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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Matt C on May 05, 2009, 01:24:55 AM

Title: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 05, 2009, 01:24:55 AM
I can't believe people are made to go through this shit.  ::)

"White guilt training".
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 01:32:11 AM
where does this stupid bitch live, I'll go kill her myself.  What in the fucking hell did I just watch :-\
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 05, 2009, 01:39:35 AM
where does this stupid bitch live, I'll go kill her myself.  What in the fucking hell did I just watch :-\

That is my job, remember ??
Do you even own a Gun ??

Matt-C only - EVER - get's banned from here when people run out of counter debate.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 01:41:33 AM
Do you even own a Gun ??
Hell no, like I'm a Marine or something lol...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Fury on May 05, 2009, 01:41:41 AM
That is my job, remember ??
Do you even own a Gun ??

Matt-C only - EVER - get's banned from here when people run out of counter debate.

Maybe they get tired of listening to you broken records? It's a bodybuilding forum. Go take your insecure, teary eyed meltdowns elsewhere. They lose their luster after the first 500 times you repeat yourself.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 05, 2009, 01:44:15 AM
where does this stupid bitch live, I'll go kill her myself.  What in the fucking hell did I just watch :-\

It appears to be a social experiment, the outcome of which I'd love to know!  :D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 01:49:04 AM
It appears to be a social experiment, the outcome of which I'd love to know!  :D
I didn't watch it all, just saw that stupid bitch an knew it would be about 1.001 seconds before I snapped her stupid neck.  But if they all signed up for that bullshit, my bust.  Not sure why anyone would volunteer for that crap.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 05, 2009, 01:51:22 AM
I can't believe people are made to go through this shit.  ::)


You deal with - Screech & Chavez, I am bore to fucking tears of them & am going for chicken & rice.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 01:52:24 AM
hahahahahahahaha.... ;D 

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Fury on May 05, 2009, 01:58:35 AM
hahahahahahahaha.... ;D 


Hahahaha. I wonder if these retards message each other on AIM after every post and fellate themselves.

"Hey man, did you see my 497th post today about minorities. I totally fucking rocked it."
"Yeah man, you fucking killed it. Rock on! let's get back at it on that Jew's site!!!!"

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 02:05:18 AM
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 05, 2009, 03:36:00 AM
its painful watching this video. i wonder how many blacks would wipe slavery from the history books if it meant they'd be living in africa today?  the problem is not that whites are racist toward blacks, whites are far too compassionate and accepting of them.  the problem is multiculturalism, that blacks and whites are like oil and water.  whitey will always be racist and blacks oppressed because blacks will never match or outperform whites academically, in the workforce etc, they will always have feeling of inferiority as a result, and whites inherent superiority in fields involving intelligence/success etc. will make us forever racist.
what do white people need to do, give away everything to blacks and do our best to become as stupid, violent and unsuccessful as possible, then we won't be racist anymore and we can all live happily together?
 the only solution is deportation or segregation.  blacks need to accept reality and thank their lucky stars they live in a country where they have whitey to support and look after them, affording them a standard of living lightyears above what they could ever dream to provide on their own.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 05, 2009, 04:39:19 AM
its painful watching this video. i wonder how many blacks would wipe slavery from the history books if it meant they'd be living in africa today?  the problem is not that whites are racist toward blacks, whites are far too compassionate and accepting of them.  the problem is multiculturalism, that blacks and whites are like oil and water.  whitey will always be racist and blacks oppressed because blacks will never match or outperform whites academically, in the workforce etc, they will always have feeling of inferiority as a result, and whites inherent superiority in fields involving intelligence/success etc. will make us forever racist.
what do white people need to do, give away everything to blacks and do our best to become as stupid, violent and unsuccessful as possible, then we won't be racist anymore and we can all live happily together?
 the only solution is deportation or segregation.  blacks need to accept reality and thank their lucky stars they live in a country where they have whitey to support and look after them, affording them a standard of living lightyears above what they could ever dream to provide on their own.

part 2:

part 3:

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: nzmusclemonster on May 05, 2009, 04:52:38 AM
mud shark.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 05, 2009, 05:05:29 AM

part 2:

part 3:

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 05, 2009, 05:10:59 AM
From the film maker of this documentary:

Xenophobia has nothing to do with the color of peoples skin or with their ethnic origin, but it certainly has to do with social categories as superior or inferior, poor or rich, on the top or on the bottom. It is xenophobia that makes woman, homosexuals, the disabled and the old people find themseleves in exile in their own land.

Over the past 20 years, Jane Elliott, a former teacher in the midwest USA, has committed herself to leading a fight against prejudice, ignorance and racism in society. She continues to practise the same philosophy which she began with her school class after Martin Luther King jun.'s death in 1968. Today her audience is much broader including teachers, students, firemen and even the complete staff of a bank. In her workshops she devides people on the basis of two arbitrary physical-properties - BLUE or BROWN EYES. She declares the latter to be better and more intelligent and grants them privileges, privileges she denies to the blue eyed,deemed to be worse, less intelligent and lower qualified.

For the first time, many white people become acquainted with the feeling of belonging to a condemned group which can never win. They experience the feeling of being discriminated against, in the same way that society today discriminates against women, people with a different skincolor or the disabled. In only 15 minutes, Jane Elliott manages to build up a realistic micro-cosmos of society today with all its phenomena and feelings. As already known from the ill reputed Milgram experiment, even participants who knew the "rules" are unable to remain uninvolved. What starts as a game turns into cruel reality which causes some participants' emotions to errupt with unforeseen intensity...

B L U E  E Y E D   
a Film by Bertram Verhaag
BLUE EYED offers a first chance to sit-in on a full-length workshop with America's most celebrated and dynamic diversity trainer, Jane Elliott. Her "blue eyed/brown eyed" workshop, initiated in 1968 as a ground breaking experiment in anti-racist training, has been featured all over the United States on Today, the Tonight Show, Donahue, Oprah, ABC Nightline and PBS' Frontline. Elliott believes, "The film BLUE EYED is by far the most comprehensive and exciting on my work available it sums up 28 years of experience in the emotional impact of discrimination". 
In BLUE EYED we join a group of 40 teachers, police, school administrators and social workers in Kansas City - blacks, Hispanics, whites, women and men. The blue-eyed members are subjected to pseudo-scientific explanations of their inferiority, culturally biased IQ tests and blatant discrimination. In just a few hours under Elliott's withering regime, we watch grown professionals become despondent and distracted, stumbling over the simplest commands.

Jane Elliott's approach is especially relevant today. It demonstrates irrefutably that even without juridical discrimination, hate speech, lowered expectations and dismissive behaviour can have devastating effects on minority achievement. Black members of the BLUE EYED group forcefully remind whites that they undergo similar stresses, not just for a few hours in a controlled experiment, but every day of their lives. And Elliott points out that sexism, homophobia and ageism work in the same way.

Back at her Iowa home, Elliott reflects upon how the simple classroom exercise she devised the day after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination has transformed her life. After her experiment got national television coverage, she recalls, townspeople made threatening phone calls, beat and spit at her children and boycotted her parents' coffe shop, eventually forcing it out of business.

Clips from her original classes and interviews with former students confirm that Jane Elliott's workshops make them permanently more empathetic and sensitive to the problem of racism. Counselors, student program administrators, corporate trainers and psychologists agree BLUE EYED is a film every American needs to experience - what about us?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 05, 2009, 05:25:39 AM
Why has no-one taken a scoped 'Accuracy international' .308 cal & plotted up over the street for her house, & the moment she stepped out of the morn to get in her car................BLOW HER ASININE, LITTLE GREY HEAD, OFF HER FUCKING SHOULDERS!! *CONFUSED*  ??? ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 05, 2009, 05:48:10 AM
Interesting but its of more historical significance.  Many people seem to forget we are living in 2009, not 1960 and they keep living in the past.  Many whites feel horrible about the history of slavery and racism in this country committed by previous generations but at this point its not beneficial to continue to beat a dead horse.  In fact, I believe it contributes to resentment in the non-black younger generation because they see very limited racism, particularly in cities and in the workplace, but see preferential treatment under Affirmative Action.  So, they are taught to treat everyone equally, but there is a different set of rules for a segment of the population (not only with A.A in schools and in the workplace but sometimes culturally as well).

Blacks, as a minority in the US, have finally been given equal opportunity.  The difficult issue is where are many starting from (socioeconomically).  That, along with the broken families and backward cultural teachings, is what the hurdle is IMO.  Blacks have been given unique opportunities under affirmative action, grants and other programs (that other minorities were not given) and are well represented (or in some cases over represented) in all government positions, healthcare, police & fire, entertainment, sports, and moving up quickly in politics.  IMO, its time to end preferential treatment and treat all people equal now.  The country is becoming more and more mixed every year.  The far left appologists, at this point, are not really helping anyone IMO.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 05, 2009, 06:15:08 AM
Interesting but its of more historical significance.  Many people seem to forget we are living in 2009, not 1960 and they keep living in the past.  Many whites feel horrible about the history of slavery and racism in this country committed by previous generations but at this point its not beneficial to continue to beat a dead horse.  In fact, I believe it contributes to resentment in the non-black younger generation because they see very limited racism, particularly in cities and in the workplace, but see preferential treatment under Affirmative Action.  So, they are taught to treat everyone equally, but there is a different set of rules for a segment of the population (not only with A.A in schools and in the workplace but sometimes culturally as well).

Blacks, as a minority in the US, have finally been given equal opportunity.  The difficult issue is where are many starting from (socioeconomically).  That, along with the broken families and backward cultural teachings, is what the hurdle is IMO.  Blacks have been given unique opportunities under affirmative action, grants and other programs (that other minorities were not given) and are well represented (or in some cases over represented) in all government positions, healthcare, police & fire, entertainment, sports, and moving up quickly in politics.  IMO, its time to end preferential treatment and treat all people equal now.  The country is becoming more and more mixed every year.  The far left appologists, at this point, are not really helping anyone IMO.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 07:22:29 AM better watch this TWICE....or more
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 05, 2009, 07:23:21 AM
I dont understand it.Is this forced by the job?As soon as she would have said "SIT DOWN" that would have been it.The problem today is everybody is afraid.However,if one guy would have said "DONT YOU EVER FUCKING TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN OR I WILL RIP YOUR FUCKING EYES OUT OF YOUR HEAD!!THIS JOB DOESNT MEAN A FUCKING THING TO ME,BUT WILL YOU MAKE IT HOME TONIGHT YOU SHRIVELED UP LITTLE BITCH".I bet she would have taken a different tact.

By the way,by doing that ,you would have shown EXACTLY how blacks react so you would have learned the lesson of the program.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 07:56:56 AM
I didn't watch it all, just saw that stupid bitch an knew it would be about 1.001 seconds before I snapped her stupid neck.  But if they all signed up for that bullshit, my bust.  Not sure why anyone would volunteer for that crap.

If you had watched the WHOLE video you would have understood what the process/program was about. She makes it very clear what she is doing and why she is doing it...I love the part where she is in a auditorium full of whites and she asks all of them.. If you would like to be treated like whites treat a Black person in america...then please stand up? Not a single white stands. She then says...This is what I wanted to find out..and that is you (as whites) are all to aware of how you have and still treat Blacks in america, yet you pretend everything is fine/fair/equal. If you knew your "fairness" was fair then there should be no reason not to stand...but you didn't...

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 05, 2009, 07:58:06 AM
Blacks as a group are morons. Other groups have succeeded under far worse conditions. Blacks tends to fail wherever they go.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 08:04:15 AM
Blacks as a group are morons. Other groups have succeeded under far worse conditions. Blacks tends to fail wherever they go.

I didn't know you were Black Debussey...that explains it all
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 05, 2009, 08:08:18 AM
I didn't know you were Black Debussey...that explains it all

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BigNBloated on May 05, 2009, 08:16:26 AM
I just sold my motorcycle to black man and gave him a pretty good deal. So yes I think I would standup after she asked that question.

On a serious note I will not be lead to beleive that I should feel guilty about how others treat black people. All whites do not treat blacks unfairly just as not all blacks sell crack rocks and ride spinners.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 05, 2009, 08:34:29 AM
If you had watched the WHOLE video you would have understood what the process/program was about. She makes it very clear what she is doing and why she is doing it...I love the part where she is in a auditorium full of whites and she asks all of them.. If you would like to be treated like whites treat a Black person in america...then please stand up? Not a single white stands. She then says...This is what I wanted to find out..and that is you (as whites) are all to aware of how you have and still treat Blacks in america, yet you pretend everything is fine/fair/equal. If you knew your "fairness" was fair then there should be no reason not to stand...but you didn't...


If I had been in the audiance I would have stood up.Lets see,get lower test scorres and still get into school.Score lower on job placement tests or tests that will result in promotions and still get the job or promotion.Say anything you want and nothing happens to you.Dont have to work and you get free housing,free food,free medical,free transportation.Thanks,I will take all of that in a second.

Again,the problem is MOST WHITES are cowards.Their biggest fear is being labeled a racist.So its not surprising no one stood up.I would have stood up and started screaming at that old bag.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 09:34:47 AM
If I had been in the audiance I would have stood up.Lets see,get lower test scorres and still get into school.Score lower on job placement tests or tests that will result in promotions and still get the job or promotion.Say anything you want and nothing happens to you.Dont have to work and you get free housing,free food,free medical,free transportation.Thanks,I will take all of that in a second.

Again,the problem is MOST WHITES are cowards.Their biggest fear is being labeled a racist.So its not surprising no one stood up.I would have stood up and started screaming at that old bag.

The whole point of the "TEST" was to find out the mindset of whites and it was revealing to say the least...revealing to WHITES....In all of their ignorance they came to see themselves as they should and as they truly are. Your comments Billy boy puts you right in the circle (or should I say CIRCUS) of whites who operate on a limited mentality and preconceived ideas about people. Whites being a small minority on earth, a minority in america and soon to be minority in Europe operate out of pure fear that if they don't look dowwn on the people of the world or through violence try to threaten or dominate, they will end up being dominated. So all manner of deceptive games have been tried on the worlds people by whites from religious differences, cultural differences, racial differences, physical attribute differences, etc etc in an attempt to keep people fighting or more concerned about nonsensical things so that they don't turn to whites as the source of the PROBLEMS on the planet and deal with it as they should.

This TEST makes white experience THEMSELVES as though they were someone else and then it records their reactions and as you can see... they didn't like it.

Would you have thrown your hand up at this TEST claiing that it would benefit you because Blacks have it better than whites? Your hand would have remained down just like the rest of the whites and nothing on earth would have made yo VOLUNTARILY raise your hand to be subjected to the ills of your own....stop kidding yourself.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 05, 2009, 09:40:27 AM
The whole point of the "TEST" was to find out the mindset of whites and it was revealing to say the least...revealing to WHITES....In all of their ignorance they came to see themselves as they should and as they truly are. Your comments Billy boy puts you right in the circle (or should I say CIRCUS) of whites who operate on a limited mentality and preconceived ideas about people. Whites being a small minority on earth, a minority in america and soon to be minority in Europe operate out of pure fear that if they don't look dowwn on the people of the world or through violence try to threaten or dominate, they will end up being dominated. So all manner of deceptive games have been tried on the worlds people by whites from religious differences, cultural differences, racial differences, physical attribute differences, etc etc in an attempt to keep people fighting or more concerned about nonsensical things so that they don't turn to whites as the source of the PROBLEMS on the planet and deal with it as they should.

This TEST makes white experience THEMSELVES as though they were someone else and then it records their reactions and as you can see... they didn't like it.

Would you have thrown your hand up at this TEST claiing that it would benefit you because Blacks have it better than whites? Your hand would have remained down just like the rest of the whites and nothing on earth would have made yo VOLUNTARILY raise your hand to be subjected to the ills of your own....stop kidding yourself.

Here,you want a solution for blacks?GET A FUCKING JOB!!!STOP BITCHING!!!!!WORRY ABOUT YOUR FAMILY!!!!There,I have just solved the black mans ills.
Unlike scared cowardly whites,I would have raised my hand.I dont care about the plight of the poor black man.I wouldnt have subjected myself to such stupidity.If that old bag looked at me wrong Id have spit in her face and that black security guard would have gotten the same.Make me feel guilty about the greatest race to ever walk the earth?The race that is responsible for just about EVERY single advanceent in history?Please,save it.Worry about trying to get the poor black man to stay with his freaking family before you worry about making me feel guilty.It isnt working.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 05, 2009, 02:27:48 PM
If you had watched the WHOLE video you would have understood what the process/program was about. She makes it very clear what she is doing and why she is doing it...I love the part where she is in a auditorium full of whites and she asks all of them.. If you would like to be treated like whites treat a Black person in america...then please stand up? Not a single white stands. She then says...This is what I wanted to find out..and that is you (as whites) are all to aware of how you have and still treat Blacks in america, yet you pretend everything is fine/fair/equal. If you knew your "fairness" was fair then there should be no reason not to stand...but you didn't...

good post!. this is a big problem, white people dont stick together.  i was watching a video from france where 2 arabs and a black were beating up this one guy and no one helped, despite there being probably 20 white men on board.  if a white man goes on a bus with a lot of black people and starts beating up a black man, you can be sure the other black men with come to the rescue of their fellow tribe member. we have become way too pussified
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 05, 2009, 03:02:32 PM
Jane herself states “When we have multicultural diversity training, one of the first things they have is a dinner where they serve foods from all different lands. Except white. We don’t study white culture ‘cause that’s the right culture’. We already know white culture. We don’t call it white culture, we call it reality.” This has lead to accusations that she demonizes white people.

What an ignorant fucking bitch.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 05, 2009, 03:05:56 PM
If I had been in the audiance I would have stood up.

I'd be standing with you.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 05, 2009, 05:30:29 PM
bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...bla bla bla... bla bla.... bla bla bla bla.... bla bla... bla...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on May 05, 2009, 05:54:34 PM
I've had black friends my whole life and only ONCE did I hear one of them called derogatory names, the others had suspicions that they were being treated differently but when I ask them if they ever encountered out right racism they can't name a specific thing.  I'm really trying to think of a situation that would change my comment but I can't.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 06:09:23 PM
It appears to be a social experiment, the outcome of which I'd love to know!  :D

I actually have the whole movie...I will have to upload it so that you and anyone else who wishes to see the whole thing can download it. Film is actually EXCELLENT and shows the viewer how using simple techniques which are constantly reinforced by society can have a devestating effect on a peron, group or people. This is the DIVIDE AND CONQUER PRINCIPAL personified that has worked so well to casue civil wars, religious differences, social differences, societal differences, phyisical attribute differences all of which have led up to violence, contemptuousness, oppression, low self esteem, etc etc...quite powerful in its effects...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 05, 2009, 07:42:02 PM
I actually have the whole movie...I will have to upload it so that you and anyone else who wishes to see the whole thing can download it. Film is actually EXCELLENT and shows the viewer how using simple techniques which are constantly reinforced by society can have a devestating effect on a peron, group or people. This is the DIVIDE AND CONQUER PRINCIPAL personified that has worked so well to casue civil wars, religious differences, social differences, societal differences, phyisical attribute differences all of which have led up to violence, contemptuousness, oppression, low self esteem, etc etc...quite powerful in its effects...

Do Africans have 7% smaller brain size than white people due to white people treating them with racism too?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: calfzilla on May 05, 2009, 07:45:25 PM
Obviously you have never gone to college MattC, that's pretty much all they're teaching these days. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 05, 2009, 08:15:24 PM
Obviously you have never gone to college MattC, that's pretty much all they're teaching these days. 


