Author Topic: The Viking Log.  (Read 7698 times)

Swedish Viking

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The Viking Log.
« on: December 04, 2007, 01:48:10 AM »
So, in response to the 'open challenge' on the main training board, I am making my own log.  I am about 2 weeks into my training now after about 6-7 mos off, due to a long adventure, several injuries and even one sickness.  Needless to say, I am excited to be back. I am also sore.  My training style is both Jonesian HIT and Yates/Mentzerish heavy duty...which is what I am starting with.

   Yesterday I did Chest. 
       Incline DB chest:41.5kg(92lbs) for 1 set of 5, then directly inte nuetral DB flat chest press, then directly into dips, then directly into a lateral raise, then directly into a DB shoulder press.  No rest inbetween, just 1 hard set. 
      Today I did back. 
     Wide grip chins with 10kg on my waist for 3, then directly into negative wide chins, then directly into negative underhand chins, then directly into a seated row, then directly into a BB curl with 27kg for 5-6 or so. 

   Sorry I don't have weights or reps for the other stuff, I didn't take the time to write it all down-I know that's the whole point! I have, on the other hand, invested in a new camera(as mine was lost on Svalbard) which I will use to post before pictures, hopefully real soon.  The damn thing is like a spaceship though, and I will need time to figure out where the timer is.  Or, my girlfriend will have to get her ass over to my place and take the pics for me.

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2007, 05:41:20 AM »
Did legs today, still haven't taken any pictures good enough to post.  You'll get them soon enough.

           Single Legged Calf Raise-6kg x 15 x 12( I did one extra set, I know)
           Abduction Machine #12 x 10
           Leg XT #14 x 8 supersetted(+) with Walking DB lunge 21kg x 12 reps per leg.
           ...and the last exercise, I don't know the name of.  I hook my toes under something low to the ground, then fall forward resisting my bodyweight all the way down.  I roll a swiss ball forward as I do it to give me a little more control, otherwise it's just a fall forward.
   Also, I figure I'll write up what I eat as well.  Today for breakfast I drank 6 raw eggs, and then ate .2kg of raw beef.  For Lunch, I drank 6 raw eggs and ate .25kg raw beef, and for dinner I am going to drink 6-12 raw eggs.  The only supplements I take are probiotics, one of which I make myself, one of which I buy called Threelac.


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2007, 02:34:09 PM »
Should be an interesting log to follow, good luck!
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Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2007, 12:15:23 AM »
My weight is 85 kg-190.4lbs, I have not trained in 7 mos.

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2007, 10:45:09 PM »
last three of the before before pics...I want to take more, maybe even weekly.

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2007, 04:26:34 AM »
ok, my stats are as follows:

   Left arm-15.2 in, or 38.5 cm
   Right arm-15 or 38 cm.
   Thighs equal at 22 in or 56 cm
   Left calf-14.8 in or 37.5 cm
   Right Calf-15.6 in or 39.5 cm
   Chest-42.5 in or 108 cm.
   Waist-33.5 in or 85 cm.

 The reason for the size difference in my calves is a back injury that left me without feeling for several months on the side of my left leg going all the way down to the calf.  I have regained feeling but not function of the outer head of the gastroc-it is considerably smaller and somewhat deformed looking. 

  My diet is as follows: 6-12 whole raw eggs in the morning followed by .5lb-1lb raw beef and the same thing once or twice more throughout the day.  I don't eat within several hours of bed time.  No supplements other than pro-biotics at this time.  Although, at some point I might invest in some maca powder.
  My workouts for the week:

  12/9: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
       Incline DB press: 41.5kgx6 + Nuetral Flat DB press-26kgx4 + Dips-0x2

       Lateral Raise-13.5kgx10 + DB Shoulder Press-21kgx10 + Tricep Pressdown-20kgx2 + Bench Dip-0x4

 12/10: Legs and lower back:
          Superman-5kgx20 + Hyperextension-0x20
          Standing uni calf raise-6kgx15x10(this is the only muscle group I do multiple sets for, and only because of my reluctance to train them all out due to the aforementioned)

          Falling Hamstring- 0x6
          Leg XT-#14x13 + DB Walking Lunge-21kgx15


          I ended up doing lower back again today because I can feel I am on the verge of herniating a disc again and training it makes it feel better.

          Machine Pullover-#10x6 + Nuetral Chins-0x3

          Seated Row-70kgx4 + Wide Chin-0x1 + BB curl-40kgx3

          DB Shrug-34kgx6

          Superman-5kgx20 + Hyperextension-0x20


Get Rowdy

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2007, 09:35:05 PM »
Cool log.

How tall are you?

Also, why don't you choose to have any carbs in your diet?


