Author Topic: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken  (Read 226431 times)

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2004 on: February 14, 2014, 07:21:44 AM »

WATCH: Jon Stewart Calls Out Obama For Corrupt Ambassador Choices

Ericka Andersen

February 13, 2014 at 12:33 pm


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President Obama’s most recent appointees to international ambassadorships were criticized last night on Jon Stewart’s “The Daily Show.”

At least three of Obama’s ambassador selections have never actually traveled to the countries they were chosen for.

Stewart began the program by referring to an argument he had last week with Democrat House Leader Nancy Pelosi about whether or not money had corrupted politicians in Washington. Pelosi said that it had corrupted Republicans.

In last night’s show, Stewart’s monologue magnified ways in which Democrats may also fit the bill. According to the Washington Times, “two of Obama’s former campaign ‘bundlers’ — who each raised over $500,000 for his elections,” are among those nominated as ambassadors. Noah Bryson Mamet and George Tsunis were selected for Argentina and Norway, respectively.

After playing video of three of the nominees admitting they’d never traveled to their chosen countries, Stewart noted one possible reason they’d been appointed despite their lack of experience:

“It definitely couldn’t be because the new Norway nominee raised $850,000 for Obama’s re-election campaign, or the Argentinian one raised $500,000 or the Icelandic one bundled $1.6 million, that would mean that not only would Democrats be seen as corrupt (but Nancy Pelosi told me personally only Republicans are) that Iceland costs like three times more than Argentina.”

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2006 on: February 14, 2014, 12:36:29 PM »

Billion Dollars right down the toilet?   F Obama  - worthless asshat

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2010 on: February 18, 2014, 06:07:40 AM »
Censusgate: When and what did Labor know?

By John Crudele

February 17, 2014 | 9:45pm

Censusgate: When and what did Labor know?

January's market decline points to a down 2014

A tipster tried to warn the Labor Department in 2011 that its unemployment statistics were being fabricated by the people at the Census Bureau who compile the data.

But the warning was either missed or ignored by Labor.

That allegedly allowed the data falsification to go on for years.

As I’ve been telling you, the falsification is now the subject of a number of investigations, including one by the House Oversight Committee and Congress’ Joint Economic Committee.

Also investigating is the Office of the Inspector General at the Commerce Department, which is in charge of Census. And I’m hearing that the US Attorney in the Philadelphia region is also poking around the matter, although a spokeswoman wouldn’t confirm that.

And, of course, I am also investigating. I’m waiting for the Commerce Department to comply with my Freedom of Information Act request for e-mails and text messages between people in the Philadelphia Census office.

So far, all I’ve heard is that the FOIA request is being worked on.

At the core of all these investigations is solid evidence that at least one surveyor — a guy named Julius Buckmon, working out of the Philadelphia Census office but polling in Washington, DC — submitted fake household surveys that were used in compiling the Labor Department’s unemployment rate.

Because of the scientific nature of the Labor Department survey, Buckmon’s actions alone would have affected the responses of some 500,000 households.

But as I’ve been reporting, the scam was allegedly much larger than that and included other surveyors (or enumerators as they are called) over many years. And supervisors at least two levels up are said to have known about — and covered up — the scandal.

So far Congress has mainly been asking questions about the Buckmon incident and his supervisors’ actions. But the inquiry is likely to get broader, especially if correspondences between people in the Philadelphia office show a conspiracy to make the unemployment rate look better than it really was.

The brass ring for the Republicans who control the Oversight Committee, of course, would be if they find evidence that the national unemployment rate was rigged right before the 2012 presidential election.

I previously reported that there were whispers inside the Philadelphia office that people high up wanted the jobless rate to come down before President Obama was up for re-election. And, in fact, it did drop sharply two months before the vote.

Up until now, the focus has mainly been on the Census Bureau, which, besides the unemployment rate, conducts surveys for a lot of government agencies and private concerns.

The Labor Department and its Bureau of Labor Statistics division have been largely left out of this controversy and viewed simply as the victims of the Census Bureau’s deceit.

My next few paragraphs may change that.

In late August 2011, a manila envelope containing evidence of falsified data was sent to Keith Hall, who was then in charge of the BLS. “The Philadelphia Regional office [of Census] … engaged in a cover-up after it was reported that members of its staff falsified data in an effort to meet goals,” said the anonymous letter, a copy of which I have in front of me.

The letter identified the two supervisors who arranged the cover-up.

“In an effort to satisfy the sponsor [the BLS] … the numbers were literally made up,” said the tipster.

The BLS never acted on the letter. And that’s ironic because Hall, who was pushed out of the Labor Department in 2012, had been skeptical of the truthfulness of the BLS’s jobless numbers.

I interviewed Hall last July for this column, and he said at the time that the unemployment rate was “misleadingly low.” However, back then Hall — who is now at George Mason University — was attributing the misrepresentation to statistical anomalies in the way the unemployment rate is calculated and not outright fraud.

I asked Hall Monday if he remembers receiving an envelope containing evidence that data was being falsified. He didn’t. “I would have remembered that,” he said.

