even hindu women cover their hair. Even sikhs cover their head. Even zoroastrians cover their hair. The list goes on.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #53 on: September 24, 2012, 03:22:54 PM »
I think you are ranting trying to dissuade people from your fradulent and weak beliefs by falsely attacking others preemtively.

What happens inside your head hardly qualifies as "thinking." And I'm trying to dissuade people, i.e. persuade them to not follow my "beliefs"? I must say that would be some brilliant reverse psychology.

You are citing your knowledge based on what the news says, rather than what history or academics have to say about Islam. Ones that are intellectually honest.

Right - the academics who don't agree with you are not "intellectually honest." ::)

Remember that merely what 50 some years ago women in america were fighting for the right to their own property. Islam gave this in the 7th century.

And look how far back it's gone since the 7th century... Take women in Afghanistan, for instance: under the Taliban were prohibited from attending school or even going out of their house without an escort. Women in the United States, on the other hand, have gone from not being able to own property to running large international companies, making decisions about their own lives and being treated as equals. They base their treatment on the Qu'ran. Perhaps their interpretation is wrong. What do you think?

You are contradicting yourself over and over again talking about not to generalize a group or not to believe that a certain aspect of certain individuals paints the whole as that way. Yet you do it when it comes to Islam.

I don't think I generalize, but sometimes, when the majority of a group does something or endorses an action, it can be impossible to avoid the appearance of generalization when discussing things.

You can cite all kinds of crimes by individual muslims but you cannot cite the same about islam.

Of course I consider the individuals who commit crimes and atrocities responsible. I don't necessarily lay the blame on their religion (whatever than may be) although it's clear that often religion is the guiding principle and the motivating factor. Consider honor killings, for example. Whether their actions are caused by misinterpreting or misunderstanding their religion is irrelevant.

With that said, a lot of these crimes and atrocities are committed in the name of Islam. Are those who commit them wrong and misinterpreting Islam? And, either way, does that really matter? The fact is that the crimes and atrocities are being committed.

Islam came to liberate women and respect women not hurt them.

Surah 4:34 says "Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them." So yes. It's an objective and undeniable fact that Islam came to liberate women. ::)

The point is yes many white educated women are flocking to islam. If they were so 'stupid' to go and oppress themselves theyd be running the other way.

Many people are flocking to all sorts of nonsense. They flock to booze, they flock to drugs, they flock to Scientology. That's hardly proof that booze, drugs and Scientology are wonderful things. And as for flocking to Islam, why should we take your word about what Islam does for women over the words of Allah himself? Does he or does he not specifically say that men are in charge of women, and that women will obey or get whipped...

You're nothing but a fraud

Why won't you love me Ahmed? :'(


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #54 on: September 24, 2012, 03:33:25 PM »
You are absolutely an ignoramus and a fraud. Why? Because you are lying and misinforming.

If you look at what Islam teaches and you were intellectually honest you would realize what you keep citing examples of people following cultural and tribal customs that are in fact contary to the teachings of islam. You also don't show the same 'passion' for Hindus or Christians or Budhists or Atheists who do what you try to associate Islam with.

Yes I call those false academics as intellectually dishonest when they COMPLETELY DEVOID of any understanding of the qur'an start chery picking verses without even reading the qur'an and conjruing up their own wishful meaning when it is devoid of any common understanding or accepted islamic exegesis.

Ulterior motives, like the ones you have that of hate is what's behind it.

My only motive is to shed light on these lies that so many seem to be pushing forward. I understand the media has a big role. Hollywood certainly did uneducate the masses in the 80s and 90s. The newsroom has become the latest action flick for the masses of sheeple such as yourself that do not realize that certain people are playing on your ignorance.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #55 on: September 24, 2012, 04:04:09 PM »
We are not forcing you to follow what we believe, only advising. You on the other hand would if you could subjugate all religions regardless to be secular/atheist.