  • Getbig V
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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2007, 08:41:04 PM »
Why eat raw man?

I watch survivorman to see that shit  :D
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Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2007, 10:27:29 PM »
As far as I'm concerned, sugar(simple or complex) is probably the most addictive substance out there-and I think most everyone I come into contact with has a problem with it-I know I do, even though I wouldn't be diagnosed with any kind of disorder.  As long as you have enough fat in your diet, I think it's pretty unnecessary.  I'm 6ft tall-183.5cm and I eat raw because I think it's better for me; I think it's cleaner, more digestable, and makes me more resistant to a lot of the issues I used to face-colds, flus, obcessive thoughts/behavior...etc.  Now(for the most part), I eat to feed my body and it's no big deal.  I'll still eat cooked every now and again if someone makes me dinner or I just want to go out and have a good time-it's not a big deal for me, but 99% of the time, it's raw.

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #9 on: December 31, 2007, 03:47:53 AM »
ok, so here is the update:

  12/13: Chest, Shoulders, Tris, abs

    Bench Press 90kg(201lbs) x 3 + Nuetral DB chest Press 26kg(58lbs) x 6 + Dips 0 x 3 reps

    Lateral Raise 14kg(31..6lbs) x 9 + Seated DB shoulder press 22kg(49lbs) x 8 + Overhead tricep XT 20kg(45lbs) x 4 reps

    Full Sit up on slant board 0 x 12 reps

 12/16: Legs

    Standing uni calf raise 7kg(15.5lbs) x 12 x 10
    Falling Hamstring 0 x 8
    Abductor Machine #13 x 15 reps(last three were partials)
    Leg Xt #14 x 15 + DB walking lunge 24kg(54lbs) x 15 reps

 12/18: Back, biceps, forearms, abs

    Hyper XT 3kg(6.5lbs) x 15 + Superman 3kg x 20
    Machine Pullover #10 x 8 + Nuetral Chin 0 x 5 or possibly 6
    Reverse Cable Fly 10kg(22lbs) x 7 + High Rope Row 30kg(67lbs) x 12 + BB Curl 31kg(69lbs) x 8
    Reverse wrist curl 18.5kg(41.5) x 7
    Full Sit up on slant board 0 x 15

 12/20: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

   Bench Press 90kg(201.5lbs) x 4 +Nuetral DB chest Press 26kg(58kg) x 7 + Dips 0 x 4
   Lateral Raise 14kg(31lbs) x 9 + Seated DB shoulder press 22kg(49lbs) x 8 + overhead DB tricep XT 20kg(45lbs) x 5
   DB shrugs(just threw these in cus I was feelin it 34kg(76lbs) x 10

 12/26: Legs(there was one day inbetween here that I will update later) and lower back

    Hyper XT 3kg(6.5lbs) x 20 + Superman 3kg x 20
    Standing Uni Calf Raise 7kg(15.5lbs) x 13 x 10
    Falling Hamstring 0 x 10
    Abductor Machine #13 x 15(last three were still partials)
    Leg Xt #14 x 15 + Db Lunge 24kg(53.5lbs) x 15....I am sticking with these loads until the reps are perfect all the way through-which they aren't yet.

 12/27: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
     Bench Press 90kg(201.5lbs) x 6 + Nuetral DB chest Press 26kg(58lbs) x 6 + Dips 0 x 3
     DB Nuetralish shoulder press 26.5(59lbs) x 5 + Lateral raise 10kg(22.4lbs) x 8 + Skullcrusher 31.5kg(70.5lbs) x 5

 12/28: Back, Biceps, Forearms

     Machine Back Xt #7 x 15 or 20 + Superman 3kg(6.5lbs) x 20
     Machine Pullover #10 x 16 + Nuetral Chin 0 x 5
     Reverse Cable Fly 10kg(22.4lbs) x 6 + Assisted very wide chin up #17 x 1, # 13 x 2 reps + BB curl 31kg(69lbs) x 10

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #10 on: December 31, 2007, 03:52:35 AM »
These pics are taken now about 1 month after I started.  All my weights have gone up....including my bodyweight.  I will take measurements and post them as soon as I can.  If you look closely, you'll notice that I am experimenting a bit with NOT changing my exericises.  Every session is almost always exactly the same as the respective last.  I haven't made up my mind fully yet, but my gut is telling me that while this way of training isn't the death that many people think it is, it isn't the best either.  And just to cap off, in case you hadn't noticed...these are HIT routines-I am only doing one set to failure for everything with the exception of calves(because of an injury).  The routines only take 15-20 minutes and most of that time is spent kneading out knots or warming up.

Swedish Viking

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Re: The Viking Log.
« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2008, 08:34:14 AM »
Back and Legs: