Author Topic: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?  (Read 19952 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #75 on: November 28, 2015, 04:27:01 PM »
No it isn't a good point. It is a stupid point based on me being a bigot or having a problem with a muslim president.  Me big called a bigot is the result of necrosis being made to look like an idiot over 3 pages of forum thread content.

As stated above, I've never criticized a muslim nor do I have any clue why someone would hide their religion.  I do tend to have trust issues with someone that abandons their father figure and faith of 20 years.  That demonstration of betrayal to his faith does lead me to distrust anything that might come out of a person's mouth in regards to their practiced theology.  I spite of what necrosis indicates, he has no first hand knowledge of anything to do with obama's religious practices, nor do i.  The only thing I know about his faith is that he is willing to abandon it for political gain.

Be a fucking man and get on your real account fruit. Also, leaving a church isn't abandoning ones faith, how are you able to breath and sit upright all at once?

Maybe it was a personal issue between him and a pastor, or maybe once he became president it became a huge distraction, the church was flooded.

So we have two hypothesis here

Moron's hypothesis

he left the church because he is not christian, evidence for?... zero, he still goes to churches, christian churches, his kids attend church, looks like he left a church, you are acting like he swore a blood oath.

Normal person's hypothesis

Obama left the church because he became president, people would go to see the president, it was no longer church. Evidence for this? he still attends church but multiple ones, other pieces of evidence? he fucking STATED THIS YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

Sorry, you're right he abandoned his faith only to find it in the church he attends every sunday.

So I have to ask, why are you continuing with this insistence he is not a christian? why do you want this to be so? you are willing to ignore reality in order to continue with the belief. Are you that much of a bigot? or do you just plain hate obama? what is driving you to be so suspicious of him? why the fuck WOULD HE LIE?

answer the question? why is he lying? why is he hiding it? he is purposely claiming to be a christian, attending churches to keep the farce going? Why would someone do this? there is no logical reason unless you are a racist bigot moron.

You should be banned from this board from reducing the quality of content.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #76 on: November 28, 2015, 06:57:12 PM »
No it isn't a good point. It is a stupid point based on me being a bigot or having a problem with a muslim president.  Me big called a bigot is the result of necrosis being made to look like an idiot over 3 pages of forum thread content.

As stated above, I've never criticized a muslim nor do I have any clue why someone would hide their religion.  I do tend to have trust issues with someone that abandons their father figure and faith of 20 years.  That demonstration of betrayal to his faith does lead me to distrust anything that might come out of a person's mouth in regards to their practiced theology.  I spite of what necrosis indicates, he has no first hand knowledge of anything to do with obama's religious practices, nor do i.  The only thing I know about his faith is that he is willing to abandon it for political gain.

I don't care about your bigotry or lack there of.

I'm just saying that it seems pointless.

To me, it is a valid point to mention that it is pointless to continue this charade.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #77 on: November 29, 2015, 05:08:36 AM »
Had enough yet idiot?

Stop asking if I've had enough.  You've been on the receiving end of an internet ass kicking for 3 pages now, and you are starting to get all bent outta shape and worked up.  Calm down, you are only losing an internet argument.  It's not that big of a deal.  I'll take your points in order as I have previously, although I doubt it will matter as you don't seem to read too well.

1)It isn't his sudden denouncement of his church (that was ministered by his father figure/mentor) after 20 years that opens the door to his religion.  He didn't leave because he disagreed with Rev. Wright's interpretation on theology.  You do know what Rev. Wright preached, don't you?  I don't think you do, so maybe you should go look up the tenets of his church, the company he keeps, etc.  He is pro-black/pro-african radical, and keeps company with the likes of Farrakhan.  Isn't that guy a muslim? I don't have a problem with any of that, but lets be clear, Obama didn't choose that church based on his strong christian faith.

Secondly, why don't you go back and look as to why Obama joined that church? It's in one of his books you like to quote as fact so much.

Anyhow, it's not his denouncment of Wright's teachings. It's the timing. He left when a few sermons became public, as he knew they were inflammatory rhetoric and he didn't want them to ruin his political career.  He didn't randomly leave for other reasons, as you would like to indicate.  In fact, he lied and said he didn't attend a single anti-american or racially charged sermon in his entire 20 years, all for political gain.

2) Link me the post where I claimed his treatment to Jews was due to him being a Muslim.  This thread is only 4 pages long, so it shouldn't take you that long to confirm you are a liar.

3)He attended Trinity Church for other reasons than it being Christian.  As stated above, go actually read his book and don't rely on tidbits that you gather from whatever liberal site you frequent.  Obama and Rev. Wright have both commented on why Obama joined his all black congregation. And stop saying he attended church his whole life.  He didn't, you idiot.  Once again, you are just talking out of your ass.  I dare say, you know nothing of his current church participation frequency.  You just like to continue to cite nonsense as evidence.

4)You've accused me of saying he is a muslim multiple times.  

5) I never said I had proof that he was a muslim.  You, on the other hand, did say you have proof that he was a christian, a mountain of it in fact.  You haven't produced any still, btw.  I said there is enough doubt as to his christian faith, that I don't find it absurd for people to question if he is another faith, in this case muslim.  Scroll all the way back 3 whole pages, and you can see where Agnostic said anyone that believes Obama to be Muslim takes a sledgehammer to their credibility.  That is where I first responded.  I just asked him to show why, and that's when you jumped in and I made you start looking like the village idiot.

6)I haven't claimed knowledge from his personal acquaintances is faulty.  I've claimed I'm not going to take you randomly quoting a biography of a politician or the word of people close to him as evidence.  Their word may be 100% accurate, or 100% fiction.  Who knows?  As far as the biography that you quote as pure fact,  Ben Carson has a biography out too.  How is that going for him?

