Author Topic: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members  (Read 41527 times)

King Shizzo

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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #75 on: January 11, 2012, 03:35:31 PM »
I have no problems with marines pissing on dead muslims. We have to show these assholes they re not going anywhere with their coran.

Now the soldiers beating the dogs are scumbags, but dont throw everyone in the same basket. Christians are at war against souless, lost, destructive, perverted atheists and muslims, and you re not going to win this war with good feelings.
It's funny that you "try" to sound intelligent, yet babble like a psycho when it comes to christianity.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #76 on: January 11, 2012, 03:41:26 PM »
Yeah anyone who doesn't go along with their program becomes a domestic terrorist and shipped off to git-mo for 5 years without seeing anyone including a lawyer  :-\

Yep, thats a big step in the WRONG direction for all human rights. People really need to wake the fuck up to whats really going on with their gov and do something. I still can't believe American citizens let that happen, everytime I think of it I shake my head in disbelief, just unreal and very, very scary.

Battlefield America of peace  ::)


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #77 on: January 11, 2012, 03:43:05 PM »
this is surprising? you understand that the us govt puts a gun in their hand and says go kill before you are killed? this is nothing


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #78 on: January 11, 2012, 03:44:38 PM »
or maybe they're sick of the 60k cilvilians that died for something someone else did which they didnt agree with?  ???

Honestly I could care less...and weak imbeciles like yourself who are sympathetic to THEIR cause can
go right along with them.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #79 on: January 11, 2012, 03:49:45 PM »
Where ya from ?

Originally, Long Beach, California but I just came back from fu*cking your mother. Remember Theo Van Gogh? Maybe you two fags should try living under sharia law.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #80 on: January 11, 2012, 03:51:36 PM »
First off if you idiots think pissing on dead Taliban soldiers is the worst thing happening over there and the worse thing these young idiots with guns are doing you're clearly naive and have no clue what goes on in war.  I have several friends serving on the front lines in both Iraq and Afghanistan.  The stories I've heard I hope to god are just storiesand rumor.  But in all likelihood they are not.  American trooops and the US military is supposed to represent this country and everything it stands for.......freedom, liberty, justice, equality, humanity, the greater good etc.  Everything we hold dear to our founding principles.  The Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence etc.  Do acts like this represent our country?  Do they represent democracy and freedom?  Do they garner respect?  Yes the Taliban would and have probably do worse to our troops............BUT THAT"S WHAT IS SUPPOSED TO MAKE US BETTER THAN THEM!  These fucking young idiots in the military can't think beyond the tip of their rifle.  That's why most of them are over there fighting for something they have no clue about and probably don't care.  The grunts on the ground are hardly the "thinkers" of society.  They are just serfs sent to kill because....well they can't think, reason, and ponder the meaning of life and war.  I mean what the fuck do people think war is about?  

My question is where the fuck are the supposed best and brightest i.e. the OFFICERs and higher ups that let this shit happen.  Say what you want about war and whatever...the US military is supposed to be the most professional fighting force in the world.  I guarantee you'd never see a group of Naval Seals doing this shit.  They are too intelligent, too disciplined and too professional and would never waste their time on pissing on dead soldiers.  And moreover they aren't stupid enough to fucking film it.  Most of the ground troops over there are just a bunch of scared fucking boys and girls who would be laying in a ditch soaked in piss if it wasn't for their body armor, automatic weapons and close air support at the push of a button.  Bottomline is this shit has been going on since the dawn of war but you don't excuse it ever.  And moreover it's against the Geneva Convention.  


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #81 on: January 11, 2012, 04:04:06 PM »
Honestly I could care less...and weak imbeciles like yourself who are sympathetic to THEIR cause can
go right along with them.

In the above post you have the type of american which I hate. Cant have a rational though going in his brain to save his life. I guess you should apply to the military. And kill all those sand n*ggers which threaten your "freedom" lol.

There's no doubt in my mind there are some True "heroes" in  the American army. Who Think they're fighting for something good. And they're willing to Die for their country. It's a damn shame they're taken advantage of by your goverment for some BS like this. And then when they get home no one cares and people need to start CHARITIES for them to get some help.

"we just do as we're told" doesnät work when Everything is fucking corrupt. Then they're just human puppies sent into death. For money.

