Author Topic: This has to be in the Top Ten Ownings of All time on Getbig Special Ed Vs Matt C  (Read 25454 times)

G o a t b o y

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By "financed", I think Sebastian means "had their artwork and bank accounts plundered and sold off to pay for construction materials and Zyklon B"

Man, if you had bought Zyklon B futures in say '41 or so, you'd be rolling in it!  :D
Ron: "I am lazy."


  • Time Out
  • Getbig IV
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it's when you're getting owned by vince goodrhum that you know you suck at life.

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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  • The White Vince Goodrum
*sigh*  ::)


I didn't realize Matt C was racist  :-\

Quotes from me on this please.

Well, it's about time someone pulled the rug under Matt C.  The shit he spills about Jews/Blacks is downright horrible.

Quotes from me on this please.

Matt's website overall is outdated and unfinished in most areas including the exercise videos and even the contest placing which he could easily get from  Don't believe me??  Click below

That's true, but it's only me working on the website so it's hard to update everything.  My main focus now is on supplement reviews from myself and a team of five other unbiased reviewers.

And the point that was brought up was his endless endorsements for every single product that works including the fibbing about gaining 10 pounds of muscle recently for Size-On.

Matt only weighs 170 pounds and based on all of his review for all of his products that he claimed to grow muscle from, if he was telling the truth then he would have gained a total of 218 pounds of muscle making him 388 pounds and obviously the most muscular bodybuilder in the universe.  Of course that's not the case.

Well I did gain 10 pounds from SIZEON.  I lost it eventually, but that can also be attributed to my poor diet, although my diet was poor while on it and I still gained.  That was March 2007.  In March 2008, I used it again and put on 10 again and lost it again, but not right away - it was a slow taper down.  I assume people would gain/lose weight just as quickly on steroids.  In October I used Betancourt Nutrition Creatine Chewies and did not gain or keep half as much although the flavour was good and the product was cheap so I give them credit for that.  Most recently I am using the Higher Power stack and making great gains in strength and mood improvements, although I'm not sure how much mass I have put on yet, if any.

Unbiased reviews which aren't even written by me to begin with:

I wouldn't include reviews which recommend against using the supplements I am trying to sell if my goal was to push supplements.  I also have numerous supplements I recommend not buying, and at this point that includes all NO products.

Discuss.  :D

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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  • The White Vince Goodrum
Hey this thread is great, it reminds me of this post by Dan Duchaine from a few years ago:

Jeffrey, Jeffrey, Jeff... where to begin with this?

First of all old boy, if you want to be seen as anything other than the 'full of himself' loser so desperately trying to deflect attention away from the true reality of his situation, you would be best advised to cut down on the ad hominem insults and stick with the facts

To wit (now take note)

My goodness, I do seem to have ruffled your feathers do I not? what is wrong? are you counting on the fact that some here will not recall the absolute roasting you received after your attempt to compete? No Jeff, lets not go down that road, your memory might now be the sacrificial lamb of your filthy drug habits, you might be able to delude yourself of your lack of any worth as a - geared up to fuck - bodybuilder, but (and if your mind isnt absolutely meth addled) in your demon possessed heart, in your soul, the truth must fucking crucify you

Are you counting on the fact that most here do not know you? that they will not know you fucking live on mega dose gear and - in that context - the above picture/s, rather than afford you any honourable ground, actually reveal you as the desperate, genetically average 'man in the street' you are?

Jeff, you have - as has been noted by many folks over the years - a swimmers build, accept it and move on.

For you to post the various pictures of yourself and attempt to claim you are some bodybuilding god that knows his shit reveals a lot.

Firstly, and I could care not what you attempt to paint otherwise, I have forgotten more about this game than you will ever know, you are a Mayhem blowhard, again, not an insult, but mere observation based, logically positive conclusion.

You, whilst knowing how fucking crucified you have been in this area, have then attempted to vindicate yourself (and your supposed 'knowledge') with evidence that comprises of what? evidence, jeffrey old chum, that comprises of the same piss poor McFarland swimmers build that saw you receiving the aforementioned crucifixion.

My golly jeffrey, the demons you are wrestling with would seem to run free in that maze of mediocrity you call a mind.

The fact that these pictures, far from vindicating you, actually - and as you, in your tormented mental state bloody well know - compound the awareness on your part that you are a not of the calibre your tormented soul would wish.

These are pictures that illustrate all that you hate in yourself, they document all that you hate about your sub par genetics.

Christ Jeff, these are pictures that see you in 4th division steroid condition - never mind the mega doses you employ - a condition that wouldnt even win you a regional, and pictures that saw you receiving one of the internets classic ownings.

