Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 231295 times)

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #400 on: March 08, 2011, 07:16:49 AM »

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #401 on: March 08, 2011, 07:18:58 AM »
You really are  a sad fucking joke and embarassment to the human race.
lol says the guy with 50k posts on getbig... you just mad that i point out your epic lies.. instead of sayin "oh my bad i really dont use fox news but...blah blah.. (kind of like how you said you really dont follow fox news)...but you rather wild out and say im an embarassment to the human race? Why, because i dont share the same political views as you.. damn.. you willd.
I dont call you uber lame because we have different political views. Me and BF disagree on everything and he is still cool.. so is tomy and showstoppa. but i call you insanely lame because you come on here like some political guru then just post flat out lies and have numerious contradictions... "embarassnent to the human race" yeah go ask the kids i coach if im an embarassment. Go ask Tyki Nelworth,
one of my mentees that made it to westpoint if im an embarassment to the human race. Or the kids in watts i voluenteer for every week.
The embarassment to the human race is you my friend, the idiot who posts on a site any negative stoy he can find on a guy even if its a flat out lie. that embarassment there chief

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #402 on: March 08, 2011, 07:20:28 AM »
lol says the guy with 50k posts on getbig... you just mad that i point out your epic lies.. instead of sayin "oh my bad i really dont use fox news but...blah blah.. (kind of like how you said you really dont follow fox news)...but you rather wild out and say im an embarassment to the human race? Why, because i dont share the same political views as you.. damn.. you willd.
I dont call you uber lame because we have different political views. Me and BF disagree on everything and he is still cool.. so is tomy and showstoppa. but i call you insanely lame because you come on here like some political guru then just post flat out lies and have numerious contradictions... "embarassnent to the human race" yeah go ask the kids i coach if im an embarassment. Go ask Tyki Nelworth,
one of my mentees that made it to westpoint if im an embarassment to the human race. Or the kids in watts i voluenteer for every week.
The embarassment to the human race is you my friend, the idiot who posts on a site any negative stoy he can find on a guy even if its a flat out lie. that embarassment there chief

whatis a lie?  Did Bachmann lie about th $105 Billion?    yes or no? 

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #403 on: March 08, 2011, 07:25:06 AM »

whatis a lie?  
the fact that you said you dont quote fox news.. and then you did....................q uote fox news..

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #404 on: March 08, 2011, 07:28:05 AM »
the fact that you said you dont quote fox news.. and then you did....................q uote fox news..

I said I don't watch Fox News.  I barely watch any tv at all.   

Regardess, I posted the clip from Meet the Press where Bachmann made the same claims they reported.  What difference does it makes who reports it, i posted the clip of Bachmann in her own words.     

BTW - please tell me when you plan to tell me one good thing Obama has done that has worked out for the average taxayer that has not been offset by some other WTF policy  has put forth.

  Just one would be nice.       

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #405 on: March 08, 2011, 07:30:08 AM »
I said I don't watch Fox News.  I barely watch any tv at all.   

Regardess, I posted the clip from Meet the Press where Bachmann made the same claims they reported.  What difference does it makes who reports it, i posted the clip of Bachmann in her own words.     

BTW - please tell me when you plan to tell me one good thing Obama has done that has worked out for the average taxayer that has not been offset by some other WTF policy  has put forth.

  Just one would be nice.       

so you dont watch fox new but you can get your printed news from them?

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #406 on: March 08, 2011, 07:35:52 AM »
so you dont watch fox new but you can get your printed news from them?

And your point is?   I heard about the story on the radio, saw it reported by and posted it.  Would you ave preferred I posted the same exact stry from a different source? 

I guess postng her in her own words still is not enough for you.   Thats' ok, the Prez looks cool in shades and knows how to brew beer in the WH and host an RB Concert in the WH - Who Dat! 

