Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 09:33:38 AM

Title: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 09:33:38 AM
I have found a new level of respect for Special Ed he hasn't really been owning too many geeks since he last brutalized True Adonis.

Quote from: special ed
Considering the amount of time I spent helping and and providing free advice to MattC about his legal troubles and how much business he's mooched of Ron's Getbig site, I think he has a shitload of nerve Jew-bashing here. Here's a guy that has had two Jews help him out financially and legally without asking him for a dime, and he's devoted himself to shit-talking Jews. It's not about freedom of speech, it's about being an ungrateful POS.

It's laughable watching you attempt to deflect valid criticism.

Don't compare your business to Isaac. Isaac uses real talent and original ideas to make a living. He and I enjoy ribbing each other for fun.

You actually have the nerve to ask how my valid post reflects on ME? How do your posts and website reflect on YOU? And your family? And your business associates? Like

Like I said Matt, they don't need your money. A review website/message board with an Alexa ranking of 125,000 isn't really making much money for you or them and I think we both know that. Nice try though.

I'm just surprised that a company as large and reputable as would choose to do business or associate itself with Matt Canning and his website. Perhaps's Will Weidenman is aware of it and his German ancestry takes a certain pride in Matt's posts, but I find it difficult to believe that Ryan, Russ, and Jeremy DeLuca or the new majority owners would choose to associate themselves with someone whose website exhibits such racial and religious bigotry and intolerance.

It's not as if the opinions on Matt's forums aren't his. They are. He posts anti-semitic and anti-black statements here and on his affiliated website.

I wonder how Matt will feel when dumps him. And then when Netrition dumps him. And then every other reputable company dumps him. I guess we'll be able to post something like this:

Persecution of Matt Canning

2008 Thrown out of
2009 Thrown out of
2010 Thrown out of
2011 Forced to apply to Thunder Bay post office.

Hmmmm...I guess it's kinda like a guy getting thrown out of one bar. I guess if he gets thrown out of several different bars, there must be a reason for it.

Matt lives in a blue collar depressed town probably devoid of Jews, Blacks, Asians and other minorities. He doesn't leave his house, doesn't have a girlfriend, and doesn't speak to many people in real life. He has a desperate need to belong. He joined the military hoping to find comraderie but found himself an outcast. He tries to fit in to society but is unable to do so in a productive way. Combine his lonely, sheltered life with his deep-rooted insecurities in his intelligence, physicality, and sexuality, and is it really any surprise he's adopted the views he has? I guess it's better than shooting up the post office, but not by much.

We're just calling a spade a 'spade'. It's one thing to lie to impress people and quite another to lie to make money off of people who believe you. Here's a sampling of your the Bullshit you peddle:

- You claim that Gaspari's SizeOn put 10lbs on you and now this new product M3 put another 10lbs on you, but the problem is that at 170 lbs, you're lucky to have gained 20 lbs since you started working out 10 years ago.

- You post horrible lifts with horrendous form and always mention that you previously did it with perfect form for more reps.

- If you weren't making money off of those BS reviews, you'd be slamming every product. It's fairly obvious that nothing has worked for you, as you look similar to most 17 year olds with a year of training under their belts.

- You're no different than a movie reviewer who says every movie is "Incredible" in the hopes of getting invited to the next premiere. Oh yeah, occasionally you slam "Howard the Duck" or "Buckaroo Bonzai" to keep it real. 

- You have mocked both Ron Avidan and the Weiders for being Jews and "controlling" the bodybuilding media, while you do everything you can to model your own business on theirs in a pathetic attempt to match their success.

- You have no original products to sell and no original ideas to offer so you "review" products to make a buck off the same kids you mock for believing a NO-Xplode ad.

- There's absolutely zero basis to believe anything you say in your reviews. Are people supposed to believe you switch supplements every two weeks and that you stop using a product that's put 10 lbs on you to start using and review a new product "for the good of humanity"?

- Your expression of hate towards Jews and Blacks is so obviously masking an inferiority complex. You truly believe that Jews are intellectually superior and Blacks are physically superior, so you are consumed with tossing around the two things you are most insecure about: Your IQ and your Strength. As pathetic as it is, it actually makes you feel better by posting "I have a 130 IQ and a 500 lb Deadlift".

- You actually derive value from stating that publicly on a message board, probably because in real life no one has ever called you intelligent or mentioned that you look strong.

- You post your lifts, not because you are proud, but because you know that no one would ever believe you could deadlift 500lbs based on your appearance. Again, it's your insecurities that causes you to post your lifts.

- You post copies of your military honors and awards like an 8-year old brags about his bowling or karate trophies.

- You're the kind of guy who has probably tried to pass the Mensa exam 5-6 times. Because we all know that nothing would make you happier than to post a copy of your Mensa certificate. With your insecurities about your own intelligence, you need external approval. Absent getting it from Mensa, you try to get it here.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 09:36:40 AM
I got the quotes from here:

G o a t/Ed did I miss any? ;D :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 09:38:50 AM
I love this one by Mcfarland to Adonis too!
Quote from: Mcfarland
Looks like you're gearing up for another big run of your bullshit hate and anti-bodybuilding propoganda. Adam, if you're still under 170 pounds at your height, nothing's gonna have changed.  Nobody's gonna give a shit, no matter how lean, or how unconventional your methods.  End of story.   

I'm guessing that once you do achieve the most awe-inspiring, functional and universally-appreciable physiques on the planet, that you will stop saying negative things about people on the internet on a perpetual basis.  Your behavior is never seen among the truly successful. 

I wanna ask you, Adam...what price would be too much to pay for that accomplishment?  Of having built the most admired physique on the planet?  Living to 70 instead of 90 or 100?  "Risk" of incarceration?  People suspecting that you achieved that physique the "easy," or according to them, "immoral" way?  What if steroids or diet/training techniques that you do not currently employ were actually the "only" way to achieve what you are ultimately wanting to achieve?  Would you be willing to do "what it takes" then, without the ability to claim any of the methods involved as being of your own unique conception?  Would having the best physique on the planet be enough to make you feel special or appreciated?  Or could it be that you don't truly believe you have the genetics to create the true physique of your dreams, and that you feel you'll need to produce your best presentation whose shortcomings will be excused because of it's being "pretty good, considering?"  For example, "considering" that you didn't really even try.  "Considering" that you ate whatever you wanted to.  "Considering" that you did no cardio.  "Considering" that you didn't even eat protein, much less take steroids.  "Considering" that you don't even care about bodybuilding anyway.

Could this be your motivation here?  Lately you've tried to explain that you are only motivated to "help" because of your "care" for these people.  I want you to ask yourself how "helping" these people could ever be considered enabling them to do something that they, by definition, needed you to be able to achieve, when you will not have indicated that you needed THEM for any part of your existence, other than the praise they stand to offer you, on account of what would then be perceived by them as your superiority to them. You are only seeking to "help" yourself.  No one wants to achieve anything they don't suspect they could have ultimately figured out on their own, regardless of how much your "help" stands to improve the quality of their lives.  They must be able to assume themselves in some way responsible for their own success. 

Show some humility.  Show some vulnerability.  Show that you're fallible.  Admit mistakes.  Acknowledge defeat.  Where's the deadlift video?  Just say that you thought you could do it but couldn't.  We'll understand.  Your having approximated your abilities incorrectly does not mean that you are a failure.  But we're going to assume that until you just say you were wrong on issues such as this one, that you yourself do innately believe yourself to be a failure and have an very self-limiting inability to consciously face that you may have been prone to error.  It shows a blatant inability to be true to YOURSELF and for that reason no one is able to trust your competency.  This is universal law.  Hitler had this same inability.  In the end, he killed himself rather than face that he may have been wrong in some of his fundamental-most assumptions, and in denial of this, he waged war with the world until the bitter end, took many innocent lives, and hurt many of the survivors in unspeakable ways in the process.  The world was vulnerable to this at the time because it hadn't seen someone appear so sure of himself to that extent and be wrong before.  We now know that insanity has no boundaries and your ego, like Hitler's, knows no boundaries.  I believe that you would destroy us all before admitting that you were anything but the most superior individual on the planet.  Look how you left Tweeter hanging.  When you're wrong, you just disappear until you think we've forgotten.  Thank God most of us have the sense enough not to listen to you.  You are a hateful, selfish, jealous person and you are a festering sore on the sport of bodybuilding. 

Until you've learned better how to "play the game," Adam, just go away.  Please.  You are not concerned for anyone's health, or the betterment of society.  You attack people here because they make you feel inferior, and your posts here simply reinforce the legitimacy of the notion that you indeed are.  Recognize that nothing truly great has ever been achieved in strict compliance with the stated moral values of a society, but rather by guidance of the much more trustworthy and heartfelt moral compass held personally by the greats having achieved these feats worthy of mention and demanding of our most genuine appreciation. 

Meldown, hope this helps, I'm just saying, etc.  I just hope you'll consider some of this and STFU until you've got something positive to say.     
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: burn2live on May 26, 2008, 09:42:21 AM
I have found a new level of respect for Special Ed he hasn't really been owning too many geeks since he last brutalized True Adonis.

I don't usually read long posts. But that was a VERY impressive tirade  :)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Rearden Metal on May 26, 2008, 09:43:02 AM
Right on Ed. Matt C is an intolerable twunt.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Brutal_1 on May 26, 2008, 09:44:56 AM

Damn!  :o

I didn't realize Matt C was racist  :-\
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: burn2live on May 26, 2008, 09:45:03 AM
So let me get this right. Is Matt C actually sponsored by a supp company??
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Cleanest Natural on May 26, 2008, 09:46:13 AM
Hey Special Ed :  Askenazi jews financed concentration camps in which jews were murdered and experimented with mind kontrol techniques. Can I jew bash ?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Brutal_1 on May 26, 2008, 09:49:22 AM
Hey Special Ed :  Askenazi jews financed concentration camps in which jews were murdered and experimented with mind kontrol techniques. Can I jew bash ?

"askenazi" (sp?) jews are SCREWED when it comes to genetic diseases
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Special Ed on May 26, 2008, 09:54:44 AM
By "financed", I think Sebastian means "had their artwork and bank accounts plundered and sold off to pay for construction materials and Zyklon B"
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: OneMoreRep on May 26, 2008, 10:00:14 AM
Well, it's about time someone pulled the rug under Matt C.  The shit he spills about Jews/Blacks is downright horrible. 

Sure, we all take tabs at other races, but this little guy always rags on and on about both these groups. 

Strangely enough, the same industry he worships is run by two Jews and the so-called "sport" is dominated by blacks.

"1"sad, weak, little guy with an obsession for guys in underwear.. 

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2008, 10:04:23 AM
Well, it's about time someone pulled the rug under Matt C.  The shit he spills about Jews/Blacks is downright horrible. 

Sure, we all take tabs at other races, but this little guy always rags on and on about both these groups. 

Strangely enough, the same industry he worships is run by two Jews and the so-called "sport" is dominated by blacks.

"1"sad, weak, little guy with an obsession for guys in underwear.. 

sad, weak, little guy with an obsession for guys in underwear.. 

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: temper35 on May 26, 2008, 10:05:07 AM
Well, it's about time someone pulled the rug under Matt C.  The shit he spills about Jews/Blacks is downright horrible. 

Sure, we all take tabs at other races, but this little guy always rags on and on about both these groups. 

Strangely enough, the same industry he worships is run by two Jews and the so-called "sport" is dominated by blacks.

"1"sad, weak, little guy with an obsession for guys in underwear.. 

What is even funnier is if you watched that appalling video with Ed, you know how pure of an internet warrior he is.

What a fucking goofball.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Cleanest Natural on May 26, 2008, 10:08:47 AM
By "financed", I think Sebastian means "had their artwork and bank accounts plundered and sold off to pay for construction materials and Zyklon B"
Gotta go study the real past homie. Jews murdering jews,phantom wars, manipulation on aglobal scale....there's no such thing as's all been manufactured and nurtured by the powers that be. Black vs white, white vs the world, we areall human beings all tied invisibly toghether but we are taught to hate.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 10:18:38 AM
By "financed", I think Sebastian means "had their artwork and bank accounts plundered and sold off to pay for construction materials and Zyklon B"
Meh. Semantics. What are ya, a lawyer, or somethin?'   
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 26, 2008, 10:23:11 AM
i just wanna post this pic
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: candidizzle on May 26, 2008, 10:23:38 AM
i just wanna post this pic
why who is that
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Mars on May 26, 2008, 10:27:10 AM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 10:34:32 AM
While it's true that Matt's gone on record both here and on to say that any race not white and any religiously-affiliated person not Christian should be sent to a gas chamber, I think he's pretty cool for a Canadian not so much a racist as he's just gay for strawmen. 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 26, 2008, 10:47:06 AM
why who is that

  my-space whore
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 10:48:35 AM
  my-space whore

Aren't they all, Mike?  AREN'T THEY ALL???   ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Mars on May 26, 2008, 10:49:04 AM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 26, 2008, 10:50:39 AM
Aren't they all, Mike?  AREN'T THEY ALL???   ;D

                      yup               ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bodybuilder1234 on May 26, 2008, 10:58:44 AM
damn, surely if you own a business which is being sponsored by others companies (who happen to be superiour) the last thing you would want to do is tarnish your reputation by spreading racial vile on the internet under your name.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 10:59:32 AM
Business-wise, I've tried to help out Matt as he came to me regarding problems  with revenue from his site.  I told him that he should simply add one simple little exercise equipment affiliate link and despite giving him the name of a great distributor, he has failed to take my advice despite the fact that it would only take him about 3 minutes to do so.

Matt's site isn't generating the income that it used to simply because he hasn't changed with the times.  Not only that, because most anti-virus software cleans out cookies, he doesn't get too much repeat revenue.

Matt's website overall is outdated and unfinished in most areas including the exercise videos and even the contest placing which he could easily get from  Don't believe me??  Click below

And the point that was brought up was his endless endorsements for every single product that works including the fibbing about gaining 10 pounds of muscle recently for Size-On.

Matt only weighs 170 pounds and based on all of his review for all of his products that he claimed to grow muscle from, if he was telling the truth then he would have gained a total of 218 pounds of muscle making him 388 pounds and obviously the most muscular bodybuilder in the universe.  Of course that's not the case.

Matt, its like I said before...stop responding to the peanut gallery and stop spewing the Jew bashing shit.  It makes people take a hard look at your company and see it for what it is.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 11:40:15 AM
By "financed", I think Sebastian means "had their artwork and bank accounts plundered and sold off to pay for construction materials and Zyklon B"

Man, if you had bought Zyklon B futures in say '41 or so, you'd be rolling in it!  :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: flagadajones on May 26, 2008, 11:41:57 AM
it's when you're getting owned by vince goodrhum that you know you suck at life.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 11:46:46 AM
*sigh*  ::)


I didn't realize Matt C was racist  :-\

Quotes from me on this please.

Well, it's about time someone pulled the rug under Matt C.  The shit he spills about Jews/Blacks is downright horrible.

Quotes from me on this please.

Matt's website overall is outdated and unfinished in most areas including the exercise videos and even the contest placing which he could easily get from  Don't believe me??  Click below

That's true, but it's only me working on the website so it's hard to update everything.  My main focus now is on supplement reviews from myself and a team of five other unbiased reviewers.

And the point that was brought up was his endless endorsements for every single product that works including the fibbing about gaining 10 pounds of muscle recently for Size-On.

Matt only weighs 170 pounds and based on all of his review for all of his products that he claimed to grow muscle from, if he was telling the truth then he would have gained a total of 218 pounds of muscle making him 388 pounds and obviously the most muscular bodybuilder in the universe.  Of course that's not the case.

