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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1425 on: March 22, 2012, 07:01:57 AM »
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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1426 on: March 22, 2012, 08:05:07 AM »

Care to ever make a substantive comment on what your communist thug messiah is doing to collapse this nation? 
Are you really going to waste your entire life on Getbig political board posting copy and paste?

Why were you even born?

What's the point?

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1427 on: March 22, 2012, 08:06:30 AM »
Are you really going to waste your entire life on Getbig political board posting copy and paste?

Why were you even born?

What's the point?

Thank you for proving my point.  Go away troll.  And go get that TBI checked out. 

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1428 on: March 23, 2012, 09:32:48 PM »
Obama administration's plan to cut back pilot firearm training raises security concerns
fox ^ | 3/23/12 | Catherine Herridge
Posted on March 23, 2012 8:21:43 PM EDT by Nachum

Pilots packing heat may soon be a relic of the 9/11 aftermath, as the White House seeks to cut the $25 million budget in half for the federal flight deck officers training program known as the FFDO.

“The Obama administration has had an institutional hostility towards the concept of arming pilots, and especially the FFDO program, since the beginning,” Lt. Col. Al Aitken, a retired Marine and now with the Airline Security Consulting Group, claimed at a panel hosted by the conservative Heritage Foundation on Friday.

The panel brought together advocates for the voluntary program that trains pilots, co-pilots and navigators to handle and carry handguns, including Minnesota Republican Rep. Chip Craavack. He said the program was cost effective – in fact, it was cheaper to arm a pilot than check a single suitcase.

“According to the estimates by the Airlines Pilots Association, FFDOs only cost $15 per flight segment. Let me say that again: To protect an aircraft and possibly the potential of thousands of people, the FFDO costs $15 per flight.

Capt. Tracy W. Price, a commercial airline pilot, warned that history might repeat itself -- he recalled that pilots carried handguns in the 80s and 90s, but the program was shuttered the summer before 9/11.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1430 on: March 24, 2012, 01:52:36 PM »
Nice Thread!

I hope you don't mind if I throw in.. apologies in advance.

Alex Jones

Tune In  and have every notion you have regarding our President and other leaders turned completely up side down. I was shaken by what I have learned from Alex Jones and his guests. Be warned, the TRUTH is not at all for the faint of heart.

Check it out for yourself. His daily broadcast is by far the most listened to on the web for years now. the show is also podcast and etc.

Good Luck,

Rowdy in N.E. PA

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1431 on: March 25, 2012, 08:19:53 PM »
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Barack Obama and the Problem of Proportion
Illinois Review ^ | March 25, 2012 A.D. | John F. Di Leo
Posted on March 25, 2012 8:29:47 PM EDT by jfd1776

Trying to make sense of a senseless administration:

Perhaps there are two kinds of people: gullible ones who listen to Barack H. Obama (D, Tupi, Brazil) and think his proposals make sense, and realistic ones who go into shock and outrage watching him misstate statistics on the television.

Back in my days in international freight forwarding, I worked for a company that had cooperative agreements with other freight forwarders all over the world. If we needed to arrange an inbound shipment from Europe or Asia, we would tell our partner the details and they’d start it on its way. If they needed to arrange an inbound from our region to theirs, they’d tell us, and we’d set it up. Obviously, enough details and time were always provided to ensure success.

Or maybe not quite always. As we were located in Chicago, with a national network of our own offices, we could handle any shipment in the United States. But we had one agent in our small island ally, Taiwan, R.O.C., who frequently failed to give us enough time. It takes five days by rail to ship cargo from Chicago to an east coast port and load it on a ship. It takes seven to ten from Chicago to Los Angeles, the biggest port on the west coast, when you allow for weekends and loading time on the 10,000-truckload megaships popular today.

And yet, this agent in little Taiwan would often send us a telex (yes, this was a while ago!) to happily announce on a Tuesday morning “New customer in Cleveland! Two containers. Pickup Wednesday and deliver to Los Angeles for Thursday loading. Ship sails Saturday.”

The agent wasn’t smoking any funny stuff in his office; this lifelong islander simply couldn’t grasp the size of the United States. He genuinely thought we could travel by land from Cleveland to California overnight! We sent him explanations, maps, transit time charts with averages to refer to when planning… nothing helped. I think we even sent him a globe once. It was just a lack of comprehension about size in general. He could go from coast to coast in his own country in a few hours; while he “knew” in his head that the USA is much bigger, he just couldn’t fathom how MUCH bigger it is. He couldn’t see the proportion.

A president with a blind spot:

Barack Obama has a similar failing. Again and again throughout his administration, he has favored policies and made comments that make a rational person’s jaw drop. He compares the big to the small with no recognition of the difference; he cites a drop in the bucket as a legitimate solution to huge problems. And he doesn’t seem to realize it at all.

Look at his recommendations on automobile maintenance, for example. Somewhere along the way, he heard that overinflating your tires improves your gas mileage by a few mpg. And that’s usually true, of course; it certainly can. If you go from 20 mpg to 23 mpg, that’s nice; a 15% increase in gas mileage. But gasoline prices have more than doubled on his watch; in some regions, they seem possibly on their way to tripling! Fifteen percent improvement is a drop in the bucket; the only solution for us is to take the necessary measures to make gasoline prices drop.

Or consider his love of solar energy: Once upon a time, he noticed that if you open a solar calculator, it can power itself without a battery, simply from the light in the room, whether natural or artificial. So he assumes that solar power could power the nation; all we have to do is switch over.

How can he not see that there’s a difference in energy use, between a tiny pocket calculator and a car, a furnace, an air conditioner, or a lawnmower? Solar power is indeed fine for some small things, and as science progresses, perhaps that list will expand. But at the current level of the technology, it simply cannot be a replacement for traditional power sources. That’s not to insult solar power; it’s just a statement of fact, one that the president appears not to grasp, though the rest of the world does, as we watch him with bafflement.