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #407 on: March 08, 2011, 07:42:28 AM »
And your point is?   I heard about the story on the radio, saw it reported by and posted it.  Would you ave preferred I posted the same exact stry from a different source? 

I guess postng her in her own words still is not enough for you.   Thats' ok, the Prez looks cool in shades and knows how to brew beer in the WH and host an RB Concert in the WH - Who Dat! 

just sayin a bit of consistancy would be cool.. but if not...i guess thats just you

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #408 on: March 08, 2011, 07:45:55 AM »
just sayin a bit of consistancy would be cool.. but if not...i guess thats just you

Consistency of what?  Who cares about the source when I posted the person at issue in their own damn words via youtube? 


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #409 on: March 08, 2011, 07:51:25 AM »

Fox news
But Democrats pushed back on Bachmann's claim, particularly an earlier remark she made about the funding being a "deceitful" trick hidden from public view.

One Democratic aide said the $105 billion was calculated as part of the original "score" for the bill presented to Congress.

"The Congressional Budget Office had this included in their score. They scored the bill and found it (saved) $1.2 trillion over 20 years," the aide said. "What is deceitful is Bachmann voting to end patients' rights while keeping her taxpayer-funded health care."

Though Bachmann claims the authors of the health care law buried the money, the House had three months to find it before approving the final version last March.

just another nut

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #410 on: March 08, 2011, 07:56:41 AM »

Manchin: Obama has 'failed to lead'
By: Jennifer Epstein and Scott Wong
March 8, 2011 08:24 AM EST

West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is planning to rip President Barack Obama on his budget proposals in a Senate floor speech Tuesday, a rare rebuke from a freshman Democrat who clearly is worried about the politics of deficit spending as he faces a tough reelection in 2012.

Manchin says the president has failed to lead the way in reducing spending, but he’s also criticizing Republicans for “partisan” and “unrealistic” budget proposals as well.

“Why are we doing all this when the most powerful person in these negotiations — our president — has failed to lead this debate or offer a serious proposal for spending and cuts that he would be willing to fight for?”

The full-throated rejection of the president’s spending proposals by a politically vulnerable Democrat is just the latest worrisome sign for Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who have yet to rally their party around a unified spending plan. Indeed, Democratic leaders are having trouble just keeping moderates on board — Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) also have expressed skepticism that Democrats are willing to cut enough spending to satisfy voters and make a dent in the deficit.

Manchin will vote against both the Senate Democrats’ proposal, which will cut $10.6 billion below current spending levels and the House Republican version of the continuing resolution, which would cut $61 billion. The Senate is expected to vote on both this week, perhaps as early as Tuesday, and neither is expected to pass.

The government will run out of money on March 18 if there’s no compromise on federal spending, but it’s clear from Manchin’s comments that Democrats have work to do on their side of the aisle while Republicans put up a unified front on spending cuts.

Congress has been engaged in “political theater,” Manchin will say in prepared remarks provided to POLITICO. “Why are we voting on partisan proposals that we know will fail, that we all know don’t balance our nation’s priorities with the need to get our fiscal house in order?”

The remarks were first reported in POLITICO’s Huddle on Tuesday morning.

“Respectfully,” Manchin will say, “I am asking President Obama to take this challenge head on and propose a compromise plan for dealing with the our nation’s fiscal challenges.”

The bills proposed by both Democrats and Republicans take the wrong approaches, Manchin argues.

The Democratic bill includes $6.5 billion in cuts and “utterly ignores our fiscal reality — our nation is badly in debt and spending at absolutely unsustainable and out-of-control levels,” he says. “We must turn our financial ship around, but the Senate proposal continues to sail forward as if there’s no storm on the horizon.”

But Republicans’ spending plan for the rest of the year is “an even more flawed measure,” he says. The GOP bill “blindly hacks the budget with no sense of our priorities or of our values as a country.”

Instead, Congress and the nation need the president’s leadership to work out a bipartisan compromise, Manchin says.

