Author Topic: Islamic insecurities ?  (Read 54744 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2012, 10:47:47 PM »
your forgetting the fact that islam means believing that a violent man was holy and god's messenger.  :)


You believe that if someone comes to kill you, you should smile at them and show them love.

Muslims were oppressed and Muhammad (pbuh) fought. Moses (pbuh) and his followers were oppressed and Moses and his people fought. David (pbuh) fought and defeated people as well.

Absolute pacific ism is unreality. There cannot be peace without justice and for as long as there is injustice there will be war.

There are only two types of wars, wars fought for greed and wars fought for justice.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #51 on: October 21, 2012, 10:51:11 PM »
Oh right, like the man made laws, that legalize homosexual marriage. Homosexuals adopting children.

"Functioning family".

Such great 'progress' mankind has made.

Man made laws and god made laws are one and the same. Both written and perpetuated by man. Times change. We may agree or disagree with change but it happens. Only a fool clings to ancient tomes hoping that things go his way becuase of what was written centuries ago.



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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2012, 10:52:31 PM »
Man made laws and god made laws are one and the same. Both written and perpetuated by man. Times change. We may agree or disagree with change but it happens. Only a fool clings to ancient tomes hoping that things go his way becuase of what was written centuries ago.

Homosexuals existed 'centuries ago' and God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah.

All past generations had the intellect to realize that we should not stick our tool in a shit exit door. Here we are today despite all the iphones and social networks and fancy cars, we have people dumb enough passing laws that allow the act of homosexuality in society. To further erode what little moral quality in society there is, they are now legally being 'married' and 'adopting' children to 'form a family'.

A brain dead society that thinks its superior while it's going and going, crashing down hard downward spiralling.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2012, 10:53:39 PM »
Oh right, like the man made laws, that legalize homosexual marriage. Homosexuals adopting children.

"Functioning family".

Such great 'progress' mankind has made.

So you are asserting that there is no functioning family without marriage? That is absurd on its face.

As for gay marriage *shrugs*. I don't much care one way or the other, nor am I interested in how consenting adults choose to use their genitals.

The nature of my relationship with my girl won't change just because two guys might be able to get married anymore than it will change because women from former Societ Republics marry Americans for green cards.

Nothing that others do affects my relationship; only two people have control over it. My girl and myself.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2012, 10:53:57 PM »

You believe that if someone comes to kill you, you should smile at them and show them love.

Muslims were oppressed and Muhammad (pbuh) fought. Moses (pbuh) and his followers were oppressed and Moses and his people fought. David (pbuh) fought and defeated people as well.

Absolute pacific ism is unreality. There cannot be peace without justice and for as long as there is injustice there will be war.

There are only two types of wars, wars fought for greed and wars fought for justice.

There are no wars for justice. Muslims did as much oppressing as did other religions. They are hardly the poor oppresssed freedom fighters you make them out to be.  


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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #55 on: October 21, 2012, 10:54:34 PM »
A society devoid of any quality standards is a failing society.

What you propose is basically everyone done fuck all, 'freedom'.

What is right and wrong changes by mob rule. Even if its purely driven by desires be they perverse or otherwise.

This is the western standard. Western society has little to do with being 'christian'


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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #56 on: October 21, 2012, 10:54:51 PM »

You believe that if someone comes to kill you, you should smile at them and show them love.

Muslims were oppressed and Muhammad (pbuh) fought. Moses (pbuh) and his followers were oppressed and Moses and his people fought. David (pbuh) fought and defeated people as well.

Absolute pacific ism is unreality. There cannot be peace without justice and for as long as there is injustice there will be war.

There are only two types of wars, wars fought for greed and wars fought for justice.

if you believe in god, you will let him take care of doing justice.  there is no justification for violence (unless of course you do not believe there will be life after death, you do not believe god will reward good behavior and punish the bad)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #57 on: October 21, 2012, 10:55:27 PM »
if you believe in god, you will let him take care of doing justice.  there is no justification for violence (unless of course you do not believe there will be life after death, you do not believe god will reward good behavior and punish the bad)

okay, so let all them good people die and let them evil people prevail on earth and then God will punish them? Is this your mentality?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #58 on: October 21, 2012, 10:55:45 PM »
So you are asserting that there is no functioning family without marriage? That is absurd on its face.

As for gay marriage *shrugs*. I don't much care one way or the other, nor am I interested in how consenting adults choose to use their genitals.

The nature of my relationship with my girl won't change just because two guys might be able to get married anymore than it will change because women from former Societ Republics marry Americans for green cards.

Nothing that others do affects my relationship; only two people have control over it. My girl and myself.