7)I don't think i misrepresented you at all.  You liken hearsay to evidence.  I just provided 2 examples of that.  And on a personal note, I'm sorry about this mod that has wronged you in the past. I'm not him/her, but apparently they've done things to you to make you feel small and inconsequential.  That isn't my intent here.  I've just made you look stupid.  

8)You still haven't provided a mountain of evidence. I did claim opinion doesn't qualify as evidence.  You tried to use expert testimony.  Apparently you don't understand what qualifies someone for expert testimony.  It isn't their mere desire to express their opinion. I wasn't owned on the emoticon argument.  You didn't use one originally and indicated he knew you were joking.  Were you also joking when you called me a bigot twice? \

I never claimed obama targeted jews.  Link please. And finally sorry to tell you, I'm not a gimmick, but even if i was, it still has no relevance on how idiotic i've made you look.

Well, i think that about covers all your points in red.  Have a nice day


  • Getbig III
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #78 on: November 29, 2015, 05:21:14 AM »
Be a fucking man and get on your real account fruit. Also, leaving a church isn't abandoning ones faith, how are you able to breath and sit upright all at once?

Maybe it was a personal issue between him and a pastor, or maybe once he became president it became a huge distraction, the church was flooded.

So we have two hypothesis here

Moron's hypothesis

he left the church because he is not christian, evidence for?... zero, he still goes to churches, christian churches, his kids attend church, looks like he left a church, you are acting like he swore a blood oath.

Normal person's hypothesis

Obama left the church because he became president, people would go to see the president, it was no longer church. Evidence for this? he still attends church but multiple ones, other pieces of evidence? he fucking STATED THIS YOU FUCKING IDIOT.

Sorry, you're right he abandoned his faith only to find it in the church he attends every sunday.

So I have to ask, why are you continuing with this insistence he is not a christian? why do you want this to be so? you are willing to ignore reality in order to continue with the belief. Are you that much of a bigot? or do you just plain hate obama? what is driving you to be so suspicious of him? why the fuck WOULD HE LIE?

answer the question? why is he lying? why is he hiding it? he is purposely claiming to be a christian, attending churches to keep the farce going? Why would someone do this? there is no logical reason unless you are a racist bigot moron.

You should be banned from this board from reducing the quality of content.

This is the only account i own.

Your moron's hypothesis doesn't take into account that he claimed rev. wright to be a father figure, nor does it take into account that he left when the sermons came under public scrutiny.

Your normal person's hypothesis doesn't account for the same as the moron's hypothesis.  Can you tell me what churchs he still attends and how regularly, since you seem to be in the know on his personal routine all the way down to his hand washing ritual?  Please cite evidence, as i don't really consider your word alone very reliable at this point. 

I've never insisted he wasn't a christian.  I said evidence exists that makes it suspect.  The 2 are completely different, but people like you only think in absolutes.

I can't tell you why/if he is lying or hiding anything. Nor can I tell you why a person would do this.  Neither of those statements eliminates logical reason for a person doing this.  There are still plenty of logical reasons a person, a politician no less, would keep up a farce.

And now, I'm a racist bigot moron, but you were only joking when you called Dos Equis a racist, got it. 

You only want me banned because I've made you look like an idiot all week. 

Btw, thanks for not attempting to seem smart and apply the scientific method to this scenario anymore.  It just made you look really stupid and as if you were a down syndrome kid that just found his dad's doctor lab coat and glasses, and wanted to play surgery man.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #79 on: November 29, 2015, 10:58:19 AM »
This is the only account i own.

Your moron's hypothesis doesn't take into account that he claimed rev. wright to be a father figure, nor does it take into account that he left when the sermons came under public scrutiny.

Yes it does, there could all kinds of reasons, a falling out etc. it has no bearing on his faith, if it was indicative of him not being a christian, why would he continue to attend churches. Why is he lying, answer the question? what evidence do you want? give me an example of a christian?

Your normal person's hypothesis doesn't account for the same as the moron's hypothesis.  Can you tell me what churchs he still attends and how regularly, since you seem to be in the know on his personal routine all the way down to his hand washing ritual?  Please cite evidence, as i don't really consider your word alone very reliable at this point. 

Ya I gave you a fucking list of them, not my fault you can't read.

I've never insisted he wasn't a christian.  I said evidence exists that makes it suspect.  The 2 are completely different, but people like you only think in absolutes.

No it doesn't.

I can't tell you why/if he is lying or hiding anything. Nor can I tell you why a person would do this.  Neither of those statements eliminates logical reason for a person doing this.  There are still plenty of logical reasons a person, a politician no less, would keep up a farce.

Yes it does you fucking moron, if there is no logical reason why someone would do something of this magnitude on a world stage, it eliminates logical reasons, it doesn't make sense you asshat, aka it's wrong. lololol.

And now, I'm a racist bigot moron, but you were only joking when you called Dos Equis a racist, got it. 

Yes, you are. You claimed Obama's poor treatment of israel was evidence he was a muslim, how can you continue to lie and keep changing your positions and have the courage to continue to debate is impressive.

You only want me banned because I've made you look like an idiot all week. 

Ya, you have done that ::), you took that seriously? it was an insult, aka you are a bad poster. 

Btw, thanks for not attempting to seem smart and apply the scientific method to this scenario anymore.  It just made you look really stupid and as if you were a down syndrome kid that just found his dad's doctor lab coat and glasses, and wanted to play surgery man.

Ok, sure it did. Opinion isn't evidence, him going to church for 20 years is evidence he isn't a christian, you cannot conceive of a rational reason why someone would go through this effort yet you claim there still could be logical explanations? like what? he is a muslim? that illogical, it has no evidence at all, the only evidence that exists that hints at obamas religion, is christian, that's it, every bit of evidence you can find is supportive of this.