And we europeans dont Obviously think everyone in the military acts like this (you have to be retarded to come to that conclusion) It's just that we're tried of the Constant "heroes" pushing in the media 24/7. I want to watch UFC without having the words "marines" showed down my throat followed with "heroed" "freedom" a million times.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #82 on: January 11, 2012, 04:09:24 PM »
In the above post you have the type of american which I hate. Cant have a rational though going in his brain to save his life. I guess you should apply to the military. And kill all those sand n*ggers which threaten your "freedom" lol.

There's no doubt in my mind there are some True "heroes" in  the American army. Who Think they're fighting for something good. And they're willing to Die for their country. It's a damn shame they're taken advantage of by your goverment for some BS like this. And then when they get home no one cares and people need to start CHARITIES for them to get some help.

"we just do as we're told" doesnät work when Everything is fucking corrupt. Then they're just human puppies sent into death. For money.

Haha says the one who idolizes idiots like Brock Lesnar and the WWE.  You're a fucking joke yourself and always have been.  You sit around sucking off the hard work of your socialist comrades in a pretty prosperous country and you have the nerve to criticize America GI''re a fucking producte of American culture yourself dumbass!  And since when did you become so high and mighty mr. king of posting old dudes getting their head bashed in with screw drivers and laughing about it.  You get off on this shit!  


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #83 on: January 11, 2012, 04:10:17 PM »
No, but you can watch videos of the war that followed, where americans have killed 60.000 innocent civilians.. which includes a bunch of children. Unarmed children. Unarmed children with their hands tied behind their back even.
Ignore that though.


This is disgusting. They should all be shot in the head.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #84 on: January 11, 2012, 04:11:19 PM »
Haha says the one who idolizes idiots like Brock Lesnar and the WWE.  You're a fucking joke yourself and always have been.  You sit around sucking off the hard work of your socialist comrades in a pretty prosperous country and you have the nerve to criticize America GI''re a fucking producte of American culture yourself dumbass!  And since when did you become so high and mighty mr. king of posting old dudes getting their head bashed in with screw drivers and laughing about it.  You get off on this shit!  

I was giving the True military fellas a compliment you gimmick.

Gee, I have the nerve to criticize the ones that kills innocent children and civilians? My GOD how dare I  ::)

Not even in a military thread cant you keep yourself from mentioning brock lol.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #85 on: January 11, 2012, 04:13:18 PM »
I was giving the True military fellas a compliment you gimmick.

Gee, I have the nerve to criticize the ones that kills innocent children and civilians? My GOD how dare I  ::)

Not even in a military thread cant you keep yourself from mentioning brock lol.

You think the military is collectively any different than the individuals that make it up?  Not really.  It's the herd mentality.  You criticize a few troops you criticize the entire military.  This part and parcel shit people like you hide behind is pussy.  

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #86 on: January 11, 2012, 04:14:46 PM »
Exactly , like the revenge we got for them assholes killing a bunch of innocent people on 9-11-01

Its a vicious circle


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #87 on: January 11, 2012, 04:15:39 PM »
You think the military is collectively any different than the individuals that it up?  Not really.  It's the herd mentality. You criticize a few troops you criticize the entire military.  This part and parcel shit people like you hide behind is pussy.  

You need to realise thats Not how it is. Same with America. YOu're BRAINWASHED into thinking that from the day you're born. Thats why 99% of americans ignore everything thats going on. Because if they mention something they're "Anti american!" Im sick of complaining about america though as Im fucking annyoing myself, but the thread is about it and I didnt Bring it up lol.

SAme thing is going on in sweden but instead of "anti swedish" its "RACIST!" mention something about your horrible imigration and you're RACIST.. So no one says anything.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #88 on: January 11, 2012, 04:18:09 PM »
You need to realise thats Not how it is. Same with America. YOu're BRAINWASHED into thinking that from the day you're born. Thats why 99% of americans ignore everything thats going on. Because if they mention something they're "Anti american!"

Its also why everyone gets so dam,n Offensive everytime something is mentioned. Say something fucked up about sweden and I would AGREE if its the truth.. Because I can use my Brain.

NO my point is the good ones you speak of are muddied by the bad ones.  In my opinion if the good ones let the bad ones get away with the shit they do they are just as bad.  Hence there were probably ten times as many soldiers sitting around watching these dumbasses.  Who your friends are and the company you keep says a lot about who you are.  Same goes for the military.  These troops are a direct reflection on EVERYONE serving and should be treated as such.  Where are the so called good soldiers speak up and speaking out against this shit?  They aren't because they are all probably the same. 


