Author Topic: How much can a real natural bodybuilder bench press?  (Read 64681 times)


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #25 on: February 15, 2012, 01:20:59 PM »
i'm weak as fuck so therefore i'm small as fuck

but... i had decent chest strength, at my best i did a triple pause with 225 and i did dips with 100 pounds added round my waist for 6 good reps

and guess what? my chest was my best bodypart

no correlation btw size and strength my ass

this actually proves there is NO CORRELATION

your lifts are nothing to write home about so it is truly unrelated that you have good chest development

Dr Dutch

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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #26 on: February 15, 2012, 01:23:30 PM »
Strongest guy I ever saw also was the fattest.  Remember him?  Anthony Clark.  Guy was a beast, but round and fat.

x2  sumo wrestlers got the biggest muscles in the world. Fact.


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #27 on: February 15, 2012, 01:25:30 PM »
im talking the smallest thinest fella in olympica flat muscle they lift tremendous amoutn of weight

this man is probably the smallest in the olympics

vehemently claims natural

good example of what you are talking about, small muscles big strength output

Dr Dutch

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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #28 on: February 15, 2012, 01:26:55 PM »
this man is probably the smallest in the olympics

vehemently claims natural

good example of what you are talking about, small muscles big strength output

Nice you posted a new pic of yourself, PNS....

The RedMeatKid

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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #29 on: February 15, 2012, 01:27:20 PM »
Girls and sons who have not been loved by their fathers seek attention once teens and adults to compensate for what they didnt have originally. Fathers either left them alone, or were distant most of the time and not encouraging them. Some even despised them which would shape their personality and the way they d interact with others for the rest of their life.
They are extremistic in everything they do, always looking exageratly for attention, and have troubles adapting to society's rules, because they also have troubles defining their own identity and respecting authority and hierarchy.

Also boys who got picked on by others during childhood and adolescence -often sons without a father figure- try to compensate by lifting weights, to develop muscles and survive in ther male world. They re insecure because they re girly, childish, feminine having been raised by a single mom. They lift obsessively hoping it will transform them into men, to compensate for their lack of influence from a father figure that was not there. Unfortunaltey they can get as big as they can it doesnt cure their insecurity and who they truly are, how they grew up being raised by a single mom. They re no as manly as other men whatever they do, and they often have a big lack of masculine presence they dont know how to balance, hence often being borderline homosexuals while trying to get their manhood back thru various manly activities (mma, cars, weight lifting etc). They are often the ones that, in order to get respect from other males will go the steroids route to get even "bigger" attemptint to cure their insecurity , but being natural not being "enough", they still feel "too small", insecure, amongst other males. The lack of a father figure also often means they didnt have guidance to continue studies and are often working shitty manual jobs.


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2012, 01:28:29 PM »
Tom goegebuer hahaha, I know some dude that trains at his gym. Seems to be a likeable fella. Though I do believe he was lucky that halil mutlu dropped out in 2008.  :P

I'm guessing he will max his squat somewhere from 180 to 200kg's, which is over triple bodyweight. Guy is extremely strong for his weight.


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2012, 01:29:34 PM »
Nice you posted a new pic of yourself, PNS....

what can i say

the old batch kigtropin really does provide that shrink wrapped abdominal tunnel look


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2012, 01:38:43 PM »
GH15 + others of this theory, I agree big muscles do not always mean big strength however I do not grow from training moderate weight and higher reps. I only grow from moving big weights at low reps that pushes me, once I can do 4 sets at 7-8 reps the weight goes up and the reps back down.
To give an example of big weights and big muscles ... Ronnie Coleman... He was mega strong and had huge muscle bellys.. I never seen him ever pick up a light weight or train light to moderate.. His theory keep piling on the weight and eventually the muscle will have to adapt to it and grow.. which is what I agree with. Dorian & Mentzer had simular theorys
I would have to say in this instance that I do not fully agree. I think drugs play a huge, huge part, but if you got good response to drugs and you can lift heavy I think you will benefit more than using fanny weights


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2012, 01:40:55 PM »
GH15 + others of this theory, I agree big muscles do not always mean big strength however I do not grow from training moderate weight and higher reps. I only grow from moving big weights at low reps that pushes me, once I can do 4 sets at 7-8 reps the weight goes up and the reps back down.
To give an example of big weights and big muscles ... Ronnie Coleman... He was mega strong and had huge muscle bellys.. I never seen him ever pick up a light weight or train light to moderate.. His theory keep piling on the weight and eventually the muscle will have to adapt to it and grow.. which is what I agree with. Dorian & Mentzer had simular theorys
I would have to say in this instance that I do not fully agree. I think drugs play a huge, huge part, but if you got good response to drugs and you can lift heavy I think you will benefit more than using fanny weights

ronnie coleman's earlier videos suggest otherwise


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2012, 01:41:31 PM »
yep,, hes just a troll

gh15 if hormones are everything why is dc so huge on hrt,,

^^ this

danta is bgi hormone abuser,, and he is nto huge he is EVRY fat,, he hold fat from insulina and testosterona,, he is not huge anything ,, that fella would stand on stage in the 180lb zone! and this is after man years of hormonization and dealing an dconected everywhere possible ,,

danta is THE DEFINTIITION of how NOT to do bodybuild

gh15 approved
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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2012, 01:44:24 PM »
strenght is more to do with tendoins and bones than actual muscle,, you will learn it ,,

gh15 approved
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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2012, 01:46:13 PM »
strenght is more to do with tendoins and bones than actual muscle,, you will learn it ,,

gh15 approved

but bones and tendons cannot contract, only store elastic energy

so when the momentum and bouncing movements are taken away...

all that is causing movement is muscular contraction?



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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2012, 01:48:05 PM »
danta is bgi hormone abuser,, and he is nto huge he is EVRY fat,, he hold fat from insulina and testosterona,, he is not huge anything ,, that fella would stand on stage in the 180lb zone! and this is after man years of hormonization and dealing an dconected everywhere possible ,,

danta is THE DEFINTIITION of how NOT to do bodybuild

gh15 approved

He's (DC) holding a lot of water in that pic for just being on HRT, if that's what he said...


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #38 on: February 15, 2012, 01:51:01 PM »
but bones and tendons cannot contract, only store elastic energy

so when the momentum and bouncing movements are taken away...

all that is causing movement is muscular contraction?


actual lifting heavy has nothnig to do with muscles per say ,, the most muscular fellas are usualy the weakest ones,, estrogen is HIGHLY importent for stregnth

gh15 approved
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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2012, 01:51:33 PM »
ronnie coleman's earlier videos suggest otherwise

Am I missing something? I only watched bits but I not seen light at all?
Even if he is lifting light, doesnt that suggest he got bigger, allot bigger once he starting piling on the weight?


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2012, 01:53:06 PM »

actual lifting heavy has nothnig to do with muscles per say ,, the most muscular fellas are usualy the weakest ones,, estrogen is HIGHLY importent for stregnth

gh15 approved


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2012, 01:53:54 PM »
He's (DC) holding a lot of water in that pic for just being on HRT, if that's what he said...

no ,, danta holding fat,, it is ofcourse water too but he hold alot of lower back fat from the one picture you all talkign about,, he has a huge problem of estrogen but! his fat is under the belly buttom zone ,, water is diff look ,, he has BOTH but he has LOTS of fat ,, in the muscle and outside muscle ,, in the muscle big time too,, he can never get in to bodybuild condition and remain large,, just doesnt have it ,, he can get small and be bodybuild conditin ,, well nto smal but in the 180lb zone- 190lb zone,, this is with all the hormones in the world,, this is ofcourse not small but relativly to the 240lb profesionals now day it is SMALLER!

gh15 approved
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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2012, 01:54:14 PM »
Am I missing something? I only watched bits but I not seen light at all?
Even if he is lifting light, doesnt that suggest he got bigger, allot bigger once he starting piling on the weight?

have you tried watching the video entirely before just posting down garbage

he said he usually goes relatively light as in 12-15 repetitions with good form

getting bigger is related to increasing the dose not changing up training routines


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2012, 01:58:37 PM »

take for example groink from this bording who hs com muscle in the 215 lb zone...he has about 210-215 6% on him after droping the water etc ,, then  take mat c from this boarding....162lb? same height abotu both ,, i tihnk groink is closer to 6 feet mat c is 5'9 ,, still! it is a good 40 lb diff in muscularoty size between the 2 in the least

but! mat c will wipe the flor upside down inside out with groink ,, absolitly destroy him and will win any lifting competition,, to a point groink wil be embarsed,,

this! is what i mean when i say the more muscular you are the weaker you become proportionaly ,, bones and tendoins need to be strong,, when you have big muscles the muscle torn easily ,, you get hurt very fast ,, you playh with balonie,, its the stiffer fellas who hav etheir bons and tendoins up there due to the fact they cant hold much muscle so the bones and tendoins are getgins stronger with age and their prime they are very very strong

no need to argue with me i made millions out of bodybuild,, im always right

gh15 approved
fallen angel


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2012, 01:59:35 PM »
have you tried watching the video entirely before just posting down garbage

he said he usually goes relatively light as in 12-15 repetitions with good form

getting bigger is related to increasing the dose not changing up training routines

No thats why I said I did not watch it alll, 15 minutes was too much of a bore to me. But thanks for the info, I stand corrected on Ronnie then


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2012, 02:02:07 PM »
so basically what dorian yates is selling is massively flawed?

piramid to 1 super heavy set

always more weight more and more


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2012, 02:06:21 PM »
this guy says size and strength go together like love and marriage

he also said he wanted to be a bodybuilder when he didnt know any better now he just wants to be big and strong



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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2012, 02:07:37 PM »
so basically what dorian yates is selling is massively flawed?

piramid to 1 super heavy set

always more weight more and more

It worked for him, it worked for Mentzer and there are many others who promote weight over reps


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2012, 02:09:38 PM »
It worked for him, it worked for Mentzer and there are many others who promote weight over reps

but i read that mentzer didnt train the way he advertized at all


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Re: Ok, gh15 laid out the natural limits for size... what about strength?
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2012, 02:10:23 PM »

actual lifting heavy has nothnig to do with muscles per say ,, the most muscular fellas are usualy the weakest ones,, estrogen is HIGHLY importent for stregnth

gh15 approved

Yes that's why we see shitloads of women squatting 500 pounds.  ::)