Just log off and start a new account, no one will take your seriously on here anymore.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #80 on: November 29, 2015, 11:30:57 AM »
Stop asking if I've had enough.  You've been on the receiving end of an internet ass kicking for 3 pages now, and you are starting to get all bent outta shape and worked up.  Calm down, you are only losing an internet argument.  It's not that big of a deal.  I'll take your points in order as I have previously, although I doubt it will matter as you don't seem to read too well.

The only people who have supported you are idiots, who have also been owned in this very thread, lol. You are going to need to start another account after this round.

1)It isn't his sudden denouncement of his church (that was ministered by his father figure/mentor) after 20 years that opens the door to his religion.  He didn't leave because he disagreed with Rev. Wright's interpretation on theology.  You do know what Rev. Wright preached, don't you?  I don't think you do, so maybe you should go look up the tenets of his church, the company he keeps, etc.  He is pro-black/pro-african radical, and keeps company with the likes of Farrakhan.  Isn't that guy a muslim? I don't have a problem with any of that, but lets be clear, Obama didn't choose that church based on his strong christian faith.

I am glad you ignore evidence as you know why obama choose a particular church. Go away stupid. He goes to other churches, your point is moot, my point trumps your point, he left because of the attention idiots like you were bringing to the church, HE HAS SAID THIS, THIS IS WHY HE GOES TO MULTIPLE CHURCHES, THIS LINE OF REASONING IS NOW DEAD, try not to bring it up again mmmkay...

Secondly, why don't you go back and look as to why Obama joined that church? It's in one of his books you like to quote as fact so much.

So now his own words are credible? you need to make up your mind, so his claim to be a christian is somehow a lie, yet his reasons for joining this church are correct? you have claimed he is a proven liar, you are a right wing moron. It's why things aren't making sense to you, you are like " but he is brown in colour"?

Anyhow, it's not his denouncment of Wright's teachings. It's the timing. He left when a few sermons became public, as he knew they were inflammatory rhetoric and he didn't want them to ruin his political career.  He didn't randomly leave for other reasons, as you would like to indicate.  In fact, he lied and said he didn't attend a single anti-american or racially charged sermon in his entire 20 years, all for political gain.

No you idiot, he left due to the attention, HE HAS SAID THIS. why are you spectulating? the answer is known, your spin isn't needed asshole.

2) Link me the post where I claimed his treatment to Jews was due to him being a Muslim.  This thread is only 4 pages long, so it shouldn't take you that long to confirm you are a liar.

Sure moron, page 1, this thread you said

"So, obama, a known liar (you showed your biased ass here, you aren't interested in truth, OBAMAS A LIAR, EXCEPT WHEN HE SAYS THINGS THAT AGREE WITH ME", you will take at his word even given his sympathy with Islam and his  his increasingly distant relationship with israel; but you require the entire scientific method be tested to incriminate a fellow cop. 

"One could reason that he has been sympathetic to Muslims and less than receptive to Israel.  I never said any of this made him a nazi or jew hater.  Those are your words intended to derail the conversation.  "

"And he is not just sympathetic to islam, he is negligent to jews"- SYMPATHETIC MEANS BOMBING THEM TO DEATH.

This is the strength of your evidence

"That very preacher looks to.warm up to the likes of farrakahan and has toyed with being a Muslim in the past." oh my GOD!!!1

Asking me to go through your posts is like suicide, it's rife with stupid

"Other people's opinions are not evidence, dumbass.  I think you just are a world class idiot. That isn't  a fact,  that is my opinion."

Watch as instead of admitting he is wrong, he moves the goal posts, he now wants this expert testimony, he wants opinion, but only the very very best as you know other's opinions aren't evidence

"I don't even know where to start with your take on expert testimony.  It is an expert witness's precision, history, education, and formal training that makes his opinion worthwhile.  I was unaware that you had an expert christian on hand that was vouching for obama's devout faith. Can you link the testimony of this expert Christian?"

Then he decides, that expert opinion is the only form of evidence, normal opinions are no longer any good, idiot can't keep his bullshit straight

"You said people's opinions are evidence (THEY ARE MORON, YOU ADMITTED JUST ABOVE LOLOLOLOL).  And...they still aren't(huh LOLOLOLOL), and you are still a dumbass.  Let's try this again.  An expert testimony is only relevant to a court hearing because of their proficiency in their field. It isn't some random opinion that makes it expert, its the proficiency part, dumbass. And i'm still waiting for your expert christian testimony to support your mountain of evidence."

The death blow of a tart

"In fact i said I don't think he was a muslim but i wouldn't be shocked if he was. " - I wouldn't be shocked if he was white either, super sneaky dude.

"I can't speculate why a person would hide their religion, nor was that what my original question to the 2 of you i addressed.  Necrosis and agnostic seem to imply people are moronic if they question obama's faith or insist he is a muslim (Yes we do, that;s the point, you are a moron, thus you fit into this category.  I don't see it that way. He has proven to be a phoney christian and his handling of both Jewish and islamic situations seem to be more favorable towards islamic.

Just fucking say it you bigot, you think it and are dying to say it. Seems more favorable to islam? he is actively killing thousands of muslims per month, what degree of moron are you?

3)He attended Trinity Church for other reasons than it being Christian.  As stated above, go actually read his book and don't rely on tidbits that you gather from whatever liberal site you frequent.  Obama and Rev. Wright have both commented on why Obama joined his all black congregation. And stop saying he attended church his whole life.  He didn't, you idiot.  Once again, you are just talking out of your ass.  I dare say, you know nothing of his current church participation frequency.  You just like to continue to cite nonsense as evidence.

Listen tomy, i won't go read for myself to provide your answer for you, you can provide the evidence if you make an assertion, otherwise STFU
4)You've accused me of saying he is a muslim multiple times.  

