Author Topic: Dealing with depression  (Read 40514 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #250 on: November 24, 2013, 01:52:28 PM »
There are two quotes, none from me.

I am practicing sexual abstinence though, or at least trying to, and I've given up on porn several months ago. I can attest to a lot of positive changes since I started this endeavour. Concentration and patience is way better today. One big reason as to why I'm doing this is that I feel more laidback at work, before I was pissed off all the time.

Withdrawals (yes, they're real...) were awful though. Felt like crap and wanted to sleep all day.

This may seem very silly when reading about it but a lot of people are experience the same things as I've mentioned previously - and more and more scientific studies are being performed on the subject. We haven't had high speed internet porn and tabbed browsing for too many years so we're not that aware of the risks...

Be careful about extremes, for example, total abstinence can lead to depression in many people.  Sexual release is healing.  But I do agree that internet porn can mess with dopamine.  Even being excessively wired into a site like getbig (or obsessively checking/updating Facebook or tweeting continuously), these things can mess with our wiring in a way that ends up increasing the risk of anxiety and depression. 

The Onion

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #251 on: November 24, 2013, 02:05:22 PM »
Be careful about extremes, for example, total abstinence can lead to depression in many people.  Sexual release is healing.  But I do agree that internet porn can mess with dopamine.  Even being excessively wired into a site like getbig (or obsessively checking/updating Facebook or tweeting continuously), these things can mess with our wiring in a way that ends up increasing the risk of anxiety and depression.
I agree. This is powerful stuff, more so than you'd expect.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #252 on: November 24, 2013, 02:42:56 PM »
Not trying to be funny but try giving up porn. Porn, as other addictions, can mess up your dopamine system and give you feelings of depression, social anxiety, "mind fog" and other bad side effects...

"I'm one of those guys. The amazing part is that a year before I tried giving up porn, I even went to see psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed me with severe social anxiety disorder and depression, and wanted to put me on antidepressants, which I never agreed to.

When I went on my first no-porn/masturbation streak (~80 days) I started noticing the benefits reported by others. Today, on my 109th day of a streak, I feel happy, confident, social, smart, capable of meeting any challenge, etc., etc."

"I have experienced some awesome benefits. First off, I finally have energy again! I haven't felt this good since high school. It's not like I'm Hulk or anything, but I finally have extra energy to DO stuff. I spent most of my early 20's in a state of low energy and mild depression. Now that I've stopped [masturbating to porn] twice a day, I've been exercising, being more social, and generally enjoying life."

109 days without masturbation? jesus h christ  :o your the man, at 20 days im ready to tear someones head off and commit a rape.. even a mere 3 weeks changes my outlook on life drastically cant imagine 100+ days thats insane!

Radical Plato

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #253 on: November 24, 2013, 06:01:20 PM »

See now I know you are just trolling.  For someone who has such a huge problem with zealots, you are pretty zealous with your trolling.  I just find it odd the amount of effort you put into your trolling.  Were you a Roman Catholic as a child?  Did something bad happen to you?  That would make sense for you to hate religion so much, but if you legit just hate people who are trying to live good honest lives with God in it, well I don't know what to say to you other than goodbye and good luck with all that.  You win troll of the year award.
I am beginning to see why your girlfriend left you.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #254 on: November 24, 2013, 07:33:32 PM »
I am beginning to see why your girlfriend left you.

Hit a nerve with you?  Now i'm seeing why you are such a hate-filled little troll.  It wasn't your fault that something bad happened to you as a child.  Don't blame yourself and hold on to so much hatred.  It is holding you back and making you lash out at the rest of humanity.  I won't respond to your posts anymore now that I know why you are the way you are.  It would not be right to kick someone who has been abused like you were.  Just remember that you were a child and the man who did what he did to you was the wrong one not you. 


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #255 on: November 24, 2013, 07:40:19 PM »

I wish I can convince myself to believe in shite like that but unfortunately I ask 'Why' while other people just accept the line without question.

Man of Steel think 'God' came over him. In reality the hormonal balance in his body corrected itself and he felt at peace. Apparently 'God' did it.
maybe god exists, but im sure at the gates of heaven when he asks why didnt you believe, he will be sensible enough to understand that his book didnt hold up to scientifical update is overdue.

and his earthly representatives being too close to children and all that.

so far, looking back at the actions of the religious institutions, theres plenty of ungodly stuff, dont know, maybe they interpreting the bible in mysterious ways.