I wouldn't want to subjugate anyone. I believe that people need to make their own decisions. If their decision is to believe in a religion, that's fine by me, as long as they don't involve me.

You still don't know what 'freedom' is because if you think you are free think again. You are a slave to the capitalist work horse. You are a slave to television. You are a slave to the dollar. You are a slave to your desires.

Poetic words. There are some parallels, but equivocating them isn't accurate. Consider work, for example. Is it "slavery" to need to work? No I don't think so. If people didn't work, most of them would still need to, at a minimum, eat. Without money they'd have to either produce their own food or beg; both of those activities would them become, de facto work.

Freedom to do narcotic drugs, fornicate, abuse women left and right as disposables in one night stands, these are the freedoms you may enjoy. We don't see that as freedom but slavery in a different tone.

I guess I can sympathize, at least, partially with what you're saying. But in my view ones' freedom ends where anothers' begins. In other words, in my view you are free to engage in sexual relations with other consenting adults, but you aren't "free" to rape them. But, ultimately, freedom means the freedom to do stupid things too.

Wrong but keep deluding yourself. You think America is the steping stone of freedom of speech or freedom of thought or freedom of expression? Look at television. It's quite the opposite.

The freedom of speech guaranteed to Americans under the Constitution doesn't mean that television stations are required to give everyone a platform. The Constitution binds the Government, not television stations. If Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow want to promote only positions that agree with their viewpoint and suppress all other positions on their programs, that is between them and their employers.

No we are not ashamed of the human body, God is only glorified by his creation and the beauty of the human body. However as to not be wild animals, we believe in dignity of both men and women. All religious people of the past, be they jew or christian covered themselves and their heads. This is fact.

That something was done in the past doesn't mean it was a good idea or that it should be done in the future. I don't think that not wearing a hat, scarf or other head/face covering reduces people to animals, and you haven't proven that it does and I would argue that respect and honor are earned - not worn.

Modesty is something that the so called modern world lacks. You call it freedom when a woman is made a commodity on television, movies and media, basically a sexual object for perverse men, all eyes to see. We do not see eye to eye on this.

I'll agree with that as well, although I suspect that what you and I consider "acceptable" varies. But, the question that I have is this: if you were in charge, would you require that women cover up, or not wear, say, miniskirts, or tiny bikinis?

Our women cover themselves because they want their dignity, respect and honor. Not for their physical appearance, but for their faith and intellect.

I don't think you're qualified to speak for all Muslim women. At best, you're generalizing - something you attacked me for, allegedly, doing. Perhaps some women cover themselves by choice (whether their underlying reasons are religious or not) and that's perfectly fine. But do all Muslim women feel that way? It's exceedingly unlikely. And yet, in some societies today, no women go outside uncovered. Why? Because it is a crime to go outside of the house without being covered up. Do you think that it's reasonable to force women to wear a veil or men to wear a beard?

Why do you not attack christian nuns or orthodox chritsians who cover their hair? Even Jewish women cover themselves traditional but israel is built upon secular ethnocentric values not judaism. Even hindu women cover their hair. Even sikhs cover their head. Even zoroastrians cover their hair. The list goes on.

Sure, there are many religions that would customarily cover their head. Does a supreme being - whether you call it Allah or God or whatever - really care whether you cover your head? Or whether you like bacon? These seem like awfully petty things, to me.

Nuns make a decision to become nuns. The same with Jewish men. I don't think Orthodox Christians cover their hair. In many cases, women in Muslim countries don't have the choice. In Afghanistan, the hijab was mandatory and in Iran a headscarf is required when out in public and there are penalties for being outside without one. Would some of the Afghani and Iranian women choose to wear one even in the absence of laws requiring them to? Probably. But right now, they don't even have the choice.

I don't object to people covering their hair or their faces. I object to people being forced to do so, instead of choosing freely to do so.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #56 on: September 24, 2012, 04:15:08 PM »
You are absolutely an ignoramus and a fraud. Why? Because you are lying and misinforming.