You implied it many times, see above. You cited international geopolitics as evidence,see above, you said you wouldn't be suprised, meaning you are suspicious, are you unaware of what inference is?

5) I never said I had proof that he was a muslim.  You, on the other hand, did say you have proof that he was a christian, a mountain of it in fact.  You haven't produced any still, btw.  I said there is enough doubt as to his christian faith, that I don't find it absurd for people to question if he is another faith, in this case muslim.  Scroll all the way back 3 whole pages, and you can see where Agnostic said anyone that believes Obama to be Muslim takes a sledgehammer to their credibility.  That is where I first responded.  I just asked him to show why, and that's when you jumped in and I made you start looking like the village idiot.

Scroll back, it's on every page, in the same words.  WHY WOULD HE BE MUSLIM YOU FUCKING IDIOT? what about his treatment of russians?is that because he hates anglicans? Tomy, get on your real account, I know you are upset about the ass raping in the other thread, to the point you had to use a gimmick.

6)I haven't claimed knowledge from his personal acquaintances is faulty.  I've claimed I'm not going to take you randomly quoting a biography of a politician or the word of people close to him as evidence.  Their word may be 100% accurate, or 100% fiction.  Who knows?  As far as the biography that you quote as pure fact,  Ben Carson has a biography out too.  How is that going for him?

Yes you did, do you want the quotes? well dum dum, there is a thing called professionalism (don't worry you won;t have to bother with it) but some people actually take pride in their work, if he lied he would never write another biography, he would never work, you are a fucking idiot.

7)I don't think i misrepresented you at all.  You liken hearsay to evidence.  I just provided 2 examples of that.  And on a personal note, I'm sorry about this mod that has wronged you in the past. I'm not him/her, but apparently they've done things to you to make you feel small and inconsequential.  That isn't my intent here.  I've just made you look stupid.  

You don't even know what heresay is moron, it's not heresay if it's coming from a direct witness (like those in church with him), you must feel terrible about yourself, so stupid.

8)You still haven't provided a mountain of evidence. I did claim opinion doesn't qualify as evidence.  You tried to use expert testimony.  Apparently you don't understand what qualifies someone for expert testimony.  It isn't their mere desire to express their opinion. I wasn't owned on the emoticon argument.  You didn't use one originally and indicated he knew you were joking.  Were you also joking when you called me a bigot twice? \

No you are a bigot, you cannot provide one rational reason why obama is a muslim if he is not a christian, nor why he would go to these lengths to hide it, you are not being rational, it's due to hate, your a bigot.

I never claimed obama targeted jews.  Link please. And finally sorry to tell you, I'm not a gimmick, but even if i was, it still has no relevance on how idiotic i've made you look.

Ok bro, you didn't

Well, i think that about covers all your points in red.  Have a nice day

Time to trash this account, who are you tomy or beach bum? pretty sad when a mod takes to a gimmick to avoid being destroyed, hey beach bum hows' that mountain of evidence doing? still think your friend here is making excellent points? You are a sad man. I am use to being targeted and ganged up on, it's the only fair way to do these things, you and your bottom bitch couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #81 on: November 29, 2015, 01:17:39 PM »

I'm glad you pat yourself on the back for making no sense and going on a rant.  You should have a snickers.  You get angry when you get your ass kicked on the internet.

Now back to the point.  You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that obama is a christian, and i've provided good enough reason to doubt his christianity, which means.....he may lie about his faith, which means....his faith could be something else.  

No one has you ahead on points here.  You can call me a moron all you want, but no one would read this conversation and assume that you produced your original mountain of evidence.  You haven't produced one piece of evidence.  You keep citing his biography, that you haven't read, or you would stop citing it.  And you keep citing his 20 year participation in a radical black church that he abandoned.  You claim he left because he didn't want emphasis placed on the church.  That's not true, nor does anyone believe that is the reason he left, given the events that led to him leaving.  

I understand that you are stupid and you think typing YOU FUCKING MORON in all caps makes you a winner. It doesn't.  On this board, what you are doing is what we call a meltdown.

On a final note, since you are in the know on his church participation rate and locations, could you provide the churches he attended this past year and the Sundays he has missed.  I wouldn't normally ask this, but you seem pretty adamant in the fact that he participates in church week in and week out, so I assume you base your assumption on actual evidence and you aren't just making stuff up.  (i really don't assume that and i know you are making it up.  You have no idea of which churches he attends or how regularly.  You didn't even know the reason he left Rev. Wright's church. Only a complete idiot would cite that church as validation to someone's christian faith.  It is led by a preacher that identifies with and defends lewis farrakhan, but you didn't know that either even though i tried to point it out to you.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #82 on: November 29, 2015, 01:51:36 PM »

i found an answer for you that disputes your claim that he attends church every sunday.  That is one of your key points, isn't it? Don't you liberals often cite politico?  Would that be a reputable enough cite for you?  I don't particularly care for it, but i'm sure you cherry pick your facts from it....

As of an article dated 12/24/14, it cites obama as attending church 19 times since taking office.  Let's do the math. You say he attends every sunday. He became president in 2009, and that article is dated December of 14.  There are 52 weeks in a year, meaning 52 Sundays.  You keep telling me i'm a moron and one of your "facts" is his continued consistent church attendance.  

19 times in that time span just doesn't seem all that regular to me, but you told me he attends every week.

So....after leaving his pro-black/african radical church, with a preacher sympathetic to Islam, he basically quit going to church.  That greatly contrast your assurance that he attends regularly, every week even you said.  

I'm even willing to bet if we analyze the 19 times that he attended over that span, we will find that it directly correlates with special events that will be televised.....but that can't be right, because you said he doesn't want to put the spotlight on the church and cause unwanted attention.