Thats because all of achmets knowledge comes from a dusty book. He cant fathom reality outside of it so he tries to live in the past. Delusional fool things the worlld remains constant devoid of change. Maybe in your own drug addled workd achemt.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #59 on: October 21, 2012, 10:57:02 PM »
There are no wars for justice.

Fascinating. Another brilliant mind amongst us. So if someone starts a war, the victims have no basis in fighting for justice because there is no 'justice'.

Let me guess, another brilliant Darwinian belief, the strong survive? Like an animal jungle  ::) Such finesse in moral standards.

And btw, "achemt." is not a word in Arabic, Hebrew or Aramaic. What you are trying to say is Ahmed, it comes from the root word h-m-d, who constantly praises in particular God.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #60 on: October 21, 2012, 10:57:48 PM »
okay, so let all them good people die and let them evil people prevail on earth and then God will punish them? Is this your mentality?
if you believe in god, then isnt life after death a much better state of existence for the good people?  ;) isnt it better that the good people get to go to the good place, and the evil people get more time on earth to hopefully become good?   ;)  THINK ahmed.. think  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #61 on: October 21, 2012, 10:58:24 PM »
Homosexuals existed 'centuries ago' and God destroyed Sodom and Gomorah.

Apparently some homos escaped because they're still around...

All past generations had the intellect to realize that we should not stick our tool in a shit exit door. Here we are today despite all the iphones and social networks and fancy cars, we have people dumb enough passing laws that allow the act of homosexuality in society. To further erode what little moral quality in society there is, they are now legally being 'married' and 'adopting' children to 'form a family'.

Sperm comes out of a "piss exit door"...

A brain dead society that thinks its superior while it's going and going, crashing down hard downward spiralling.

Such judgements are best left to future historians.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #62 on: October 21, 2012, 10:59:18 PM »
if you believe in god, then isnt life after death a much better state of existence for the good people?  ;) isnt it better that the good people get to go to the good place, and the evil people get more time on earth to hopefully become good?   ;)  THINK ahmed.. think  ;)

Oh wow! So all the palestinians ought to embrace death at the hands of the special race of Israelis! Brilliant!  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #63 on: October 21, 2012, 11:00:36 PM »
Oh wow! So all the palestinians ought to embrace death at the hands of the special race of Israelis! Brilliant!  ::)
if they believe that they are good, and they believe that good people go to gods kingdom when they die, and they believe gods kingdom is superior to earth, then absolutely.  ;)   THINK ahmed.. think  ;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #64 on: October 21, 2012, 11:01:44 PM »
if they believe that they are good, and they believe that good people go to gods kingdom when they die, and they believe gods kingdom is superior to earth, then absolutely.  ;)   THINK ahmed.. think  ;)

So the bullies that get bullied and commit suicide or get even killed by bullies? Same concept right  ::)

Seriously a guy who thinks self defensive is evil, ought to rethink life all together. Go and face some evil dude and die then. You are a completely illogical person.

If some Americans started dropping bombs on your home, you would just smile as the bomb comes towards your face, and do nothing to protect your family because you ought to 'love your enemies'  ::)

And since you are so anti-scripture, take a wild guess where your love thy enemy mentality comes from even though its completely contrary to any such context.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #65 on: October 21, 2012, 11:06:20 PM »

So the bullies that get bullied and commit suicide or get even killed by bullies? Same concept right  ::)

Seriously a guy who thinks self defensive is evil, ought to rethink life all together. Go and face some evil dude and die then. You are a completely illogical person.

If some Americans started dropping bombs on your home, you would just smile as the bomb comes towards your face, and do nothing to protect your family because you ought to 'love your enemies'  ::)

And since you are so anti-scripture, take a wild guess where your love thy enemy mentality comes from even though its completely contrary to any such context.
first, suicide is against human nature and would not qualify for entrance to god's kingdom.

secondly, your arguments against pacifism are rooted in a love of the earth and contradictory to a belief in god's kingdom.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #66 on: October 21, 2012, 11:09:25 PM »
Fascinating. Another brilliant mind amongst us. So if someone starts a war, the victims have no basis in fighting for justice because there is no 'justice'.

Let me guess, another brilliant Darwinian belief, the strong survive? Like an animal jungle  ::) Such finesse in moral standards.

And btw, "achemt." is not a word in Arabic, Hebrew or Aramaic. What you are trying to say is Ahmed, it comes from the root word h-m-d, who constantly praises in particular God.

Its not a fight for justice you fool its a fight to survive. Its kill or be killed not some idealized justice battle.

Let me i already know...a blind zealot who regurgitates ancient myths because he's too delusional to accept reality. So the god myth suits your feeble mind...right? Your religion wound you up and off you go. Musnt deviate from the programming.

I'll call you achmet sjnce it has no meaning. Just like your arguements. No logic or facts just blind faith derived from ancient myths.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #67 on: October 21, 2012, 11:10:57 PM »
first, suicide is against human nature and would not qualify for entrance to god's kingdom.

secondly, your arguments against pacifism are rooted in a love of the earth and contradictory to a belief in god's kingdom.

And so please enligthen me oh wise sage, where did you learn that suicide is against human nature?

Is that what you were told? What about the little girl who was bullied and commuted suicide lately?

I personally can argue against it religiously, but you denounce all religions and scriptures.

And oh wise sage, how do you know about the 'kingdom of God'? Do you have personal revelation from God and are a prophet? Or do you have your own personal whims concluding to you what you want.

You would be the first person running away from your house being shelled by troops you wouldn't be 'loving thy enemy' and embracing death.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #68 on: October 21, 2012, 11:11:55 PM »
Its not a fight for justice you fool its a fight to survive. Its kill or be killed not some idealized justice battle.

Let me i already know...a blind zealot who regurgitates ancient myths because he's too delusional to accept reality. So the god myth suits your feeble mind...right? Your religion wound you up and off you go. Musnt deviate from the programming.

I'll call you achmet sjnce it has no meaning. Just like your arguements. No logic or facts just blind faith derived from ancient myths.

Oh lol reality? The law of the jungle, darwin style.

Atheists... :) Such splendid debaters, with such strong superior knowledge of the world :)

By the way if you are thinking of 'achmet the terrorist' that accent, just to let you know, is not an arabic accent, it is a jewish accent. Arabs don't over emphasize the ha like jews do :)

and the root word is the same in arabic and hebrew ;) h-m-d. Giving thanks :)

I guess it 'secures' your atheist insecurities to find new creative ways to try to diss those who believe in God :) You are only dissing yourself lol


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #69 on: October 21, 2012, 11:19:14 PM »
And so please enligthen me oh wise sage, where did you learn that suicide is against human nature?

Is that what you were told? What about the little girl who was bullied and commuted suicide lately?

I personally can argue against it religiously, but you denounce all religions and scriptures.

And oh wise sage, how do you know about the 'kingdom of God'? Do you have personal revelation from God and are a prophet? Or do you have your own personal whims concluding to you what you want.

You would be the first person running away from your house being shelled by troops you wouldn't be 'loving thy enemy' and embracing death.
i denounce the idea of infallible scripture, prophets who are holy messengers of god, etc.

but i think men capable of attaining wisdom

and when i read or hear something that strikes me as wise i will remember it and make it a part of my ideology

where did i first learn that suicide was against human nature.. well, the first time it ever made since to me was when i read a story about the death of socrates..  one of his friends asked him why, if he believed that life after death was real and better than life on earth, had he not committed suicide..  socrates replied that "there is a thing whispered in secret, that man is a prisoner in the flesh and shall not open his prison door untill called forth by creator who put him there".. when i read that, something clicked inside of me, and i began to think suicide as unnatural and unwise.

as for "the kingdom of god", when i think about the experience of being human, when i think about my belief in a creator that is based on certain scientific concepts (causality), i ask myself what the purpouse of life on this imperfect world would be ... and i come to the conlclusion that there must be a better place for us to go once we become a good person.


one day, maybe  not today, tomorrow, next week or next year..  youll look back at this conversation and a bright light will go off in your head as you understand why violence, even in self defense, could NEVER be justified within the context of a belief in heaven for the good.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #70 on: October 21, 2012, 11:25:09 PM »
Oh lol reality? The law of the jungle, darwin style.

Atheists... :) Such splendid debaters, with such strong superior knowledge of the world :)

By the way if you are thinking of 'achmet the terrorist' that accent, just to let you know, is not an arabic accent, it is a jewish accent. Arabs don't over emphasize the ha like jews do :)

and the root word is the same in arabic and hebrew ;) h-m-d. Giving thanks :)

I guess it 'secures' your atheist insecurities to find new creative ways to try to diss those who believe in God :) You are only dissing yourself lol

Whoah. Looks like i stuck a nerve. Here's a tissue crybaby.
Islamists....such clever debaters. When faced with giving a logical answer retreat and try to change tactics.

Oh btw. Im not dissing you for beleiving in god. Im dissing you becuase your entire purpose here is to attack other religions while covering up the truth about your own. 


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #71 on: October 21, 2012, 11:27:41 PM »
i denounce the idea of infallible scripture, prophets who are holy messengers of god, etc.

but i think men capable of attaining wisdom

Why is it hard to believe that God would chose some people over others to lead people on this earth?

Yet you say men are capable of attaining wisdom? Driven by who and what? Some people think they are 'wise' yet lead people astray. Look at the modern western construct. Society is not bettering itself its worsening.

and when i read or hear something that strikes me as wise i will remember it and make it a part of my ideology

where did i first learn that suicide was against human nature.. well, the first time it ever made since to me was when i read a story about the death of socrates..  one of his friends asked him why, if he believed that life after death was real and better than life on earth, had he not committed suicide..  socrates replied that "there is a thing whispered in secret, that man is a prisoner in the flesh and shall not open his prison door untill called forth by creator who put him there".. when i read that, something clicked inside of me, and i began to think suicide as unnatural and unwise.

So you are basing your own belief on what someone said ancient ages ago as well. How is that any different? I used to read plato, socrates and aristotle alot as well and it led me to islam as well. I used to read philosophy with enthusiasm to expand my mind.

Suicide is 'unnatural' in the sense that it's an act, it is not a state. But that act is a choice, a wrong choice.

None the less fighting is a choice too, but it is also a natural state to defend oneself. Yet you are denying this 'natural' state.

as for "the kingdom of god", when i think about the experience of being human, when i think about my belief in a creator that is based on certain scientific concepts (causality), i ask myself what the purpouse of life on this imperfect world would be ... and i come to the conlclusion that there must be a better place for us to go once we become a good person.


one day, maybe  not today, tomorrow, next week or next year..  youll look back at this conversation and a bright light will go off in your head as you understand why violence, even in self defense, could NEVER be justified within the context of a belief in heaven for the good.

So you have a natural incliniation towards God as we all do until we are corrupted by outside influence. We call this fitra in islam. The way God created us.

Yet that is but one step to guidance in this life. You recognize God and you recognize the life to come. Yet you denounce God's revelations.

It is like a man seeking God but denouncing his greetings back to you.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #72 on: October 21, 2012, 11:29:46 PM »
Whoah. Looks like i stuck a nerve. Here's a tissue crybaby.
Islamists....such clever debaters. When faced with giving a logical answer retreat and try to change tactics.

Oh btw. Im not dissing you for beleiving in god. Im dissing you becuase your entire purpose here is to attack other religions while covering up the truth about your own. 

Speak for yourself, as that's what atheists do best. It seems I struck a nerve with another atheist.

Do you know why I started talking more on this forum? Because I saw the islam hating, trash talking, misinformed, ignorant islamophobes polluting this forum. I am a muslim, and while we're at it, I became Muslim, and I would defend the dignitiy of the truth of Islam as a Muslim.

Pretty weird if you expect me to be silent. The truth prevails over falsehood, and you hate it.


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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #73 on: October 21, 2012, 11:31:43 PM »
Man made laws and god made laws are one and the same. Both written and perpetuated by man. Times change. We may agree or disagree with change but it happens. Only a fool clings to ancient tomes hoping that things go his way becuase of what was written centuries ago.  

That is simply absurd!!!! Man may make laws for his own benefit, and man may even attempt to codify what he interprets to be God's law, but it is absurd to think man-made laws, and god made laws are one and the same. It is not only absurd, it is arrogant, foolish, and woefully ignorant.

Universal Law cannot be changed by an act of congress, the stroke of a pen, or some ruler's fiat decree. Universal Law is absolute.... always has been, ...and always will be.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Islamic insecurities ?
« Reply #74 on: October 21, 2012, 11:34:20 PM »
Why is it hard to believe that God would chose some people over others to lead people on this earth?

Yet you say men are capable of attaining wisdom? Driven by who and what? Some people think they are 'wise' yet lead people astray. Look at the modern western construct. Society is not bettering itself its worsening.

So you are basing your own belief on what someone said ancient ages ago as well. How is that any different? I used to read plato, socrates and aristotle alot as well and it led me to islam as well. I used to read philosophy as well.

Suicide is 'unnatural' in the sense that it's an act, it is not a state. But that act is a choice, a wrong choice.

None the less fighting is a choice too, but it is also a natural state to defend oneself. Yet you are denying this 'natural' state.

So you have a natural incliniation towards God as we all do until we are corrupted by outside influence. We call this fitra in islam. The way God created us.

Yet that is but one step to guidance in this life. You recognize God and you recognize the life to come. Yet you denounce God's revelations.

It is like a man seeking God but denouncing his greetings back to you.
heres the difference between me and you. i believe in god. you believe in scripture.  ;) ;) ;) ;) THINK about it ahmed  ;) ;) ;) ;)  where does your allegiance lie ??  hmmmmm ??    here before you i lay down perfectly sound logic that PROVES a belief in heaven is contradictory to violence of any kind..   and you reject it.. you reject the intellect god himself gave you and instead wish to worship the blasphemous scriptures men have created to gain control over you..   :'(  :'(  :'(