Well I did gain 10 pounds from SIZEON.  I lost it eventually, but that can also be attributed to my poor diet, although my diet was poor while on it and I still gained.  That was March 2007.  In March 2008, I used it again and put on 10 again and lost it again, but not right away - it was a slow taper down.  I assume people would gain/lose weight just as quickly on steroids.  In October I used Betancourt Nutrition Creatine Chewies and did not gain or keep half as much although the flavour was good and the product was cheap so I give them credit for that.  Most recently I am using the Higher Power stack and making great gains in strength and mood improvements, although I'm not sure how much mass I have put on yet, if any.

Unbiased reviews which aren't even written by me to begin with:

I wouldn't include reviews which recommend against using the supplements I am trying to sell if my goal was to push supplements.  I also have numerous supplements I recommend not buying, and at this point that includes all NO products.

Discuss.  :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 11:55:54 AM
Hey this thread is great, it reminds me of this post by Dan Duchaine from a few years ago:

Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeff... where to begin with this?

First of all old boy, if you want to be seen as anything other than the 'full of himself' loser so desperately trying to deflect attention away from the true reality of his situation, you would be best advised to cut down on the ad hominem insults and stick with the facts

To wit (now take note)

My goodness, I do seem to have ruffled your feathers do I not? what is wrong? are you counting on the fact that some here will not recall the absolute roasting you received after your attempt to compete? No Jeff, lets not go down that road, your memory might now be the sacrificial lamb of your filthy drug habits, you might be able to delude yourself of your lack of any worth as a - geared up to fuck - bodybuilder, but (and if your mind isnt absolutely meth addled) in your demon possessed heart, in your soul, the truth must fucking crucify you

Are you counting on the fact that most here do not know you? that they will not know you fucking live on mega dose gear and - in that context - the above picture/s, rather than afford you any honourable ground, actually reveal you as the desperate, genetically average 'man in the street' you are?

Jeff, you have - as has been noted by many folks over the years - a swimmers build, accept it and move on.

For you to post the various pictures of yourself and attempt to claim you are some bodybuilding god that knows his shit reveals a lot.

Firstly, and I could care not what you attempt to paint otherwise, I have forgotten more about this game than you will ever know, you are a Mayhem blowhard, again, not an insult, but mere observation based, logically positive conclusion.

You, whilst knowing how fucking crucified you have been in this area, have then attempted to vindicate yourself (and your supposed 'knowledge') with evidence that comprises of what? evidence, jeffrey old chum, that comprises of the same piss poor McFarland swimmers build that saw you receiving the aforementioned crucifixion.

My golly jeffrey, the demons you are wrestling with would seem to run free in that maze of mediocrity you call a mind.

The fact that these pictures, far from vindicating you, actually - and as you, in your tormented mental state bloody well know - compound the awareness on your part that you are a not of the calibre your tormented soul would wish.

These are pictures that illustrate all that you hate in yourself, they document all that you hate about your sub par genetics.

Christ Jeff, these are pictures that see you in 4th division steroid condition - never mind the mega doses you employ - a condition that wouldnt even win you a regional, and pictures that saw you receiving one of the internets classic ownings.

The fact that these pictures are all you have; that in itself is (and as you yourself fully know) classic jeffrey mcfarland right there. Jeffrey Mcfarland the eternal meth addict scrabbling around - as usual - in the dirt looking for desperate measures, which in this case see you passing off an average steroid body as the high level progeny of supposed expertise? shocking jeff, absolutely shocking!

Jeff, cut the bullshit, lets stay with facts rather than your meth haze schoolyard ad hoiminem'

Here are a few facts for you:

- You are a meth dependant, coke toting, internet nobody. Nobody gives a shit, not even your precious Mayhem, you are their bitch

-You love bodybuilding, but are riddled with demons that - on a daily basis - scream at you that which is manifest in your lowly genetic swamp, that being, that you are not, nor ever will be, a bodybuilder... a fact that crucifies you to your very deluded core, poor diddums.

- The one area that you are good at - even by my admission - that of show reporting, has gone to shit, why? because you are a meth chugging, coked up loser, again, a fact that - in a moment of pathetic introspection - comes to kick you in the face.

Your demons Jeff - no matter how much you contrive to pin this on others here, whether those others are me or whomever? - are of your own making, I am simply here having a little fun, you however are the moron that wishes to deceive people you are that which you are not, and hey, why would your desire to deceive people come as a shock to those of us that know you?

Well Jeff, it doesnt come as a shock, you think nothing of deceiving others if it means some degree of warped catharsis for your implike consciousness, after all jeffrey, you think nothing of deceiving yourself, as is evident here on a daily basis.

Of what fucking concern is the next person to you? fuck all, again, a sad reflection of your self loathing, junkie mindset.

Of course, feel free to refute the above, I mean Jeff, maybe you are bulletproof? maybe I have this game of life all wrong? maybe functional, self respecting individuals are all 'meth head, attention whores'... is that right? or could it perhaps be, that you, jeffrey McFarland... are a dysfunctional clown?

Oh and, feel free to come back with more nonsense insults about scat, more crappy rap lyrics, more copy and pasted philosophy, or indeed any other manner of piss poor playground rubbish, honestly jeff, such wit really does cut me to the quick.

Goodnight jeffrey, be sure to not close your eyes, the monster is not on the outside, but you already know that though.. dont you?

Good evening Jeffrey

Sir Duchaine, the superior to you English gent

What's sauce for the goose, LOL.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 11:59:41 AM
Hey this thread is great, it reminds me of this post by Dan Duchaine from a few years ago:

What's sauce for the goose, LOL.

Ah how the circle of ownage always comes full.   ;D

See here's what hurts the most when delivering ownings like that.  You eventually realize that everything you're able to call on the other person you've experienced personally, hence the source of such keen "insight."  Duchaine called me perfectly there.  And when I called out Adonis it's because I'm so familiar with the condition and when Ed's owning you it's because he's already been there, done that, and had the "benefit" of hindsight to be ashamed of those former perceptions.  It's only further hindsight that makes you ashamed of the fact that you so accurately exposed someone before they could figure it out for themselves, nearly the most painful experience possible, and that it actually reveals more about where you've been than it does where the target of your owning currently is.  This place is a fucking blender that way and it's why people plagued with demons come here to make an ass of themself!   ;D

By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 12:02:48 PM
*sigh*  ::)
Quotes from me on this please.

Quotes from me on this please.
Well. You've convinced me, and in fine fashion. I now am at a loss as to what I was doing the last two weeks. Musta been dreaming when I made all those posts countering your Jewish media conspiracy/antisemitism argument(s) or your gene-race-intelligence thesis. 

/looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking...
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:07:13 PM
Well. You've convinced me, and in fine fashion. I now am at a loss as to what I was doing the last two weeks. Musta been dreaming when I made all those posts countering your Jewish media conspiracy/antisemitism argument(s) or your gene-race-intelligence thesis. 

/looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking...


How is it racist to point out that the media is at least 85% controlled by Jewish interests?  lol, I always thought debating would be easy when I can actually cite sources and references for people, but amazingly it is not.  I could say that a rock is more dense than a feather and the person coming back with "NO YOU DUMB FUCK, A FEATHER IS MORE DENSE" would win on getbig.

I backed everything I've said with science (something no one else has yet done), so I don't see what racism has to do with it.

The concept of intelligence being gene linked may be a bit of an extrapolation but hardly unrealistic and not at all hateful.

I own Special Ed here (I also call Kevin Horton an imbecile):
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:10:39 PM
Another notable owning (Dan Duchaine owns Vince G on my board):

Vince then came back with this, LOL:
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2008, 12:12:11 PM
MattC strikes back..........
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Disgusted on May 26, 2008, 12:15:44 PM
i just wanna post this pic

Hahahahahaaa  that was good.  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: WhiteCastle on May 26, 2008, 12:18:11 PM
May 2008 will go down in history as a month of the most brutal ownings.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Brutal_1 on May 26, 2008, 12:25:40 PM
*sigh*  ::)


Quotes from me on this please.

Ah...which is why I used the "undecided" emoticon  ;)

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 12:28:29 PM
*sigh*  ::)


That's true, but it's only me working on the website so it's hard to update everything.  My main focus now is on supplement reviews from myself and a team of five other unbiased reviewers.

Well I did gain 10 pounds from SIZEON.  I lost it eventually, but that can also be attributed to my poor diet, although my diet was poor while on it and I still gained.  That was March 2007.  In March 2008, I used it again and put on 10 again and lost it again, but not right away - it was a slow taper down.  I assume people would gain/lose weight just as quickly on steroids.  In October I used Betancourt Nutrition Creatine Chewies and did not gain or keep half as much although the flavour was good and the product was cheap so I give them credit for that.  Most recently I am using the Higher Power stack and making great gains in strength and mood improvements, although I'm not sure how much mass I have put on yet, if any.

Unbiased reviews which aren't even written by me to begin with:

I wouldn't include reviews which recommend against using the supplements I am trying to sell if my goal was to push supplements.  I also have numerous supplements I recommend not buying, and at this point that includes all NO products.

Discuss.  :D

Matt, if you have time to post on Getbig then you have time to take 30 minutes and simply update your site which is all it would take.  The changes that I recommended to you wouldn't even take 5 minutes.  You cannot use time as an excuse.

As far as the complement of gaining and losing 10 pounds still doesn't make since.  If you lost it that quick then it certainly wasn't muscle that you gained but just some water.  It still doesn't take from the fact that you've said so many products work tells me that its not bias.

As far as the two negative reviews....Most NPC judges prohibit the use of any Dream Tan products anyway so they wouldn't be buying it even if you gave it a good recommendation.  In any event, you still put links on the products to "BUY NOW".  To a person looking at your site, they would think you were being a hypocrite for giving a negative on a product but still putting a buy link for purchasing the product. 

Matt, for the most part you give a thumbs up to practically everything.

If you want to recoup the money lost then you seriously need to redesign the website. 

I remember back in the day when everyone was blasting my website for having the shittiest design ever but instead of making excuses, I went all out with my design and in 2005, blew everyone's eyes off when I launched the new site and I haven't looked back.

Matt, follow my advice and stop making excuses.  You have the ability to do it and if you don't then you'll be out of business within 2 years
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 12:29:01 PM
May 2008 will go down in history as a month of the most brutal ownings.

Definitely something viral about the phenomenon and I think we may have just hit the tipping point for it.  Goatboy's time is nearly at hand I predict.  The question is, will he survive it as, Squadfather has yet to demonstrate the ability to do?  I think that maybe the only thing that will keep him from being eventually exposed will be the morality behind his presence here.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 12:36:14 PM
Business-wise, I've tried to help out Matt as he came to me regarding problems  with revenue from his site.  I told him that he should simply add one simple little exercise equipment affiliate link and despite giving him the name of a great distributor, he has failed to take my advice despite the fact that it would only take him about 3 minutes to do so.

Matt's site isn't generating the income that it used to simply because he hasn't changed with the times.  Not only that, because most anti-virus software cleans out cookies, he doesn't get too much repeat revenue.

Matt's website overall is outdated and unfinished in most areas including the exercise videos and even the contest placing which he could easily get from  Don't believe me??  Click below

And the point that was brought up was his endless endorsements for every single product that works including the fibbing about gaining 10 pounds of muscle recently for Size-On.

Matt only weighs 170 pounds and based on all of his review for all of his products that he claimed to grow muscle from, if he was telling the truth then he would have gained a total of 218 pounds of muscle making him 388 pounds and obviously the most muscular bodybuilder in the universe.  Of course that's not the case.

Matt, its like I said before...stop responding to the peanut gallery and stop spewing the Jew bashing shit.  It makes people take a hard look at your company and see it for what it is.

You are dumb.
bag it
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 26, 2008, 12:41:06 PM
Ah how the circle of ownage always comes full.   ;D

See here's what hurts the most when delivering ownings like that.  You eventually realize that everything you're able to call on the other person you've experienced personally, hence the source of such keen "insight."  Duchaine called me perfectly there.  And when I called out Adonis it's because I'm so familiar with the condition and when Ed's owning you it's because he's already been there, done that, and had the "benefit" of hindsight to be ashamed of those former perceptions.  It's only further hindsight that makes you ashamed of the fact that you so accurately exposed someone before they could figure it out for themselves, nearly the most painful experience possible, and that it actually reveals more about where you've been than it does where the target of your owning currently is.  This place is a fucking blender that way and it's why people plagued with demons come here to make an ass of themself!   ;D

By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 

matt in a way is like adonis he's posted so many outright lies and fibs he can't keep up with them all. All his degrees all the pussy he gets all his houses he owns all the universities he goes to etcetcetcetc...
Nor can he hide his bigotry or he's massive jealousy towards the pros and everyone bigger than him because he has shit can genetics.
He's too much of a coward to try a mild AAS cycle-probably cause he knows the truth it ain't gonna turn him into Tom Prince like he writes it will.

Alex23 is next on the list...his lies are catching up to him full circle posts like he is a barney bad ass getting in fights all the business man..gets tons of pussy- and is natural...when in real life he's a pitiful young pup that juices and relies on lying on Getbig to have freinds. Blockheads assessment of him was spot on at the ASc...a lil bitch he is...
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:43:26 PM
You are dumb.
bag it

This is where I disagree with what others on the board say about Vince.  I think he gives sound advice.  He has helped me in the past and is helping me here.  I can't honestly say anything negative about him.

Regarding the reviews on my website, the reviews cover everything ranging from the collected data on a particular supplement, nutritional content, taste, and cost effectiveness.  Some reviews are merely wiki like pages on a particular supplement.  How does one review a protein bar for example?

Everyone should read a few before judging and point out specific flaws with the reviews:

I admit, I generally am quite positive about supplements, but is it so hard to believe that I may actually be enjoying them?  lol.  I admit, the fact that I don't have to pay for them is a confounding variable, which may explain why I am so positive so much of the time - hard to complain about something I get for free!  Would I pay for those supplements is another question.

The reviews are working well insofar as I can tell.  On my website for sure, and very likely on too.  I never claimed that they were perfect and I am totally up to listening to constructive criticism.  I asked whether or not a disclaimer for each review would be in order to point out that I sell the supplements (although to me it is obvious), but got little response on here from that.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:49:14 PM
I have to address these one by one.

matt in a way is like adonis he's posted so many outright lies and fibs he can't keep up with them all. All his degrees all the pussy he gets all his houses he owns all the universities he goes to etcetcetcetc...

You can call me what you want or make fun of my achievements, but they are all true.  I've verified them through posting things like videos or pictures, etc.  I don't see how you can call me a liar, lol.  TA on the other hand, will not even say the NAME of the university he attended, since I told him I would call the alumni department and ask if he truly did get a Physics degree if he were to do so.

Nor can he hide his bigotry or he's massive jealousy towards the pros

I can't say that I'm jealous of pros.  Would be cool to look like them and draw that kind of attention, although even that might be a bit much at times.

he has shit can genetics.

True on this, although my strength is pretty good.

He's too much of a coward to try a mild AAS cycle-probably cause he knows the truth it ain't gonna turn him into Tom Prince like he writes it will.

True on being too much of a pussy to try gear.  I don't want to compromise my endocrine system.  Not sure if it's a rational concern, but even some of my modest juice using friends appear to have experienced some long term sides.  As for TP, it's not that I would look like him ON gear, but he sure as hell seems to look like me OFF gear.  :-X

Alex23 is next on the list...his lies are catching up to him full circle posts like he is a barney bad ass getting in fights all the business man..gets tons of pussy- and is natural...when in real life he's a pitiful young pup that juices and relies on lying on Getbig to have freinds. Blockheads assessment of him was spot on at the ASc...a lil bitch he is...