Now, if you were so horribly erroneous on his church attendance, I'm betting you made up all those christian things he does on a daily basis, as well as the lack of muslim things he does.

Let's be honest.  I wouldn't call you stupid, but you aren't really smart.  You haven't even done research on this, yet you continue to cite stuff that i can easily refute as i just did.  I don't know what you are good at in real life, but internet debating isn't your thing.  If i were you, I would stick to fiction.  You seem to have a good handle on that.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #83 on: November 29, 2015, 02:03:13 PM »

Now back to the point.  You haven't provided a single shred of evidence that obama is a christian, and i've provided good enough reason to doubt his christianity, which means.....he may lie about his faith, which means....his faith could be something else.  

ya sure buddy, not a single piece, you are done on getbig, go back to modding.

He may lie about his faith so that's reason to doubt? well no shit, people may lie, hence his actions, and others words to strengthen his words. You are just not bright, you have acted like an arrogant ass all while having to eat your own words because you can't keep our conversation in your head.

It's pointless to try, you are playing with half a deck, you can't even form a paragraph without contradicting yourself or missing the beautiful irony of your whole argument.  

You said, he is not a christian, it's right there, are you blind, I can smell the inner racist wanting to come out, you started to lose control a few times, made some really ridiculous assertions, meanwhile you can think of no logical reason why a human would go to these lengths to lie? but you just have that feeling huh? he must be, I MEAN HE IS BROWN? You have no reason to suspect he is a muslim yet you assert it, you even suggest his treatment of other countries stems from his deep seeded hatred, of course, due to islamic (nice spelling dummy).

You don't even have a probable cause let alone a fucking reasonable doubt, suggesting he may be lying is not reasonable doubt, THAT'S heresay dum dum.

how do my nuts taste? how does it feel to know you had to use a gimmick account, only to be obliterated all over again? your life must suck lol. I can't imagine going through the effort of logging into another account to attack me, get real this is your only account. You went out of your way to argue with me, you even congragulated yourself in this thread, on your other account, lol.

I own your mind, you are just repeating "NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE", who is the autistic, you keep repeating yourself and it's unclear if you understand what you are even asking for.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #84 on: November 29, 2015, 02:08:23 PM »
ya sure buddy, not a single piece, you are done on getbig, go back to modding.

He may lie about his faith so that's reason to doubt? well no shit, people may lie, hence his actions, and others words to strengthen his words. You are just not bright, you have acted like an arrogant ass all while having to eat your own words because you can't keep our conversation in your head.

It's pointless to try, you are playing with half a deck, you can't even form a paragraph without contradicting yourself or missing the beautiful irony of your whole argument.  

You said, he is not a christian, it's right there, are you blind, I can smell the inner racist wanting to come out, you started to lose control a few times, made some really ridiculous assertions, meanwhile you can think of no logical reason why a human would go to these lengths to lie? but you just have that feeling huh? he must be, I MEAN HE IS BROWN? You have no reason to suspect he is a muslim yet you assert it, you even suggest his treatment of other countries stems from his deep seeded hatred, of course, due to islamic (nice spelling dummy).

You don't even have a probable cause let alone a fucking reasonable doubt, suggesting he may be lying is not reasonable doubt, THAT'S heresay dum dum.

how do my nuts taste? how does it feel to know you had to use a gimmick account, only to be obliterated all over again? your life must suck lol. I can't imagine going through the effort of logging into another account to attack me, get real this is your only account. You went out of your way to argue with me, you even congragulated yourself in this thread, on your other account, lol.

I own your mind, you are just repeating "NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE, NOT ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE", who is the autistic, you keep repeating yourself and it's unclear if you understand what you are even asking for.

All this coming from the guy that continues to cite his weekly commitment to church, that was refuted in about 5 seconds of google.  Get back to me when you actually research your claims

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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #85 on: November 29, 2015, 02:38:09 PM »
slippery slope judging another man on his religious or political claims.

there are people breaking the law who lecture others on religion.
there are people who were libs for 4 or 5 decades, living that lifestyle, accusing others of being libs, because they magically decided to change up their act.  drugs, sex, crime, and 5 minutes later, you want to tell others how to live? 

IMO, if you want to throw stones, you need to STFU for the exact amount of time you were of that ilk.  If a person lived as a morally bankrupt lib until they were 50, then decided to convert at 50, they should STFU lecturing others on how to live when they're 51.   You were shit as a person and a voter for 5 decades, but since you woke up one day, you have the balls to be negative to others.  The fck outta here, hypocrite.


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #86 on: November 29, 2015, 02:44:18 PM »

i found an answer for you that disputes your claim that he attends church every sunday.  That is one of your key points, isn't it? Don't you liberals often cite politico?  Would that be a reputable enough cite for you?  I don't particularly care for it, but i'm sure you cherry pick your facts from it....

As of an article dated 12/24/14, it cites obama as attending church 19 times since taking office.  Let's do the math. You say he attends every sunday. He became president in 2009, and that article is dated December of 14.  There are 52 weeks in a year, meaning 52 Sundays.  You keep telling me i'm a moron and one of your "facts" is his continued consistent church attendance.  

19 times in that time span just doesn't seem all that regular to me, but you told me he attends every week.

So....after leaving his pro-black/african radical church, with a preacher sympathetic to Islam, he basically quit going to church.  That greatly contrast your assurance that he attends regularly, every week even you said.  

I'm even willing to bet if we analyze the 19 times that he attended over that span, we will find that it directly correlates with special events that will be televised.....but that can't be right, because you said he doesn't want to put the spotlight on the church and cause unwanted attention.

Now, if you were so horribly erroneous on his church attendance, I'm betting you made up all those christian things he does on a daily basis, as well as the lack of muslim things he does.