Shall we talk about algae? There have been countless jokes during the weeks since the president’s proposal that the cure for our nation’s ills lies in pond scum (though one must admit, if it did, his would be the right political party to manage it), but we should also view it seriously. Yes, there is power potential in algae. There is in fact power potential in all carbon-based life forms; that’s what wood and coal are, after all (though he hates the though of burning wood and coal; perhaps we need to paint the briquettes green first?). Every rational American watching him speak performs a quick rough calculation in his head, and says to himself A) there isn’t enough algae to make a blip in our nation’s energy usage, and B) even if there were, it’s plain as day that the processing cost would be far greater than the power potential for recovery.

Maybe the technology will get there someday. But until then, that research costs money, and uses power. And we can’t power the lights and the computers in the algae research labs without oil, coal, natural gas, and nuclear power. Those are the sources that power the American economic engine, and that fact is not changing anytime soon.

Dollars and paychecks:

The president has made a very big deal over one particularly pernicious tax cut; the practice of cutting the Social Security tax by a little less than a sixth, resulting in a paycheck 2% fatter than before. He likes this tax because it applies to almost all workers – practically everyone in the country who has a job can benefit from this 2% improvement in his paycheck, rich and poor, blue collar and white, self-employed and corporate alike.

But it’s a small amount of money, at a huge cost. The stimulative contribution of a 2% tax cut is tepid – better something than nothing, certainly, but still tepid. And the cost of this reduction is enormous, theoretically at least. Social Security funds most of America’s retirees, plus lots of our disabled and otherwise down-on-their-luck segments. Aid to young families, non-workers with disability, etc. – all these programs eat into the larger pie, so that retirement benefits are no longer entirely for senior citizens. As we have grown the beneficiary list, we are cutting its funding. Does this seem wise? Especially since Social Security has been enjoying the bubble of the Baby Boomer generation for decades, a bubble that is fast correcting itself as Baby Boomers retire, leaving the ranks of the funders to join the ranks of the beneficiaries.

The president counts on people being grateful for this tiny tax cut, even as its temporary savings are dwarfed by the permanent price increases in fuel, tuition costs, food, and other goods and services. Does he believe that this $40 average monthly benefit for one class of workers, for example, will outweigh the hundreds of dollars per month his policies have cost them in raises, prices, and economic opportunity? He’s counting on it!

We in the public watch this, and understand. Why does our president fail to?

The Chevy Volt:

Like most car companies, Chevrolet was working on a concept car – electrically powered, with a regular gas engine for when the battery ran out. It was something to display at car shows, but it wasn’t yet ready for prime time. It needed more study; it needed a better battery.

Among the first priorities of the Obama presidency was to get America making “green” cars, so they took over GM so they could give the orders – destroying old low-mpg product lines that sell well, replacing them with new high-mpg product lines that won’t sell at all. No problem if people don’t like them, the government can just write tax rebate checks to make up the difference. The rebates won’t be enough (by some counts, the Chevy Volt’s federal tax rebates really total over $100,000 per vehicle, when you count not only what the government pays the buyer, but also what the government has paid Chevrolet and the battery manufacturers to produce it); even after all these rebates, the car is horrendously overpriced.

The car would allegedly go forty miles on a battery charge. In practice, real users report eighteen to twenty-five. The car would allegedly be good for people’s average commuting needs, but would be admittedly insufficient for vacation travel. And on top of it all, the car is small and uncomfortable, and must be plugged in overnight to power up from the nation’s coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear grid. Not for nothing is it nicknamed “the coal-powered car.”

But it doesn’t even meet the few needs that it promises to meet, perhaps partially because the president doesn’t understand how America works. Yes, some people have a two mile commute. But a huge percentage of Americans live in rural areas with a ten or twenty mile commute, or are suburbanites with even more (I live and work in the Chicago suburbs, seventeen miles each way; one night’s charge would get me to the office, and I’d be on gasoline the whole way back). We do errands on our lunch hour, or after work on the way home, adding a few miles. These details are none of the government’s business, but these general issues need to be considered by a manufacturer seeking to meet the needs of its consumers.

For all these reasons, Chevrolet knew that the car wasn’t ready for prime time, but the administration forced their hand, made them go into production on a car suitable only for further research. Why? Because the administration didn’t know what the automobile industry executives did: that all production vehicles have to fit some balance of pricing and practicality that will draw enough buyers to be worth producing. The huge Tahoe, midsized Taurus, and tiny Focus are very different vehicles, but each one produces a balance that works for some group of buyers. The Volt works for none, but the president ordered it into production anyway.

Four years of anguish:

The punditry has been given a plethora of statistics to use against this president. We hear that in three years, he built up more national debt than the preceding 43 presidents put together. We learn that unemployment is worse than ever, because of the way the administration plays with the counts; the publicly declared eight to nine percent unemployment level is really sixteen to eighteen, if we calculated it honestly, the way we used to. We know that we have some twenty percent of the world’s known oil available for recovery, more than the entire middle east, but the president botches even that simple statistic and lops off the zero, claiming repeatedly and ridiculously that we have only two percent of the world’s oil, so there’s no point in drilling for more of it. We all know better.

These four years have been an endless parade of misunderstood statistics, of misinterpretations and misjudgments. The president dismisses numbers as irrelevant, perhaps because he simply doesn’t understand them?

We know he was never challenged in school or career; he’s never shared his school records. Perhaps he never passed a math class in his life, or perhaps he received the social passes so popular in some schools, where the child’s self-esteem at the moment, however fictionally established, is considered more important to society than the student’s future responsibilities as a parent, employee, or (Heaven forbid) elected official.

But that’s not the cause for alarm. If a political candidate is clueless, there’s a simple solution: the voters just won’t elect him.

Is our nation’s grasp of the most basic mathematics so weak that a majority would re-elect someone this out of touch, this unable to comprehend the effects of his decisions? Is our electorate unable to understand the damage that double-digit unemployment and geometric increases in debt are doing to our nation’s future?

We’ll find out in November. That’s just months away… or hundreds of days away… or an eternity away, depending on how you look at it. It’s all a matter of proportion.

Copyright 2012 John F. Di Leo

John F. Di Leo is a Chicago-based Customs broker and international trade lecturer. Permission is hereby granted to forward freely, provided it is uncut and the IR URL and byline are included. Follow me on LinkedIn or Facebook!

