Author Topic: Epistane  (Read 16991 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #25 on: July 04, 2014, 05:08:52 PM »
I have heard rumors of a famous 220/242 all time world record holder that supposedly runs 200mg of Var a day basically year round along with plenty other shit.

A training partner of mine has taken a GRAM of dbol and 150mcg Clen before a meet, he was shaking uncontrollably with rage, and/or clen lol, he squatted 700 @ 198 raw..

Witnessed another guy pin 500mg Test no ester, and 200mg Tren base before a meet, he benched 560 raw @ Shw..

The list goes on and on...

For a meet that dude you're mentioning runs 3g of test plus a gram each of tren, mast, equi + orals
I know the old assistant manager of that gym

Personally I keep the test base the same, added in boldenone at the start of the training cycle, tren last 40 days
I can't run high androgens the entire cycle, I stall out in strength and need to up the dose. So I keep it very anabolic up until 4-5 weeks out

No fancy shit though just the basics. Never heard of any of this fancy shit being used. Sometimes people use base but I'd not that popular people will just take orals. I know a guy that runs 1.5g of test the entire 12 week cycle along with 300mg of dbol and 300mg of anadrol a day and he is a top 275 lifter who squats more than 900lb


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2014, 05:35:33 PM »
I had havoc just gave the other bottle away to a dude at my gym it does zero for me.

yes because your ment to take 3 pills a day ...not look at it  ;)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2014, 05:45:54 PM »

yes because your ment to take 3 pills a day ...not look at it  ;)
ive gobbled up 3 bottles bub. Why take a 4th mayb bud at thw gym can get something out of it.  only oral I seem to like is superdrol. I stick to injects mostly


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2014, 09:58:15 AM »
Is epistane used for cutting or adding mass or both?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2014, 11:56:48 AM »
Lol YOU trying to discredit someone? You think people forgot what a brutal liar you are? And that you look like a horrendous pile of shit with huge synthol delts?

You talking out of your fucking ass as usual, saying "methyltest" could be passed off as fucking halo..

And me owning you, as usual, along with everyone else. You take 10 grams of bullshit and you think you're some expert scientist lol...Small time steroid dealing degenerate of peace.

I have not taken M1T or Superdrol, I have however taken 50mg of Android methyltest preworkout for 4 weeks...Abnormal aggression, not even once..
A buddy of mine gave me 4 2.5mg Stenox's before deadlifts one day and I pulled an all time beltless PR screaming "fuck you" as loud as I could....Yes 10mg of Halo, 1 day, 1 hour before lifting...Certain things work.

I train at a major powerlifting gym. Where gear, and who is taking what etc. are discussed openly and frequently.

I know exactly what some all-time world record holders are taking, and why. Most is basic, some are on retarded ESFitness like doses of some exotic shit.

Only unlike you they take grams of inj's and 500mg of Anadrol a day, and actually look huge, and squat 900lbs raw...

It's pretty common knowledge in powerlifting what does the trick. Most top guys just blast tren and push heavy orals a week or 2 out from a meet.

I sat there and watched a 250lb man take a handful of Geneza cheque drops, out in plain sight at a busy meet, proceed to chew them up and drink them with gatorade, an hour later he walked up, head butted the bar, and squated 800 lbs raw.

Cleaning up the warmup room after a big meet there are usually 10-20 pills on the floor and underneath shit..

i don't care what your buddies tell you they take...

I'm talking about from your own personal experience... which is what i talk from.

i don't lie and i don't talk out of my ass.

you're talking about shit you have no personal experience with. (talking out of your ass)

you're ranking things you've never used.

like me ranking which gives a better high.. cocaine vs meth vs Ritalin... as I've never used any of them, I'd only be going on what others have said and what I've read.... that's talking out of your ass.

i have to do laundry and bottle up 3 gallons of methyltrienolone... rest assured i'll come back to this in a bit. maybe you should read up and take some notes until then.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #30 on: July 05, 2014, 05:07:24 PM »
Thats a lot of methyl tren bro... 3 gallon.

Imagine drinking a cup of methyl tren?!


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2014, 05:29:19 PM »
i don't care what your buddies tell you they take...