What order or volume of pussy does Alex23 get on a weekly basis?  Discuss.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: wes on May 26, 2008, 12:53:37 PM
Matt the majority of supplements do jack shit!!

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:55:43 PM
Matt the majority of supplements do jack shit!!

Hope this helps.

Key word there.  I think we would all agree that there are a few good ones that do work (other than goatboy, who seems to writes them all off).

This is a review posted on my website on June 1st of last year:

Read the Conclusion.  How can anyone claim I am posting biased reviews?  :-\
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: mass 04 on May 26, 2008, 12:55:53 PM
All he wanted to do was review a supplement.  :'(
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 12:57:15 PM
I must admit Matt's holding strong here.  Matt it was "what order of volume of pussy" Alex23 gets you racist bastard.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: tommywishbone on May 26, 2008, 12:57:29 PM
This thread is absurd.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: calmus on May 26, 2008, 12:58:20 PM
 I think that maybe the only thing that will keep him from being eventually exposed will be the morality behind his presence here.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 12:59:15 PM
All he wanted to do was review a supplement.  :'(

Absolutely true!!  The board is so mean to me.  I'd give anything for them to stop being mean to me.  :'(

hm, I guess it's time I post a gallery of screencaps of me winning at in order to redeem myself?  That is pretty well what the board is trying to tell me to do if you read between the lines right?



I'm white.  ;D

Matt it was "what order of volume of pussy" Alex23 gets you racist bastard.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: wes on May 26, 2008, 01:03:51 PM
Matt,I honestly only ever read one of your reviews in its entirety because I haven`t used any supps other than protein powder,creatine monohydrate,and vitamins in years now............just don`t beleive in overpriced,overhyped crap.

Never said your reviews were biased in any way,how could I having never read them?

I agree there are a few good ones that work,most of which I listed above.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 01:05:05 PM

If Goatboy deserves to have has real identity exposed to Getbig for his contributions here, he will be exposed in time.  Although his primary target on here was just Kamali and it's pretty understood around here that he got what he deserved on here so I don't know if there's any unbalanced karma yet to catch up to him.  He's really just the last really popular person here to have ever been subjected to meltdown so far as I am aware.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:06:57 PM
Matt,I honestly only ever read one of your reviews in its entirety because I haven`t used any supps other than protein powder,creatine monohydrate,and vitamins in years now............just don`t beleive in overpriced,overhyped crap.

Never said your reviews were biased in any way,how could I having never read them?

I agree there are a few good ones that work,most of which I listed above.

I've never really tried a multi, but I would throw BCAAs and beta-alanine into that list, as well as a couple more.

Who made this?  lol.  0:25, 1:08 and 1:45 had me in hysterics.  ;D

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 26, 2008, 01:12:00 PM
If Goatboy deserves to have has real identity exposed to Getbig for his contributions here, he will be exposed in time.  Although his primary target on here was just Kamali and it's pretty understood around here that he got what he deserved on here so I don't know if there's any unbalanced karma yet to catch up to him.

No one deserves their personal info exposed for everyone to see. Think about what you're saying.

Matt kinda brought this upon himself. All of Ed's points are pretty much on target. Matt hates Jews because he's obviously jealous, and whether or not he hates blacks due to some physical inferiority complex, I don't know.

It's one thing to have certain personal opinions. Another thing to be spewing them any chance you get; in topics that have nothing to do with Jews. Matt going out of his way to troll topics with his bullshit turned everyone against him. He deserves everything that he's getting, and if businesses like decided to cut ties with him, I wouldn't blame them, nor would I feel sorry for Matt.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:15:26 PM
No one deserves their personal info exposed for everyone to see. Think about what you're saying.

Matt kinda brought this upon himself. All of Ed's points are pretty much on target. Matt hates Jews because he's obviously jealous, and whether he hates blacks due to some physical inferiority complex, I don't know.

It's one thing to have certain personal opinions. Another thing to be spewing them any chance you get; in topics that have nothing to do with Jews. Matt going out of his way to troll topics with his bullshit turned everyone against him. He deserves everything that he's getting, and if businesses like decided to cut ties with him, I wouldn't blame them, nor would I feel sorry for Matt.

Yes, I said these vicious antisemitic things because you say so.


Although I doubt this will be the last time I am forced to demand that.  ::)

And yeah, it's all about jealousy.  It's not like billion dollars of unwavering US financial support to Israel during a time of recession in the USA would have anything to do with it.  It's all just in my head.  Me and my imagination!  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 01:17:49 PM
By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 

*bump*   ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: kmhphoto on May 26, 2008, 01:20:01 PM

By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 

Impersonating a bodybuilder?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:20:11 PM
By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again?

As usual, I will be sharing everything with the board in vast detail once the dust settles.  In the meantime, let the board fill in the details with their imagination.  That's what they normally do anyway, lol.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:21:32 PM
Impersonating a bodybuilder?

And for you?  Impersonating being an imbecile?  For shame my fellow Briton.  Discuss.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 01:22:08 PM
No one deserves their personal info exposed for everyone to see. Think about what you're saying.

Nothing happens in the universe that is unjust.  And people's personal shit gets exposed here from time to time.  I think you are just biased in trying to think that because you want to reserve the right to say malicious things about undeserving people like Jenny Cowan and not have people find out more details about you than your conscious mind is willing to disclose.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 01:22:42 PM
As usual, I will be sharing everything with the board in vast detail once the dust settles.  In the meantime, let the board fill in the details with their imagination.  That's what they normally do anyway, lol.

Okay, you get a pass for a while...  but if we do not have details in short order, we will feel free to make something up.  :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: kmhphoto on May 26, 2008, 01:23:11 PM
And for you?  Impersonating being an imbecile?  For shame my fellow Briton.  Discuss.

I'm sure we'll get to discuss it sometime.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 26, 2008, 01:36:55 PM
Nothing happens in the universe that is unjust.  And people's personal shit gets exposed here from time to time.  I think you are just biased in trying to think that because you want to reserve the right to say malicious things about undeserving people like Jenny Cowan and not have people find out more details about you than your conscious mind is willing to disclose.

Damn right.

People have been critical of pictures I post, but I don't mind because I willingly put it out there. I simply counter with more pics. This site runs on opinions and people shouldn't be called out on them unless they volunteered.

And someone like Goatboy would be difficult to get. I mean he's ruffled a lot of people's feathers and has yet to be exposed in any way. Even the mighty 240 got exposed.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:46:05 PM
Damn right.

People have been critical of pictures I post, but I don't mind because I willingly put it out there. I simply counter with more pics. This site runs on opinions and people shouldn't be called out on them unless they volunteered.

And someone like Goatboy would be difficult to get. I mean he's ruffled a lot of people's feathers and has yet to be exposed in any way. Even the mighty 240 got exposed.

240 gave away his identity though.  If people do everything possible to hide it, I don't see how they can be exposed.  It's easy to post under an anonymous handle and proxy your IP:
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 01:55:32 PM
240 gave away his identity though.  If people do everything possible to hide it, I don't see how they can be exposed.  It's easy to post under an anonymous handle and proxy your IP:

They themselves will usually eventually subconsciously drop clues steering the particularly insightful towards their Achilles' heel.  Squadfather used to drop little shit in his posts about "my girlfriend and her son in the next room heard me laughing"...see no need to mention details like that...they are not relevant and seem like a less than most efficient way to make his conscious mind's supposed point.  Think about it enough and you start to see a trend.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 01:56:09 PM
Another notable owning (Dan Duchaine owns Vince G on my board):

Vince then came back with this, LOL:

Matt, you asked me that year to help you promote your discussion board by making that audio response.  Otherwise, I would not have paid attention to this amatuer joker.

I knew the real Dan Duchaine and on the old "newsgroup" ( really Old school folks) he roasted my ass alive and called me another one of the  "Kool-Aid Disciples of Mike" for following Mentzer's Heavy Duty training routines. 

The real Duchaine showed no mercy when it came to his critics.  He even announced one time at a seminar he was hosting one time that Mentzer passed away. 

There are only a handful of people who have actually done some truly brutal ownings on me and it certainly isn't that guy.  The last one who accomplished that was 240 and that's been a few years ago. 

Come on Matt, you shouldn't have even brought that up...especially since I'm just trying to give you some good advice   
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:56:12 PM

I think I get what the board wants me to do here: would a clip of me benching 225X25 be in order here?  That's what the board is asking for right?

I'm not there yet, but with this M3 stack, give me a little time and I bet I will be.  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 01:57:24 PM
Vince is one of the good dudes on here.  I have no clue why some on here are mean to him.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 02:03:36 PM
Vince is one of the good dudes on here.  I have no clue why some on here are mean to him.

If he is good, many other posters must be card carrying angels.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 02:11:28 PM
If he is good, many other posters must be card carrying angels.

How so?  Is there anything about Vince you don't like?  He is an interesting online persona, but I don't see how that would make him a bad person or anything, at least IMO.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: mass 04 on May 26, 2008, 02:11:55 PM
Matt, post a video of you on  beating the computer at chess while simultaneoulsy solving a rubix cube,benching 365 and banging a supermodel with your MENSA certificate in the background.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 02:12:07 PM

I think I get what the board wants me to do here: would a clip of me benching 225X25 be in order here?  That's what the board is asking for right?

I'm not there yet, but with this M3 stack, give me a little time and I bet I will be.  ;D

No Matt eat a different kind of protein for two weeks after catching a cold and losing the 10 pounds Gaspari Sizeon gave you, gain the same 10 pounds again, write a 5-page dissertation on Jewish conspiracy, Phil Heath's eye color, Gary Strydom's anabolic intake, and Gunter's telling your friend he was geeked in an afterparty bathroom an in-depth "supplement review," post it, and repeat.  That's what this situation calls for.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 02:13:47 PM
Matt, post a video of you on  beating the computer at chess while simultaneoulsy solving a rubix cube,benching 365 and banging a supermodel with your MENSA certificate in the background.

The board would still give me shit, lol.

Think about it: daddywaddy's cock is easily in excess of 10 inches and the board still called it small, lol.  It makes no difference what proof is posted, it is never enough on here.  ;D

Still the best board on the web though, because anything goes.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 02:14:39 PM
How so?  Is there anything about Vince you don't like?   He is an interesting online persona, but I don't see how that would make him a bad person or anything, at least IMO.

Maybe it's just me being silly[::)] but when men threaten to hit me I don't really think they are nice men.

His post saying he would just duck down to be able to hit me as women are shorter was a real charmer.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: drkaje on May 26, 2008, 02:16:42 PM
All he wanted to do was review a supplement.  :'(

Funny as shit. No one got it but damn that was funny!!

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 02:21:04 PM
Maybe it's just me being silly[::)] but when men threaten to hit me I don't really think they are nice men.

His post saying he would just duck down to be able to hit me as women are shorter was a real charmer.

Not sure the context of that.  Maybe it was just a joke in poor taste or maybe he is a bacon and eggs stained wife beater wearing wife beater.  If the latter is true, I can understand why you don't like him.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 02:24:00 PM

Alex isn't exactly hiding... people know who he is, and he doesn't really strike me as the type to melt down easily.

Yeah I see him as kinda taking his licks as he goes.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 02:26:11 PM
How is it racist to point out that the media is at least 85% controlled by Jewish interests?  lol, I always thought debating would be easy when I can actually cite sources and references for people, but amazingly it is not.  I could say that a rock is more dense than a feather and the person coming back with "NO YOU DUMB FUCK, A FEATHER IS MORE DENSE" would win on getbig.
The point is not that it is, and I will take your word for it, it is the inferences you make, thereof!!! And, as I have made this point many times, and I'm sure you know it, stop with your childish wheedling and dancing. No one has a problem with your 'facts,' it is your liberal interpretative extrapolations that place you on shaky ground. I'm usually a patient person, but your dancing and spinning is giving me a headache. You claim to all and sundry that you are 'intelligent' - try farking acting like it for a week. You might enjoy the change, and, God knows, we would appreciate the break.  :)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 02:34:28 PM
Maybe it's just me being silly[::)] but when men threaten to hit me I don't really think they are nice men.

His post saying he would just duck down to be able to hit me as women are shorter was a real charmer.

Yeah but did that post really make you feel threatened?  I'm sure he'd be much more prone to beating Vissy before you...   ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 02:36:09 PM
The point is not that it is, and I will take your word for it, it is the inferences you make, thereof!!! And, as I have made this point many times, and I'm sure you know it, stop with your childish wheedling and dancing. No one has a problem with your 'facts,' it is your liberal interpretative extrapolations that place you on shaky ground. I'm usually a patient person, but your dancing and spinning is giving me a headache. You claim to all and sundry that you are 'intelligent' - try farking acting like it for a week. You might enjoy the change, and, God knows, we would appreciate the break.  :)

You're considerably better than the average member on this board, but I still think you are interpreting my posts wrong.  Whether genetic or environmental, no one denies the racial differences in intelligence.  Whether planned or subconsciously motivated, no one can deny the Jewish media clout.

But yes, I will still get shitcanned by the retards on here for saying that.  What they don't realize is that the more they come back with attacks, the more it proves what I'm saying is true.  After all, if what I was saying was so easily disproved with facts and evidence, they would have no problem presenting some.

For example, if I say the world is flat, it would take one tiny post to disprove that with science and reason.  If something is so obviously wrong, it can easily be disproved.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 02:38:16 PM
Yeah but did that post really make you feel threatened?  I'm sure he'd be much more prone to beating Vissy before you...   ;D

Not in the slightest actually  :D

Was just using that as an example of why I do not think he is 'nice'

Ps: Great post Dr Chimps.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 02:49:19 PM
You're considerably better than the average member on this board, but I still think you are interpreting my posts wrong.  Whether genetic or environmental, no one denies the racial differences in intelligence.  Whether planned or subconsciously motivated, no one can deny the Jewish media clout.

But yes, I will still get shitcanned by the retards on here for saying that.  What they don't realize is that the more they come back with attacks, the more it proves what I'm saying is true.  After all, if what I was saying was so easily disproved with facts and evidence, they would have no problem presenting some.

For example, if I say the world is flat, it would take one tiny post to disprove that with science and reason.  If something is so obviously wrong, it can easily be disproved.
*Sigh* Racial differences vis-a-vis intelligence can all be explained statistically using a number of controls. We went over this yesterday, or don't you remember. As well, IQ tests being a 'good' indication of intelligence, but nevertheless an indirect one.

And who the f*ck cares that Jews place prominently in the media. They are not there to spread some nefarious hidden agenda! They are responsible to a board for profits and losses and to increase revenue share. That's it. If they are making shitty Hollywood movies or publishing the Jerusalem Post, they are all looking to their bottom line, not some hare-brained world domination scheme that only you can see. Why aren't you worried about the Danish cornering the construction block market. Or, the Bilderberg Group, if you want something meatier. Why must it have a racial component?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 03:11:00 PM

Think about it: daddywaddy's cock is easily in excess of 10 inches and the board still called it small, lol.

OMG! Get out of the closet already!

I remember that thread, let me explain your big IQ how it went:

Straight people who entered the thread, read the first couple of lines/replies understood what is waiting behind that link, didn't enter.

The gay people entered and examined it hard and long (pun intended) to clearly remember what was the size.

Matt....its becoming clearer on every post, your a closet homosexual that try to battle himself and try to transform into the complete opposite of what he really is.

There is nothing of being a gay, pale, skinny, poor, uneducated boy. Just accept yourself for who you are and you might actually make something out of your miserable life.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Dave D on May 26, 2008, 03:11:53 PM
*Sigh* Racial differences vis-a-vis intelligence can all be explained statistically using a number of controls. We went over this yesterday, or don't you remember. As well, IQ tests being a 'good' indication of intelligence, but nevertheless an indirect one.

