Author Topic: Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends  (Read 567373 times)


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #150 on: March 21, 2005, 09:57:44 AM »
Kevin please tell us about the ODD LIFTS!!!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #151 on: March 21, 2005, 10:12:33 AM »
A pic of Alan Ichinose.(The Groom)

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #152 on: March 21, 2005, 10:52:00 AM »
With Vince Gironda,any one have any stories about Vince to tell.
Over here in the UK on saturday night was a programme called Arnies Millions,where they traced his career and add up what money he made from bodybuilding,films real estate etc,and Gene Mozee was interviewd on this programme.I`ll copy the video onto DVD,then i can post some screencaps of what Gene looks like now.

I finally managed to see that after a few months of trying. Luckily i'd decided to stay in rather than spend the night out on the town drinking or i'd have missed it. I didn't know Mozee was in it and was pleasantly surprised when he popped up.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #153 on: March 21, 2005, 10:55:47 AM »
I competed in some "odd lift" contests back in the 70`s at Mt. Park......the contests were run by muscle control artist and expert Ed Jubinville.......a great guy who has done so much for the sport.

I did benches for reps with 50 pounds over bodyweight.............

chins for max reps...........

...........and deadlifts for reps with I beleive it was 100 pounds over bodyweight.....not sure now.

A pic of George Frenn squatting with a cast on his broken leg.........Frenn squatted much more normally as squats were his lift,but you had to give him credit for competing in a friggin` cast!!

Dale Adrian too!

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #154 on: March 21, 2005, 10:56:23 AM »
Only Me! You said that you and Gene Mozee went to that contest in a "downtown location". That was the Embassy Auditorim and it was a part of the fleabag Embassy Hotel. Every contest I ever went to in the 50's/60's was held there.

Before Gene's time, there was an elderly guy with silver hair that used to MC the bodybuilding events there. And I seem to recall a girl by the name of Judy Miller who competed in some swimming suit events and usually won if anyone showed up against her. ( Bikinis weren't even invented yet!)

Gene would always show up wth a great looking Hollywood type lady on his arm.

He would remember those old times.

I seem to remember Gene MC'ing a few contests there too but that was later. Bodybuilding was really small back then and relatively unknown and the fans were a whole lot tougher than they are today. There would always be some sort of "rukus" going on.

And Don Howorth was always a sight to see in some sort of cardigan sweater with his bulging deltoids. He always got a lot of attention at these events.

I recall one year, a bunch of "bulky blunders" showing up with shaved heads and moustaches and sort of taking control of the place.  If someone up there on that stage was "unworthy" to be up there, the crowd would let them know by every means possible. And that included a couple of tomatoes more  than once.

Must have been a holdover from the old vaudeville days.

I still attend contests on occasion and am always surprised how courtious the audiance is even when the guest posers show up with guts hanging over their posing trunks. In the old days, if you did not look your best, you were boo'ed off the stage and sometimes threatened with extinction.

I mentioned this before in a previous post, but back then the AAU allowed the Olympic lifters to "use" the bodybuilding events to hold people in their seats. I saw more than a couple of BB contests start way after midnight and not until the Olympic lifters got their trophies and the stage was cleaned up.

A few years of that was what broke the camel's back and brought about the fall of AAU bodybuilding.

Back then there was a guy who was darn popular doing a muscle control act. I forget his name but he was darn a big hit with the BB crowd and appeared quite often. Anyone recall that act?


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #155 on: March 21, 2005, 10:59:48 AM »
That`s a 605 squat for Frenn,who normally squatted 800 or more.......not to freakin` shabby for a guy with a broken wheel!  ;D

More pics of Dale Adrian.

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #156 on: March 21, 2005, 11:03:57 AM »
Don Howarth!

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #157 on: March 21, 2005, 11:09:14 AM »
Vince and Larry Scott!!

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #158 on: March 21, 2005, 11:18:10 AM »
Sorry, but it seems that we are all posting stuff at the same time, so I kind of miss sending appropriate responses.