I'm talking about from your own personal experience... which is what i talk from.

i don't lie and i don't talk out of my ass.

you're talking about shit you have no personal experience with. (talking out of your ass)

you're ranking things you've never used.

like me ranking which gives a better high.. cocaine vs meth vs Ritalin... as I've never used any of them, I'd only be going on what others have said and what I've read.... that's talking out of your ass.

i have to do laundry and bottle up 3 gallons of methyltrienolone... rest assured i'll come back to this in a bit. maybe you should read up and take some notes until then.

1. Lol you talk out of your ass CONSTANTLY. There is a 100 page post about it in the G&O ya know.

2. Who's to say you haven't just lied about all your extensive use? This would be more in line with your proven track record of being a pathological liar than it would with you ACTUALLY TAKING the mega doses of every single compound known to man as you claim you have/do.

3. When you claim to have taken grams and grams of every single compound known to man, you might want to actually look like you lift. We have seen your pics, please explain why YLLS on 10 grams. Thanks.

4. That list was a basic list of very well known compounds that do very specific things for powerlifting meets; namely aggression. I did not google it, or plagiarize it, those compounds came directly to my mind ( I looked up the spelling on a couple ) that is the definition of knowledge. I don't need to take cheque drops to know what they do, it is well known and documented what they do.

5. But that wasn't the question, the question was you saying a dealer could pass off "Methyl test and an AI as HALO" and people wouldn't immediately fucking flame the shit as bunk, and him a goddamn scammer.
I have taken MT and HALO, and from this I can 100% ascertain that you were talking directly out of your ass, which is very consistent with your identity on this board.

5 concise points. Try to absorb the info in them. We know you're not the brightest, but try.

I feel sorry for the people on this board who are lulled into a sense of security perpetuated by your apparent "knowledge", and the subsequent "advice" you give. I am more inclined to say everything you say is 90% bullshit, and the 10% left is questionable.

P.s. wow 3 gallons of methyltrienolone you must be a huge big time international steroid guru/dealer to the pros. I am impressed by this, and now believe everything you say. Carry on.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2014, 09:12:00 PM »
^I think ESFitness may have caused your anus to bleed^

jon cole

  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2014, 08:55:20 AM »
Damn...grams of dbal, grams of tne... i missed something.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2014, 01:24:12 PM »
1. Lol you talk out of your ass CONSTANTLY. There is a 100 page post about it in the G&O ya know.

2. Who's to say you haven't just lied about all your extensive use? This would be more in line with your proven track record of being a pathological liar than it would with you ACTUALLY TAKING the mega doses of every single compound known to man as you claim you have/do.

3. When you claim to have taken grams and grams of every single compound known to man, you might want to actually look like you lift. We have seen your pics, please explain why YLLS on 10 grams. Thanks.

4. That list was a basic list of very well known compounds that do very specific things for powerlifting meets; namely aggression. I did not google it, or plagiarize it, those compounds came directly to my mind ( I looked up the spelling on a couple ) that is the definition of knowledge. I don't need to take cheque drops to know what they do, it is well known and documented what they do.

5. But that wasn't the question, the question was you saying a dealer could pass off "Methyl test and an AI as HALO" and people wouldn't immediately fucking flame the shit as bunk, and him a goddamn scammer.
I have taken MT and HALO, and from this I can 100% ascertain that you were talking directly out of your ass, which is very consistent with your identity on this board.

5 concise points. Try to absorb the info in them. We know you're not the brightest, but try.

I feel sorry for the people on this board who are lulled into a sense of security perpetuated by your apparent "knowledge", and the subsequent "advice" you give. I am more inclined to say everything you say is 90% bullshit, and the 10% left is questionable.