Let's be honest.  I wouldn't call you stupid, but you aren't really smart.  You haven't even done research on this, yet you continue to cite stuff that i can easily refute as i just did.  I don't know what you are good at in real life, but internet debating isn't your thing.  If i were you, I would stick to fiction.  You seem to have a good handle on that.

Oh so now you will accept evidence? so your now disputing how often he goes to church, but you admit he does? sounds like a muslim to me brah.

I would honestly say that is more then most christians and somewhat impressive considering the pressures of his job. He has also stated (from politico) that church attendence has become a bit of a side show, it's not something he likes to do, hence moving from church to church, calling pastors for advice etc. He said this, do you believe he is lying again?

What is your fucking argument? he is clearly a fucking christian, beyond a shadow of a doubt, where is the doubt? his poor attendence to CHRISTIAN CHURCHES? why would he hide it, why? he wouldn't it would be insane, he is clearly a christian, what more do you want?

You using the same source I used to assert he is a christian is the irony you seem to miss. The same people who you believe to be so accurate regarding his attendence also stated he is a christian, you can't have it both ways, I agree with your link, thanks for proving my point. There is a mountain of evidence, you have his fucking reported attendence, his lifelong commitement, his words, others words who know him, has been for over 20 years, what is your argument?

YOUR LINK PROVES MY POINT. In an effort to find a flaw in my logic, you inadvertently proved my point, and you are to stupid to realize it, it's out there now.

You said on Page 1

"Listen you pseudo-intellectual, you have provided nothing.  Zero.  You apparently aren't sharp enough to see how often you make gross overstatements.  

No dummy, I am patently a genius (the very best troll), you can't stand it. You have provided nothing, could you even bother to use a different statement? the exact fucking phrasing, you are a disgrace as a mod and person.

Take the same comments you just made about Muslim practices and apply them to Obama's Christianity:  he doesn't go to church, he likely doesn't read the Bible, he takes positions that are contrary to Christian teachings, he makes many anti-Christian statements, etc.  Should I continue?  

Please do moron. You even used the same "I am not saying he is a muslim". Do you think I haven't known this from the start? I could have a lobotomy and still outsmart your ass.

Another gem

"You are the same person who said people with a high IQ don't ever lie.  Just we know how sophisticated you are.  "

If you read any actual research, I am positive you don't, you would know that honesty correlates very strongly with IQ, truth seeking also. Several other traits, are you autistic?

More genius from IWANTBEACHBUM

"Or the fact he:

Doesn't attend church at all- WRONG
Doesn't talk like a Christian- WRONG, Who the fuck do you think you are to decide that? are you jesus you piece of shit?
Doesn't act like a Christian- Fuck you, you arrogant bigot
Takes positions that directly contradict the Christian faith- SO DO YOU, you judgemental, moral-high ground all around shitty human. You are a liar to your core.

Could mean he's a Christian.  "

 I made up that he doesn't practice ramadan(most practicing christians don't), I made up that he carries a bible and prays daily according to others, himself
 and his biography written by another human. You caught me bro, my comment was he lost his faith and found it the next sunday or every sunday, good job bro. You are left to arguing clearly hyperbolic statements, i was mocking you.Like I am now, there is no  point in arguing with you, there is no argument to begin with, it's been over since page one, I am now just whipping you as you try to find some safe ground, something, anything to save face.

I like how you skimmed over your quotes where I pointed out your bigotry. we notice dummy.

Here we have a grown man, congratulating himself on another account, a mod no less.

"Completely agree.  Well said."

This is in reference to his gimmick accounts statements.

Should we start a poll to remove Beach Bum as mod. As a mod myself I think it's quite obvious he isn't fit to be impartial, nor contribute to the content in a meaningful way. He uses gimmick accounts on the board he mods.

Want more evidence? he disappeared in this thread once using his gimmick.




Also, they are never online the same time, right now mass is on, beach bum is not. another odd coincidence?

OZMO, can you look into this? This dude is a real piece of shit. Look at IWANTMASSBEACH BUMS post history, he goes around calling everyone stupid, ON THE BOARD HE MODS?

I have more info as well.


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #87 on: November 29, 2015, 02:45:20 PM »
slippery slope judging another man on his religious or political claims.

there are people breaking the law who lecture others on religion.
there are people who were libs for 4 or 5 decades, living that lifestyle, accusing others of being libs, because they magically decided to change up their act.  drugs, sex, crime, and 5 minutes later, you want to tell others how to live? 

IMO, if you want to throw stones, you need to STFU for the exact amount of time you were of that ilk.  If a person lived as a morally bankrupt lib until they were 50, then decided to convert at 50, they should STFU lecturing others on how to live when they're 51.   You were shit as a person and a voter for 5 decades, but since you woke up one day, you have the balls to be negative to others.  The fck outta here, hypocrite.

I'm actually glad you joined in, as this guy needs help and while I fuck with you, you could have defended yourself way better than he has and you would never meltdown like he has.  

That being said, scroll back to the very first page.  You will find that I never judged obama.  Scroll to the 2nd, and you will find that I think he isn't muslim.  My argument is with those that find it moronic to question his christianit/islamic faith.   All I've stated is that I find it reasonable to have doubts given the facts as they are


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #88 on: November 29, 2015, 02:51:52 PM »
Oh so now you will accept evidence? so your now disputing how often he goes to church, but you admit he does? sounds like a muslim to me brah.

I would honestly say that is more then most christians and somewhat impressive considering the pressures of his job. He has also stated (from politico) that church attendence has become a bit of a side show, it's not something he likes to do, hence moving from church to church, calling pastors for advice etc. He said this, do you believe he is lying again?

What is your fucking argument? he is clearly a fucking christian, beyond a shadow of a doubt, where is the doubt? his poor attendence to CHRISTIAN CHURCHES? why would he hide it, why? he wouldn't it would be insane, he is clearly a christian, what more do you want?