And who the f*ck cares that Jews place prominently in the media. They are not there to spread some nefarious hidden agenda! They are responsible to a board for profits and losses and to increase revenue share. That's it. If they are making shitty Hollywood movies or publishing the Jerusalem Post, they are all looking to their bottom line, not some hare-brained world domination scheme that only you can see. Why aren't you worried about the Danish cornering the construction block market. Or, the Bilderberg Group, if you want something meatier. Why must it have a racial component?

Thank you.
I find it amazing that for all his use of "factual data" MattC uses very little common sense. From culture to culture standardized IQ tests results will vary greatly. I still dont think he can fathom this. Its the difference between Western and Eastern thought processes. One isnt better than the other its just a different way of understanding situatons, or applling logic....
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: rocket on May 26, 2008, 03:12:51 PM
Interesting, finally the truth comes out.  I've not been reading so much lately but it does not surprise me that the fabled "jump to conclusions" mat is once again out for Special Ed.  I found it hard to believe that Matt had suddenly become a public white power enthusiast despite the multitudes jumping onto this idea.  Wary people may be of his debate subjects, this seemed a little far-fetched.

Speaking of derangement I could not believe that Vince was here dispatching website advice.  This, coming from a man who announced his website here without a link - Careful Matt, this guy might take you to the TOP!  ::)

I too, agree that IQ differences are likely correlated first and foremost with cultural/socio-economic issues.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:13:40 PM
*Sigh* Racial differences vis-a-vis intelligence can all be explained statistically using a number of controls. We went over this yesterday, or don't you remember. As well, IQ tests being a 'good' indication of intelligence, but nevertheless an indirect one.

If you are going to make a claim, back it up with a scientific reference.  I do and I expect the same from those debating with me.  I think it is a reasonable request.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 03:15:39 PM
*Sigh* Racial differences vis-a-vis intelligence can all be explained statistically using a number of controls. We went over this yesterday, or don't you remember. As well, IQ tests being a 'good' indication of intelligence, but nevertheless an indirect one.

And who the f*ck cares that Jews place prominently in the media. They are not there to spread some nefarious hidden agenda! They are responsible to a board for profits and losses and to increase revenue share. That's it. If they are making shitty Hollywood movies or publishing the Jerusalem Post, they are all looking to their bottom line, not some hare-brained world domination scheme that only you can see. Why aren't you worried about the Danish cornering the construction block market. Or, the Bilderberg Group, if you want something meatier. Why must it have a racial component?

Why do you spend good logical posts on such a lost cause?

He completely ignore the facts such as a handful of Arab royalty controlling most of the worlds oil but he is really pissed about some Jewish people making money of media...I guess his next move will be to make a new law that doesn't let Jewish people have anything to do with the media.... ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 03:16:51 PM
Maybe it's just me being silly[::)] but when men threaten to hit me I don't really think they are nice men.

His post saying he would just duck down to be able to hit me as women are shorter was a real charmer.

CQ, why are you dragging the shit up from the past for????  Here we go again with the same old stuff.....

Funny how you failed to mention why I was going to slap the shit out of you and Mindspin.  You folks cut out all the sponsors including myself from last year at the last minute without any notice for Dr Connelly's Progenex. 

It was obvious that you, 240 and Mindspin sold us out under the table to pull some shit like that but then you took it one step further and ragged on the prizes that we gave out last year.  You even claimed that I never delivered the prizes to the competitors when you knew that shit wasn't true.  Lying ass mothaf#ckers....

I had the opportunity to confront Dr Connelly about the situation in Las Vegas but he acted like he didn't know jack shit.  Guess he was afraid I was going to have one of those Boondocks "N*gga Moments"....chuckle

Its people like you that make me want to reach for the 9mm sometimes...

In any event, you and Mindspin are still some lying ass gold digging bitches who sold out the people who made the Mr Getbig happen in the first place so don't bitch about a slap that you never got.  Fuck you and Ahmed.   


Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:17:38 PM
Why do you spend good logical posts on such a lost cause?

He completely ignore the facts such as a handful of Arab royalty controlling most of the worlds oil but he is really pissed about some Jewish people making money of media...I guess his next move will be to make a new law that doesn't let Jewish people have anything to do with the media.... ::)

So what you're saying is that my Arab friends control the world's oil supply?  ::)

^^ lol, this is the kind of shit I have to debate on here.  People putting words in my mouth then asking me to debate it.

On to something more important:


Submit your reviews of the worst supplements you have tried and I will publish them.  Even short reviews as long as they are well written and professional.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: SweetMuscles on May 26, 2008, 03:21:36 PM
Mattc is the one doing the owning. he is a fucking nobody with a micropenis yet we're all talking about the attention whore and feeding his ego.
this is a loser with a fairly above average - ie, not retarded trailer trash - IQ and no real job. He went to some piece of shit university that no one has heard of  and has nothing in his life. he does nothing to merit this level of exposure and we should all kill ourselves for noticing this speck of human waste.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 03:23:15 PM
So what you're saying is that my Arab friends control the world's oil supply?  ::)

^^ lol, this is the kind of shit I have to debate on here.  People putting words in my mouth then asking me to debate it.

On to something more important:


Submit your reviews of the worst supplements you have tried and I will publish them.  Even short reviews as long as they are well written and professional.

Arabs have more control over oil than Jews over the media, but even that will be far fetched.
I wonder...when the exaggerated claims aren't about the people you hate than they suddenly don't make any sense LOL.

Here is something for your 7GIQ points to ponder about, with every emo kid having a blog today and getting millions of hits daily, thousands of channels over satellites and much can you control the media? ::)

If I wanted to claim the Arabs control oil it would certainly be much easier than controlling the media. 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 03:24:52 PM
Mattc is the one doing the owning. he is a fucking nobody with a micropenis yet we're all talking about the attention whore and feeding his ego.
this is a loser with a fairly above average - ie, not retarded trailer trash - IQ and no real job. He went to some piece of shit university that no one has head of  and has nothing in his life. he does nothing to merit this level of exposure and we should all kill ourselves for noticing this speck of human waste.

True, but the boards have been slow lately :(
So we have to settle on gang raping Matt.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:29:07 PM
Mattc is the one doing the owning. he is a fucking nobody with a micropenis yet we're all talking about the attention whore and feeding his ego.
this is a loser with a fairly above average - ie, not retarded trailer trash - IQ and no real job. He went to some piece of shit university that no one has head of  and has nothing in his life. he does nothing to merit this level of exposure and we should all kill ourselves for noticing this speck of human waste.

I admit I like Matt C threads and perhaps you are right and maybe I am subconsciously driven to push members to start them, lol.  I can't deny that I like all the attention.  I don't feel I need them for self-actualization purposes or anything like that, but who knows?  It's sometimes difficult to exactly realize what drives a person.  You are wrong about me having a small penis though.

What else to say on this...I have a poor physique but it gets a little silly when people make disparaging remarks about my strength.  I am quite strong by any standard.  I would hope that members on here are at least objective when it comes to bashing since that keeps it real.

But in the broadest sense I would have to agree that it is me who is doing the owning on here.  For example, to those who actually matter, I've probably done more to reduce board credibility than to actually make myself look bad.  The numerous contacts I've made in the industry don't read this as me being as the aggressor, but rather as a representation of the caustic nature of the board which further reduces its reputation in the industry.  So who is owning who here?  :)

Sorry guys.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:30:42 PM
True, but the boards have been slow lately :(
So we have to settle on gang raping Matt.


I have to admit, that was good.  It was as funny to me as Special Ed's joke in my thread on the nutrition board:

As for my private comments to Benz, I doubt I would ever confuse a greasy Chilean with a greasy Mexican. :)

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: columbusdude82 on May 26, 2008, 03:40:33 PM
Matzi's new best friend and brother in Jew-hatred

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: flagadajones on May 26, 2008, 03:40:58 PM

Think about it: daddywaddy's cock is easily in excess of 10 inches and the board still called it small, lol. 
it's the third time you bring this to defend yourself , who knows why?

 dude you got really shocked by his cock's size for some reasons...
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:43:20 PM
it's the third time you bring this to defend yourself , who knows why?

 dude you got really shocked by his cock's size for some reasons...

Well as Woten said, it is a wonder he doesn't have a host of threesomes under his belt - what with the few inches left "out in the cold" so to speak, LOL.  DW is another interesting getbig personality.  How come he is missing the festivities today?  >:(
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Bix on May 26, 2008, 03:45:46 PM
Fu...k this thread, spend your time more wisely and watch cspan2 at 7 pm est
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: flagadajones on May 26, 2008, 03:47:07 PM
If you are going to make a claim, back it up with a scientific reference.  I do and I expect the same from those debating with me.  I think it is a reasonable request.
dude you 're insecure and have psychological issues, no need for a "scientific reference" to prove it; the fact most people find you annoying at best should suffice for you to think about it and change.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Special Ed on May 26, 2008, 03:49:06 PM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Bix on May 26, 2008, 03:50:23 PM
You're all a bunch of sheep, :-X
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 03:50:56 PM
dude you 're insecure and have psychological issues, no need for a "scientific reference" to prove it; the fact most people find you annoying at best should suffice for you to think about it and change.

No, not really.  First off, I disagree it is "most" members who have a problem with me, it's just a vivid example of how getbig falls victim of group think as much as or more than any other board online.  Secondly, you have to look in the broad context.  Even if my reputation on getbig is bad, getbig's reputation in the industry is horrid, thusly annihilating the credibility of anything said of me on here.

PS - What order of volume of pussy does this "guy" get on a regular basis?  ???
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 03:54:23 PM

PS - What order of volume of pussy cock does this "guy" get on a regular basis?  ???


On a more interesting subject, anyone here tried Ritalin? I took one today and I feel like I'm on that normal ???
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Bix on May 26, 2008, 03:55:06 PM
Dam Matt, stop training those delts, you're going to be known as the Platz of deltoids. ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 04:01:03 PM
Why do you spend good logical posts on such a lost cause?

He completely ignore the facts such as a handful of Arab royalty controlling most of the worlds oil but he is really pissed about some Jewish people making money of media...I guess his next move will be to make a new law that doesn't let Jewish people have anything to do with the media.... ::)
You know, at this point, I have no idea. Maybe because he's a fellow Canuck and I usually take a bit of pride in us being intelligent as well as being a bit more circumspect and pragmatic than the average poster. Now, I just find him embarrassing. He has a definite racial agenda and, god knows, I would rather post being a smartass and having fun, but he is forcing me to do this.   >:(

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dov on May 26, 2008, 04:02:15 PM
No, not really.  First off, I disagree it is "most" members who have a problem with me, it's just a vivid example of how getbig falls victim of group think as much as or more than any other board online.  Secondly, you have to look in the broad context.  Even if my reputation on getbig is bad, getbig's reputation in the industry is horrid, thusly annihilating the credibility of anything said of me on here.

PS - What order of volume of pussy does this "guy" get on a regular basis?  ???
Seriously, only chicks should have shit written across their asses..Brutal homo "Mr. THUNDER WOLVES" ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 04:03:56 PM
You know, at this point, I have no idea. Maybe because he's a fellow Canuck and I usually take a bit of pride in us being intelligent as well as being a bit more circumspect and pragmatic than the average poster. Now, I just find him embarrassing. He has a definite racial agenda and, god knows, I would rather post being a smartass and having fun, but he is forcing me to do this.   >:(

Same, I have been ranting like a fiend.

Your posts have been very on point, but honestly, it is a lost cause I think.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2008, 04:13:19 PM

PS - What order of volume of pussy does this "guy" get on a regular basis?  ???
Not alot with that 1/2 left bicep.....
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 04:21:07 PM
You know, at this point, I have no idea. Maybe because he's a fellow Canuck and I usually take a bit of pride in us being intelligent as well as being a bit more circumspect and pragmatic than the average poster. Now, I just find him embarrassing. He has a definite racial agenda and, god knows, I would rather post being a smartass and having fun, but he is forcing me to do this.   >:(


Not one piece of evidence or data at all.  Not one scientific study.  Link me to ONE post of yours where you even cited ONE study.  Not one reference from a credible source.  Nothing but attacks.

I give you my burden of proof and make it all too simple to fulfill and you can't even do that.  If I'm telling you that I will shut up if you give me proof wouldn't that be some motivation to actually do so?

But you can't, you won't.  You know you have nothing that I can't easily dismantle with evidence so you attack me to get brownie points with the collective or morons on this site - a collective that everyone in the industry thinks is a joke I might add.  You can't debate on my terms (those being the NORMAL terms of an intellectual debate), so you don't.  You just come back with attacks because you have nothing else.  Nothing for me to address except attacks.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 26, 2008, 04:21:35 PM
Same, I have been ranting like a fiend.

Your posts have been very on point, but honestly, it is a lost cause I think.
Yeah, you're probably right. Though, I suppose, when Matt announces his Canning putsch, I will have to don the tights and cape again and 'once more into the breech dear friends, once more.'  ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2008, 04:29:54 PM

Not one piece of evidence or data at all.  Not one scientific study.  Link me to ONE post of yours where you even cited ONE study.  Not one reference from a credible source.  Nothing but attacks.

I give you my burden of proof and make it all too simple to fulfill and you can't even do that.  If I'm telling you that I will shut up if you give me proof wouldn't that be some motivation to actually do so?

But you can't, you won't.  You know you have nothing that I can't easily dismantle with evidence so you attack me to get brownie points with the collective or morons on this site - a collective that everyone in the industry thinks is a joke I might add.  You can't debate on my terms (those being the NORMAL terms of an intellectual debate), so you don't.  You just come back with attacks because you have nothing else.  Nothing for me to address except attacks.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: TrueGrit on May 26, 2008, 04:39:12 PM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: MisterMagoo on May 26, 2008, 05:23:30 PM
getbig drama of this magnitude gives me a huge woody.

it almost counteracts the inevitable stomping i fear my penguins will be getting tonight.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 05:38:31 PM
getbig drama of this magnitude gives me a huge woody.

Be careful...  Matt might ask you to measure it.  :-X
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 26, 2008, 05:41:20 PM

Be careful...  Matt might ask you to measure it.  :-X

What does it say about somebody when they are obsessed with the cocks of other men?

Matt has shown more interest in the size of DW's penis then he has in the various topics about hot chicks. Has anyone noticed that?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: mass 04 on May 26, 2008, 05:45:04 PM
Anti-seMattiC, we need some chess action shots of you owning the computer ASAP.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Marty Champions on May 26, 2008, 05:51:55 PM
No, not really.  First off, I disagree it is "most" members who have a problem with me, it's just a vivid example of how getbig falls victim of group think as much as or more than any other board online.  Secondly, you have to look in the broad context.  Even if my reputation on getbig is bad, getbig's reputation in the industry is horrid, thusly annihilating the credibility of anything said of me on here.

PS - What order of volume of pussy does this "guy" get on a regular basis?  ???

matt c looks great in that back double bicep, your arms are dwarfing the rest of your body in a good way
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: The Master on May 26, 2008, 05:58:17 PM

Not one piece of evidence or data at all.  Not one scientific study.  Link me to ONE post of yours where you even cited ONE study.  Not one reference from a credible source.  Nothing but attacks.

I give you my burden of proof and make it all too simple to fulfill and you can't even do that.  If I'm telling you that I will shut up if you give me proof wouldn't that be some motivation to actually do so?

But you can't, you won't.  You know you have nothing that I can't easily dismantle with evidence so you attack me to get brownie points with the collective or morons on this site - a collective that everyone in the industry thinks is a joke I might add.  You can't debate on my terms (those being the NORMAL terms of an intellectual debate), so you don't.  You just come back with attacks because you have nothing else.  Nothing for me to address except attacks.