P.s. wow 3 gallons of methyltrienolone you must be a huge big time international steroid guru/dealer to the pros. I am impressed by this, and now believe everything you say. Carry on.

please link to the '100 page thread' on the GO board.

and lies? everything I've talked about, ever, I've done. so, please list what you refer to as 'lies'... back up your claims of lies.

who's to say i haven't lied about my 'extensive use'? that doesn't seem like a compelling argument from you... and what would i have to gain? I've been doing this for years.. many years.. and I've talked about it for years.. I've been here on these boards talking about it for years... who are you? you're questioning my experience? lol

and which pics are you reffering to? pics when i was 190-205 or so? a few weeks out of the hospital? lol.. or the pics when i was a couple weeks out of prison? was i using 10g's a week? I've never claimed 10g/wk... and i don't think I've ever had any pics here even when i was using 6g/wk (which comprised of test and deca and a lil dbol.... feel free to compare 6g of test/deca/dbol to 6g/wk of test/tren/mast/etct... and further show your ignorance of how steroids work)... and, I've never claimed to have 99th percentile genetics... and i use what i use because i can and i have unlimited access... and even then, my use in the past years has been haphazard... and my diet even more haphazard.

and i don't look like i lift? lol.. i dont' even know what your yssl acronym stands for... please speak/type in actual words if you want me to understand, not like a 12yr old girl texting.k

and your 'list' was comprised of stuff you haven't used... i.e. talking out of your ass. (everybody knows... blah blah blah)

and are you denying methyltest has an effect on aggression? lol.. you're going to compare the aggression from Methyltrienolone to halo and MT when you've never used methyltrienolone? lol... as somebody who's used methyl tri, methyl test and halo... and tren.. i can say FROM EXPERIENCE, and from the experiences conveyed to me from others, that methyl test and halo are vastly superior to methyl tri and tren in terms of "take it preworkout" effects.

does methy tri and tren increase strength and size? sure. nothing comes close, esp to methy tri, but in terms of in the gym aggression, i'll take methyl test, cheque drops or halo anyday... in that order.

see... people like you and people like me are different. if i don't have an answer, or have any personal experience, i refrain from giving advice... especially when saying one thing is better than the other, when you have ZERO to compare it to and base your opinion more on the opinions of others than based on your own personal experience.

i mean... that IS why you started a thread asking advice on Epistane (crap), right?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2014, 05:11:55 PM »
ive gobbled up 3 bottles bub. Why take a 4th mayb bud at thw gym can get something out of it.  only oral I seem to like is superdrol. I stick to injects mostly

ok but i had some Havoc as siad back when it first came out was in the old tubs not the new ones of today ...

id'e just come off a 14 week test e or c at about 750 or 650 aw...

i then had this tub of havoc at 40mg's a day..fck i was drinking water like no tomorrow big time so i dropped it to 30 ad...

i blow the fck right up after only about 2 weeks on this shit ....

the girl i was seeing at the time couldnt get over how big ide got when she seen me again after just 2 weeks of this stuff...
i will say that most of it was water bloat yes but i felt good with it  ...

the havoc now is in a different tub to when it first came out as they changed it for some reason .....

i have a tub of the new stuff and going to try it again in a week or so time...
i carnt see it being as half as good as that i had some years ago when it first came out ...

just my o2 on it with no bull


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2014, 07:44:52 PM »
Mine was from bout 4 or 5 years ago don't know if it was when it first came out or not but my superdrol worked great epi didnt for me. My buddy took epi and got great gains and it demolished his gyno. Who knows mayb his was good and mine wasnt hell I gave it to him. Mayb I got fucked lol..seems that way


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2014, 08:04:36 PM »
Mine was from bout 4 or 5 years ago don't know if it was when it first came out or not but my superdrol worked great epi didnt for me. My buddy took epi and got great gains and it demolished his gyno. Who knows mayb his was good and mine wasnt hell I gave it to him. Mayb I got fucked lol..seems that way

People react differently to different hormones


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2014, 08:43:36 PM »
please link to the '100 page thread' on the GO board.

and lies? everything I've talked about, ever, I've done. so, please list what you refer to as 'lies'... back up your claims of lies.

