Author Topic: Prep for - nothing, really.  (Read 178625 times)

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #200 on: January 30, 2009, 07:44:50 PM »
Friday, 1/30

Upper Body ME

Floor Press
215x1 PR

Close-Grip Bench Press (feet on bench)

Tate Press

Hang Snatch

Close-Grip Cable Row

Standing Hammer Curl

Got a halfway decent single with 215, it wasn't pretty but it went all the way back up.  Nothing else too special to report, just humming along, business as usual.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #201 on: January 30, 2009, 07:46:54 PM »
wicked work on that floor press buddy.. that exercise blows balls and you stomped out a nice pr! keep it up!

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #202 on: January 31, 2009, 09:24:38 PM »
Thanks dude, not the prettiest rep I've ever done but my ass stayed down and my elbows hit the floor, so I'll count it.

I think doing the higher repetition work on my other bench day has been a huge help in getting my maxes higher, the best I'd done up until the last 2 tries on ME day was 185 for 3.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #203 on: February 03, 2009, 09:28:51 AM »
Kickass workout last night:

Lower Body ME

335x1 20lb PR

Dimel Deadlift

45-Degree Barbell Back Raise

Pulldown Abs (facing stack)

I felt like I smoked every single lift on the deadlifts last night, even the 335 was smooth all the way to lockout, no sticking points.  If I had been up to it I probably could have tried 340 or 345, but I decided a 20lb PR was good enough and left a little for next week.  My previous best on the deadlift was 405, but that was with straps, a belt, and taking the bar off a rack instead of dead from the floor.  It was also prior to my car accident in September, so it's not very applicable to my current situation.  The 335 last night was with nothing but chalk and my Chuck T's.  Granted, I spent almost an hour throughout the day yesterday doing foam rolling and aggressive stretching to get ready for my deads, but it was worth it.

In a related note, I've discontinued continuous chiropractic treatment for my spinal injury from the car accident because I've been stuck at about 90% recovery for a month or so and neither I nor my doc see it getting much better than that.  I still do about an hour or two of stretching and mobility throughout the day and 10-15 minutes before I go to bed, along with a shitload of foam rolling my lower back and thoracic spine.  Now I get the pleasure of going through the personal injury settlement process with the insurance company and putting a dollar value to all the shit I've dealt with for the last few months and figuring out what the long-term ramifications are.  The last time they offered to settle it was for $500 in personal injury coverage.  No fucking way.  Not for someone who has to teach people how to lift heavy shit 8-12 hours a day, 5 days a week.  One bad flare-up can cost me up to $200 a day in cancelled sessions.

Anyway, that's the end of my insurance rant.  Now back to your regularly scheduled training log.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #204 on: February 03, 2009, 01:30:33 PM »
Tuesday, 2/3

Upper Body DE

Pin Press

Incline Patterson Press

Hang Snatch

Assisted Underhand Chin

Assisted Dips

Switching back to DE work for 3 weeks to keep my bar speed high.  Nothing fancy, I like the Patterson presses for a supplemental exercise.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #205 on: February 05, 2009, 01:56:16 PM »
Thursday, 2/5

Lower Body DE

14" Box Squat

Medium-Stance Good Morning


DB Side Bend

Dropped my squat weight for DE from the last time I was doing it, I had been using 275 as my 1RM, but that was off a 17" box and 14" is what gets me parallel.  My 1RM there is 235, for the time being.

I'm also still sore from my deadlifts on Monday, but if all goes well next week I'm going to try for 345 or 355 and set another PR.  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Westside seminar with Louie at SuperTraining is this weekend, can't fucking wait.  I'm getting my lifts and Louie's verbal beatdown of said lifts videotaped on Sunday, then I'll throw it up on youtube.  I hope he destroys the shit out of me, I have never had a coach who knew what they were doing watch my technique on ANYTHING.  I'm completely self-taught so it should be a good experience.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #206 on: February 05, 2009, 02:00:34 PM »
Thursday, 2/5

Lower Body DE

14" Box Squat

Medium-Stance Good Morning


DB Side Bend

Dropped my squat weight for DE from the last time I was doing it, I had been using 275 as my 1RM, but that was off a 17" box and 14" is what gets me parallel.  My 1RM there is 235, for the time being.

