Author Topic: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney  (Read 75953 times)


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #525 on: May 06, 2016, 06:54:14 PM »
Mitt Romney met privately with William Kristol, who is leading the effort to draft an independent candidate
by Robert Costa

In spite of his insistence that he will not run, Mitt Romney is being courted this week by a leading conservative commentator to reconsider and jump into the volatile 2016 presidential race as an independent candidate.

William Kristol, the longtime editor of the Weekly Standard magazine and a leading voice on the right, met privately with the 2012 nominee on Thursday afternoon to discuss the possibility of launching an independent bid, potentially with Romney as its standard-bearer.

“He came pretty close to being elected president, so I thought he may consider doing it, especially since he has been very forthright in explaining why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should not be president of the United States,” Kristol said in a phone interview Friday, during which he confirmed that he and Romney had a “little meeting in Washington.”

But knowing Romney’s reluctance, Kristol told Romney that if he remains unwilling to run, many top conservatives would appreciate having the former Massachusetts governor’s support for an independent candidate, should Kristol and other right-leaning figures enlist a willing contender.

“Obviously, if there were to be an independent candidacy, Romney’s support would be very important,” Kristol said. “I wanted to get his wisdom on whether it was more or less doable than I thought.”

“It was not like, ‘You should do it.’ I wouldn’t presume he’d do it. But I’m hoping that he begins to think about it a little more,” Kristol said. “His name is one of the names that is part of the discussion.”

The closed-door huddle was held at the J.W. Marriott hotel in Washington, which is just blocks from the White House. It was requested by Kristol, according to a person close to Romney who requested anonymity to discuss the session. Kristol said the conversation was held over glasses of water.

Kristol has been working informally for weeks to seek out a prominent political or military figure who could be drafted into the general-election contest, such as retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis, who recently declined such overtures.

Later Thursday, both Kristol and Romney attended an awards gala for American Friends of The Hebrew University, an area group that supports the Jerusalem-based school.

At the dinner, when asked in front of the attendees about possibly running as an independent this year, Romney said he was not interested.

“No, I’m certainly going to be hoping that we find someone who I have my confidence in who becomes nominee. I don’t intend on supporting either of the major-party candidates at this point,” Romney said, according to the Washington Examiner.

But, Romney added, “I am dismayed at where we are now, I wish we had better choices, and I keep hoping that somehow things will get better, and I just don’t see an easy answer from where we are.”

A Romney spokesperson was not available for comment Friday evening.

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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #526 on: May 06, 2016, 11:31:25 PM »
romney would LOVE to wreck Trump's party lol.      It sure would help Hilary ;)

Trump is probably praying for a repub independent run.  He doesn't really want to WIN this thing haha.   


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #527 on: May 07, 2016, 07:20:02 AM »
romney would LOVE to wreck Trump's party lol.      It sure would help Hilary ;)

Trump is probably praying for a repub independent run.  He doesn't really want to WIN this thing haha.   


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #528 on: May 07, 2016, 11:45:09 AM »


lol, are you trolling me?   Or do you believe Trump only ran to grow his name and/or help out hilary, and suddenly he's got a presidential race to lose?


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #529 on: May 07, 2016, 12:33:56 PM »
I think he specifically got into the race just to cast the other GOP candidates in a bad light.  Which really, was not very hard to do in the first place.

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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #530 on: May 07, 2016, 01:13:35 PM »
I think he specifically got into the race just to cast the other GOP candidates in a bad light.  Which really, was not very hard to do in the first place.

Yeah, he is not the personality that WANTS to be president.  People don't tell him on often.  As president, it'll be 4 or 8 years of dealing with the toughest pricks in the world each day.  Trump is a ribbon cutter, not an accountant.  He doesn't want to spend 13 hours a day reading briefs and legislation, he lives a very comfy lifestyle now. 

whether he wanted to just raise his national profile, or just help hilary, or just take lots of digs at the repus he's hated his entire life... it's turning into Brewster's Millions suddenly :)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #531 on: May 07, 2016, 01:55:58 PM »
Yeah, he is not the personality that WANTS to be president.  People don't tell him on often.  As president, it'll be 4 or 8 years of dealing with the toughest pricks in the world each day.  Trump is a ribbon cutter, not an accountant.  He doesn't want to spend 13 hours a day reading briefs and legislation, he lives a very comfy lifestyle now. 

whether he wanted to just raise his national profile, or just help hilary, or just take lots of digs at the repus he's hated his entire life... it's turning into Brewster's Millions suddenly :)

Yeah, it's not like he has everything he ever did with his name stamped on it. He totally doesn't want to hold the most powerful and recognizable position on the earth. That wouldn't fit his style and ego at all.  ::)

Do you know how many people want to own and develop the best real estate in NYC? Do you know how many people want to own a casino? Do you know how many people would love to write bestselling books? Do you know how many people would kill to have a top rated TV show? Do you know how many politicians work their entire lives to not even get to the national stage?