People claims to have "debunked" your scientific references that forms the core of your opinion: Different races differs in intelligence, yet all they have done is to try to put the research into question using their own reasoning. But N O B O D Y has posted real scientific studies and REAL scientists REALLY debunking the research you have posted, point by point.
Claiming "Iq tests are not culture fair" does not debunk the science, mainly because the research has been controlled for "cultural differences", but no poster would know that because they have no real insight to the studies, thus, they have no basis to refute it.

Until somebody posts R E A L studies and REAL statements from CREDIBLE researchers that argues the different points in the research MattCock has posted, nobody has debated anything, and MattCocks argument about races and intelligence holds. (and no, making personal claims and interpretations is not good enough. Answer by real research)

And of course, claiming that a lot of science shows difference in intelligence between races, andthat this can be claimed with a certain amount of probability is not racism, its merely an objective observation. Thus, MattCock is not a RACIST for claiming differences in intelligence between races that most likely has a partial genetic origin, claiming that is just an observation.

But of course, all the attacks on MattCocks "weird" character traits = teh owning.  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: 240 is Back on May 26, 2008, 06:01:43 PM
It was obvious that you, 240 and Mindspin sold us out under the table to pull some shit like that but then you took it one step further and ragged on the prizes that we gave out last year.  You even claimed that I never delivered the prizes to the competitors when you knew that shit wasn't true.  Lying ass mothaf#ckers....

I appreciated all the love that you and all the other sponsors showed in the Mr Getbig I.  Vince, you were great about delivering prizes, and I thank you for it.  Other sponsors did drag their feet a bit.  I was only the webmaster on the GBII project.  Mindspin and CQ did the prizes, and I thought the competitors were much happier to receive cash prizes of $2000, $1200, $1000, etc, than supplements.  You can ask them, but I'd guess they preferred the cash.  So I appreciate your donation for the Mr GetBig I, but the ability to guarantee $5000 in cash prizes the day after the show.  I didn't have decision making power in this, but I support MS and CQ 100% - they worked hard and they delivered.

Maybe we could do a poll to see what the competitors would prefer for the Mr GetBig 3... One sponsor delivering one check, or multiple prizes.  Personally, I think most entrants would prefer Mindspin cut them a check 24 hours after the event, but I could be wrong.

Its people like you that make me want to reach for the 9mm sometimes...

I can't see pulling a gun on someone for message board happenings...

But if you do, I'll raise you the 9 and meet you with two .40 calibers ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 06:08:50 PM
But of course, all the attacks on MattCocks "weird" character traits = teh owning.  ;D

That's what this thread is about, not debate on any actual issues.

Although it is kinda funny Matt going after Jews on here when Ron and Special Ed have gone out of their way to help him on things. 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: The Master on May 26, 2008, 06:14:02 PM
That's what this thread is about, not debate on any actual issues.

Although it is kinda funny Matt going after Jews on here when Ron and Special Ed have gone out of their way to help him on things. 

No, a lot of the attacks, including some of the ones in this thread has been directly at his arguments, and a lot of "experts" have been "debunking" the science behind his arguments without any credible science to counter his scientific references. (this refers to the race/intelligence stuff). Calling him a racist is further ignorance.

The Jew stuff is somewhat weird, yes, Debussey must admit that.

And MattCock has been somewhat aggressive with his statements, posting A LOT about it, that = teh funny. But at least he got scientific backing, while NONE of the people that disagrees with him has any of it.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 06:23:49 PM
I appreciated all the love that you and all the other sponsors showed in the Mr Getbig I.  Vince, you were great about delivering prizes, and I thank you for it.  Other sponsors did drag their feet a bit. I was only the webmaster on the GBII project.  Mindspin and CQ did the prizes, and I thought the competitors were much happier to receive cash prizes of $2000, $1200, $1000, etc, than supplements.  You can ask them, but I'd guess they preferred the cash.  So I appreciate your donation for the Mr GetBig I, but the ability to guarantee $5000 in cash prizes the day after the show.  I didn't have decision making power in this, but I support MS and CQ 100% - they worked hard and they delivered.

Maybe we could do a poll to see what the competitors would prefer for the Mr GetBig 3... One sponsor delivering one check, or multiple prizes.  Personally, I think most entrants would prefer Mindspin cut them a check 24 hours after the event, but I could be wrong.

I can't see pulling a gun on someone for message board happenings...

But if you do, I'll raise you the 9 and meet you with two .40 calibers ;)

I had no decision making powers either recall. Vince contacted neither Mindspin nor I about sponsoring, he just announced he would be the sponsor on his own accord out of the blue in a thread.

Mindspin said no as the $5k was arranged [this decision was *nothing* to do with me which both Mindspin and I told him many times] - next thing Vince is melting down on me. I tried to diffuse him politely, both on the board and via pm's - he got more and more irate. To just expect the guys to forgo $5,000 and get bee pollen was not really the most sensible thought to begin anyway.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: 240 is Back on May 26, 2008, 06:32:37 PM
sorry, my mistake.

I thought the GB 2 was run perfectly, and everyone had their prize check that week. 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Brutal_1 on May 26, 2008, 06:37:04 PM

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: wes on May 26, 2008, 06:40:46 PM
To just expect the guys to forgo $5,000 and get bee pollen was not really the most sensible thought to begin anyway.
Too funny!!!  LOL   ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: CQ on May 26, 2008, 06:46:35 PM
sorry, my mistake.

I thought the GB 2 was run perfectly, and everyone had their prize check that week. 

NP, I thought it went really good. We will always have naysayers, but let's face it - we gave out more money than the 100+ NPC shows did, and the guys appreciated it. Not bad for an internet competition. ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: no one on May 26, 2008, 07:16:04 PM

CQ, why are you dragging the shit up from the past for????  Here we go again with the same old stuff.....

Funny how you failed to mention why I was going to slap the shit out of you and Mindspin.  You folks cut out all the sponsors including myself from last year at the last minute without any notice for Dr Connelly's Progenex. 

It was obvious that you, 240 and Mindspin sold us out under the table to pull some shit like that but then you took it one step further and ragged on the prizes that we gave out last year.  You even claimed that I never delivered the prizes to the competitors when you knew that shit wasn't true.  Lying ass mothaf#ckers....

I had the opportunity to confront Dr Connelly about the situation in Las Vegas but he acted like he didn't know jack shit.  Guess he was afraid I was going to have one of those Boondocks "N*gga Moments"....chuckle

Its people like you that make me want to reach for the 9mm sometimes...

In any event, you and Mindspin are still some lying ass gold digging bitches who sold out the people who made the Mr Getbig happen in the first place so don't bitch about a slap that you never got.  Fuck you and Ahmed.   


ok, tough guy.

lemme break it down for you.

a) you're gay.

b) d.a spit in your face and you took it dry.

both of these facts automatically disqualify you from tough guy status.

the only 'reaching' you do is to give vissy a reach around.

sorry to break it to you, melvin

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 07:50:54 PM
Although I don't wish to talk about politics too much on here, ask yourself if the egalitarian agendas being pushed my media are helping or hurting?

It is not about skin color!

Why do so many try to oversimplify a complex social issue with such a simplistic reactionary analysis? It has to do with human nature and the fact that human beings are innately tribal ones. It has to do with the very REAL differences that exist between race and gender. Physical, intellectual, cultural, and religious. Different races who have different political doctrines and social ideologies.

It's these REAL differences which create conflict on all levels when people of one race are forced to mix with people of another.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 26, 2008, 07:57:23 PM
Although I don't wish to talk about politics too much on here, ask yourself if the egalitarian agendas being pushed my media are helping or hurting?

It is not about skin color!

Why do so many try to oversimplify a complex social issue with such a simplistic reactionary analysis? It has to do with human nature and the fact that human beings are innately tribal ones. It has to do with the very REAL differences that exist between race and gender. Physical, intellectual, cultural, and religious. Different races who have different political doctrines and social ideologies.

It's these REAL differences which create conflict on all levels when people of one race are forced to mix with people of another.

All of this, while fascinating, still doesn't explain your strange obsession with the cock, Matt.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 07:58:31 PM

All of this, while fascinating, still doesn't explain your strange obsession with the cock, Matt.

daddywaddy's cock is easily in excess of 10 inches.  But it is "skinny" by getbig standards, lol.  People call DW ugly on here too.  What next, will they call him short?  ::)  Dude has the best genetics for picking up chicks on the board.


I don't LIKE to accept that the races are not the same intellectually - it would be so much easier if that WERE the case.  It was only within the past year that I started to accept reality because it is dangerous to espouse that races are the same intellectually and create social policy based on that when it is a lie.  That social policy is in nobody's best interest.  It is that social policy which is the exact reason why blacks and other minorities are exploited in the disgusting speciously named "War on Drugs" in the USA under the guise of doing good.  The powers that be know full well that this is nothing more than the systematic exploitation of blacks.

If I was truly racist I would not want to see all non-violent drug offenders released from prison.  Likely the #1 way in which blacks are EXPLOITED in the USA by the same public policy that I try to speak out against.

Look - in an ideal world, maybe it would be a good thing to prohibit drugs.  But the fact is, prohibition is a monumental failure - it doesn't work, PERIOD.  I'm not here to debate how to tinker with a broken system which is utterly unworkable.  I'm here to advocate eliminating it in its entirety and figuring out a new system which actually does work.  The same goes for any failed agenda in government.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: warrior_code on May 26, 2008, 08:02:21 PM
when is the next thread on ufos due on here?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 08:04:59 PM
when is the next thread on ufos due on here?

That's a very good question.  All I can say in response to that is:

The same is true of so much of the egalitarian agenda.  It fails at so many of the most basic levels that I can't stand idly by and watch as it is used not to advance racial minorities, but to exploit and destroy them.  I will cite a few examples:

Slaves were brought to the USA to provide free labor for the capitalist elite as well as illegal migrant workers forced to work at low wages.  This does not benefit whites nor does it benefit minorities.  It benefits the elite who use the agenda as a means of control and exploitation.  On one hand they praise multiculturalism while remaining far away from the adverse social effects it has.

I will cite one more example which is very close to home to me: the intentional genocide of Native Canadian people here in Canada.  These people lived in a land free of pestilence until it was confiscated from them.  Knowing damn well this system of handouts in Canada is doing nothing more than KILLING these people, we still do it - with the elite who push the system of handouts simultaneously benefiting from the Native Canadian service industries.  Who cares that Natives Canadians are now seeing increased rates of drug addiction and alcoholism as well as a host of diseases such as diabetes and cancer?  We have good intentions so that's all that matters right?  Of course when these poor people are eliminated completely, the elites who are pushing these agendas will have achieved what they wanted and the people who were dumb enough to fall for it will just be sitting there going "Oops."  The joke is, it will be too late to do anything then.

I just want people to wake up to these real issues in race relations.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 08:05:21 PM
I appreciated all the love that you and all the other sponsors showed in the Mr Getbig I.  Vince, you were great about delivering prizes, and I thank you for it.  Other sponsors did drag their feet a bit.  I was only the webmaster on the GBII project.  Mindspin and CQ did the prizes, and I thought the competitors were much happier to receive cash prizes of $2000, $1200, $1000, etc, than supplements.  You can ask them, but I'd guess they preferred the cash.  So I appreciate your donation for the Mr GetBig I, but the ability to guarantee $5000 in cash prizes the day after the show.  I didn't have decision making power in this, but I support MS and CQ 100% - they worked hard and they delivered.

Maybe we could do a poll to see what the competitors would prefer for the Mr GetBig 3... One sponsor delivering one check, or multiple prizes.  Personally, I think most entrants would prefer Mindspin cut them a check 24 hours after the event, but I could be wrong.

I can't see pulling a gun on someone for message board happenings...

But if you do, I'll raise you the 9 and meet you with two .40 calibers ;)

240, my issue has nothing much to do with changing sponsors but letting the orginal sponsors continue to promote the Getbig 2 until a week before and completely shutting all of us out with the Progenex deal.
THEN, CQ and Mindspin have the fucking nerve to lie about me not giving out the prizes from the Mr Getbig.  You didn't bother to call them out for that, bro.  Its basically libel and you folks had no right to pull some shit like that.  Progenex of course turned out to be a dud and to date has not released any product whatsoever and their website address has been bought out.

240, it was a dead issue until CQ opened her big fucking mouth but its the same as before.  Stabbing your friends in the back and lying about them comes back on you.  You always reap what you sow and the end result is Progenex being thrown in the garbage can with Oscar the Grouch, Lee Priest and the PDI. 

Progenex...what a fucking joke.  Over a year and nothing to show for it.

P.S.  Don't bring out no gun talk on me Rob, go take care your baby kids partner..
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Vince G, CSN MFT on May 26, 2008, 08:09:57 PM
I had no decision making powers either recall. Vince contacted neither Mindspin nor I about sponsoring, he just announced he would be the sponsor on his own accord out of the blue in a thread.

Mindspin said no as the $5k was arranged [this decision was *nothing* to do with me which both Mindspin and I told him many times] - next thing Vince is melting down on me. I tried to diffuse him politely, both on the board and via pm's - he got more and more irate. To just expect the guys to forgo $5,000 and get bee pollen was not really the most sensible thought to begin anyway.

I made the announcement of sponsorship next year after the first one and posted it again in April....Come on now

Again, I didn't get really pissed until you and Mindspin went around and said I didn't deliver on the prizes.  It was a bold faced lie and you both knew it. 

Again....keep talking because you never know what bodybuilding show I'll be at next
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: WhiteCastle on May 26, 2008, 08:10:08 PM
Absolutely true!!  The board is so mean to me.  I'd give anything for them to stop being mean to me.  :'(

hm, I guess it's time I post a gallery of screencaps of me winning at in order to redeem myself?  That is pretty well what the board is trying to tell me to do if you read between the lines right?



I'm white.  ;D


 ??? ??? ???
Matt, this makes no sense.  Even the board setup makes it obvious you played against yourself.  You're a disgrace to white people everywhere.  Any site that actualy pays you is pathetic.  You're a loser, period.  You will never be a winner. Keep posing in your underwear for youtube, because that is all you will ever acccomplish.  You are a worthy addition to Team Nasser.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: warrior_code on May 26, 2008, 08:15:13 PM
That's a very good question.  All I can say in response to that is:

The same is true of so much of the egalitarian agenda.  It fails at so many of the most basic levels that I can't stand idly by and watch as it is used not to advance racial minorities, but to exploit and destroy them.  I will cite a few examples:

Slaves were brought to the USA to provide free labor for the capitalist elite as well as illegal migrant workers forced to work at low wages.  This does not benefit whites nor does it benefit minorities.  It benefits the elite who use the agenda as a means of control and exploitation.  On one hand they praise multiculturalism while remaining far away from the adverse social effects it has.

I will cite one more example which is very close to home to me: the intentional genocide of Native Canadian people here in Canada.  These people lived in a land free of pestilence until it was confiscated from them.  Knowing damn well this system of handouts in Canada is doing nothing more than KILLING these people, we still do it - with the elite who push the system of handouts simultaneously benefiting from the Native Canadian service industries.  Who cares that Natives Canadians are now seeing increased rates of drug addiction and alcoholism as well as a host of diseases such as diabetes and cancer?  We have good intentions so that's all that matters right?  Of course when these poor people are eliminated completely, the elites who are pushing these agendas will have achieved what they wanted and the people who were dumb enough to fall for it will just be sitting there going "Oops."  The joke is, it will be too late to do anything then.

I just want people to wake up to these real issues in race relations.

I must admit, after seeing one of the reserves up in northern manitoba, it seems insane that our government is spending so much on "rebuilding" the country of Afganistan, when many of these Aboriginal reserves are not too far off from 3rd world conditions.  Sometimes I really wonder how these clowns get into power? Fixing other countries(if that is the prime motivation) before your own?

Obviously if there are threats from a certain area, action should be taken.  But what is the point in trying to keep your country safe when you completely neglect certain parts of it?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 08:26:16 PM
This thread is out of control!   :o ;D :o
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: chaos on May 26, 2008, 08:55:31 PM

240, my issue has nothing much to do with changing sponsors but letting the orginal sponsors continue to promote the Getbig 2 until a week before and completely shutting all of us out with the Progenex deal.
THEN, CQ and Mindspin have the fucking nerve to lie about me not giving out the prizes from the Mr Getbig.  You didn't bother to call them out for that, bro.  Its basically libel and you folks had no right to pull some shit like that.  Progenex of course turned out to be a dud and to date has not released any product whatsoever and their website address has been bought out.

240, it was a dead issue until CQ opened her big fucking mouth but its the same as before.  Stabbing your friends in the back and lying about them comes back on you.  You always reap what you sow and the end result is Progenex being thrown in the garbage can with Oscar the Grouch, Lee Priest and the PDI. 

Progenex...what a fucking joke.  Over a year and nothing to show for it.

P.S.  Don't bring out no gun talk on me Rob, go take care your baby kids partner..
You sure are a lippy negro, for one that lets other men spit on your face.

Internet tough guy, hahahahahaaaa shouldn't you be in the arms of a small twinky white boy?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Mussolini on May 26, 2008, 09:19:58 PM
Why do you feel the need to express your political and racial views on a bodybuilding or supplement site.

Why dont you join the third reich forum. It is an apolitical sight and people debate opinions you share there all the time.

and Daddy Waddy may have decent genetics for picking up chicks, but 6'6 is too tall. Chick like there men to be 6-6'4, anything over that is considered by most to be too tall, along the lines of a guy having too much muscle.

Unfortunatley for me im 5'10
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 09:21:46 PM
I must admit, after seeing one of the reserves up in northern manitoba, it seems insane that our government is spending so much on "rebuilding" the country of Afganistan, when many of these Aboriginal reserves are not too far off from 3rd world conditions.  Sometimes I really wonder how these clowns get into power? Fixing other countries(if that is the prime motivation) before your own?

Obviously if there are threats from a certain area, action should be taken.  But what is the point in trying to keep your country safe when you completely neglect certain parts of it?

That's exactly it.  And what's sad is that when you look in the broad perspective, it is not about helping the Native people, but rather about money.  I agree with you that numerous reserves (including one in Northern Ontario that I know of) have conditions which more closely resemble a third world nation than anything close to an industrialized one.  Very sad indeed.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 26, 2008, 09:28:37 PM
Matt it sounds to me like you wouldn't piss on a Canadian Indian if his "Tanto, maple leaf-smoking ass" was on fire; am I reading this right?  Now you think Indians are shit, too?  Unbelievable!    >:(
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 09:31:14 PM
Matt it sounds to me like you wouldn't piss on a Canadian Indian if his Tanto, maple leaf-smoking ass was on fire; am I reading this right?   :-\

Straw...ahh never mind.  ;D

I am friends with a few Natives without question, but it is safe to say that the social policies in Canada have failed them.  They do get free health care, free education, and free dental.  The fact is, it is not working.  The system is broken and they are getting more diseases and dying in greater numbers than ever.  It is extremely depressing to see.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 09:50:42 PM
I wonder why you didn't debate what I previously said about your theory about the media conspiracy  ::)

I'm officially out of these threads, I will get back to flaming the hell out of this little pussy boy when I'm bored  :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 26, 2008, 09:54:24 PM
I wonder why you didn't debate what I previously said about your theory about the media conspiracy  ::)

I'm officially out of these threads, I will get back to flaming the hell out of this little pussy boy when I'm bored  :D

Lol, what theory?  How is media ownership a theory?  Whether it's planned or done subconsciously, no one knows I suppose.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 26, 2008, 10:01:43 PM
Lol, what theory?  How is media ownership a theory?  Whether it's planned or done subconsciously, no one knows I suppose.

Wow...thats your best reply?

Are you so retarded that you can't understand that even if Jewish people will own EVERY media company in the western world it won't matter?
Satellites channels and the internet is plenty to keep the coverage.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: WillGrant on May 26, 2008, 10:25:22 PM

Matt, you asked me that year to help you promote your discussion board by making that audio response.  Otherwise, I would not have paid attention to this amatuer joker.

I knew the real Dan Duchaine and on the old "newsgroup" ( really Old school folks) he roasted my ass alive and called me another one of the  "Kool-Aid Disciples of Mike" for following Mentzer's Heavy Duty training routines. 

The real Duchaine showed no mercy when it came to his critics.  He even announced one time at a seminar he was hosting one time that Mentzer passed away. 

There are only a handful of people who have actually done some truly brutal ownings on me and it certainly isn't that ####.  The last one who accomplished that was 240 and that's been a few years ago. 

Come on Matt, you shouldn't have even brought that up...especially since I'm just trying to give you some good advice   
Everytime you post you get owned , fuckin monkey  ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 27, 2008, 07:18:16 AM
I almost pissed myself when i saw Matt C in girls sweatpants hahahHHAHHAHhahhahahHAHA HAHAH!

(does your sister know you wear her clothes?)

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 27, 2008, 07:37:46 AM
I almost pissed myself when i saw Matt C in girls sweatpants hahahHHAHHAHhahhahahHAHA HAHAH!

(does your sister know you wear her clothes?)

haha  he's the origional gender bender ain't he?  and i dont for a minute believe he's italian; he looks more scotch-irish white trash to me     lol
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 27, 2008, 07:41:50 AM
Why do you feel the need to express your political and racial views on a bodybuilding or supplement site.

Why dont you join the third reich forum. It is an apolitical sight and people debate opinions you share there all the time.

and Daddy Waddy may have decent genetics for picking up chicks, but 6'6 is too tall. Chick like there men to be 6-6'4, anything over that is considered by most to be too tall, along the lines of a guy having too much muscle.

That's what he does not fucking understand. Still doesn't get it apparently.

He trolls threads with this stuff of his. Threads that have nothing to do anything he's putting out.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: flagadajones on May 27, 2008, 09:26:37 AM

and Daddy Waddy may have decent genetics for picking up chicks, but 6'6 is too tall. Chick like there men to be 6-6'4, anything over that is considered by most to be too tall, along the lines of a guy having too much muscle.

the problem with daddy is that he has yellow teeth and is retarded.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jaejonna on May 27, 2008, 09:31:56 AM
Wow there are alot of members in his gym  ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Epic_Monster on May 27, 2008, 09:33:17 AM
I almost pissed myself when i saw Matt C in girls sweatpants hahahHHAHHAHhahhahahHAHA HAHAH!

(does your sister know you wear her clothes?)

Oh no that's not good.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: rocket on May 28, 2008, 05:48:41 AM
I almost pissed myself when i saw Matt C in girls sweatpants hahahHHAHHAHhahhahahHAHA HAHAH!

(does your sister know you wear her clothes?)

I certify this as a genuine, awesome attack on Matt C (as opposed to most of the trash manifested from the idiots here) ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 10:58:18 AM
haha  he's the origional gender bender ain't he?  and i dont for a minute believe he's italian; he looks more scotch-irish white trash to me     lol

What kind of a bigot can't tell the difference between Scottish-Irish white trash and UK/Italian white trash?  ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 11:00:17 AM
That's what he does not fucking understand. Still doesn't get it apparently.

He trolls threads with this stuff of his. Threads that have nothing to do anything he's putting out.

Last I checked, I didn't start this thread.

And for the VERY SLOW on here, read this thread post-by-post and let me know who started shit on here:

Care to fill me in CJ?  Who started talking shit again?  User name please.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 28, 2008, 11:19:00 AM
Arvilla did of course.  ;D

But Matt, you do have to admit that you were trolling threads in the last few weeks. All of that kinda led up to this.

Also, do you think dw has a bigger cock than wes?  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 11:31:47 AM
Arvilla did of course.  ;D

But Matt, you do have to admit that you were trolling threads in the last few weeks. All of that kinda led up to this.

True.  But let's all at least acknowledge that as long as Arvilla and those like him continue to start the attacks, the burden of responsibility shouldn't be on me for that.

Also, do you think dw has a bigger cock than wes?  ;D

Hell yeah.  ;D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 11:47:14 AM
strawman attacks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

all strawman attacks!

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: emn1964 on May 28, 2008, 11:50:19 AM
True.  But let's all at least acknowledge that as long as Arvilla and those like him continue to start the attacks, the burden of responsibility shouldn't be on me for that.

Hell yeah.  ;D

so is it still your contention that will continue to do business with you despite your racist and antisemetic views?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 28, 2008, 12:29:21 PM
so is it still your contention that will continue to do business with you despite your racist and antisemetic views?
come mon he's trying to rehabilitate his reputation.  he's already stated he's never going to wear his sister clothes again.  poor kid, i feel sorry for him.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 12:42:06 PM
so is it still your contention that will continue to do business with you despite your racist and antisemetic views? is smart enough to realize it's just 20-40 morons on here who are intentionally trying to sabotage me professionally.  In fact, in 2004, utilized the traffic by the Mower threads by making some google links to Chad Mower point to their cyberstore.  These threads have a great deal of potential.

Read.  Educate thyself:
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 28, 2008, 12:48:57 PM is smart enough to realize it's just 20-40 morons on here who are intentionally trying to sabotage me professionally.  In fact, in 2004, utilized the traffic by the Mower threads by making some google links to Chad Mower point to their cyberstore.  These threads have a great deal of potential.

Read.  Educate thyself:
LOL. Kinda like blaming the rape victim because of her suggestive clothes.  ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: emn1964 on May 28, 2008, 12:50:25 PM is smart enough to realize it's just 20-40 morons on here who are intentionally trying to sabotage me professionally.  In fact, in 2004, utilized the traffic by the Mower threads by making some google links to Chad Mower point to their cyberstore.  These threads have a great deal of potential.

Read.  Educate thyself:

maybe some enterprising getbigger (or group of getbiggers) will collect your racist and anti-semetic ramblings and forward them to  if i was a betting man, i would wager that would not want to affilliate itself with someone that could potentially alienate its black and jewish customers.

and you comparing the Mower threads to your hateful and ignorant posts is laughable
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: CQ on May 28, 2008, 12:58:32 PM
Please let us get this straight - as people are acting like Matt is like a employee like Bob Chick or something.

Not sure exactly what level Matt is, but the general affilate program is open to anyone, they have thousands doing it, I used to be a part of it in my younger days. It is not exactly Fortune 500 stuff people.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 01:00:37 PM
Please let us get this straight - as people are acting like Matt is like a employee like Bob Chick or something.

Not sure exactly what level Matt is, but the general affilate program is open to anyone, they have thousands doing it, I used to be a part of it in my younger days. It is not exactly Fortune 500 stuff people.

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: emn1964 on May 28, 2008, 01:04:44 PM
Please let us get this straight - as people are acting like Matt is like a employee like Bob Chick or something.

Not sure exactly what level Matt is, but the general affilate program is open to anyone, they have thousands doing it, I used to be a part of it in my younger days. It is not exactly Fortune 500 stuff people.

never said that he was an employee.  but if insists on affiliating itself with this racist, then they will alienate their black and jewish customers.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 01:08:14 PM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: CQ on May 28, 2008, 01:09:31 PM
never said that he was an employee.  but if insists on affiliating itself with this racist, then they will alienate their black and jewish customers.

Sorry, I did not mean you specifically, I mean just people in general.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 01:24:37 PM
Please let us get this straight - as people are acting like Matt is like a employee like Bob Chick or something.

Not sure exactly what level Matt is, but the general affilate program is open to anyone, they have thousands doing it, I used to be a part of it in my younger days. It is not exactly Fortune 500 stuff people.

Yeah, lol, tell me about it.  They talk about me as if I am the representative of the company of something.  If I were to go based on what I read on here, I am seemingly as involved with as Bob Cicherillo is when all I do is link the supplements advertised on my website to their cyberstore.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Kegdrainer on May 28, 2008, 01:26:31 PM
Gotta go study the real past homie. Jews murdering jews,phantom wars, manipulation on aglobal scale....there's no such thing as's all been manufactured and nurtured by the powers that be. Black vs white, white vs the world, we areall human beings all tied invisibly toghether but we are taught to hate.

Lol, your opinion is blotted and biased since you're Romanian.  Or did you forget about the The Iaşi pogrom?  This and the fact that Romania was allied with Nazi Germany from 1939 to 1944...

You were taught to hate.  I was raised in the melting pot of America and have learned to appreciate the differences of other races and what they have to offer.  Jewish food is pretty good.  I have felt more welcome in a southern Black home than in some of crazy white relatives.  

Hate stems from fear.  Racism developed because people are afraid of blacks.  Anti-semetic behavior is no different.  Did anyone have a legitimate reason to kill Jews?  No, they believed hate inspiring propoganda and killed blindly.  

Pull your head out of the fuckin sand and read something that wasn't published by right wing media, or use your brain and make some educated decisions for yourself.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 01:27:10 PM
Yeah, lol, tell me about it.  They talk about me as if I am the representative of the company of something.  If I were to go based on what I read on here, I am seemingly as involved with as Bob Cicherillo is when all I do is link the supplements advertised on my website to their cyberstore.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 01:40:55 PM

Thank you for the link.

I recommend that anyone who claims that I am biased in my reviews actually go and read them and point out specific parts which they deem are biased.  For example:

10,000 words and counting.  I'm detailing virtually exactly what is happening in my workouts as completely as possible.  Take it for what that's worth.  People should read as much as possible and I do believe my reviews are perfectly fine to include in that reading.

I always look at the totality of currently available information on a supplement before making a decision.  Granted, since I get the supplements for free I obviously review products I probably would not buy in the first place.  Having said that, while I would not have ever bought SIZEON (for example), after reviewing it I definitely felt it was worthwhile.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 01:55:03 PM
Thank you for the link.

I recommend that anyone who claims that I am biased in my reviews actually go and read them and point out specific parts which they deem are biased.  For example:

10,000 words and counting.  I'm detailing virtually exactly what is happening in my workouts as completely as possible.  Take it for what that's worth.  People should read as much as possible and I do believe my reviews are perfectly fine to include in that reading.

I always look at the totality of currently available information on a supplement before making a decision.  Granted, since I get the supplements for free I obviously review products I probably would not buy in the first place.  Having said that, while I would not have ever bought SIZEON (for example), after reviewing it I definitely felt it was worthwhile.
                                             you gain 10 lbs from every supplement you review! (what do you weigh like 400lbs ripped?)
                                            your the next Kovacs!
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 01:58:05 PM
                                             you gain 10 lbs from every supplement you review! (what do you weigh like 400lbs ripped?)
                                            your the next Kovacs!

You're, not your.  Your is possessive.  For example: "Your muscles are not as big as Greg's."

Where did I say I gained 10 pounds from every supplement I review?  Can you get me those links please?  Here, I'll make it easy for you and start with this one:

Now get the other supplement reviews where I said that I gained 10 pounds.  I'll wait.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 02:06:12 PM
You're, not your.  Your is possessive.  For example: "Your muscles are not as big as Greg's."

Where did I say I gained 10 pounds from every supplement I review?  Can you get me those links please?  Here, I'll make it easy for you and start with this one:

Now get the other supplement reviews where I said that I gained 10 pounds.  I'll wait.

    ok Matt i like you (but i like poking fun at u even more)
    every review on ur site says " i give this supplement 5 stars!/i gained 10 lbs in a week!",or something similar
  if that were true you would easily be over 500 lbs ripped by now!

           and don't come at me with ur "strawman attacks"   beotch!
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 02:13:39 PM
    ok Matt i like you (but i like poking fun at u even more)
    every review on ur site says " i give this supplement 5 stars!/i gained 10 lbs in a week!",or something similar
  if that were true you would easily be over 500 lbs ripped by now!

           and don't come at me with ur "strawman attacks"   beotch!