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: calfzilla on May 05, 2009, 08:26:53 PM

Ha ha that guy is a true getbigger, but he is still right. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 05, 2009, 09:22:11 PM
Ha ha that guy is a true getbigger, but he is still right. 

I look at things this way.... since it is obvious whites can not get along with anyone on the planet, and with whites being the SMALL MINORITY on the planet... I say just exterminate them....NO MORE DIVERSITY PROBLEMS....

BTW...I hate the hell out of that homo white guy in the video...JMO
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 05, 2009, 09:41:03 PM
I look at things this way.... since it is obvious whites can not get along with anyone on the planet, and with whites being the SMALL MINORITY on the planet... I say just exterminate them....NO MORE DIVERSITY PROBLEMS....

BTW...I hate the hell out of that homo white guy in the video...JMO

Exterminate whites?  Where do you think the world would be if not for white genius?

So, SAMSON123, do you or other non-whites never use the internet? Never buy our weapons?  Never avail themselves of our medical genius? LOL, there are your three strikes, you're out.

Also, ALL races wage war and engage in barbarity. Arab slave traders traded as many African slaves as did Europeans and were far more brutal when doing so. In fact, AFRICANS themselves traded African slaves.

The DIFFERENCE, SAMSON123, is that Europeans build better weapons, have better military strategy, and have superior [genetic] material from which the aforementioned talents are forged via the training of armies and overall group dynamics...this is why Europeans have a rich history of VICTORY.

Conversely, Africans wield bones, employ witchcraft, and have poor organizational skills when engaging in said barbarity...which is why they - as the genetic bottom in terms of IQ that they are - have a rich history of FAILURE.

If barbarity was such a bad thing you would be equally mad at Africans who traded African slaves.  You have no problem with barbarity - you have a problem with SUCCESS.  You and other non-whites like you are simply jealous of white success - ALL racial groups attempted to survive and be the most successful group, you are just mad at whites since they did it better than you did.

Oh well, it's SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST - you've heard of that right?  It's unfortunate that non-whites were not given the genetic and environmental evolutionary advantages to succeed to the extent whites have.  Better luck next time.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: calfzilla on May 05, 2009, 11:21:16 PM
I look at things this way.... since it is obvious whites can not get along with anyone on the planet, and with whites being the SMALL MINORITY on the planet... I say just exterminate them....NO MORE DIVERSITY PROBLEMS....

BTW...I hate the hell out of that homo white guy in the video...JMO
Yeah that guy is homo, but exterminating whites won't solve everything.  Remember white people are just a mixture of several different ethnicities.  So you would have to make sure there is no cross breeding. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: drkaje on May 06, 2009, 05:02:21 AM
People must be pretty insecure for shit like this to bother them.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 05:20:46 AM better watch this TWICE....or more

Chris Rock is a master.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 05:22:43 AM
I look at things this way.... since it is obvious whites can not get along with anyone on the planet, and with whites being the SMALL MINORITY on the planet... I say just exterminate them....NO MORE DIVERSITY PROBLEMS....

BTW...I hate the hell out of that homo white guy in the video...JMO

Thats funny, are Asians whites too? 

They had wars for thousands of years, do we go after them?

What about the arabs who sold the black slaves to the Dutch and others???

Were the Aztecs white? 

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 06, 2009, 05:28:45 AM
People must be pretty insecure for shit like this to bother them.

I am very secure emotionally/it's just mentally where is start to falter  :o
But then you still bother me ::) 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 06, 2009, 06:41:04 AM
Well, this thread has gone downhill pretty fast....

I just want to see Affirmative Action repealed in 2009.  I understand its purpose and perhaps it has helped.  Some people are still (obviously) racist...some whites are overwhelming appologists and fear any retort that could be labeled racist, but at this point, the big systems are not racist and A.A. should be repealed.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 06, 2009, 06:42:08 AM
I look at things this way.... since it is obvious whites can not get along with anyone on the planet, and with whites being the SMALL MINORITY on the planet... I say just exterminate them....NO MORE DIVERSITY PROBLEMS....

BTW...I hate the hell out of that homo white guy in the video...JMO

Or,we could just get rid of all the mud races that have destroyed the earth.There is a sollution for the problems of race,its called the final sollution.The last thing anyone in this world wants is a race war.You see,minorities take out a few people.Whites like McCveigh take out 100s.In fact,whittes wouldnt have to fire a shot because the stupid mud races would burn their own neighborhoods and kill each other as they ALWAYS do.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 07:11:35 AM

MONDAY, MAY 3, 2004

The Justice Department's complaint alleges that Cracker Barrel violated Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by engaging in a pattern or practice of discrimination against African-American customers and prospective customers on the basis of their race or color. Specifically, the complaint alleges that Cracker Barrel:

- allowed white servers to refuse to wait on African-American customers;
- segregated customer seating by race;
- seated white customers before African-American customers who arrived earlier;
- provided inferior service to African-American customers after they were seated; and
- treated African-Americans who complained about the quality of Cracker Barrel's food or service less favorably than white customers who lodged similar complaints.

The Justice Department's investigation revealed evidence of such conduct in approximately 50 different Cracker Barrel restaurants in seven states: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

United States Department of Justice
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 07:16:15 AM
Merrill Lynch
Charges of discrimination towards minority employees

In July 2006, a lawsuit alleging discriminatory hiring and promotion practices was brought by over 70 current and former African-American employees. Following commencement of the action, additional employees joined the suit and counsel is now seeking class-action status. These legal actions remain unresolved as of May 2008.

On June 26, 2007, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) brought suit against Merrill Lynch,[32] alleging the firm discriminated against Dr. Majid Borumand because of his Iranian nationality and Islamic religion, with "reckless disregard" for his protected civil rights.[33] The EEOC law suit maintains that violations by members of the firm were intentional and committed with malice. In another case concerning mistreatment of another Iranian employee by Merrill Lynch on July 20, 2007, less than a month after EEOC law suit, a NASD arbitration panel ordered Merrill Lynch to pay its former Iranian employee, Fariborz Zojaji, $1.6 million for firing him due to his Persian ethnicity.[34][35][36] Merrill Lynch's actions prompted reactions from both the National Iranian-American council, and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.[37]

In its June 2008 issue, Diversity Inc. named Merrill Lynch one of the top 10 companies for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered employees, and the #7 top company in the US for diversity overall. In 2007, Merrill Lynch was named the #2 best company in the US for people with disabilities by Diversity Magazine.[38] As of June 5, 2008, Merrill Lynch has created the West Asian, Middle Eastern and North African (WAMENA) Professional Network to help support and provide additional resources for employees of diverse backgrounds. In May 2008, Merrill Lynch was named the #1 US company for "Diverse College Graduates" by Diversity Edge magazine, edging out Microsoft for the top spot on the rankings.[39]

New Jersey appeals court on August 13, 2008 rendered a ruling against Merrill Lynch in a discrimination law suit filed by a gay employee.[40]
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 06, 2009, 07:25:31 AM
Well, this thread has gone downhill pretty fast....

I just want to see Affirmative Action repealed in 2009.  I understand its purpose and perhaps it has helped.  Some people are still (obviously) racist...some whites are overwhelming appologists and fear any retort that could be labeled racist, but at this point, the big systems are not racist and A.A. should be repealed.

Define the word as you think it should be explained (not google it, as i will be checking the top 10 hits for your quotes)
Tell me where you see it/how often/from who/& why you think it is there........

& you can have the entire post (above) no questions asked.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: tonymctones on May 06, 2009, 08:02:02 AM
Well, this thread has gone downhill pretty fast....

I just want to see Affirmative Action repealed in 2009.  I understand its purpose and perhaps it has helped.  Some people are still (obviously) racist...some whites are overwhelming appologists and fear any retort that could be labeled racist, but at this point, the big systems are not racist and A.A. should be repealed.

totally agree and chris rock while a funny bastard is dead wrong about A.A. it was not put in place to check government processes or whatever it was put in place to compensate for individual biases and discrimination not governmental  ::).

Problem is A.A. is in itself bias and discrimintory so apparently two wrongs make a right here, also there is really no way to repeal A.A. b/c no matter when you do ppl will get pissed.

AND LOCO there are plenty of cases where now whites are discriminated against b/c of A.A.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 08:13:15 AM
AND LOCO there are plenty of cases where now whites are discriminated against b/c of A.A.

I am not going to argue with that.  My posts are for those who still think that racism against minorities in America is dead, or infrequent.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 06, 2009, 08:28:08 AM
Loco, as you pointed out there are still some cases of racism, but also evidenced by your cases, our justice system takes these incidents very seriously and issues judgements.  This is good...but does not justify continuing affirmative action policies that, by its very nature, discriminate and continues to foster resentment.
Everyone has different experiences, but I have worked in hospitals/medicine all my adult life and minorities are well represented (sometimes over represented as a % of the population).  I have also worked as a contractor under the fed gov and see Affirmative action policies first hand.  They also award contracts preferentially to minorities, which happens frequently as jobs are bid on all the time.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BigNBloated on May 06, 2009, 08:46:27 AM
The south is still extremely racist. Hell I don't even feel comfortable in some places because I don't fit in down there and I am white as fuck.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: tonymctones on May 06, 2009, 08:49:38 AM
The south is still extremely racist. Hell I don't even feel comfortable in some places because I don't fit in down there and I am white as fuck.
same could be said for blacks, get a white guy to go walk around 5th or 3rd ward here in houston and see what happens. Racism goes all directions
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 08:51:42 AM
same could be said for blacks, get a white guy to go walk around 5th or 3rd ward here in houston and see what happens. Racism goes all directions

Lets face it, humans to bad stuff to each other, regardless of race, place, or face.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: drkaje on May 06, 2009, 08:52:41 AM
What we need to attack is the fallacy that only whites are capable of being racist.

Once that's done, maybe we can start to talk about the issue without all sorts of grandstanding and hype. :)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BigNBloated on May 06, 2009, 08:56:36 AM
same could be said for blacks, get a white guy to go walk around 5th or 3rd ward here in houston and see what happens. Racism goes all directions

Yeah I don't go downtown Cincinnati unless its the riverfront or some other well funded area. No need to go crawling around where the bad stuff happens.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 08:58:08 AM
same could be said for blacks, get a white guy to go walk around 5th or 3rd ward here in houston and see what happens. Racism goes all directions

That's true, but in America racism from whites toward minorities, especially blacks, from my experience and from the stuff I already posted, seems disproportionate in the work place, in banks, in stores, restaurants, etc.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 09:00:19 AM
That's true, but in America racism from whites toward minorities, especially blacks, from my experience and from the stuff I already posted, seems disproportionate in the work place, in banks, in stores, restaurants, etc.

Ever see the movie Crash????

Every group is racist.  The people who deny their predujices are probably the most racist of all. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 09:06:27 AM
Ever see the movie Crash????

Every group is racist.  The people who deny their predujices are probably the most racist of all. 

There are only two things in this world that I really hate, racist people and the darn Mexicans.   :)

Just kidding!

I already said that I know that's true, but I just haven't seen any legal cases of large restaurant chains or bank giants discriminating against whites.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: tonymctones on May 06, 2009, 09:06:52 AM
That's true, but in America racism from whites toward minorities, especially blacks, from my experience and from the stuff I already posted, seems disproportionate in the work place, in banks, in stores, restaurants, etc.
iono about disproportionate, definitely more are reported by blacks then whites that doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Ppl are inherintly biased to what the consider normal or things that remind them of themselves so maybe b/c more whites tend to be in positions of decision making power it does happen but in a disproportionate amount iono about that discrimination against other races seems lower again i think its more a case of over reporting by blacks and under reporting by other races.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: tonymctones on May 06, 2009, 09:08:11 AM
There are only two things in this world that I really hate, racist people and the darn Mexicans.   :)

Just kidding!

I already said that I know that's true, but I just haven't seen any legal cases of large restaurant chains or bank giants discriminating against whites.
how about the government is that not large enough for you, they discriminate against whites all the time, how about colleges or college grants/scholarships?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 09:08:47 AM
iono about disproportionate, definitely more are reported by blacks then whites that doesnt mean it doesnt happen. Ppl are inherintly biased to what the consider normal or things that remind them of themselves so maybe b/c more whites tend to be in positions of decision making power it does happen but in a disproportionate amount iono about that discrimination against other races seems lower again i think its more a case of over reporting by blacks and under reporting by other races.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 09:12:57 AM
I find people who are honest about their biases are far more easy to deal with than closet racists.  

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 09:14:01 AM
how about the government is that not large enough for you, they discriminate against whites all the time, how about colleges or college grants/scholarships?

I don't support that either, but maybe these are bad programs started by the government in response to racism toward minorities.  I don't know.  Yes, the government is large, but you just got your first non-white male president.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 09:16:30 AM
I don't support that either, but maybe these are bad programs started by the government in response to racism toward minorities.  I don't know.  Yes, the government is large, but you just got your first non-white male president.

Racism is a diversion from the real issues. 

In fact, the illegal alien issue hurts blacks more than any other group, yet, because they are lock step Democrats, they sit silent.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: tonymctones on May 06, 2009, 09:19:47 AM
I don't support that either, but maybe these are bad programs started by the government in response to racism toward minorities.  I don't know.  Yes, the government is large, but you just got your first non-white male president.
that doesnt mean anything the president is chosen by ppl elected by the ppl so it should be a representation of what the ppl want...The government requires hiring of ppl that the employer may not necissarily want simply b/c of race, same with colleges and scholarships/grants etc...

A.A. is horrible you justify racism with racism...LOL explain that logic to me
ppl should be judged on their merits and actions A.A. prevents this like shoot said the fact that there are cases against such ppl and businesses that are accused of racism shows that there is a system in place to deal with these cases and that A.A. should be done away with.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 09:22:34 AM
that doesnt mean anything the president is chosen by ppl elected by the ppl so it should be a representation of what the ppl want...The government requires hiring of ppl that the employer may not necissarily want simply b/c of race, same with colleges and scholarships/grants etc...

A.A. is horrible you justify racism with racism...LOL explain that logic to me
ppl should be judged on their merits and actions A.A. prevents this like shoot said the fact that there are cases against such ppl and businesses that are accused of racism shows that there is a system in place to deal with these cases and that A.A. should be done away with.

Like I said, I do not support bad programs introduced by the government in response to racism.  I agree with 333386, like many other things, this too has become a political issue and the government steps in only to make things worse sometimes.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 09:26:19 AM
that doesnt mean anything the president is chosen by ppl elected by the ppl so it should be a representation of what the ppl want...The government requires hiring of ppl that the employer may not necissarily want simply b/c of race, same with colleges and scholarships/grants etc...

A.A. is horrible you justify racism with racism...LOL explain that logic to me
ppl should be judged on their merits and actions A.A. prevents this like shoot said the fact that there are cases against such ppl and businesses that are accused of racism shows that there is a system in place to deal with these cases and that A.A. should be done away with.

I dont need a govt mandate to tell me to do the right thing.  For example, I had to hire a cleaning company to clean my office.  I interviewed a few people and one of the companies was one started by three black guys 20 -25 y/o.  They do the cleaning themselves and are stand up guys

I 1000% respect these young guys because they come from the Bronx ikje me and i know the influences that they have to ignore to do this.

They were not the cheapest by far, but I respected them for thwat they were doing and decided to give them a chance over the cheaper company that hires illegal mexicans.

I am glad to have them at the office and them a little more than the cheaper companies hiring illegal mexicans.

That is my version of Affirmative Action.

Not govt nonsense.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: SAMSON123 on May 06, 2009, 09:48:55 AM
Thats funny, are Asians whites too? 

They had wars for thousands of years, do we go after them?

What about the arabs who sold the black slaves to the Dutch and others???

Were the Aztecs white? 

To answer your question, ASIAN is not a RACE it is the name of a land mass. Stupidly you have allowed whites to tell you that ASIAN is a race, yet the people of India racially have nothng to do with the people of China, who racially have nothing to do with the people of Russia, who racially have nothing to do with the people of southeast Asia: Thailand, Laos, Burma, Vietnam etc, who racially have nothing to do with the people of Japan...shall I go on?? My point is like too many who have beeen brainwashed or should I say BRAIN DESTROYED by whites who have somehow managed to make you blind without removing your eyes, made you dumb without touching your brain and have totally removed your ability to discern without removing your frontal lobe. The people of India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, southeast Asia, Mongolia, China and Japan are various shades of BROWN....their skin is NOT WHITE. Once you get away from the white colonized cities of Hong Kong, BeiJing, Tokyo etc where some of the people bare the filthy skin of their RAPIST you will see that the Chinese, Japanese are BROWN in skin tone...They are also NOT YELLOW as whites call them...if they are yellow there is a JAUNDICE problem and they should seek medical care.

They had wars for thousands of years, do we go after them? What are you talking about with the comment "they had war for thousands of years do we go after them?" Who is THEY and what are you talking about. Are you talking about people who live in a particular Asian country?... The people of China, India, Mongolia, Japan, Southeast Asia have been at peace until whites entered their land. The little scuffles adn skirmishes in their past is nothng compared to the madness whites have brought to their land in the past couple hundred years. Today the white run CIA orchestrated problems in Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Southeast Asia has been the cause of much conflict, war and death (to the tune of tens of millions in the past 60 years alone)....prior to, these nations were at peace...and the small conflicts that may have occured in the far back past are just that...FAR BACK IN THE PAST.

What about the arabs who sold the black slaves to the Dutch and others???..Herein is another example of stupidity. There is no such thing as a BLACK person. There is no such thing as BLACK RACE. There is no country/continent called BLACK that anyone came from. Again thanks to white ignorance/Lies the Arabs are just as DARK BROWN as the people taken from Africa and taken to america. The lighter skinned Arabs that you see today are the off spring of those who thanks to British and american colonization of the Middle east in the early 20th century were rape, which has caused SOME of the Arabs to have a lighter shade of BROWN SKIN...the vast majority are DARK BROWN IN COMPLEXION. Secondly there are no such things as black slave. These people are DARK BROWN is color and were free prior to being captured and sold to whites (racially caucasians) TO BE ENSLAVED..I hope you can see the difference.

Were the Aztecs white?  The Aztecs and Mayan are todays Mexicans, Nicaraguans, Guatamalans, Hondurans...They never, as whites claim, DISAPPEARED!!!...Again another white game to make the ignorant believe that the Mexicans have accomplished nothing and that the WONDERS that exist in Central America were created by someone other than these people... The Mayans and Aztecs are a DARK SKINNED PEOPLE...even your most ignorant white will tell you that...Have you ever been to school or a library, or studied the history of other people beside the pathetic whites whose history is nothing but glorified LIES???

MY MY MY 333386 you sure have your issues and workl cut out for you in the "NEED TO BE EDUCATED" department.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 09:51:32 AM
My point was that people have been killing each other and doing shitty things to each other since we have been on the planet.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 10:05:13 AM
I did not want to go here with you, but ok. 

Samson - who created "white" people?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 06, 2009, 10:08:17 AM
I did not want to go here with you, but ok. 

Samson - who created "white" people?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 10:09:54 AM


I did not know a type of cloth could create a evil race of people.  Wow.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hereford on May 06, 2009, 10:10:02 AM
They were not the cheapest by far, but I respected them for thwat they were doing and decided to give them a chance over the cheaper company that hires illegal mexicans.

I am glad to have them at the office and them a little more than the cheaper companies hiring illegal mexicans.

That is my version of Affirmative Action.

Not govt nonsense.   

