Author Topic: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal  (Read 46091 times)


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #550 on: January 08, 2024, 09:36:17 AM »
January 08, 2024


Leg Press - 6 X 20,15,12,10,10,20 (after 2 warm up sets of 20)
Landmine Hack Squats - 3 X 12 (constant weight)
Leg Extensions - 3 X 20 (constant weight w rest pause)
Adductor Machine 3 X 35,15,12...dropped weight and got up to 20 on the last set

Seated Leg Curls - 5 X 20,12,12,12,10 (plus partials to failure on the last 3 sets)

Leg Press Calf Extensions - 5 X failure plus stretching after every set.

Didn`t feel like training.....drove through a ton of snow, and kicked some legs are toast!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #551 on: January 09, 2024, 09:56:07 AM »
January 09, 2024

Chest & Back:

DB Flyes - 5 X 15,12,10,10,12
Pec-Deck - 3 X 12 (constant weight)

Pulldowns - 5 X 12,12,10,8,10
Seated Rowing Machine - 5 X 12,10,10,12,15

My bad elbow is improving......I believe the DMSO is working as my wrist is now fine after several applications,and my elbow has less pain.

Decided not to do any pressing moves on chest or pullovers, until I feel my elbow is 100% pain free.......besides heavy flyes is one of my go to exercises.

Good workout !!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #552 on: January 11, 2024, 10:14:40 AM »
January 10,2024



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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #553 on: January 11, 2024, 10:16:18 AM »
January 11, 2024


Seated Bradford Press - 5 X 15,10,8,8,12
DB Laterals - 3 X 12 (constant wt.....brief rests)
DB Laterals Behind Back - 3 X 15 (constant wt.....brief rests)
Face-Pulls - 5 X 25,12,12,12,15 (tried to hold each rep for a second and squeeze)

Lying Plate Neck Raises - 5 X failure (various poundages)

Super-Set :
{Crunches - 3 X failure
{Lying Leg Raises - 3 X failure

Ab Crunch Machine - 3 X 12-15

Great day.......trained my guts out at a good pace....set 2 new PR`s since my comeback on Bradford Presses!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #554 on: January 12, 2024, 09:18:49 AM »
January 12, 2024

Biceps/Triceps,Forearms Calves:

Super-Set #1:
{Cable Preacher Curls - 5 X 12,10,10,10,10 (plus a few partials from the bottom on the last set)
{Bent-Forward Cable Extensions - 5 X 25,25,20,20,20 (went light,just testing my bad elbow.....huge pump)

Super-Set #2:
{Hoist Seated Cable Curl Machine - 3 X 12 (constant weight)
{Cable Pushdowns 3 X 20 (elbow is getting better....thanks DMSO)

Reverse Wrist Curls - 3 X failure

Rotary Calf Machine - 6 X failure (various poundages, and stretching after every set on a high block)

Great week of training.....I`m in great training shape finally after so many setbacks......gonna start tearing the gym apart next week!!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #555 on: January 12, 2024, 10:29:10 AM »


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #556 on: January 13, 2024, 02:47:44 AM »
Weekends off as usual.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #558 on: January 15, 2024, 10:05:33 AM »
January 15, 2024


I start my week with legs.........I literally crawled in the snow and ice all the way to
town.....I never went above 30 MPH..........stopped to fill my gas tank,then a fucking veritable blizzard took over with tons of show and whipping fucking winds.......this was enough to say fuck it as the weather up here in unpredictable.

Stopped at the store.....picked up food,and drove 30 MPH back home on icy roads.

Seems like the weather is gonna be worse this coming week with more snow and 6-8 degree high temp days, so Ill be training at home tomorrow unless conditions change.

I can`t do justice to a leg day at home as I simply don`t have the equipment needed to do so, but lunges,goblet squats,step-up and RDL will suffice I guess as I have no choice.

I was, and still am very enthusiastic cuz my training has been going great, but a light week might just be the ticket any rate I won`t lose anything unless I venture out again like a dummy and wreck my car.

We`ll see what tomorrow brings.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #559 on: January 16, 2024, 11:38:45 AM »
January 16, 2024

Chest & Back:

DB Flyes - 8 X 15,12,12,12,10,10,10,10

DB Pullovers - 4 X 15,12,12,12

Double  DB Rows - 4 X 12 (constant weight)

Trained at home.......the roads are terrible and its snowing again.

Short and sweet, but got a  great pump !!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #560 on: January 17, 2024, 08:43:23 AM »
January 17, 2024


DB Laterals 6 Drop-Sets to failure
Bent-Over Laterals - 6 x 12-15
Seated DB Press - 1 Drop-Set to failure

Had to train at home again.....I`m just gonna call this a light week as I don`t have a ton of equipment and the atmosphere sucks.

I`m hoping the roads are good so I can hit legs at the gym this week as opposed to here at home.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #561 on: January 19, 2024, 07:31:39 AM »
Jan. 18th. and 19th.

Took off yesterday and a sore/scratchy throat  and feel like shit............shovelin g snow in 50 MPH winds didn`t help I`m sure.