Of course - anyone who doesn't agree with you is an misinformed ignoramus and lying fraudster... ::)

If you look at what Islam teaches and you were intellectually honest you would realize what you keep citing examples of people following cultural and tribal customs that are in fact contary to the teachings of islam. You also don't show the same 'passion' for Hindus or Christians or Budhists or Atheists who do what you try to associate Islam with.

If you actually look back at my history of posts on this board you will see I challenge Christians and their beliefs with the same fervor as I am challenging your beliefs now. I challenge violence that's perpetrated in the name of religion regardless of the particular religion and my point has consistently been that all religions, ultimately, lead to violence.

Yes I call those false academics as intellectually dishonest when they COMPLETELY DEVOID of any understanding of the qur'an start chery picking verses without even reading the qur'an and conjruing up their own wishful meaning when it is devoid of any common understanding or accepted islamic exegesis.

You are allowing your bias to show through blatantly in asserting that anyone critical of your religion is automatically a false academic and intellectually dishonest.

Ulterior motives, like the ones you have that of hate is what's behind it.

See, that's where you're wrong. I don't hate you. I have no reason to. Hate is counterproductive and pointless. Hate only breed violence. I was perfectly happy before I started answering your posts, I remain perfectly happy now and will continue to be perfectly happy long after you're gone from the fora.

Perhaps you're projecting?

My only motive is to shed light on these lies that so many seem to be pushing forward.

Also, apparently, to call people names.

I understand the media has a big role. Hollywood certainly did uneducate the masses in the 80s and 90s. The newsroom has become the latest action flick for the masses of sheeple such as yourself that do not realize that certain people are playing on your ignorance.

Your opinion means nothing to me. But I do find it extremely amusing that despite knowing nothing about me you keep asserting that I am ignorant, while repeatedly proclaiming your own vast knowledge. Perhaps you ought to take a step back and consider that you don't have a monopoly on knowledge. You don't even have an oligopoly on it. Arguably, you don't even have a minority stake.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #57 on: September 24, 2012, 04:24:05 PM »
I wouldn't want to subjugate anyone. I believe that people need to make their own decisions. If their decision is to believe in a religion, that's fine by me, as long as they don't involve me.

No one is involving you, but you are the one attacking a religion of 2 billion people (When I kept saying 1.5 billion that was when I last checked statistics when I became Muslim like ten years ago).

If you were in an Islamic caliphate or even these degenerate secular dictatorships where Muslims live, no one would force you to become Muslim. I lived in these secular dictatorship countries and I didn't become Muslim. In fact no one even approached me to teach me about Islam which upsets me now. Although I came to appreciate these people without really knowing much about their faith but seeing their conduct and understanding their suffering.

Poetic words. There are some parallels, but equivocating them isn't accurate. Consider work, for example. Is it "slavery" to need to work? No I don't think so. If people didn't work, most of them would still need to, at a minimum, eat. Without money they'd have to either produce their own food or beg; both of those activities would them become, de facto work.

I guess I can sympathize, at least, partially with what you're saying. But in my view ones' freedom ends where anothers' begins. In other words, in my view you are free to engage in sexual relations with other consenting adults, but you aren't "free" to rape them. But, ultimately, freedom means the freedom to do stupid things too.

The freedom of speech guaranteed to Americans under the Constitution doesn't mean that television stations are required to give everyone a platform. The Constitution binds the Government, not television stations. If Sean Hannity or Rachel Maddow want to promote only positions that agree with their viewpoint and suppress all other positions on their programs, that is between them and their employers.

You completely misunderstood what I meant. The whole construct of western society is slavery you really don't know what freedom is. The whole life style is pure slavery to the desires and consumerism. It is a society of depression and suffering. Anti-depressants and anxiety. Panic and fear.

In a nutshell. Today America takes away civil liberties and touts hate speech as free speech.

A society such as the UK has cameras EVERYWHERE, that's not freedom either. You don't realize that most of these well outspoken western nations like the UK, US, France are hypocrites in the least and at worst a prison like society.