I hired a guy to do landscape at a relatives house in SoCal. I intentionally looked for one who did not hire illegals. Hiring hispanics is fine, but you can tell if they use the illegal kind. It was a bitch to find, but I eventually located a company. Talking to the owner, he told me he was ok for now, but eventually was going to have to hire illegals or go out of business because he couldn't compete. 99% of people do things based on cost, and illegals would work for half of what a normal person could. It sucked, because he had some good mexican guys, but couldn't afford to use them.

If I can't communicate with them, they have no business with me.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 06, 2009, 10:16:54 AM
Personally i think this woman is fantastic.  She provides a service which encourages tolerance and shows you the other side of the coin.  People like Billy are self confessed racists of course he wouldn't stand up to be treated like a black person, then he'd be the one demonised by his silly little skinhead new letters. 

Fact is this experiment works, it teaches tolerance.  It has nothing to do with politics or AA or any of that sh*t.  So don't high jack the thread with things that aren't related.  By the looks of it quite a few of you would be well suited candidates for this.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 10:23:18 AM
Personally i think this woman is fantastic.  She provides a service which encourages tolerance and shows you the other side of the coin.  People like Billy are self confessed racists of course he wouldn't stand up to be treated like a black person, then he'd be the one demonised by his silly little skinhead new letters. 

Fact is this experiment works, it teaches tolerance.  It has nothing to do with politics or AA or any of that sh*t.  So don't high jack the thread with things that aren't related.  By the looks of it quite a few of you would be well suited candidates for this.   

Its all about how you approach it.  If you try to shove it down someones throat, there will be pushback.

If you couch it in other terms, people will be more agreeable to look at it.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 06, 2009, 10:24:35 AM
Personally i think this woman is fantastic.  She provides a service which encourages tolerance and shows you the other side of the coin.  People like Billy are self confessed racists of course he wouldn't stand up to be treated like a black person, then he'd be the one demonised by his silly little skinhead new letters. 

Fact is this experiment works, it teaches tolerance.  It has nothing to do with politics or AA or any of that sh*t.  So don't high jack the thread with things that aren't related.  By the looks of it quite a few of you would be well suited candidates for this.   

You see,you miss the entire point.I wouldnt tolerate ANY person snapping at me to "SIT DOWN RIGHT THERE".That would have been the end of the experiment.Unlike the guy who did try to stand up then wimped out,I would have started screaming at her and if she stepped towrds me she would have gotten dropped on the spot as would the bodyguards.

She asked the audiance "who would like to be treated like a black person".I would have stood up.Only having to do half the work of whites and having uncle Obama helping you out.Please.Failing tests and it makes no differance you still get the job because your black.

By the way,Im a racist?Why because Im proud of my race.Funny,but when James Brown sang he was black and proud you wouldnt call him a racist.Not sure of what the hell newsletters your talking about,but Resistance magazine is a monthly magazine of MUCH higher standards then JET magazine.Just because some whites dont feel ashamed of their race and wont tolerate anyone trying to make them ashamed dont assume they are a racist.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 06, 2009, 10:29:41 AM
Its all about how you approach it.  If you try to shove it down someones throat, there will be pushback.

If you couch it in other terms, people will be more agreeable to look at it.

I can see your point.  But her course isn't designed like that.  It could be less radical yes, but this was originally done in the 60's when racism was much more openly acceptable.  I think the point to make of it is - if you keep telling someone they are sh*t they'll start believing it.  It doesn't have to be just words, it can be implied in actions, looks, treatment etc. 

Don't you find it remarkable that people who become discriminated against change from normal people to stuttering stanley's?  Unable to complete tasks properly.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 06, 2009, 10:32:38 AM
Affirmative Action is certainly related to this discussion.  

Its a fine experiment for simple people who need it (and historically it was more important as a teaching tool for that decade).  
The more we are forced into specific groups in the society, the longer it will take to fully eradicate racism.  In England, blacks and whites mix exceptionally well...probably because political and activist groups aren't reminding them daily of their differences.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hereford on May 06, 2009, 10:33:07 AM
You see,you miss the entire point.I wouldnt tolerate ANY person snapping at me to "SIT DOWN RIGHT THERE".That would have been the end of the experiment.Unlike the guy who did try to stand up then wimped out,I would have started screaming at her and if she stepped towrds me she would have gotten dropped on the spot as would the bodyguards.

Such a badass. Can we get some bets on BM vs. Pillowbite?

That would be the MMA of the century...

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 06, 2009, 10:33:39 AM
Billy come on we all know you're a racist.  You referenced the 'master race' and 'final solution' a few pages earlier.  don't try to hide it with "resistance is better than jet" as if it's something to be proud about.  

BTW there is nothing wrong with being proud to be white, there is something wrong with believing that makes you smarter, better, etc than someone who is another skin tone.  

And for the record you wouldn't have said a thing talking about beating up an old lady is hardly a tough guy thing Billy.  You might be strong but you sure as hell aren't smart.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 06, 2009, 10:36:23 AM
Affirmative Action is certainly related to this discussion.  

Its a fine experiment for simple people who need it (and historically it was more important as a teaching tool for that decade).  
The more we are forced into specific groups in the society, the longer it will take to fully eradicate racism.  In England, blacks and whites mix exceptionally well...probably because political and activist groups aren't reminding them daily of their differences.

Really they do? They have the same race issue in England you obviously have never lived in London and heard Londoners talk about it. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 10:36:35 AM
I can see your point.  But her course isn't designed like that.  It could be less radical yes, but this was originally done in the 60's when racism was much more openly acceptable.  I think the point to make of it is - if you keep telling someone they are sh*t they'll start believing it.  It doesn't have to be just words, it can be implied in actions, looks, treatment etc. 

Don't you find it remarkable that people who become discriminated against change from normal people to stuttering stanley's?  Unable to complete tasks properly.   

100% I agree with you on that.   I am telling you from a personal point of view that I am much more willing to listen to someone who disagrees with me or have an opposite of view from me if they dont start off the discussion by accusing me, my race, and my heritage of horrible things.  

I personally think blacks get a raw deal in this country.  A terrible deal, but for reasons you may disagree with.

The liberal self hating whites have convinced blacks that govt is the answer, welfare, grievance, hatred, and retribution are all going to lift them out of their plight.  

Then, these same disgusting liberal & big business scum import millions of illegal aliens to undercut lower class wages thus ensuring blacks will foerver be on welfate.

Liberals need blacks to be dependent on govt because they is a big block of voters.  The moment blacks realize they were sold a lie by these self hating whites, they will no longer need them and thus reject them.

Get my point???.            
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 06, 2009, 10:50:00 AM
My point was that people have been killing each other and doing shitty things to each other since we have been on the planet.   

Which has got fuck all to do with racism.
I have still - YET - to see any good definitive/examples of racism.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 06, 2009, 10:51:15 AM
100% I agree with you on that.   I am telling you from a personal point of view that I am much more willing to listen to someone who disagrees with me or have an opposite of view from me if they dont start off the discussion by accusing me, my race, and my heritage of horrible things.  

I personally think blacks get a raw deal in this country.  A terrible deal, but for reasons you may disagree with.

The liberal self hating whites have convinced blacks that govt is the answer, welfare, grievance, hatred, and retribution are all going to lift them out of their plight.  

Then, these same disgusting liberal & big business scum import millions of illegal aliens to undercut lower class wages thus ensuring blacks will foerver be on welfate.

Liberals need blacks to be dependent on govt because they is a big block of voters.  The moment blacks realize they were sold a lie by these self hating whites, they will no longer need them and thus reject them.

Get my point???.            

I see your point and i agree that those actions end up hindering a lot of african americans.  However, that's not the sole reason they are over represented in prisons, and underrepresented in university and well paid jobs.  The fact is there is no ONE reason.  It's not just racism (whether blatant or subvert) and if you don't believe ask an AA how many times he's been given 'the look' in fact ask an hispanic guy too (they are becoming the new AA but that's not relevant here.) it's not just about being paid welfare and over helped, it's not just about the high levels of crime, it's not just about those things, it's a combination of things that add up to more often than not a sh*tty deal for a child born with dark skin.    
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 06, 2009, 10:56:07 AM

I did not know a type of cloth could create a evil race of people.  Wow.   


Satan, we're an evil race!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 10:57:08 AM
Look since the 1960s the stats on crime etc.

Liberal self hating whites have destroyed AA in this country.  
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 06, 2009, 10:57:45 AM
The world needs the aryan superman. Simple as that.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 06, 2009, 11:02:54 AM
I was kidding, I'm actually quite fond of White people.  :)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 06, 2009, 11:03:59 AM
I was kidding, I'm actually quite fond of White people.  :)

Are you beige? :D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 06, 2009, 11:19:37 AM
Billy come on we all know you're a racist.  You referenced the 'master race' and 'final solution' a few pages earlier.  don't try to hide it with "resistance is better than jet" as if it's something to be proud about.  

BTW there is nothing wrong with being proud to be white, there is something wrong with believing that makes you smarter, better, etc than someone who is another skin tone.  

And for the record you wouldn't have said a thing talking about beating up an old lady is hardly a tough guy thing Billy.  You might be strong but you sure as hell aren't smart.

Your a silly fool.I posted that AFTER some asshole called for the extermination of whites.As usual though that didnt bother you.Its only when whites post THE EXACT same thing that it bothers you.A typical self hating white idiot.

Ive been fired for jobs for much less then that lady attempted.Please,you have no idea what Iam or what I do,so dont try to analyze it.As usual,the proof is in the pudding.I post with my REAL name,with my Real feelings and dont give a flying fuck who it offends and if anyone has a problem with it,come over to Indiana,give me a place to meet you and DO SOMETHING about it.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 06, 2009, 11:43:59 AM
kc, the racial issues in London are much more related to Pakistani and Muslim immigrants.  Also Eastern European gypsies.  I was in London for 10 days last year and noticed the blacks and whites mixed very well and didn't appear to be as segregated as some areas of the US, they were also indistiguishable with speech and dress (thats an important item).  There wasn't a 'black subculture', like there are in some of our inner cities.  Had several friends study in England who noticed the same thing.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 06, 2009, 11:54:18 AM
Personally i think this woman is fantastic.  She provides a service which encourages tolerance and shows you the other side of the coin.  People like Billy are self confessed racists of course he wouldn't stand up to be treated like a black person, then he'd be the one demonised by his silly little skinhead new letters. 

Fact is this experiment works, it teaches tolerance.  It has nothing to do with politics or AA or any of that sh*t.  So don't high jack the thread with things that aren't related.  By the looks of it quite a few of you would be well suited candidates for this.   

I posted this video because my friend was forced to go through this as "anti-racism" training for a government job he has this summer.

It is disgusting to me that this video only posts whites as being racist when the blacks are vastly overrepresented in terms of hate crime perpetration.  In both relative and absolute terms, blacks have committed more crime against whites than the reverse throughout US history, despite the fact that they are far lower in the overall population.

Yet despite all of that, whites are labeled as the racist ones?

Notice in the second part of the video she said that whites do better on intelligence tests because they favour white culture. Funny how Asian people perform better than white people on these tests supposedly biased in favour of white people, thus totally destroying her ridiculous claim - doh!

Then she implies that intelligence tests test for crystallized knowledge such as "Who is the seventh President of the United States"? Intelligence tests do no such thing! They test from everything from simple math ability to reaction time - NONE of these measures are culturally biased.

Also, if it is possible to create a test which favours white culture where whites outperform blacks then it is possible to create a test which favours black culture where blacks outperform whites. So where is it? Oh right - it has NEVER happened, and it certainly has never happened in the realm of unbiased testing.

Oh, and you're going to have to explain to me how Raven's Progressive Matrices are "culturally biased":

Three year old whites and Asians can solve these puzzles yet they are culturally biased somehow!

I suppose the fact that black people have brains that are 7% smaller than whites is also due to white people treating them with racism?  ::)

Evolution is NOT an equal opportunity employer.  Some individuals and groups of individuals did not acquire the same genetic and environmental advantages over the course of their evolution.  Deal with it.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 06, 2009, 11:56:20 AM
I posted this video because my friend was forced to go through this as "anti-racism" training for a government job he has this summer.

It is disgusting to me that this video only posts whites as being racist when the blacks are vastly overrepresented in terms of hate crime perpetration.  In both relative and absolute terms, blacks have committed more crime against whites than the reverse throughout US history, despite the fact that they are far lower in the overall population.

Yet despite all of that, whites are labeled as the racist ones?

Notice in the second part of the video she said that whites do better on intelligence tests because they favour white culture. Funny how Asian people perform better than white people on these tests supposedly biased in favour of white people, thus totally destroying her ridiculous claim - doh!

Then she implies that intelligence tests test for crystallized knowledge such as "Who is the seventh President of the United States"? Intelligence tests do no such thing! They test from everything from simple math ability to reaction time - NONE of these measures are culturally biased.

Also, if it is possible to create a test which favours white culture where whites outperform blacks then it is possible to create a test which favours black culture where blacks outperform whites. So where is it? Oh right - it has NEVER happened, and it certainly has never happened in the realm of unbiased testing.

Oh, and you're going to have to explain to me how Raven's Progressive Matrices are "culturally biased":

Three year old whites and Asians can solve these puzzles yet they are culturally biased somehow!

I suppose the fact that black people have brains that are 7% smaller than whites is also due to white people treating them with racism?  ::)

Evolution is NOT an equal opportunity employer.  Some individuals and groups of individuals did not acquire the same genetic and environmental advantages over the course of their evolution.  Deal with it.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 11:57:34 AM
Liberal whites are responsible for far more racism than any other group. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 06, 2009, 12:11:55 PM

Black people have the smallest average brain size of any racial group, but that is because white people treat them with racism, it has nothing to do with 40,000 years of divergent biological evolution or anything:

And Billy, don't you know that intelligence tests are BIASED against black people?

Look at this racist questions:

When coupling hoses together, ___ 50-feet hoses and ___ 75-feet hoses will result in a length of 575 feet.

a. 5, 4
b. 4, 4
c. 5, 5
d. 4, 5

As you can see, test questions like this one are clearly racist against black people.  Blacks came dead last, so it must be due to racism!  What a racist firefighting department - despite refusing to promote the whites who performed better in the name of "equality", they are still somehow racist!

And just look at this image below, it is so easy that children can solve it, but it is obviously a racist measure of intelligence.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 06, 2009, 12:37:34 PM
Black people have the smallest average brain size of any racial group, but that is because white people treat them with racism, it has nothing to do with 40,000 years of divergent biological evolution or anything:

Matt C,
Do you believe that women have a smaller average brain size than men?  Do you believe that this makes the average man more intelligent than the average woman?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Ex Coelis on May 06, 2009, 02:42:46 PM

I don't think anyone is surprised that a place called "Cracker Barrel" is racist . . .
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 06, 2009, 03:01:08 PM

Are you beige? :D

I'm so Aryan that I make Reinhard Heidrich look like Ron Avidan.  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:14:19 PM
People must be pretty insecure for shit like this to bother them.

Ain't that the truth!!!

Check out this one and her meltdown from a 2001 workshop: The Angry Eye (

Unfuckinbelieveable. It just flabberghasts me, and leaves me shaking my head in disbelief.  ::)
On the one hand, I have empathy, but on the other, I want to slap the shit out of them,
shake them within an inch of their lives and say WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 03:16:25 PM
I posted this video because my friend was forced to go through this as "anti-racism" training for a government job he has this summer.

It is disgusting to me that this video only posts whites as being racist when the blacks are vastly overrepresented in terms of hate crime perpetration.  In both relative and absolute terms, blacks have committed more crime against whites than the reverse throughout US history, despite the fact that they are far lower in the overall population.

Yet despite all of that, whites are labeled as the racist ones?

Notice in the second part of the video she said that whites do better on intelligence tests because they favour white culture. Funny how Asian people perform better than white people on these tests supposedly biased in favour of white people, thus totally destroying her ridiculous claim - doh!

Then she implies that intelligence tests test for crystallized knowledge such as "Who is the seventh President of the United States"? Intelligence tests do no such thing! They test from everything from simple math ability to reaction time - NONE of these measures are culturally biased.

Also, if it is possible to create a test which favours white culture where whites outperform blacks then it is possible to create a test which favours black culture where blacks outperform whites. So where is it? Oh right - it has NEVER happened, and it certainly has never happened in the realm of unbiased testing.

Oh, and you're going to have to explain to me how Raven's Progressive Matrices are "culturally biased":

Three year old whites and Asians can solve these puzzles yet they are culturally biased somehow!

I suppose the fact that black people have brains that are 7% smaller than whites is also due to white people treating them with racism?  ::)

Evolution is NOT an equal opportunity employer.  Some individuals and groups of individuals did not acquire the same genetic and environmental advantages over the course of their evolution.  Deal with it.
do you have a link to this? Ive read that negro brains are 6 cubic cm smaller than whites but not 7% smaller
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 03:17:30 PM
You see,you miss the entire point.I wouldnt tolerate ANY person snapping at me to "SIT DOWN RIGHT THERE".That would have been the end of the experiment.Unlike the guy who did try to stand up then wimped out,I would have started screaming at her and if she stepped towrds me she would have gotten dropped on the spot as would the bodyguards.

She asked the audiance "who would like to be treated like a black person".I would have stood up.Only having to do half the work of whites and having uncle Obama helping you out.Please.Failing tests and it makes no differance you still get the job because your black.

By the way,Im a racist?Why because Im proud of my race.Funny,but when James Brown sang he was black and proud you wouldnt call him a racist.Not sure of what the hell newsletters your talking about,but Resistance magazine is a monthly magazine of MUCH higher standards then JET magazine.Just because some whites dont feel ashamed of their race and wont tolerate anyone trying to make them ashamed dont assume they are a racist.
I was thinking the same exact thing, great point
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 06, 2009, 03:19:10 PM
Matt C,
Do you believe that women have a smaller average brain size than men?

Do I "believe" such a thing?  No I do not "believe" it, it is a recorded factFacts are not meant to be accepted or rejected, facts are merely meant to be acknowledged.

Do you "believe" that the world is round?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:29:15 PM
I hired a guy to do landscape at a relatives house in SoCal. I intentionally looked for one who did not hire illegals. Hiring hispanics is fine, but you can tell if they use the illegal kind. It was a bitch to find, but I eventually located a company. Talking to the owner, he told me he was ok for now, but eventually was going to have to hire illegals or go out of business because he couldn't compete. 99% of people do things based on cost, and illegals would work for half of what a normal person could. It sucked, because he had some good mexican guys, but couldn't afford to use them.

If I can't communicate with them, they have no business with me.

When did not having legal status in a country make one abnormal? So the opposite of illegal is not legal? 
Ever consider that Mexican nationals might consider the majority of SoCal residents to be the illegal ones?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 06, 2009, 03:36:12 PM
do you have a link to this? Ive read that negro brains are 6 cubic cm smaller than whites but not 7% smaller

White people are racist towards black people which apparently causes their brains to shrink.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:37:04 PM

Satan, we're an evil race!

That's because Satan is the angel of light. The lack of melanin in your skin and eyes of blue-eyes people, allows more ultra violet rays to enter. These UV rays when entering through the eyes, ...have essentially fried their brains.  >:(
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 03:41:23 PM
When did not having legal status in a country make one abnormal? So the opposite of illegal is not legal? 
Ever consider that Mexican nationals might consider the majority of SoCal residents to be the illegal ones?

What garbage.  Pure nonsense. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:43:32 PM
kc, the racial issues in London are much more related to Pakistani and Muslim immigrants.  Also Eastern European gypsies.  I was in London for 10 days last year and noticed the blacks and whites mixed very well and didn't appear to be as segregated as some areas of the US, they were also indistiguishable with speech and dress (thats an important item).  There wasn't a 'black subculture', like there are in some of our inner cities.  Had several friends study in England who noticed the same thing.

You don't get it shootfighter. The situation between Black & Whites in America is uniquely American.
People say the problem with the US is they don't make anything anymore. That's not true.
Some things are uniquely 'Made In America'. Not saying 'race issues' don't appear elsewhere, but the propensity towards racism, is relatively speaking, a very American cancer.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 06, 2009, 03:52:48 PM
You don't get it shootfighter. The situation between Black & Whites in America is uniquely American.
People say the problem with the US is they don't make anything anymore. That's not true.
Some things are uniquely 'Made In America'. Not saying 'race issues' don't appear elsewhere, but the propensity towards racism, is relatively speaking, a very American cancer.

And guess who usually provokes, promotes, pushes, and prods those issues all the time????
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:53:05 PM
"I'm Jane Elliott. I'm your resident bitch for the day - welcome to the workshop." Anti-racism expert, Jane Elliott.

That's how anti-racism expert Jane Elliott describes her role in this reality-based documentary that challenges Canadian's attitudes towards Native Canadians. "Even nice Canadians are racist." Whether or not you agree, that's Elliott's starting point as she welcomes and bullies 22 Canadians who have volunteered to participate in her internationally renowned workshop. With cameras rolling, she divides the unsuspecting participants by eye color, , blue-eyes in one group, brown-eyes (many of them Native Canadian) in the other. Elliott turns the tables on the participants treating the blue eyes as "persons of color," confronting and brow-beating them, while the "brown eyes" get treated with respect. Filmed in Regina, Saskatchewan, Indecently Exposed!, illustrates and exposes how systemic racism continues to thrive in Canada today.

Check out a snippet from the Canadian Workshop Indecently Exposed (
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 06, 2009, 03:53:47 PM
And guess who usually provokes, promotes, pushes, and prods those issues all the time????

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Ex Coelis on May 06, 2009, 04:31:06 PM
"I'm Jane Elliott. I'm your resident bitch for the day - welcome to the workshop." Anti-racism expert, Jane Elliott.

That's how anti-racism expert Jane Elliott describes her role in this reality-based documentary that challenges Canadian's attitudes towards Native Canadians. "Even nice Canadians are racist." Whether or not you agree, that's Elliott's starting point as she welcomes and bullies 22 Canadians who have volunteered to participate in her internationally renowned workshop. With cameras rolling, she divides the unsuspecting participants by eye color, , blue-eyes in one group, brown-eyes (many of them Native Canadian) in the other. Elliott turns the tables on the participants treating the blue eyes as "persons of color," confronting and brow-beating them, while the "brown eyes" get treated with respect. Filmed in Regina, Saskatchewan, Indecently Exposed!, illustrates and exposes how systemic racism continues to thrive in Canada today.

Check out a snippet from the Canadian Workshop Indecently Exposed (

haha so true

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 06, 2009, 05:07:40 PM

White people are racist towards black people which apparently causes their brains to shrink.

Do you hate Blacks or Jews more?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hereford on May 06, 2009, 06:34:01 PM
When did not having legal status in a country make one abnormal? So the opposite of illegal is not legal? 
Ever consider that Mexican nationals might consider the majority of SoCal residents to be the illegal ones?

In this situation Jag, "normal' refers to the average worker in this field.

I agree with 333386, your response reeks of leftist despiration.

Try again.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:05:24 PM
its painful watching this video. i wonder how many blacks would wipe slavery from the history books if it meant they'd be living in africa today?  the problem is not that whites are racist toward blacks, whites are far too compassionate and accepting of them.  the problem is multiculturalism, that blacks and whites are like oil and water.  whitey will always be racist and blacks oppressed because blacks will never match or outperform whites academically, in the workforce etc, they will always have feeling of inferiority as a result, and whites inherent superiority in fields involving intelligence/success etc. will make us forever racist.
what do white people need to do, give away everything to blacks and do our best to become as stupid, violent and unsuccessful as possible, then we won't be racist anymore and we can all live happily together?
 the only solution is deportation or segregation.  blacks need to accept reality and thank their lucky stars they live in a country where they have whitey to support and look after them, affording them a standard of living lightyears above what they could ever dream to provide on their own.

yes I guess you're right..whites should forget about the mass murders they'e done in order to take the land of others and to dominate everyone in society when all everyone else wanted was to live in peace and equality with them...

whites should forget that they enacted laws to oppress others and deny them basic freedoms, education,and the ability to accumulate wealth as they did..

whites should forget all the inventions and innovations blacks, jews and others came up with which they in turn did not give credit for in the history books or stole for themselves....

whites should forget how they keep themselves superior through discrimination, racism, and they have taken 96% of the country's wealth while leaving 4% for everyone else to split thus locking in a standard of living for themselves which is artificially high and then blaming the others for not being able to attain the same lifestyle.....

yes ..lets forget all're all so compassionate

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:08:17 PM
Blacks as a group are morons. Other groups have succeeded under far worse conditions. Blacks tends to fail wherever they go.

uh huh..and piss drinkers aren't morons???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:10:46 PM
The whole point of the "TEST" was to find out the mindset of whites and it was revealing to say the least...revealing to WHITES....In all of their ignorance they came to see themselves as they should and as they truly are. Your comments Billy boy puts you right in the circle (or should I say CIRCUS) of whites who operate on a limited mentality and preconceived ideas about people. Whites being a small minority on earth, a minority in america and soon to be minority in Europe operate out of pure fear that if they don't look dowwn on the people of the world or through violence try to threaten or dominate, they will end up being dominated. So all manner of deceptive games have been tried on the worlds people by whites from religious differences, cultural differences, racial differences, physical attribute differences, etc etc in an attempt to keep people fighting or more concerned about nonsensical things so that they don't turn to whites as the source of the PROBLEMS on the planet and deal with it as they should.

This TEST makes white experience THEMSELVES as though they were someone else and then it records their reactions and as you can see... they didn't like it.

Would you have thrown your hand up at this TEST claiing that it would benefit you because Blacks have it better than whites? Your hand would have remained down just like the rest of the whites and nothing on earth would have made yo VOLUNTARILY raise your hand to be subjected to the ills of your own....stop kidding yourself.

awesome are a genius
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:14:26 PM
Well, this thread has gone downhill pretty fast....

I just want to see Affirmative Action repealed in 2009.  I understand its purpose and perhaps it has helped.  Some people are still (obviously) racist...some whites are overwhelming appologists and fear any retort that could be labeled racist, but at this point, the big systems are not racist and A.A. should be repealed.

whites have always had affirmative's called discrimination
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 07:17:18 PM

whites have always had affirmative's called discrimination
maybe you should move to a black nation if you dislike it here, oh wait, without whites you would be living in a mud hut and starving to death while dying of aids.  suck up the 'discrimination' and praise the lord you live in a white nation and not a black one.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:19:21 PM
how about the government is that not large enough for you, they discriminate against whites all the time, how about colleges or college grants/scholarships?

what about all the white kids who get into the top colleges because daddy is rich or knows someone???....are all those white kids super smart and get into these coleges on merit???..come on
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: calfzilla on May 06, 2009, 07:21:07 PM
maybe you should move to a black nation if you dislike it here, oh wait, without whites you would be living in a mud hut and starving to death while dying of aids.  suck up the 'discrimination' and praise the lord you live in a white nation and not a black one.
Yeah, they bitch nonstop about us whites stealing land from the Indians and forcing blacks into slavery, but they have no problem reaping the rewards of all those evil deeds our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:22:06 PM
I dont need a govt mandate to tell me to do the right thing.  For example, I had to hire a cleaning company to clean my office.  I interviewed a few people and one of the companies was one started by three black guys 20 -25 y/o.  They do the cleaning themselves and are stand up guys

I 1000% respect these young guys because they come from the Bronx ikje me and i know the influences that they have to ignore to do this.

They were not the cheapest by far, but I respected them for thwat they were doing and decided to give them a chance over the cheaper company that hires illegal mexicans.

I am glad to have them at the office and them a little more than the cheaper companies hiring illegal mexicans.

That is my version of Affirmative Action.

Not govt nonsense.   

Hey..I;m in the Bronx too.....what neighborhood did you grow up in?...I grew up in living in Mott Haven
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:26:14 PM
Which has got fuck all to do with racism.
I have still - YET - to see any good definitive/examples of racism.

Look in the mirror
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 07:31:38 PM

yes I guess you're right..whites should forget about the mass murders they'e done in order to take the land of others and to dominate everyone in society when all everyone else wanted was to live in peace and equality with them...

whites should forget that they enacted laws to oppress others and deny them basic freedoms, education,and the ability to accumulate wealth as they did..                 

whites should forget all the inventions and innovations blacks, jews and others came up with which they in turn did not give credit for in the history books or stole for themselves....

whites should forget how they keep themselves superior through discrimination, racism, and they have taken 96% of the country's wealth while leaving 4% for everyone else to split thus locking in a standard of living for themselves which is artificially high and then blaming the others for not being able to attain the same lifestyle.....

yes ..lets forget all're all so compassionate

what inventions have jews not been given credit for?  I suggest you visit this site regarding black 'inventions'

you are not honestly trying to say blacks are a net benefit to society, are you?

Yeah, they bitch nonstop about us whites stealing land from the Indians and forcing blacks into slavery, but they have no problem reaping the rewards of all those evil deeds our ancestors did hundreds of years ago. 
agreed, let's also not pretend blacks would not do the same if they were as advanced as whites and had the capability, just look how violent and uncivilized they are in every corner of the globe, it would be unimaginable how awful this planet would be if blacks wielded such power.  whites were actually the first people on the north america, the solutrean people who were wiped into extinction by the 'native' americans who came from asia.  these are our rightful ancestral lands.  
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 07:34:52 PM

what about all the white kids who get into the top colleges because daddy is rich or knows someone???....are all those white kids super smart and get into these coleges on merit???..come on
tiny fraction of the unqualified blacks who get into college(with scholarships) and the workforce over much more intelligent/qualified whites.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:35:02 PM
maybe you should move to a black nation if you dislike it here, oh wait, without whites you would be living in a mud hut and starving to death while dying of aids.  suck up the 'discrimination' and praise the lord you live in a white nation and not a black one.

okay...and without your white ancestors who murdered others , took their lands, and stole vast amounts of wealth thus setting up a system where whites could have continued success superiority over others, where do you think YOU would be???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 06, 2009, 07:36:56 PM

yes I guess you're right..whites should forget about the mass murders they'e done in order to take the land of others and to dominate everyone in society when all everyone else wanted was to live in peace and equality with them...

All groups have done this.  Every last one of them.  Europeans have merely done it better.  It's survival of the fittest and I have no reason to apologize for the fact that my ancestors were better at surviving than your ancestors were - something that every racial group attempted to do - in fact something that every organism starting at the cellular level attempts to do - survive.

It's not that whites were more vicious than others.  As I already said, Arabs traded more African slaves than Europeans did and did so much more brutally.  African leaders were the beneficiaries of the slave trade also and were also brutal to their own who they traded as slaves.  Don't be mad at Europeans because we managed to succeed where other groups did not.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 07:38:09 PM
tiny fraction of the unqualified blacks who get into college(with scholarships) and the workforce over much more intelligent/qualified whites.

there are lots of unqualified whites in jobs simply because they are are proof of racism in that you assume all whites in jobs are qualified
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 07:43:02 PM

there are lots of unqualified whites in jobs simply because they are are proof of racism in that you assume all whites in jobs are qualified
and whose fault is that?  blacks have a proven track record of laziness and stupidity, why would anyone want to take the chance at hiring one of you?  the only reason there are as many blacks employed in the US as there are is because companies are forced to.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Fury on May 06, 2009, 07:58:27 PM
I've been making a concerted effort to move past this racist bullshit because looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint makes the ones pushing it look pretty petty and insecure. However, this is fact but one only needs to look at the current situation in Zimbabwe to see what blacks have done when put in power. 20 years ago Zimbabwe was one of the crown jewels of Africa. Was a great country. Since that moron Mugabe started confiscating white farmland and given it to blacks, that country has fallen into ruin. They're all starving because they can't cultivate the land, their infrastructure fell apart, massive hyperinflation and a host of other problems. Nevermind the fact that Mugabe threw himself a $2 million birthday party to celebrate his destruction of that country.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Big_Gunzzzz on May 06, 2009, 08:38:46 PM
and whose fault is that?  blacks have a proven track record of laziness and stupidity, why would anyone want to take the chance at hiring one of you?  the only reason there are as many blacks employed in the US as there are is because companies are forced to.

I've hired blacks before and given them PLENTY of opportunities and never gotten much in the way of results.  For me to continue to do so would be financial suicide.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 08:47:24 PM
I've hired blacks before and given them PLENTY of opportunities and never gotten much in the way of results.  For me to continue to do so would be financial suicide.
let's just assume blacks are equal or better workers than whites on average.  why should a private business be forced to hire blacks(or anyone), even if the reason they don't hire them because they cant stand the look of their skin, big noses etc, why shouldn't the private employer be allowed to hire whom he wants based on any criteria he chooses, and why can't a landlord choose whether he wants negro tenants or not? this is supposed to be a free country, blacks are quite free to build up their own businesses and communities or leave the country if they don't like how things are.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Big_Gunzzzz on May 06, 2009, 08:53:19 PM
let's just assume blacks are equal or better workers than whites on average.  why should a private business be forced to hire blacks(or anyone), even if the reason they don't hire them because they cant stand the look of their skin, big noses etc, why shouldn't the private employer be allowed to hire whom he wants based on any criteria he chooses, and why can't a landlord choose whether he wants negro tenants or not? this is supposed to be a free country, blacks are quite free to build up their own businesses and communities or leave the country if they don't like how things are.

Exactly.  It's a simple issue of private property rights.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 09:11:28 PM
I've been making a concerted effort to move past this racist bullshit because looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint makes the ones pushing it look pretty petty and insecure. However, this is fact but one only needs to look at the current situation in Zimbabwe to see what blacks have done when put in power. 20 years ago Zimbabwe was one of the crown jewels of Africa. Was a great country. Since that moron Mugabe started confiscating white farmland and given it to blacks, that country has fallen into ruin. They're all starving because they can't cultivate the land, their infrastructure fell apart, massive hyperinflation and a host of other problems. Nevermind the fact that Mugabe threw himself a $2 million birthday party to celebrate his destruction of that country.

Mugabe is a thug, no doubt about it....but when the country was called Rhodesia and whites were in charge, they sytematically looted the country of it's natural resources, murdered many blacks and subjugated the country through an apartheid -like system and took the best land for themselves leaving the black population destitute.....all to serve their needs because they were greedy.....

but thats okay right???

you make a good point but your lack of fairness and evenhandednes is glaring...

black peple do this and black people do that, but ignore all the harm whites have done..

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Big_Gunzzzz on May 06, 2009, 09:16:06 PM

Mugabe is a thug, no doubt about it....but when the country was called Rhodesia and whites were in charge, they sytematically looted the country of it's natural resources, murdered many blacks and subjugated the country through an apartheid -like system and took the best land for themselves leaving the black population destitute.....all to serve their needs because they were greedy.....

but thats okay right???

you make a good point but your lack of fairness and evenhandednes is glaring...

black peple do this and black people do that, but ignore all the harm whites have done..


Despite anything the white people did, the Zimbabweans were BETTER OFF with white government.  You want to complain about white government in Zimbabwe?  Fine - hopefully the starving Zimbabweans are enjoying hyperinflation and starving to death without whites being there anymore!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 06, 2009, 09:18:48 PM
Despite anything the white people did, the Zimbabweans were BETTER OFF with white government.  You want to complain about white government in Zimbabwe?  Fine - hopefully the starving Zimbabweans are enjoying hyperinflation and starving to death without whites being there anymore!
africans from nearby countries would flock to rhodesia in huge numbers to work during white rule, no so much now.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 06, 2009, 09:19:52 PM
in other words....white people looted and killed for the benefit of black people and Mugabe does it to their detriment?

Again....EPIC can't even bring yourself to be fair and admit that whites did anything wrong.....I have denounced Mugabe but I don't see the same from you
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Big_Gunzzzz on May 06, 2009, 09:27:27 PM
in other words....white people looted and killed for the benefit of black people and Mugabe does it to their detriment?

Again....EPIC can't even bring yourself to be fair and admit that whites did anything wrong.....I have denounced Mugabe but I don't see the same from you

Who the fuck cares if white people did something wrong when by EVERY OBJECTIVE MEASURE blacks where better off when whites were around?

Jesus, that is exactly how black people are in America.  They are better off to live around whites than to live around blacks yet they still come here and complain about how bad things are.  Yes, whites have done bad things to blacks, but they have done far more good things and a little bit of context helps.  If you want to blame whitey for slavery then you damn well better thank whitey for all of the cures and medical technologies he invented too.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 07, 2009, 02:52:26 AM
I've been making a concerted effort to move past this racist bullshit because looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint makes the ones pushing it look pretty petty and insecure. However, this is fact but one only needs to look at the current situation in Zimbabwe to see what blacks have done when put in power. 20 years ago Zimbabwe was one of the crown jewels of Africa. Was a great country. Since that moron Mugabe started confiscating white farmland and given it to blacks, that country has fallen into ruin. They're all starving because they can't cultivate the land, their infrastructure fell apart, massive hyperinflation and a host of other problems. Nevermind the fact that Mugabe threw himself a $2 million birthday party to celebrate his destruction of that country.

Stupid example.

You look to one despotic leader and the conditions in Zimbabwe as indicative of the intellligence of blacks?

You'd have to apply the same measuring stick to the USA, and George Bush, as indicative of the intelligence of Whites.
8 years ago, the economy was thriving, there were trillion dollar surplusses, plenty of jobs etc., etc. Then that moron Bush took over, starting invading countries, cutting infrastructure, spending like crazy, and giving tax cuts to the wealthiest who didn't need them and weren't asking for them. Then the place started falling apart, poor people couldn't keep spending the money that kept the economy going, and the rich wealthy. Now those record surpluses have turned into record deficits. Never mind the fact that Bush flew to Arizona to be with John McCain to celebrate his birthday, ...that and the fact that New Orleans was under water, millions of people were dying, and he didn't have a clue or a plan to address the situation.

It took Mugabe 20 yrs of corruption to destroy Zimbabwe, Bush did it in less than 8.
White people are overachievers when it comes to being really stupid!  ::)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 02:56:35 AM
There are obvious genetic differences between whites and blacks, intelligence wise and otherwise. That said, life is too short to worry about this shit like MattC does.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 05:13:44 AM

Look in the mirror

How about I dupm x3 .42 (ACP) rounds in your face & YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR.
NOT CUZ YA IZ bLICK - just cuz you is a fucking Lemon - tard.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 05:33:58 AM
There are obvious genetic differences between whites and blacks, intelligence wise and otherwise. That said, life is too short to worry about this shit like MattC does.
Unfortunately we don't have the luxury of ignoring racial issues in the western world 'Deicide'.  We need courageous geniuses like matt c who sacrifice their lives to expose the truth.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 07, 2009, 05:46:11 AM

White people are overachievers when it comes to being really stupid!  ::)

When you posted this, you used millions of inventions that the vast majority of them were made by the White man.
You are such a racist bitch , it's sad.

I personally think that race differences are BS and I know people of all races that vary on the range of skill and intelligence and I believe that it's mostly a social difference.

But you're racist views need to change, you keep throwing your hate on anyone who have any of these in him: Male/White/Christian/Jew/Israeli.

It's sad, in your advanced age you should have learned better.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 07, 2009, 06:02:41 AM
Black people have the smallest average brain size of any racial group, but that is because white people treat them with racism, it has nothing to do with 40,000 years of divergent biological evolution or anything:

Do I "believe" such a thing?  No I do not "believe" it, it is a recorded factFacts are not meant to be accepted or rejected, facts are merely meant to be acknowledged.

Do you "believe" that the world is round?

Matt C,
Are you saying that it is a fact that females have smaller brains than males?  Are you saying that it is a fact that males are more intelligent than females?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 07, 2009, 06:05:41 AM

We need courageous geniuses like matt c who sacrifice their lives to expose the truth.

Courageous genius?  :-\  

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but isn't this the same person who swore he had been to Dubai, India?  ???

btw folks, I have it on good authority the full documentary containing the workshop will be on YouTube shortly.

I'll let you know when I get a link.  ;)

(For those of you interested in watching it anyway. I just saw the entire thing. I think everyone should see it.
I think there are quite a few people here who would recognize themselves, or aspects of their personalities and their MO's. I think more than a few will also recognize a few people here, well as aspects of their personalities and MO's)  :-X
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 06:13:57 AM

Hey..I;m in the Bronx too.....what neighborhood did you grow up in?...I grew up in living in Mott Haven

Grew up in Morris Park, now live in Woodlawn on the border on Yonkers near Webster, Neireid, and McLean Ave.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 06:15:00 AM
Unfortunately we don't have the luxury of ignoring racial issues in the western world 'Deicide'.  We need courageous geniuses like matt c who sacrifice their lives to expose the truth.

Are you religious or something or is there some reason you always put my name in quotes?

MattC is likely no genius, at least very little evidence to suggest that. Probably very average intellect but good lifts. Sacrificing his life? LOL. Right. Some guy living in the Canadian boon docks obsessed with race is sacrificing his life, uhm, no.

Maybe if I weren't an expat I would care more about this stuff, that said, it has no bearing on my life.

That said, it's true that there are differences in intelligence, physiology, etc...I just don't think they're worth obsessing about, like I said, life is too short.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 07, 2009, 06:17:55 AM
Matt C,
Are you saying that it is a fact that females have smaller brains than males?  Are you saying that it is a fact that males are more intelligent than females?

Not to mention that our "great scientist" Matt forgot to mention that the correlation between brain size and intelligence is weak at best.

So his "fact" means nothing and doesn't support his claim, not to mention that in such complex studies the "facts" change daily, it's not physics that you can create an experiment and prove your point over and over again.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:22:41 AM
I've hired blacks before and given them PLENTY of opportunities and never gotten much in the way of results.  For me to continue to do so would be financial suicide.

I'm sure you've gotten bad results from whites also...why just single out blacks?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:23:35 AM
tiny fraction of the unqualified blacks who get into college(with scholarships) and the workforce over much more intelligent/qualified whites.

your denial is mind-blowing...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:26:06 AM
let's just assume blacks are equal or better workers than whites on average.  why should a private business be forced to hire blacks(or anyone), even if the reason they don't hire them because they cant stand the look of their skin, big noses etc, why shouldn't the private employer be allowed to hire whom he wants based on any criteria he chooses, and why can't a landlord choose whether he wants negro tenants or not? this is supposed to be a free country, blacks are quite free to build up their own businesses and communities or leave the country if they don't like how things are.

Please keep posting stuff like are my best proof of racism...I may just stop posting and let people read your stuff to prove my point
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 06:26:45 AM
Fact=there are racial differences.

Fact=who cares?

Fact=you should all get on with your lives.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:27:58 AM
Who the fuck cares if white people did something wrong when by EVERY OBJECTIVE MEASURE blacks where better off when whites were around?

Jesus, that is exactly how black people are in America.  They are better off to live around whites than to live around blacks yet they still come here and complain about how bad things are.  Yes, whites have done bad things to blacks, but they have done far more good things and a little bit of context helps.  If you want to blame whitey for slavery then you damn well better thank whitey for all of the cures and medical technologies he invented too.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: BM OUT on May 07, 2009, 06:28:50 AM
Stupid example.

You look to one despotic leader and the conditions in Zimbabwe as indicative of the intellligence of blacks?

You'd have to apply the same measuring stick to the USA, and George Bush, as indicative of the intelligence of Whites.
8 years ago, the economy was thriving, there were trillion dollar surplusses, plenty of jobs etc., etc. Then that moron Bush took over, starting invading countries, cutting infrastructure, spending like crazy, and giving tax cuts to the wealthiest who didn't need them and weren't asking for them. Then the place started falling apart, poor people couldn't keep spending the money that kept the economy going, and the rich wealthy. Now those record surpluses have turned into record deficits. Never mind the fact that Bush flew to Arizona to be with John McCain to celebrate his birthday, ...that and the fact that New Orleans was under water, millions of people were dying, and he didn't have a clue or a plan to address the situation.

It took Mugabe 20 yrs of corruption to destroy Zimbabwe, Bush did it in less than 8.
White people are overachievers when it comes to being really stupid!  ::)

The economy was on a downturn when Bush took office.Once the dot com craze exploded that was it for the Clinton economy.Under Bush we had 6 very good years,despoite 911.To try to compare Bush to Mugabe is really one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen.

I love how these black appologists NEVER blame blacks for anything.75% of bloacks born out of wedlock?Its whites fault ,its still the residual effect of slavery.Incredible.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:32:45 AM
Who the fuck cares if white people did something wrong when by EVERY OBJECTIVE MEASURE blacks where better off when whites were around?

Jesus, that is exactly how black people are in America.  They are better off to live around whites than to live around blacks yet they still come here and complain about how bad things are.  Yes, whites have done bad things to blacks, but they have done far more good things and a little bit of context helps.  If you want to blame whitey for slavery then you damn well better thank whitey for all of the cures and medical technologies he invented too.

who exactly "comes here and complains"?...blacks have been here before the Irish, Jews, Italians,etc.....we are here and have been here..we don't come from anywhere else to complain....we protest that we are not treated as a full citizen in the land in which we and many many of our past generations were born

and blacks have always fought for the rights of other whites, Jews, Asians and Hispanics....we don't ask for redress for just us..we ask for all to be treated call that complaining???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:35:12 AM
Who the fuck cares if white people did something wrong when by EVERY OBJECTIVE MEASURE blacks where better off when whites were around?

Jesus, that is exactly how black people are in America.  They are better off to live around whites than to live around blacks yet they still come here and complain about how bad things are.  Yes, whites have done bad things to blacks, but they have done far more good things and a little bit of context helps.  If you want to blame whitey for slavery then you damn well better thank whitey for all of the cures and medical technologies he invented too.

you're starting to curse which means I'm getting to you...racial slurs to follow
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:36:23 AM
There are obvious genetic differences between whites and blacks, intelligence wise and otherwise. That said, life is too short to worry about this shit like MattC does.

obvious to who>?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:38:14 AM
Grew up in Morris Park, now live in Woodlawn on the border on Yonkers near Webster, Neireid, and McLean Ave.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 06:43:39 AM

obvious to who>?

James Watson:

[edit] Statement claiming links between race and intelligence
Watson signing autographs after a speech at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on April 30, 2007.See also: Race and intelligence
On October 14, 2007, a biographical article written by one of Watson's former assistants[48], Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe, appeared in the Sunday Times Magazine in anticipation of his soon to be released, in the UK, memoir Avoid Boring People: Lessons from a Life in Science.[48]

Watson was quoted as saying he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" as

“ all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing [IQ and Standardized testing] says not really.[48] ”

Hunt-Grubbe stated that Watson's "hope" was "everyone is equal" but quoted him as having said "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true." Furthermore, she suggested that Watson believed "you should not discriminate on the basis of colour" by quoting him as having said

“ there are many people of colour who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they haven’t succeeded at the lower level.[48] ”

Watson was then attributed as having written

“ there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.[48] ”

The quotes attributed to him drew attention and criticism from press in several countries and was widely discussed on CNN[49], the BBC[50], several papers[51], peers and by civil rights advocates.[52] The common perception was that of Watson claiming a link between race and intelligence with the BBC stating that "[Watson] claimed black people were less intelligent than white people".[50] In his book, the origin of the final written quote, Watson does not directly mention race as a factor in his hypothesized divergence of intellect between geographically isolated populations.[53]

On October 18, The Science Museum in London cancelled a talk that Watson was scheduled to give the following day,[50] stating that they believed Watson's comments had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate." On the same day the Board of Trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson's administrative responsibilities, stating that

“ this action follows the Board’s public statement yesterday disagreeing with the comments attributed to Dr. Watson in the October 14, 2007 edition of The Sunday Times U.K.[54]
that they "vehemently disagree with...and are bewildered and saddened" by.[51]

Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a position inherited from Watson, said

“ I am deeply saddened by the events of the last the aftermath of a racist statement...that was both profoundly offensive and utterly unsupported by scientific evidence.[51] ”

On October 19, Watson issued an apology, stating that he was "mortified" and "cannot understand how I could have said what I am quoted as having said."[55][56] He also claimed to

“ understand why people, reading those words, have reacted in the ways they have ... To all those who have drawn the inference from my words that Africa, as a continent, is somehow genetically inferior, I can only apologize unreservedly. That is not what I meant. More importantly from my point of view, there is no scientific basis for such a belief.[57] ”

Clarifying his position further, Watson explained

“ I have always fiercely defended the position that we should base our view of the world on the state of our knowledge, on fact, and not on what we would like it to be. This is why genetics is so important. For it will lead us to answers to many of the big and difficult questions that have troubled people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
...Since 1978, when a pail of water was dumped over my Harvard friend E O Wilson for saying that genes influence human behaviour, the assault against human behavioural genetics by wishful thinking has remained vigorous.

But irrationality must soon recede ... science is not here to make us feel good. It is to answer questions in the service of knowledge and greater understanding.

...We do not yet adequately understand the way in which the different environments in the world have selected over time the genes which determine our capacity to do different things. The overwhelming desire of society today is to assume that equal powers of reason are a universal heritage of humanity. It may well be. But simply wanting this to be the case is not enough. This is not science.

To question this is not to give in to racism. This is not a discussion about superiority or inferiority, it is about seeking to understand differences, about why some of us are great musicians and others great engineers.[56][57]

Despite Watson's expressed belief in the importance of scientific inquiry into the relationship between heredity and intelligence, a number of news sources reported that Watson was "retracting" his earlier statements on this topic. For example, the journal Nature reported

“ Watson has apologized and retracted the outburst... He acknowledged that there is no evidence for what he claimed about racial differences in intelligence.[58] ”

Nature went on to say that the controversy and cancellations potentially could suppress scientific inquiry by geneticists who are studying the differences between different human population groups.[58] Medical Hypotheses (not peer-reviewed) went further, saying that "The unjustified ill treatment meted out to Watson therefore requires setting the record straight about the current state of the evidence on intelligence, race, and genetics.", and summarised evidence that apparently supports his position, declaring "These are facts, not opinions and science must be governed by data. There is no place for the “moralistic fallacy” that reality must conform to our social, political, or ethical desires."[59]

Despite the apology and subsequent attempt to clarify his position the controversy continued. He returned to the US and Cold Spring Harbor on the 19th October putting his further engagements in doubt. The University of Edinburgh formally retracted an invitation to the "DNA, Dolly and Other Dangerous Ideas: The Destiny of 21st Century Science" Enlightenment Lecture on October 22.[60]

Watson resigned from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on October 25.[49][61] Watson cited reasons for his retirement other than the controversy, though did refer to it.

“ Closer now to 80 than 79, the passing on of my remaining vestiges of leadership is more than overdue. The circumstances in which this transfer is occurring, however, are not those which I could ever have anticipated or desired.[62] ”

On December 9, 2007, a Sunday Times article[63] reported a claim by deCODE Genetics that 16% of Watson's DNA is of African origin and 9% is of Asian origin. deCODE's methods were not reported and details of the analysis were not published. According to deCODE's Kari Stefansson, the analysis relied on an error-ridden version of Watson's full genome sequence, and Stefansson "doubts [. . .] whether the 16 percent figure will hold up"[64] In 2008 Watson was interviewed by Henry Louis Gates regarding his views on race, intelligence, and other controversial subjects.[65]

In 2006 during an interview with Charlie Rose and E. O. Wilson, Watson stated that some people want to believe that evolution stopped 100,000 years ago. He stated that he did not agree with this view and that human differences are not trivial.[66]

IQ by country; look at the distribution...


The most difficult fields usually have much lower percentages of blacks working in them; I can't think of one prominent black person in my field, all Asians and Whites...

BUT....I don't care and it has no bearing on my life...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 06:57:24 AM
James Watson:

[edit] Statement claiming links between race and intelligence
Watson signing autographs after a speech at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on April 30, 2007.See also: Race and intelligence
On October 14, 2007, a biographical article written by one of Watson's former assistants[48], Charlotte Hunt-Grubbe, appeared in the Sunday Times Magazine in anticipation of his soon to be released, in the UK, memoir Avoid Boring People: Lessons from a Life in Science.[48]

Watson was quoted as saying he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" as

“ all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours — whereas all the testing [IQ and Standardized testing] says not really.[48] ”

Hunt-Grubbe stated that Watson's "hope" was "everyone is equal" but quoted him as having said "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true." Furthermore, she suggested that Watson believed "you should not discriminate on the basis of colour" by quoting him as having said

“ there are many people of colour who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they haven’t succeeded at the lower level.[48] ”

Watson was then attributed as having written

“ there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so.[48] ”

The quotes attributed to him drew attention and criticism from press in several countries and was widely discussed on CNN[49], the BBC[50], several papers[51], peers and by civil rights advocates.[52] The common perception was that of Watson claiming a link between race and intelligence with the BBC stating that "[Watson] claimed black people were less intelligent than white people".[50] In his book, the origin of the final written quote, Watson does not directly mention race as a factor in his hypothesized divergence of intellect between geographically isolated populations.[53]

On October 18, The Science Museum in London cancelled a talk that Watson was scheduled to give the following day,[50] stating that they believed Watson's comments had "gone beyond the point of acceptable debate." On the same day the Board of Trustees at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory suspended Watson's administrative responsibilities, stating that

“ this action follows the Board’s public statement yesterday disagreeing with the comments attributed to Dr. Watson in the October 14, 2007 edition of The Sunday Times U.K.[54]
that they "vehemently disagree with...and are bewildered and saddened" by.[51]

Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, a position inherited from Watson, said

“ I am deeply saddened by the events of the last the aftermath of a racist statement...that was both profoundly offensive and utterly unsupported by scientific evidence.[51] ”

On October 19, Watson issued an apology, stating that he was "mortified" and "cannot understand how I could have said what I am quoted as having said."[55][56] He also claimed to

“ understand why people, reading those words, have reacted in the ways they have ... To all those who have drawn the inference from my words that Africa, as a continent, is somehow genetically inferior, I can only apologize unreservedly. That is not what I meant. More importantly from my point of view, there is no scientific basis for such a belief.[57] ”

Clarifying his position further, Watson explained

“ I have always fiercely defended the position that we should base our view of the world on the state of our knowledge, on fact, and not on what we would like it to be. This is why genetics is so important. For it will lead us to answers to many of the big and difficult questions that have troubled people for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
...Since 1978, when a pail of water was dumped over my Harvard friend E O Wilson for saying that genes influence human behaviour, the assault against human behavioural genetics by wishful thinking has remained vigorous.

But irrationality must soon recede ... science is not here to make us feel good. It is to answer questions in the service of knowledge and greater understanding.

...We do not yet adequately understand the way in which the different environments in the world have selected over time the genes which determine our capacity to do different things. The overwhelming desire of society today is to assume that equal powers of reason are a universal heritage of humanity. It may well be. But simply wanting this to be the case is not enough. This is not science.

To question this is not to give in to racism. This is not a discussion about superiority or inferiority, it is about seeking to understand differences, about why some of us are great musicians and others great engineers.[56][57]

Despite Watson's expressed belief in the importance of scientific inquiry into the relationship between heredity and intelligence, a number of news sources reported that Watson was "retracting" his earlier statements on this topic. For example, the journal Nature reported

“ Watson has apologized and retracted the outburst... He acknowledged that there is no evidence for what he claimed about racial differences in intelligence.[58] ”

Nature went on to say that the controversy and cancellations potentially could suppress scientific inquiry by geneticists who are studying the differences between different human population groups.[58] Medical Hypotheses (not peer-reviewed) went further, saying that "The unjustified ill treatment meted out to Watson therefore requires setting the record straight about the current state of the evidence on intelligence, race, and genetics.", and summarised evidence that apparently supports his position, declaring "These are facts, not opinions and science must be governed by data. There is no place for the “moralistic fallacy” that reality must conform to our social, political, or ethical desires."[59]

Despite the apology and subsequent attempt to clarify his position the controversy continued. He returned to the US and Cold Spring Harbor on the 19th October putting his further engagements in doubt. The University of Edinburgh formally retracted an invitation to the "DNA, Dolly and Other Dangerous Ideas: The Destiny of 21st Century Science" Enlightenment Lecture on October 22.[60]

Watson resigned from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on October 25.[49][61] Watson cited reasons for his retirement other than the controversy, though did refer to it.

“ Closer now to 80 than 79, the passing on of my remaining vestiges of leadership is more than overdue. The circumstances in which this transfer is occurring, however, are not those which I could ever have anticipated or desired.[62] ”

On December 9, 2007, a Sunday Times article[63] reported a claim by deCODE Genetics that 16% of Watson's DNA is of African origin and 9% is of Asian origin. deCODE's methods were not reported and details of the analysis were not published. According to deCODE's Kari Stefansson, the analysis relied on an error-ridden version of Watson's full genome sequence, and Stefansson "doubts [. . .] whether the 16 percent figure will hold up"[64] In 2008 Watson was interviewed by Henry Louis Gates regarding his views on race, intelligence, and other controversial subjects.[65]

In 2006 during an interview with Charlie Rose and E. O. Wilson, Watson stated that some people want to believe that evolution stopped 100,000 years ago. He stated that he did not agree with this view and that human differences are not trivial.[66]

IQ by country; look at the distribution...


The most difficult fields usually have much lower percentages of blacks working in them; I can't think of one prominent black person in my field, all Asians and Whites...

BUT....I don't care and it has no bearing on my life...

It has no bearing on your life because you are white..but minorities have to live with the negative consequences of being stereotyped everyday....

However, this is an excellent post....very good reference..thanks for posting was a very interesting read....I want to refute some of this stuff but I guess the article speaks for itself....people will look at it and pull from it what they want to believe....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 07:04:54 AM


Im trying to leave.   

My business keeps me here. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: OzmO on May 07, 2009, 07:15:57 AM
Fact=there are racial differences.

Fact=who cares?

Fact=you should all get on with your lives.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 07:57:43 AM

It has no bearing on your life because you are white..but minorities have to live with the negative consequences of being stereotyped everyday....

However, this is an excellent post....very good reference..thanks for posting was a very interesting read....I want to refute some of this stuff but I guess the article speaks for itself....people will look at it and pull from it what they want to believe....

Does it matter though if you are black? Not really, you are an individual and you can do the best you can. I will never have a great physique nor an extraordinarily bright mind but I do what I can with what the gods have given me.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 07:59:39 AM
Does it matter though if you are black? Not really, you are an individual and you can do the best you can. I will never have a great physique not an extraordinarily bright mind but I do what I can with what the gods have given me.

Do the best you can with what you have.  If you do that, you will be better than 90% of all people of all races. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 08:27:48 AM
Are you religious or something or is there some reason you always put my name in quotes?
don't you mean apostrophes?  take an English class.  no i'm agnostic

MattC is likely no genius, at least very little evidence to suggest that. Probably very average intellect but good lifts.
matt c is a genius, extremely successful and mensa level top 1 percentile IQ.  agree on the lifts, matt c is a strong bastard, lb for lb one of if not the strongest guy/s here.

Sacrificing his life? LOL. Right. Some guy living in the Canadian boon docks obsessed with race is sacrificing his life, uhm, no.
yes while other people are our partying and having fun matt c is fighting for our future
Maybe if I weren't an expat I would care more about this stuff, that said, it has no bearing on my life.
yes, you have no loyalty to anyone or anything, you are a nomad.
That said, it's true that there are differences in intelligence, physiology, etc...I just don't think they're worth obsessing about, like I said, life is too short.
agreed. exactly why matt c should be commended for sacrificing his life for us bitches
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 08:46:09 AM
don't you mean apostrophes?  take an English class.  no i'm agnostic
matt c is a genius, extremely successful and mensa level top 1 percentile IQ.  agree on the lifts, matt c is a strong bastard, lb for lb one of if not the strongest guy/s here.
yes while other people are our partying and having fun matt c is fighting for our futureyes, you have no loyalty to anyone or anything, you are a nomad.agreed. exactly why matt c should be commended for sacrificing his life for us bitches

Sorry, need glasses. It's just a bbing message board, chill out.  Your spelling is off as well, but who cares? I don't understand your hostility towards me but anyway.

Dude, this is getbig, chances that there are mensa level geniuses running round here are up there with the chances of winning the lotto. What has he done that is so fantastic? I repeat: obsessing over race on an internet message board is 'sacrificing your life'=not a good example.

I don't have any friends that only party; I don't. We just concentrate on more important things that obsessing over race.

I am a nomad BUT I do have loyalty. I am very loyal to my friends and those I care about but race is an irrelevant factor and I am also loyal to my basic moral code, once again, has nothing to race. Sure, there are differences in race but there are differences everywhere in everyone and it is a waste of time to obsess over it. You, Matt and I will be dead soon enough, just enjoy life and in your case, your youth as well. It's over pretty fast.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 07, 2009, 08:51:25 AM
Jag, I know that there is widespread racism in many cultures throughout history but your right, it seems that it has escalated and persisted longer in the US.  For many reasons, its hard for people to get past.
IMO, putting people into catagories, and treating people differently based on color fuels racist attitudes and resentment.  Thats what Affirmative action does, thats also what the far left white liberals do.  When people come together, are all treated equally and become more similar culturally, we have less feelings of being part of a particular racial group.
Anything that continues different treatment for a certain segment of the population based on race will impair a goal of a color blind society.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 08:54:53 AM
Jag, I know that there is widespread racism in many cultures throughout history but your right, it seems that it has escalated and persisted longer in the US.  For many reasons, its hard for people to get past.
IMO, putting people into catagories, and treating people differently based on color fuels racist attitudes and resentment.  Thats what Affirmative action does, thats also what the far left white liberals do.  When people come together, are all treated equally and become more similar culturally, we have less feelings of being part of a particular racial group.
Anything that continues different treatment for a certain segment of the population based on race will impair a goal of a color blind society.

Jaguar is a communist. No point trying to talk libertarian sense to her...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 08:57:53 AM
Jag, I know that there is widespread racism in many cultures throughout history but your right, it seems that it has escalated and persisted longer in the US.  For many reasons, its hard for people to get past.
IMO, putting people into catagories, and treating people differently based on color fuels racist attitudes and resentment.  Thats what Affirmative action does, thats also what the far left white liberals do.  When people come together, are all treated equally and become more similar culturally, we have less feelings of being part of a particular racial group.
Anything that continues different treatment for a certain segment of the population based on race will impair a goal of a color blind society.

Liberals dont want a color blind society. 

They want an unending gripe, grievance, and chip on their shoulder to blame on past history as a way to explain their own pathetic miserable lives.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 07, 2009, 10:12:41 AM
Liberals dont want a color blind society. 

They want an unending gripe, grievance, and chip on their shoulder to blame on past history as a way to explain their own pathetic miserable lives.


Funny how she blame the White man for making her a useless piece of shit yet claim to be the best thing since free streaming website porn  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 10:13:59 AM
Im trying to leave.   

My business keeps me here. 

why are you trying to leave??...and what business do you have?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 07, 2009, 10:14:21 AM
Hey, Deicide, I love how you kept stating that racial differences were a fact but you didn't care about them until someone finally challenged you to prove it. COMEDY GOLD!  ;)

However, no matter how credentialed James Watson may be, he was still using "sloppy statistics".
Malcolm Gladwell, probably the most well-known sociologist working today (who, also happens to be of mixed ancestry), wrote an interesting piece detailing misconceptions on race and IQ for The New Yorker a while back. Part of the article took on the IQ by country myth:

The psychologist Michael Cole and some colleagues once gave members of the Kpelle tribe, in Liberia, a version of the WISC similarities test: they took a basket of food, tools, containers, and clothing and asked the tribesmen to sort them into appropriate categories. To the frustration of the researchers, the Kpelle chose functional pairings. They put a potato and a knife together because a knife is used to cut a potato. “A wise man could only do such-and-such,” they explained. Finally, the researchers asked, “How would a fool do it?” The tribesmen immediately re-sorted the items into the “right” categories. It can be argued that taxonomical categories are a developmental improvement—that is, that the Kpelle would be more likely to advance, technologically and scientifically, if they started to see the world that way. But to label them less intelligent than Westerners, on the basis of their performance on that test, is merely to state that they have different cognitive preferences and habits. And if I.Q. varies with habits of mind, which can be adopted or discarded in a generation, what, exactly, is all the fuss about?

The article( which can be found here: (
also addresses the concept of the hyper-intelligent asian, a myth that you also advanced in your post. I'm not going to waste anymore space on pull quotes. Read it if you're interested.

I think your post shows the dangers of freely talking about race as it relates to other parts of life. Not that it shouldn't be done, but that usually when it is done, each side comes to the table with so many (mis)conceptions that there is little hope of achieving anything aside from a 7+ pages long argument.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 10:15:40 AM
Does it matter though if you are black? Not really, you are an individual and you can do the best you can. I will never have a great physique nor an extraordinarily bright mind but I do what I can with what the gods have given me.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 10:16:39 AM
Do the best you can with what you have.  If you do that, you will be better than 90% of all people of all races. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 10:17:48 AM

why are you trying to leave??...and what business do you have?

Debt Collection.  

I am sick of it here.  I have lived here my whole life and want to get out of the craziness.  Its cramped, tight, expensive, taxes are insane, etc.  
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 10:18:30 AM
the above posts from 333386 and Deicide are good points.....the problem is that some of the racists on here don't care whether a black person does his best.....they are still thrown into the same racial box
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 10:21:52 AM
Debt Collection.  

I am sick of it here.  I have lived here my whole life and want to get out of the craziness.  Its cramped, tight, expensive, taxes are insane, etc.  

good point.,..those above issues have been on my mind as well
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 10:24:45 AM
the above posts from 333386 and Deicide are good points.....the problem is that some of the racists on here don't care whether a black person does his best.....they are still thrown into the same racial box

Just ignore them and eat some sushi.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 10:30:27 AM
the above posts from 333386 and Deicide are good points.....the problem is that some of the racists on here don't care whether a black person does his best.....they are still thrown into the same racial box

Racism is a complete waste of time, on all fronts.

Regardless of race, you have to do basic things that has nothing to do with race.  Work, be responsible, etc.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 07, 2009, 10:36:47 AM
Debt Collection.  

I am sick of it here.  I have lived here my whole life and want to get out of the craziness.  Its cramped, tight, expensive, taxes are insane, etc.  

The problem is that you don't collect the debt with the right tools, I'll buy you a new baseball bat for your birthday  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 10:38:28 AM
The problem is that you don't collect the debt with the right tools, I'll buy you a new baseball bat for your birthday  ;D

Does this count in the last month:


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 10:40:17 AM
Racism is a complete waste of time, on all fronts.

Regardless of race, you have to do basic things that has nothing to do with race.  Work, be responsible, etc.


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 07, 2009, 10:42:22 AM
I love how the Malcolm Gladwell article shuts Matt C up with his BS racism hahaha.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: shootfighter1 on May 07, 2009, 10:45:50 AM
"Racism is a complete waste of time, on all fronts. Regardless of race, you have to do basic things that has nothing to do with race.  Work, be responsible, etc"

Great post, I completely agree.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 11:29:58 AM
There are obvious genetic differences between whites and blacks, intelligence wise and otherwise. That said, life is too short to worry about this shit like MattC does.

Life is "too short" to worry about the thousands dead, millions raped, and millions in prison due to the failure of multiculturalism and the racial conflict and strife that it brings about?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 11:36:02 AM
Life is "too short" to worry about the thousands dead, millions raped, and millions in prison due to the failure of multiculturalism and the racial conflict and strife that it brings about?

Focusing on why you think one group is better than the other is useless.  The answer is through what is otherwise known as common sense, responsible behavior, education, and focusing on productive endeavors.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 11:40:29 AM
Focusing on why you think one group is better than the other is useless.  The answer is through what is otherwise known as common sense, responsible behavior, education, and focusing on productive endeavors.


Fellow Bronxite owning Canadian redneck... 8)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 11:41:25 AM

It has no bearing on your life because you are white..but minorities have to live with the negative consequences of being stereotyped everyday....

However, this is an excellent post....very good reference..thanks for posting was a very interesting read....I want to refute some of this stuff but I guess the article speaks for itself....people will look at it and pull from it what they want to believe....

What like the facts as they are, yes ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 11:43:08 AM

I've hired blacks before and given them PLENTY of opportunities and never gotten much in the way of results.  For me to continue to do so would be financial suicide.

I'm sure you've gotten bad results from whites also...why just single out blacks?

He out-lined his point perfectly.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 11:46:28 AM
I love how the Malcolm Gladwell article shuts Matt C up with his BS racism hahaha.

Ho ho, dear me, Steve Sailor DESTROYING Gladwell here:

Now add that to the fact that Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is the MOST thorough work available correlating IQ with GDP, and you see the post by Al Doggity as the uninformed piece of crap it is.

Gladwell? LOL, Salior takes him apart!!

Great closing line:

Unfortunately, Americans can’t afford ignorance, lies, and wishful thinking anymore.

...which is, as I posted yesterday, just what the Danes - and many across Europe - have realized.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 11:48:08 AM
Life is "too short" to worry about the thousands dead, millions raped, and millions in prison due to the failure of multiculturalism and the racial conflict and strife that it brings about?

Collectivists such as yourself are responsible for so much of the conflict of the world; racial, ethnic, religious, looking at people as groups instead of as individuals is a major source of suffering in the world. Take people on a individual basis and you will be better off for it. Grow up Matt and get the fuck out of Manitoba or whereever it is you come from.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 11:49:45 AM
Best quotes I have seen so far.
All groups have done this.  Every last one of them.  Europeans have merely done it better.  It's survival of the fittest and I have no reason to apologize for the fact that my ancestors were better at surviving than your ancestors were - something that every racial group attempted to do - in fact something that every organism starting at the cellular level attempts to do - survive.

It's not that whites were more vicious than others.  As I already said, Arabs traded more African slaves than Europeans did and did so much more brutally.  African leaders were the beneficiaries of the slave trade also and were also brutal to their own who they traded as slaves.  Don't be mad at Europeans because we managed to succeed where other groups did not.
I've been making a concerted effort to move past this racist bullshit because looking at it from a spectator's viewpoint makes the ones pushing it look pretty petty and insecure. However, this is fact but one only needs to look at the current situation in Zimbabwe to see what blacks have done when put in power. 20 years ago Zimbabwe was one of the crown jewels of Africa. Was a great country. Since that moron Mugabe started confiscating white farmland and given it to blacks, that country has fallen into ruin. They're all starving because they can't cultivate the land, their infrastructure fell apart, massive hyperinflation and a host of other problems. Nevermind the fact that Mugabe threw himself a $2 million birthday party to celebrate his destruction of that country.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 11:51:53 AM
Collectivists such as yourself are responsible for so much of the conflict of the world; racial, ethnic, religious, looking at people as groups instead of as individuals is a major source of suffering in the world. Take people on a individual basis and you will be better off for it. Grow up Matt and get the fuck out of Manitoba or whereever it is you come from.

Have to beg to differ at this point, & say "multiculturalism has not exactly proved a sterling job though, I mean, com on"
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 11:54:38 AM
Collectivists such as yourself are responsible for so much of the conflict of the world; racial, ethnic, religious, looking at people as groups instead of as individuals is a major source of suffering in the world. Take people on a individual basis and you will be better off for it. Grow up Matt and get the fuck out of Manitoba or whereever it is you come from.

So I should look at my mentally disabled friend Andrzej on an "individual basis" too, or should I assume that as a result of his mental disability he cannot be expected to function in organized society the way others can and accommodate accordingly?

Would it be beneficial to anyone to persist in a lie that he is equal to a person of average intelligence when he obviously is not?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 11:55:09 AM

there are lots of unqualified whites in jobs simply because they are white. are proof of racism in that you assume all whites in jobs are qualified

Examples please.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 11:59:58 AM
So I should look at my mentally disabled friend Andrzej on an "individual basis" too, or should I assume that as a result of his mental disability he cannot be expected to function in organized society the way others can and accommodate accordingly?

Would it be beneficial to anyone to persist in a lie that he is equal to a person of average intelligence when he obviously is not?

You conflate the term equality with fairness. I think all human beings, regardless of gender, race, etc should be treated fairly. As I have said there are CLEAR differences but read 3368's post. At the end of the day we are all just carbon based life forms trying to get through the day. It's a lot easier without obsessing over race.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 12:08:32 PM
Have to beg to differ at this point, & say "multiculturalism has not exactly proved a sterling job though, I mean, com on"

I don't believe in multiculturalism; there are huge cultural differences and to pretend otherwise is just plain silly, but people who have grown up in a Western-type environment have a lot in common regardless of race. My thesis is that intellectual history and the common agreement on those intellectual issues is more important than other issues. That forms the basis of cultural difference when there is any, much greater than racial. For example, I live in S.Korea for over two years and I can tell you that people only used to the West will be shocked, more interestingly, I met Korean Americans who had grown up in the USA and they were shocked, despite being genetically identical to the native Koreans.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 07, 2009, 12:22:24 PM

Ho ho, dear me, Steve Sailor DESTROYING Gladwell here:

Now add that to the fact that Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is the MOST thorough work available correlating IQ with GDP, and you see the post by Al Doggity as the uninformed piece of crap it is.

Gladwell? LOL, Salior takes him apart!!

Great closing line:

...which is, as I posted yesterday, just what the Danes - and many across Europe - have realized.

Haha i'm not reading anything from vdare some nonsense that would be. You can't refute the FACTS presented by Gladwell drawn from the studies of James Flynn though can you? Face it you're ideas are as backward as your hometown.   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 12:28:34 PM
What like the facts as they are, yes ??

ya know..I knew this guy would show up sooner or later..pillowbiter is drawn to these types of threads like flies to this thread is going to go on for another 10 pages.....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 07, 2009, 12:33:06 PM

ya know..I knew this guy would show up sooner or later..pillowbiter is drawn to these types of threads like flies to this thread is going to go on for another 10 pages.....

watch out pillow biter is quite the keyboard warrior! He'll now post something about his knife or gun and him using it to dismember you like he does in world of warcraft or call of duty.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 12:33:23 PM
Haha i'm not reading anything from vdare some nonsense that would be. You can't refute the FACTS presented by Gladwell drawn from the studies of James Flynn though can you? Face it you're ideas are as backward as your hometown.   

Indeed, Gladwell’s climactic depiction of the more just society he envisions is quite terrifying. In the grand summation of his book’s argument, he writes:

"We look at the young Bill Gates and marvel that our world allowed that thirteen-year-old to become a fabulously successful entrepreneur. But that’s the wrong lesson. Our world only allowed one thirteen-year-old unlimited access to a time-sharing terminal in 1968. If a million teenagers had been given the same opportunity, how many more Microsofts would we have today?" [p. 268]

Let a million monopolies bloom!

The great thing about Gladwell is that he’s so lacking in critical thinking skills that he just blurts out the underlying assumptions of today’s conventional wisdom, stating its stupidities in their Platonic form. To Gladwell, the long, laborious, and expensive development of the computer isn’t a great accomplishment of Western civilization for which posterity should be grateful. No, it’s a civil rights issue. See, back in 1968, "our world" hadn’t "allowed" enough teenagers—especially not enough black and Mexican ones, to use state-of-the-art time-sharing computers.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 12:39:00 PM
watch out pillow biter is quite the keyboard warrior! He'll now post something about his knife or gun and him using it to dismember you like he does in world of warcraft or call of duty.

Some-one has been getting a handle on me, are you my shrinks gimmick ?? ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 12:40:18 PM
So I should look at my mentally disabled friend Andrzej on an "individual basis" too, or should I assume that as a result of his mental disability he cannot be expected to function in organized society the way others can and accommodate accordingly?

Would it be beneficial to anyone to persist in a lie that he is equal to a person of average intelligence when he obviously is not?

your attitude in your posat about your disabled friend is an example of your one is saying that you should elevate your disabled friend above all others with special privileges and stuff......just treat him fairly...don't discriminate against him due to your own perceived inadequacies that you feel he has....treat him fairly and don't set up barriers which prevent him from achieving his goals in was done with blacks
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 12:41:25 PM
watch out pillow biter is quite the keyboard warrior! He'll now post something about his knife or gun and him using it to dismember you like he does in world of warcraft or call of duty.

Awesome post!!!! know him well!!!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 12:42:47 PM

your attitude in your posat about your disabled friend is an example of your one is saying that you should elevate your disabled friend above all others with special privileges and stuff......just treat him fairly...don't discriminate against him due to your own perceived inadequacies that you feel he has....treat him fairly and don't set up barriers which prevent him from achieving his goals in was done with blacks

It's DANGEROUS to assume that Zimbabweans are intellectually equivalent to other racial groups when 1 in 2 of them have IQs low enough to qualify as mentally retarded by western standards.  Do you think it is a good thing to pretend they are equal and then have to deal with the consequences of that when it manifests that they are not?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 07, 2009, 12:43:41 PM

ya know..I knew this guy would show up sooner or later..pillowbiter is drawn to these types of threads like flies to this thread is going to go on for another 10 pages.....

You have still to give me an adequate definition of the racism - YOU - see in your world on a daily basis.
Let us for now, leave mirrors out of it.
Just what you see on a daily basis.

& you are right, I have a good physique - but talking BB'ing bores the crap out of me !!
How many IU's of slin per gm of Glucose ?? should I do my 'GH' post work out or before bed - blah blah - yadda yadda - etc...........
Jaw breaking YAWN.

Where else am I going to go ?? you don;t love me   ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 07, 2009, 12:45:28 PM

Ho ho, dear me, Steve Sailor DESTROYING Gladwell here:

Now add that to the fact that Lynn's "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is the MOST thorough work available correlating IQ with GDP, and you see the post by Al Doggity as the uninformed piece of crap it is.

Gladwell? LOL, Salior takes him apart!!

Great closing line:

...which is, as I posted yesterday, just what the Danes - and many across Europe - have realized.

Except for the fact that he doesn't "take Gladwell apart"... he creates a very weak straw man argument and then attempt to take that apart. Most of the examples he uses are completely misrepresented, including the origin of MS-Dos and Bill Gates involvement.

The point of Gladwell's book is not that IQ doesn't matter, but that when looked at analytically, there are very few actual prodigies. Most people who develop a renowned skillset spend a certain amount of time to mastering those skills. Nothing in that Vdare article does a good job of contradicting that point. The author of the piece misstates history and Gladwell's positions and still does a poor job of making the book seem foolish.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 07, 2009, 12:48:31 PM

See, back in 1968, "our world" hadn’t "allowed" enough teenagers—especially not enough black and Mexican ones, to use state-of-the-art time-sharing computers.
This quote from you shows just how misleading that article is. Gladwell makes  no such assertion. The book isn't  about race to any great extent.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: garebear on May 07, 2009, 12:50:08 PM
I'm white. I am one person and responsible only for my own actions. If you want to group me in with other whites who are racist, then just who is it who is being prejudice?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Option D on May 07, 2009, 12:51:51 PM
That is my job, remember ??
Do you even own a Gun ??

Matt-C only - EVER - get's banned from here when people run out of counter debate.

Shut up bitch
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 12:53:16 PM
Haha i'm not reading anything from vdare some nonsense that would be. You can't refute the FACTS presented by Gladwell drawn from the studies of James Flynn though can you? Face it you're ideas are as backward as your hometown.   

You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 12:59:38 PM
You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 01:00:27 PM
It's DANGEROUS to assume that Zimbabweans are intellectually equivalent to other racial groups when 1 in 2 of them have IQs low enough to qualify as mentally retarded by western standards.  Do you think it is a good thing to pretend they are equal and then have to deal with the consequences of that when it manifests that they are not?

well, first off, you did not address my retort directly about your disabled friend..instead you go back to talking about Zimbabwe, a country that hasn't been around that long and hasn't had the chance to embrace the democratic way of doing things..I have already denounced Mugabe as a thug which is more of a concession than you have made since you have not acknowledged anyone to be right about anything except yourself....

and how can you even compare the zimbabweans to others in terms of IQ when the vast number of them live in poverty and we all know that IQ correlates with wealth??..come on....stop your stupid racist posturing and at least argue these points fairly...... If you take the whites in Appalachia and compare them to the whites on Park Avenue in NY city, who is going to have the highest IQ??...comparing the citizens of Zimbabwe to others in terms of IQ is a big stretch.....

Most in that country are just trying to survive and live day to they have lived for hundreds of years.....thats how they chose to live...should we look down on them for that?....I'm not saying they are the equal to others intellectually....but they deserve to be treated fairly as human beings and not discriminated against or exploited or placed in a system created to permanently keep a large number of them from ever being able to succeed...the Rhodesian whites did that to keep them subservient.....and you argue that rape, murder, imprisonment, confiscation of lands, and stealing their natural resources justify keeping them well-fed???...what did they eat for the thousands of years before whites arrived there??? wasn't as if whites showed up and now everyone was well-fed and better off.

but I realize that arguing with you is pointless and no matter what facts are presented to you that counter your arguments you still won't get it...because you simply don't want to....fact.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 01:05:08 PM
You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 01:08:59 PM
You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 01:11:45 PM
You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 01:20:38 PM
You have still to give me an adequate definition of the racism - YOU - see in your world on a daily basis.
Let us for now, leave mirrors out of it.
Just what you see on a daily basis.

& you are right, I have a good physique - but talking BB'ing bores the crap out of me !!
How many IU's of slin per gm of Glucose ?? should I do my 'GH' post work out or before bed - blah blah - yadda yadda - etc...........
Jaw breaking YAWN.

Where else am I going to go ?? you don;t love me   ???

you and I have been chasing each other all over getbig through various threads the past few weeks arguing about race and making fun of each other...I would like to think it's not personal and I have no problem acknowledging positive things about you....

you DO have a very good physique, one that I wish I had and your wife is stunningly beautiful, which I wish I had as well.....

and I have to admit that even though I disagree with you all of the time, you have provided some research, though I feel it is often inaccurate, to back up your arguments... I haven't done that as well as you have...

but you need to learn to tone down the racial slurs and are bright and you have something to contribute but it gets lost in all the racial calling out that you do.....

I am beginning to suspect that while you are definitely hostile to blacks, that the over-the-top racial stuff you do may be a way of just trying to annoy black people on here for laughs...because as you stated you are bored...

I will admit however that talking about bodybuilding can get somewhat boring after a while
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 07, 2009, 01:21:01 PM
You obviously have a sub-100 IQ.  Quite possibly, sub-85.

Gladwell offers nothing other than whimsy and supposition; his ideas are easily countered and revealed for the comedy they are - as they have indeed been by Steve Sailor.

Firstly, we can offer SEVERAL explosive analogies that destroy Gladwell, one of which is to point out the absurdity of Gladwell's "rice picking" theory wherein we highlight Gladwell's GLARING INABILITY to point toward African farming cultures that utilize black female African workers, and could thus be used - if we apply Gladwell's comical logic - to explain the workshy attitude of many black men in the US.  Gladwell does NOT take his "logic" to their logical conclusions.  He prefers instead to employ them selectively.

Let us not even get onto the Chinese whom do not have ancestry that can be traced back to those whom worked in the rice fields; never mind the other Asian cultures with a rich history of rice picking but no concomitant proficiency in math, doh!!

Gladwell, hasn't really thought his script through, then again, its not steeped in critical thought, but mere shallow whimsy.

Oh and, by the way; Gladwell has written NOTHING that can compare to the tome "IQ & the Wealth of Nations" by Messrs Lynn and Vanhanen, a written work that - MORE THAN ANY SOCIOLOGIST COULD DREAM OF - absolutely correlates IQ and GDP.

Not that you are a fuckwit or anything, eh?

First of all, "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is hardly unassailable. I"ve never read it, but I just took a look at it's wikipedia page and it's sort of a mess. National averages weren't available for nearly half the countries and several of the averages were pulled from data decades apart. Many of the averages were pulled from data on young children and many of the averages were pulled from different types of tests. I could go on and on, but basically, they had an idea and they manipulated the data to support it. This book is not considered the be all, end all by sociologists, by any means.

Secondly, once again, you are using a complete misrepresentation of the book to make a point. I'm not even going to point out that the quote you pulled is completely wrong. I will point out that Gladwell's book is about how specific events in specific places equal specific results. Your point remains pointless.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 01:36:48 PM
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 04:34:48 PM
she's pretty hot
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 04:41:49 PM
matt c=21st century charlamagne

that looks like fucking shit.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 04:44:05 PM
I don't believe in multiculturalism; there are huge cultural differences and to pretend otherwise is just plain silly, but people who have grown up in a Western-type environment have a lot in common regardless of race. My thesis is that intellectual history and the common agreement on those intellectual issues is more important than other issues. That forms the basis of cultural difference when there is any, much greater than racial. For example, I live in S.Korea for over two years and I can tell you that people only used to the West will be shocked, more interestingly, I met Korean Americans who had grown up in the USA and they were shocked, despite being genetically identical to the native Koreans.
did you have sex with any korean women?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 04:45:41 PM
did you have sex with any korean women?

Not in Korea. Ironically I had to leave there first and then something happened.

Korean food is awesome!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 04:47:25 PM
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 07, 2009, 04:52:18 PM
Black people have the smallest average brain size of any racial group, but that is because white people treat them with racism, it has nothing to do with 40,000 years of divergent biological evolution or anything:

Do I "believe" such a thing?  No I do not "believe" it, it is a recorded factFacts are not meant to be accepted or rejected, facts are merely meant to be acknowledged.

Do you "believe" that the world is round?

Matt C,
Are you saying that it is a fact that females have smaller brains than males?  Are you saying that it is a fact that males are more intelligent than females?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 05:02:16 PM
Matt C,
Are you saying that it is a fact that females have smaller brains than males?  Are you saying that it is a fact that males are more intelligent than females?

There have several studies on this. Male achievement in virtually all fields outshines womens'; men tend to occupy the bottom or top of the ladder in these studies with women filling out the middle. Men do have an average of 5 more IQ points than women. The reasons for this have everything to do with evolution and DH (dominance hierarchy) competition for which no such similar phenomenon exists in women, thus women have no rationale to push themselves to the top. Other studies have shown that men are more creative than women. Different evolutionary roles produce different results.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 05:42:06 PM
First of all, "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is hardly unassailable. I"ve never read it, but I just took a look at it's wikipedia page and it's sort of a mess. National averages weren't available for nearly half the countries and several of the averages were pulled from data decades apart. Many of the averages were pulled from data on young children and many of the averages were pulled from different types of tests. I could go on and on, but basically, they had an idea and they manipulated the data to support it. This book is not considered the be all, end all by sociologists, by any means.

Wikipedia? LOL, you know NOTHING of Lynn's work, NOTHING of said data sets.

NOTHING comes close to the said tome and the correlation it makes between IQ and GDP, NOTHING!

No sociologist has EVER put forward ANYTHING close to that which Lynn and Vanhanen present.

The sad fact is, that for all your bluster you have NO original work to present, just mere whimsy about vague socioeconomics.

You can present no data model that confounds the conclusions reached by Lynn, NONE!

It's always the same old bullshit story from you; the whites are racist, the scores for blacks are incorrect.

Well, why not the other way around?  Why do we NEVER hear you say "The THIRTY THREE tests from various African countries - with five in the 75 to 80 range, and 28 below that - are depressingly correct, but the Chinese score of 107 is probably too low, they are probably capable of scoring 120 on average"?

Answer?  You are an apologist for genetic inability; you have ZERO interest in science, preferring instead to spew whimsy as an explanation for the poor performance on the part of Africans.

Honestly, instead of pulling down the work that show blacks ALWAYS being beaten by ALL OTHER RACES, work that TIME AND TIME AGAIN shows the EXACT spread of bell curve as demonstrated by Murray et al., why don't you PROVE YOUR POINT BY POINTING TO STUDIES SHOWING BLACKS AT THE TOP OF THE TREE...oh yeah, you can't because no such studies exist!

I'd settle for you showing us an IQ test that demonstrates everyone is equal...oh yeah, it doesn't exist either.  Doh!


Oh and let's merely gloss over the fact that Tatu Vanhanen was pursued by the police for his comments about the book, YES THAT'S THE WORLD YOU AND YOUR PISSANT CROWD HAVE CRAFTED!  We can't even look at these topics in an objective scientific light without threat of JAIL TIME.  Of course if your side was  confident in your beliefs no such punishment would be needed - you could merely expose the genetic side as being false by showing us studies which demonstrate equality.

Oh, but they don't exist.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 07, 2009, 05:46:38 PM
Wikipedia? LOL, you know NOTHING of Lynn's work, NOTHING of said data sets.

NOTHING comes close to the said tome and the correlation it makes between IQ and GDP, NOTHING!

No sociologist has EVER put forward ANYTHING close to that which Lynn and Vanhanen present.

The sad fact is, that for all your bluster you have NO original work to present, just mere whimsy about vague socioeconomics.

You can present no data model that confounds the conclusions reached by Lynn, NONE!

It's always the same old bullshit story from you; the whites are racist, the scores for blacks are incorrect.

Well, why not the other way around?  Why do we NEVER hear you say "The THIRTY THREE tests from various African countries - with five in the 75 to 80 range, and 28 below that - are depressingly correct, but the Chinese score of 107 is probably too low, they are probably capable of scoring 120 on average"?

Answer?  You are an apologist for genetic inability; you have ZERO interest in science, preferring instead to spew whimsy as an explanation for the poor performance on the part of Africans.

Honestly, instead of pulling down the work that show blacks ALWAYS being beaten by ALL OTHER RACES, work that TIME AND TIME AGAIN shows the EXACT spread of bell curve as demonstrated by Murray et al., why don't you PROVE YOUR POINT BY POINTING TO STUDIES SHOWING BLACKS AT THE TOP OF THE TREE...oh yeah, you can't because no such studies exist!

I'd settle for you showing us an IQ test that demonstrates everyone is equal...oh yeah, it doesn't exist either.  Doh!


Oh and let's merely gloss over the fact that Tatu Vanhanen was pursued by the police for his comments about the book, YES THATS THE WORLD YOU AND YOUR PISSANT CROWD HAVE CRAFTED!  We can't even look at these topics in an objective scientific light without threat of JAIL TIME.  Of course if your side was  confident in your beliefs no such punishment would be needed - you could merely expose the genetic side as being false by showing us studies which demonstrate equality.

Oh, but they don't exist.

The Chinese are a bunch of zombie robots; I live with them, believe me.

Do you hate me MattC? Or am I ok in your book because I have a decent IQ?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 07, 2009, 05:49:08 PM
There have several studies on this. Male achievement in virtually all fields outshines womens'; men tend to occupy the bottom or top of the ladder in these studies with women filling out the middle. Men do have an average of 5 more IQ points than women. The reasons for this have everything to do with evolution and DH (dominance hierarchy) competition for which no such similar phenomenon exists in women, thus women have no rationale to push themselves to the top. Other studies have shown that men are more creative than women. Different evolutionary roles produce different results.

Oh this stuff is absurd.  I can't believe people actually believe this nonsense.  Wait . . . yes I can. 

I wonder why men commit most of the crime, cause most of the mayhem, etc. in the world?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 07:14:13 PM
chinese are awful drivers
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 07:29:20 PM
Oh this stuff is absurd.  I can't believe people actually believe this nonsense.  Wait . . . yes I can. 

I wonder why men commit most of the crime, cause most of the mayhem, etc. in the world?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 07, 2009, 07:31:06 PM

Really?  I'm confused.  Are we genetically superior or inferior to women? 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 07:34:28 PM
Really?  I'm confused.  Are we genetically superior or inferior to women? 

Don't is Matt C
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 07:37:27 PM
Really?  I'm confused.  Are we genetically superior or inferior to women? 

We are genetically more inclined to commit crime.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 07, 2009, 07:46:05 PM
We are genetically more inclined to commit crime.

Doesn't that make us dumber than women??   ???  Genetically unable to stop killing, raping, stealing, starting wars, etc.?  Geeze.  We suck. 

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 07:48:11 PM
Doesn't that make us dumber than women??   ???  Genetically unable to stop killing, raping, stealing, starting wars, etc.?  Geeze.  We suck. 

probably hormones and our penis is the reason.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 07:48:57 PM
Doesn't that make us dumber than women??   ???  Genetically unable to stop killing, raping, stealing, starting wars, etc.?  Geeze.  We suck. 

Yes, in that capacity, we are dumber or worse or however you wish to describe it.  On other skills, we perform better.  It depends what you are referring to.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 07, 2009, 07:50:49 PM
probably hormones and our penis is the reason.

Having a penis is awesome...and guys HAVE always killed and pillaged and gotten themselves into trouble just to satisfy the penis
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 07, 2009, 07:52:29 PM
Yes, in that capacity, we are dumber or worse or however you wish to describe it.  On other skills, we perform better.  It depends what you are referring to.

I'm referring to the contention that men are supposedly smarter than women.  So which is it? 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 07:59:44 PM
I'm referring to the contention that men are supposedly smarter than women.  So which is it? 

If committing less violent crime is a measure of intelligence, then yes, women are more intelligent.

If you are speaking about average three dimensional thinking ability, that is another story.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 07, 2009, 08:01:15 PM

Having a penis is awesome
...and guys HAVE always killed and pillaged and gotten themselves into trouble just to satisfy the penis
werd, but it would be cool to have a vagina for a day :-X

I'm referring to the contention that men are supposedly smarter than women.  So which is it? 
i think women lack common sense more so than intelligence,they are easily fooled and too emotional, most women are likely at par with men as far as smarts go.  as far as genius goes women can't compare to men of course.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Soul Crusher on May 07, 2009, 08:03:12 PM
It's DANGEROUS to assume that Zimbabweans are intellectually equivalent to other racial groups when 1 in 2 of them have IQs low enough to qualify as mentally retarded by western standards.  Do you think it is a good thing to pretend they are equal and then have to deal with the consequences of that when it manifests that they are not?

The reason you seem to be such a jerk and a fool is that you refuse to acknowledge is that people do not choose who they are born to.  

You act as though you did something special or meritorious to have been born to a "smarter" group than others.  You did not and had nothing to do with the matter.

Humans are humans and 99% share the same desires, emotions, feelings, etc.  

Just remember that you could just have easily been born to one of the families or of parents you seem to think you are so superior to.  Also remember that there are millions of kids born into those circumstances and did nothing to warrant such a poor lot in life.  

Focusing on all this racist nonsense is useless and embarassing.  The fact is that many groups engage in very productive behavior which is the result of their success, not their skin color.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 07, 2009, 08:07:59 PM
If committing less violent crime is a measure of intelligence, then yes, women are more intelligent.

If you are speaking about average three dimensional thinking ability, that is another story.

Isn't the ability to follow rules and respect other people's body and property a measure of intelligence?

What do you mean by "three dimensional thinking ability"?   
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 07, 2009, 08:25:01 PM
Doesn't that make us dumber than women??   ???  Genetically unable to stop killing, raping, stealing, starting wars, etc.?  Geeze.  We suck. 


"Peace is for the women, and the weak. Empires are forged by war."
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 07, 2009, 08:32:38 PM

Having a penis is awesome...and guys HAVE always killed and pillaged and gotten themselves into trouble just to satisfy the penis

If having a penis is awesome, ...having a vagina must be even better.
'Cause with one vagina, ...a woman can get as many penises as she wants.  ;)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 07, 2009, 09:01:29 PM
Wikipedia? LOL, you know NOTHING of Lynn's work, NOTHING of said data sets.

NOTHING comes close to the said tome and the correlation it makes between IQ and GDP, NOTHING!

No sociologist has EVER put forward ANYTHING close to that which Lynn and Vanhanen present.

The sad fact is, that for all your bluster you have NO original work to present, just mere whimsy about vague socioeconomics.

You can present no data model that confounds the conclusions reached by Lynn, NONE!

It's always the same old bullshit story from you; the whites are racist, the scores for blacks are incorrect.

Well, why not the other way around?  Why do we NEVER hear you say "The THIRTY THREE tests from various African countries - with five in the 75 to 80 range, and 28 below that - are depressingly correct, but the Chinese score of 107 is probably too low, they are probably capable of scoring 120 on average"?

Answer?  You are an apologist for genetic inability; you have ZERO interest in science, preferring instead to spew whimsy as an explanation for the poor performance on the part of Africans.

Honestly, instead of pulling down the work that show blacks ALWAYS being beaten by ALL OTHER RACES, work that TIME AND TIME AGAIN shows the EXACT spread of bell curve as demonstrated by Murray et al., why don't you PROVE YOUR POINT BY POINTING TO STUDIES SHOWING BLACKS AT THE TOP OF THE TREE...oh yeah, you can't because no such studies exist!

I'd settle for you showing us an IQ test that demonstrates everyone is equal...oh yeah, it doesn't exist either.  Doh!


Oh and let's merely gloss over the fact that Tatu Vanhanen was pursued by the police for his comments about the book, YES THAT'S THE WORLD YOU AND YOUR PISSANT CROWD HAVE CRAFTED!  We can't even look at these topics in an objective scientific light without threat of JAIL TIME.  Of course if your side was  confident in your beliefs no such punishment would be needed - you could merely expose the genetic side as being false by showing us studies which demonstrate equality.