Did the envelope get lost in the mail? The tipster had a tracer on it through the Postal Service. Did someone else read the note, which, admittedly, was a little confusing, and choose to ignore it?

Hall said he would have investigated had he known. “We couldn’t not take that seriously and look into it,” he said.

So what does this all mean?

My readers already know that the nation’s jobless rate is a screwed-up and worthless indicator. By definition, it declines — as it now is doing — when workers get discouraged and stop looking for jobs.

And it will rise if the day ever comes when jobs are plentiful and people start looking again.

On top of that, we now know that the unemployment rate can be rigged by a very few cheats — aided by the inability of bureaucrats to root out fraud even when it’s laid in front of them in a letter.

I find the fact that the Federal Reserve says it still makes policy based on the unemployment rate mind-boggling.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2011 on: February 18, 2014, 07:48:39 AM »

Unreal.   and yet liberal cultists still support this pos

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2014 on: February 19, 2014, 05:29:37 AM »

typical ghetto nog behavior

Oh but he cut annual budget deficit. ::)

That is what libtards point to, but yet forget that for the first the first 3 years he spent over a trillion and even at the lower amounts of the annual budget, around $500 to $600 billion, is still higher than any other president.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2015 on: March 13, 2014, 10:53:14 AM »
Health Insurers Say They Have Given Data To White House About How Many People Paid For Their Plans, True Number of Obamacare Enrollees Just 3.3 Million…

Yesterday the White House boldly proclaimed 4.2 million have “enrolled” in Obamacare, in reality those are people who simply chose a plan through the exchange. If we subtract out the 20 percent that means just 3.3 million people have fully enrolled in Obamacare. Their original goal was 7 million by the end of March so they are at less than 50% of their stated goal.

To make matters worse, the insurance companies say they HAVE given this data to the White House, which means Sebelius lied yesterday before Congress (along with countless other times) when she told them they don’t know how many people paid for their plans.

Via Politico:

The White House insists it doesn’t know how many people are fully enrolled in Obamacare, but insurers say they’ve handed over enough data to show that the sign-up numbers are not as rosy as federal officials say.

The latest administration figures show that 4.2 million people have selected health plans in the new insurance markets. Insurance industry officials at four of the big national health plans tell POLITICO that about 15 to 20 percent of people who have signed up have not yet paid their first monthly premium — the final step to get coverage.

And they’ve told the White House that, too, insurance industry officials say.

“They have a lot more information than they’re letting on,” one industry source said of the Obama administration. “They have real hard data about the percent that have paid … If they have not processed those yet and compiled the data, that is a choice they are making. But they have that data now.”

Federal officials say they count sign-ups — people who select plans on or in state exchanges — because they can’t yet rely on the insurers’ figures. They say the industry reports are not comprehensive, and they change month to month.

“I can’t tell you because I don’t know that,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday when Republicans asked about the number of paying Obamacare customers during a hearing on Capitol Hill. “We don’t collect it.”

The dispute emerges as the administration is trying to convey a sense of enthusiasm and momentum ahead of a March 31 deadline to enroll in Affordable Care Act exchanges. But unless the current pace doubles, the administration won’t hit its target of 6 million people — a goal that was already scaled back from 7 million after last October’s messy rollout of

Never mind the fact that the number of  young enrollees is far less than what they projected, and they are the key to making this thing work from a financial standpoint.

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2017 on: March 14, 2014, 08:23:30 PM »
Breitbart ^ | 1/2014 | Edwin Mora
Posted on March 14, 2014 12:40:22 PM EDT by mgist

U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents and U.S Attorneys held secret meetings with drug trafficking organizations, especially the Sinaloa cartel, on Mexican soil, revealed Mexico-based newspaper El Universal. The DEA and the U.S. Attorney's office are both components of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). Official and court documents from the U.S and Mexican governments were cited as the source in the Jan. 6 news report. Court documents show that the U.S. government knew and authorized those meetings, which resulted in drug seizures, arrests, and an increase in drug cartel violence in Mexico. The paper published excerpts from U.S. court documents to support their claims. Breitbart News confirmed the validity of the court papers. El Universal alleges that the DEA operations were carried out without the knowledge of the Mexican government. The paper reported that it obtained the court and official documents in the course of a year. During that time, it also conducted interviews with “more than a hundred” active and retired officials from both countries. In an effort to obtain information on their rivals, DEA agents and U.S. attorneys met with leaders of Mexican drug trafficking organizations, especially the notoriously violent Sinaloa cartel. That is the same trafficking organization that received the bulk of the firearms intentionally dispensed to drug cartels in Mexico under ATF’s 2009 “Fast and Furious" operation according to a congressional investigation. ATF is a DOJ component as well. In December 2011, reported that the gun-walking operation was linked to a drug-trafficking immunity deal between the U.S. government and the Sinaloa cartel by a defendant who was awaiting trial in a Chicago federal court at the time. (snip)tons of illicit drugs continued to be smuggled into Chicago and other parts of the United States and consumption continued virtually unabated…

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Obama: Corruption, Deception, Dishonesty, Deceit and Promises Broken
« Reply #2022 on: April 23, 2014, 05:24:22 AM »

Lies lies and more lies from the Liar and Thief of the US