Author Topic: People who have become Muslim  (Read 140109 times)

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #100 on: March 27, 2013, 08:44:05 PM »
“The scarf is not such a big deal and not all Muslims wear it. It is modesty and is to be identified as a Muslim.”

“It does not oppress women but rather liberate them as they choose who sees their body rather than men and society choosing what to see.”
^^^ This quote right here shows what a naive teenager this poor girl is, Western women aren't being forced to dress immodestly, men don't control what women wear.  The majority of Western women dress modestly and they don't need to be FORCED by RELIGION to do so.  They do it because they are mature and have self respect.  In the WEST women can choose to wear whatever they like, unlike this poor woman, who has now forced herself to endure being held to an ideal that is impractical and extremely restrictive.  

Because of her young age and gullibility, she won't last long, she will either leave the Religion or become like a lot of Muslims who don't practice the faith and are Muslim in name only.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #101 on: March 27, 2013, 10:01:56 PM »
Okay Mr expert.

So what is your opinion of Geert Wilders' ex anti islam member embracing Islam? Also naive and brainwashed?

All these thousands of Muslims are naive young helpless souls, while you the oh so wise 40 year old knows best right? So what say you about a staunch anti-islam 'elderly' person becoming Muslim?

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #102 on: March 27, 2013, 10:15:22 PM »
Okay Mr expert.

So what is your opinion of Geert Wilders' ex anti islam member embracing Islam? Also naive and brainwashed?

All these thousands of Muslims are naive young helpless souls, while you the oh so wise 40 year old knows best right? So what say you about a staunch anti-islam 'elderly' person becoming Muslim?
I was talking about that specific case you highlighted, but as for others converting to Islam, I am sure their are a myriad of reasons which I don't pretend to know the answers to.  In the case of Geert Wilders political party member converting, I have no doubt that was a political stunt.  In a way it highlights how desperate and gullible Islam is, to accept a traitor into their ranks, for all they know he is still in cahoots with Geert and just gathering Intelligence.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #103 on: March 27, 2013, 11:22:48 PM »
lol you're hilarious


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #104 on: March 28, 2013, 11:12:54 AM »

Let me guess she's not in her senses because she's old e-kul  ::)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #105 on: March 28, 2013, 11:21:26 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #106 on: March 28, 2013, 04:18:04 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #107 on: March 30, 2013, 11:13:50 AM »

Sister Jessica Fay is a Columbian collage student who has become a Muslim, and she wears the hijab (Veil), She said there are many reasons she likes wearing the veil. "I feel more a sense of respect and dignity from that …” she explains.

Fay says that what drew her to Islam was the praying and loves taking time out of her day to pray.

For the past two years, Fay has taken baby steps to become a Muslim. She performed the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to help her transition, and since she returned to America wearing the hijab, she has experienced support and curiosity.

Fay wants to be a good representative of her religion, “I wear hijab and I don”t want to misrepresent my religion” she says and continues: "I hope to educate them in a way, if only to show that I”m not oppressed by my hijab… I want to educate, but I”m not going to pressure anyone."


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #108 on: March 30, 2013, 11:20:52 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #109 on: March 30, 2013, 03:43:22 PM »
Hijab brought me to Islam: Jessica
March 31, 2013
By Imaan Ali, for Muslim Mirror,

Jessica Rhodes is a 21 year old female from Norwich, UK who works as a telesales consultant and is also a student. She was a Pagan before reverting to Islam a month ago.

She was born in 1991 and was adopted in 1993. Grew up in a small seaside town on the south east coast of England, she went to university at 19 to study for a degree in Music and she hopes to do postgraduate qualifications in counselling starting September 2013.

She has an amazing story of her reversion and how she got attracted to Islam. New York based lady Nazma Khan started a campaign known as ‘world hijab day’. The movement has been organised almost solely over social networking sites. It has attracted interest from Muslims and non-Muslims in more than 50 countries across the world. For many people, the hijab is a symbol of oppression and divisiveness. It’s a visible target that often bears the brunt of a larger debate about Islam in the West. World Hijab Day is designed to counteract these controversies. It encourages non-Muslim women (or even Muslim women who do not ordinarily wear one) to don the hijab and experience what it’s like to do so, as part of a bid to foster better understanding.

It was social networking that got Jessica Rhodes involved. Her friend Widyan Al Ubudy lives in Australia and asked her Facebook friends to participate. Jessica who was a non-Muslim decided to participate in the world hijab day. She says: “I took part in the first World Hijab Day and challenged myself to wear the hijab for a month. I then began reading the Quran and the words in the Quran seemed logical and clear, rather than in the Bible where they tend to waffle. I also did some research into Islam as a whole and felt that it was an inclusive religion that could give me the answers I was looking for”. Although her parents were little apprehensive, if it was a good idea or she may be attacked in the streets because of non-tolerance.