Thanks for the Frenn and Adrian pics, Wes. I do recall Frenn squatting with a cast on his leg. He did so many crazy things I've often doubted. But no matter what crazy thing you hear about Frenn and Bill "Peanuts" West, you better believe it! They were totally insane when it came to lifting and life in general.

I heard that Peanuts entered a BB contest a few years before he passed away and got into a fight with himself in a mirror. Or maybe it was just an argument.

Pat Casey was big time during that time period too but I don't know if he ever trained with Frenn and  West. In fact I don't even know where Frenn and West trained but the story goes that they trained in someone's garage someplace. I don't recall ever seeing them at Gold's.

But I was there to see Pat Casey do the world's first 600 pound bench press. Happened in the early 60's in a ploace ajacent to the San Diego Zoo. A lion roared when he got that lift. I'll never forget  that.

Does anyone recall the events that were held at the LA Police Academy back them. I attneded a few but I can't recall what they were all about. Could have been powerlifting contest and there was a big police office who was a great lifter way back then. Held numerous records but I forgot his name. HELP???

THE ODD LIfts - I don't have too much info on lifiting when Powerlifting was called the Odd Lifts. I'd have to contact Bill Starr to get those details but it might have been Bill who told me about the Odd Lift days when the guys would tape tennis balls behind their knees to get that added bounce to lift a heavy squat.

Levis were popular too back then. Must have been the original power pants.

I'll drop Odd Lifting here casue anything I might add would be totally off the wall. But I 'll do my best to contact Starr and have him refresh my memory. Last time I heard, he was a strength coach at Johns Hopkins University.

OK, thanks again


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #159 on: March 21, 2005, 11:21:18 AM »
Great photos, Wes! You can get a good idea of the size of Howarth's  delts in that darker photo!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #160 on: March 21, 2005, 12:10:27 PM »

New subject ...... Who remembers Rheo H. Blair ? Dale Adrian? Bill West? George Frenn? Judy Miller? Solo El Fenzy? Harry Pearl? Wayne Bouvier? Gus? John Corvello? Bill McArdle? Odd Lifts? Carl Norbert? Gypsy Boots? Doug Strohl? Lisa Lyons? Ed Holvochik? Ked Schoming?

Well of course Rheo H. Blair was the nutritionist who for the most part invented Milk and Egg protein and was, Larry Scott, Arnold, Zane, Draper and the nutritionist for many others back in the day.

I heard stories that Harry Pearl was even stronger than his brother Bill and used to unicycle down Manchester Blvd. when Bills gym was there.

Bill "Peanuts" West was a powerlifter who gained over 100 pounds by putting peanut oil on everything he ate.
and keep moving!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #161 on: March 21, 2005, 12:38:18 PM »
I'm not as old as you old farts but I remember as a young teenager, buying a can of "Bob Hoffman" chocolate protein powder.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #162 on: March 21, 2005, 01:21:27 PM »
No man Hoffmans "protein from the sea" would make a real man out of you. And desicatted liver tablets.

Peter G used to chew desicatted liver tablets lime they were M&M's yeeeek.

And Jim Morris used to make "Tuna shakes" Tuna water and desicatted liver powder. I tried it once and projectile vomited it up as fast as it went down.
and keep moving!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #163 on: March 21, 2005, 02:15:19 PM »
No man Hoffmans "protein from the sea" would make a real man out of you.
When I was a teenager I bought some of Hoffmans "Protien"only it was NOT was......that scamming dirtbag......."ProTEEN"........a buch of cheap a$$ sugar products............


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #164 on: March 21, 2005, 02:25:38 PM »
Right you are, Max! On all counts!

I don't know if Bill himself did this, but a very good friend of Bill and Judy's would get up during the night every two hours and make one of those tuna shakes and drink the whole thing down and hop back into bed for another two hour rest.

And it looked like it worked for him! But you could smell him a mile away!