Everything is presented one way but in fact quite the opposite.

That something was done in the past doesn't mean it was a good idea or that it should be done in the future. I don't think that not wearing a hat, scarf or other head/face covering reduces people to animals, and you haven't proven that it does and I would argue that respect and honor are earned - not worn.

Homosexuality was done thousands of years ago and apparently its good today?

Running around naked with leaf clothing with your butt showing was okay thousands of years ago and apparently its wise today too?

It's not progress, it's regress.

So Muslim women wanting to not be sexually objectified by western men or any men is not liberating to you? Even if my mother, or wife or grandmother told you what I say, you'd still say but no you are wrong. Don't you see you are deluding yourself only... and yes white educated women are the majority of converts to Islam. This whole myth and stereotype of islam oppresses women only leads to explain that you are quite clearly uneducated on islam or what the quran says

I'll agree with that as well, although I suspect that what you and I consider "acceptable" varies. But, the question that I have is this: if you were in charge, would you require that women cover up, or not wear, say, miniskirts, or tiny bikinis?

Every society has a code of conduct. Your society finds it acceptable to have nudists, microskirts and drunkards on the street at late hours after clubs. It's corruption of society. Exploitation. Like I said again, you don't know what freedom is. You are deluding yourself with people being able to be vain as 'freedom'

I don't think you're qualified to speak for all Muslim women. At best, you're generalizing - something you attacked me for, allegedly, doing. Perhaps some women cover themselves by choice (whether their underlying reasons are religious or not) and that's perfectly fine. But do all Muslim women feel that way? It's exceedingly unlikely. And yet, in some societies today, no women go outside uncovered. Why? Because it is a crime to go outside of the house without being covered up. Do you think that it's reasonable to force women to wear a veil or men to wear a beard?

You are again being ignorant repeating news narrative.

Sure, there are many religions that would customarily cover their head. Does a supreme being - whether you call it Allah or God or whatever - really care whether you cover your head? Or whether you like bacon? These seem like awfully petty things, to me.

Nuns make a decision to become nuns. The same with Jewish men. I don't think Orthodox Christians cover their hair. In many cases, women in Muslim countries don't have the choice. In Afghanistan, the hijab was mandatory and in Iran a headscarf is required when out in public and there are penalties for being outside without one. Would some of the Afghani and Iranian women choose to wear one even in the absence of laws requiring them to? Probably. But right now, they don't even have the choice.

Orthodox women cover their hair too, i have orthodox blood/family. As did and still do catholics in Rome who attend mass. Just look it up yourself. The bible endorses it as well.

Yes God wants us to be modest and with dignified conduct not like unintelligent and irrational wild animals.

The whole uncovering yourself and being naked is western influenced pop culture phenomena. Traditionally all nations had a code of conduct and modesty. Western values basically teach anything goes as long as you fulfill your desires.

Lastly don't you find it funny that a nation like France bans hijab and niqab to 'liberate women' while Muslim women are subjected to this as 'criminals' for wearing their coverings.

It just shows this has nothing to do with preserving women's rights but again attacking and maligning muslims, in this case muslim women.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #58 on: September 24, 2012, 04:54:21 PM »

We personally do not believe in idolatry and no we do not build idols as forms of art for ourselves. Muslims allowed christians to hold their crucifixes and objects. But we personally do not believe in them as we are against all forms of idolatry or things that may lead to idolatry. There are other ways to be creative other than sculpting idols.

Perhaps one of the ways "to be creative other than sculpting idols" is to destroy?

"The Taliban had said the huge figures, carved into sandstone cliffs in Bamiyan city more than 1,500 years ago when Afghanistan was a seat of Buddhism, are "false idols" and must be destroyed in line with Islamic laws."