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1432 on: March 27, 2012, 03:12:19 PM »
House GOP eyes another possible green-tech scandal
Published: 12:45 PM 03/27/2012
By Neil Munro - The Daily Caller

Heidi Bray, of Olympia, Wash. demonstrates how she charges her Nissan Leaf at the new ECOtality Blink Commercial charging stations in Seattle. (Photo: AP)

GOP leaders are investigating Ecotality Inc., yet another troubled green-tech company that has received taxpayer funds and public support from the White House.

The firm has received roughly $126 million from the the Department of Energy to install roughly 14,000 electric car chargers, has donated thousands of dollars to Democratic politicians, and was showcased by President Barack Obama in his 2010 State of the Union speech.

But the company has installed less than 7,000 of the chargers, its subsidiary is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission for insider trading, and it has only created 144 jobs, according to the federal website.

The Heritage Foundation’s investigative unit reported that the company’s financial document showed the company got a SEC subpoena in Oct. 2010.

“It is the same story, different day, with the administration’s green-energy agenda,” said a source. “They’re rewarding friends at the expense of taxpayers.”

Several other taxpayer-funded green-tech companies have gone bankrupt or laid off employees.

Famously, California-based Solyndra went bankrupt in 2010 after getting more than $500 million in federal loans, and General Motors recently stopped production of the Chevy Volt because of low sales. Battery-maker A-123 laid off a third of its workforce in 2011, despite getting $249 million in taxpayer funds.

(RELATED: Obama proposes bumping Chevy Volt subsidy up to $10K)

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Research the Ford Focus Electric. You'll Never Need a Drop of Gas. sector funding for green-tech companies is also drying up as investors worry about declining federal subsidies.

The numerous problems have delayed pending loans by the Energy Department, even though Obama again touted the green-tech push in his 2012 State of the Union speech.

So far, the administration has spent at least $13 billion on green-tech subsidies, which are derided by GOP advocates as “crony capitalism.”

On Monday House Republicans asked the Department of Energy for more information about the troubled green-tech program and the Ecotality company.

The information is needed to weigh the merits of Obama’s 2013 budget-request for $1 billion “National Community Deployment Challenge” program that would subsidize local governments’ support for green-tech vehicles.

“Details of the President’s initiative are severely lacking… it is imperative that Congress receive further details on this proposal,” said a March 26 letter from Maryland Rep. Andy Harris, the Republican chairman of the House science committee’s panel on energy and environment.

Harris’ letter to the Energy Department Secretary Steven Chu also demanded more information about Ecotality, whose charging stations for electric autos — such as the stalled Volt — might be funded by the proposed $1 billion NCDC program.

“Was DoE aware Ecotoality received a subpoena from the SEC in October 2010? Why did DoE award Ecotality and additional $26 million contract nearly a year after SEC issues the company a subpoena in October 2010?” asked Harris’ letter.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1433 on: March 29, 2012, 03:22:10 PM »
BOMBSHELL BETRAYAL: Obama Leaking Info to Media to Thwart Israeli Strike and Protect Iran's Nuclear
Atlas Shrugs ^ | 3/29/12 | Pamela Geller

Posted on Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:04:11 PM by Nachum

Iran's plan for a second Holocaust must be stopped John Bolton

The Obama administration is leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran. Enemy in the White House. Not only is Obama an anti-semite, he is anti-American (anti-freedom.) His islamophiliac polcies compromises American security. Iran is clearly an American threat.They have been at war with us since '79. Israel was willing to do the heavy lifting because our reckless and feckless president was too weak, too compromised. But to betray an ally like this?

'Baku grants Israel use of its air bases' Senior US officials tell 'Foreign Policy' "Israelis have bought an airfield and the airfield is called Azerbaijan."

Is it any wonder that 20% of Americans think Obama is Muslim. But their fruits ye shall know him and so we know him.

ABC is soft selling this bombshell story but this steaming pile of dung will expose this saboteur no matter how pretty the package the enemedia manufactures.

JERUSALEM – Two reports today about Iran’s nuclear program and the possibility of an Israeli military strike have analysts in Israel accusing the Obama administration leaking information to pressure Israel not to bomb Iran and for Iran to reach a compromise in upcoming nuclear talks.

The first report in Foreign Policy quotes anonymous American officials saying that Israel has been given access to airbases by Iran’s northern neighbor Azerbaijan from which Israel could launch air strikes or at least drones and search and rescue aircraft.

The second report from Bloomberg, based on a leaked congressional report, said that Iran’s nuclear facilities are so dispersed that it is “unclear what the ultimate effect of a strike would be…” A strike could delay Iran as little as six months, a former official told the researchers.

(Excerpt) Read more at atlasshrugs2000.typepad. com ...

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1434 on: March 29, 2012, 08:01:16 PM »
Mideast officials: Obama in secret talks with Iran Asking Tehran to guarantee it won't hit U.S. if
wnd ^ | 3/29/12 | Aaron Klein
Posted on March 29, 2012 10:44:21 PM EDT by Nachum

JERUSALEM – President Obama has been engaged in secret, back-channel talks with Iran in which he informed Tehran’s leaders he is completely opposed to any Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, according to informed Middle Eastern officials.

The officials told WND the behind-the-scenes talks aim to secure a guarantee from Iran that it will not retaliate against the U.S. in the event of any Israeli military strike, the officials said.

It was unclear what, if anything, Obama offered Iran in exchange for a pledge against targeting U.S. installations, including in the Gulf.

The State Department did not immediately return a WND request seeking comment on the alleged back-door talks.

In a wide-ranging interview March 9 with Al-Monitor, an Arab website founded in the wake of the Middle East revolutions, former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel hinted that private approaches to Iran were already occurring.

Hagel is co-chairman of Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board. While he was in the Senate he served on the Foreign Relations Committee.

Al-Monitor’s Washington correspondent, Barbara Slavin, interviewed Hagel at Georgetown University, where he teaches a weekly class.

Slavin asked Hagel: “Do you know if there any private approaches going on, or is it all through the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany?

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1435 on: March 29, 2012, 08:21:39 PM »
Mideast officials: Obama in secret talks with Iran Asking Tehran to guarantee it won't hit U.S. if
wnd ^ | 3/29/12 | Aaron Klein
Posted on March 29, 2012 10:44:21 PM EDT by Nachum

JERUSALEM – President Obama has been engaged in secret, back-channel talks with Iran in which he informed Tehran’s leaders he is completely opposed to any Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, according to informed Middle Eastern officials.

The officials told WND the behind-the-scenes talks aim to secure a guarantee from Iran that it will not retaliate against the U.S. in the event of any Israeli military strike, the officials said.

It was unclear what, if anything, Obama offered Iran in exchange for a pledge against targeting U.S. installations, including in the Gulf.

The State Department did not immediately return a WND request seeking comment on the alleged back-door talks.

In a wide-ranging interview March 9 with Al-Monitor, an Arab website founded in the wake of the Middle East revolutions, former Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel hinted that private approaches to Iran were already occurring.

Hagel is co-chairman of Obama’s Intelligence Advisory Board. While he was in the Senate he served on the Foreign Relations Committee.

Al-Monitor’s Washington correspondent, Barbara Slavin, interviewed Hagel at Georgetown University, where he teaches a weekly class.

Slavin asked Hagel: “Do you know if there any private approaches going on, or is it all through the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council plus Germany?

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Wonder how Israel feels about this?
Good job Obama, throw our friends to the wolves and jump in bed with our enemies, stupid fuck.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1436 on: March 29, 2012, 08:25:29 PM »
Wonder how Israel feels about this?
Good job Obama, throw our friends to the wolves and jump in bed with our enemies, stupid fuck.

I knew everything I needed to know about Obama when he was silent was the protesters were hung in 2009 2010.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1437 on: March 30, 2012, 05:44:55 AM »


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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1438 on: March 30, 2012, 05:59:39 AM »

LMFAO!    Peggy Noonan is only realizing now that obama is a lying fraud and dishonest thug? 

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1439 on: April 02, 2012, 01:34:23 PM »
DHS To Grant Illegal Aliens “Unlawful Presence Waivers”
Judicial Watch ^ | April 2, 2012

In its quest to implement stealth amnesty, the Obama Administration is working behind the scenes to halt the deportation of certain illegal immigrants by granting them “unlawful presence waivers.”

The new measure would apply to illegal aliens who are relatives of American citizens. Here is how it would work, according to a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announcement posted in today’s Federal Register, the daily journal of the U.S. government; the agency will grant “unlawful presence waivers” to illegal aliens who can prove they have a relative that’s a U.S. citizen.

Currently such aliens must return to their native country and request a waiver of inadmissibility in an existing overseas immigrant visa process. In other words, they must enter the U.S. legally as thousands of foreigners do on a yearly basis. Besides the obvious security issues, changing this would be like rewarding bad behavior in a child. It doesn’t make sense.

But the system often causes U.S. citizens to be separated for extended periods from their immediate relatives,” according to the DHS. The proposed changes, first announced in January, will significantly reduce the length of time U.S. citizens are separated from their loved ones while required to remain outside the United States during the current visa processing system.

The administration also claims that relaxing the rule will also “create efficiencies for both the U.S. government and most applicants.” How exactly is not listed in the Federal Register announcement, which gives the public 60 days to comment. That’s only a formality since the DHS has indicated that the change is pretty much a done deal.

This appears to be part of the Obama Administration’s bigger plan to blow off Congress by using its executive powers to grant illegal immigrants backdoor amnesty. The plan has been in the works for years and in 2010 Texas’s largest newspaper published an exposé about a then-secret DHS initiative that systematically cancelled pending deportations. The remarkable program stunned the legal profession and baffled immigration attorneys who said the government bounced their clients’ deportation even when expulsion was virtually guaranteed.

In late 2011 a mainstream newspaper obtained internal Homeland Security documents outlining “sweeping changes” in immigration enforcement that halt the deportation of illegal aliens with no criminal records. This also includes a nationwide “training program” to assure that enforcement agents and prosecuting attorneys don’t remove illegal immigrants who haven’t been convicted of crimes.

Judicial Watch has been a front runner in investigating the Obama Administration’s stealth amnesty program by pursuing DHS records concerning “deferred action” or “parole” to suspend removal proceedings against a particular group of individuals. Last spring JW sued DHS to obtain information because the agency ignored a federal public records request that dates back to July 2010.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1440 on: April 03, 2012, 08:21:52 PM »
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Analysis: Obama's Worst Speech Yet ^ | April 3, 2012 | Guy Benson
Posted on April 3, 2012 10:41:05 PM EDT by Kaslin

Today we witnessed something truly remarkable. Barack Obama managed to out-do himself by uncorking what very well may have been the most dishonest, demagogic, and bitterly partisan speech of his presidency. I render that assessment as someone who has sat through and analyzed countless Obama lectures, some of which earned very high marks for deceit and ideological invective. Indeed, today's Occupy-inspired rant takes the cake. It was a depressing and enraging preview of the next seven months, over which this president will unleash a barrage of sophistic and pernicious arguments deliberately designed to sow discord and divide Americans. He will do so with no regard for the truth, history, or the Constitution he swore to uphold. I genuinely cannot see how anyone who considers him- or herself a "conservative" in any meaningful sense could watch this screed and not immediately redouble his resolve to help defeat the man who delivered it. Adequately addressing and debunking this speech is going to be a Herculean undertaking. Nearly every single paragraph is littered with distortions, scorched straw men, and flat untruths. But I'm going to take a stab at it.

Disclaimers: (1) This is going to be a very long post, even as I try to pare down my responses. If I dissected every misstatement and fib in the full remarks, this piece might achieve War and Peace proportions. (2) I'm working from C-SPAN's rush transcript. (3) I'll add video as it become available. And with those items securely in place, we're off ... President Obama begins by feigning fealty to the private sector and free markets. After ticking off a list of Republican presidents who supported some form of government expansion, he assails "trickle-down" economics, branding the conservative vision for America a failed "experiment:"

Show me a business leader who would not profit if more americans could afford to get the skills and education that today's jobs require. Ask any company where they would rather locate and hire workers, a country with crumbling roads and bridges or one committed to high-speed internet and high- speed railroad and high-tech research and development? It doesn't make us weaker when we guarantee basic security for the elderly, sick, or those who are actively looking for work. What makes us weaker is when fewer and fewer people can afford to buy the goods and services are businesses sell. When entrepreneurs don't have the financial securities to take a chance and starting a business. What drags down our entire economy is when there is an ever widening chasm between the ultra rich and everybody else...Yet, for much of the last century, we have been having the same argument with folks who keep paddling some version of trickle-down economics.

How is it possible that America remains plagued by "crumbling roads and bridges" after we've just spent $825 Billion of borrowed money on a stimulus program ostensibly fashioned to fund and execute precisely those types of "shovel ready projects"?  Obama's solution is more spending, more borrowing, more failure.  Next, income inequality exists, but this "ever-widening chasm" language is both exaggerated and unsupported by the facts.  The presidential "education" goes on:

They keep telling us that if we convert more of our investment in education, research and health care into tax cuts, especially for the wealthy, our economy will grow stronger. They keep telling us if we strip away more regulations and let businesses pollute more and treat workers and consumers with impunity, somehow we will all be better off. We are told that when the wealthy become even wealthier and corporations are allowed to maximize profits by whatever means necessary, it's good for America and their success will translate into more jobs and prosperity for everyone else. That is the theory. The problem for advocates of this theory is that we have tried their approach on a massive scale. The results of their experiments are there for all to see. At the beginning of the last decade, the wealthiest americans received a huge tax cut in 2001 and another huge tax cut in 2003. We were promised that these tax cuts would lead to faster job growth. They did not. The wealthy got wealthier, we would expect that. the income of the top 1% has grown by more than 275% over the last few decades to an average of $1.3 million a year. But prosperity sure did not trickle down. Instead, during the last decade, we had the slowest job growth in half a century.

Here, our "post-partisan," self-stylized messiah accuses Republicans of supporting pollution and worker abuse.  How insulting.  I'll address this point when he revisits it with a vengeance later on.  His unserious caricature of free market capitalism is hardly worth responding to.  It's the equivalent of a petulant Republican president standing up and saying the Democrat vision for the country is to transform it into a North Korea-style police state.  This brand of rhetoric is below the presidency, but has never been below this president.  The 2001 and 2003 tax cuts helped pull America out of the recession that President Bush inherited.  It led to more than 50 consecutive months of job growth and declining deficits (prior to the 2008 crisis) -- even as we spent heavily on two wars.  President Obama is asking Americans to turn their backs on the "bad old days" of 5.3 percent unemployment (Bush's average) and annual deficits that look like foothills compared to today's Obama-institutionalized Himalayas of red ink.  And does this president really want to gripe about previous "slow job growth"?

The typical American family actually saw their incomes fall by about 6% even as the economy was growing. there was a time when insurance companies and insurance -- and a financial lenders did not have to abide by strong enough wedges -- strong enough regulations and found ways around them. what was the result? Profits for these companies soared, but so did people's health insurance premiums, patients were repeatedly denied care, often when they needed it most, families were enticed and sometimes just plain tricked into buying homes they could not afford, huge, reckless bets were made with other people's money on the line and our entire financial system was nearly destroyed. We tried this theory out. you would think after the results of this experiment in trickle-down economics, after the results were made painfully clear, the proponents of this theory might show some humility. might moderate their views a bit. You would think they would say, you know what? Maybe some rules and regulations are necessary to protect the economy and prevent people from being taken advantage of by insurance companies or mortgage lenders. Maybe, just maybe, at a time of growing debt and widening inequality, we should hold off and giving the wealthiest americans another round of big tax cuts.

Banks were forced into lending people money to "buy" homes they couldn't afford through federal edicts like the Community Reinvestment Act.  As a young community organizer, Barack Obama trained Left-wingers to aggressively agitate in favor of coercing banks into issuing these risky, subprime mortgages.  Directly contradicting the tale Obama is now spinning, Republicans repeatedly tried to increase regulation to prevent the meltdown that Barack Obama helped cause -- and that perversely helped sweep him into office.  Democrats strenuously objected at the time.  It takes a stunning degree of cognitive dissonance and cynicism to pawn off the consequences of your mess onto your political opponents after it nearly sinks the entire economy.  And to echo a previous question, does this president really want to discuss "reckless bets made with other people's money"?  Really?  Next, Obama paints a cartoonish portrait of the dystopian hell-hole America will become if Paul Ryan's budget is enacted:

Instead of moderating their views even slightly, the Republicans running congress right now have double down. They have proposed a budget so far to the right it makes the Contract for America look like the new deal. In fact, that renowned liberal, Newt Gingrich, first called the original version of the budget radical. He said it would contribute to right- wing social engineering. This is coming from newt gingrich. This is not a budget supported by some small group in the republican party. This is now the party's governing platform. This is what they are running on. One of my potential opponents, Governor Romney, has said he hopes a similar version of this plan from last year would be introduced as a bill on day one of his presidency. He says he's very supportive of this new budget and he even called it marvelous -- which is a word you don't often hear when it comes to describing the budget. [laughter] It's a word you don't often hear generally. [Laughter].

Hilarious!  Say, has Obama himself used "marvelous" in public remarks on multiple occasions?  Of course he has!  But that's a silly critique.  In the passage above, Obama plays into the tired liberal trope that every single Republican politician or idea is either dumber or more evil than the previous one.  He expects us to believe the Contract for America was spectacularly awesome compared to this wing-nut Ryan budget.  (Also, thanks a lot, Newt).  And since when did Republicans take over "Congress"?  Last time I checked, Democrats -- who have intentionally avoided offering budget plans of their own to escape all accountability -- run the Senate.  The president elides this pesky little nugget for some reason.  It's almost as if he's actively trying to confuse people, or something.  We continue...

Here is what this marvelous budget does...I want to go through what it would mean for our country if these cuts were to be spread out evenly. Bear with me, I want to go through this because I don't think people fully appreciate the nature of this budget. The year after next, nearly 10 million college students would see their financially cut by an average of more than $1,000 each. There would be 1600 fewer medical grants, research grants for things like alzheimer's, cancer and AIDS. There would be 4000 fewer scientific research grants, eliminating support for 48,000 researchers, students and teachers. Investments in clean energy technologies helping us reduce our dependence on foreign oil would be cut by nearly a fifth.

If this budget becomes law and cuts were applied evenly, starting in 2014, over 200,000 children would lose their chance to get an early education in the headstart program. 2 million mothers and young children would be cut from a program that gives them access to healthy food. There would be 4500 fewer federal grants at the department of justice and the FBI to combat by the crime, financial crime, and helped secure our borders. Hundreds of national parks would be forced to close for part or all of the year. We would not have the capacity to enforce the laws that protect the air we breathe, the water we drink, or the food we eat. Cut to the FAA would likely result in more flight cancellations, delays, and the complete elimination of air- traffic control services and parts of the country. Over time, our weather forecasts would become less accurate because we would not be able to afford to launch new satellites. That means governors and mayors would have to wait longer to order evacuations in the event of a hurricane. That's just a partial sampling of the consequences of this budget.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1441 on: April 05, 2012, 03:59:11 AM »
Judge Napolitano: I Think the President Is Dangerously Close to Totalitarianism (Video) ^ | 4/4/2012 | Jim Hoft
Posted on April 5, 2012 6:53:04 AM EDT by servo1969

Don’t hold back, Judge. FOX News contributor Judge Napolitano told Neil Cavuto today,

“I think the president is dangerously close to totalitarianism. A few months ago he was saying the Congress doesn’t count. The Congress doesn’t mean anything. I am going to rule by decree and by administrative regulation. Now he’s basically saying the Supreme Court doesn’t count. It doesn’t matter what they think. They can’t review our legislation. That would leave just him as the only branch of government standing.”

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1442 on: April 07, 2012, 06:11:13 PM »
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EDITORIAL: Obama’s war on the courts
The Washington Times ^ | April 6, 2012 | Editorial
Posted on April 7, 2012 5:41:34 PM EDT by jazusamo

Administration fears ruling will strike down Obamacare as unconstitutional

Word seems to have gone out in liberal circles that Obamacare is in trouble with the Supreme Court. A systematic and unprecedented assault is undermining the integrity of the system in an attempt to defend this highly unpopular law.

President Obama claimed Tuesday that the court has not overturned a congressional economic regulation in more than 80 years, saying, “a law like that has not been overturned at least since Lochner, right?” Well, wrong. The 1905 case of Lochner v. New York dealt with a state statute and had nothing to do with the powers of Congress. The law professor should check his notes.

Another problem with trying to invoke precedent is that Obamacare defenders can’t keep their story straight on whether the constitutional authority for the health care takeover was found in the government’s taxing power, regulation of interstate commerce, a necessary and proper power, or something else. White House attorneys still can’t seem to agree, and the grounds kept shifting even during oral arguments before the nation's highest court. It’s never a good sign when the solicitor general elicits laughter in the courtroom.

University of Houston law professor David R. Dow suggested impeaching justices who vote against Obamacare...


Mr. Obama treats the “unelected justices” as just another impediment to his power-to be picked, frozen, personalized and polarized. Perhaps he should appoint a judicial czar to look into the matter.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1443 on: April 08, 2012, 05:43:08 AM »
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The smartest president in history?
Philadelphia Inquirer ^ | April 8, 2012 | by George Parry
Posted on April 8, 2012 8:40:42 AM EDT by Oldeconomybuyer

Despite 40 years of practicing law, I am no expert when it comes to arguing appeals. But I do know enough not to gratuitously insult and try to humiliate the appellate judges who will decide my client's case.

Apparently they don't teach those fundamentals at Harvard Law School. How else to explain the absolutely boneheaded attempts by President Obama, a past president of the Harvard Law Review, to intimidate the U.S. Supreme Court as it decides the constitutional fate of Obamacare?

And he did this when anyone who could see past his next meal knew that Obamacare, which was being shoved through the Congress, would ultimately wind up before that very same court.

As we used to say in the Organized Crime Strike Force, "That's smart, Freddo, really smart."

How could a president of the United States of America, of all people, not know something so basic about our system of government? Where has he been all these years? Kenya?

How can the so-called smartest president in history be so out of touch with human nature, common sense, and reality as to think that he can intimidate a coordinate branch of government - composed of judges with life tenure - by advancing such a baseless and preposterous argument as the one that he trumpeted to the media?

Now that the president has made a complete fool of himself in public, is it too much to ask that the mainstream media, at long last, begin to question and investigate his much-vaunted credentials as our Genius-in-Chief?

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1444 on: April 08, 2012, 04:19:15 PM »
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The President’s Abysmal Record
Commentary ^ | 04.05.2012 | John Steele Gordon
Posted on April 7, 2012 7:31:32 PM EDT by neverdem

Is this the week the Obama administration’s remarkable incompetence begins to be the narrative? If so, he’s toast.

The president’s astonishing, not to mention indefensible, lecture to the Supreme Court this week, in which he turned 200 years of American constitutional history on its head, has been the talk of the blogosphere. But it’s not just the fact that he pretends to have not heard of Marbury v. Madison, it’s the anger behind his remarks that he is having trouble concealing. Even his old professor at Harvard felt he had to weigh in.

It is not hard to see why he might be angry. His single major domestic accomplishment, Obamacare, is in mortal peril in the Supreme Court. InTrade has the chances of its being overturned at 63.8 percent this morning. And it remains deeply unpopular with the public at large. His other domestic efforts have been largely a bust. The stimulus did not produce the promised economic boost and recovery from the recession remains stubbornly slow and unemployment stubbornly high. Green energy is failing and failing and failing. The price of gas has nearly doubled since he became president, despite the recession, while domestic production of oil and natural gas has been rising despite his policies, not because of them.

And, of course, the country continues hell-bent towards the fiscal cliff at the rate of $1 trillion plus per year. Obama, and the Senate Democrats, have not even tried to do anything about something the people in poll after poll have called their number one concern.

As for his foreign policy successes, I’d list them except there haven’t been any. His failures are numerous. Our antagonists, such as Iran, Korea, Russia, and China have little or no respect for him, and thus no inclination to play ball. He has managed to alienate such important allies as Britain and Israel. Indeed, his very first foreign policy act was to insult Britain by summarily returning a bust of its great national hero, Winston Churchill–the man who saved the world in 1940–to the British Embassy. It’s only gotten worse. Last week, his open-mic gaffe with the Russian president was greatly embarrassing. This week’s summit with Mexico and Canada revealed deep problems within the North American alliance, problems that were hardly noted in the American mainstream press–a wholly owned subsidiary of the Obama re-election campaign–but were widely on view in the Mexican and Canadian media.