who's to say i haven't lied about my 'extensive use'? that doesn't seem like a compelling argument from you... and what would i have to gain? I've been doing this for years.. many years.. and I've talked about it for years.. I've been here on these boards talking about it for years... who are you? you're questioning my experience? lol

and which pics are you reffering to? pics when i was 190-205 or so? a few weeks out of the hospital? lol.. or the pics when i was a couple weeks out of prison? was i using 10g's a week? I've never claimed 10g/wk... and i don't think I've ever had any pics here even when i was using 6g/wk (which comprised of test and deca and a lil dbol.... feel free to compare 6g of test/deca/dbol to 6g/wk of test/tren/mast/etct... and further show your ignorance of how steroids work)... and, I've never claimed to have 99th percentile genetics... and i use what i use because i can and i have unlimited access... and even then, my use in the past years has been haphazard... and my diet even more haphazard.

and i don't look like i lift? lol.. i dont' even know what your yssl acronym stands for... please speak/type in actual words if you want me to understand, not like a 12yr old girl texting.k

and your 'list' was comprised of stuff you haven't used... i.e. talking out of your ass. (everybody knows... blah blah blah)

and are you denying methyltest has an effect on aggression? lol.. you're going to compare the aggression from Methyltrienolone to halo and MT when you've never used methyltrienolone? lol... as somebody who's used methyl tri, methyl test and halo... and tren.. i can say FROM EXPERIENCE, and from the experiences conveyed to me from others, that methyl test and halo are vastly superior to methyl tri and tren in terms of "take it preworkout" effects.

does methy tri and tren increase strength and size? sure. nothing comes close, esp to methy tri, but in terms of in the gym aggression, i'll take methyl test, cheque drops or halo anyday... in that order.

see... people like you and people like me are different. if i don't have an answer, or have any personal experience, i refrain from giving advice... especially when saying one thing is better than the other, when you have ZERO to compare it to and base your opinion more on the opinions of others than based on your own personal experience.

i mean... that IS why you started a thread asking advice on Epistane (crap), right?

Everything I know about AAS I saw on videos here: I've been outed as a fraud..Oral testosterone for 55 year old trt patients makes you more aggressive than fucking Halotestin.   ::)

YLLS = You look like shit. Are you saying you don't? I think you know you do. It will always come back to this bro, because people who have used what you claim to have "personal experience with" are huge national level guys, you on the other hand...Well.. :-X

Come to think of it, what kind of steroid guru who's been "doing "this" for many years" looks like a fucking synthol shouldered GYM RAT. I think you're a liar. Plain and simple. I admit to never using Superdrol, or Methyltrienolone, and? So fucking what I never claimed to be an expert on them rofl. I have researched them heavily, and know from word of mouth what they do enough to rank them on a list. There are TONS of reviews, logs, and experiences on Epistane, but figured I'd ask here.

You however can't admit to never doing a compound, you just claim to be an  expert on all things. Regurgitate some basic shit you googled, and claim you did it. You're a liar. Classic white trash "story teller" (fucking liar). Been there done that know it all type, that no one likes. A liar.

Prove that you have taken what you say you've taken...Your physique would imply you don't even lift. So I'm just wondering.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2014, 08:52:02 PM »
Everything I know about AAS I saw on videos here: I've been outed as a fraud..Oral testosterone for 55 year old trt patients makes you more aggressive than fucking Halotestin.   ::)

YLLS = You look like shit. Are you saying you don't? I think you know you do. It will always come back to this bro, because people who have used what you claim to have "personal experience with" are huge national level guys, you on the other hand...Well.. :-X

Come to think of it, what kind of steroid guru who's been "doing "this" for many years" looks like a fucking synthol shouldered GYM RAT. I think you're a liar. Plain and simple. I admit to never using Superdrol, or Methyltrienolone, and? So fucking what I never claimed to be an expert on them rofl. I have researched them heavily, and know from word of mouth what they do enough to rank them on a list. There are TONS of reviews, logs, and experiences on Epistane, but figured I'd ask here.

You however can't admit to never doing a compound, you just claim to be an  expert on all things. Regurgitate some basic shit you googled, and claim you did it. You're a liar. Classic white trash "story teller" (fucking liar). Been there done that know it all type, that no one likes. A liar.