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #89 on: January 11, 2012, 04:20:00 PM »
NO my point is the good ones you speak of are muddied by the bad ones.  In my opinion if the good ones let the bad ones get away with the shit they do they are just as bad.  Hence there were probably ten times as many soldiers sitting around watching these dumbasses.  Who your friends are and the company you keep says a lot about who you are.  Same goes for the military.  These troops are a direct reflection on EVERYONE serving and should be treated as such.  Where are the so called good soldiers speak up and speaking out against this shit?  They aren't because they are all probably the same.  

Agreed.  And I guess no one wants to be "the guy" that complains


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #90 on: January 11, 2012, 04:20:25 PM »
LMAO, Swede gets his little t-rex arms all up in a fluster every time someone mentions how great the USA is. ;D

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #91 on: January 11, 2012, 04:20:35 PM »
What's your point? So What?


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #92 on: January 11, 2012, 04:21:11 PM »
What's your point?

my point is that you cant blame the USA for causing violence in the middle East. Violence is in the people's belief systems and religious beliefs in that area.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #93 on: January 11, 2012, 04:21:23 PM »
LMAO, Swede gets his little t-rex arms all up in a fluster every time someone mentions how great the USA is. ;D

calm down mr maxing out with 50% bw deadlifts  ;D


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #94 on: January 11, 2012, 04:22:26 PM »
thats why they make great soldiers
Sorry, I don't think so...
Show that to a WWII vet...they'd want to kill the idiots doing that...

Roger Bacon

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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #95 on: January 11, 2012, 04:24:30 PM »

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Roger Bacon

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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #96 on: January 11, 2012, 04:25:42 PM »
my point is that you cant blame the USA for causing violence in the middle East. Violence is in the people's belief systems and religious beliefs in that area.

I'm not blaming the US for causing violence in the middle east.  I'm blaming our cowardly chickenhawk politicians for joining in on the violence in the middle east, and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in our names.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #97 on: January 11, 2012, 04:26:27 PM »
In the above post you have the type of american which I hate. Cant have a rational though going in his brain to save his life. I guess you should apply to the military. And kill all those sand n*ggers which threaten your "freedom" lol.

There's no doubt in my mind there are some True "heroes" in  the American army. Who Think they're fighting for something good. And they're willing to Die for their country. It's a damn shame they're taken advantage of by your goverment for some BS like this. And then when they get home no one cares and people need to start CHARITIES for them to get some help.

"we just do as we're told" doesnät work when Everything is fucking corrupt. Then they're just human puppies sent into death. For money.

I'm not going to waste my time reading your shite. I think the entire middle east should be bombed into oblivion. I felt that way long before the world trade center attack. Actually I realized islam was a threat when seeing planes being hijacked in the 80's as a child.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #98 on: January 11, 2012, 04:27:26 PM »
yep. Imo its about time the 50 countries which americans have military bases in gets their own base in America.

"A Marine sergeant charged in the biggest criminal case against US troops in the Iraq war lost control of himself when he and his squad killed 24 Iraqis in one of the defining moments of the war, according to a military prosecutor.

Maj Nicholas Gannon made the accusations to a jury of battle-hardened Marines hearing the case against Staff Sgt Frank Wuterich more than six years after the squad committed the killings in the town of Haditha.

The victims included unarmed women and children."
There is a lot more to this story that what youre posting.
What the Haditha 8 did was terrible, but its not at all like the way youre describing it.
When I was in the Corp, that was going down, and it was a bullshit scenario.

The same Iraqi was building bombs and blowing up these guys squadmates right in front of them, but since he was hiding behind his family, they couldnt get authority to go in and take him out. He was building the bombs in his house. Day after day they saw this same guy trigger the bombs, kill Marines, then walk back into his house.
One day after watching one of their friends get blown up and this guy walking back into his house AGAIN, they just snapped. Went in the house and leveled everything, wife, kids, dog, and this dude.

Piece of shit used his family as a shield. Thats why they are all dead. Yeah, it was terrible for the Marines to kill those people, but it was equally bad for the man to use his family as a shield against the Marines.

Its really easy to condemn these peoples actions, but you dont know the circumstances behind it. Yeah, there is a lot of stupid shit Soldiers do, especially the Army, but situations like the one above just suck.


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Re: Marines Urinate on Dead Taliban Members
« Reply #99 on: January 11, 2012, 04:28:01 PM »
This is disgusting. They should all be shot in the head.
Those are US Army soldiers. Notoriously undisciplined.  ;D