Radical Plato

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #256 on: November 24, 2013, 08:22:26 PM »
Hit a nerve with you?  Now i'm seeing why you are such a hate-filled little troll.  It wasn't your fault that something bad happened to you as a child.  Don't blame yourself and hold on to so much hatred.  It is holding you back and making you lash out at the rest of humanity.  I won't respond to your posts anymore now that I know why you are the way you are.  It would not be right to kick someone who has been abused like you were.  Just remember that you were a child and the man who did what he did to you was the wrong one not you. 
Now I have no doubt as to why your girlfriend left you.  ;D ;D


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #257 on: November 24, 2013, 09:11:56 PM »
There are two quotes, none from me.

I am practicing sexual abstinence though, or at least trying to, and I've given up on porn several months ago. I can attest to a lot of positive changes since I started this endeavour. Concentration and patience is way better today. One big reason as to why I'm doing this is that I feel more laidback at work, before I was pissed off all the time.

Withdrawals (yes, they're real...) were awful though. Felt like crap and wanted to sleep all day.

This may seem very silly when reading about it but a lot of people are experience the same things as I've mentioned previously - and more and more scientific studies are being performed on the subject. We haven't had high speed internet porn and tabbed browsing for too many years so we're not that aware of the risks...

Give it up for life and you are just what the Catholic doctor ordered.  They will snap you up into the priesthood so fast it could provoke an orgasm.   

Most people feel the opposite of what you report if they try to bottle up their sex drive.  But you could be some kinda mutant.  That's always a possibility.

But seriously...check out the priesthood.   Turn your celibacy into the foundation for a new profession! 

Man of Steel

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #258 on: November 24, 2013, 11:03:42 PM »

Gee, can't you discuss anything else BUT religion? Is your brain and mind that small that you cannot think or talk about anything else?

I feel really sorry for you.  :-\ :-\

I was asked a question about my faith so I answered it.  Just like you PM'd me for over a week asking me questions.

Man of Steel

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #259 on: November 24, 2013, 11:06:56 PM »

I wish I can convince myself to believe in shite like that but unfortunately I ask 'Why' while other people just accept the line without question.

Man of Steel think 'God' came over him. In reality the hormonal balance in his body corrected itself and he felt at peace. Apparently 'God' did it.

yep it was a hormonal imbalance...glad we got that sorted out.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #260 on: November 24, 2013, 11:32:49 PM »
I've discovered that there is a certain degree of depression that comes with getting older. I sometimes feel depressed because I start thinking about all the things I wanted to do or would like to do now but for one reason or another I don't.

For example, last summer or son and his wife celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. We were invited to participate in the festivities. Unfortunately, they live in Germany. While we can afford to travel, my wife isn't healthy enough for it, thus we made the decision to send them money instead. Next summer, our oldest granddaughter is getting married and wants us to be part of her wedding. She also lives in Germany. I don't see anything changing for the positive with my wife's health issues. I am not about to go without her. It's depressing.

I really enjoy working out at the gym. Since I had knee surgery in September, all my energy has gone into doing the physical therapy for my knee. I was pretty depressed over the fact that I was walking like a gimp. While my upper body shrinks, the physical therapy is helping me to recover from the surgery. I am looking forward to the time I can get back into a full body workout regimen at the gym. In the meantime, when I look at myself in the mirror it takes a lot not to feel a little depressed.

About 18 months ago, I had a prostatectomy because I had prostate cancer. While there is a lot of things to celebrate, like being cancer free and not being incontinent. I have had issues with being impotent for years. Unfortunately, the prostatectomy exasperated the problem. Not only that, with no prostate and no seminal vessel there is no "money shot" which I miss. On up side, I guess, is that I have more sensory responses so the nerves are doing well. And although it is something of an anti-climax, I still do have a dry and intense orgasm.

Just writing about this stuff is depressing me so I am going to stop here.

The truth of the matter is, I have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for. I also think I have too much time on my hands since I retired. Despite volunteering for a number of different things, serving on committees and sitting on a couple of boards, these things don't occupy my time in the way that working did. I have no plans to go back to work though.

I am pretty sure being on HRT helps with my depression. Having a loving family also is a God send. Whenever I get to feeling really down, I think about how fortunate I am compared to some people. I live in a nice home. Although I am not rich, money is not a problem. And my two dogs give me unconditional love....but they also wish I'd get off my ass soon and take them for a walk.

Man of Steel

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #261 on: November 24, 2013, 11:35:11 PM »
If it comforts you to believe that fine.  I see religion as poison and those who follow it as miserable lost souls.  And religion and prayer don't even deserve to be called a twisted version of truth, they are boldface lies. Just as you see me in darkness, that's the way I see you and other people so taken with religion.  I am happy with the level of awareness and enlightenment I have attained.  I walk around with eyes wide open, I have no need for others pity and I accept life the way it is and not the way I want it to be.   

I kind of laugh when you offer up help, as I feel it is you who is in need of it, but the stranglehold of religion has closed your mind.  I like my humaneness, I am not trying to mold life into an enjoyable, comfortable ride. I am not seeking happiness, or god or any of that.  I seek to develop my mind as for as possible, I find it sufficient to pursue the areas of interest that captivate me, to expand in the way that I like, that I am comfortable with.   I need no god to take the raw edge off living, all emotions are equally valid and worthy of exploration, I see god botherers as escape artists, trying to avoid the harsher realities of life, to escape the experience and therefore the vital lesson contained within.  Simply put, it is just another psychological defense mechanism to cope with the ups and downs of life.

My guess is it bothers you to have someone ridicule your faith and superstitious practises so vehemently and with such passion that your only choice is to tell yourself they are a dark lost soul incapable of understanding God and his grace.  While you see the darkness as something to flee from and seek solace and comfort in God, I see as a remarkable opportunity to explore and discover life more deeply, to live more richly, to move further towards a deep understanding of life.  My goal isn't to live a comfortable live with the assistance of a divine being, but to live a REAL LIFE, complete with unsolvable dilemmas and extreme difficulties.  Your sales pitch of your life once being dark but is now filled with God's light doesn't appeal to someone like me, if anything it sounds like an outright terrible existence.  I embrace my darkness !!!  I see moving to the light as going in the wrong direction.

yep that about covers it.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #262 on: November 24, 2013, 11:52:05 PM »
yep that about covers it.

Rx. From the DOC

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #263 on: November 25, 2013, 02:06:00 AM »
Hope this is a serious post because I will answer it like it is.  I have and am suffering now.  I know what you mean about knowing it is not the normal blues but much worse.  You just know inside it is not normal.  I did go to a shrink on was put on medication and looking back I am not sure how much it helped.  It may or may not have.  All I know is that it was not easy by any means.  I found that there were certain people who could just make me feel better and "forget" about it all while I was with them.  Seek these people out and be around them whenever possible.  I wish I had a concrete answer to give you about how to get through it but there is none other than if you feel it is going too far into the darkness and you are going to hurt yourself, go to a hospital tell them what you are thinking and let them help you.  Other than that, try to find anything positive that does not hurt others that you can do to boost your mood.  There are supplements and drugs that help but they are not a cure.  The only cure is unfortunately time because it feels like it will never end.  It does though.  Good luck to us both, I know I need it.  


Mr. AZ 2003


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #264 on: November 25, 2013, 02:10:00 AM »
Anyone else ever dealt with depression? Lately I've been feeling really down in the dumps. Not the normal feeling down but like a lower level of downess. Im just really sad. I'm not looking for anyones sympathy so please. im just curious if anyone has ever dealt with depression and how they deal with it. If I had insurance I would think about going to see a doc.

are picking on avesher in this thread?


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #265 on: November 25, 2013, 07:10:44 AM »
I've discovered that there is a certain degree of depression that comes with getting older. I sometimes feel depressed because I start thinking about all the things I wanted to do or would like to do now but for one reason or another I don't.

For example, last summer or son and his wife celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. We were invited to participate in the festivities. Unfortunately, they live in Germany. While we can afford to travel, my wife isn't healthy enough for it, thus we made the decision to send them money instead. Next summer, our oldest granddaughter is getting married and wants us to be part of her wedding. She also lives in Germany. I don't see anything changing for the positive with my wife's health issues. I am not about to go without her. It's depressing.

I really enjoy working out at the gym. Since I had knee surgery in September, all my energy has gone into doing the physical therapy for my knee. I was pretty depressed over the fact that I was walking like a gimp. While my upper body shrinks, the physical therapy is helping me to recover from the surgery. I am looking forward to the time I can get back into a full body workout regimen at the gym. In the meantime, when I look at myself in the mirror it takes a lot not to feel a little depressed.

About 18 months ago, I had a prostatectomy because I had prostate cancer. While there is a lot of things to celebrate, like being cancer free and not being incontinent. I have had issues with being impotent for years. Unfortunately, the prostatectomy exasperated the problem. Not only that, with no prostate and no seminal vessel there is no "money shot" which I miss. On up side, I guess, is that I have more sensory responses so the nerves are doing well. And although it is something of an anti-climax, I still do have a dry and intense orgasm.

Just writing about this stuff is depressing me so I am going to stop here.

The truth of the matter is, I have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for. I also think I have too much time on my hands since I retired. Despite volunteering for a number of different things, serving on committees and sitting on a couple of boards, these things don't occupy my time in the way that working did. I have no plans to go back to work though.

I am pretty sure being on HRT helps with my depression. Having a loving family also is a God send. Whenever I get to feeling really down, I think about how fortunate I am compared to some people. I live in a nice home. Although I am not rich, money is not a problem. And my two dogs give me unconditional love....but they also wish I'd get off my ass soon and take them for a walk.

Wow, I admire your candor.  This is not the friendliest forum around, so posting what you did took guts.  You are right about the aging and depression link.  I never used to get down like this in my teens and 20's.  Now that im in my 30's, there are times where I am way down in the dumps.  I honestly didn't know that you could still get hard and orgasm after having a prostatectomy.  I thought it was a no go forever after it was removed.  I guess as long as there is no nerve damage, the only thing missing is the fluid.  You taught me something new today.
And you are right about getting down because you arent doing the things you want to or worse yet know you should do.  Especially the things you know you should do but keep putting off. 


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #266 on: November 25, 2013, 08:04:17 AM »
1 to 10 wolfcocksucker offs himself during those lonely christmas days.



  • Getbig V
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #267 on: November 25, 2013, 08:25:07 AM »
1 to 10 wolfcocksucker offs himself during those lonely christmas days.

Aren't you nearing 40 still not married and living in an apartment? Did I mention you're dog faced with gh fat folds and acne scars? Or that your very existence on this forum as a conman is built on plagiarizing Lyle mcdonalds work?

Truth hurts. You've been exposed. Time for you to delete all your posts again for the 4th time. You yourself seem stable...not!


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #268 on: November 25, 2013, 08:41:00 AM »
I've discovered that there is a certain degree of depression that comes with getting older. I sometimes feel depressed because I start thinking about all the things I wanted to do or would like to do now but for one reason or another I don't.

For example, last summer or son and his wife celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. We were invited to participate in the festivities. Unfortunately, they live in Germany. While we can afford to travel, my wife isn't healthy enough for it, thus we made the decision to send them money instead. Next summer, our oldest granddaughter is getting married and wants us to be part of her wedding. She also lives in Germany. I don't see anything changing for the positive with my wife's health issues. I am not about to go without her. It's depressing.

I really enjoy working out at the gym. Since I had knee surgery in September, all my energy has gone into doing the physical therapy for my knee. I was pretty depressed over the fact that I was walking like a gimp. While my upper body shrinks, the physical therapy is helping me to recover from the surgery. I am looking forward to the time I can get back into a full body workout regimen at the gym. In the meantime, when I look at myself in the mirror it takes a lot not to feel a little depressed.

About 18 months ago, I had a prostatectomy because I had prostate cancer. While there is a lot of things to celebrate, like being cancer free and not being incontinent. I have had issues with being impotent for years. Unfortunately, the prostatectomy exasperated the problem. Not only that, with no prostate and no seminal vessel there is no "money shot" which I miss. On up side, I guess, is that I have more sensory responses so the nerves are doing well. And although it is something of an anti-climax, I still do have a dry and intense orgasm.

Just writing about this stuff is depressing me so I am going to stop here.

The truth of the matter is, I have much to celebrate and much to be thankful for. I also think I have too much time on my hands since I retired. Despite volunteering for a number of different things, serving on committees and sitting on a couple of boards, these things don't occupy my time in the way that working did. I have no plans to go back to work though.

I am pretty sure being on HRT helps with my depression. Having a loving family also is a God send. Whenever I get to feeling really down, I think about how fortunate I am compared to some people. I live in a nice home. Although I am not rich, money is not a problem. And my two dogs give me unconditional love....but they also wish I'd get off my ass soon and take them for a walk.

