Author Topic: DENNIS TINERINO: A Victim of America`s Crappy For Profit HEALTHCARE system.  (Read 24786 times)

Matt C

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2 children, unmarried and not a pot to piss in yet espousing the ideals of Capitalism whilst living in Canada sucking off its system.

You couldn`t make it up if you tried.
This site says that your website is worth:
Estimated Worth $16,242.5 USD

Don`t spend it all in one place there big shot.

So is worth $2.43 million?

Looks like this website is off by 40 times?  So my website is actually worth over $668,000?


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Physician morale is at an all time low.

Both parties are in the pocket of lawyers so no attempt to deal with outrageous med malpractice suits will be made anytime soon
Valhalla awaits.

The True Adonis

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So is worth $2.43 million?

Looks like this website is off by 40 times?  So my website is actually worth over $668,000?
Go away you charlatan.  Crawl back into your wretched sewer hole that you call B O D Y B U I L D I N G P R O dot com.

You`ve already convinced yourself you are wealthy (which everyone else does not believe based on the evidence and your very own old self-admission) so there is nobody left to convince.

Congratulations on the self-delusion.  Take your hokum elsewhere, you fraud.


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"I would say that for my age I'm ahead of the game of life. Most people twice my age would be happy to be where I am. To be honest, I don't even care if I improve on anything from this day forward. I want to stay exactly as I am right now for as long as possible - though if I improve and if things get better"   :-\


Matt C

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Go away you charlatan.  Crawl back into your sewer hole that you call ilovespam dot com.

You`ve already convinced yourself you are wealthy (which everyone else does not believe based on the evidence and your old self-admission) so there is nobody left to convince.

Congratulations on the self-delusion.  Take your hokum elsewhere, you fraud.

TA, I'm not here to boast but I'm doing pretty well for my young age.  Did you check out my forum lately?    :)  Register and post immediately.  ;D

DENNIS TINERINO: A Victim of America`s Crappy For Profit HEALTHCARE system.

So I take it you get your food from a nonprofit food bank instead of a for-profit grocery store?

The True Adonis

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TA, I'm not here to boast but I'm doing pretty well for my young age.  Did you check out my forum lately?    :)  Register and post immediately.  ;D

So I take it you get your food from a nonprofit food bank instead of a for-profit grocery store?

No. But given your location, overall financial situation as you stated, the amount you spend on food (see your previous posts) and the quantity you now consume (1000 calories, not eating for 3 days) you are no stranger to diving inside of back alley dumpsters in the hopes of scavenging together a hearty meal.

Socialism and Capitalism are not mutually exclusive.  Hope this helps.

Matt C

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You said this on
« Reply #160 on: April 10, 2008, 11:55:01 PM »

Now you have pushed the date back to 2001.  EL-o-EL

No, I said age 21.  I urge you to read my posts more carefully:

You do realize that I have not worked since I was 21 right?

The True Adonis

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No, I said age 21.  I urge you to read my posts more carefully:


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TA, what's your financial situation? I remember along time ago you boasting about how your family (parents I believe) owned the biggest Bently Dealership in N. Carolina.

The True Adonis

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TA, what's your financial situation? I remember along time ago you boasting about how your family (parents I believe) owned the biggest Bently Dealership in N. Carolina.
Somehow you made that one up all by yourself.


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Oh man TA is owning the shit out of matt c in this thread LMAO!!. Just an epic destruction going on here, i already explained to matt c the advancments in science with respect to medicine and pharmacology, but he seems to be spouting the same shit in this thread a couple weeks later, strange?

The True Adonis

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MONSTER MORTAGE PAYMENT.  450 a month in the United States is definitely close to living under the Overpass with the bums. hahahah . What did you thatch your roof with? Grass? Cardboard? Pizza Boxes?

2006-01-11 01:37 am UTC (link)  
I agree. But to me, part of sound financial planning is expecting bills to be more than you would think.

My monthly bills (rounded figures):

mortgage = $450
Home Insurance = $50
Property tax = $100
Utilities = $300
Phone/cell/net = $100 (cell temporarily cancelled)
Car Insurance = $100
Fuel = $50
Food = $400

= $1550

These bills are worst case scenario - e.g., if it is a freezing cold month which results in a higher heat bill. Add in unexpected expenses which come up all the time and you have about $2,000. $3,000 is if very extreme things came up unexpectedly. Being burglarized is one example of a highly unexpected expense. I'm also on a BB diet = huge food bill.

ROFLMAO@ the temporarily canceled Cell Phone.  

EL-O-EL  I am dying cracking up over here.

Not working since age 21 has paid off. ROFLAFOAFAFM

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Somehow you made that one up all by yourself.

MMMmm, no. I have a pretty good memory and that would be something pretty hard to forget.

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Oh man TA is owning the shit out of matt c in this thread LMAO!!. Just an epic destruction going on here, i already explained to matt c the advancments in science with respect to medicine and pharmacology, but he seems to be spouting the same shit in this thread a couple weeks later, strange?

I don't see it. I see TA posting up shit from like 06' and he seems like peoples lives can't possibly change that much inside of four years. Still waiting for him to answer on HIS financial situation.

The True Adonis

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Somebody is lying about not having to work.................... ROFLMAO


You are a mess.


Matt Canning (mattcanning) wrote,
@ 2006-02-18 02:58:00


Job thing.
I don't know if I'm liking this whole job thing. I don't like feeling obligated to anybody else like that. I had two reasons for getting the job and the only important one was a backup plan, but maybe I'll just cross that bridge when I get there. If there ever comes a time where I need a job, I'll go get one. After all, that's what my education is for. If my mom bugs me about it, so be it, but I'll just have to be insistent that my way is how it's going to be. Plus I'm getting more work with print mags these days. Now don't get me wrong, I quite like the job I'm at, but I would rather just wake up, mill around for a while, then show up to work when I feel like it. I don't like being on a schedule. I don't like waking up to an alarm clock - that kind of thing. I do what I want when I want and that's just how it is.

I think this stemmed from having gone out to the clubs a bit more lately than I normally do and I realize I went five years without that and now is maybe the time to make up for that now that my future is looking bright. I'm in love with building it, but it is possible to do that too much.

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2006? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha.

The True Adonis

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Matt Canning (mattcanning) wrote,
@ 2006-02-26 18:48:00


I put in my two weeks notice yesterday. I might ride this out for the rest of my scheduled shifts just for the heck of it, because it seems like the decent thing to do. While most people look at debt as money that belongs to them, it's flawed to look at it like that and all that I see is that I'm swimming in debt, regardless of how much has been paid (e.g., no student debt, no car debt, not much house debt given that I've only been there for eight months). Whenever I have a task in front of me I just want to finish it as quickly and efficiently as possible not matter how overwhelming or arduous it may be. I wanted to be debt free in two years, and planted this idea in my mom's head who was encouraging me with it. I just remember the story of the grasshopper and the ant when I was a kid and always wanting to be the ant.

Social atmosphere is a lame excuse to work since Ian and Brian are home all the time. That $10-20K a year I can make working is tempting, if I did want to be debt free in two years that is. But enough is enough. This is how I look at it: I have 20 years to hold debt if I want to (which is WAY too easy to carry these days), or for the rest of my life if need be, but I'll only have my youth for a more limited period of time. I can never really be envious of an adult because no matter how great their lives may be, the chances of going out and partying and being / feeling young are no longer there (unless of course you are Albert Beckles). Translated: most men 10 years older than me aren't in the same position as I am and there is a reason for that, because they spent their youth as the grasshopper and knew full well they would have a whole life ahead of them to undertake adult responsibilities. I don't know why I work so much. It is a problem and it ends here. I bought a stopwatch, and I'll be spending no more than five hours a day working at a relaxed pace, and doing what I want in the meantime.

I always thought it would be silly to see old people slave for their whole lives just to put on a big wedding for their kids and drive a convertible in the years before they die. If I hadn't sat down and realized I was on that road, that would have been my reality.

I always thought it was so silly when I saw these old people who slaved their whole lives just to put on an expensive wedding for their kids and drive a convertible in the years before they die. And that would have been me if I didn't stop and think about it.

Taxes = done.

Matt C

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No. But given your location, overall financial situation as you stated, the amount you spend on food (see your previous posts) and the quantity you now consume (1000 calories, not eating for 3 days) you are no stranger to diving inside of back alley dumpsters in the hopes of scavenging together a hearty meal.

Honestly, it's tough for me to get the calories down.

Today I consumed only one full meal!  Thinking about this is shocking to me, given that I am still not hungry!  Unreal...I am going to eat a 300 calorie protein bar right now just to get some more calories in - I am consistently amazed at my lack of appetite.  It's not due to lack of money though or even lack of food in my house, it's just that I have a shockingly low appetite.

Yet today my bench was 225X21.  ???  In fact, I believe Zach won the getbig bench contest with 24 reps.  I feel that if I had eaten more food yesterday and today I could have hit 23.  It's shocking that my strength is quite good yet I weigh 170 or so and probably couldn't eat 3,000 calories if I tried.  My lack of appetite really bothers me.

Also, where I'm from, a $100,000 house would be two stories, two bathrooms, four bedrooms, etc.  The market here is very affordable.  Home costs are low, but rent is relatively high so being a landlord is a good occupation.

Oh man TA is owning the shit out of matt c in this thread LMAO!!. Just an epic destruction going on here, i already explained to matt c the advancments in science with respect to medicine and pharmacology, but he seems to be spouting the same shit in this thread a couple weeks later, strange?

Register on my site immediately.  Click the link in my signature immediately.


  • Getbig V
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If it's so easy to provide everyone with "free" health care, why not provide it to the 2.6 billion people who live on under $2 per day?  Also, TA claims to consume a $50 bottle of wine each day - does he not realize this can save the lives of 50 malnourished children?

Oh yeah, TA cares about the poor alright.  ::)
your line of thought is extremely skewed. you think that the united states shouldnt use its citizens taxes to make sure they get medical coverage when they need it. and you think that because, apparently you think that the fact they arent simultaneously feeding the world and also providing them too with medical coverage, that that fact somehow means the united states would be mistaken in giving their own tax paying citizens medical coverags.

besides the point that you are actually trying to say that universal health care is too costly to be realistic, both on the us national level and on the global level. how wrong you are. look at the stats buddy, america already pays out way more than enough necessary in "healthcare" funding to fully cover every citizen free of charge.. chek out the stats. cant argue facts:

Health Statistics > Spending > Per person (most recent) by country

# 1    United States: 4,271  
# 2    Switzerland: 3,857  
# 3    Norway: 3,182  
# 4    Denmark: 2,785  
# 5    Luxembourg: 2,731  
# 6    Iceland: 2,701  
# 7    Germany: 2,697  
# 8    France: 2,288  
# 9    Japan: 2,243  
# 10    Netherlands: 2,173

The True Adonis

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Matt Canning (mattcanning) wrote,
@ 2006-02-27 16:47:00


I admit I was looking for a reason to quit that place. Pretty much the slightest injustice would have set me off, e.g., not having orange juice in the vending machine.

But the injustice I found as an excuse to leave was a pretty legit one: there were some bonus shifts given that came with a $50 US cash bonus if they were worked. The rules were much like a stat holiday. However, the team I was working on was not added to the email list by the time the rules were sent and therefore I didn't know what they were (received no email or information). Another employee on my team quit out of principle - she arrived late and was denied her bonus, yet hadn't been adequately informed of the rules. I was absent the shift after the bonus shift and did not receive my bonus because of that. When she quit, I decided to really put some pressure on MCCI by threatening to quit also. I made it pretty simple: give me the money I earned, and if not, my two weeks notice start today (Saturday).

Ouch. Corporations don't like it when people like me rightfully tip the balance of power away from them. They made a gamble, which corporations often make: they decided to screw me out of $100US thinking they could keep it which the outsourcing corporation (Verizon) already gave them, as well as two skilled employees. They thought wrong, and this little financial gamble cost them the time and training costs associated with us (minimum of $2000 each).

All for $100. Poor business move. Especially because there was another employee who also quit, for multiple reasons, one of which was the bonus issue. The people at Human Resources were furious at me. I think they really felt this one - I could tell they knew full well the mistake they made.

Now could you imagine if Verizon found out what their outsourcing company was doing? Stuff like this will result in MCCI losing their contract.

The True Adonis

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2006-02-18 09:04 pm UTC (link)  
I just don't make a good employee. Unless you can find me a job that I can show up at when I'm bored. But how many would allow that?

So time to find something else to stave off boredom. Like watching TV maybe, hah.

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Matt Canning (mattcanning) wrote,
@ 2006-02-27 16:47:00


I admit I was looking for a reason to quit that place. Pretty much the slightest injustice would have set me off, e.g., not having orange juice in the vending machine.

But the injustice I found as an excuse to leave was a pretty legit one: there were some bonus shifts given that came with a $50 US cash bonus if they were worked. The rules were much like a stat holiday. However, the team I was working on was not added to the email list by the time the rules were sent and therefore I didn't know what they were (received no email or information). Another employee on my team quit out of principle - she arrived late and was denied her bonus, yet hadn't been adequately informed of the rules. I was absent the shift after the bonus shift and did not receive my bonus because of that. When she quit, I decided to really put some pressure on MCCI by threatening to quit also. I made it pretty simple: give me the money I earned, and if not, my two weeks notice start today (Saturday).

Ouch. Corporations don't like it when people like me rightfully tip the balance of power away from them. They made a gamble, which corporations often make: they decided to screw me out of $100US thinking they could keep it which the outsourcing corporation (Verizon) already gave them, as well as two skilled employees. They thought wrong, and this little financial gamble cost them the time and training costs associated with us (minimum of $2000 each).

All for $100. Poor business move. Especially because there was another employee who also quit, for multiple reasons, one of which was the bonus issue. The people at Human Resources were furious at me. I think they really felt this one - I could tell they knew full well the mistake they made.

Now could you imagine if Verizon found out what their outsourcing company was doing? Stuff like this will result in MCCI losing their contract.


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2006-02-18 09:04 pm UTC (link)  
I just don't make a good employee. Unless you can find me a job that I can show up at when I'm bored. But how many would allow that?

So time to find something else to stave off boredom. Like watching TV maybe, hah.


The True Adonis

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The True Adonis

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Mail order Personal Trainer?

Matt Canning (mattcanning) wrote,
@ 2006-10-04 04:01:00



I was considering a degree in Kinesiology but decided against it since it will take at least two full years to complete. Not to mention I had planned to do it "for fun", but then why pay for it right? I can learn for free online or at the library (and I do). I think I'm interested in taking a personal trainer certification course through one of the accredited schools - I'm thinking ISSA.