The fact that these pictures are all you have; that in itself is (and as you yourself fully know) classic jeffrey mcfarland right there. Jeffrey Mcfarland the eternal meth addict scrabbling around - as usual - in the dirt looking for desperate measures, which in this case see you passing off an average steroid body as the high level progeny of supposed expertise? shocking jeff, absolutely shocking!

Jeff, cut the bullshit, lets stay with facts rather than your meth haze schoolyard ad hoiminem'

Here are a few facts for you:

- You are a meth dependant, coke toting, internet nobody. Nobody gives a shit, not even your precious Mayhem, you are their bitch

-You love bodybuilding, but are riddled with demons that - on a daily basis - scream at you that which is manifest in your lowly genetic swamp, that being, that you are not, nor ever will be, a bodybuilder... a fact that crucifies you to your very deluded core, poor diddums.

- The one area that you are good at - even by my admission - that of show reporting, has gone to shit, why? because you are a meth chugging, coked up loser, again, a fact that - in a moment of pathetic introspection - comes to kick you in the face.

Your demons Jeff - no matter how much you contrive to pin this on others here, whether those others are me or whomever? - are of your own making, I am simply here having a little fun, you however are the moron that wishes to deceive people you are that which you are not, and hey, why would your desire to deceive people come as a shock to those of us that know you?

Well Jeff, it doesnt come as a shock, you think nothing of deceiving others if it means some degree of warped catharsis for your implike consciousness, after all jeffrey, you think nothing of deceiving yourself, as is evident here on a daily basis.

Of what fucking concern is the next person to you? fuck all, again, a sad reflection of your self loathing, junkie mindset.

Of course, feel free to refute the above, I mean Jeff, maybe you are bulletproof? maybe I have this game of life all wrong? maybe functional, self respecting individuals are all 'meth head, attention whores'... is that right? or could it perhaps be, that you, jeffrey McFarland... are a dysfunctional clown?

Oh and, feel free to come back with more nonsense insults about scat, more crappy rap lyrics, more copy and pasted philosophy, or indeed any other manner of piss poor playground rubbish, honestly jeff, such wit really does cut me to the quick.

Goodnight jeffrey, be sure to not close your eyes, the monster is not on the outside, but you already know that though.. dont you?

Good evening Jeffrey

Sir Duchaine, the superior to you English gent

What's sauce for the goose, LOL.


  • Getbig V
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Hey this thread is great, it reminds me of this post by Dan Duchaine from a few years ago:

What's sauce for the goose, LOL.

Ah how the circle of ownage always comes full.   ;D

See here's what hurts the most when delivering ownings like that.  You eventually realize that everything you're able to call on the other person you've experienced personally, hence the source of such keen "insight."  Duchaine called me perfectly there.  And when I called out Adonis it's because I'm so familiar with the condition and when Ed's owning you it's because he's already been there, done that, and had the "benefit" of hindsight to be ashamed of those former perceptions.  It's only further hindsight that makes you ashamed of the fact that you so accurately exposed someone before they could figure it out for themselves, nearly the most painful experience possible, and that it actually reveals more about where you've been than it does where the target of your owning currently is.  This place is a fucking blender that way and it's why people plagued with demons come here to make an ass of themself!   ;D

By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 


  • Getbig V
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*sigh*  ::)
Quotes from me on this please.

Quotes from me on this please.
Well. You've convinced me, and in fine fashion. I now am at a loss as to what I was doing the last two weeks. Musta been dreaming when I made all those posts countering your Jewish media conspiracy/antisemitism argument(s) or your gene-race-intelligence thesis. 

/looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking...

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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Well. You've convinced me, and in fine fashion. I now am at a loss as to what I was doing the last two weeks. Musta been dreaming when I made all those posts countering your Jewish media conspiracy/antisemitism argument(s) or your gene-race-intelligence thesis. 

/looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking...

How is it racist to point out that the media is at least 85% controlled by Jewish interests?  lol, I always thought debating would be easy when I can actually cite sources and references for people, but amazingly it is not.  I could say that a rock is more dense than a feather and the person coming back with "NO YOU DUMB FUCK, A FEATHER IS MORE DENSE" would win on getbig.

I backed everything I've said with science (something no one else has yet done), so I don't see what racism has to do with it.

The concept of intelligence being gene linked may be a bit of an extrapolation but hardly unrealistic and not at all hateful.

I own Special Ed here (I also call Kevin Horton an imbecile):

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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Another notable owning (Dan Duchaine owns Vince G on my board):

Vince then came back with this, LOL:


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MattC strikes back..........


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i just wanna post this pic

Hahahahahaaa  that was good.  ;D


  • Getbig III
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May 2008 will go down in history as a month of the most brutal ownings.


