Author Topic: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because  (Read 63390 times)

Mr Anabolic

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #50 on: October 13, 2017, 09:06:18 AM »
And you have every right to that opinion ,,,, just think if its not god there has to be something we are nothing more than a speck of dust in this infinit place of space there must be something more really give it some thought

In the grand scheme of things, humans are very insignificant. 


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #51 on: October 13, 2017, 09:30:44 AM »
In the grand scheme of things, humans are very insignificant. 


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #52 on: October 13, 2017, 10:07:21 AM »
fuck's sake you guys are retards, THIS WORLD IS OWNED BY SATAN, it might even be *the* hell spoken of in scripture.

which means if you die and  go to hell you're reborn here.  and it cycles over and over again until you're lucky enough to get out

Yeah, but it could be worse - Satan could be a tranny   ;D


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #53 on: October 13, 2017, 10:14:17 AM » is what we should know

How is your 99-year-old grandmother doing?  :)


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #54 on: October 13, 2017, 10:17:19 AM »
Poodle, please disregard my last post, you were WAAAAY ahead of me!    8)

the sumerian tablets, oldest writings of the oldest civilization, name ALLAH outright as satan

allah and alloot are two entities in one body, male and female, who make up the devil

so satan is a transvestite



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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #55 on: October 13, 2017, 11:18:48 AM »
I highly doubt that this forsaken world is led by Satan.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2017, 11:51:20 AM »

well the earth is 4.5 billion years old
humans have been here about 200,000 years
thats .004444444%


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2017, 05:12:00 PM »
I can tell you ive struggled with that for years my wife had cancer she was lucky and beat it also a little girl who she was a nanny for years ago passed away at 4 years old....and it almost broke me mentally we were very close with them and we shared the same birthday..
anyway its like saying if a man is drunk and gets in his car and kills a family and there 3 kids in accident why couldn't god just give the drunk guy a heart attack before he got into his car. why cant god strike down every evil person before they can do any harm to anyone. because sickness is part of our dna its always been there but god has a place for those who don't make it that is a promise and the only promise he has.. children are the only humans who are innocent...

again I still struggle with it

You struggle with it because you let your emotions take control of your rational mindedness.

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #58 on: October 13, 2017, 05:29:38 PM »
he wants to seek his true followers. if the world was ruled by good no one would appreciate him, no one would put in any real effort , the world would be absurdly lazy, what would u strive for if its already good? god would be forgotten

god wants u to seek him , he wants u to get it urself , he only wants awesome followers, why wouldnt he? why would he want a sheep follower who isnt awesome ?god wants u to seek him ,not in the religious sheep sense but within your mind , how u live ect....things must be bad on earth for u or u will never search for anything, the creation would fail if there is no tension or struggle just like your muscles would waste in short time

true followers are who praise and thank him for all that life is good and bad, thats it

only few will show abilities as true followers obviously, look around , see many potential true followers hmm yes maybe mm no

so whats the reward for us, we put up with as much as we can take but seemingly our capacity grows for some of us to deal with it...

... the reward is easier explained to those realizing already their increased capacity to deal, god will make our lifes even more awesome, that is the reward. if youve got this feeling you sometimes sense it will get better slowly..but more naturally u may sense it will get worse too

god gets off on u making it through an evil world despiite all the pain and ssuffering ,u stiill choose to give a shit about exiisting in this created space for you, .. he makes it as tuff as you have figured out how to deal. as u progress througgh higher levels of testing he slips in ever increasing awards, i truly know this is whats happening

god is happy about the ones getting guessing hes always willing to give second chances to those not seeking higher ground

for god whats meaningful to him, its all about sweet victory through a hard fought battle

god obviously isnt hitting the cheat code getting zillions of true followers, hes probably done that on some galaxy b4

he needs this evil world to produce a real feeling of self worth

Although you said it differently than I would've I do agree with a lot of this post.

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #59 on: October 13, 2017, 05:34:45 PM »
the sumerian tablets, oldest writings of the oldest civilization, name ALLAH outright as satan

allah and alloot are two entities in one body, male and female, who make up the devil

so satan is a transvestite

also if you look at koran, then look at bible, here's what you get:

koran, first line: allah is lord of the world

bible: satan is lord of the worlds

koran: alla is the great deceiver

bible: satan is the BEST deceiver

...there's tons more if you wnat to look it up

so that covers 25% of the world's population.  islam is that much, and fastest growing

then you look at the secular west, where we celebrate and allow things like transgenderism.  pure evil.  and gay marriage.  ruled by satan

last you have the illuminati who are just the bankers of the world, and who control the politicians.  don't believe me?  why did city group email obama and give a list of people they want in his cabinet, and a few months later when his cabinet was announced, ALL WERE FROM THE LIST?  

(email is in wikileaks)

anyway illuminati straight up worship lucifer, so with that you've got the remainder of the developed world (1) not part of islam (2) not part of secular west

As I just noted on the religion board, I am more and more persuaded with the notion that Allah is Satan (as you've put forth).

I certainly believe that Islam is demonically inspired, but Satan disguised as Allah I can see it more and more.

Now the "noble" Quran was communicated by the angel Jibreel (Gabriel) to the prophet Mohammad (pb&j).

I could absolutely buy into the idea that Satan (disguised as Jibreel) revealed himself to Mohammad and recited all surahs of the Quran to him.

The Quran is so diametrically opposed to scripture and perfectly anti-Christ that it makes sense that Jibreel was the great deceiver Satan and by extension "Allah".

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #60 on: October 13, 2017, 05:35:18 PM »
How is your 99-year-old grandmother doing?  :)
she died bro


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #61 on: October 14, 2017, 12:08:06 AM »
he wants to seek his true followers. if the world was ruled by good no one would appreciate him, no one would put in any real effort , the world would be absurdly lazy, what would u strive for if its already good? god would be forgotten

god wants u to seek him , he wants u to get it urself , he only wants awesome followers, why wouldnt he? why would he want a sheep follower who isnt awesome ?god wants u to seek him ,not in the religious sheep sense but within your mind , how u live ect....things must be bad on earth for u or u will never search for anything, the creation would fail if there is no tension or struggle just like your muscles would waste in short time

true followers are who praise and thank him for all that life is good and bad, thats it

only few will show abilities as true followers obviously, look around , see many potential true followers hmm yes maybe mm no

so whats the reward for us, we put up with as much as we can take but seemingly our capacity grows for some of us to deal with it...

... the reward is easier explained to those realizing already their increased capacity to deal, god will make our lifes even more awesome, that is the reward. if youve got this feeling you sometimes sense it will get better slowly..but more naturally u may sense it will get worse too

god gets off on u making it through an evil world despiite all the pain and ssuffering ,u stiill choose to give a shit about exiisting in this created space for you, .. he makes it as tuff as you have figured out how to deal. as u progress througgh higher levels of testing he slips in ever increasing awards, i truly know this is whats happening

god is happy about the ones getting guessing hes always willing to give second chances to those not seeking higher ground

for god whats meaningful to him, its all about sweet victory through a hard fought battle

god obviously isnt hitting the cheat code getting zillions of true followers, hes probably done that on some galaxy b4

he needs this evil world to produce a real feeling of self worth

Many humans imagine God in their image, when it should be the other way around. What you describe are human emotions not those of God. God is universal intelligence.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #62 on: October 14, 2017, 12:17:49 AM »
You're worrying about The World?!  I bet most of you can't even organize your sock drawer.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #63 on: October 14, 2017, 12:25:44 AM »
You're worrying about The World?!  I bet most of you can't even organize your sock drawer.

My sock draw looks like a mess, but the socks are at least paired.

The Ugly

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #64 on: October 14, 2017, 12:52:40 AM »
he wants to seek his true followers. if the world was ruled by good no one would appreciate him, no one would put in any real effort , the world would be absurdly lazy, what would u strive for if its already good? god would be forgotten

god wants u to seek him , he wants u to get it urself , he only wants awesome followers, why wouldnt he? why would he want a sheep follower who isnt awesome ?god wants u to seek him ,not in the religious sheep sense but within your mind , how u live ect....things must be bad on earth for u or u will never search for anything, the creation would fail if there is no tension or struggle just like your muscles would waste in short time

true followers are who praise and thank him for all that life is good and bad, thats it

only few will show abilities as true followers obviously, look around , see many potential true followers hmm yes maybe mm no

so whats the reward for us, we put up with as much as we can take but seemingly our capacity grows for some of us to deal with it...