Trump is at the least a very effective entrepreneur on a huge scale and a genius as far as self-branding. What he does takes 13 hours a day -  for years and years. You pulled all that out of your ass and if you had spent any time being a true entrepreneur you would know this. You can call the guy self-serving or whatever you want but calling him lazy is just nuts.

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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #532 on: May 07, 2016, 02:22:16 PM »
trump is an aging liberal.   he hates obama, but he's liberal to the core.

saying he'd consider spiking min wage shows he's a true liberal.  saying he wants to RAISE taxes on rich after promising to almost cut it in HALF... it shows he's a true liberal.

and a liberal doesn't want to defeat hilary... he wants to assign her the presidency then enjoy his life while she does the liberal things that he does enjoy.

Everytime trump talks, it's more liberal bullshit.  He tweets some conservative stuff... it that's even him.   Being all over the map isnt' okay. if you're libeal 40% of the time.


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #533 on: May 23, 2016, 07:22:37 AM »
Win Or Lose, A Third Party Run Would Be Mitt Romney’s Greatest Legacy
Jamie Weinstein

Mitt Romney may be the #NeverTrump movement’s last chance for a third party bid.

Anti-Trump conservatives have so far been unsuccessful in recruiting a candidate to mount a third party run against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Gen. James Mattis said no thanks. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse said he is too busy raising his children to run for president. Former Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn said he is not interested.

Faced with the prospect of two liberals competing for the White House, the #NeverTrump movement is reportedly still looking for a serious alternative to the current option of political malaria or political Ebola. Though Romney has indicated he would prefer someone else take on Trump and Hillary, the reality is he may be the last best hope for a serious third party bid — and the last best hope to keep the flame of conservatism burning brightly.

It’s strange to think that Romney as the last best hope for conservatism. Many conservatives weren’t exactly thrilled with him as the 2012 Republican nominee because of the health care plan he instituted in Massachusetts. But in the age of a Trumpian Republican Party, Romney looks a lot like Attila the Hun. He may not be “severely” conservative, but unlike Donald Trump, he is at least something of a conservative — one that understands the importance of America’s role in the world, the need to fix our entitlement programs, the constraints of our constitutional system and how to create an environment where our economy can soar.

And unlike the other potential #NeverTrump third party candidates, he has the name recognition and organizational know how to make a third party run more than a Potemkin effort.

Perhaps one reason keeping Romney on the sidelines is a concern about what a run would do to his legacy. Does the former Massachusetts governor really want to risk becoming a three-time presidential loser?

That’s a fair concern, but Romney should keep in mind that history remembers very few people. Romney is a very accomplished man, more accomplished and well-known than most everyone in the United States today, but outside of academic faculty lounges, few people will remember his name 20 years from now.

But if he wants to be something more than a historical footnote, something more memorable, this is his opportunity. History beckons. The two major party presumptive presidential nominees are terrible, both boasting record high unfavorable ratings. The Democrat is a compulsive liar who struggles to name a single accomplishment of any worth. The Republican is an even more compulsive liar who has proposed economic policies that could bring on an economic depression. Even more alarming, he seems infatuated with the power dictators wield and, dictator-like, has mused about altering the First Amendment to prevent publications from criticizing him.

Clearly a third party run would be an uphill battle. But Romney should keep in mind that all those who say that a third party candidacy has no shot to succeed also predicted Donald Trump had no chance to be the Republican nominee. Nothing is certain this election cycle.

Indeed, if a third party candidate ever had a shot of being viable again, this seems like the year. A new poll shows that even without campaigning, Romney is within striking distance of Trump and Clinton nationally, trailing Trump by just 13-percentage points and Clinton by 15-percentage points in a hypothetical match-up. Not bad for an undeclared candidate who would not have the backing of either of the two major parties.

Could Romney win enough states to push the election to the House of Representatives? Stranger things have happened. Could the Republican-controlled House choose Romney over Trump and Clinton? Sure, why not?

But even in a losing effort, Romney can forge a legacy far greater than anything he has created to date. For starters, he would prevent a liberal authoritarian from becoming the face of conservatism. Most importantly, he would prevent Trump from getting anywhere near the White House. America might suffer under a President Clinton. But a President Trump might well prove a threat to the American system itself.

So Romney has a big decision to make. If he decides to run, he could make history and potentially save the country from two terrible presidential contenders. And if his effort just sabotages Trump’s prospects, his run will still have been well worth it. Even if much of the nation doesn’t recognize his noble act, surely generations of Romneys will take pride in a patriarch who answered his country’s call, took on a wannabe authoritarian and thwarted the threat he posed to the nation.

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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #534 on: May 23, 2016, 09:46:31 AM »
Win Or Lose, A Third Party Run Would Be Mitt Romney’s Greatest Legacy
Jamie Weinstein

Mitt Romney may be the #NeverTrump movement’s last chance for a third party bid.

Anti-Trump conservatives have so far been unsuccessful in recruiting a candidate to mount a third party run against Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Gen. James Mattis said no thanks. Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse said he is too busy raising his children to run for president. Former Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn said he is not interested.

Faced with the prospect of two liberals competing for the White House, the #NeverTrump movement is reportedly still looking for a serious alternative to the current option of political malaria or political Ebola. Though Romney has indicated he would prefer someone else take on Trump and Hillary, the reality is he may be the last best hope for a serious third party bid — and the last best hope to keep the flame of conservatism burning brightly.

It’s strange to think that Romney as the last best hope for conservatism. Many conservatives weren’t exactly thrilled with him as the 2012 Republican nominee because of the health care plan he instituted in Massachusetts. But in the age of a Trumpian Republican Party, Romney looks a lot like Attila the Hun. He may not be “severely” conservative, but unlike Donald Trump, he is at least something of a conservative — one that understands the importance of America’s role in the world, the need to fix our entitlement programs, the constraints of our constitutional system and how to create an environment where our economy can soar.

And unlike the other potential #NeverTrump third party candidates, he has the name recognition and organizational know how to make a third party run more than a Potemkin effort.

Perhaps one reason keeping Romney on the sidelines is a concern about what a run would do to his legacy. Does the former Massachusetts governor really want to risk becoming a three-time presidential loser?

That’s a fair concern, but Romney should keep in mind that history remembers very few people. Romney is a very accomplished man, more accomplished and well-known than most everyone in the United States today, but outside of academic faculty lounges, few people will remember his name 20 years from now.

But if he wants to be something more than a historical footnote, something more memorable, this is his opportunity. History beckons. The two major party presumptive presidential nominees are terrible, both boasting record high unfavorable ratings. The Democrat is a compulsive liar who struggles to name a single accomplishment of any worth. The Republican is an even more compulsive liar who has proposed economic policies that could bring on an economic depression. Even more alarming, he seems infatuated with the power dictators wield and, dictator-like, has mused about altering the First Amendment to prevent publications from criticizing him.

Clearly a third party run would be an uphill battle. But Romney should keep in mind that all those who say that a third party candidacy has no shot to succeed also predicted Donald Trump had no chance to be the Republican nominee. Nothing is certain this election cycle.

Indeed, if a third party candidate ever had a shot of being viable again, this seems like the year. A new poll shows that even without campaigning, Romney is within striking distance of Trump and Clinton nationally, trailing Trump by just 13-percentage points and Clinton by 15-percentage points in a hypothetical match-up. Not bad for an undeclared candidate who would not have the backing of either of the two major parties.

Could Romney win enough states to push the election to the House of Representatives? Stranger things have happened. Could the Republican-controlled House choose Romney over Trump and Clinton? Sure, why not?

But even in a losing effort, Romney can forge a legacy far greater than anything he has created to date. For starters, he would prevent a liberal authoritarian from becoming the face of conservatism. Most importantly, he would prevent Trump from getting anywhere near the White House. America might suffer under a President Clinton. But a President Trump might well prove a threat to the American system itself.

So Romney has a big decision to make. If he decides to run, he could make history and potentially save the country from two terrible presidential contenders. And if his effort just sabotages Trump’s prospects, his run will still have been well worth it. Even if much of the nation doesn’t recognize his noble act, surely generations of Romneys will take pride in a patriarch who answered his country’s call, took on a wannabe authoritarian and thwarted the threat he posed to the nation.


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #535 on: December 10, 2016, 12:47:56 PM »

Yeah, it's not like he has everything he ever did with his name stamped on it. He totally doesn't want to hold the most powerful and recognizable position on the earth. That wouldn't fit his style and ego at all.  ::)

Do you know how many people want to own and develop the best real estate in NYC? Do you know how many people want to own a casino? Do you know how many people would love to write bestselling books? Do you know how many people would kill to have a top rated TV show? Do you know how many politicians work their entire lives to not even get to the national stage?

Trump is at the least a very effective entrepreneur on a huge scale and a genius as far as self-branding. What he does takes 13 hours a day -  for years and years. You pulled all that out of your ass and if you had spent any time being a true entrepreneur you would know this. You can call the guy self-serving or whatever you want but calling him lazy is just nuts.

Might as well bump this gem to try and remind/bring 240 back...

Aaaaand Romney totally destroyed made politically impotent by Trump with Tillerson as his Secretary of State pick. Brutal retribution for that speech Romney made.


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #536 on: December 11, 2016, 05:58:29 PM »

Might as well bump this gem to try and remind/bring 240 back...

Aaaaand Romney totally destroyed made politically impotent by Trump with Tillerson as his Secretary of State pick. Brutal retribution for that speech Romney made.

Romney has no self respect.  What a pussy.  Up their with Pussy McCain.


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Re: Life after defeat for Mitt Romney
« Reply #537 on: December 11, 2016, 06:00:30 PM »
Romney has no self respect.  What a pussy.  Up their with Pussy McCain.

McCain needs to walk away from politics.

There is a picture out there of him standing with the would-be leader of ISIS laughing it up.