Damn man, that was some personal shit to read. Congrats on being cancer free and thanks for sharing. We are all human and it's nice to be reminded that EVERYONE has a struggle in some way or form. Peace bro.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #269 on: November 25, 2013, 09:20:26 AM »
Now I have no doubt as to why your girlfriend left you.  ;D ;D

Sweet comeback bro, whew you got me on that one  ::)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #270 on: November 25, 2013, 10:29:25 AM »
In general, this thread is bringing out better instincts, so here goes with my issue.  I don't suffer from down-low type depression but I do experience ENVY (one of the deadly sins I believe).  Does anybody else have this issue?  For example, even though I know many of the guys have issues of their own, I often find myself in a state of envy toward pro bodybuilders and national competitors.  I envy their huge size, their confidence, their cockiness, their ability to draw the opposite sex.  This goes beyond admiration.  Mostly it's a deep visceral envy of their sheer size.  This becomes a burden, maybe depression at some level, and seems spiritually shallow given the big picture of all the challenges human beings face.  I respond through my own bodybuilding, entering competitions, going to shows, viewing videos online and catching up on bodybuilding news/gossip.  I can pull away from all this and delve into other aspects of my life a lot of the time, but I always come back.  What I guess I am saying is that bodybuilding satisfies me at some levels, but at other levels it fails to do so.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #271 on: November 25, 2013, 05:11:30 PM »
^^ if this is true, you may want to stay away from the sport for a while or find a new one entirely. Here's something to ponder, do you think most of these pro/big bbers are happy? Many perform g4p, do tons and tons of drugs (10+ grams) which causes a number of health issues, they have short careers and are washed up with nothing (most never make it, just chasing the dream). If your just jesting/trolling, not funny

Radical Plato

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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #272 on: November 25, 2013, 07:17:31 PM »
^^ if this is true, you may want to stay away from the sport for a while or find a new one entirely. Here's something to ponder, do you think most of these pro/big bbers are happy? Many perform g4p, do tons and tons of drugs (10+ grams) which causes a number of health issues, they have short careers and are washed up with nothing (most never make it, just chasing the dream). If your just jesting/trolling, not funny
Pretty sure mphgrove's post is a gag, pretty funny one too!  ;D


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #273 on: November 25, 2013, 07:46:09 PM »
Not trying to be funny but try giving up porn. Porn, as other addictions, can mess up your dopamine system and give you feelings of depression, social anxiety, "mind fog" and other bad side effects...

"I'm one of those guys. The amazing part is that a year before I tried giving up porn, I even went to see psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed me with severe social anxiety disorder and depression, and wanted to put me on antidepressants, which I never agreed to.

When I went on my first no-porn/masturbation streak (~80 days) I started noticing the benefits reported by others. Today, on my 109th day of a streak, I feel happy, confident, social, smart, capable of meeting any challenge, etc., etc."

"I have experienced some awesome benefits. First off, I finally have energy again! I haven't felt this good since high school. It's not like I'm Hulk or anything, but I finally have extra energy to DO stuff. I spent most of my early 20's in a state of low energy and mild depression. Now that I've stopped [masturbating to porn] twice a day, I've been exercising, being more social, and generally enjoying life."

Yeah it is pretty fucked how it works. I've noticed a drastic disinterest in computers since I've stopped using you porn so much.


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Re: Dealing with depression
« Reply #274 on: November 25, 2013, 08:23:17 PM »
Anyone else ever dealt with depression? Lately I've been feeling really down in the dumps. Not the normal feeling down but like a lower level of downess. Im just really sad. I'm not looking for anyones sympathy so please. im just curious if anyone has ever dealt with depression and how they deal with it. If I had insurance I would think about going to see a doc.

I wouldn't get started on any medications especially SSRI's. selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors are all horrible drugs. If you do get on any medication try a benzo before a SSRI. If you can stay off all medications that would be best. What you need to do is get a hobby and stick with it or if you already have a hobby like weight lifting try to spend alot of time in the gym and train real seriously. Make a goal sheet for yourself and achieve them all. Also go get laid. getting some good sex always makes a man or women happy. You need a good women in your life. Money also seems to bring lot of people joy so work hard as well and make alot of money. But for a quick depression fix workout alot, go get laid and get some good rest and eat foods you like to eat. I don;t know what is going on in your life but avoid any prescription drugs. I went that route and benzos worked great but now I am stuck on them and SSRI's were garbage,those might make things worse.