Several Websites like BBC, CBBC, Muslim times, Malaysian Digest has published articles on her regarding the experience of anon-Muslim wearing a hijab

The defining moment in her life was when she walked out in Hijab for the first time as a non-Muslim and she could not remember what it felt like to go without a hijab on.

On reaction of her parents/friends/relatives/Husband she says: “It was a bag of mix, parents were not happy but they accept my decision. My in-laws have been extremely supportive. My friends are unfortunately a mixed bag – some are happy with my decision, others want to argue with me about it, and still others walked out of my life altogether.”

On the question of what challenges she faced   as a Muslim she said is lucky and so far she didn’t face any problem and everybody has been very supportive and open-minded about it.

She further added on the level of support from other Muslims: “I have had some support, but not many people seem to want to reach out to me, it is always me asking for help. When I go and ask questions, people quote the Quran at me and do not seem open to a convert’s interpretation of the Quran. They can improve this by being more open-minded to other interpretations, because it is not just Westerners who can be narrow-minded, misguided etc.”

She further adds: “sometimes I am unsure – the reaction from most of the Muslims that I have spoken to has led me to feel like I should leave Islam and go back to paganism as in that religion I was given a choice about how I practice my religion, and nobody cared if I did things my way or another way. As for the Muslim ummah… that is in the hands of Allah. If people worldwide, of all walks of life, are more open-minded perhaps we can move forward but if not, we will simply continue to be in a mire of misconceptions, anger and pointless wars”.

Jessica wore the hijab for the first time last week to her office and got wonderful response.



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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #110 on: April 02, 2013, 11:05:01 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #111 on: April 03, 2013, 10:38:43 AM »

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #112 on: April 03, 2013, 10:47:45 PM »
Other Religions run charities and do good works in the community to help others.  Where are all the Islamic charities and what good works are they doing.  All you do is waffle on about how some people have adopted Islam as their current trendy religion.  In 40 years, I am yet to encounter an Islamic run charity, yet i can't drive anywhere in my area without encountering a Christian ran charity in every suburb.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #113 on: April 04, 2013, 01:22:40 AM »
Other Religions run charities and do good works in the community to help others.  Where are all the Islamic charities and what good works are they doing.  All you do is waffle on about how some people have adopted Islam as their current trendy religion.  In 40 years, I am yet to encounter an Islamic run charity, yet i can't drive anywhere in my area without encountering a Christian ran charity in every suburb.

How do you know muslims dont do good things?

I drive in my suburb and in my 40 years i havent seen any jewish, hindu or buddhist charities. Maybe they do, and i would hope they do, it doesnt mean they dont do them.

Now of course e-kul, you live in a predominantly christian country, now its obvious there will be more christian charities.Muslims are only 2% population in australia, they are very small, you cant expect them to be as big as other organisations.

Some examples i can give e-kul,

-When the qld floods happened, muslims all over australia donated to help there fellow countrymen, some even came from other states to help them,

-Muslims help feed the poor-

-Australian federation of islamic council donated to the redcross for the Bali tragedy.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #114 on: April 08, 2013, 12:37:26 PM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #115 on: April 15, 2013, 09:16:07 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #116 on: April 16, 2013, 02:38:36 AM »

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #117 on: April 16, 2013, 03:52:17 AM »
Why are Muslims always so angry?


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #118 on: April 16, 2013, 10:21:32 AM »
Why are Muslims always so angry?

Now that's a lot of PO'd muslims right there!!  And they have signs about beheading and butchering stuff and things are on fire and they're shakin their fists and there's smoke billowing and one dude looks like he's in 3 or 4 of the pics!!   Whew!!

Looks like me this weekend when I stubbed my toe on the wanna talk about a mad face!!   >:(


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #119 on: April 16, 2013, 04:23:26 PM »
UK church opens doors to Islam because mosque too small

An Episcopalian priest has made headlines in the UK and India by opening the doors of his Scottish church to Muslims for prayer, reports Ucanews.