“I know it’s not easy. I know that it takes compromise. I know it will be partisan and difficult. I know that everyone will have to give up something and no one will want to relinquish anything. But that is what the American people demand.”

Other Senate Democrats have expressed similar misgivings about the bill put forward by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), saying it doesn’t go far enough to put the country on the right fiscal footing.

In language not nearly as bold as Manchin’s, McCaskill, who also faces a tough reelection battle in 2012, said Monday she was unsure of whether she’d vote for her party’s bill.

“I feel the cuts are not large enough, but there are some cuts, so I don’t know whether I’ll be for it or against it,” she said. “But I know it doesn’t go as far as we need to go.”

Asked whether she’s looking for a middle option between the Republican and Democratic plans, McCaskill quipped: “I’m the Mama Bear,” a reference to the “Three Bears” children’s story.

Nelson, another vulnerable Democrat targeted by the GOP in the 2012 campaign, told POLITICO that he’s been reviewing both proposals and would decision by Tuesday.

“We’ve been reviewing them, and they’re not close enough yet. But I’m going to make my announcement [Tuesday],” Nelson said. “I don’t know if it’s in the middle. It might be closer to the top.”

Democratic leaders, however, have suggested they’re unwilling to slash any more out of the budget, saying such cuts would kill 700,000 jobs, harm education programs and stifle innovation.

And while Reid is watching his centrist Democrats stray, he also has to worry about liberals getting disenchanted by the race to cut more and more spending.

“I’m willing to see more deficit reduction, but not out of domestic discretionary spending. I think we’ve pushed this to the limit,” Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, said during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday.”

Reid on Monday acknowledged that this week’s votes were purely symbolic. Neither plans have secured the 60 votes required to pass.

“We’ve all done the math, and we all know how these votes will turn out: Neither proposal will pass, which means neither will reach the president’s desk as written,” he said. “We’ll go back to square one and back to the negotiating table.”

But Reid and others say the votes will highlight the difference between those who are “responsible” and “reckless.”

“They will show us which senators are serious about fortifying our long-term future, and which are more concerned with scoring short-term political points. These votes will show us who wants an easy applause line and who wants to strengthen our nation’s bottom line,” Reid said. “And as the two parties’ vastly different proposals make clear, there is a fine line between a responsible budget and a reckless one.”

Jonathan Allen, Manu Raju and Shira Toeplitz contributed to this story.
© 2011 Capitol News Company, LLC


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #411 on: March 08, 2011, 08:19:05 AM »
U.S. Taxpayers on the Hook As Obama Joins a New International Renewable Energy Agency
Monday, March 07, 2011
By Patrick Goodenough

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IRENA Director-General Adnan Amin. (Photo: IRENA)

( – At a time when congressional Republicans are looking for ways to reduce U.S. funding to the United Nations, the Obama administration has formalized its membership in a new international body – and American taxpayers will provide more than one-fifth of its budget.

The administration on Friday deposited its instrument of acceptance to join the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), State Department spokesman Philip Crowley announced.

After joining in June 2009, the U.S. now becomes the 63rd fully ratified member of IRENA, a European-inspired initiative set up in 2009 to promote renewable forms of energy such as wind and solar power.

Although IRENA is not currently a U.N. agency, becoming one is a goal for some of its proponents, and members’ contributions are calculated according to the same formula used to fund the U.N.

The U.S. therefore will provide 22 percent of IRENA’s budget.

In its fiscal 2012 budget request for international programs, the administration has asked for $5.2 million for IRENA.

When the U.S. first announced it was joining the agency in June 2009, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called the decision to participate “an important element of the administration’s effort to support clean energy technologies and the development of low carbon economies to address global climate change.”

At an IRENA meeting last October, the U.S. representative, Assistant Secretary Kerri-Ann Jones of the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, spelled out why the administration was supporting the initiative.

“Much of the world has come to understand that human-induced climate change has the potential to radically alter the planet,” she said.

