Author Topic: People who have become Muslim  (Read 140111 times)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #425 on: July 26, 2013, 11:24:02 PM »
HAHAHA, Loco you are so pathetic man, stop humiliating yourself with this stupid troll. You're busted already, stop this charade. Trying so hard recently to show you're desi now? I thought you were Ukranian? Anyways seems like your English has improved in the other sections lol.

what do local indian ppl have to do with it? I like Desi girls btw. Desi girls are very nice. So you laugh at my intention hmm. Anyway peace be upon Issa for you and for me Jesus lord and savior =) my Bengali g.f. Converted to Christian btw. She did along time ago but it was a secret. Now that I converted she is open about and more confident. She has been talking to me about Jesus for years. I would deny and say: ''oh my Bengali princess Issa is a prophet'' she would tell me no and about if you have Jesus in your heart you will go to heaven. I am happy with Jesus. We both are converts now =) you are either in the book of life or you are not. Hope this helps. 

And why you keep saying loco? That mean crazy in espanole. Haha maybe you loco man haha like all white muslim convert very loco hehe =)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #426 on: July 27, 2013, 01:52:44 PM »
what do local indian ppl have to do with it? I like Desi girls btw. Desi girls are very nice. So you laugh at my intention hmm. Anyway peace be upon Issa for you and for me Jesus lord and savior =) my Bengali g.f. Converted to Christian btw. She did along time ago but it was a secret. Now that I converted she is open about and more confident. She has been talking to me about Jesus for years. I would deny and say: ''oh my Bengali princess Issa is a prophet'' she would tell me no and about if you have Jesus in your heart you will go to heaven. I am happy with Jesus. We both are converts now =) you are either in the book of life or you are not. Hope this helps. 

And why you keep saying loco? That mean crazy in espanole. Haha maybe you loco man haha like all white muslim convert very loco hehe =)

What's wrong with you? I hope you don't make any kids.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #427 on: July 27, 2013, 07:53:43 PM »
Bollywood star Lisa Ray is half Polish and half Bengali. One of the best and most pretty acttresses =) she always says how our babies will look like lisa ray lol 


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #428 on: July 28, 2013, 10:36:00 AM »

The conversion to Islam of 25-year-old Charity Uzoechina, daughter of Pastor Raymond Uzoechina of Redeem Christian Church of God, Kwankwashe, Suleja, continues to generate controversy. Her father accused the Estu Nupe Alhaji Yahaya Abubukar, of hypnotizing his daughter, who has since changed her name to A'isha, to embrace Islam.

A'isha, who hails from Asaba, Delta State, came to Abuja at the age of 10 when her father relocated from Lagos. After her secondary school education at Army Day Secondary School Asokoro, Abuja she got admission into Federal Polytechnic, Bida to read Public Administration. She, however, withdrew from the course in her first year. She embraced Islam on February 15, 2013. A'isha said since her family relocated to Suleja, guy State, she has been in the midst of Muslims, which accorded her the opportunity to have several Muslims friends and learnt a lot about Islam. The travails of A'isha began when she ran to the Estu Nupe's palace in Bida on March 1, this year to seek protection against any aggression she may face should her family know about her conversion to Islam. This led to a controversy that is still ongoing, with her father accusing the traditional ruler of kidnapping his daughter. Along the line, several meetings were organized between A'isha and her father Pastor Uzoechina and his daughter at the instance of the Estu Nupe, who also involved some members of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN). But despite that, A'isha refused to follow her father, alleging that he has threatened to deal with her by taking her away to a place that she will not be able to practice her new religion. A'isha has taken the matter to a Shariah court in Bida and the court is expected to rule on August 1, 2013 whether or not the 25-year-old should be released to her parents or not. She speaks exclusively to Weekly Trust. Excerpts: Weekly Trust: What is your name? Aisha Uzoechina: I was formerly known as Charity Uzoechina and now A'isha Uzoechina. Why the change of name? I changed my name because I have accepted Islam. What brought you to Bida? I came to Bida in 2012 to read Public Administration at the Federal Polytechnic, Bida. Are you still a student of Federal Polytechnic Bida? No, I am not. I have withdrawn from the school. Did you go back home? No, I did not go home. At the beginning I was planning to go back home, because I wanted to tell my father that I have converted to Islam. When I converted, I was afraid to tell my parents, because of the way my father would behave. I know he will not take it lightly with me. So, for that I refused to go back home. Did anybody force or enticed you to join Islam? I joined Islam on my own. Nobody enticed me with anything to join Islam. What informed your decision to join Islam? I converted to Islam because I love the character of Muslims, particularly the way they behave. You know Muslims believe in God. I have Muslim friends and I watch what they do, that enticed me to join Islam. I used to read Qur'an when I was a Christian. I always join them to read Qur'an and through that I found out that it is the same one God they worship. So I embraced Islam. How did your father come to know about your change of faith? When I ran to the palace, I told you, it was very difficult before I could see the Emir. When I saw him, the emir refused to accept me, because my father did not know about it. He, therefore, collected my father's number from me and called him. The following day my father came and said he wanted to see me.

