Author Topic: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!  (Read 26517 times)


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #175 on: September 12, 2008, 04:45:18 AM »
Borderline communism Chimps, he want you and to depend on the Government for everything, he want to dictate where and who my money goes to, he wants to tell me and you what health care system to use and so and so on. I understand the difference but its not much.

This administration is about to hand out multibillions to private companies....freddie and fannie with the auto industry next in line with it's hand out.
All bullshit,politicians spend our money wherever they want to and we have NO SAY in the Matter.

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #176 on: September 12, 2008, 05:59:39 AM »
Gibson ate her alive in that interview.  She isn't ready to be president.  Throw out all the resume stuff.  When asked why she's ready to face down Putin, the answer was "I can see Russia from Alaska!"

Simpleton answer there.  Watch what happens should she have to assume the office for any reason.  Putin will test her minute #1. 

Heck, she just said if Israel wants to attack Iran, we shuld let them.  Even Bush himself keeps stopping them.  She doesn't understand what happens when 15% of the world's oil suddenly stops flowing.

George Whorewell

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #177 on: September 12, 2008, 06:28:48 AM »
Ok, the former president of Russia is going to test the vice presidental nominee because of some dopey interview? 240 your as delusional as Obama. I suppose McCain will be at the golf-course or shuffule board court with George W. Bush drinking the blood of dead Iraqi's and plotting the next 911 while Palin is busy delivering her teenage daughter baby, cooking a roast and running the free world. No cabinet members, no embasadors, no secratary of defense and oh yeah, no president  ::)

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #178 on: September 12, 2008, 06:33:13 AM »
Ok, the former president of Russia is going to test the vice presidental nominee because of some dopey interview? 240 your as delusional as Obama. I suppose McCain will be at the golf-course or shuffule board court with George W. Bush drinking the blood of dead Iraqi's and plotting the next 911 while Palin is busy delivering her teenage daughter baby, cooking a roast and running the free world. No cabinet members, no embasadors, no secratary of defense and oh yeah, no president  ::)

All I know is that Obama has had THOUSANDS of interviews in the last 19 months.
Palin has had ONE.

And in that one interview, she looked more unprepared than any of the other 3 people on the tickets.  She believed should could change topic form Putin to gas pipeline.  She believed she could deflect georgian policy with a pun about being able to see Russia from alaska.

That shit might work on housewives, but it won't work on intelligent voters.  If you took party affiliation and obama hatred out of the equation - and just watched that video.  And you were asked, "Is this woman prepared to face down Putin in a nuclear confrontation?"...

I think we all know what the answer would be.

George Whorewell

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #179 on: September 12, 2008, 07:12:07 AM »
The point is she wont face down Putin in a Nuclear conflict!

Did Al Gore face down Milsosevic? Did Dick Cheney face down Saddam? The president is the commander and chief. The vice president is in the background advising, doing administrative stuff, attending fund raisers and performing general duties of the executive branch. Foreign policy is generally an area reserved for the President and his cabinet members with the VP taking a backseat. The secretary of defense, national security counsel, embassadors, President, etc. do this stuff.   


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #180 on: September 12, 2008, 12:05:05 PM »
The point is she wont face down Putin in a Nuclear conflict!

Did Al Gore face down Milsosevic? Did Dick Cheney face down Saddam? The president is the commander and chief. The vice president is in the background advising, doing administrative stuff, attending fund raisers and performing general duties of the executive branch. Foreign policy is generally an area reserved for the President and his cabinet members with the VP taking a backseat. The secretary of defense, national security counsel, embassadors, President, etc. do this stuff.  

Considering that she could very well be President... I think it matters BIG TIME.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #181 on: September 12, 2008, 01:50:34 PM »

I suppose I should link each and every piece of info I post so I'm not at the mercy of google-fu experts such as yourself... but then again, you dismiss a WHO report (WTF?!) so what would be the point.

Not dismissing, questioning, big difference. I don't just accept any piece of information that comes from an official organization, even if it supports my viewpoints.