Most of those reviews are protein powders and bars and so on.  I demand a lot less of supplements like that than I do of anabolic supplements like creatine based supplements for example.

Examples of negative reviews on my website (not a complete list):

DREAM TAN (2/10):

MuscleTech NANO VAPOR (3.33/10):

Gaspari SUPERPUMP250 (no score, but I said I would not buy it again and mentioned that my friend jokingly referred to it as "SuperDump2Shitty" due to the severe gastrointestinal side effects it causes):

Vyo-Tech 17-HD (no score, but an obvious recommendation not to buy it):
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 02:18:31 PM

you gave dream tan and a nose clipper a bad review!......every product got 5 stars

total scam you have zero credibility
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 02:29:40 PM
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 02:35:35 PM
Just a tip for those dim people like Arvilla on here and others like him who have no clue on how to effectively prove their point.  Generally speaking, it is slightly easier to convince others of your claims if you have evidence to go with it.

every product got 5 stars

This is easily refutable as long as I provide even one supplement which I gave less than "5 stars" to (not sure where you got the idea that I rate on a star system though):

This is average compared to other NO products on the market, and after trying beta-alanine products, I would not use NO-XS again.  I highly recommend against it.  At the time, I had not been fully introduced to beta-alanine supplements so I merely said it was average.  However, knowing what I know now, I am definitely opposed to any NO supplements, and NO-XS in particular.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 02:42:51 PM
Dude you like Gakic!!!!......biggest "scam" out there/does absolutely nothing!  zip zero nada!

Game over!

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 28, 2008, 02:49:00 PM
Matzi wear:
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: michael arvilla on May 28, 2008, 02:53:39 PM
here is the "breakdown" Matt reviews supplements favorably (using his videos,and now even Get-Big)
then he tries to "peddle them" from his website ,if you go to his site and look

nothing he "sells" gets even a "mediocre" review /everything "put 10 lbs of pure muscle on me in a week"!!!

you should work for Muscletech dude..................yo ur a phony and a fraud!

fuck you
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 03:33:58 PM
here is the "breakdown" Matt reviews supplements favorably (using his videos,and now even Get-Big)
then he tries to "peddle them" from his website ,if you go to his site and look

nothing he "sells" gets even a "mediocre" review /everything "put 10 lbs of pure muscle on me in a week"!!!

you should work for Muscletech dude..................your a phony and a fraud!

fuck you

The correct spelling is "you're".  I thought I already explained that.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 28, 2008, 03:39:03 PM
Dude you like Gakic!!!!......biggest "scam" out there/does absolutely nothing!  zip zero nada!
Game over!
I remember that stuff. I was given some at a store opening. Wouldn't mix and tasted like vacuum cleaner bag lint. Ended up giving the container away after only 3-4 servings.  :-X
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Special Ed on May 28, 2008, 03:46:17 PM
Matt isn't biased! He gave DreamTan a 2/10!! He used it for two weeks and only put on two pounds of muscle!

He also reviewed some other lousy products and gave them no rating, ostensibly because he "obviously didn't like them". Huh? Interesting use of flawed logic.

Really Matt, how exactly did you come to review Dream Tan? Did you diet down for 12 weeks and apply the Dream Tan for the three days preceding Mr. Thunder Bay? Or did you see an opportunity to give a product a "negative" review without risking any consequences, considering it's their only product.

Please provide details and evidence to support your review of Dream Tan.
On behalf of your loyal readership, I'll be seeking evidence for your other reviews as well.

PS. Why did you remove your Anti-Semitic post about the Weiders?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 03:47:34 PM
I remember that stuff. I was given some at a store opening. Wouldn't mix and tasted like vacuum cleaner bag lint. Ended up giving the container away after only 3-4 servings.  :-X

Come to think of it, it was nearly impossible to mix.  Kind of like Purple Wraath by Controlled Labs.  Takes a lot longer to mix it properly.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 03:51:05 PM
Matt isn't biased! He gave DreamTan a 2/10!! He used it for two weeks and only put on two pounds of muscle!

He also reviewed some other lousy products and gave them no rating, ostensibly because he "obviously didn't like them". Huh? Interesting use of flawed logic.

Really Matt, how exactly did you come to review Dream Tan? Did you diet down for 12 weeks and apply the Dream Tan for the three days preceding Mr. Thunder Bay? Or did you see an opportunity to give a product a "negative" review without risking any consequences, considering it's their only product.

Please provide details and evidence to support your review of Dream Tan.
On behalf of your loyal readership, I'll be seeking evidence for your other reviews as well.

PS. Why did you remove your Anti-Semitic post about the Weiders?

Sounds to me like you did not even click on the review to read it.  It is not even written by me, but by my friend Dave:

He's 6'3 and about my weight, but very lean.


I didn't remove any posts, but I think Ron did.  The search engine on Simple Machines forums suck, making it nearly impossible to search for some things.  That's good that you are going out of your way to actually find these supposed anti-semitic posts I made since that's what I keep demanding - that people show me what I said specifically that was so offensive.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 28, 2008, 03:55:16 PM
Matt isn't biased! He gave DreamTan a 2/10!! He used it for two weeks and only put on two pounds of muscle!

He also reviewed some other lousy products and gave them no rating, ostensibly because he "obviously didn't like them". Huh? Interesting use of flawed logic.

Really Matt, how exactly did you come to review Dream Tan? Did you diet down for 12 weeks and apply the Dream Tan for the three days preceding Mr. Thunder Bay? Or did you see an opportunity to give a product a "negative" review without risking any consequences, considering it's their only product.

Please provide details and evidence to support your review of Dream Tan.
On behalf of your loyal readership, I'll be seeking evidence for your other reviews as well.

PS. Why did you remove your Anti-Semitic post about the Weiders?
i'd love to read the anti-semetic posts should they be located, thanks in advance.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 04:04:44 PM
i'd love to read the anti-semetic posts should they be located, thanks in advance.

Same here.  I didn't delete any of my posts, although a very big Matt C thread did get removed.

I would also love for people to submit me their reviews for the worst supplements they have ever tried.  It will add to the credibility of the database if user submissions are included.  Also, all the forum threads related to each supplement review are unmoderated.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 05:03:14 PM
I just finished this:

That is a pretty normal review from me.  Can someone please point out where the bias is?  Please?  Please I'm begging you.  :'(
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 28, 2008, 05:06:56 PM
I just finished this:

That is a pretty normal review from me.  Can someone please point out where the bias is?  Please?  Please I'm begging you.  :'(
with your reputation i wont read it
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 28, 2008, 05:24:21 PM
with your reputation i wont read it

Perhaps he explains which supplements will help you join the master race.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Camel Jockey on May 28, 2008, 05:29:39 PM
M3Pro and Sizeon are the supplements of choice for both the Nazi party and movement.

The youth are given 4 scoops of M3 a day to add 10 lbs in two weeks.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Kegdrainer on May 28, 2008, 05:37:18 PM
for what duration do you test these products that would qualify your review.  1 time, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months?  How do you make a determination between scoring something a 3.22 and a 3.25?

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 05:43:50 PM
What goes seen on here are all the negative comments directed towards me by the no-brainers.  What goes unseen are the PMs and e-mails I get from people laughing at the credibility of this board or asking me why I put up with it to begin with.  I tell them that it's because this board has the freest speech.

It's cool to collapse the the negative comments made about me and my website by those board members who seem to have upper level mental retardation.

Epic biased review.

What's really not being understood here is how poorly this pathetic series of attacks reflects on the members here and even on the board as a whole (and not on me).
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 05:44:54 PM
for what duration do you test these products that would qualify your review.  1 time, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months?  How do you make a determination between scoring something a 3.22 and a 3.25?

Depends on the review.  If I use a one-day sample, I make it abundantly clear that the review is based on one day use and to take that for what it's worth:

The shortest reviews will be based on 1-7 days.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 28, 2008, 05:45:58 PM
What goes seen on here are all the negative comments directed towards me by the no-brainers.  What goes unseen are the PMs and e-mails I get from people laughing at the credibility of this board or asking me why I put up with it to begin with.  I tell them that it's because this board has the freest speech.

It's cool to collapse the the negative comments made about me and my website by those board members who seem to have upper level mental retardation.

Epic biased review.

What's really not being understood here is how poorly this pathetic series of attacks reflects on the members here and even on the board as a whole (and not on me).
i wont stf up
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: The Master on May 28, 2008, 05:48:48 PM
i wont stf up

That = because you = a braindead shitfuck. MattCock has not been racistic at all. Perhaps a bit far out on teh jew stuff, but not racistic or A.s. You've got nothing to whine about you c***** *i**** little ***** fucc.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: NarcissisticDeity on May 28, 2008, 05:48:58 PM
I just finished this:

That is a pretty normal review from me.  Can someone please point out where the bias is?  Please?  Please I'm begging you.  :'(

"Six Star Professional Strength Whey Protein is a clinically proven anabolic protein formula that's scientifically engineered to force massive muscle growth from your very first serving."

In my view, a claim like this is pretty silly for a protein supplement. It would even be a little extravagant for a creatine supplement, but it is definitely out of place in a claim made for a protein powder. Protein powders are just that - protein. They are really no different than protein from any other sources, albeit generally speaking more bio-available and more convenient. To state that protein from a protein powder source will provide muscle growth over and above protein from another source makes little sense to me, and even if this is true, it would only offer very slight advantages over and above whole foods (due to the lab synthesis which does make the protein more usable by the body).

unless I'm missing something the claim doesn't state protein from a protein powder source will provide muscle growth over and above protein from another source it states " it will force massive muscle growth from your very first serving " which is obviously ridiculous

"The Professional Strength Whey Protein formula is built on a foundation of 100-percent whey protein � the most bioavailable form of protein in the world. But it doesn't stop there. Professional Strength Whey Protein is much more than regular or even so-called "premium" whey protein."

I will tell you right now that I have tried plenty of protein powders at this point and generally speaking, there is very little in the way of variance amongst different products or companies. Most are about the same, and based on my experience with Six Star's whey product, I feel the same applies here (that is not necessarily a bad thing). Any claim which puts one protein powder above and beyond the rest should be examined critically, although to be fair, a few products I have tried did could be considered as such, but Six Star's product was not one of them.

Here is a picture from the product purchase page:

I agree its like generic medications they all have the same active ingredient

Notice how the first claim reads "CLINICALLY PROVEN TO BE SUPERIOR TO WHEY PROTEIN." Get in the habit of making high demands of companies who make such claims. Six Star makes this statement and then gives NO scientific reference to support it. If a supplement truly is clinically proven to be effective, wouldn't a company WANT to boast about that by referencing the clinical study which proves that? Start asking yourself these obvious questions when reading claims made by companies, since some claims made by some companies (MuscleTech for example) border on fraud. Gaspari Nutrition consistently cites the clinical studies they speak of. If the proof is so obvious, it shouldn't be hard to point it out. In fact, if the proof was so obvious, companies WOULD point it out. And the fact that Six Star does not leads me to believe that there is no proof, or that there is more to it than meets the eye.

In short, I get very annoyed with companies who claim clinical proof of the efficacy of their supplements yet show no evidence of this. What's funny is that on the product page for M3 Muscle Bound, they cited results from a clinical study yet did not link to it. I later found the study through an internet search. My advice to companies is to include clickable links on their product pages showing these studies if they exist. It will add greatly to the credibility of both the product and the company. Gaspari Nutrition does this with their advertisements which are neither flashy nor false, and I can appreciate that (and so can other consumers).

I agree about the claims being nothing more than a marketing ploy and even if they provide links to ' studies ' it still doesn't prove anything studies can manipulated and the average Joe purchasing said supplements wouldn't know how to interpret them if they really wanted to impress the more savy buyer providing links to double blind studies would suffice

"Professional Strength Whey Protein is packed with clinically proven musclebuilding accelerators to quickly spike your blood amino acid levels and shuttle protein into your muscles. Each maximum dose serving contains a whopping 50 grams of protein. The result of this accelerated amino acid transport and uptake is rapid gains in muscle size and strength."

I'm not going to deny that Six Star may full well offer benefits above and beyond other whey protein powders, although I am naturally wary of such claims. However, I will point out that even if this is the case, I highly doubt the advantage would be anything noteworthy. Maybe a slight edge, but not anything worthwhile in my opinion.

See this claim is tricky because what are they comparing it to? again I didn't see were they made the claim over other Whey Proteins if they're just comparing it to no supplements at all this claim may be valid but again more fluff

"The Six Star Professional Strength Whey Protein key ingredients are proven in university, gold-standard human clinical studies to be superior to regular whey protein for building muscle and increasing strength. The proof is in the science � Professional Strength Whey Protein is the musclebuilding solution bodybuilders need for fast, extreme results."

Reading this claim makes me even MORE annoyed because this is now the second time that the alleged "clinical studies" have been brought up with no reference to speak of. Providing no reference is provided, I offer ZERO credibility to such claims and you should too. I will do research on this independently and see whether or not the claim holds any water.

The product information pages goes on to cite a FAQ which talks about the "proprietary Probolic Muscle Growth Accelerators™." The FAQ encouraged a pretty high deal of consumption of the Six Star protein and also encouraged that it be used in combination with other Six Star products in particular. Almost all companies make both of these claims. Check other supplement endorsements by companies in the product ordering pages available online and you will see they all encourage multiple servings of their protein, or that their protein be used in conjunction with their creatine and so on. I will say that using a protein, creatine and beta-alanine stack may be a perfectly productive thing to do should you wish, but it is not required that all three are from the same company though. I'm not saying it's a BAD THING if all three are from the same company, but don't buy into the marketing ploys companies use to get you to consume more. Try to think independently and critically on everything you read before making any purchases.

Now they are make a direct claim verses their competitors and make some bold claims like you state we should refrain from just taking their word for it they have a vested interest

overall I think the review was pretty fair and unbiased
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: GigantorX on May 28, 2008, 05:55:23 PM
This may be so, but MattC is still a fucking douchebag.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 05:56:44 PM
Thank you ND.  I agree that clinical studies can be manipulated and the Average Joe would not know how to read them.  I don't proclaim my reviews to be devoid of errors but I do think they are good guides for most readers.  I am almost always espousing readers to do as much research as possible before making any decisions.  Generally I find that the consensus for supplements is fairly accurate so I will look at all the data before making a decision.  For example, I think most would agree that MuscleTech does produce good supplements, but that most are overpriced compared to other brands.  Generally, the truth cannot be hidden from the masses, so if you read enough reviews you are very likely to get a pretty good idea about supplements.  Forums are also usually pretty good places to read reviews.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 28, 2008, 06:14:08 PM
Matt's bad business for supplements.
He posts his pics on the internet and people cover thier eyes.

Pasty white small smooth and flat....terrible. :D

His body is what everyone hopes they never look like even in old age. :P

poor kid's broke ass would do anything for $$.

Probably pimps his skinny white ass out to rich old canadian schmoes on the weeke end too. :-X :-*
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 28, 2008, 06:16:14 PM
Matt's bad business for supplements.
He posts his pics on the internet and people cover thier eyes.

Pasty white small smooth and flat....terrible. :D

His body is what everyone hopes they never look like even in old age. :P

poor kid's broke ass would do anything for $$.