“We firmly believe that the increased adoption of renewable energy technologies constitutes a crucial piece that will ultimately solve the climate change challenge, while serving as the catalyst for job creation and sound economic growth.”

Several existing U.N. bodies already carry out activity in the field of renewable energy, including the secretariat’s Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The U.N. also has an interagency mechanism to coordinate energy-related efforts, called U.N.-Energy.

Moreover, a non-U.N. organization working in the renewable energy field is the International Energy Agency (IEA). IEA membership is open only to the 34 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), but it does undertake projects with non-OECD developing countries, like China and India.

Despite all this activity underway, the advocates behind IRENA cited mounting concerns about climate change and the need to find “clean” energy sources in arguing for the need for an organization focusing exclusively on renewable energy.

‘North-South tensions’

Progress in setting up the new agency has not been without hiccups.

At a “preparatory commission” meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, in June 2009, a developed country/developing country rift emerged over where IRENA should be based. Germany had played a leading role in the process leading up to its establishment, and pushed for hosting rights, as did Austria and Denmark.

But the United Arab Emirates (UAE) also sought to host IRENA, and Emirati officials traveled to more than 100 countries ahead of the meeting to lobby for support.

Some European activists meanwhile complained that the Gulf state was not an appropriate venue for the agency. Although it has begun to explore renewable energy, the UAE remains almost solely reliant on oil and gas, and has one of the world’s highest per-capita “carbon footprints.”

A compromise hammered out behind the scenes handed the right to host the headquarters to the UAE’s Abu Dhabi, while Germany and Austria got consolation prizes in the form of an IRENA innovation and technology center in Bonn, and an IRENA office in Vienna to liaise with the U.N. and other international organizations. The German and Austrian governments will fund the two satellite entities.

At the time of the meeting, media reports said Germany and Austria withdrew their candidacies after it became apparent that an overwhelming majority of countries supported the UAE.

But one of the classified U.S. government cables released by Wikileaks late last year revealed that the U.S. delegation at the Sharm el-Sheikh meeting played the principal role in brokering the compromise that favored the UAE.

The cable did not make clear why this was important for the administration, although there was a reference to “North-South tensions regarding the role of developed countries in promoting renewable energy in the developing world.”

On a visit to Abu Dhabi last January, Clinton highlighted the fact that IRENA “is the first truly international organization to be headquartered in the Middle East.”

Helene Pelosse, a Frenchwoman who served as the first director-general of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) until resigning abruptly last October, is pictured here with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in New York on September 18, 2009. (UN Photo by Paulo Filgueiras)

IRENA’s next hurdle came when its first interim director-general, Helene Pelosse of France, abruptly resign last October, just 15 months into her tenure.

No official reason was given for Pelosse’s surprise departure, but she told the French news agency AFP later that she had fallen afoul of the UAE government over payment delays and after promoting the recruitment of more women to the agency (when nominated as director-general, Pelosse pledged to aim for a 50 percent female IRENA staff).

After Pelosse resigned the post was handed temporarily to Adnan Amin, a Kenyan national with a U.N. background, pending a final decision to be taken when IRENA holds its inaugural assembly early next month.

Although IRENA is not now a U.N. agency, it says it will work closely with the U.N. and could eventually become a U.N. body.

 “Given the founders’ ambitious time goal for the founding of IRENA, it was not a realistic option for IRENA to become a new United Nations or United Nations-affiliated organization,” a question-and-answer section on the IRENA Web site states.

“Thus, it was decided that IRENA should be created as an independent organization and swiftly commence operations. In the long term however, integrating IRENA into the United Nations should be considered.”

Immediately After her appointment, Pelosse also spoke about the desire for IRENA to become “part of the U.N. family.”

Among those invited to IRENA’s inaugural assembly on April 4-5, is Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi’s foreign minister, Musa Kusa, the Emirates News Agency WAM recently reported.