When we met we talked one on one. What did you tell him? Well the emir told him that I have converted to Islam. when my father talked to me, he said let's go home, but I refused. I told him that I will not change my faith, because I have already accepted Islam and this is where I want to stay. He, therefore, threatened me so much so that I became scared of him. What did he do to you amounting to a threat? In the first place you know, I put on Hijab (veil), he said I should remove the Hijab. He was angry and used some harsh words on me, directing that I should remove the Hijab, but I refused. He threatened to take me to a village where nobody will set his eyes on me. So I became scared of him, therefore I refused to follow him. That is it. Did the emir intervene? The emir gave him one week to come back, but he came back even before it reached one week. He said he must take me home. He will
not take me to our house, but he'll take me to somewhere that nobody will set his eyes on me. I quickly ran back to the emir and to the Shari'a Court for protection. I don't want to go back to my father, because he is threatening me. How did you come to know about the Shari'a Court? I found out from people. I went to them on my own to formally
lodge my complaint. Why Shari'a Court? They have to protect me. You know when you take a case to court over life threatening issue, the court must protect you.

That is it. Did your father come back after you refused to follow him? He came back. He kept on coming back. The other time he even threatened to bring some people to kidnap me. Is it true that at a time your father came with the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) officials to you? Yes. Is it true that you also went to the Jama'atul Nasril Islam
(JNI)? Yes. Why did you go to JNI? I told you and I'll still repeat it, though I don't want to repeat my words again. I want them to intervene on my behalf, the threat is too much. Now I can't go anywhere, I cannot even continue
with my schooling. I cannot do anything because of the way he has been threatening me. He is still bringing people up till now to keep watch on me. How do you know that your father has assigned people to keep watch on you? There was a time that I wanted to go out, information came to me that my father was around and I had to stay back since I don't want him to take me away. I know that if I gout anytime, I he'll pick me up. How did you come to know about JNI? I have been reading about them. That is why I went to them. How did you present your case to JNI? I wrote to them seeking for their intervention, because I do not know how to go about convincing my father. I also learnt that the emir wanted to hand me over to my father, because the burden of my case is becoming too much for him to bear. If your father should promise to allow you to practice your new faith, will you go with him? I'll not. In a family that you are the only Muslim, how can you practice in that house? You know when he (my father) came along with my mother the other time, his actions and the harsh words he used, even if I go back home, my life will not be secured in his hand. That is why I said I'll not go. Did you start learning anything about Islam? Yes, I started learning how to perform ablution. I have learnt how to recite Surah Al-Fatihah, I am now in my second surah. Do you pray five times a day? Yes I do. I am even fasting now. I have been fasting since the beginning of the month of Ramadan. What is your massage to people wanting to join Islam? I have only one massage. Islam is good. Muslims are truthful,
everything they say, they believe in God and they carry people along. Once a person converted to Islam, he'll be carried along until he is strong to stand on his own. What is your appeal to your parent? I am appealing to my parents not to be angry with me. Myconversion to Islam will not separate us. I still love them, even though I am here. They can come and visit me and I can also visit and they shouldn't think my new faith will take away the love I have for them it will not...