In sum, it’s a remarkable record, especially for a man who thinks of himself as a transformational figure in American history. The president looks in the mirror and sees FDR. Increasingly, the rest of the country look at him and see Jimmy Carter, perhaps even James Buchanan. They were both one-term presidents.



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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1445 on: April 08, 2012, 10:35:22 PM »
How about you just skip the copy and paste jobs and, if we want to read your right-wing rags, we'll just go ahead and get do it on our own.

That way, you can get out of the house and have human relationships.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1446 on: April 09, 2012, 07:55:36 AM »
The Obama Thugocracy
Personal Liberty Digest ^ | 4/9/2012 | Bob Livingston

(President Barack Obama rose to office like a Mafioso don.)

With his approval ratings below 50 percent as an election looms, Congress gridlocked over his economy-destroying budget proposal and the prospect that his signature piece of legislation — Obamacare — is likely to get thrown out as unConstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court, President Barack Obama and his minions have ratcheted up their tried and true modus operandi: thuggery.

This has long been common practice for Obama. His career was launched from the home of a convicted terrorist. His parents, friends and key influencers were socialists and communists. It is who he is.

Obama was first elected as a U.S. Senator from Illinois only after he and chief operative David Axelrod arranged to have the sealed divorce records of Obama’s opponents unsealed: first Democrat primary opponent Blair Hull’s, then Republican Jack Ryan’s.

Polls showed Hull enjoyed a healthy lead over Obama as late as one month before the primary. But then The Chicago Tribune — Alexrod’s former employer — began publishing stories accusing Hull of violent behavior in his marriage and claiming that an ex-wife had sought a protective order during their divorce. Finally, Hull and his ex-wife agreed to have the records unsealed; and another ex-wife, their children and a number of Hull’s acquaintances denied Hull was violent. But Hull’s poll numbers began to tank and Obama won the primary.

In the general election Obama faced Jack Ryan, husband of actress Jeri Ryan. During a child custody dispute some years prior to the election, Jeri Ryan had claimed that Jack Ryan made her accompany him to swingers clubs in New York and Paris. Axelrod obtained “leaked” copies of the couple’s Chicago divorce records and then The Tribune sent lawyers to California to request the sealed child custody case records be unsealed. Over the objections of both Ryans, the judge released the records. Shortly thereafter, Jack Ryan withdrew from the race.

During the 2008 Democrat Presidential primary, Obama operatives intimidated Hillary Clinton supporters and engaged in improper and possibly illegal activities to win the nomination, according to a former Clinton campaign worker. Michelle Thomas told WND that she received death threats and was called a racist for opposing Obama. She also accused the Obama campaign of stealing caucuses by throwing away votes and intimidating people trying to enter the caucus locations.

Thomas also believes the Obama campaign is behind the death of Arkansas Democratic Party Chairman Bill Gwatney, who was shot in his office days before the Democratic National Convention by Timothy D. Johnson, who was then killed by police after a car chase. The day before he was shot, Gwatney and Thomas had agreed that Gwatney would find a superdelegate from the Arkansas delegation to introduce a petition to have Clinton’s name placed in nomination for President.

Another Clinton supporter Thomas met with about introducing the petition, Stephanie Tubbs Jones, died mysteriously the next week.

“We found it quite a coincidence that Bill Gwatney was killed the day after we talked with him,” Thomas told WND. “And just a few days later that Tubbs Jones died suddenly of an aneurysm, after she had agreed to introduce our petition.”

Hollywood film producer Bettina Viviano told WND that she heard Bill Clinton say on a conference call during the 2008 primary that he believed Obama was ineligible to be President, and that he was prepared to go public with the information until Gwatney was murdered.

According to Viviano, a campaign staffer who was close to Hillary Clinton said Bill Clinton received a message after Gwatney’s death: “Shut up, Bill, or you’re next.” But Clinton, who was a friend of Gwatney’s, intended to speak out anyway until he received another message: “OK, it’s your daughter, now, we’ll go after.”

After receiving the threats directed toward Chelsea Clinton, Bill Clinton never said anything else about it, Viviano told WND.

The Obama Administration used thuggery to defeat a Texas bill that would have kicked the Transportation Security Administration out of the State’s airports, ignored a judge’s order over offshore oil drilling permits and used intimidation to call the media off the story regarding Obama’s forged birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.

The Obama Justice Department is also reportedly set to sue Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz. Arpaio is investigating whether Obama’s birth certificate and Selective Service registration are forgeries and is also trying to find other missing Obama documents that would prove whether Obama is a U.S. citizen.

Obama’s comments on the Trayvon Martin shooting were designed to inflame an already volatile incident that already had race hucksters stoking a racial fire. His comments had the intended effect. Since then, there have been several incidents reported of blacks attacking whites in the name of Martin.

Now, with his freedom- and America-destroying Marxist agenda getting pushback from an awakening American populace, Obama is at it again. He’s taking on the Supreme Court.

During a press conference last week at the White House, Obama said:

We are confident that this will be over – that this will be upheld. I’m confident this will be upheld because it should be upheld. Again, that’s not just my opinion. That’s the opinion of a whole lot of constitutional law professors, academics and judges… Ultimately, I’m confident that the Supreme Court will not take what would be an unprecedented, extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected Congress. I guess I would remind conservative commentators that for years what we’ve heard is the biggest problem on the bench is judicial activism or a lack of judicial restraint. For an unelected group of people to somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law is a good example of that, and I’m pretty sure this court will recognize that and not take that step… With respect to health care, I actually continue to be confident that the Supreme Court will uphold the law. The reason is, in accordance to precedent out there, it’s constitutional.

Obama is channeling his inner FDR. As President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt sought — with some success — to intimidate the Supreme Court after it began striking down sections of the New Deal by threatening to pack the court with more justices who would be favorable to New Deal legislation.

