Author Topic: TIO Training Log  (Read 14220 times)


  • Getbig V
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TIO Training Log
« on: December 14, 2020, 03:15:00 PM »
I haven't really tracked my workouts in a few years and since i've been pretty lazy most of 2020 due to Covid shutting down my gym until recently, i've decided to track my workouts here. It's an easy place to report my progress and at least have some feedback.

I've been lifting weights consistently since high school; competed in one bodybuilding show, a few Olympic Weightlifting events and a few dozen power lifting events. So i have a broad knowledge of lifting weights and dieting.

I'll try to keep this short and to the point.

I'm 44 years old, been lifting since i was 15. Only took some short breaks here and there for a few months when i felt burnt out.

Currently 228 pounds, 5' 11" and 12-13% BF. Blonde hair, blue eyes. ;D I enjoy wine and sunsets in the mountains.

My ancestry is Irish/Scottish and Lithuanian. I still have mother's family in Scotland. Dad's family came from Lithuania in the late 1800's.

I workout by myself, there is a small private gym i go to that only allows 4-5 people inside at a time. I have been lifting during my lunch hour, since that's the best slot for me right now. I prefer to workout after work, but this is fine.

Workouts are short and intense, not much downtime, maybe a minute between sets.

I typically train to positive failure, where i feel like i can probably squeeze out another rep or two, but i push until my form goes downhill. I don't do any forced reps or anything like that, i have a lot of old injuries that flare up when i go too hard.

Goals right now are to bulk up a bit until the end of January, then cut down to 200-205 by May-ish.

I mainly do this because i like to, not interested in strength or looking good for people, i just like to workout and be healthy.

I also follow a very strict diet, that focuses on health. Low carb most of the time, but i do go out to eat and relax regularly. Since i live alone it's easy to cook healthy food. My girlfriend lives 2 hours away, so she's not here all the time to distract me into eating tamales and enchiladas. She's in good shape and works out, but likes to eat Mexican food more than i do. She's a wonderful cook.

Anyway, here's my workout from today. I do a lot of assimilation sets, so if you see some random sets of 5 reps, that's why. Then i'll do 2-3 working sets. I prefer to do my working sets in the 10-15 rep range; every few weeks i'll add weight and do 6-8 rep range to see how my strength is. I always go by how i feel, sometimes i do more, sometimes less, just depends on my energy level.

Monday 12/14/2020 - Chest / Biceps

Incline DB press - 2 warmup sets - 60x5 - 70x5 - 80x5 - 90x12 - 100x12 - 105x10
Pec deck machine - 5 sets of 12-15 starting at 140 up to 210 - slow and controlled with a hard squeeze
Flat iso chest press machine - 2 sets of 15 at 220 - 2 sets of 15 at 240 - 2 sets of 12-15 at 250 - focus on stretch and squeeze, elbows out wide
Pushups - 3 sets of 20 with bodyweight only, just focus on the pump

Standing DB curls - 2 warmup sets - 45x15 - 55x15 - 65x15 - 70x12
Standing DB hammer curls - 55x12 - 60x12 - 65x10 - 65x10
Standing EZ curl cable - 80x15 - 90x15 - 100x15 - 100x12 - just getting a painful pump to finish them off

Was running out of time so i stopped there, i typically do abs and 20-30 minutes of low intensity cardio if i have time. Too much to do at work this week, no long lunches for a while.

Lunch was leftover 10oz sirloin steak, 1 cup of rice seasoned, 2 cups of broccoli with curry sauce and 8oz of 2% milk.

Nothing fancy, but i feel fantastic.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2020, 03:59:13 PM »
Great to have you, TIO.

Oldtimer and I are steady posters here and a couple others post occasionally.

Your workout is darn good,


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2020, 04:19:41 PM »
70lb dumbbells for curls! That is rarified air right there. Good post.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2020, 04:39:18 PM »
Thanks guys!

I was reading your logs over the weekend and that helped inspire me to track mine here. It keeps me focused when i track workouts.

My arms are pretty strong, when they are fresh. I enjoy DB curls more than anything. My wrists can't take heavy BB curls unless it's an EZ curl bar.

I'll try to keep this up to date.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2020, 05:27:53 PM »
Tuesday - 12/15/2020 - Legs

I typically train legs harder than this, but i've been having a funny feeling in my knee the last month or so. There is a weird pinch at the top of my kneecap when i walk up stairs, it doesn't bother me when lifting, but it is in the back of my mind. This is the knee i had an ACL reconstruction on 15 years ago. I need to see my Ortho.

Good mornings - i do these more for a warmup, they help get my back and hams ready to squat.