... the reward is easier explained to those realizing already their increased capacity to deal, god will make our lifes even more awesome, that is the reward. if youve got this feeling you sometimes sense it will get better slowly..but more naturally u may sense it will get worse too

god gets off on u making it through an evil world despiite all the pain and ssuffering ,u stiill choose to give a shit about exiisting in this created space for you, .. he makes it as tuff as you have figured out how to deal. as u progress througgh higher levels of testing he slips in ever increasing awards, i truly know this is whats happening

god is happy about the ones getting guessing hes always willing to give second chances to those not seeking higher ground

for god whats meaningful to him, its all about sweet victory through a hard fought battle

god obviously isnt hitting the cheat code getting zillions of true followers, hes probably done that on some galaxy b4

he needs this evil world to produce a real feeling of self worth

Temptation is the motivating force behind every action, whether we are fighting the temptation, nurturing it, denying it, or preventing someone else from giving in to it.

The Ringwraiths and Sauron seek it constantly. The sons of Denethor, Boromir and Faramir, both try to take it from Frodo. Even Gandalf and Galadriel, who are each drawn to the thought of the immense power it could give them.

No one is immune to its temptation, and Frodo is no exception. Though he is chosen as ring-bearer because he is the most resistant, he must constantly fight his desire for it. He is sometimes tempted to hand it over to his more powerful friends, while at other times he wants to keep it for himself.

When he finally arrives at Mount Doom, he elects to keep the ring, despite the tremendous anguish it has caused him. Though tempted by its power, he gives it up as Gollum appears for a battle - one that leads to its destruction. The ring that has possessed so many - that served to connect all the races of Middle-earth - is ultimately destroyed by its own power.

Just like what you were saying, dude.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #65 on: October 14, 2017, 01:38:43 AM »
Many humans imagine God in their image, when it should be the other way around.
What you describe are human emotions not those of God.
God is universal intelligence.

Universal intelligence?  Wait a minute - I thought that was SkyNet?   ???



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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2017, 04:14:45 AM »
My sock draw looks like a mess, but the socks are at least paired.

I'm real partic'lar bout whats on my feets.  I recently discovered these and threw all the old ones away.

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2017, 09:13:08 AM »
well the earth is 4.5 billion years old
humans have been here about 200,000 years
thats .004444444%

And yet look what we've done versus the balance in that figure, if true.

If it doesn't qualify as "significance" I'd like to know what does.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2017, 02:02:27 PM »
religion is opium of the masses. praying to JC and his pseudo virgin mother will be waste of time and effort, however, we all feed ourselves lies in order to make sense of this shit, so praying might have beneficial factor to once mental health in the short term.

it is prisoner's dilemma kind of, no time for praying, killed or be killed, motherfucka.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #69 on: October 14, 2017, 02:58:41 PM »
Universal intelligence?  Wait a minute - I thought that was SkyNet?   ???

Nope. SkyNet is artificial general intelligence.  :)


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #70 on: October 14, 2017, 03:00:19 PM »
I'm real partic'lar bout whats on my feets.  I recently discovered these and threw all the old ones away.

Very nice. Socks have become quite the thing lately.

These come with built-in garters.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #71 on: October 14, 2017, 04:00:59 PM »
God gave mankind freewill.

Life is about how you exercise your free will.


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #72 on: October 14, 2017, 05:52:50 PM »
Although you said it differently than I would've I do agree with a lot of this post.

Surprised you'd say this. It was Eve that ate the apple and unleashed evil upon the world. It was never God's intentions to have any evil.

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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #73 on: October 14, 2017, 05:54:09 PM »
God gave mankind freewill.

Life is about how you exercise your free will.

Does God have free will?


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Re: god wants the world to be ruled by evil because
« Reply #74 on: October 14, 2017, 06:43:24 PM »
God gave mankind freewill.

Life is about how you exercise your free will.

Yeah but if you don't kiss God's ass you go to hell, so free will is really bs