New Deal proponents accused the court of being obstructionist and political. That’s essentially Obama’s argument. He may also be laying the groundwork to ignore the court’s order. It wouldn’t be first time the Obama Administration had ignored a court’s order, and it wouldn’t be the first time a President had done so.

In 1861, President Abraham Lincoln ignored an opinion by Chief Justice Roger Taney that Lincoln had no lawful power to suspend habeas corpus. So if Obama does ignore the Supreme Court, he’ll be channeling his inner Lincoln.

But even more troubling is that in saying that the Supreme Court’s striking down of Obamacare would be unprecedented, Obama is just lying. It’s a wonder his pants aren’t on fire.

As a so-called “Constitutional scholar,” Obama has to know that the court has overturned laws passed by “a democratically elected Congress” 165 times (click here and see page 201). And it doesn’t matter whether the law was passed “by a strong majority” (although only in Obama’s mind is 219-212 partisan vote a strong majority), that doesn’t exempt it from judicial review.

“That the Supreme Court would declare as unconstitutional congressional ‘laws’ which illegally violated the Constitution was one of the benefits of the Constitution, which the Constitution’s advocates used to help convince the People to ratify the Constitution,” writes David Kopel in The Volokh Conspiracy. “In Federalist 78, Alexander Hamilton explained why unconstitutional actions of Congress are not real laws, and why the judiciary has a duty to say so… Because Hamilton was the foremost ‘big government’ advocate of his time, it is especially notable that he was a leading advocate for judicial review of whether any part of the federal government had exceeded its delegated powers.”

Obama’s actions make clear the reasons the Founding Fathers inserted the phrase “natural-born citizen” into the Constitutional requirements for President. They wanted a President who was loyal to “these United States” and the Constitution.

But Obama sees the Constitution and the rule of law as impediments to his Marxist, America-destroying agenda. He rose to the office like a Mafioso don. His political career was born in the home of convicted terrorist Bill Ayers (Obama’s mentor who also wrote Obama’s “biography” and says he wakes up every morning thinking he’s going to end capitalism and goes to bed every evening disappointed that he didn’t). Obama was fed from the pulpit of the racist preacher Jeremiah Wright. And rose to prominence with the help of a complicit — even sycophantic — mainstream media, with which he now enjoys a carrot-and-stick relationship.

If he came to power like a don, it should come as no surprise he is governing (or ruling, according to Valerie Jarrett) like one as well.


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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1447 on: April 10, 2012, 11:57:09 AM »
I am starting this thread to list the daily examples of how the Obama Admn is killing the economy and destroying jobs.  

I'll start with the Stim Bill.  See below.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1448 on: April 11, 2012, 10:01:54 AM »
EPA Fines School Bus Company 438K For 'Excessive Idling' ^ | April 10, 2012 | Elizabeth Harrington

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforced nearly $500,000 in fines and mandatory “environmental projects” on a school bus contractor for “excessive idling,” and as part of its anti-idling campaign to reduce the carbon footprint of school buses waiting to pick up children for their routes.

“As part of a settlement for alleged excessive diesel idling in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, Durham School Services will commit to reduce idling from its school bus fleet of 13,900 buses operating in 30 states,” read an EPA press release on Tuesday.

The EPA says an agency inspector two years ago spotted buses of the Durham School Services, the second largest school bus transportation contractor in the country, “idling for extended periods of time” in school lots in New England.

“The inspector observed some buses idling for close to two hours before departing the bus lot to pick up school children,” it said. State rules limit idling to three minutes in Connecticut and five minutes in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, where the infractions occurred.

Durham reached a settlement for the violation and agreed to pay $90,000 in penalties. It also agreed to pay for $348,000 worth of environmental projects, including implementing a national training and management program “to prevent excessive idling from its entire fleet of school buses.”

Under the program Durham must require its supervisors to “monitor idling in school bus lots, post anti-idling signs in areas where drivers congregate, and notify the school districts it serves of its anti-idling policy.”

The EPA’s enforcement is part of its broader national campaign aimed at reducing idling among public school bus fleets. The federal agency claims a bus whose engine is running while stationary consumes about one-half gallon of fuel per hour.

“By reducing the idling time of each bus in its fleet by one hour per day, Durham would reduce its fuel use by 1.25 million gallons per year and avoid emitting 28 million pounds of carbon dioxide per year,” the release stated, adding, “Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.”

According to the EPA, as of 2006, 30 states plus the District of Columbia had either state, county or local anti-idling regulations in place, with the city of Philadelphia setting the maximum allowable time for diesel powered motor vehicles at two consecutive minutes.

The EPA Web site even provides a “do it yourself kit” for those wishing to bring the anti-idling campaign to their school district, providing brochures, posters, a “Teacher’s Guide for use in reinforcing key messages of the Idle-Reduction campaign,” and pledge cards for drivers that read, “I’m doing my share for clean air.”

Also available for order are bus driver key chains “that can be used by bus drivers daily to remind them that they hold the key to a healthier ride,” and a five-minute training video entitled “Reducing School Bus Idling: The Key to a Healthier Ride.” Also referenced is California’s 2003 anti-idling regulation that bus drivers must to turn off their vehicle within 100 feet of a school and must not turn the bus back on more than 30 seconds before beginning to depart – or face a minimum penalty of $100.

The EPA suggests purchasing block engine pre-heaters, which cost approximately $1,200 to $1,500 each, to reduce idling and warm up engines and passenger compartments during colder months. Also available are Compartment/Engine Block Heaters that cost approximately $2,300 to $2,500.

The EPA claims the diesel emitted from school buses pollutes the air, wastes fuel, causes excess engine wear, and is harmful to children’s health.

“Children, especially those suffering from asthma or other respiratory ailments, are particularly vulnerable to diesel exhaust,” said Curt Spalding, regional administrator of EPA’s New England office, in announcing the fines levied on Durham.

“EPA is pleased with this settlement, which will dramatically limit school bus idling and help protect the health of school children in dozens of communities across the country,” he said.


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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deciet and Promises Broken
« Reply #1449 on: April 12, 2012, 08:10:24 AM »
Why all the copy and pastes?

Are you and your girl having problems?

Too much litigation these days?