I'm also still sore from my deadlifts on Monday, but if all goes well next week I'm going to try for 345 or 355 and set another PR.  I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Westside seminar with Louie at SuperTraining is this weekend, can't fucking wait.  I'm getting my lifts and Louie's verbal beatdown of said lifts videotaped on Sunday, then I'll throw it up on youtube.  I hope he destroys the shit out of me, I have never had a coach who knew what they were doing watch my technique on ANYTHING.  I'm completely self-taught so it should be a good experience.

lucky bastard! Dude come back and report man I can't wait to hear how this goes for ya!

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #207 on: February 05, 2009, 02:07:32 PM »
lucky bastard! Dude come back and report man I can't wait to hear how this goes for ya!

Should be good, and they're putting it out on DVD later this year as far as I understand.  I guess he hasn't done a full 2-day seminar in like 4-5 years.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #208 on: February 05, 2009, 05:17:24 PM »
That's awesome Zach.  Have fun and learn lots.  :)


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #209 on: February 06, 2009, 12:48:06 PM »
Friday, 2/6

Upper Body RE

Illegal Wide Bench Press

Rope Pressdown

Wide-Grip Pulldown

Sled Face Pull
25x1 trip (100 feet? maybe?)
45x1 trip
70x1 trip
90x1 trip

Sled Front Raise
45x1 trip
25x1 trip

Kind of a deload day for ME stuff, did illegal wides for reps instead of maxing out.  Something didn't seem right for max work today so I listened to my body and backed off a bit.  Besides, I just got a sled from EliteFTS and I felt like saving some energy to play around with it a bit at the end of my workout.  Good stuff, that's all I have to say about it.  I can see this thing helping to put some substance to my squats and deadlifts, that's for sure.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #210 on: February 09, 2009, 10:21:45 AM »
No video from the the training day part of Louie's seminar, as the plan for the day as scheduled broke down rather quickly.  It was supposed to be: 8:30am - Mark Bell's SuperTraining team was to do speed bench and the rest of the group would watch and listen as Louie broke their training down, then we would be allowed to break out the video cameras and have Louie coach our big 3 lifts.  It ended up going something like this:

8:30am - Mark and his guys start speed bench with bands
8:33am - Somebody puts a safety squat bar on a monolift and starts trying box squats
8:34am - 2 other people join the guy on the monolift
8:36am - Another person starts working speed deadlifts on the platform
8:36am again - A group starts speed squats with chains on the second monolift
8:37 - I joined the group with the safety squat bar, added the EFS blue foam pad to the box

By this point it was pretty much complete chaos.  Shit is dropping everywhere, chalk is flying, people are throwing shit around, pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.  I had never used a safety bar before, let alone on a 12" box with foam (I usually use 14" to hit parallel).  We were pretty much the weakest group out of everyone, and Louie spent at least 20 minutes with us.  I was going to bow out at 225 since my most recent box squat record is 235, but the guys wouldn't let me, so I ended up getting a relatively decent single with 275 off the foam.  Not too hard with Louie right up in your ear the whole time.

I hadn't gone with the intention of doing a full session, but it worked out that way.  Didn't log everything, but it went something like this after the squats:

3-4 sets of sumo deadlifts for singles
6 sets of reverse hypers
3 sets of GHR
5 sets of face pulls
5-6 sets of pulldown abs

Good shit.  I think I fucked my hip up a little at some point, it's time for some compression shorts or groove briefs I think.  I was told at the Saturday seminar that I have "the hip strength of a 9 year old girl, and the hip flexibility of a 90 year old woman."  Wow.

On another bright note, I was invited back to Super Training to work with them on the weekends for dynamic work and to use the reverse hyper and GHR.  I'm hoping I can make it work with my schedule.  They also train Tuesday/Thursday from 4-8, but that's prime time for my training clients so I can't cut out, as much as I would love to.  It was a boost of confidence to hear that Louie thinks I could probably hit an elite total within a year and a half.

Anyway, the ST guys took a shitload of pics and video, it's being released on DVD and I'm assuming they'll put some up on YouTube.  I also have some pics of Saturday.