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #412 on: March 08, 2011, 11:05:05 AM »
U.S., Mexico reach truck deal
Reaction: Some U.S. truckers praise plan, others cite economic harm, safety concerns
By Elizabeth Aguilera

Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 10:29 p.m.

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President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderón agreed Thursday to remove most restrictions on trucking across the U.S.-Mexico border, sparking furor from the Teamsters and raising concerns for truckers on both sides of the border — for different reasons.

The American Trucking Association praised the announcement, saying it will promote trade. The Teamsters and certain trucking companies oppose the deal, saying it sacrifices American jobs when unemployment is high so that big business can save money partly by hiring cheaper drivers.

The Obama-Calderón plan comes 17 years after passage of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which permitted cross-border trucking. Implementation efforts have faced stiff challenges, including lawsuits, over the years from unions and some lawmakers. Critics have cited what they see as environmental and safety deficiencies among Mexican truckers.

“It’s completely importing poverty. It hurts the workers, their families,” said Todd Mendez, secretary-treasurer of Teamsters Local 683 in San Diego. “We will fight tooth and nail and exhaust all resources to fight this bill back. We have no choice but to preserve jobs for Americans.”

Economist Gary Hufbauer sees the agreement as a sign that Obama is not intimidated by unions and expects the move to set a new course for foreign economic policy.

“We promised and we didn’t deliver,” said Hufbauer, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, D.C. “This has been a big issue in trade relations between the U.S. and Mexico.”

After years of trying to establish the U.S.-Mexico trucking program, the two nations’ governments launched a pilot program in 2007. The Obama administration shut down that project in 2009, and the Mexican government responded with tariffs on dozens of American products — worth about $2.4 billion a year — and similar restrictions on U.S. trucks.

The latest compromise requires congressional approval, which could come as early as summer. It would create another pilot program in exchange for gradual cancellation of all the tariffs. Mexican truckers would need to meet several requirements, such as passing English and safety tests and proving that their trucks meet designated environmental standards.

U.S. and Mexican officials are still working out a range of details before the measure is presented to Congress.

Currently, trucks carry merchandise that makes up more than 70 percent of U.S.-Mexico trade, according to the American Trucking Association. The port in Laredo, Texas, was the busiest in 2009 with nearly 1.4 million northbound truck crossings. Otay Mesa ranked second, with more than 684,000, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Cross-border trucking would increase trade between the two countries partly because goods would move more quickly since they would not have to be unloaded and reloaded in the border region, Hufbauer said.

At border ports of entry, security inspections of commercial trucks will not change, said Ralph DeSio, spokesman for Customs and Border Protection in San Diego.

“We are going to continue to do what we need to do to process trucks for entrance into the country,” he said.

For American companies that routinely send trucks to the border, including some with permits that allow their drivers to go up to 30 miles into Mexico, the new agreement brings worries of lost jobs and increased traffic along the border. They are concerned about competitors undercutting them during the bidding process, in part by paying lower wages to Mexican drivers.

“Currently, they bring their freight to us and we take it up to L.A. or other cities,” said Brandon Davis, vice president of San Diego-based Davis Trucking. “If they are going to be able to go wherever they want, then it will kill U.S. trucking companies.”

Davis has a permit to enter the border area of Mexico for pickups. He also takes loads from Mexican truckers and completes the U.S. delivery route. The cross-border business makes up one-quarter to one-third of Davis’ bottom line.

Davis Trucking employs 51 people and runs 75 vehicles from several locations, including Calexico and Los Angeles. The company operates three to five routes in and out of Mexico every day, moving everything from Bimbo Bakery goods to Sony products.

While the agreement would allow U.S. trucks to also transport goods into Mexico, many truckers and the Teamsters said it is an unrealistic and unfair trade-off. Mexico is too dangerous for American truckers, they contend.

Mexican truck companies are focused on the often-prickly binational politics and how U.S. truckers in Mexico might impact their business.