Back to the gym on Monday even if I have to use a horse drawn sleigh to get at home sucks for me as I just have basic stuff to use.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #562 on: January 22, 2024, 08:53:09 AM »
Weekend off as usual.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #563 on: January 22, 2024, 08:54:22 AM »
January 22, 2024

Leg Press - 5 X 20,15,12,12,12
Leg Extensions - 5 X 20,20,15,12,12
Adductor Machine - 2 X 30,20

Seated Leg Curls - 6 X 20,12,12,12,15,20 (plus partial reps on some sets)

Leg Press Calf Extensions - 6 X failure (plus partials and stretching after each set)

Good one........kept the weight moderate with short rest periods.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #564 on: January 22, 2024, 06:31:14 PM »
DMSO! I haven't heard about that stuff since 1977. Does it work? I had a training partner who was always putting that stuff on his bad shoulder.

Training at home stinks if you don't have the necessary equipment. When I was a around 12 years old I told my brother I only have two light dumbbells and they are not heavy enough. He said if you think they are light you are not doing enough reps. He made a good point.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #565 on: January 23, 2024, 09:23:39 AM »
January 23, 2024

Chest & Back:

DB Flyes - 5 X 15,12,8,8,12
Seated Bench Press  Machine - 3 X 12,8,10
Pec-Deck - 2 X 15

Lat Pulldowns - 4 X 15,12,8,10
Hoist Seated Row  Machine - 4 X 12,12,10,10
Straight-Arm Pulldowns - 2 X 20,15

Tried to start chest with Smith Inclines but my  sore elbow wasn`t having`s getting better but still bothers me on some movements.

Instead I went with pre-exhausting the pecs with Flyes which worked out good.

Nice pump and burn !!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #566 on: January 23, 2024, 09:28:57 AM »
DMSO! I haven't heard about that stuff since 1977. Does it work? I had a training partner who was always putting that stuff on his bad shoulder.

Training at home stinks if you don't have the necessary equipment. When I was a around 12 years old I told my brother I only have two light dumbbells and they are not heavy enough. He said if you think they are light you are not doing enough reps. He made a good point.
Hey Rich.....hope all is well buddy!  :)

Yes,I think the DMSO is helping in a big way.

I`m using a roll on version which makes it easy to apply.

However,I have no clue as to how much to use as it is not FDA approved,thus,I think I put on too much a few times as it irritated my skin.......burning at first,and itching afterwards.

It`s guesswork as far as dosing goes,so I`m putting on a bit less EOD as opposed to daily.........seems to be helping quite a bit.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #567 on: January 23, 2024, 06:21:04 PM »
I heard it goes right through your skin into the muscle area. Glad it's working for you. I might get some.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #568 on: January 24, 2024, 06:26:51 AM »
I heard it goes right through your skin into the muscle area. Glad it's working for you. I might get some.
Yes it does.....that`s what makes the roll on version really nice, as I always heard that if you applied it with a cloth,which was always recommended, that the cloth better be a white one because if you used a red one for example,the dye from the color red would go right through your skin as DMSO is transdermal.

Roll on version = nothing touches your skin except for the applicator itself.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #569 on: January 24, 2024, 06:27:56 AM »
January 24, 2024



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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #570 on: January 25, 2024, 09:00:48 AM »
January 25, 2024


Seated DB Press - 4 sets
DB Lateral Raise - 4 sets
Bent-Over Laterals - 4 sets

Lying Plate Neck Raise - 4 sets

Crunches - 4 sets

Trained at home.....very intense,really short rest periods....insane pump !!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #571 on: January 26, 2024, 08:05:53 AM »
January 26, 2024


Super-Set #1:
{Cable Curls - 5 sets
{Bent-Forward Triceps Cable Exts. - 5 sets

Super-Set #2:
{Hoist Seated Curl Machine - 3 sets
{Pressdowns - 3 sets

{Wrist Curls - 4 sets
{Reverse Wrist Curls - 4 sets

Still forced to take it easy on my bad elbow.........high reps on Triceps just to get blood into the area.

Pretty decent week of training!


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #572 on: January 30, 2024, 08:28:53 AM »
Took an extra rest day along with my normal weekend off.


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #573 on: January 30, 2024, 08:29:52 AM »
January 30, 2024


Leg Press 5 X 20,15,12,12,12 (after 2 warmup sets)
Landmine Hack Squat - 5 X 12 (non - lock,constant weight)
Leg Extensions - 4 X 20,12,12,15
Adductor Machine - 2 X 25,20

Seated Leg Curls - 6 X 20,12,12,12,15,20

Rotary Calf Machine 6 X failure follows by stretching on a high block

I`m hobbled !!  :P


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Re: Wes - My Training & Diet Journal
« Reply #574 on: January 31, 2024, 11:00:02 AM »
January 31, 2024

Chest & Back:

Smith Inclines - 5 sets
DB Flyes - 4 sets
Hoist Seated Bench Press Machine - 3 sets

Underhand Grip Pulldowns - 4 sets
Two-Arm DB Rows - 4 sets
Seated Cable Rows - 4 sets