(Sister A'isha)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #429 on: July 28, 2013, 10:36:45 AM »

I am so proud and happy this weekend I flew with another peer who used to make very harsh comments about Islam; in the beginning when I announced in the company that I am a muslima some of my colleges were concern of this particular person how he would react, and I was as well because I faced many bad comments from him in the past, but when he confronted me about a picture of my with my hijab and I defended my religion and I talk him I was brought up to respect every one with their beliefs, likes or dislikes, and I was proud and happy wearing my hijab; his attitude changed completely and now when my phone plays the call for pray he doesn't make no more bad comments and he respects me and accepts me as muslim and I am sure he will respect now the entire community. Inshallah. We are the only ones that can make the world to change the image of Islam; if we keep a good attitude towards everyone

Sister Aisha (Revert Sister)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #430 on: July 31, 2013, 02:26:59 PM »

I was baptized protestant as a baby. My parents were not what you would call church people but as kids we were sent to bible school etc. As I got older I really never felt comfortable in church. In my 20's I met my husband as converted to Catholic. Once again I never felt comfortable with this religion. I knew I converted for all the wrong reasons. I did not do it for myself but more to be accepted into his family. I never really was what you would call a church goer. I just never felt comfortable in the Catholic church. Now to the present, about two years ago I met a young man on a Lupus sight that we are both on. Our friendship had nothing to do with his religion (Islam) but with the disease we both shared over the next two years our friend ship grew into more a mother son relationship. I was intrigued how this young man could treat me with the same respect he does his own mother. (He's from Algeria but attends college in North Carolina.)This January I started looking into Islam. The more I read and found out about it the more I fell in love with it. I had finally found a religion that I understood and felt that it understood me too. I started attending Wednesday ladies meetings at a local mosque. The ladies treated me with so much respect from day one. They never made me feel unwanted to different from them. Over the next few months I knew that I wanted to revert. The last meeting we had I decided that was the day for me, I was going to say my shahada. I was nervous that I would mess up the words but my new found sisters made it so easy for me. It was so easy. Afterwards it was a celebration! My sisters gave me the name Halima. My husband who is still catholic was not real understanding with my choice. I told him that I felt this was between me and god and no one else. Over time he has come to understand my decision. Its still not easy for him but he has adjusted a lot. I am hoping over time that he too will convert. He's already told me no that it would kill his dad if he reverted. I think over time that my husband will revert as he too is not comfortable with the religion he was born into. Telling my mom who I thought would be hard was the easiest. She was not happy and still I don't think is but she was the most understanding. My younger sister has yet to mention any of this to me or I to her. I feel its my choice so why do I need anyone's approval. Once again its between me and god. My older sister who I thought had the open mind has been the most out spoken of my decision. You would think I have joined a cult and am going to strap a bomb to my chest! I feel over time they will accept my decision. I have lost friends but come to find out they really were not my friends after all. I've had real friends tell me they have never seen me this happy before! I attend mosque only on Friday and wear my hijab only there. This is something I hope to change over time. I live in a small city of 2800, most are catholic. I hope to over time get more involved in the mosque and my new found religion. At the moment I am just trying to let my family, friends, and relatives adjust to the new me! A course there is always going to be those people that will say I've changed and not for the better but I know the decision I made is for me, and its the right decision. I have always said that things happen for a reason. Me having met my "son" there was a reason for that. It was my time to come back to Islam and I have not regretted one moment of it!

Sister holly Richardson


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #431 on: July 31, 2013, 03:56:45 PM »
I was intrigued how this young man could treat me with the same respect he does his own mother.

Why would that intrigue her? It's not like Muslims have a monopoly on treating people respectfully, so if she was intrigued, I'd say the problem is that she was hanging out around people who didn't respect her to begin with.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #432 on: July 31, 2013, 04:01:17 PM »
Well probably a reflection of her own experience of the moral decline in the UK and in the west in general. Lack of family values, treating elderly with respect rather than dumping them in 'nursing homes' which are practically prisons.

That's just one bit to her experience.

After all our religion teaches family cohesion and respect of parents and elderly. It's a vital teaching and the media never focuses on what our religion teaches rather it tries to create drama.

In fact, the importance of treating the parents well comes second to worshipping God. We are to obey them and treat them with kindness and not speak ill to them even an uff. The only time we are to disobey them is if they ask us to disobey God or follow falsehood. Still even in those circumstances we are to treat them with respect and kindess.

The mother for example is another element that islam teaches to respect. A woman is of high caliber and status but the media does not want to showcase those teachings of Islam. They will focus on village idiots following tribal customs and traditions where women are treated like garbage.

A mother after all carries us 9 months in her womb, takes care of us, nourishes us, raises us.

Something that can't be said equally about western children growing up now a days Godless. I remember back in high school how kids were, and today they are far worse... The media has a big role in it for sure (movies, music and the like). The attitude, the disrespect, the rebellion, the whole lot. Respect of family, parents and elderly has been lost overall in the moral decline of the social fabric in the west.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #433 on: July 31, 2013, 04:48:39 PM »
Well probably a reflection of her own experience of the moral decline in the UK and in the west in general. Lack of family values, treating elderly with respect rather than dumping them in 'nursing homes' which are practically prisons.

That's just one bit to her experience.

After all our religion teaches family cohesion and respect of parents and elderly. It's a vital teaching and the media never focuses on what our religion teaches rather it tries to create drama.

In fact, the importance of treating the parents well comes second to worshipping God. We are to obey them and treat them with kindness and not speak ill to them even an uff. The only time we are to disobey them is if they ask us to disobey God or follow falsehood. Still even in those circumstances we are to treat them with respect and kindess.

The mother for example is another element that islam teaches to respect. A woman is of high caliber and status but the media does not want to showcase those teachings of Islam. They will focus on village idiots following tribal customs and traditions where women are treated like garbage.

A mother after all carries us 9 months in her womb, takes care of us, nourishes us, raises us.

Something that can't be said equally about western children growing up now a days Godless. I remember back in high school how kids were, and today they are far worse... The media has a big role in it for sure (movies, music and the like). The attitude, the disrespect, the rebellion, the whole lot. Respect of family, parents and elderly has been lost overall in the moral decline of the social fabric in the west.

I grew up without god or deities of any kind in my life and I am, as you know, an atheist. Yet I respect my parents quite a lot - for many rational reasons, no religion required.

Respect isn't something exclusive to religion, nor is religion a mandatory prerequisite for respect.

Again, if this person was surprised to be treated with respect, then that says something about the environment she was in. And it was hardly a reason to switch her religion.

Her clear dissatisfaction with her previous religions... that's another story. Clearly she was looking for something that she hadn't found. If that's Islam, great. But it hardly proves anything about Islam that some lady that couldn't get respect anywhere became a Muslim.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #434 on: July 31, 2013, 05:23:18 PM »
F u ahmed. There is no such thing As a radical Islam in my book. I love death for my moderate Islam all the same. I am mad because of you fundamental fawwwwkers. So I am A Christian now because at least a Chistian can understand my feeling. Too many radical fawwwkers in Islam and now I will die for my feelings all the same. I WILL MEET YOU AT ANY TIME FOR A WORK OUT. :) as salamu alayum as we say in arabic :) it's a greeting and there are no capitlas in arabic lol all the same. Stupid ignorant white fawwwkwer same as me lol all one race under god in all religion,.. Not just Islam... See smile face :) i am not gh15


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #435 on: July 31, 2013, 05:45:32 PM »
Oh ok, so you're a gh15 troll now? That makes sense with the fake broken English  ::) Stick to your clear caucasian English. The game of you pretending to be a broken English speaking fob is over bud. Broken English is just making you sound confusing. Not sure if it's your drinking problem that's causing all this. "like we say"... please stop trying to act like you're pakistani or arab already. It's not making you any more of an authentic muslim or ex-muslim. You forgot to throw in some more arabic words, like shish kabab and fattoush. It'll make you even more authentic.

Now if you'll excuse me time for iftar inshAllah :)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #436 on: July 31, 2013, 06:04:34 PM »
No problem. I love Iftari. I love iftari!!!!!!!! I have no problem with Islam :) so many dishes lol You see. I know. I can still hang out but the radicals turned me off :( anyway will always love Islamic but I am a better Christian :)  so, enjoy ur iftar :)


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #437 on: July 31, 2013, 09:57:34 PM »

I was born protestant. As a child i went to sunday school occasionally. Around age 11 or 12 my mom went to different churches to find something that felt right, but never did. She died when i was 15 and i took a downward spiral that landed me in prison at 19. At first i was VERY hostile towards Islam, then one day a muslim asked me to read "Christian-muslim dialogue". I read that , a book called "the bible,the qur'an and science" and then i compared the Qur'an and the bible with the first 2 books and almost as soon as i was done reading, i wanted to take shahada. The imam asked me to think about it for a couple of weeks. I took shahada July 21 1999 at the age of 19. Its been 14 years now and have never looked back. And it calmed me down A LOT. I was a very hostile person as a child and teen. But as Allah s.w.t. Says "Verily in the remembrance of Allah does the heart find peace"

Brother Thomas


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #438 on: August 08, 2013, 08:57:31 AM »


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #439 on: August 12, 2013, 08:17:11 AM »
No problem. I love Iftari. I love iftari!!!!!!!! I have no problem with Islam :) so many dishes lol You see. I know. I can still hang out but the radicals turned me off :( anyway will always love Islamic but I am a better Christian :)  so, enjoy ur iftar :)

So there aren't radical Christians? Then how about Anders Breivik? (
Every religion attracts people with radical mindsets, but don't blame a certain religion for this.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #440 on: August 14, 2013, 08:17:50 AM »

Man of Steel

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #441 on: August 14, 2013, 11:44:49 AM »
So there aren't radical Christians? Then how about Anders Breivik? (
Every religion attracts people with radical mindsets, but don't blame a certain religion for this.

Absolutely there are radical Christians out there, but the term "Christian" is used rather loosely.  First question I ask is whether or not the person, family, group, church, community truly represents Christ.  We all make mistakes here and there, but I what I mean goes beyond that simple notion.  Are these folks living out the will of Christ or are they nominal Christians hiding behind a name supporting an agenda not of Christ?  

The Westboro Baptist Church is an example of radical "Christians".


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #442 on: August 14, 2013, 03:42:20 PM »
Absolutely there are radical Christians out there, but the term "Christian" is used rather loosely.  First question I ask is whether or not the person, family, group, church, community truly represents Christ.  We all make mistakes here and there, but I what I mean goes beyond that simple notion.  Are these folks living out the will of Christ or are they nominal Christians hiding behind a name supporting an agenda not of Christ?  

The Westboro Baptist Church is an example of radical "Christians".

Well said, and that question serves as a good validation.
Every religion, group, (sub)culture, etc attracts a variety of people with certain believes, based on certain intentions/agendas, interpretations, intellectual levels, life experiences, backgrounds and so on.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #443 on: August 22, 2013, 05:19:19 PM »

Roger Bacon

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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #444 on: August 22, 2013, 07:09:57 PM »
a_ahmed OUTED


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #445 on: August 24, 2013, 08:07:53 PM »
^MashAllah another white brother who has embraced Islam. His heart and iman (Faith) are far more worth than your or my muscle :) God does not judge us based on our appearances but rather on our heart and actions

Tonight I had the privilege of listening to Arnoud Van Dourn live. Amazing speech/lecture.