This next  one goes way back when they held summer contests in the outdoor theater just north of the present Venice Pit about fifty yards or so. Must have been around 1962 and there was a pretty famous bodybuilder whose name I forgot who ate nothing but tuna squeezed with a nylon stocking and water. I think he did this for months at a time.

He used the nylon sock to squeeze every bit of liquid out of that tuna. a.nd it looked just like sawdust by the time he was through. It took a lot of water to get it down.

BUT he was the only one ripped to a great extent back then and he won every minor contest that I saw him enter..

Someone in this group might recall his name.

Only bodybuilder that I really wanted to meet but never did was Eric Pedersen. I flew off to Las Vegas once to make an attempt to shake his hand, but I never did make contact. I had heard he was in LV collecting bad depts but that was just a rumor at that time.

The crankiest BB I ever met was definitely John Grimick. He always moaned a lot when someone was on stage talking. He even moaned when Bob Hoffman had the mic. And he moaned and groaned when he was asked to stand up and take a bow.

SOmeone asked for some funny Casey Viator stories and believe me when I tell you that there are a few but I'll have to get Jeff E to refresh my mind cause I sure as hell can't remember. But I do have a hazy recollection that it was something about diet and hot dogs!

Someone mention Rachael as being their favorite woman bodybuilder. She was GREAT, but I preferred Cory and we became food friends who seldom see one another. I was kind of embarrased at the Arnold a couple of years ago when she was standing on the stage addressing the audiance and saw me out there and screamed my name, and told the crowd that they would have to wait a few minutes while she took care of old business.

She came down and gave me a major hug and told me all about her new life and pulled out new family pictures while everyone waited patiently. Cory is a fine lady. Jeff tells me that I gave them their first paid job in this crazy sport. I don't remember them even getting paid.

Anyone ever meet Lisa Lyons? I'd like to know more about Lisa. I was gone most of the time she was making history at Gold's.

And how about the two sisters that trained there about that same time. They were fine! Sorry that these names escape me but one of you out might recall whom I am talking about.

Another fine lady was Judy Miller. Not the original Judy Miller but the latest one who suddenly disappeared from the BB scene so unexpectantly.

Last I heard she moved to Las Vegas and got married and was planning to enter the USA, but no one in the game in Las Vegas town had seen or heard from her since she moved to that desert city.
Anyone see judy lately?

I'll let OnlyMe tell you some Paula Suzuki and John Kaiser stories. They are another great couple who made their marks in this sport.

Ya know, looking back over the years, I've met guys in and out of the gym environment who would easily impress a band of critical judges.

One particular character was a recently licensed doctor who was one of my students learning how to mame and kill before heading off to Viet Nam. He never was too good at mameing and killing (HE SAID IT WAS DUE TO HIS HYPOCRATIC OATH) but  he was one hell of a bodybuilder.


I didn't know that until we pulled him into the gym one day and he honestly didn't have the slightest idea on how to bench press or do almost any of the basis exercises.

He was just a genetic muscle freak! And I finally realized that when I met his sister. She was also beyond reality.

One afternoon I took this doc to meet Arnold and he immediately started telling Arnold that all those suppliments he was taking were a bunch of crap.

Here he is ... a musclebound doctor who never lifted weights telling Arnold that the stuff he was taking was all bullshit.

Arnold just respectfully listened because this doc looked like he knew what the hell . he was talking about.

That was shortly after Arnold had arrived in the US.

Just recently the doc called me to let me know that he had undergone a complete reversal and was doing mega-vitamin research and prescribing mega-vitamins to numerous patients and getting excellent results  (sspecially among his elderly patients).

He said he was in the process of writing a book and had already written an apology for his attitude during the early years of his practice. I recall him saying that the AMA(?) taught interns how to treat deseases, but not how to prevent them, so he placed no importance in vitamins and suppliments back then.

If you see a 65 year old, tow-haired surfing doc with a body like a national champion looking like he is in his 30's, that will be him. Shake his hand and say, "What's up, Doc!?"

OK, rambling here.......  signing off


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #165 on: March 21, 2005, 09:00:32 PM »

In a previous post I mention something about Casey Viator,

Scratch that! I meant to say, "Tim Belnap".

Tim won the nationals in 1981 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and celebrated his victory with a swim in the pool.

Sorry bout that.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #166 on: March 21, 2005, 11:05:37 PM »
Okay it was around Nov. 1988 or so.  The event: The World Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony/Dinner at the LAX Marriot.  Event was originally scheduled for a few months earlier but Ali was scheduled to appear in Saudi Arabia to launch a new automobile called the "Ali."  Inductees included Ali, Jake LaMotta, Eder Joffre (?) and Carlos Oritz (probably more but can't remember).  Just about every boxer who has boxed one round at least was there.  It was definitely the place to be if you liked boxing. 

I remember when I was invited to go my manager called me.  It just happened that his uncle is Art Braverman (Don Kings right hand man).  So I got to be the Guest of Honor.  I got to take my girlfriend at the time and mother of my daughters.  She was so nervous because she didn’t want to under dressed.  SO she went to her mom store which sold very expensive designer clothes.  She picked out a beautiful black Oscar de la Renta (?) $6,000 dress.  Needless to say she wouldn’t be underdressed.  So we get there in the limo and I find out I am sitting next to Ali on one side and La Mottas across from me next to my girlfriend.  La Motta and me became really good friends.  He was a really nice guy.  He had his daughter there and she could of easily been in Playboy. 

Anyway, I sat down (we were first at the table) then a huge crown starts to come in.  The place had about 500+ people.  It was packed.  Finally Ali shows up.  We greet each other and everyone else at our table.  They served us food first.  I remember Ali having a little trouble with cutting his food.  I cut it for him.  The whole time he was very fascinated with my fists and arms.  I was wearing a tux.  Anyway, I remember we were eating and a guy came up to Ali for his autograph during dinner.  I told the guy a man give us a break (cause this was going on the tikme prior to food, so I was hoping it would end at least during the time we ate).  Well looks at me and says it's okay.  Ali takes the pen and holds it to the paper but wasn't writing.  He looked at me and asked me the date.  I told him and he put that down along with his autograph.  Now all along Jake is picking up on my girlfriend.  And to tell you the truth I would have traded for his daughter if he'd do it.  Oh I just remembered the date.  It was Nov. 17, 1987.  It was actually the same time that Time Magazine did an article on something I did and featured me.

Okay, so we are all getting along especially me and Ali.  SO now it is time for the ceremony.  They do everyone and leave Ali for last of course.  Now this was at a time when Ali wasn't as bad as he is now but it was very noticeable.  He didn’t shake much and talked slow and low.  Anyway, Ali gets up to the podium and starts to talk to, and I swear to god (I just got goosebumps) he does a 2 minute speech where if you closed your eyes you were back in 1970's or so when he was awesome.  He must have said 2000 words and was saying "Black" and "whitey" and everything else.  He was awesome.  When he finished every single person stood up and it was one of the loudest and definitely one of the longest ovations I have ever witnessed.  Unbelievable!

So after that and a little more crap, we had an autograph session where all the inductees got up on stage at these tables setup so people in the audience can come up and get there autographs.  They had it set so you just go in a single file line and get the souvenir program signed or whatever.  Just before dinner they introduced me (I forgot to add that).  Well when the inductees went up there Jimmy Lennon who was the announcer said Keith get up here.  I look at him and say me.  He says you right up here.  Oh my god.  My girlfriend wanted to go home but then she saw that I had to go up and sign she sat back down with Ali's wife and Jakes daughter.  I kissed her and hear Ali's wife say you better get used to it. ?    Anyway they stuck me between tow of the greatest fighters in history Jake la Motta and Muhammed Ali.  I was in heaven.  These guys kept punching me like little kids and treated me so nice.  It was so neat cause Ali says to me "Keith give me your autograph"  I said WHAT!.  He said I want your autograph in case it is worth money someday.  I start laughing.  I said to him "I want yours because I KNOW it will be worth money."  It was so neat cause he signed a few things for me including his picture in the program where he put "To Keith a Great Friend and a Great Champion    Muhammed Ali "The Greatest Champion of All-Time".  I swear to god I will never forget those words till the day I die.   Well an hour later and more than 500 autographs.  My hand was killing me and I was tired and my girlfriend was very pissed off. 

So, we all get going. This is where Kevin wanted me to start the story but I figured I'd lead up to it so you know what's happening.  When we get outside the ballroom the escalator is broken.  So everyone has to turn around and go on the elevator.  Ali was right in front of me with his wife and bodyguard (who is a major part of this story now).  I was right behind them with my girlfriend Jake and his daughter.   While we were walking I asked Jake if he felt sorry for Ali. He stopped me and said "you know there is nothing to feel sorry about him for.  He has led a life we can only dream of.  He doesn’t feel sorry for himself and we shouldn't either."  That was something I will never forget either about that night.  Jake gave me his number before we parted as he got into one of the elevators. He told me to call him anytime for anything and let’s get together.  I never called him.  I wish I did.  Anyway, Ali went in one elevator and called me in so I could get in the same one.  Now I don’t know how people their were in the elevator but it was packed to the gills.  No more room.  But Ali's bodyguard had to come on. He was holding the door.  So he squeezes in and I MEAN SQUEZES IN.  I swear to god he was at least 6'5" 500 lbs.  He was enormous.  I got very personal in the elevator with several people.  So we are sitting there when all of a sudden as we wait for the doors to close, the fucking elevator begins to drop.  I swear to god it dropped to the bottom of the shaft with the door wide open.  I swear to god this was so funny.  These people who were standing now above us were looking down thinking what happened.  We had so much friggin weight after King Kong got aboard we sank.  So now the people above are pulling the people out.  The funny thing is Ali's bodyguard was blocking close to half the door.  So the girls all were pulled out first.  We thought the elevator would go up if we lightened it, but no good.  So now the others were being pulled out including Ali and then me.  I am about 300 at the time.  From the couple of guys on top and Kong shoving his hand up my ass I finally got out (thankfully still a heterosexual).  While this whole time in the elevator the first thing that came to mind was the bodyguard.  How in the f**k are we getting him out.  Well when I got out I didn't look back I headed straight for Ali and hid because I knew they were going to ask me for help.  I didn't want any part of that circus act. 

So, now no one wants to go on the elevator cause their afraid.  SO now we have a bunch of people heading to the escalator.  As I turn around I see the bodyguard coming.  I thought he was going to punch me.  As I get on the escalator Ali, my girlfriend and Ali's wife are right behind me.  We are walking up the escalator.  Then I notice something.  First off the escalator was full with people (maybe 20).  Secondly Ali's bodyguard is about 5 people behind him.  Both sides of the elevator are mirror.  I look to my left and there is a seam where the mirrors meet.  We aren't moving.  Everytime we took a step the escalator was going down a step.  It is like we were doing the stairclimber.  I turned around and said, "hey we ain't moving"  Everyone stops walking as we slowly start going backwards.  I swear to god I thought I was on Candid Camera.  I was not only the youngest person on this "stupid journey" but I was with multi-millionaires, business executives, sports heroes and I'm the one who noticed all this or I think we would have been there for an hour.  Anyway, people got off and we finally made it to the area in front to wait for our limos.  We are all cracking up including Ali who no matter how medically off he was he was laughing his balls off.  So, while we are waiting and trying to get over our "Punkd'" episode Ali sneaks up behind me and grabs me.  I turn around and we start to wrestle (the picture below). In short (a little late now) we ended up on the ground.  It was so funny.  People were taking pictures and laughing.  I finally pinned him.  I help him up.  Our tuxes got all dirty and everything but it was so much fun.  Well we said bye to each other.  I kissed his wife he kissed my girlfriend (which he later sent a picture of that to her) and we hugged and he just said how happy it was to meet me.  That incident is something that no matter what will live with me forever.  Cause Ali from when I was a kid was my biggest idol of all time.

The neat part about this is about 3 months later I was in Miami doing an appearance and was staying at the Fontainebleau Hotel (?).  A very nice place.  As me and my manager were going down the escalator I see a sign at the bottom saying something about a chocolate convention. I said I gotta see that.  So we went in and there was this really long line against the wall.  We followed it to the front and to my surprise was Ali sitting in a small area that was setup to look like a boxing ring.  I stood there for about 30 seconds when he looks up and sees me.  He stands up looks at me shakes his fist and says I'm going to beat you.  Then he signals to his wife and a few others on the sided.  She sees and comes over with a huge smile on her face along with Muhammed.  She hugs me and kisses me then he hugs me.  We talk for about a minute and he had to get back to signing (kind of what happened to Kevin with Cory at the Arnold a couple years back, only Cory had people waiting for about 30 minutes while she talked to Kevin).  Anyway that was great but one thing Ali's wife said to me made me feel really great inside.  She said "Keith you know Muhammed really grew fond of you.  He talked about you for weeks after that night and still brings you up.  You really made him laugh and I really love you for that".  Well I gotta tell you (goosebumps again) that is another thing that will never leave my memory bank.  If you ever get a chance to meet your hero, DO IT.   It will really makes you feel good inside.  I lost all the autographs and the program and the pictures sent to me from that night except for a few.  SO if my writing is too long sorry but a picture is worth a 1000 words and since I didn’t have many pictures.

One more thing.  I haven't talked about some of this stuff for along time.  I'm sorry for all the writings and stuff but to tell you the truth like I've said before, memories is about all I got left.  Hopefully you like them.  If not sorry in advance.  Once I forget these things, all of you have permission to pull my feeding tube.

P.S.  That is not my girlfriend in the background.  I've had people ask me that.

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #167 on: March 21, 2005, 11:14:54 PM »
You know who else was at this event and were bodyguards was Demarko Bleweutt (?) and Paul Sullivan.  Does anyone out there remember them.  Dmarko was a top bodybuilder at the time.  I think he moved to Salt Lake City or sometthing.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #168 on: March 21, 2005, 11:22:48 PM »
You know who else was at this event and were bodyguards was Demarko Bleweutt (?) and Paul Sullivan.  Does anyone out there remember them.  Dmarko was a top bodybuilder at the time.  I think he moved to Salt Lake City or sometthing.

Yes, I know D'Marko Blewett.  He manages a Gold's here in Salt Lake City.  Still works in the pro shop up front.  Still a big guy in his 40's, but nothing like he used to be.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #169 on: March 22, 2005, 01:21:25 AM »
DMarko had a pretty girlfriend named Shawna,  She came over to my house and was trying to wake up my girlfriend.  Tonya was sleeping but woke up because she said to me Shawna was touching her funny.  Tonya was very anive about some things and I think it caught her off guard.  DMarko was an up and coming BB.  He had really good size and was built hard.  I just looked him up on the interent and didn't realize he was doing so good.  I think I saw him at the Arnold a few years back.

Does anyone remeber an actor and common gym goer at Gold's Venice named CHarlie Sexius.  He was Hulk Hogan stunt double and who I went up against in the Apple Computer commercial.  He was really nice and a big guy.

Max Rep remember Francis Seguerra.  He was a competing bodybuilder at around 80 years old.  I got him that article in Life Magazine.

Paul Sullivan is a landmark at Gold's Venice.  Wondering if anyone seen him lately and how is he doing.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #170 on: March 22, 2005, 04:40:08 AM »
Keith,thanks for sharing these awesome stories...I love reading and hearing about all this stuff!!

Da Freak

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #171 on: March 22, 2005, 06:18:49 AM »

surely the best we have had here in months.

keep 'em coming Keith, Kevin and the rest.

great to have someone here who has lived during the 'golden years' of bodybuilding.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #172 on: March 22, 2005, 08:24:50 AM »
Great story' Onlyme ' I remember Dmarko ' have not seen him for years. cool guy

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #173 on: March 22, 2005, 08:33:11 AM »
Wow Keith! What an awesome story. I would have freaked out being caught in a full elevator though.