Prove that you have taken what you say you've taken...Your physique would imply you don't even lift. So I'm just wondering.

prove that I've taken what I say I've taken? lol

and I'm a white trash story teller? spoken like a true wigger.

dude.. you're awfully butt-hurt for getting pointed out as a know-nothing.

lol... prove I've taken what I've taken.

dude, you don't matter to anybody but yourself... you're a powerlifter, right? big, fat, borderline obese powerlifter? no? I'd say prove me wrong, but I really don't give a shit if you're a big, fat insecure grown man with the emotional maturity of a high school sophomore. changes my life none whatsoever.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2014, 09:49:51 PM »
prove that I've taken what I say I've taken? lol

and I'm a white trash story teller? spoken like a true wigger.

dude.. you're awfully butt-hurt for getting pointed out as a know-nothing.

lol... prove I've taken what I've taken.


dude, you don't matter to anybody but yourself... you're a powerlifter, right? big, fat, borderline obese powerlifter? no? I'd say prove me wrong, but I really don't give a shit if you're a big, fat insecure grown man with the emotional maturity of a high school sophomore. changes my life none whatsoever.

one thing you learn in prison is that everything is verifiable.

you should learn to differentiate between what I actually say, and what other peons here attribute to me.

everything your getting ground down for you did say you imbicile.

heres a check list

let me know if us 'peons' have 'wrongly attributed' any of these things to you.  ::)

- claimed you are on a billboard

well... i'm on a fucking billboard... soo.... I think some would disagree.


- claimed to be an inmate/ underground fighter who sewed himself up with guitar string.

it's not an 'underground ring'... not like prison guards betting on bouts like you see in tv.

but where I was, we weren't in 'cells'.. I was in barracks... like a big huge tin barn, sectioned off in 4 sections (1 being the 'hole', with actual cells. where the walls are painted baby pink and baby blue and the lights never turn off and you don't get a blanket or a pillow, and you have no idea what time it is.. ask a guard for the time and at best you get "day time" .. or "night time"... and you get about 15mins (supposed to be 1hr, but it's not) per day to take an ice cold shower in the winter and a steaming how shower in the summer..)anyways...... so at 10pm/lights out, the guards only do rounds about twice an hour and we'll have 2-3 guys on lookout for guards coming in from either doors (there were 2 entrances), we'd fight/grapple on bare concrete (polished concrete, not 'sidewalk' concrete) with no timelimit until somebody gave up or was un-responsive (choked out or knocked out).. and it's dark, so many times I'd get choked out and could feel myself 'falling down the rabbit hole', but it's dark, so nobody can tell if you're out or not, and the guy will get tired of holding the choke, and a few seconds later I'd regain conciseness, still in the choke and keep fighting... we'd try to avoid elbows and stuff that would cause a pretty bad, obvious injury with a lot of blood.. since if a guard came in and saw blood all over the floor they'd turn on all the lights and go around checking everybody's faces and knuckles and clothes and a bunch of us would get sent to the hole (since a bunch of us would have bruised faces from just grappling on the concrete)...... there's usually no time-limit, and we'd bet on who we thought would win and the winner would get 'tips' from the guys who bet on them, or we'd put up our own money and bet on ourselves, ect... it wasn't about the money, it was about who had the most heart, because a lot of guys would just quit. they'd get tired, or just didn't want to get hurt...... one guy, a white kid called "mouthpiece" dude was a wigger and later found out a snitch... would brag about "I've knocked out 22 ppl.. never lost a fight.. blah blah blah"... well, he stuck is nose in my biz and cost me some money so I wanted to wrestle him.. told him he could strike, but I wouldn't.. so he clips me 3x, chin, jaw and on my ear and I wasn't even dazed (so much for his self-purported rep of being a knockout king), I took him down and got him in an arm-bar (I'm not even good at arm-bars.. I prefer chokes) and hear his elbow go POP/CRACK and his arm bends backwards and he screams like a little girl and starts crying "my arm! my arm!" bwwahahaha... just dislocated his elbow, which went back into place right away (a farily common thing) and tore his bicep (not that he had much bicep anyways), but he never lived down that crying bullshit he did.. lol  

- claims to be big time steroid dealer

and I didn't even catch this..

listen you little dicksucking fa ggot... you want to call me a scammer? that I underdose my products? we can meet up and you can say it to my face you fucking coward. you want to fuck with my income and call my products bogus? you don't know me, bitch.. find me ONE MOTHERFUCKING PERSON who says ANYTHING of mine is underdosed.. you fucking bitch. fuck you and fuck your mother... your father is already fucked for raising such a little bitch like yourself.

send me a PM, i'll meet you halfway, pussy.

fucking call my products underdosed... lol.