Brief one hour on his biography, background, family, upbringing, involvment in Dutch politics and finally his coming to Islam and his current activities. Can't wait to post it once someone uploads it. Lots of people were recording. I wasn't recording.

Tomorrow he's speaking as well at another event my wife and I will be attending (big islamic conference this weekend).


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #446 on: August 25, 2013, 12:30:20 AM »
Tonight I had the privilege of listening to Arnoud Van Dourn live. Amazing speech/lecture.

Brief one hour on his biography, background, family, upbringing, involvment in Dutch politics and finally his coming to Islam and his current activities. Can't wait to post it once someone uploads it. Lots of people were recording. I wasn't recording.

Tomorrow he's speaking as well at another event my wife and I will be attending (big islamic conference this weekend).

Was he in Canada on a speaking tour?


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #447 on: August 25, 2013, 06:19:10 AM »
Oh ok, so you're a gh15 troll now? That makes sense with the fake broken English  ::) Stick to your clear caucasian English. The game of you pretending to be a broken English speaking fob is over bud. Broken English is just making you sound confusing. Not sure if it's your drinking problem that's causing all this. "like we say"... please stop trying to act like you're pakistani or arab already. It's not making you any more of an authentic muslim or ex-muslim. You forgot to throw in some more arabic words, like shish kabab and fattoush. It'll make you even more authentic.

Now if you'll excuse me time for iftar inshAllah :)

This thread is one of the best arguments for atheism I have ever come across.


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #448 on: August 25, 2013, 09:31:01 AM »
Was he in Canada on a speaking tour?

Ya I listened to him last night, I will be going to another location where he'll be speaking as well with Yvonne Ridley and Abdur Raheem Green. It starts 2:45pm eastern time.

Just getting in my protein in and heading out the house for the conference (already going on since the morning)

I'm sure the videos will be uploaded by the Canadian Dawah Association from the event yesterday and of course the conference today. Once it's made available I'll post it inshAllah.

One of his current projects is that he has started a Islamic political party of Holland and is working on that to have a voice for Muslims in Holland. Winning seats would mean muslims would be represented. As the anti-islam geert wilders party has alot of seats and is quite a menace in spreading hate. He talked about how when before he even became vice president of the party how they trained him and their tactics in how to use the media to abuse islam and lie about islam and convince people in the lies of the anti-islam party.

He also talked about how when he started asking critical questions and started reading the qur'an how geert wilders was angry and didn't like the points he was bringing about. For example how geert wilders was misquoting the qur'an and cherry picking not only verses out of context but not quoting the verses entirely amongst other things.

Basically from the beginning he was convinced what geert wilders and the anti-islam party were doing as 'truth' but as he started being more involved and learning he started finding out this isn't the truth and he clearly has an ulterior agenda, not in spreading truth in the matter but fueling hate and spreading lies about Islam. He was uncomfortable with this.

So as things are he is working on fighting islamophobia which is very widespread in Europe especially in the Netherlands and undoing the damage he has done through being vice president and PR person to the anti-islam party of geert wilders. Geert Wilders and Arnoud have not spoken ever since he has left the party. Basically as he put it. Once you leave the party you are no body and they don't know you, a traitor and they wanted nothing to do with him.

He felt inside all that they were doing was obviously wrong and even though that was his living salary he decided he has to stand up for the truth and Allah (swt) will provide a means for him and his sustenance so he gave up his position and salary obviously for the truth. What good is an income which is based from evil.

Anyways the whole talk the way he elborates everything is much better than the way I can put it. So when the video is made available I will post it inshAllah


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Re: People who have become Muslim
« Reply #449 on: August 25, 2013, 09:44:38 AM »