  • Getbig V
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*sigh*  ::)


Quotes from me on this please.

Ah...which is why I used the "undecided" emoticon  ;)

just not good enough

Vince G, CSN MFT

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*sigh*  ::)


That's true, but it's only me working on the website so it's hard to update everything.  My main focus now is on supplement reviews from myself and a team of five other unbiased reviewers.

Well I did gain 10 pounds from SIZEON.  I lost it eventually, but that can also be attributed to my poor diet, although my diet was poor while on it and I still gained.  That was March 2007.  In March 2008, I used it again and put on 10 again and lost it again, but not right away - it was a slow taper down.  I assume people would gain/lose weight just as quickly on steroids.  In October I used Betancourt Nutrition Creatine Chewies and did not gain or keep half as much although the flavour was good and the product was cheap so I give them credit for that.  Most recently I am using the Higher Power stack and making great gains in strength and mood improvements, although I'm not sure how much mass I have put on yet, if any.

Unbiased reviews which aren't even written by me to begin with:

I wouldn't include reviews which recommend against using the supplements I am trying to sell if my goal was to push supplements.  I also have numerous supplements I recommend not buying, and at this point that includes all NO products.

Discuss.  :D

Matt, if you have time to post on Getbig then you have time to take 30 minutes and simply update your site which is all it would take.  The changes that I recommended to you wouldn't even take 5 minutes.  You cannot use time as an excuse.

As far as the complement of gaining and losing 10 pounds still doesn't make since.  If you lost it that quick then it certainly wasn't muscle that you gained but just some water.  It still doesn't take from the fact that you've said so many products work tells me that its not bias.

As far as the two negative reviews....Most NPC judges prohibit the use of any Dream Tan products anyway so they wouldn't be buying it even if you gave it a good recommendation.  In any event, you still put links on the products to "BUY NOW".  To a person looking at your site, they would think you were being a hypocrite for giving a negative on a product but still putting a buy link for purchasing the product. 

Matt, for the most part you give a thumbs up to practically everything.

If you want to recoup the money lost then you seriously need to redesign the website. 

I remember back in the day when everyone was blasting my website for having the shittiest design ever but instead of making excuses, I went all out with my design and in 2005, blew everyone's eyes off when I launched the new site and I haven't looked back.

Matt, follow my advice and stop making excuses.  You have the ability to do it and if you don't then you'll be out of business within 2 years


  • Getbig V
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May 2008 will go down in history as a month of the most brutal ownings.

Definitely something viral about the phenomenon and I think we may have just hit the tipping point for it.  Goatboy's time is nearly at hand I predict.  The question is, will he survive it as, Squadfather has yet to demonstrate the ability to do?  I think that maybe the only thing that will keep him from being eventually exposed will be the morality behind his presence here.

jason armstrong

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Business-wise, I've tried to help out Matt as he came to me regarding problems  with revenue from his site.  I told him that he should simply add one simple little exercise equipment affiliate link and despite giving him the name of a great distributor, he has failed to take my advice despite the fact that it would only take him about 3 minutes to do so.

Matt's site isn't generating the income that it used to simply because he hasn't changed with the times.  Not only that, because most anti-virus software cleans out cookies, he doesn't get too much repeat revenue.

Matt's website overall is outdated and unfinished in most areas including the exercise videos and even the contest placing which he could easily get from  Don't believe me??  Click below

And the point that was brought up was his endless endorsements for every single product that works including the fibbing about gaining 10 pounds of muscle recently for Size-On.

Matt only weighs 170 pounds and based on all of his review for all of his products that he claimed to grow muscle from, if he was telling the truth then he would have gained a total of 218 pounds of muscle making him 388 pounds and obviously the most muscular bodybuilder in the universe.  Of course that's not the case.

Matt, its like I said before...stop responding to the peanut gallery and stop spewing the Jew bashing shit.  It makes people take a hard look at your company and see it for what it is.

You are dumb.
bag it

jason armstrong

  • Getbig IV
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Ah how the circle of ownage always comes full.   ;D

See here's what hurts the most when delivering ownings like that.  You eventually realize that everything you're able to call on the other person you've experienced personally, hence the source of such keen "insight."  Duchaine called me perfectly there.  And when I called out Adonis it's because I'm so familiar with the condition and when Ed's owning you it's because he's already been there, done that, and had the "benefit" of hindsight to be ashamed of those former perceptions.  It's only further hindsight that makes you ashamed of the fact that you so accurately exposed someone before they could figure it out for themselves, nearly the most painful experience possible, and that it actually reveals more about where you've been than it does where the target of your owning currently is.  This place is a fucking blender that way and it's why people plagued with demons come here to make an ass of themself!   ;D

By the way Matt, what criminal charges were they that Ed was advising you on, again? 

matt in a way is like adonis he's posted so many outright lies and fibs he can't keep up with them all. All his degrees all the pussy he gets all his houses he owns all the universities he goes to etcetcetcetc...
Nor can he hide his bigotry or he's massive jealousy towards the pros and everyone bigger than him because he has shit can genetics.
He's too much of a coward to try a mild AAS cycle-probably cause he knows the truth it ain't gonna turn him into Tom Prince like he writes it will.