Rafael Godinez Beltran, owner of Transportes Rafa in Mexicali, participated in the pilot program that ran from 2007 to 2009. Now, he is skeptical about the latest deal, although he sees potential long-term benefits.

He had purchased new trucks for the original pilot program, paid the application fees and met safety requirements.

“I am going to need to analyze it and know how it’s going to function to see if we would participate,” Godinez Beltran said. “It would open the market for work, but I’m going to wait and see if it can get beyond the politics.” (619) 293-1717 Twitter @sdutaguilera

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #413 on: March 08, 2011, 11:31:24 AM »
QE3? Several Top Fed Officials Seem To Think That More Quantitative Easing Is Necessary
The Economic Collapse ^ | 03/05/2011 | Michael Snyder

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The end of QE2 is still several months away and yet quite a few top Federal Reserve officials are already hinting that more quantitative easing may be necessary. Apparently the U.S. economy is not moving forward as rapidly as they would like. So it looks like "QE3" could be on the way. But did anyone out there actually believe that quantitative easing would come to a complete stop in June? Whether they call it "QE3" or something else entirely, the reality of the matter is that we have now come to a time when the Federal Reserve is going to be continually purchasing a significant percentage of all new U.S. government debt. This is essentially a gigantic Ponzi scheme, but sadly there is just not enough money in the rest of the world to be able to continue to feed the U.S. government's voracious appetite for debt. Right now Ben Bernanke and his cohorts are trying to break the news to us gently, but anyone with half a brain can see what is happening. The only way for the game to keep going is for the Federal Reserve to print lots more money, and that is going to be incredibly bad for the U.S. economy in the long run.

The other day James Bullard, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, made national headlines when he declared that Fed officials should "never say never" when it comes to QE3 and more quantitative easing. But the truth is that other Fed officials have been dropping public hints about the "need" for QE3 for several weeks now. Just consider the following quotes from top Federal Reserve officials....

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in response to a question about the potential for QE3 at the National Press Club....

"In the end, we'll just ask the same questions. Where's the economy going, and what do various inflation indicator look like? We'll ask those questions. If unemployment is still too low, then we may continue. If we're moving towards full employment, then we won't need to stimulate more."

William Dudley, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during a recent speech at New York University....
"The economy can be allowed to grow rapidly for quite some time before there is a real risk that shrinking slack will result in a rise in underlying inflation."

James Bullard, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis during a recent speech at the Bowling Green Area Chamber of Commerce....

"The natural debate now is whether to complete the program, or to taper off to a somewhat lower level of asset purchases. Quantitative easing has been an effective tool, even while the policy rate is near zero. The economic outlook has improved since the program was announced."

Charles Evans, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago during a recent interview with The Financial Times....

"The message that comes out of what I think of as high-quality research on this subject is that policy ought to remain accommodative for really quite a while, even a while after conditions start to improve."

So how in the world did things get to the point where the Federal Reserve feels forced to recklessly print gigantic piles of money?

Well, it didn't happen overnight. Back during the 1980s and 1990s there were many people that desperately tried to warn about what would happen if U.S. government debt was not brought under control.

Unfortunately, our politicians did not heed those warnings.

Today, the U.S. national debt has reached a grand total of $14,137,541,098,872.71. It is 14 times larger than it was just 30 years ago. It is the largest single debt in the history of the world.

So why don't our politicians just balance the budget now so that we don't keep having to borrow so much money?

Well, there are some huge problems. First of all, when you combine entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare with interest on the national debt, it comes to approximately 64 percent of all federal government spending.

But that is not the bad news.

In the years ahead, entitlement spending and interest on the national debt are both projected to absolutely explode.

We are rapidly approaching a time when spending on entitlement programs and interest on the national debt will be significantly greater than all of the revenue that the federal government brings in each year. All federal revenues will be spoken for even before a single penny is spent on defense, education, running the government or anything else.

Either entitlement programs are going to have to be seriously reformed or the U.S. government is going to have to come up with a massive amount of extra money from somewhere or the U.S. government is going to have to borrow increasingly large piles of money from someone.

Unfortunately, there are no easy solutions and most of our politicians are scared to death to touch entitlement programs because it will mean that they will lose votes.

But our entitlement programs were never meant to be as massive as they are today. Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Today, one out of every 6 American is on Medicaid.

Obviously something has to be done, because the debt that we are passing on to future generations is absolutely criminal.

For example, every single child born in America today inherits $45,000 in U.S. government debt.

Isn't that lovely?

Of course our liberal friends believe that the answer is just to raise taxes.

Oh really?

The truth is that our taxation system is deeply broken.

Small business owners and middle class Americans are being taxed into oblivion while those at the top of the food chain often pay no federal taxes whatsoever.

For example, did you know that Citigroup did not pay a dime of federal taxes in the third quarter? Meanwhile, their executives continue to bring in bonus packages worth millions.

Did you know that even though Boeing receives billions in federal subsidies every year and even though it has a bunch of juicy government contracts it did not pay a single penny in federal corporate income taxes from 2008 to 2010?

Did you know that while Exxon-Mobil did pay $15 billion in taxes in 2009, not a single penny went to the U.S. government? Meanwhile, their CEO brought in over 29 million dollars in total compensation that year.

You can find a lot more examples of this phenomenon right here.

Those at the top of the food chain are experts at avoiding federal taxes. So liberals can raise rates all they want but it won't do much good.

As I have written about previously, the truth is that approximately a third of all the wealth in the world is now held in "offshore" banks. The ultra-wealthy and the monolithic predator corporations that dominate the global economy don't mess around when it comes to paying taxes. They don't care if they aren't paying their "fair share". They simply know how to play the game and they laugh at all the rest of us.

Our entire system is broken beyond repair and needs to be reconstructed from the ground up.

But of course that simply is not going to happen.

So what can be done?

Not a whole heck of a lot.

The truth is that the U.S. economy is on the verge of a major collapse.

Marc Faber, the author of the Gloom, Boom and Doom report recently gave a speech in which he declared that the U.S. financial system is in such disastrous shape that only a "reboot" will be able to save it....

I think we are all doomed. I think what will happen is that we are in the midst of a kind of a crack-up boom that is not sustainable, that eventually the economy will deteriorate, that there will be more money-printing, and then you have inflation, and a poor economy, an extreme form of stagflation, and, eventually, in that situation, countries go to war, and, as a whole, derivatives, the market, and everything will collapse, and like a computer when it crashes, you will have to reboot it.

But can we just "reboot" the system and expect things to go back to normal?

Of course not.

The truth is that when the rest of the world completely loses faith in the U.S. dollar and in U.S. Treasuries the dominoes are going to start to fall. Eventually we are going to see a financial panic that is going to make 2008 look like a Sunday picnic. Our economic system will massively implode as all of the gigantic mountains of debt and paper money collapse like a house of cards.

Right now the Federal Reserve is desperately trying to hold the system together by "papering over" all of the mistakes. But in the end it is not going to work. In fact, what we are witnessing now are the very early stages of hyperinflation. A lot of other nations in the past have thought that they could just print their way out of trouble, but many of those "experiments" ended in total disaster.

Marc Faber is certainly right about one thing - all of this money printing is going to give us substantial inflation to go along with the high unemployment that we already have. This is called "stagflation" and anyone that remembers the 1970s knows that it is not a lot of fun.

But the Federal Reserve seems absolutely determined to print more money. Fed officials are doing the same thing now that they did right before QE2. They are dropping hints about QE3 and they are trying to break it to us gently.

Well, it is about time that someone told the American people the truth. All of this money printing is going to end in disaster and so you had better get prepared.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #414 on: March 08, 2011, 12:02:36 PM »
Team Obama Directly Working to Recall Wisconsin Republicans [The Fifth Column Advances.]
ATR ^ | 2011-03-08 | Joshua Culling

...This morning, Wisconsin Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald said in a radio interview that President Obama's political team is directly involved in burgeoning efforts to recall Republican elected officials (emphasis on the word "elected," as in chosen by the people of Wisconsin in a democratic vote four months ago):

"There's many people that are beginning to believe this is a delay tactic by the Democrats in the Senate so that these recall elections can be organized by the Obama team out of Chicago, which they are, as we start to do the research on the people that have filed the petition," Fitzgerald told Newsradio 620 WTMJ's "Wisconsin's Morning News."

When asked whether Fitzgerald knew that for a fact, he responded, "The organizer against (River Hills Republican Senator) Alberta Darling definitely has direct links to the Obama camp. There's no doubt about it. These guys might be out until June. Unfortunately, what they're trying to do is flip the majority, and I think that's becoming very evident."

This is yet another coup for the state of Illinois. The Senate Democrat caucus has been vacationing in the state for 18 days, providing some much-needed stimulus to the Quinn Economy. Now it has surfaced that they will pay Obama's Chicago team to organize a recall effort...

Read more:

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #415 on: March 08, 2011, 12:31:49 PM »
so you dont watch fox new but you can get your printed news from them?

SO WHAT!!! Try addressing his point, for the love of the Almighty.

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #416 on: March 08, 2011, 12:33:32 PM »
SO WHAT!!! Try addressing his point, for the love of the Almighty.

I'll cut Option Fail a break, when there is nothing left to defend from this horrible Admn, you have to resort to trivial nonsense like this.   


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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #417 on: March 08, 2011, 01:11:46 PM »
Hahaha this thread is your slow descent into madness.  Classic!
Abandon every hope...

Option D

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #418 on: March 08, 2011, 01:15:13 PM »
SO WHAT!!! Try addressing his point, for the love of the Almighty.

he does the same thing with my posts.. which is why i did it. When i posted things he came directly at the source without addressing the content. And thats fine, but dont then compound it by saying, "yeah i only get my news from bloomberg or the wsj" then when someone post one of many fox news' fails he says "yes thats why i dont do fox news, just bloomberg and the way.. look at what i found on fox news"...I just gave him a rope. he hung himself with it

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #419 on: March 08, 2011, 01:15:17 PM »
Hahaha this thread is your slow descent into madness.  Classic!

Please point out what article is madness.  

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #420 on: March 08, 2011, 01:16:24 PM »
he does the same thing with my posts.. which is why i did it. When i posted things he came directly at the source without addressing the content. And thats fine, but dont then compound it by saying, "yeah i only get my news from bloomberg or the wsj" then when someone post one of many fox news' fails he says "yes thats why i dont do fox news, just bloomberg and the way.. look at what i found on fox news"...I just gave him a rope. he hung himself with it

 ::)  ::)

I only posted the same story in her own words on Meet the Press.   I guess you missed that.   

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #422 on: March 08, 2011, 01:21:00 PM »
Please point out what article is madness.  

Oh the over-reaction that is 333.  I wouldn't waste my time reading the garbage and one sided nonsense you take for fact and truth.  All i need to do is read this last page to know the direction you are heading and perhaps you are already there.  Your descent into madness will forever be noted on  Feel proud of that, 333.  There isn't much else you can be proud of on here.  
Abandon every hope...

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #423 on: March 08, 2011, 01:23:24 PM »
Waivers Gone Wild: HHS Grants Another 126 Waivers ^

Typical Chicago-style politics:

The Department of Health and Human Services has found a way to top itself. On Friday, Kathleen Sebelius issued another 126 waivers, bringing the total to 1,040. All told, health care waivers now cover 2.6 million Americans.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Soul Crusher

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Re: Step by Step: How Obama is collapsing America and destroying the nation
« Reply #424 on: March 08, 2011, 01:33:57 PM »