The Rev Isaac Poobalan allowed Muslims to use St John’s church in Aberdeen for prayer after he saw worshippers praying “on a bitterly cold day” outside a nearby mosque because it was too small to accommodate them.
Up to 100 Muslims now pray in the main chapel at St John’s every Friday – and the church hall is being converted for the exclusive use of Muslims.
“The mosque is in fact in a former diocesan office in the church grounds which was sold by the diocese to a Muslim businessman. He opened it as a mosque but it only holds about 50 worshippers,” Poobalan told
The opening of the church has featured in The Guardian, Daily Mail and The Sun in the UK and the Indian Express and Times of India.
Poobalan, 50, grew up in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and his father was a member of the chaplaincy team at Christian Medical College Vellore Hospital.
“I saw people from all religions praying in the hospital chapel,” he said. “It taught me that prayer transcends religion. We all pray to essentially the same God.”

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #120 on: April 17, 2013, 12:05:54 AM »
UK church opens doors to Islam because mosque too small

An Episcopalian priest has made headlines in the UK and India by opening the doors of his Scottish church to Muslims for prayer, reports Ucanews.

The Rev Isaac Poobalan allowed Muslims to use St John’s church in Aberdeen for prayer after he saw worshippers praying “on a bitterly cold day” outside a nearby mosque because it was too small to accommodate them.
Up to 100 Muslims now pray in the main chapel at St John’s every Friday – and the church hall is being converted for the exclusive use of Muslims.
“The mosque is in fact in a former diocesan office in the church grounds which was sold by the diocese to a Muslim businessman. He opened it as a mosque but it only holds about 50 worshippers,” Poobalan told
The opening of the church has featured in The Guardian, Daily Mail and The Sun in the UK and the Indian Express and Times of India.
Poobalan, 50, grew up in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, and his father was a member of the chaplaincy team at Christian Medical College Vellore Hospital.
“I saw people from all religions praying in the hospital chapel,” he said. “It taught me that prayer transcends religion. We all pray to essentially the same God.”
You never answered the question.  WHY ARE MUSLIMS SO ANGRY?


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #121 on: April 17, 2013, 12:12:34 AM »
You never answered the question.  WHY ARE MUSLIMS SO ANGRY?

The real question is why are you not mentally normal and what distress in life has caused you to have mental problems like you have been exhibiting on this forum over and over again filled with hate, rage and anger.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #122 on: April 17, 2013, 01:06:29 AM »
The real question is why are you not mentally normal and what distress in life has caused you to have mental problems like you have been exhibiting on this forum over and over again filled with hate, rage and anger.
I could ask the same of you, what trauma did you encounter that made you embrace HATE as a religion.  And you never answered the question.  WHY ARE MUSLIMS SO ANGRY?


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #123 on: April 17, 2013, 04:16:52 AM »
You never answered the question.  WHY ARE MUSLIMS SO ANGRY?

Arent you agnostic?

I asked why atheists are angry, you dont have to answer it. You can answer it if you want, but you cant, all you did was reply with photos of bearded men shouting, which i dont care about anyway.

Ive numerous times asked you questions but you dont reply to me, but you want people to reply to you.

Ive asked you if there was any jewish or buddhists in the australian police force.You never replied but you were sooking that there are no muslims in the australian police  which there is.

You mentioned that muslims do not give charity or do good deeds to the community.I asked you what proof you have that muslims dont benefit the community and you didnt reply.I put up some links for you.

Radical Plato

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #124 on: April 17, 2013, 04:42:01 AM »
Arent you agnostic?

I asked why atheists are angry, you dont have to answer it. You can answer it if you want, but you cant, all you did was reply with photos of bearded men shouting, which i dont care about anyway.

Ive numerous times asked you questions but you dont reply to me, but you want people to reply to you.

Ive asked you if there was any jewish or buddhists in the australian police force.You never replied but you were sooking that there are no muslims in the australian police  which there is.

You mentioned that muslims do not give charity or do good deeds to the community.I asked you what proof you have that muslims dont benefit the community and you didnt reply.I put up some links for you.
I don't believe atheists are angry, they may be able to be described as frustrated, because they have to regularly deal with religious imbeciles, but I don't think they would ever aggressively take to the streets threatening violence and burning flags and effigies to make a point.  It is rather disingenuous for a Muslim to accuse others of being angry when Muslims are world renowned for there irrationality and angry outbursts.

And how would I know the religious make-up of the police force?  I am not a policemen.  I imagine in Australia it is predominately Christian with a sprinkling of other faiths making up the minority.

And whatever good works Muslims are doing they are keeping it well hidden.  You offered a few examples, mind you you had to look hard for them.  It is the Christian faith that can easily be seen to be doing the majority of charitable deeds.  Rather sad when you consider the Muslim Population.  Perhaps if they weren't so angry and destroying things, they might have more time to focus on what religion is supposed to be about.

Anyway, you never answered the question.  WHY ARE MUSLIMS SO ANGRY?