For example, this WHO lists Cuba as 39th, and we all know via Michael Moore what a paradise Cuba is. But there have been reports coming out refuting this Utopian version of Cuba. For example when Fidel Castro became gravely ill did he depend on a Cuban doctor for treatment? No, he flew in a Spaniard Why would he do that if Cuban health care is a model for the world.

Recently pictures have surfaced of REAL Cuban hospitals All I'm saying is somebody here is lying, and communists have a long history of lying to the rest of the world.

But I'll give you some pointers so you can do a little more research...

-America HAS the 37th ranked healthcare system (look-up the 2007 WHO Report)

Yeah but Cuba is 39th, I question the methods of the WHO

-America's 6.3 deaths per 1,000 DOES put America in contention with Third World countries
...UN report: 32 countries beat the US (the USA only barely beat Croatia... which was a war zone in the early 90's)
...CIA report: 42 countries beat the US
   ...add to this the fact that it is generally agreed that US figures are grossly UNDER REPORTED

Your numbers are right but your conclusion is wrong, according the CIA factbook, the the US is number 181 out of 222 countries. The average of the European Union is number 180, do you think that the European Union is on par with a Third World country too?

The United Nations Population Division ranks the US as 163rd out of 195

According to your logic, Malta, Costa Rica, Poland, Greece, Hungary, Chile, The Faroe Islands, South Korea, and Russia are on par with third world countries. Real Third World countries are countries like Haiti (number 37), which has an infant mortality that is 10 times higher than the US, and Angola (number 1) which has a rate that is 30 times higher.

Who agrees that US figures are under reported? I've never heard of that. Can you back this up at all?

-people are in fact denied treatment in most European countries, but the denial rate is several orders of magnitude lower than it is in the US (and that's among the insured US citizens, the uninsured are denied coverage routinely)

Denied coverage and denied treatment are two very different things. NOBODY is denied treatment in the US, it is illegal. Look at all the illegal immigrants that are abusing the system here to get free treatment.

-if you don't think government-run social services are efficient then doesn't that equate to criticism of your socialized Armed Forces? Are you not supporting the troops?

First of all, that statement is just dumb.

The military is not a social service program, Armed Services are run differently than other government institutions. Mainly because the military is a constitutionally mandated function of the Federal Government. The military has the power to hire and fire it's personnel as they please, there is no military union "protecting" soldiers jobs, like there is with other government workers. I'm not saying the military is perfect, but it is run much differently and more efficiently than other functions of government. 

-the life expectancy of Black males is actually 58ish (that might be out of date though). The figure you got (70) was a life expectancy from a medical site... that doesn't factor in the homicide rate, does it?

Yeah it fucking does, life expectancy factors in all causes of mortality. It would be worthless if it didn't. Why would a medical site factor in deaths caused by accidents and not murders? One of the reasons black men live about 6-7 years less than white men is the high homicide rate. Where the fuck did you get the 58 number? The last time black men had a life expectancy of 58 was in 1950

-you contend Americans only pay 1.5 times as much as the French for healthcare per capita... well, you are comparing the wrong figures:
You should factor in not only government funding per capita, but also government spending per capita and also include the per capita PRIVATE spending on insurance premiums, medications, and uninsured health spending... then the figure is actually substantially more than twice what the French pay.

No the figures I was looking at was comparing both private and public spending. Why would anybody do a comparison and leave a huge chunk of health care spending out? That would make the study laughable.

-the 20% tax increase I referred to is a 20% increase in the amount of tax that Americans CURRENTLY spend via taxes on healthcare... NOT a 20% increase in tax, NOT a 20% income tax.
As it stands now Americans pay almost as much healthcare tax as the French do... but then they have to go spend roughly the same amount AGAIN from their own pockets in private insurance premiums in order to be properly covered. (Guess I should have been clearer)

Ok I see what you mean now. Yeah, that figure is probably too low, Americans spend way too much on health care, and health care has become bloated and inefficient, this I agree with you on. I just disagree on the solution, that's all.

That's tantamount to paying 80% of the cost of French-style universal healthcare in taxes and then paying the same amount again to be (almost) fully covered... all the while being terrified of the government offering universal healthcare for the same price the French pay in taxes? Aren't the French getting much better value for money?  

That all depends, if your a high income earner in France and you never get sick, your getting fucked in the ass when it comes to health care expenses. If your a low income earner and your always sick, your getting a hell of a deal. I just don't like a system where what you pay in doesn't reflect on the service you get. Like here in American, the more you pay in taxes, the less you use government services, that's bullshit. If I'm going to pay half of my earnings into something, I want my money's worth. Is that so unreasonable?

You see Bodvar, I disagree with your viewpoint because I'm more informed than you are... not because I am uninformed.

I just love that combination of arrogance and ignorance, you must be an Obama supporter :)

You're starting from the assumption that I'm wrong... then have to go searching for conflicting data. Why not just do lots of research and come around to my viewpoint (reality).

The Luke

Look, in case you haven't noticed I'm familiar with these issues, I'm just backing up my point so you can see that I'm not just making shit up. All I've done is shown that most of your information is blatantly false, and your coming to conclusions based on faulty information. Bad information = bad conclusion.

You seem to be very uninterested about your own statistics, it is very easy to look this stuff up. Your lack of curiosity is puzzling to me. Your mind operates like most leftists: you are the smartest guy in every room, you know the "truth" and everything you say is "reality" no matter what information anybody provides to the contrary. Everybody that disagrees with you is an idiot, and you do not feel the need to back up what your saying because everything you say is automatically true because you are "enlightened".

When you want to find out the truth about anything, you have to take a hypothesis and try to prove it false. You don't make a hypothesis and then look for information to support it, that's really bad science. However, I'm sure your convinced that everything I say is automatically stupid and should be ignored so I doubt you'll give any of this a second thought.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #182 on: September 12, 2008, 02:09:34 PM »
  Then you're even worst than I first suspected...

Oh yes, a European that doesn't tote the leftist ideology. I guess that's like when an American black thinks like I do, that makes him an "Uncle Tom" or not really black. I guess I'm not really European :)

  Several states of the south.

  It ended in the Supreme Court, and they ruled that they don't have the right to stop evolution from being taught at schools.

Yes, this was Epperson v. Arkansas, which ended in the Supreme Court ruling that any laws banning evolution were unconstitutional. But this was in 1968, 40 years ago, it isn't relevant at all today. Hell WWII only ended 63 years ago, should we still hold Nazism and Hitler against the Germans?


   No, Americans of Swiss, Norwegian and Dutch ancestry are not Swiss, Norwegian and Duth: they are Americans. We are comparing nationality here, and not ethnicity. I said that white Americans compare very poorly in terms of education, scholarships and culture to their Caucasian brethen in Switzerland and Norway, which is true.

Ok so since these people moved out of Europe several generations ago they are nothing like the people in their country of origin?

Education is piss poor in America except when you look at tertiary education attainment. The US is second only behind Canada. If scholarships here are so shitty, then why do so many Americans have college education?

Tell me how the hell you measure culture? What are the criteria?

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #183 on: September 12, 2008, 02:29:27 PM »

Your arguments are pretty weak... it's the typical Republican catchphrase and soundbite thinking bullshit.

Pity the poor high-earners who haven't gotten sick but still have to pay into healthcare... we must right this injustice:
Fuck the poor! Fuck orphans! Fuck widows! Fuck those with congenital diseases!

They should have paid in before they got poor/were born/lost their husbands/picked faulty genes!

Should a millionaires sick kids be denied coverage seeing as THEY haven't paid in yet? Or should healthcare be dependent on your social status/parents/class?

All men created... something... um... equal something, I think....?

Dude, this is retarded... you are skeptical of the WHO and UN Health World Health Reports? Because you can't find differing data from a Republican think-tank perhaps? Sounds like your mind is already made up.

National statistics are routinely manipulated in the US... the census isn't fully inclusive... unemployment figures are so finagled as to be completely incredible etc etc. This is well known outside the US.

For the record Americans CURRENTLY pay twice PER CAPITA of what the French pay for their healthcare system... ALL 36 countries ranked higher than the US have accomplished that by instituting some form of universal healthcare.... it just WORKS! AND IT'S CHEAP!

America has the WORST homelessness rate; the worst prisons; the highest incarceration rates; the worst literacy and the highest crime/murder rates in the developed world... time to take off the "USA #1!" giant foam finger.

The Luke


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #184 on: September 12, 2008, 02:32:38 PM »
Yeah and after all that, we're still number one.....sorry ur jealous.

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #185 on: September 12, 2008, 02:38:39 PM »
Yeah and after all that, we're still number one.....sorry ur jealous.

lol.  True.  And people from around the world keep moving here:

"As of 2006, the United States accepts more legal immigrants as permanent residents than any other country in the world.  In 2006, the number of immigrants totaled 37.5 million."

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #186 on: September 12, 2008, 02:49:16 PM »
Actually, Ireland gets more immigrants (per head of population) than pretty much any other developed country...

A few years ago (May 1st 2001 if memory serves) we allowed new EU accession country citizens to come and work freely in Ireland... totally open economy... six weeks later we had 400,000 new immigrants (half of them Polish), with a population of only 4 million that's a 10% increase in population in 42 days (and ALL of them, legal and illegal, were given FREE education and FREE healthcare).

Americans would shit their pants if that happened in the US... we only noticed that Irish girls were suddenly working out to compete with the sudden influx of ultra-hot Eastern European girls.

Our system is inclusive and socialised so we were able to tolerate/absorb such an influx.

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #187 on: September 12, 2008, 02:50:34 PM »
bragging about how many immigrants you have?

eeew.  that's like a girl bragging about how many dudes bang her.

IMO... if you have a college degree, you can get citizenship.  If not, don't bother.  At least you know they'll speak english and be able to contribute to society somehow.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #188 on: September 12, 2008, 03:57:37 PM »
I haven't read this whole thread thoroughly but I'm curious as to why some people vehemently reject that life (not the earth itself but life [since Matt Damon was addressing dinosaurs]) could have only been on earth for let's say under 10,000 years?



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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #189 on: September 12, 2008, 04:35:46 PM »
I haven't read this whole thread thoroughly but I'm curious as to why some people vehemently reject that life (not the earth itself but life [since Matt Damon was addressing dinosaurs]) could have only been on earth for let's say under 10,000 years?

Because science (the thing that allows you to be posting on the internet) indicates that it cannot be so.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #190 on: September 12, 2008, 04:41:43 PM »
Because science (the thing that allows you to be posting on the internet) indicates that it cannot be so.
Thanks for answering calmus.  Re: science.....are you talking about carbon dating or the geological column or something else?


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #191 on: September 12, 2008, 04:54:38 PM »
Thanks for answering calmus.  Re: science.....are you talking about carbon dating or the geological column or something else?

Any branch of science: geology, astronomy, biology.... take your pick.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #192 on: September 12, 2008, 05:02:14 PM »

Your arguments are pretty weak... it's the typical Republican catchphrase and soundbite thinking bullshit.

No, my arguments are very strong, I actually can back up my arguments, you can't.

Pity the poor high-earners who haven't gotten sick but still have to pay into healthcare... we must right this injustice:
Fuck the poor! Fuck orphans! Fuck widows! Fuck those with congenital diseases!

Wow, what a reasonable logical conclusion. You must have put a lot of thought behind it.

This attitude is childish, if I'm not for complete government control of health care then I want to see poor people and children die. Nobody is against a safety net for those who cannot provide for themselves, least of all me, but people need to take responsibility for their own health care.