- claims to be savvy investor

it's because the people who win the lotto have no idea how to make their own money... they ALWAYS work for someone else.

give me a million and i'll earn $250k on it every year for as long as I want. (legally, mind you).

most people have no long-term goals.. or lack the ability to even THINK long term.

if, for instance i'd pick up a $1 lottery ticket just for shits and giggles while i'm getting gas one day and I won a large sum of money (lets say a few million, after taxes... those blood-sucking-liberal-leaches)

i'd live in a 5br home (probably in Coronado), i'd probably have 2-3 cars and an suv/truck... all certified pre-owned, none new. probably an S550 (for me), a Range Rover Sport (for her and the kids), an a 'toy' for myself, probably a Nissan GT-R... and that'd be it... no Ferrari's, no lambos, ect...

i'd have 5-8 2br rental homes, netting about $500-1k/month each (after mortgage... of course i'll have mortgages, it'll be one of the few tax breaks i'll get)

i'd have 300k in a low-yield dividend funds (4.5-6%)
300-500k in hi-yield dividend funds (8-15%)
and maybe 300k in a higher risk fund or a REIT (15%+)

and 500k in a prop-trading account (probably with interactive brokers)

and a couple a couple 100k annuities.

now, managing #1 the rental properties, and #2 the investment accounts would absolutely still be WORK... so yes, i'd still WORK... just not for anybody else. lol.

oh, and i'd probably still cruise on 1g test & 500mg deca with 8iu humatrope  ;D and cruise easy at about 235 at 8% and eat like a normal person, and train 3-4x a week.

- claims he has to be within a few weeks of his best shaoe in case he has an 'appearance' to make hahahaha i like this one

typically i'll switch from deca to npp for 6 weeks or so, then cut the npp in half and add in tren at a half dose for 4 weeks or so, then cut the npp and double the tren for about 6 weeks.

I add in tren when I have an appearance where I gotta be learn and hard and separated.

correction, I ONLY use tren if/when I have an appearance to make, or I need to be lean and hard.

"offseason" (I'm not competing, so I guess it's all 'offseason'. lol), I can't gain weight on tren, so I don't use it.


- claimed he can hold 235 @ 8% on 1 gram of test and some gh, but cant even get there using 6g cycles to begin with

oh, and i'd probably still cruise on 1g test & 500mg deca with 8iu humatrope  ;D and cruise easy at about 235 at 8% and eat like a normal person, and train 3-4x a week.


- claims to be a stud

the women can be an issue. you gotta be carefull not to cross the line or professionalism. women in a group will talk about sex and try to embarrass you (me). they'll get off on talking about sexual stuff around another man other than their husband, especially a man who looks like me. they'll let things "slip".. comments like "you're freakin hot/gorgeous" type stuff, or how they're taking a mental picture for when they're bangin their husband or something. about 40% of the girls I WOULD consider sleeping with, but only about 10%, maybe 5%, would I consider dating or having a relationship with [

like I tell the girls I date (girls think trainers bang all their clients)... "sweetheart, I don't want their pussy. I want their money. I can't pay my bills with another woman's pussy.".

you are SO FULL OF SHIT its almost hard to comprehend. carry on.

Oh sorry it's only 58 pages long bashing you, not 100.

Couple more for good measure.


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Re: Epistane
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2014, 10:47:20 PM »
I see more of the same pics.

for somebody who allows me to occupy so much space in your mind, you'll be well aware of when those pics were taken and at which bodyweights, and roughly how much AAS was used at those times.

yet, like the pathetic troll you aspire to be, you'd like to have people believe that I was on "10g's a week" lol... I'd say 'nice try', but it clearly wasn't... oh, here's where you'll say 'oh, you were on 6g's.. sorry'.... but nope, not that either... not even half that.

for somebody with ANY experience with AAS (which doesn't exactly include you), you shoud be able to tell when somebody is on 6g a week... shit... even HRT doses. lol... continue to prove your inexperience and show your ignorance.

any more 'epistane" questions I can answer for you?

how about some 1,4 Androstene questions?

or some Deer Antler?

how about some Vanadyl Sulfate questions?

how about you diet down to an acceptable BF percentage (like sub 15% maybe?) and start from there.