What was the award you were given? What was it for?

What was the article in Time magazine about?

What was that succesful business that you had that you talked about in another post?
and keep moving!


  • Getbig II
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  • Posts: 111
  • Getbig!
Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #174 on: March 22, 2005, 09:36:07 AM »
Hey, ONLY! That was a great story! I heard it many times but it still makes me jump around a lot and even cry sometimes. I loved Mohammed too but I never did get a chance to meet him.

But I did meet just about everyone else who you didn't meet, so don't get a big head on meeting heros.

I met Mac Bachelor - who you did not meet. ANd Paul Anderson who was too old for your to meet. And Bob Hoffman and Terpak and Grimak and that crew who were meeting before you were even a twinkel in  your daddy's eye. I met Joe and Ben and the entire force in the Weider office and even helped Joe pick a picture for the ccover once. But I never did meet Betty.

I met Lisa Lyons and Rachel and Lou while he was the Big Green Guy, and Cory and Jeff of course. I met Arnold way too many times and Franco and Arti Zeller and Reeves and Mozee  and Howorth in his impressive sweaters. And most of the guys who won the NPC National since Gary Leonard and even years before.

And I, as you can too, can call Peter a friend and a great guy to go to fancy dinners with. And laff with and sometimes even cry.

And I know most of the big guy stars when they were just the little people .... Platz and Grant and almost everyone mention in these posts above\ for years going way back when.

ANd most of the new guys just coming up or getting started.

I even knew Perry and Mabel!

And many others whom have passed away. to train in higher places or possibly warmer as the case may be. God bless 'em all!

I've watched this sport from the very beginning when Weider was fighting with Dan and Bob and publishing close to x-rated material on the eastern seaboard. And then his move to Cali and his rise to super publishing stardom.

I was part of the AAU and the NPC and the IFBB and made my mark in my own way and met tons and tons (figureatively speaking) of great folks along the route. And many questionable ones too!

I've seen contests held on basketball courts, tennis courts, and baseball diamonds and posing demos in top notched museums.

I've seen families of five and crowds of thousands watching sons and daughters and friends working their ass like no other athlete in an attempt to win a $5 trophy.

I've seen losers blame the "other guy" or those out of shape dudes in the cheap suits calling the shots from the front row seats, trophies thrown upon the ground, and contestants depart in disgust, but I have yet to see a winner complain.

I've seen snake oil salesmen of wild west days making fortunes once again and the use of roids from the very start.

I've seen movies stars call them The Fountain of Youth and rely on them for their next movie . I've seen burn patients recover miraculously and skinny kids have spurts of growth and athletes improve almost over night and bodybuilders ......... (Well, you all know that part.)

I watched them go from legal prescriptions and then direct to the underground and then to criminal activity with jailhouse consequences. And all of this within my simple lifetime.

And I've seen "the Salem Witch Hunt" return with immunity because no one in authority seems to give a damn! And those who do care, just don't know what to do to change an unjust law or may be too damn scared to let anyone know that there is another side to take.

I've seen young guys who never inhaled a puff of smoke nor even had their first taste of beer, go to jail for attempting to be their best while some pot bellied authorities make unjust decisions on their behalf and head then off to jail while  they head off to the nearest bar to celebrate with a dozen martinis.

And I've lived to see some muscleheads reach powerful places where injustices can be cured, but I still don't see anyone attempting  to fix the injustice that many suffer through incarceration.

It is so true that justice wears a blindfold.

I've seen unreal athletes as well as "bulky blunders"

And I've met characters beyond description who have one thing in common with us all .... the love of a sport which is simply unloveable.

BUT...... You know what?!

I never did meet Cassius Clay!

And I'd give it all up if that were possible.

You are a lucky man! You even got to fight him!