And also, when the Japanese sent envoys to try to either cover up or remove the statues (instead of the "civilized acts" of staging world wide violent protests, raiding embassies and killing people), "not only their proposals were rejected outright by the Taliban but the regime called Buddhism as a "Void Religion" and asked the Japanese to convert to Islam instead"

Such tolerance..


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #59 on: September 24, 2012, 05:01:04 PM »
No one is involving you, but you are the one attacking a religion of 2 billion people (When I kept saying 1.5 billion that was when I last checked statistics when I became Muslim like ten years ago).

So I won't be bothered as long as I criticize religions other than Islam? That's good to know... ;D

If you were in an Islamic caliphate or even these degenerate secular dictatorships where Muslims live, no one would force you to become Muslim. I lived in these secular dictatorship countries and I didn't become Muslim. In fact no one even approached me to teach me about Islam which upsets me now. Although I came to appreciate these people without really knowing much about their faith but seeing their conduct and understanding their suffering.

I will take your word about your experience. Having never lived in an Islamic caliphate or in a degenerate secular dictatorship I don't have my own example to present. But I must ask you, are you sure that your particular experience is representative and applies across all Muslim countries?

You completely misunderstood what I meant. The whole construct of western society is slavery you really don't know what freedom is. The whole life style is pure slavery to the desires and consumerism. It is a society of depression and suffering. Anti-depressants and anxiety. Panic and fear.

I've heard that line of reasoning before and I don't buy it. Regardless of the society, some people will be "slaves" (using the meaning you ascribe to the term) regardless. They may be slaves to consumerism; to drugs; to booze; to religion; to crime. The vices may differ, but the core remains the same.

As for Western society being a society of depression and suffering, panic and fear and anti-depressants and anxiety, now who is the one generalizing and being ignorant and repeating news narrative? ::)

In a nutshell. Today America takes away civil liberties and touts hate speech as free speech.

I wish I could disagree with the statement that America is taking away civil liberties, but with things like the TSA and warrantless wiretaps having become accepted parts of our lives, I don't think I could do so with a straight face. It's really sad. But free speech will always ruffle feathers. I don't like hate speech statutes or the concept behind them. They are tools to erode the bulwark of the First Amendment and tightly circumscribe speech.

A society such as the UK has cameras EVERYWHERE, that's not freedom either. You don't realize that most of these well outspoken western nations like the UK, US, France are hypocrites in the least and at worst a prison like society.

I wouldn't argue that the UK is a bastion of freedom. Ironically enough the film "V for Vendetta" more or less accurately describes what the UK is on track to becoming.

Homosexuality was done thousands of years ago and apparently its good today?

What does "good" mean in this instance? I don't think homosexuality is either good or bad; in fact I don't even think the term applies and I don't care what consenting adults choose to do in their bedroom with each other's private parts. But how does this have any relevance to my point, especially since I argued that just because something was done in the past doesn't mean it should be automatically done in the future.

Running around naked with leaf clothing with your butt showing was okay thousands of years ago and apparently its wise today too?

It depends where one is running around... on the beach? Probably.

It's not progress, it's regress.

That's a ridiculous slippery slope argument. If we are to follow that logic, sooner or later we'd have to wear so many clothes we'd have more layers than an onion.

Every society has a code of conduct. Your society finds it acceptable to have nudists, microskirts and drunkards on the street at late hours after clubs. It's corruption of society. Exploitation. Like I said again, you don't know what freedom is. You are deluding yourself with people being able to be vain as 'freedom'

Why won't you answer my question? It's really quite simple - a yes or no question. If you were in charge would you require women to cover their hair and/or face?

You are again being ignorant repeating news narrative.

LOL... what? Do you really believe that every single Muslim woman wants to cover her face and/or hair, and that no women exist that would prefer not to but do so because they live in places like Iran where they are required to do so by law? REALLY?!?!

Orthodox women cover their hair too, i have orthodox blood/family.

I don't believe they do so routinely and on an everyday basis; but I am pretty sure they do so in Church.

Yes God wants us to be modest and with dignified conduct not like unintelligent and irrational wild animals.

And, you assert that we become intelligent and rational by wearing head coverings? That's an interesting definition of intelligent and rational...

The whole uncovering yourself and being naked is western influenced pop culture phenomena. Traditionally all nations had a code of conduct and modesty. Western values basically teach anything goes as long as you fulfill your desires.

Not quite, but I don't think that you care to learn what western values actually teach.

Lastly don't you find it funny that a nation like France bans hijab and niqab to 'liberate women' while Muslim women are subjected to this as 'criminals' for wearing their coverings.

I find it ironic and certainly stupid because they are forcing people to do something that they wouldn't otherwise do in the name of freedom instead of just allowing people to be free. See, unlike you, I can see both sides of the coin, and I don't have blinders on. I think that whether one lives in France or Iran one should be able to freely choose whether to cover their hair or not. In that respect I don't think that France's choice to prevent people from wearing head coverings is any better than Iran's choice to mandate them.

While I can see the need for some exceptions (e.g. requiring a full face passport photograph or somesuch) I think most of those cases could, eventually, be dealt with alternative biometric identifiers once the infrastructure for those is in place.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #60 on: September 24, 2012, 05:11:21 PM »
Bro seriously you are worthless. I won't bother responding this caca of writing of yours.

And just to conclude criticizing and questioning is one thing. Disrespecting is a whole other thing.

You can't seem to differentiate between hate speech and free speech. You can't seem to differentiate between disresecpting/slandering/libel vs criticizing/questioning. You can't seem to fathom this. I will not waste my time further speaking directly with you.

You run merely on a circular power of deception, misleading fraud in your arguments. You are actually not sincere so I am indeed wasting my time on you. Have a nice day.


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Re: God
« Reply #61 on: September 24, 2012, 05:14:46 PM »
A society such as the UK has cameras EVERYWHERE, that's not freedom either. You don't realize that most of these well outspoken western nations like the UK, US, France are hypocrites in the least and at worst a prison like society.

Odd that you bring the UK into this dialogue. If anything the UK has been not just tolerant but ludicrously supporting of its muslim population. Maybe you can visit Bradford and you'll see how "hostile" it is to muslims.
Not to mention the recent case where a woman was prevented from wearing a cross at her workplace, but had this also included the hijab who knows what sort of bloody protests we would have seen.

Orthodox women cover their hair too, i have orthodox blood/family. As did and still do catholics in Rome who attend mass. Just look it up yourself. The bible endorses it as well.

Maybe more in the Middle East (where often christian minorities get discriminated or attacked), not so much in other parts of the world. If anything it is mostly old women that wear a scarf and that does not appear to be strictly religious.


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Re: God
« Reply #62 on: September 24, 2012, 05:25:32 PM »
Bro seriously you are worthless. I won't bother responding this caca of writing of yours.

And just to conclude criticizing and questioning is one thing. Disrespecting is a whole other thing.

You can't seem to differentiate between hate speech and free speech. You can't seem to differentiate between disresecpting/slandering/libel vs criticizing/questioning. You can't seem to fathom this. I will not waste my time further speaking directly with you.

You run merely on a circular power of deception, misleading fraud in your arguments. You are actually not sincere so I am indeed wasting my time on you. Have a nice day.

Buh-bye bub-belle.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #63 on: September 24, 2012, 05:36:19 PM »
Odd that you bring the UK into this dialogue. If anything the UK has been not just tolerant but ludicrously supporting of its muslim population. Maybe you can visit Bradford and you'll see how "hostile" it is to muslims.
Not to mention the recent case where a woman was prevented from wearing a cross at her workplace, but had this also included the hijab who knows what sort of bloody protests we would have seen.

Muslims are attacked all the time in the UK. Ever hear of the EDL? Muslamics?

Here's an interview with a getbigger EDL member:


Maybe more in the Middle East (where often christian minorities get discriminated or attacked), not so much in other parts of the world. If anything it is mostly old women that wear a scarf and that does not appear to be strictly religious.

My family lived there as christians we didn't get attacked. Stop relying on news brainwashing. The media is a propaganda political tool in the west, not a means of education, rather uneducation.

My uncle lived there for 30 years. Still not muslim his daughter was born there and she's not muslim.

Copts for instance have political intents, just like that moron and his lackeys who made that homosexual porno 'innoscence of muslims'. Yes we find it disgusting and insulting. They are the ones that want to stir up violence and political turmoil. They exploit the ignorance of people.

And 'old women mostly' why because these orthodox women are abandoning their faith and embracing western values of sexualization.


  • Getbig III
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Re: God
« Reply #64 on: September 24, 2012, 05:40:21 PM »
Bro seriously you are worthless. I won't bother responding this caca of writing of yours.

And just to conclude criticizing and questioning is one thing. Disrespecting is a whole other thing.

You can't seem to differentiate between hate speech and free speech. You can't seem to differentiate between disresecpting/slandering/libel vs criticizing/questioning. You can't seem to fathom this. I will not waste my time further speaking directly with you.

You run merely on a circular power of deception, misleading fraud in your arguments. You are actually not sincere so I am indeed wasting my time on you. Have a nice day.

Achmet got owned badly and now runs back with his tail between his legs. On the subject of circular arguements. - thats what this fucker was trying to do. Make a arguement with his magic book as his only proof only to lose decisively.

Bravo avxo. You broke down every one of his nonsensical shit with your point by point debating. Lovely bit of work.


  • Getbig III
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Re: God
« Reply #65 on: September 24, 2012, 05:48:57 PM »
Muslims are attacked all the time in the UK. Ever hear of the EDL? Muslamics?

Here's an interview with a getbigger EDL member:


My family lived there as christians we didn't get attacked. Stop relying on news brainwashing. The media is a propaganda political tool in the west, not a means of education, rather uneducation.

My uncle lived there for 30 years. Still not muslim his daughter was born there and she's not muslim.

Copts for instance have political intents, just like that moron and his lackeys who made that homosexual porno 'innoscence of muslims'. Yes we find it disgusting and insulting. They are the ones that want to stir up violence and political turmoil. They exploit the ignorance of people.

And 'old women mostly' why because these orthodox women are abandoning their faith and embracing western values of sexualization.

Wah wah wah...muslims exploited. Muslims exploit their own ignorant people. Go to other countries and start their shit. In sweden how many white girls are targeted and raped? How many muslim women have run away to shelters becuase of their murdering husbands.  The muslim media is just as much a brainwashing tool as any other. Why are muslims so unwelcome in every country that they are not the majority in? Because they are always trying to start shit. You never see this behaviour from hindus, buddhists, taoists or any other religion. Remeber the letter an Australian minister made public? That was in response to muslims demanding that aussies change their laws to accomodate their shit. The aussies have had enough thats why you will see a severe backlash against muslims unless they learn to behave themselves.


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Re: God
« Reply #66 on: September 24, 2012, 05:53:22 PM »
Oh yes forgot to mention that in egypt if you're a non muslim people will try to convert you. A friend of mine worked in a manufacturing compqny and every day his coworkere would try to insert islam into their conversations with him during lunch break. He made it clear he wasnrt interested but those fucker never let up. He left early becuase of this harrasment. Apparently a muslim gets paid by their mosque whenever they convert someone so that may have been a motivator.


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Re: God
« Reply #67 on: September 24, 2012, 05:56:58 PM »
Muslims are attacked all the time in the UK. Ever hear of the EDL? Muslamics?

Have you ever been to the UK? Especially areas with large muslim populations?
The EDL was formed quite recently.  There were issues way before that. This just shows how short sighted you are or maybe you were too young too remember (apart from not being there).

And 'old women mostly' why because these orthodox women are abandoning their faith and embracing western values of sexualization.