-Bar x 2 sets of 30
-135 x 15
-185 x 15
-185 x 15

BB front squats - Olympic style grip and full depth
-135 x 15
-185 x 5
-205 x 5
-225 x 12
-245 x 12
-255 x 10
I was going to hit 275 but feel hesitant with the weird feeling in my right knee

BB lunges
-105 x 15
-115 x 15
-125 x 12
-135 x 12

Ham curl machine
-5 sets of 12-15 working up from 140 to 210 on the stack - slow controlled negative

Leg extension machine
-5 sets of 15-20 working up from 110 to 190 on the stack - smooth reps for a nice pump

Seated calf raises - plate loaded
-90 x 30
-135 x 25
-160 x 25
-170 x 20
-135 x 30 pump
-90 x 30 pump
I have found that high reps work best for calves. My calves are great but it's 100% genetic, they have been shaped well since i hit puberty. Last two sets are just for a pump. Working sets are slow and controlled with a hard squeeze and pause at the top.

15 minutes on the stationary bike at a steady pace, target heartrate 130 ish.

Lunch was a Jimmy Johns 12" roast beef and turkey, cheese, pickles, onions and mustard. Didn't have time to cook last night and had to get something fast. Work is really busy.

I'm going to cook salmon, green beans and seasoned red potatoes tonight. Always drink a glass of milk with meals.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2020, 06:37:20 PM »
Reading over your seated calf section it reminded me of this bench specialist in my gym. He would basically do four exercises. The bench, dumbbell curls, single dumbbell one arm behind the head triceps and seated calf raises. He could bench press a house. It was impressive. What was more impressive to me was his seated calf raises. I have never seen so many 45lbs plates on the machine. He just pumped out his reps like what he was doing was normal. If the seated calf raise was a power lift he would win hands down.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2020, 12:59:21 PM »
Reading over you seated calf it reminded me of this bench specialist in my gym. He would basically do four exercises. The bench, dumbbell curls, single dumbbell one arm behind the head and seated calf raises. He could bench press a house. It was impressive. What was more impressive to me was his seated calf raises. I have never seen so many 45lbs plates on the machine. He just pumped out his reps like what he was doing was normal. If the seated calf raise was a power lift he would win hands down.

I've seen guys load it full of 45's and rep it out. I think this one holds 6-7 plates, haven't tested it.

I used to go up to 5 plates and get 12-15 good reps, but it just doesn't feel the same. I get a better feel with less weight and my calves get pretty sore. The seated raises by far work the best for me, slow and controlled full ROM. I see guys all the time just half repping it. You have to let your heels sink all the way down and them flex and squeeze all the way to the top and hold for a second. That's the best advice i give people for calves, i get asked about it a lot because i have big vascular calves, but i've had big legs since a teen, my dad does too. I always just tell people it's genetic, but i'll tell them about the way i do seated raises because they have made a difference over the years.

Wednesday - 12/16/2020 - Off day

No lifting today, i might ride my mountain bike for a bit after work, just depends on how much daylight is left. It's getting colder here, gets down into the low 20's once the sun goes down, but i like to exercise outside in the cold.

Lunch - Leftover beef/venison chili, I made my family recipe chili last night with fresh steamed rice and green beans. Was going to cook fish, but was craving something different.

The chili is very simple, ground beef, axis venison tenderloins cubed, red beans (i grew up on a farm in Texas, we use beans), garlic, chili powder, cumin, tomato paste and lots of black pepper. I throw some red pepper and green chilies in there too in order to spice it up a bit. Just brown the meat and toss in a crockpot for 4-5 hours.

I'm full and happy today, have enough for 4-5 meals. ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2020, 01:35:01 PM »
Sounds like a great meal. Where do you live now?


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2020, 03:11:32 PM »
Just on the outskirts of Santa Fe, NM.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2020, 04:43:06 PM »
Thursday - 12/17/2020 - Shoulders and tris

DB Clean and strict press - i do one arm at a time and alternate, the press is pretty strict but sometimes i use a little leg drive. Set the DB between my feet as i'm standing and C&P. I prefer to do these because i have bad shoulders and BB movements aggravate them.

warmup 45 x 5
55 x 5
65 x 5
75 x 3
85 x 3
95 x 3
105 x 3
Stopped here, i'll sometimes work up to 125, which is the heaviest DB they have at my gym

Seated DB overhead press
50 x 5
60 x 5
65 x 15
70 x 15
75 x 12

EZ curl BB upright rows
65 x 5
85 x 5
105 x 5
110 x 12
110 x 8
Gassed out on these

Machine shrugs plate loaded - i do them standing facing the machine since it levers towards the machine
180 x 15
230 x 15
270 x 15
270 x 15
I don't do super heavy shrugs anymore, used to load this machine up but i value my spine a bit more these days. I do these slow and controlled. No straps, i want my hands to be strong, sometimes i'll use a false grip just to make it harder.