When government has control of something you have a "tragedy of the commons" situation. Since nobody owns their own health care, they don't feel they have any personal responsibility to keep the costs down, that in turn drives up the price for everyone.

They should have paid in before they got poor/were born/lost their husbands/picked faulty genes!

You have completely melted down here. I've annihilated your unsubstantiated so called "points", and instead of logically debating my counter-points you throw out this emotional mindless drivel.

Should a millionaires sick kids be denied coverage seeing as THEY haven't paid in yet? Or should healthcare be dependent on your social status/parents/class?

No, I'm saying health care should become completely private, except if people completely cannot take care of themselves. That way it will become affordable and effective. People should be responsible for their own healthcare, not reliant on the government.

All men created... something... um... equal something, I think....?

CREATED equal, not guaranteed everything equally. According to this logic, everyone has a right to a house and car, that would make everybody equal right? It's not fair some people have BMW's and some others don't, so the government should take from the people that own BMW's so others "less fortunate" can have them too. That would be "fair" right?. Before you even start, health care is NOT a right, so that IS a good comparison.

Dude, this is retarded... you are skeptical of the WHO and UN Health World Health Reports? Because you can't find differing data from a Republican think-tank perhaps? Sounds like your mind is already made up.

Oh my God, did you even read what I posted? What do you think of those Cuban hospitals with roaches and fecal matter splattered on the walls? Do you ever see that in an American hospital? No. What about Castro flying in a Spaniard when he got sick. Where did Clinton get his heart surgery? America. Where did Ted Kennedy get his tumor operated on, America. Where did Castro get treatment? Spain. Why do you think that is? I'm saying that those numbers don't add up, and there is nothing at all wrong with being skeptical of the UN, I mean look at all the bad shit that has been going on with that organization over the years.

But no, I'm incapable of thinking for myself, I must be a mindless RNC robot taking orders through an antenna in the back of my skull. Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to intellectually disagree with you, isn't it?

National statistics are routinely manipulated in the US... the census isn't fully inclusive... unemployment figures are so finagled as to be completely incredible etc etc. This is well known outside the US.

Any proof of this? I didn't think so.

For the record Americans CURRENTLY pay twice PER CAPITA of what the French pay for their healthcare system... ALL 36 countries ranked higher than the US have accomplished that by instituting some form of universal healthcare.... it just WORKS! AND IT'S CHEAP!

1.5 is the number unless you can prove otherwise. Tell me what are the tax rates in these countries? How long are their waiting lists? Do you really think that all these reports over the years detailing the severe problems UHC systems have is just some conspiracy in order to make a national health system look bad? Do you think Medicaid and Medicare are cost efficient well run institutions? Have you ever been to a Veterans Hospital?

America has the WORST homelessness rate; the worst prisons; the highest incarceration rates; the worst literacy and the highest crime/murder rates in the developed world... time to take off the "USA #1!" giant foam finger.

The Luke

Hm, let's see what Wikipedia has to say about this matter. America has a 99% literacy rate, the EXACT same as Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Guyana, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland Wow your statement turned out to be total bullshit, again! What a surprise.

As far as homelessness, yes the card carrying member of the "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" Time magazine, states that Europe homelessness rate are about the same as they are in the US.

Tell me again why high incarceration rates are bad and why prisons need to be good? Are you saying we need to have more criminals on the street and pamper the ones that are in prison? I say fuck that, let them live in tents and hit rocks all day, it is suppose to be punishment after all.

As far as the crime rate, New Zealand, Finland, Chile, and the United Kingdom all have a higher crime rate than the United States

Just because I don't let you get away with your lies about American statistics doesn't mean I have a "USA #1" foam finger on my hand.

Every so called fact you spout out here is wrong, what does it feel like to know that everything you believe about this country is false? Does your psyche even allow you to comprehend what has happened here? Or are you going to ignore these facts and go right along believing what you want to believe?