You have been spewing that "so many white women convert to islam" quote for so long but yet have provided nothing to support it. Your generalization of the "western values of sexualization" is absurd but it probably ties with your distorted view of the non-islamic world being degenerate infidels. But if one was to play along with that logic, I'm sure you'd agree then about the "western values of sexualization" along with the "islamic values of murder".

Any comment on the "destruction of the idols" by the way?


  • Getbig III
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Re: God
« Reply #68 on: September 24, 2012, 06:11:32 PM »

Perhaps one of the ways "to be creative other than sculpting idols" is to destroy?

"The Taliban had said the huge figures, carved into sandstone cliffs in Bamiyan city more than 1,500 years ago when Afghanistan was a seat of Buddhism, are "false idols" and must be destroyed in line with Islamic laws."

And also, when the Japanese sent envoys to try to either cover up or remove the statues (instead of the "civilized acts" of staging world wide violent protests, raiding embassies and killing people), "not only their proposals were rejected outright by the Taliban but the regime called Buddhism as a "Void Religion" and asked the Japanese to convert to Islam instead"

Such tolerance..

Haha religion of peace. No respect for anyone. Buddhism is far older than both chritianity and islam although its not a religion. Are other religions allowed to have their kovils and churches in muslim countries? Hell no.


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Re: God
« Reply #69 on: September 24, 2012, 06:22:00 PM »
Buddhists dissapeared from Afghanistan. They were gone by the 11th century. Muslims do not worship idols and therefore destroyed the idol.

Just as Muhammad did in makkah eventually and just as Abraham did to his father and their community.

However those that were not Muslim under Muslim rule were entrusted the promise that they will be allowed to practice their faith, christian crucifixes and churches were allowed to be as was the promise of the caliphates. They were also told they will not be forced to become Muslim as that would not be being Muslim. One submits to God not men.

However if everyone that region becomes Muslim then these idols are of no use. However in places like Jerusalem, Egypt, christians flourished although the majority became Muslim but those that were christian were let be.


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #70 on: September 24, 2012, 06:26:24 PM »
Buddhists dissapeared from Afghanistan. They were gone by the 11th century. Muslims do not worship idols and therefore destroyed the idol.

They don't have to worship the idols. They could have left the statutes there. But they were artifacts of history, significantly predating Muslims and Allah and telling us something about the history of the human race, and we can't have that, can we?


  • Getbig V
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Re: God
« Reply #71 on: September 24, 2012, 06:27:17 PM »
lol they don't predate creation or the creator. Buddha himself was not an idol worshipper yet his followers eventually created statues of him and worship him.

We don't need idols be they small or giant. It doesn't benefit mankind it only degenerates mankind. If anything it serves as a reminder of times of ignorance.

Lastly it was a muslim country devoid of buddhists who were no longer present. Majority of people became Muslim. If it's their land they can do whatever they want and you have no say in it.


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Re: God
« Reply #72 on: September 24, 2012, 06:28:05 PM »
lol they don't predate creation or the creator. Buddha himself was not an idol worshipper yet his followers eventually created statues of him and worship him.

We don't need idols be they small or giant. It doesn't benefit mankind it only degenerates mankind.
You are INCREDIBLY stupid.


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Re: God
« Reply #73 on: September 24, 2012, 06:29:16 PM »
No one who worships an idol that can't help him or harm him and that he built with his own hands or paid someone money to build him one is stupid. With all due respect.

And to top it off. It shatters when destroyed. Clearly a foolish practice to worship an idol.

Radical Plato

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Re: God
« Reply #74 on: September 24, 2012, 06:31:23 PM »

We don't need idols be they small or giant. It doesn't benefit mankind it only degenerates mankind. If anything it serves as a reminder of times of ignorance.

HA HA A Muslim saying Historic Art degenerates mankind. Islam degenerates mankind, Islam is a reminder of dark ages of Ignorance that has been carried through to modern times by the indoctrinated unintelligent segments of humanity.  Islam will either be destroyed or else Islam will destroy mankind.