Seated behind the head DB extensions with both arms
60 x 5
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 15
95 x 15
100 x 12
Slow and controlled, i do not go to full lockout, just close to it

Rope cable pressdown superset with reverse grip cable pressdowns - i love to do these together, super pump
Rope - 5 sets of 15-20 from 80 to 160 pounds on the stack
Reverse - 5 sets of 15-20 same weight, just a different handle attachment

Arms were pumped like crazy.

20 minutes on the stationary bike at 130 ish heartrate

Lunch - Went out to eat with some people from work and had Mexican. 3 chicken verdes enchiladas with extra green chilies, charro beans and cilantro rice with a side of guacamole and pico de gallo mixed in. Drank one of those Mexican Coca-colas with real sugar, it was tasty.

I typically don't eat out much, but for the holidays we are trying to have some group get togethers as much as we can with Covid. NM was locked down for 2 weeks, so this is the first time a lot of us have been out to eat since then. Have to eat outside on the patio, but it was mid 30's today and they had those nice big outdoor heaters. It's sad to see so many places closed again. More small restaurants are going out of business. The Greek place by my office just closed for good, been open for 30 years and owner had to shut it down. They retired early and unfortunately were not able to give the business to their son, which sucks. Enough about that i guess.

Planning a long 9 hour hike this Saturday with my GF. 2500 feet of elevation change, it's considered "hard" on the AllTrails app and it is only because it's a long trek. If you don't know what you are doing you will get trapped up top and hope you brought overnight equipment. It's 9 hours and 8 of that is moving, not much down time. It's not super technical, but there are large boulders to climb and if you don't go with someone who has done it before you will be in for a long day. I've done it several times with friends, but not with my GF. She's going to be fine as long as i can keep her moving instead of stopping every 15 minutes to take selfies with the beautiful views in the background. ;D

We haven't gotten much snow yet, so it's going to be cold but not miserable. I'm actually surprised my GF is down for this, she isn't one to brave the cold and it will be low 20's when we get started at 6 am.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2020, 07:09:31 PM »
9 hours of walking!! That sounds insane.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2020, 12:16:16 PM »
9 hours of walking!! That sounds insane.

It has some serious elevation too. Not for the normal hiking crowd.

Typically when we hike it, we will camp near the top and stay overnight.

This is more of a challenge for my GF and a good friend of mine. They have never made this hike in one trip. It has turned into a 2020 challenge for them to make it up and back before the sun sets. Which is possible if they keep moving. Just a steady walk, no need to rush.

I have a few markers we have to make time on or we are turning around. There are 4 of us doing it.

I'm taking my full overnight pack just in case and another guy is too, so we have two small tents and minor gear, food and water for at least 24 hours.

Keep in mind, we all hike up to 4 hours almost every weekend. There are trails a few hundred yards from my house, so we have had some practice.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2020, 02:43:22 PM »
Friday - 12/18/20 - Back and abs

Not doing much today due to getting up early tomorrow to go on a long hike. Need to conserve a little extra energy.

Deadlifts - From the floor
135 x 20
135 x 20
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 15
365 x 12
Each rep starts from a dead pull, no bouncing off the ground. No straps, just a little bit of chalk. I don't ever go over 405 anymore, i value my spine.

Lat pulldowns - wide grip overhand
5 sets of 12-15 from 160 to 260 on the stack - Slow and controlled

One arm DB rows on a flat bench
60 x 15
70 x 5
80 x 5
90 x 15
100 x 15
105 x 12
Nothing crazy, smooth and squeeze at the top, full stretch at the bottom.

Machine pullovers - plate loaded
90 x 15
140 x 15
190 x 15
210 x 12

Leg raises
3 sets of 30 knee tucks
3 sets of 20-30 straight leg raises

No cardio today

Lunch - Two tilapia fillets with lemon, butter, S&P and garlic, red potatoes seasoned, asparagus and milk.

So apparently some health inspectors for the City came to the gym this morning and warned the manager about allowing too many people inside. They only allow 5 people inside at a time and it's a 20k SF gym. The gym is following the rules of the State, but it looks like he might have to back down to 3 people per hour, which is going to make lifting more difficult. I might have to start lifting at 6am. :-\ I'm not a morning person, i usually get up at 7:30.

Got everything packed up for the big hike tomorrow, my GF will be here in a few hours. All four of us are staying at my place since i'm only a few miles from the trailhead.

Going to stuff everyone with chili, rice and veggies tonight. ;D

Weather will be low 20's in the morning and winds will pick up to 15 mph by noon.