Alex23 is next on the list...his lies are catching up to him full circle posts like he is a barney bad ass getting in fights all the business man..gets tons of pussy- and is natural...when in real life he's a pitiful young pup that juices and relies on lying on Getbig to have freinds. Blockheads assessment of him was spot on at the ASc...a lil bitch he is...

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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You are dumb.
bag it

This is where I disagree with what others on the board say about Vince.  I think he gives sound advice.  He has helped me in the past and is helping me here.  I can't honestly say anything negative about him.

Regarding the reviews on my website, the reviews cover everything ranging from the collected data on a particular supplement, nutritional content, taste, and cost effectiveness.  Some reviews are merely wiki like pages on a particular supplement.  How does one review a protein bar for example?

Everyone should read a few before judging and point out specific flaws with the reviews:

I admit, I generally am quite positive about supplements, but is it so hard to believe that I may actually be enjoying them?  lol.  I admit, the fact that I don't have to pay for them is a confounding variable, which may explain why I am so positive so much of the time - hard to complain about something I get for free!  Would I pay for those supplements is another question.

The reviews are working well insofar as I can tell.  On my website for sure, and very likely on too.  I never claimed that they were perfect and I am totally up to listening to constructive criticism.  I asked whether or not a disclaimer for each review would be in order to point out that I sell the supplements (although to me it is obvious), but got little response on here from that.

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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I have to address these one by one.

matt in a way is like adonis he's posted so many outright lies and fibs he can't keep up with them all. All his degrees all the pussy he gets all his houses he owns all the universities he goes to etcetcetcetc...

You can call me what you want or make fun of my achievements, but they are all true.  I've verified them through posting things like videos or pictures, etc.  I don't see how you can call me a liar, lol.  TA on the other hand, will not even say the NAME of the university he attended, since I told him I would call the alumni department and ask if he truly did get a Physics degree if he were to do so.

Nor can he hide his bigotry or he's massive jealousy towards the pros

I can't say that I'm jealous of pros.  Would be cool to look like them and draw that kind of attention, although even that might be a bit much at times.

he has shit can genetics.

True on this, although my strength is pretty good.

He's too much of a coward to try a mild AAS cycle-probably cause he knows the truth it ain't gonna turn him into Tom Prince like he writes it will.

True on being too much of a pussy to try gear.  I don't want to compromise my endocrine system.  Not sure if it's a rational concern, but even some of my modest juice using friends appear to have experienced some long term sides.  As for TP, it's not that I would look like him ON gear, but he sure as hell seems to look like me OFF gear.  :-X

Alex23 is next on the list...his lies are catching up to him full circle posts like he is a barney bad ass getting in fights all the business man..gets tons of pussy- and is natural...when in real life he's a pitiful young pup that juices and relies on lying on Getbig to have freinds. Blockheads assessment of him was spot on at the ASc...a lil bitch he is...

What order or volume of pussy does Alex23 get on a weekly basis?  Discuss.


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Matt the majority of supplements do jack shit!!

Hope this helps.

Matt C

  • Getbig V
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Matt the majority of supplements do jack shit!!

Hope this helps.

Key word there.  I think we would all agree that there are a few good ones that do work (other than goatboy, who seems to writes them all off).

This is a review posted on my website on June 1st of last year:

Read the Conclusion.  How can anyone claim I am posting biased reviews?  :-\

mass 04

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All he wanted to do was review a supplement.  :'(


  • Getbig V
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I must admit Matt's holding strong here.  Matt it was "what order of volume of pussy" Alex23 gets you racist bastard.


  • Competitors II
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This thread is absurd.


  • Getbig IV
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 I think that maybe the only thing that will keep him from being eventually exposed will be the morality behind his presence here.


Matt C

  • Getbig V
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All he wanted to do was review a supplement.  :'(

Absolutely true!!  The board is so mean to me.  I'd give anything for them to stop being mean to me.  :'(

hm, I guess it's time I post a gallery of screencaps of me winning at in order to redeem myself?  That is pretty well what the board is trying to tell me to do if you read between the lines right?


I'm white.  ;D

Matt it was "what order of volume of pussy" Alex23 gets you racist bastard.