Probably pimps his skinny white ass out to rich old canadian schmoes on the weeke end too. :-X :-*

But hey....  at least he's white!  ::)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 28, 2008, 06:16:50 PM
Considering the amount of time I spent helping and and providing free advice to MattC about his legal troubles and how much business he's mooched of Ron's Getbig site, I think he has a shitload of nerve Jew-bashing here. Here's a guy that has had two Jews help him out financially and legally without asking him for a dime, and he's devoted himself to shit-talking Jews. It's not about freedom of speech, it's about being an ungrateful POS.

It's laughable watching you attempt to deflect valid criticism.

Don't compare your business to Isaac. Isaac uses real talent and original ideas to make a living. He and I enjoy ribbing each other for fun.

You actually have the nerve to ask how my valid post reflects on ME? How do your posts and website reflect on YOU? And your family? And your business associates? Like

Like I said Matt, they don't need your money. A review website/message board with an Alexa ranking of 125,000 isn't really making much money for you or them and I think we both know that. Nice try though.

I'm just surprised that a company as large and reputable as would choose to do business or associate itself with Matt Canning and his website. Perhaps's Will Weidenman is aware of it and his German ancestry takes a certain pride in Matt's posts, but I find it difficult to believe that Ryan, Russ, and Jeremy DeLuca or the new majority owners would choose to associate themselves with someone whose website exhibits such racial and religious bigotry and intolerance.

It's not as if the opinions on Matt's forums aren't his. They are. He posts anti-semitic and anti-black statements here and on his affiliated website.

I wonder how Matt will feel when dumps him. And then when Netrition dumps him. And then every other reputable company dumps him. I guess we'll be able to post something like this:

Persecution of Matt Canning

2008 Thrown out of
2009 Thrown out of
2010 Thrown out of
2011 Forced to apply to Thunder Bay post office.

Hmmmm...I guess it's kinda like a guy getting thrown out of one bar. I guess if he gets thrown out of several different bars, there must be a reason for it.

Matt lives in a blue collar depressed town probably devoid of Jews, Blacks, Asians and other minorities. He doesn't leave his house, doesn't have a girlfriend, and doesn't speak to many people in real life. He has a desperate need to belong. He joined the military hoping to find comraderie but found himself an outcast. He tries to fit in to society but is unable to do so in a productive way. Combine his lonely, sheltered life with his deep-rooted insecurities in his intelligence, physicality, and sexuality, and is it really any surprise he's adopted the views he has? I guess it's better than shooting up the post office, but not by much.

We're just calling a spade a 'spade'. It's one thing to lie to impress people and quite another to lie to make money off of people who believe you. Here's a sampling of your the Bullshit you peddle:

- You claim that Gaspari's SizeOn put 10lbs on you and now this new product M3 put another 10lbs on you, but the problem is that at 170 lbs, you're lucky to have gained 20 lbs since you started working out 10 years ago.

- You post horrible lifts with horrendous form and always mention that you previously did it with perfect form for more reps.

- If you weren't making money off of those BS reviews, you'd be slamming every product. It's fairly obvious that nothing has worked for you, as you look similar to most 17 year olds with a year of training under their belts.

- You're no different than a movie reviewer who says every movie is "Incredible" in the hopes of getting invited to the next premiere. Oh yeah, occasionally you slam "Howard the Duck" or "Buckaroo Bonzai" to keep it real.

- You have mocked both Ron Avidan and the Weiders for being Jews and "controlling" the bodybuilding media, while you do everything you can to model your own business on theirs in a pathetic attempt to match their success.

- You have no original products to sell and no original ideas to offer so you "review" products to make a buck off the same kids you mock for believing a NO-Xplode ad.

- There's absolutely zero basis to believe anything you say in your reviews. Are people supposed to believe you switch supplements every two weeks and that you stop using a product that's put 10 lbs on you to start using and review a new product "for the good of humanity"?

- Your expression of hate towards Jews and Blacks is so obviously masking an inferiority complex. You truly believe that Jews are intellectually superior and Blacks are physically superior, so you are consumed with tossing around the two things you are most insecure about: Your IQ and your Strength. As pathetic as it is, it actually makes you feel better by posting "I have a 130 IQ and a 500 lb Deadlift".

- You actually derive value from stating that publicly on a message board, probably because in real life no one has ever called you intelligent or mentioned that you look strong.

- You post your lifts, not because you are proud, but because you know that no one would ever believe you could deadlift 500lbs based on your appearance. Again, it's your insecurities that causes you to post your lifts.

- You post copies of your military honors and awards like an 8-year old brags about his bowling or karate trophies.

- You're the kind of guy who has probably tried to pass the Mensa exam 5-6 times. Because we all know that nothing would make you happier than to post a copy of your Mensa certificate. With your insecurities about your own intelligence, you need external approval. Absent getting it from Mensa, you try to get it here.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 28, 2008, 06:17:31 PM
Matt's bad business for supplements.
He posts his pics on the internet and people cover thier eyes.

Pasty white small smooth and flat....terrible. :D

His body is what everyone hopes they never look like even in old age. :P

poor kid's broke ass would do anything for $$.

Probably pimps his skinny white ass out to rich old canadian schmoes on the weeke end too. :-X :-*
he should host a reality show
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 28, 2008, 06:19:06 PM

But hey....  at least he's white!  ::)

he does look better than goodbum too.

i don't know if that qualifies as anything at all :D

wonder what Matt C's ancestry is? Wonder if he has an "african in the woodpile" along the way. :P ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 28, 2008, 06:23:02 PM
Hey Matzi!  Why don't you "review" this claim:

Heck, I have even gone so far as to tell people with really limited budgets to skip the protein and just go with our product RESULTS (another thread on another board) because of the fact RESULTS is a true ergogen. 

I looked on his website...  the product is sugar, creatine, an amino acid, and HMB.  WTF, does he think we're stupid?  I buy basic protein powder from Mason for when I don't have time for a food meal, but it's sad to see he's joined the snake-oil pushing majority in the supp business.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: G o a t b o y on May 28, 2008, 06:24:14 PM
he does look better than goodbum too.

That's not saying much...  a pile of dogshit looks better than Goodrum.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 28, 2008, 06:25:49 PM
Hey Matzi!  Why don't you "review" this claim:

I looked on his website...  the product is sugar, creatine, an amino acid, and HMB.  WTF, does he think we're stupid?  I buy basic protein powder from Mason for when I don't have time for a food meal, but it's sad to see he's joined the snake-oil pushing majority in the supp business.

i know it's terrible sometimes how bad people will whore themselves out for supplements. cheap ass ones at that. overpriced garbage. :(
matt ain't taking all that shit anyway he couldn't afford the charmin! :P 8)

matt you ain't foiling nobody geek. >:(
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 28, 2008, 06:26:51 PM

That's not saying much...  a pile of dogshit looks better than Goodrum.

true. ;)

and smells better too then that shiny smooth hershey bar. :D
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: Mussolini on May 28, 2008, 06:30:52 PM
Im willing to bet that there are only one or two people who have ever emailed Matt Canning and asked him "why he puts up with it here", or who give him praise.

One of the two being his sister, and the other being his partner who also "without bias" reviews products with Matt.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Paul Allen on May 28, 2008, 06:54:12 PM
matt, do you review anything else besides supplements and other men's dicks?

p.s. vince, that audio file is the best thing on matt's site.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 28, 2008, 07:08:27 PM
here is the "breakdown" Matt reviews supplements favorably (using his videos,and now even Get-Big)
then he tries to "peddle them" from his website ,if you go to his site and look

nothing he "sells" gets even a "mediocre" review /everything "put 10 lbs of pure muscle on me in a week"!!!

you should work for Muscletech dude..................yo ur a phony and a fraud!

fuck you

Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: McFarland on May 28, 2008, 07:24:48 PM
Im willing to bet that there are only one or two people who have ever emailed Matt Canning and asked him "why he puts up with it here", or who give him praise.

One of the two being his sister, and the other being his partner who also "without bias" reviews products with Matt.

This board allows the freest speech, so Matt prefers to post here.  Not sure if Matt's made that clear yet.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 28, 2008, 08:25:28 PM
Hey Matzi!  Why don't you "review" this claim:

I looked on his website...  the product is sugar, creatine, an amino acid, and HMB.  WTF, does he think we're stupid?  I buy basic protein powder from Mason for when I don't have time for a food meal, but it's sad to see he's joined the snake-oil pushing majority in the supp business.


Chris is usually pretty solid when it comes to the information he posts on this site, so I would have to check into that.  I happen to consider him pretty sincere for the most part.

"Our products are the best in the business - bar none.  I know that sounds like isn't." - Chris Mason

See the problem is that EVERY company says this, then defend it by saying that they are the only company being truthful about it, LOL.  The sad part is that when a company is sincere and truly does have excellent products (Gaspari for example, and likely At Large although I have never tried them), people immediately doubt the credibility of such claims.  That isn't fair.  It's too bad there are so many liars out there who make those with credibility immediately doubted by others.

Regardless, I plan to pick up some of Mason's products.  I've been convinced at this point.  Just look at the supplement facts of his GAINER product:
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: jason armstrong on May 29, 2008, 03:26:56 AM
Considering the amount of time I spent helping and and providing free advice to MattC about his legal troubles and how much business he's mooched of Ron's Getbig site, I think he has a shitload of nerve Jew-bashing here. Here's a guy that has had two Jews help him out financially and legally without asking him for a dime, and he's devoted himself to shit-talking Jews. It's not about freedom of speech, it's about being an ungrateful POS.

It's laughable watching you attempt to deflect valid criticism.

Don't compare your business to Isaac. Isaac uses real talent and original ideas to make a living. He and I enjoy ribbing each other for fun.

You actually have the nerve to ask how my valid post reflects on ME? How do your posts and website reflect on YOU? And your family? And your business associates? Like

Like I said Matt, they don't need your money. A review website/message board with an Alexa ranking of 125,000 isn't really making much money for you or them and I think we both know that. Nice try though.

I'm just surprised that a company as large and reputable as would choose to do business or associate itself with Matt Canning and his website. Perhaps's Will Weidenman is aware of it and his German ancestry takes a certain pride in Matt's posts, but I find it difficult to believe that Ryan, Russ, and Jeremy DeLuca or the new majority owners would choose to associate themselves with someone whose website exhibits such racial and religious bigotry and intolerance.

It's not as if the opinions on Matt's forums aren't his. They are. He posts anti-semitic and anti-black statements here and on his affiliated website.

I wonder how Matt will feel when dumps him. And then when Netrition dumps him. And then every other reputable company dumps him. I guess we'll be able to post something like this:

Persecution of Matt Canning

2008 Thrown out of
2009 Thrown out of
2010 Thrown out of
2011 Forced to apply to Thunder Bay post office.

Hmmmm...I guess it's kinda like a guy getting thrown out of one bar. I guess if he gets thrown out of several different bars, there must be a reason for it.

Matt lives in a blue collar depressed town probably devoid of Jews, Blacks, Asians and other minorities. He doesn't leave his house, doesn't have a girlfriend, and doesn't speak to many people in real life. He has a desperate need to belong. He joined the military hoping to find comraderie but found himself an outcast. He tries to fit in to society but is unable to do so in a productive way. Combine his lonely, sheltered life with his deep-rooted insecurities in his intelligence, physicality, and sexuality, and is it really any surprise he's adopted the views he has? I guess it's better than shooting up the post office, but not by much.

We're just calling a spade a 'spade'. It's one thing to lie to impress people and quite another to lie to make money off of people who believe you. Here's a sampling of your the Bullshit you peddle:

- You claim that Gaspari's SizeOn put 10lbs on you and now this new product M3 put another 10lbs on you, but the problem is that at 170 lbs, you're lucky to have gained 20 lbs since you started working out 10 years ago.

- You post horrible lifts with horrendous form and always mention that you previously did it with perfect form for more reps.

- If you weren't making money off of those BS reviews, you'd be slamming every product. It's fairly obvious that nothing has worked for you, as you look similar to most 17 year olds with a year of training under their belts.

- You're no different than a movie reviewer who says every movie is "Incredible" in the hopes of getting invited to the next premiere. Oh yeah, occasionally you slam "Howard the Duck" or "Buckaroo Bonzai" to keep it real.

- You have mocked both Ron Avidan and the Weiders for being Jews and "controlling" the bodybuilding media, while you do everything you can to model your own business on theirs in a pathetic attempt to match their success.

- You have no original products to sell and no original ideas to offer so you "review" products to make a buck off the same kids you mock for believing a NO-Xplode ad.

- There's absolutely zero basis to believe anything you say in your reviews. Are people supposed to believe you switch supplements every two weeks and that you stop using a product that's put 10 lbs on you to start using and review a new product "for the good of humanity"?

- Your expression of hate towards Jews and Blacks is so obviously masking an inferiority complex. You truly believe that Jews are intellectually superior and Blacks are physically superior, so you are consumed with tossing around the two things you are most insecure about: Your IQ and your Strength. As pathetic as it is, it actually makes you feel better by posting "I have a 130 IQ and a 500 lb Deadlift".

- You actually derive value from stating that publicly on a message board, probably because in real life no one has ever called you intelligent or mentioned that you look strong.

- You post your lifts, not because you are proud, but because you know that no one would ever believe you could deadlift 500lbs based on your appearance. Again, it's your insecurities that causes you to post your lifts.

- You post copies of your military honors and awards like an 8-year old brags about his bowling or karate trophies.

- You're the kind of guy who has probably tried to pass the Mensa exam 5-6 times. Because we all know that nothing would make you happier than to post a copy of your Mensa certificate. With your insecurities about your own intelligence, you need external approval. Absent getting it from Mensa, you try to get it here.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: danielson on May 29, 2008, 03:35:09 AM
When did Matt go from the likable dorky type guy to the controversial Jew hater anyway? Is this recent or a long time coming?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: LatsMcGee on May 29, 2008, 03:43:09 AM
When did Matt go from the likable dorky type guy to the controversial Jew hater anyway? Is this recent or a long time coming?

His igloo got too cold so he unleashed his hate train on get big.  Hopefully he lays off the Ham/Size On stack long enough to get his heat turned back on.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Marty Champions on May 29, 2008, 03:45:17 AM
spending time /effort/ hating something is boring talk mr matt c

unacceptable if you wish to be a falconite weegar
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: bigdumbbell on May 29, 2008, 04:41:50 AM
When did Matt go from the likable dorky type guy to the controversial Jew hater anyway? Is this recent or a long time coming?
evolved with time and the hate iconography posted on this site
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C
Post by: McFarland on May 29, 2008, 09:40:05 AM
I think the most ironic part here is the fact that Matt's never even been around enough minorities to know anything about racism.  How's a fucking Canadian racist like him?  I thought Canadians didn't hate anything! 
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: dr.chimps on May 29, 2008, 09:46:57 AM
It was odd...  one minute he was typical IFBB fanboy posting pics of his 170-lb frame, and next thing you know he was goose-stepping to the NSDAP rally.  :-\
Maybe a an Ernst Rohm SA analogy is more fitting?  ;)
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 29, 2008, 11:47:31 AM
spending time /effort/ hating something is boring talk mr matt c

unacceptable if you wish to be a falconite weegar

I'd give anything to become one!
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 29, 2008, 02:24:39 PM
I'd give anything to become one!

With your desperate need to feel a part of something you probably mean that.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: emn1964 on May 29, 2008, 02:35:35 PM
With your desperate need to feel a part of something you probably mean that.

he really is a sad little fellow, isn't he IFBBwannabe?
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: Matt C on May 29, 2008, 08:28:37 PM

With your desperate need to feel a part of something you probably mean that.

Damn right I mean it!  I'd give anything to be a part of daddywaddy's crew.
Title: Re: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Ma
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 29, 2008, 08:32:20 PM
he really is a sad little fellow, isn't he IFBBwannabe?

Indeed. :-\