I'm really excited to do this hike with my GF and one of my best friends. We don't get to do cool things like this much anymore. A little worried about my GF being able to handle the cold, she doesn't seem to be too worried. Brought some extra hand/foot warmers just in case. We got her some legit windproof gear over the summer, it's the wind that gets you up here.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #13 on: December 18, 2020, 05:04:06 PM »
Good luck on the hike.

Hopefully you don't have to carry your girlfriend on the way back.

As the country folks say: "It's a fur walk."


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #14 on: December 18, 2020, 07:23:22 PM »
Really impressive weights.  Put up some videos.  Guys would love to see it. It would be inspirational.  I doubt Phil Heath could handle those weights and reps.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2020, 04:30:09 PM »
Good luck on the hike.

Hopefully you don't have to carry your girlfriend on the way back.

As the country folks say: "It's a fur walk."

The hike went really well, we made it back in just under 10 hours. It was dark the last mile or so but that's the easy part. Very impressed with the group, not much complaining at all. Once the sun came out in the morning it warmed up to 38 and made it easier on people.

The only hiccup was my friend slipping off a small boulder and rolling his ankle. We wrapped it up with tape and he was fine.

I didn't take many pictures because i wanted people to stay focused.

Overall everyone was happy and when we got back to my place we had a huge meal and drank some wine. My GF is off work until Jan 4th, so i'm going to be eating some seriously good Mexican food the next two weeks. If we ever move in together i'll be 300 pounds.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2020, 04:32:31 PM »
Really impressive weights.  Put up some videos.  Guys would love to see it. It would be inspirational.  I doubt Phil Heath could handle those weights and reps.

Thanks, but i'm a pretty humble guy. I might take my GoPro to the gym one day and get some videos, we'll see.

I'm not nearly as strong as i was 10 years ago. I've squatted over 600 pounds. ;)

I will dig through my external hard drive and find my power lifting photos. You will get a kick out of them because i'm not nearly as big as people probably think. Just been training a long time and have a big frame.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #17 on: December 21, 2020, 04:50:56 PM »
People wonder why i love living on the edge of nowhere New Mexico. The city just doesn't do it for me, but the culture and slow pace of society here is amazing.

Plus i have views like this just out the back of my property. :)

I can't attached the images due to size.  ::)


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #18 on: December 21, 2020, 04:52:04 PM »
Almost 10k feet.


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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #19 on: December 21, 2020, 04:52:49 PM »


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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #20 on: December 21, 2020, 04:54:00 PM »
This was taken in the fall, lots of Aspen that change color for a couple weeks.

Just across from my home.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #21 on: December 21, 2020, 05:28:28 PM »


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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2020, 04:57:32 PM »
Stunning scenery.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2020, 08:08:57 AM »
Thanks, but i'm a pretty humble guy. I might take my GoPro to the gym one day and get some videos, we'll see.

I'm not nearly as strong as i was 10 years ago. I've squatted over 600 pounds. ;)

I will dig through my external hard drive and find my power lifting photos. You will get a kick out of them because i'm not nearly as big as people probably think. Just been training a long time and have a big frame.

600lbs squat is huge. I squatted 400lbs in a powerlifting meet when I was 17 in the 148lbs class and I weighed 144lbs. I was a sprinter in high school and college. Not exactly powerlifting material.  ;D  It was typical wide stance and low bar. Legal squat but a legal squat in power lifting is shallow.  No power suits back then.  If I took 600lbs off squat stands now my spine would snap.


  • Getbig V
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Re: TIO Training Log
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2020, 04:02:37 PM »
600lbs squat is huge. I squatted 400lbs in a powerlifting meet when I was 17 in the 148lbs class and I weighed 144lbs. I was a sprinter in high school and college. Not exactly powerlifting material.  ;D  It was typical wide stance and low bar. Legal squat but a legal squat in power lifting is shallow.  No power suits back then.  If I took 600lbs off squat stands now my spine would snap.

That's really good for your weight. I was 165 in high school and could barely squat 300, which was pretty good back then. There were a few kids who hit low 400's.

I would fold in half like a cheap lawn chair if i even tried to unrack more than 500 now.  I have not gone over 405 in years, just not interested. I don't deadlift heavy either.  My lower back has taken a beating and my doctor has already warned me.

The most i squatted in the gym was 635 at 257 pounds and to parallel. No suit, just a tight singlet. No knee wraps either.

In a meet i did 615 in the 220 class at 219 pounds, just a singlet and wraps. I had cut 20 pounds in 6 weeks and my strength took a minor hit, but it was a smooth lift.

I began training the Olympic style, so i've always done high bar and shoulder width stance just because it felt natural. The problem with my stance was when the weight got too far forward my knees pushed in, which is really bad. Most of the guys i trained with did a wider stance, but i never really felt comfortable doing it. Just like i never liked doing sumo deadlifts.