Oh, and the two best new exercises I saw on Saturday are without a doubt, walking safety squat good mornings, and sumo-stance, straight leg, arched back deadlifts.  Holy fuck on a basket.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #211 on: February 09, 2009, 12:40:28 PM »
Upper Body DE

Pin Press

Pin #6 Lockout

Chest-Supported Barbell Row

Forward Sled Drag

Louie told me this weekend that I need to start dragging the sled at least 3 days a week, preferably 5 or 6.  I'm starting out this week with just 6 trips per day of 200', with a plate or two to begin.  Pretty sad when that's what he and his guys warm up with on their lower body days, and I'm drained after doing it with just a plate.  I can see a lot of potential with this thing.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #212 on: February 10, 2009, 04:48:15 AM »
No video from the the training day part of Louie's seminar, as the plan for the day as scheduled broke down rather quickly.  It was supposed to be: 8:30am - Mark Bell's SuperTraining team was to do speed bench and the rest of the group would watch and listen as Louie broke their training down, then we would be allowed to break out the video cameras and have Louie coach our big 3 lifts.  It ended up going something like this:

8:30am - Mark and his guys start speed bench with bands
8:33am - Somebody puts a safety squat bar on a monolift and starts trying box squats
8:34am - 2 other people join the guy on the monolift
8:36am - Another person starts working speed deadlifts on the platform
8:36am again - A group starts speed squats with chains on the second monolift
8:37 - I joined the group with the safety squat bar, added the EFS blue foam pad to the box

By this point it was pretty much complete chaos.  Shit is dropping everywhere, chalk is flying, people are throwing shit around, pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever experienced.  I had never used a safety bar before, let alone on a 12" box with foam (I usually use 14" to hit parallel).  We were pretty much the weakest group out of everyone, and Louie spent at least 20 minutes with us.  I was going to bow out at 225 since my most recent box squat record is 235, but the guys wouldn't let me, so I ended up getting a relatively decent single with 275 off the foam.  Not too hard with Louie right up in your ear the whole time.

I hadn't gone with the intention of doing a full session, but it worked out that way.  Didn't log everything, but it went something like this after the squats:

3-4 sets of sumo deadlifts for singles
6 sets of reverse hypers
3 sets of GHR
5 sets of face pulls
5-6 sets of pulldown abs

Good shit.  I think I fucked my hip up a little at some point, it's time for some compression shorts or groove briefs I think.  I was told at the Saturday seminar that I have "the hip strength of a 9 year old girl, and the hip flexibility of a 90 year old woman."  Wow.

On another bright note, I was invited back to Super Training to work with them on the weekends for dynamic work and to use the reverse hyper and GHR.  I'm hoping I can make it work with my schedule.  They also train Tuesday/Thursday from 4-8, but that's prime time for my training clients so I can't cut out, as much as I would love to.  It was a boost of confidence to hear that Louie thinks I could probably hit an elite total within a year and a half.

Anyway, the ST guys took a shitload of pics and video, it's being released on DVD and I'm assuming they'll put some up on YouTube.  I also have some pics of Saturday.

Oh, and the two best new exercises I saw on Saturday are without a doubt, walking safety squat good mornings, and sumo-stance, straight leg, arched back deadlifts.  Holy fuck on a basket.

hahaha good stuff Zach, sounds like it was a pretty cool experience.

Start stretching those hips woman!   ;D


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #213 on: February 10, 2009, 08:47:21 AM »

hahaha good stuff Zach, sounds like it was a pretty cool experience.

Start stretching those hips woman!   ;D

It was fantastic, and if I get to start training even a few times a month with Mark Bell and his guys, I can imagine that my lifts should go through the roof.

And I'm stretching my hips enough to hopefully have the flexibility of an 80-year-old woman sometime soon.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #214 on: February 10, 2009, 12:59:49 PM »
Lower Body Assistance

Forward Sled Dragging

Band Pullthrough
2x light band x 30
2x avg band x 20

Pulldown Abs facing stack

Today would have normally been ME work, but since I maxed on Sunday I am keeping it to just some accessory stuff.  Glutes, hams and hips are all feeling good from 2 days of sled dragging.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #215 on: February 12, 2009, 02:15:26 PM »
Upper Body ME

Mini Band Bench Press
(added minis)

Overhead Push Press off pins
125x5 (w/ light spot)
135x3 (w/ light spot)

Incline Patterson Press ss/ w Tate Press
30x15/30x15 (switched order to Tate Press first)

Chest-Supported BB Row

Forward Sled Drag

Great workout today, had a chance to workout with a strongman competitor who is also a trainer at my gym.  Just having someone around to keep their hands even near the bar makes it a hell of a lot easier to handle the heavier stuff.  The plan is to hopefully train ME with him on Tuesday/Thursday, then either try to get down to SuperTraining on the weekends for speed work (if Mark will let me, his guys invited me down but I figured I better get something worked out with him before I just show up) or do DE on Monday/Friday when I can't make it down there.  We'll see how it goes.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #216 on: February 13, 2009, 11:30:20 AM »
Lower Body DE

14" Box Squat w/ light bands
(added light bands)

Dimel Deadlift

Band Good Morning (w/ conventional stance)
3x avg x 20

Double Olympic Bar Suitcase Deadlift off #1 pin (below knee)

Pulldown Abs (facing stack)

First DE workout with bands, noticed 2 things:
1) My hips are sore as fuck, I need to back off the wide-stance ME work for a while
2) I'm waaaaaay faster with bands than without them.  I always kind of doubted that when I'd read about it, but it's damn true.

Trained early this morning with the strongman guy again.  He needed something to get him stronger at lifting farmer's handles off the ground, so we came up with the double suitcase off pins.  I was adding kind of a power shrug to the top of it as well, felt fantastic.  For me it's about as close to a trap bar deadlift as I can get without going and buying one.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #217 on: February 13, 2009, 01:17:57 PM »
Quick hip rehab circuit with the sled:

4-way circuit (hips/glutes/adduction/abduction)
0x10 reps/leg
10x10 reps/leg

I had this suggested for my hip soreness to alleviate some of the pain and keep mobility and balance in all 4 directions.  I'll throw it in as needed and see what it does.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #218 on: February 14, 2009, 12:01:57 PM »
what does DE and ME stand for?


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #219 on: February 14, 2009, 12:50:32 PM »
what does DE and ME stand for?
Dynamic Effort
Maximum Effort

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #220 on: February 16, 2009, 12:01:59 PM »
DE - Dynamic Effort, 50-60% 1RM for sets of 1-3 focusing on maintaining bar speed, usually 8-12 sets and short rest periods

ME - Max Effort - 90%+, 1-3 reps and long rest periods

RE - Repetition Effort - bodybuilding, submaximal weights to failure

Basically the cornerstones of a Westside/conjugate training program.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #221 on: February 16, 2009, 01:21:30 PM »
Upper Body DE

5 minutes upper body sled warmup - face pulls, chest press, low row, overhead tricep extensions x2 trips each

Bench Press w/ mini bands
(added minis)

Pin #5 Lockout

Incline DB Press w/ mini band

Incline Upright Row ss/ w/ Chest-Supported BB Row
45x10, 45x15
65x10, 65x15
75x8, 75x12

Forward Sled Drag

Went probably too light on the speed bench, by maybe 10-15lbs.  Other than that pretty straightforward stuff today.

Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #222 on: February 17, 2009, 01:48:43 PM »
Lower body max today, got some videos of my reverse banded deads and low pin Zercher squats.  I figured out that my deadlift sucks because I can't get my shoulders behind the bar, and I can't do that because we have the shitty 12-sided Iron Grip plates at my gym so I can't roll the bar as I pull.  Whoever invented the 12-sided plate should be bludgeoned with a hammock.


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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #223 on: February 17, 2009, 05:20:09 PM »
Lower body max today, got some videos of my reverse banded deads and low pin Zercher squats.  I figured out that my deadlift sucks because I can't get my shoulders behind the bar, and I can't do that because we have the shitty 12-sided Iron Grip plates at my gym so I can't roll the bar as I pull.  Whoever invented the 12-sided plate should be bludgeoned with a hammock.

LOL!  I have the same problem at my gym.  That must be what's wrong with my deadlift!  >:(


Zach Trowbridge

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Re: Zach's Westside log
« Reply #224 on: February 17, 2009, 11:21:20 PM »
Lower Body ME

Forward Sled Drag

Reverse Band Deadlift

Zercher Squat off #1 pin

Band Good Morning
3x avg x 25
Split Stance Pulldown Abs

385x1 Deadlift

405 bombed out

175x5 Zercher squat