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #193 on: September 12, 2008, 05:05:46 PM »
I haven't read this whole thread thoroughly but I'm curious as to why some people vehemently reject that life (not the earth itself but life [since Matt Damon was addressing dinosaurs]) could have only been on earth for let's say under 10,000 years?

Because they are religious zealots.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #194 on: September 12, 2008, 05:08:58 PM »
do your homework dude

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #195 on: September 12, 2008, 05:13:10 PM »
Thanks for answering calmus.  Re: science.....are you talking about carbon dating or the geological column or something else? has become such a big field since the 70s that there are now about 200 different (geological) dating techniques.

For example, dendochonology (dating by tree rings) has provided a very precise year by year record for most of the worlds local climates that in some instances goes back hundreds of thousands of years.

A good analogy is the idea of collating millions of random paragraphs (individual petrified tree cross-sections) into one huge book (a dendochronological climate record) by matching the overlapping sentences (ring widths). These are year specific databases... so if you can count back from this years growth ring through a couple of hundred thousand preceding years growth rings then the Earth can't really be 10,000 years old.

The fact that American politicians can dispute this type of thing (evolution; natural selection; geology) is simply staggering...

For example: Would you vote for someone who said the following...
"The theory that any two odd numbers always add together to give an even number is just a that: a theory. Scientists haven't yet added together all the possible combinations of odd number pairings using numbers between one and infinity... so how do they know? Till someone can proven to me otherwise I'll continue to believe what I've read in the sacred book of Klatuu, that there exists a special pair of odd numbers that, once added together, sum to an odd number"

You wouldn't vote for someone skeptical of the theory of basic arithmetic would you?

Well, hate to break it to you, but evolution is a mathematical fact...

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #196 on: September 12, 2008, 05:19:03 PM »
Luke you are a rabid homosexual.


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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #197 on: September 12, 2008, 05:28:13 PM »
This is such a problem with being a secular right winger. We have to deal with the religious zealots. I'd love nothing more than to create make the Republican party a secular institution, but no we have to appease the Bible thumpers. These people want to force their ideology on the rest of us, just like the left does.

I live in North Carolina, and in some counties here they actually put chains on the beer sections at grocery stores on Sundays. Because it's the S-A-B-B-A-T-H. Yes, your not suppose to be buying beer you should be worshiping the Lord. Fuck that, if I want to buy beer and get shitfaced on a Sunday morning, that's my prerogative. Same thing with the left, look at the stupid ban on incandescent light bulbs, what fucking business is it of yours what kind of light bulbs I use? If I want to eat trans fats, smoke cigarettes indoors while drinking beer on Sunday under 50 regular light bulbs, that's my damn business.

Just look at the crap we have to deal with, The Creationists Museum for example. Yes, people walked with dinosaurs, just like the Flintstones! What an embarrassment.

George Whorewell

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #198 on: September 12, 2008, 05:31:36 PM »
Libertarian= The only sane way to go

The Luke

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Re: JASON BOURNE Speaks the TRUTH on Sarah Palin!
« Reply #199 on: September 12, 2008, 05:32:48 PM »

Your arguments aren't well reasoned... you dismiss; misconsture and straw-man at every turn...

-you do realise that most European countries that have universal healthcare ALSO have private healthcare right? In Ireland, if you wait too long for an elective surgery the government will send you too a private hospital (if the private hospitals are full then you get sent abroad for surgery all expenses paid).

-you do realise there is a delineation between socialism and communism right? Universal healthcare is necessary to avoid the societal damage done by the rampant price gouging and coverage denial that is standard business practice for HMOs. It is not a slippery slope to taxpayers buying BMWs for the homeless.

-you do realise that people are routinely denied treatment in the US, right?

-you know that US hospitals regularly dump non-covered patients, right?

-you do know that the only way European homelessness and crime rates can only be considered comparable to those in the US is if you either add Third World Eastern European (non-EU) countries (Hungary; Turkey; Albania etc) to the EU average (homelessness) or use different standards for what constitutes serious crime (rapes; shootings and murder rates are much, much higher in the US), right?

The Luke