You using the same source I used to assert he is a christian is the irony you seem to miss. The same people who you believe to be so accurate regarding his attendence also stated he is a christian, you can't have it both ways, I agree with your link, thanks for proving my point. There is a mountain of evidence, you have his fucking reported attendence, his lifelong commitement, his words, others words who know him, has been for over 20 years, what is your argument?

YOUR LINK PROVES MY POINT. In an effort to find a flaw in my logic, you inadvertently proved my point, and you are to stupid to realize it, it's out there now.

You said on Page 1

"Listen you pseudo-intellectual, you have provided nothing.  Zero.  You apparently aren't sharp enough to see how often you make gross overstatements.  

No dummy, I am patently a genius (the very best troll), you can't stand it. You have provided nothing, could you even bother to use a different statement? the exact fucking phrasing, you are a disgrace as a mod and person.

Take the same comments you just made about Muslim practices and apply them to Obama's Christianity:  he doesn't go to church, he likely doesn't read the Bible, he takes positions that are contrary to Christian teachings, he makes many anti-Christian statements, etc.  Should I continue?  

Please do moron. You even used the same "I am not saying he is a muslim". Do you think I haven't known this from the start? I could have a lobotomy and still outsmart your ass.

Another gem

"You are the same person who said people with a high IQ don't ever lie.  Just we know how sophisticated you are.  "

If you read any actual research, I am positive you don't, you would know that honesty correlates very strongly with IQ, truth seeking also. Several other traits, are you autistic?

More genius from IWANTBEACHBUM

"Or the fact he:

Doesn't attend church at all- WRONG
Doesn't talk like a Christian- WRONG, Who the fuck do you think you are to decide that? are you jesus you piece of shit?
Doesn't act like a Christian- Fuck you, you arrogant bigot
Takes positions that directly contradict the Christian faith- SO DO YOU, you judgemental, moral-high ground all around shitty human. You are a liar to your core.

Could mean he's a Christian.  "

 I made up that he doesn't practice ramadan(most practicing christians don't), I made up that he carries a bible and prays daily according to others, himself
 and his biography written by another human. You caught me bro, my comment was he lost his faith and found it the next sunday or every sunday, good job bro. You are left to arguing clearly hyperbolic statements, i was mocking you.Like I am now, there is no  point in arguing with you, there is no argument to begin with, it's been over since page one, I am now just whipping you as you try to find some safe ground, something, anything to save face.

I like how you skimmed over your quotes where I pointed out your bigotry. we notice dummy.

Here we have a grown man, congratulating himself on another account, a mod no less.

"Completely agree.  Well said."

This is in reference to his gimmick accounts statements.

Should we start a poll to remove Beach Bum as mod. As a mod myself I think it's quite obvious he isn't fit to be impartial, nor contribute to the content in a meaningful way. He uses gimmick accounts on the board he mods.

Want more evidence? he disappeared in this thread once using his gimmick.




Also, they are never online the same time, right now mass is on, beach bum is not. another odd coincidence?

OZMO, can you look into this? This dude is a real piece of shit. Look at IWANTMASSBEACH BUMS post history, he goes around calling everyone stupid, ON THE BOARD HE MODS?

I have more info as well.

I don't know who you are quoting, but it isn't me.  I'm not gonna take the time to dissect your post this time, as none of it applies to me.  I give ozmo full permission to verify that is my only account, if that can be done. 

As far as your longwinded post directed at someone else, I think somewhere in there you are backing off from the fact that he attends church regularly, even weekly.  So, are you willing to admit you are lying on that point, being as it was one of your key pieces of the mountain of evidence.

While we are at it, can you tell me which of your "facts" and "evidence you will stand behind.  You lose me when you flip flop on your points.  That way I can focus on refuting the ones you have actually researched and not the ones you just pulled outta your ass


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #89 on: November 29, 2015, 02:53:00 PM »
I'm actually glad you joined in, as this guy needs help and while I fuck with you, you could have defended yourself way better than he has and you would never meltdown like he has.  

That being said, scroll back to the very first page.  You will find that I never judged obama.  Scroll to the 2nd, and you will find that I think he isn't muslim.  My argument is with those that find it moronic to question his christianit/islamic faith.   All I've stated is that I find it reasonable to have doubts given the facts as they are

you are done here.

You never judged him? are you aware your post history is viewable?

Or you can simply go back a page of two to see how full of shit you are. Never wrong, you are an arrogant piece of shit, everyone hates you

YOUR FUCKING WORDS IDIOT. I bolded the judgemental parts in case you are to stupid to read.

"So, obama, a known liar (y you will take at his word even given his sympathy with Islam and his  his increasingly distant relationship with israel; but you require the entire scientific method be tested to incriminate a fellow cop.  

"One could reason that he has been sympathetic to Muslims and less than receptive to Israel.  I never said any of this made him a nazi or jew hater.  Those are your words intended to derail the conversation.  "

"And he is not just sympathetic to islam, he is negligent to jews"-

 NO JUDGEMENT HERE GUYS, THIS GUY IS NEVER WRONG EVEN WHEN HE CONTRADICTS HIMSELF. Watch as beach bum is able to simultaneously two opposing views in perfect harmony with NO, that's right, NO dissonance.

"That very preacher looks to.warm up to the likes of farrakahan and has toyed with being a Muslim in the past." oh my GOD!!!1

I am fucking OWNING you LMAO... i FEEL BAD.