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Re: Epistane
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2014, 11:06:49 PM »
ESFitness why don't you just post a real picture
Your face and tattoos etc are all visible so it's not like you have any risk of exposing yourself more than you have been already


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2014, 01:03:08 AM »
ESFitness why don't you just post a real picture
Your face and tattoos etc are all visible so it's not like you have any risk of exposing yourself more than you have been already

Yes this could shut up the trolls instantly.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2014, 01:10:19 AM »
ESFitness why don't you just post a real picture
Your face and tattoos etc are all visible so it's not like you have any risk of exposing yourself more than you have been already

plausible deniability for one thing. 2nd.. I've posted a pic.. a few actually. back, abs, and front which face downturned. 3rd? i don't give a shit. what do i have to gain?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #45 on: July 08, 2014, 01:19:53 AM »
btw.. i just recalled the part about the "guru" comment.

eh, you ever seen Pat Arnold? or Bill Roberts? or llewllyn? or john oreagan, or even duchaine for that matter? how's Hany look? how's aceto look? how'd Milos look for that matter as well? (i don't know anybody who's used more for longer than Milos and he barely cracked 240lbs onstage).

not everybody looks like john meadows or palumbo.

would you take steroid advice from Ronnie coleman or Flex? or Dillett? or even shawn ray? or johnnie Jackson?

do you really think they even knew what they were doing when they turned pro?

vast majority of pro-quality physiques can do everything wrong and still look 10x better than most who do everything right (and extreme).

those with genetics that are sub-par, have to find things out the hard way... what works and what doesn't. criticize me all you like.. claim i don't even look like i train and whatnot.. but i still walk around at 220-230lbs at less than 10% bf despite training less than 3hours a week, and teaching bootcamps everyday on top of PT clients and working from 11am till midnight.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #46 on: July 08, 2014, 03:48:22 AM »
btw.. i just recalled the part about the "guru" comment.

eh, you ever seen Pat Arnold? or Bill Roberts? or llewllyn? or john oreagan, or even duchaine for that matter? how's Hany look? how's aceto look? how'd Milos look for that matter as well? (i don't know anybody who's used more for longer than Milos and he barely cracked 240lbs onstage).

not everybody looks like john meadows or palumbo.

would you take steroid advice from Ronnie coleman or Flex? or Dillett? or even shawn ray? or johnnie Jackson?

do you really think they even knew what they were doing when they turned pro?

vast majority of pro-quality physiques can do everything wrong and still look 10x better than most who do everything right (and extreme).

those with genetics that are sub-par, have to find things out the hard way... what works and what doesn't. criticize me all you like.. claim i don't even look like i train and whatnot.. but i still walk around at 220-230lbs at less than 10% bf despite training less than 3hours a week, and teaching bootcamps everyday on top of PT clients and working from 11am till midnight.

ok so, who have you trained
post their pictures
all the people you lifted have helped lots of people at the top, they have no issues saying who


  • Getbig V
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #47 on: July 08, 2014, 10:57:40 AM »
ok so, who have you trained
post their pictures
all the people you lifted have helped lots of people at the top, they have no issues saying who


you're smart enough to figure out why i don't mention names.

I'm sure my clients are itching to be associated with a drug dealer, among other things, on the internet.. where 'getbig' s threads are linked on google.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #48 on: July 08, 2014, 07:00:10 PM »
Plausible deniability also just went out the window when you said these photos were of you


  • Getbig III
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Re: Epistane
« Reply #49 on: July 08, 2014, 08:24:40 PM »
Back to the Epistane topic. If a month of Epi was $30 and a month of Var was $20 which would you use?

Anavar is actually cheaper than Epi from my source...

But some claim it's better than Var, similar effects but Epi has a ratio of 91:1100  against Var's ratio of 24:322-630