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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #90 on: November 29, 2015, 02:53:59 PM »
I have said all along - IMHO, obama is an athiest.  He coddled up to rev wright to get community vote in Chicago.  He coddled up as a christian to get national vote.  He's coddling up to muslims now so he can be king of europe or whatever he has next.

religion is only a tool that he uses to get people behind him.  It works, too.   If ben carson is an athiest, he has 0% of the vote.  He still gets 12% because a fraction of the GOP would nominate a cucumber if it was holding a bible - they care for religious beliefs, and nothing else.  

so I don't think he's a muslim, I think he's just sucking up to the next groups of voters, donors, supporters he needs, for when he leaves office and maybe does speeches/books, maybe enters global politics, who knows.  


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #91 on: November 29, 2015, 02:56:49 PM »
I don't know who you are quoting, but it isn't me.  I'm not gonna take the time to dissect your post this time, as none of it applies to me.  I give ozmo full permission to verify that is my only account, if that can be done. 

As far as your longwinded post directed at someone else, I think somewhere in there you are backing off from the fact that he attends church regularly, even weekly.  So, are you willing to admit you are lying on that point, being as it was one of your key pieces of the mountain of evidence.

While we are at it, can you tell me which of your "facts" and "evidence you will stand behind.  You lose me when you flip flop on your points.  That way I can focus on refuting the ones you have actually researched and not the ones you just pulled outta your ass

You dont know who I quoted, lol, oh my how your tune has changed?

You are done. I have far more then the clearly obvious fucking coincidences dummy. How do you explain you both are on Hawaii aleutian time? quite the fucking coincidence isn't it? using the same phrases, word for word, the same arguments, you post history even shows the topics you choose, hello Travon, hey beach how much did you love trayvon?

No verification is needed, it's you idiot. I am whipping you into a frenzy, playing you like a violin, you are my bitch, my puppet. Start scrambling!!


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #92 on: November 29, 2015, 03:07:00 PM »
Beach you even insult using IQ just like IWANTMASS

"Perfect example of why you do not have a 137 IQ.  I do not debate you.  I mock you.  Anyone with a 137 IQ would know that"

this is beach bum referring to 240

Now I want mass

"An identical 137 on an iq test, 2 times in a row, huh? No deviation?  An identical 137 2 times in a row...I don't know, i Just find that odd. Especially as you present yourself on here.  You lie about everything else, so I can't imagine you lying about your iq"

Odd a new poster with only one account would know so much about 240? with only 150 posts at the time?


Look at your posts, all political, all attacking those known to dislike or argue with BEACH BUM.

Let it sink in, your iq is really low compared to me. I can connect these dots all day. You go about your day never knowing, ahh what it must be like to be really stupid, pure bliss I would imagine.

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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #93 on: November 29, 2015, 03:10:26 PM »
Beach you even insult using IQ just like IWANTMASS

"Perfect example of why you do not have a 137 IQ.  I do not debate you.  I mock you.  Anyone with a 137 IQ would know that"

this is beach bum referring to 240

Now I want mass

"An identical 137 on an iq test, 2 times in a row, huh? No deviation?  An identical 137 2 times in a row...I don't know, i Just find that odd. Especially as you present yourself on here.  You lie about everything else, so I can't imagine you lying about your iq"

Odd a new poster with only one account would know so much about 240? with only 150 posts at the time?


Look at your posts, all political, all attacking those known to dislike or argue with BEACH BUM.

Let it sink in, your iq is really low compared to me. I can connect these dots all day. You go about your day never knowing, ahh what it must be like to be really stupid, pure bliss I would imagine.

i don't know if it is beach bum.  it is odd that Beach bum/dos equis isn't here, and iwantmass shows up to pick up the exact attacks.  And bringing up 240 getting hit at a mall 15 years ago, that's a story an elder getbigger would know from getbig gun debates. 

to be fair, a lot of people here already know who BB/DE is in real life, so he may prefer to post a little reckless and wild with another account.  Doesn't bother me, I'm cool with people posting however they like.  Blow off steam, it's what getbig is for.  I dont know or care if any getbigger uses gimmicks, it's all just discussion and fun. 


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #94 on: November 29, 2015, 03:13:54 PM »
i don't know if it is beach bum.  it is odd that Beach bum/dos equis isn't here, and iwantmass shows up to pick up the exact attacks.  And bringing up 240 getting hit at a mall 15 years ago, that's a story an elder getbigger would know from getbig gun debates. 

to be fair, a lot of people here already know who BB/DE is in real life, so he may prefer to post a little reckless and wild with another account.  Doesn't bother me, I'm cool with people posting however they like.  Blow off steam, it's what getbig is for.  I dont know or care if any getbigger uses gimmicks, it's all just discussion and fun. 

Nah, it's beyond that, a mod shouldn't be doing it. I wouldn't, I am a mod.

It's in direct fucking contradiction to being a mod, to use gimmicks to attack posters personally on the very board you mod?

I know you are being factitious and want me to let up.


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #95 on: November 29, 2015, 03:14:39 PM »
Hey idiot? why so quiet? you are online?

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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #96 on: November 29, 2015, 03:15:55 PM »
Guest   04:12:24 PM   Registering for an account on the forum.



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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #97 on: November 29, 2015, 03:18:55 PM »
HAHA, what a real life loser he must be.

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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2015, 03:23:48 PM »
Nah, it's beyond that, a mod shouldn't be doing it. I wouldn't, I am a mod.

It's in direct fucking contradiction to being a mod, to use gimmicks to attack posters personally on the very board you mod?

I know you are being factitious and want me to let up.

you do have some valid points.   Hugo hasn't been here in years.  Ozmo shows up a few times a year for 5 minutes.  BB/DE is the only moderator that shows up here.

A few weeks ago, we started calling him out for attacking people to redirect threads.  Then this new account arrives with IQ attacks and posts about an old fight story I posted about a while back, from minute #1.   religion & 240 attacks.  huh.


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Re: Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?
« Reply #99 on: November 29, 2015, 03:27:01 PM »
Well, I think the meltdown is official.