Oh, but they don't exist.

I haven't espoused any of the positions you've attributed to me. I've simply said that the conclusions on race and iq in this thread have been wrong... and they are. Somehow Vdare is a more credible source than wikipedia? Wikipedia at least offers verifiable references for it's entries. Sailor just completely distorts facts.

Secondly, if my point is that the tree is flawed, how can you criticize me for not attempting to show blacks at the top of the tree? As I have already stated in this thread, IQ data is constantly misinterpreted. IQ and Wealth of Nations is a perfect example of that. 

How can I be an apologist for genetic inability if I don't believe any such thing exists?
Vanahen was not "pursued by the police". Someone attempted to file race crime charges against him and they were not successful. This occurred in Finland... where there are strict race crime laws because it is a country with a Nazi-sympathizing past, just like in Germany. That is the work of "your pissant crowd."

I'm not even going to bring up the irony of  Hitler using similar junk science to advance the Holocaust. I will, however, point out that you clearly haven't read IQ and the Wealth of Nation's. I perused parts of it through google books and you are misinterpreting one of the main points of the book- specifically, that economic factors effect IQ. The authors go to great lengths to point out that they believe low IQs in developing nations has more to do with low GDPs than the other way around. There are several passages that stress that a countries economic fortunes are often tied to the natural resources available (which, quite frankly, should be apparent to most.)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 07, 2009, 09:51:22 PM
The reason you seem to be such a jerk and a fool is that you refuse to acknowledge is that people do not choose who they are born to. 

You act as though you did something special or meritorious to have been born to a "smarter" group than others.  You did not and had nothing to do with the matter.

Humans are humans and 99% share the same desires, emotions, feelings, etc. 

Just remember that you could just have easily been born to one of the families or of parents you seem to think you are so superior to.  Also remember that there are millions of kids born into those circumstances and did nothing to warrant such a poor lot in life. 

Focusing on all this racist nonsense is useless and embarassing.  The fact is that many groups engage in very productive behavior which is the result of their success, not their skin color.

I don't care what the reason is that somebody else is a violent psychopath - I will not tolerate having it around my family or my community and will do everything possible to ensure that.  You are right - some are born at the genetic bottom of the lot.  Oh well.  I will NOT compromise my safety or well being because of it.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: chaos on May 07, 2009, 09:59:11 PM
Hahahaha. I wonder if these retards message each other on AIM after every post and fellate themselves.

"Hey man, did you see my 497th post today about minorities. I totally fucking rocked it."
"Yeah man, you fucking killed it. Rock on! let's get back at it on that Jew's site!!!!"

Are you chodling Hugos nuts right now?!?!??!!! ??? :o  :-\
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 07, 2009, 10:07:09 PM
The whole point of the "TEST" was to find out the mindset of whites and it was revealing to say the least...revealing to WHITES....In all of their ignorance they came to see themselves as they should and as they truly are. Your comments Billy boy puts you right in the circle (or should I say CIRCUS) of whites who operate on a limited mentality and preconceived ideas about people. Whites being a small minority on earth, a minority in america and soon to be minority in Europe operate out of pure fear that if they don't look dowwn on the people of the world or through violence try to threaten or dominate, they will end up being dominated. So all manner of deceptive games have been tried on the worlds people by whites from religious differences, cultural differences, racial differences, physical attribute differences, etc etc in an attempt to keep people fighting or more concerned about nonsensical things so that they don't turn to whites as the source of the PROBLEMS on the planet and deal with it as they should.

This TEST makes white experience THEMSELVES as though they were someone else and then it records their reactions and as you can see... they didn't like it.

Would you have thrown your hand up at this TEST claiing that it would benefit you because Blacks have it better than whites? Your hand would have remained down just like the rest of the whites and nothing on earth would have made yo VOLUNTARILY raise your hand to be subjected to the ills of your own....stop kidding yourself.

Very well said. The point of the workshop was not that one group is superior to another, or smarter than another.
IQ's or GDP. It was about understanding discrimination, both subtle and overt, and waking people the fuck up.

Nobody was forced into it, they all volunteered to get a better understanding of something they were previously indifferent to, thought no longer existed, thought they didn't participate in, or thought they knew, but quickly realized they did not have a clue about discrimination, themselves, or their part in it.

For those who think racism & discrimination no longer exists, just take a look at the comments throughout this thread.

As for the workshop... Incredible!!! ...grown men reduced to tears after 2 hrs? Why? Because Jane Elliott is a bitch?
...Or because they saw a mirror of themselves and didn't like what they saw? I think the latter.

Here's the full doc of Blue Eyed   as promised:  10 parts

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

part 7:

part 8:

part 9:

part 10:

On a final note, I think I'll give the last words to the late Shah of Iran

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 07, 2009, 11:04:53 PM
Jag stop being racist.

People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

So were different colours
And were different creeds
And different people
Have different needs
Its obvious you hate me
Though Ive done nothing wrong
Ive never even met you
So what could I have done
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
Help me understand
Help me understand

Now youre punching
And youre kicking
And youre shouting at me
And Im relying on your common decency
So far it hasnt surfaced
But Im sure it exists
It just takes a while to travel
From your head to your fist (head to your fists)
I cant understand what makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully
People are people
So why should it be
You and I should get along so awfully

I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
Help me understand
I cant understand
What makes a man
Hate another man
I cant understand (people are people)
What makes a man (why should it be)
Hate another man
Help me understand...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:03:28 AM
Jane Elliott's 1984 Reunion with her former 3rd grade students, interspersed with footage of workshop participants from Iowa's correctional facilities.

A Class Divided

part 1

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:

part 6:

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 08, 2009, 02:06:32 AM
Jag when will you understand no one bothers with your videos?

Just you bother with Matt videos?'re the same..nothing but wasted bandwidth.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:09:16 AM
Jag when will you understand no one bothers with your videos?

Just you bother with Matt videos?'re the same..nothing but wasted bandwidth.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:15:23 AM
Oh this stuff is absurd.  I can't believe people actually believe this nonsense.  Wait . . . yes I can. 

I wonder why men commit most of the crime, cause most of the mayhem, etc. in the world?

Oh wait, this from a guy who thinks we were created in a magic garden with a talking snake...since you neither believe nor understand evolution, it is clear that this is beyond you.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:15:54 AM
Jag when will you understand no one bothers with your videos?

Just you bother with Matt videos?'re the same..nothing but wasted bandwidth.

Those who want to watch them ...will, ...and those who don't, ...will behave disruptively, like eyed people.  :D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 02:19:01 AM
Shut up bitch

Good retort - very scientific.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 02:33:12 AM
The Chinese are a bunch of zombie robots; I live with them, believe me.

Do you hate me MattC? Or am I ok in your book because I have a decent IQ?

I will not speak for Matt (as I do not expect he would presume, to do so for me) but I think your OK, because you have a good level of intelligence.

I hate 'untermenchen' - now we have these fuckers over here (Caucasian), council estates (project housing) full of the little girls, & they travel in packs.
They never say shit to me, because I look intimidating (& 99% of the time I am armed), but they prey on the weak.
The elderly in these areas are scared to come out after dark - what kind of society is that ??

I used to have a 'Staff' & where I used to walk her at times (we had 100's of routes) I caught a bunch of Chav's (Caucasian untermenchen) smashing bottles for no good reason, fucking Glass all over the place, with a kids play area near by.

Now this was about 11pm - so I tell them that they are going to pick up every bit of glass before I leave.
The tallest one (all about 19/20) said "oh yeah, or fucking what" - bad move - I pulled out my Knife & said "cause I will put ya fuckin eye on ya cheek if you don't, you little mother-fucker) - the rest of them got straight to it, he looked at me for 3 seconds (eye to eye), realized I was not fucking about & got on his knees.

I stood there for about 10mins watching them bathe in humiliation, & then went home happy with a good days work.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 08, 2009, 02:42:55 AM
Those who want to watch them ...will, ...and those who don't, ...will behave disruptively, like eyed people.  :D

1 vote for a new blue eyed smiley  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:55:25 AM
1 vote for a new blue eyed smiley  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 03:14:16 AM
1 vote for a new blue eyed smiley  ;D

{LOL} That actually made me lol.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 08, 2009, 03:26:15 AM

I will not speak for Matt (as I do not expect he would presume, to do so for me) but I think your OK, because you have a good level of intelligence.

I hate 'untermenchen
' - now we have these fuckers over here (Caucasian), council estates (project housing) full of the little girls, & they travel in packs.
They never say shit to me, because I look intimidating (& 99% of the time I am armed), but they prey on the weak.
The elderly in these areas are scared to come out after dark - what kind of society is that ??

I used to have a 'Staff' & where I used to walk here at times (we had 100's of routes) I caught a bunch of Chav's (Caucasian untermenchen) smashing bottles for no good reason, fucking Glass all over the place, with a kids play area near by.

Now this was about 11pm - so I tell them that they are going to pick up every bit of glass before I leave.
The tallest one (all about 19/20) said "oh yeah, or fucking what" - bad move - I pulled out my Knife & said "cause I will put ya fuckin eye on ya cheek if you don't, you little mother-fucker) - the rest of them got straight to it, he looked at me for 3 seconds (eye to eye), realized I was not fucking about & got on his knees.

I stood there for about 10mins watching them bathe in humiliation, & then went home happy with a good days work.

I am an untermensch polak :'(
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:27:24 AM
I am an untermensch polak :'(

Keine Sorge.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 08, 2009, 03:27:33 AM
deicide is a good jew, solid as a cock. not a zionist+libertarian=ftw
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 08, 2009, 03:29:59 AM
Keine Sorge.
i don't speak german dude.  i wonder if i could teach myself, i need to learn another language
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:31:07 AM
deicide is a good jew, solid as a cock. not a zionist+libertarian=ftw

Disturbing term, however I will take that as a borderline compliment.

herzlichen Dank
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:31:44 AM
i don't speak german dude.  i wonder if i could teach myself, i need to learn another language

Keine Sorge=no worry(ies)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 08, 2009, 04:04:43 AM
Disturbing term, however I will take that as a borderline compliment.

herzlichen Dank
do you have something against living in america, do you hate this country, never plan to live here again?  just curious.  I don;t understand your lifestyle, i couldnt handle not having a home.  i think maybe you are linked to your ancestors who were also nomadic
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 04:22:31 AM
do you have something against living in america, do you hate this country, never plan to live here again?  just curious.  I don;t understand your lifestyle, i couldnt handle not having a home.  i think maybe you are linked to your ancestors who were also nomadic

I spent the first 19 years of my life in the USA. I don't hate it there but it's just not for me. I never felt like it was my place; I consider myself European first (besides the technical passport fact that I am) having lived years there; I love the history, the architecture, the culture, the languages, plus most of my good friends are there. I think very few people are made for the expat lifestyle. I never really had a home so it is difficult to conceive of just what that is...I suppose if I had one I would not want to leave. I don't have any plans on ever living in the USA, but never say never. I am sure at some point at time I will want to 'settle down', whatever that means but not for now, the adventure beckons and I must answer the call (first finish MA and get job of course)... ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 09:11:18 AM

Zimbabwe, a country that hasn't been around that long and hasn't had the chance to embrace the democratic way of doing things..I have already denounced Mugabe as a thug which is more of a concession than you have made since you have not acknowledged anyone to be right about anything except yourself....

and how can you even compare the zimbabweans to others in terms of IQ when the vast number of them live in poverty and we all know that IQ correlates with wealth??..come on....stop your stupid racist posturing and at least argue these points fairly...... If you take the whites in Appalachia and compare them to the whites on Park Avenue in NY city, who is going to have the highest IQ??...comparing the citizens of Zimbabwe to others in terms of IQ is a big stretch.....

1) You mean like all the other Afro-Utopian countries that have had control of their country for generations, like eeeeerrrrrm - well there is the-eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr - no I mean, that one where you know,  thingy - NAME THEM

2) the ones who have been in-breeding for FIVE generations ?? - very scientific
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 08, 2009, 09:38:18 AM
Wikipedia? LOL, you know NOTHING of Lynn's work, NOTHING of said data sets.

NOTHING comes close to the said tome and the correlation it makes between IQ and GDP, NOTHING!

No sociologist has EVER put forward ANYTHING close to that which Lynn and Vanhanen present.

The sad fact is, that for all your bluster you have NO original work to present, just mere whimsy about vague socioeconomics.

You can present no data model that confounds the conclusions reached by Lynn, NONE!

It's always the same old bullshit story from you; the whites are racist, the scores for blacks are incorrect.

Well, why not the other way around?  Why do we NEVER hear you say "The THIRTY THREE tests from various African countries - with five in the 75 to 80 range, and 28 below that - are depressingly correct, but the Chinese score of 107 is probably too low, they are probably capable of scoring 120 on average"?

Answer?  You are an apologist for genetic inability; you have ZERO interest in science, preferring instead to spew whimsy as an explanation for the poor performance on the part of Africans.

Honestly, instead of pulling down the work that show blacks ALWAYS being beaten by ALL OTHER RACES, work that TIME AND TIME AGAIN shows the EXACT spread of bell curve as demonstrated by Murray et al., why don't you PROVE YOUR POINT BY POINTING TO STUDIES SHOWING BLACKS AT THE TOP OF THE TREE...oh yeah, you can't because no such studies exist!

I'd settle for you showing us an IQ test that demonstrates everyone is equal...oh yeah, it doesn't exist either.  Doh!


Oh and let's merely gloss over the fact that Tatu Vanhanen was pursued by the police for his comments about the book, YES THAT'S THE WORLD YOU AND YOUR PISSANT CROWD HAVE CRAFTED!  We can't even look at these topics in an objective scientific light without threat of JAIL TIME.  Of course if your side was  confident in your beliefs no such punishment would be needed - you could merely expose the genetic side as being false by showing us studies which demonstrate equality.

Oh, but they don't exist.

Nothing comes close eh? Haha please.  A quick fact check would prove otherwise
For example, the majority of the data points in Lynn's book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" were not based on residents of the countries in question. The datum for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had migrated to the Netherlands, and the datum for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel, and, for cultural and historical reasons, was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The datum for Mexico was based on a weighted averaging of the results of a study of “Native American and Mestizo children in Southern Mexico” with result of a study of residents of Argentina.

The datum that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain

Other studies have found that blacks in Africa with a good education score better on IQ and other standardized tests than do whites. Crawford-Nutt (1976) found that African black students enrolled in westernized schools scored higher on progressive matrix tests than did American white students. The study was meant to examine perceptual/cultural differences between groups, and demonstrated that one’s performance on western standardized tests correspond more closely with the quality and style of schooling that one receives more so than other factors.

Which is exactly what the Flynn effect correlates to.  Better environment for learning and study throughout the generations WHICH is what Gladwell eloquently points out.  Meanwhile your racist vdare rubbish tries to discredit him.  While all these pioneer fund lackies circle the wagon to skew science to prove something which is not true.  Blacks (or any race) are not fundamentally less intelligent than another race, when all given the equal opportunity they have shown to be on par. 

Shuttleworth-Edwards et al (2004) conducted a study with black South Africans between the ages of 19–30, where highly significant effects for both level and quality of education within groups whose first language was an indigenous black African language, was revealed. Black African first language groups (as well as white English speaking groups) with advantaged education were comparable with the US standardization in IQ test scores (e.g. WAIS-III)

In a critical review of The Bell Curve, psychologist Leon Kamin accused Lynn of disregarding scientific objectivity, misrepresenting data, and racism.[40] Kamin argues the studies of cognitive ability of Africans in Lynn's meta-analysis cited by Herrnstein and Murray show strong cultural bias. Kamin also criticized Lynn for "concocting" IQ values from test scores that have no correlation to IQ.[41] Furthermore, Kamin argues Lynn selectively excluded a study that found no difference in White and Black performance, and ignored the results of a study which showed Black scores were higher than White scores.

Sh*t i didn't even have to try to find this information.  It's so easily obtainable.  Really MattC you should move out of Bumfu*k Manitoba and lose the small minded racism.  You never know you might even find that these dark skinned people you demonize aren't quite so bad after all.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 11:10:41 AM
Oh wait, this from a guy who thinks we were created in a magic garden with a talking snake...since you neither believe nor understand evolution, it is clear that this is beyond you.

Not really.  I just don't buy the argument that men are smarter than women.  But I completely understand why you would believe something like that. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 11:32:14 AM
Not really.  I just don't buy the argument that men are smarter than women.  But I completely understand why you would believe something like that. 

Why don't you buy the argument?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 11:37:01 AM
Why don't you buy the argument?

Because it doesn't make any dang sense. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 11:46:05 AM
Because it doesn't make any dang sense. 

Dominance Hierarchy forces men to compete against each other for the attention of women whereby some men in their strivings rise to the absolute top and others get pushed to the bottom. There is no such Dominance Hierarchy with women whose assets are not found in achievements but youth, beauty and fertility. Thus the reason why women in most positions tend to perform in a mediocre manner compared to men. That doesn't make sense?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 11:48:50 AM
First of all, "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" is hardly unassailable. I"ve never read it, but I just took a look at it's wikipedia page and it's sort of a mess. National averages weren't available for nearly half the countries and several of the averages were pulled from data decades apart. Many of the averages were pulled from data on young children and many of the averages were pulled from different types of tests.

Are you aware that 'Wiki' is - NOT - 'encyclopaedia Britannica' ??
Any-one can submit a page to 'WIKI' - I could now write a monologue on 'Al Doggity' & what a twat he is, his research is appalling/ almost as appalling as his counter debate.
Post it on 'WIKI' - you Google 'Al Doggity' & BOOM - there is the 'WIKI-PAGE' on you.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 11:58:06 AM
I am an untermensch polak :'(

What makes you think you qualify for 'untermensch' classification ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 12:01:41 PM
Dominance Hierarchy forces men to compete against each other for the attention of women whereby some men in their strivings rise to the absolute top and others get pushed to the bottom. There is no such Dominance Hierarchy with women whose assets are not found in achievements but youth, beauty and fertility. Thus the reason why women in most positions tend to perform in a mediocre manner compared to men. That doesn't make sense?

Not one bit. 

I work with a lot of women and they are all extremely intelligent.  I live in a house full of women, and they are all very smart.  I encounter women in the marketplace and the classroom, and they are very bright.  Our governor is female.  The leader of our state senate is female.  They hold important positions all throughout this state. 

The attempt to call them genetically inferior is something I would expect to hear over 100 years ago.  The fact we have young people spouting this nonsense today is sad. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 12:18:03 PM
Are you aware that 'Wiki' is - NOT - 'encyclopaedia Britannica' ??
Any-one can submit a page to 'WIKI' - I could now write a monologue on 'Al Doggity' & what a twat he is, his research is appalling/ almost as appalling as his counter debate.
Post it on 'WIKI' - you Google 'Al Doggity' & BOOM - there is the 'WIKI-PAGE' on you.

Lame argument.

First of all, Matt dragged his info from Vdare, a conservative website that doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Simply skimming the article shows that the author wasn't even honest about his comparisons. Wikipedia is practically the holy bible in comparison.

Secondly, the value of a wikipedia article is the sources it cites. The wikipedia article I referenced cited multiple scientific journals, reviews from respected newspapers and interviews with the authors themselves. Just as you can't (and I didn't) claim that a wikipedia article is 100% reliable simply because it's on the site, you can't dismiss all facts contained in an article and expect to be taken seriously.

 Wikipedia is one of the most reliable resources on the web.  Interestingly, independent studies have found that it is almost as reliable as Britannica. Some appalling research for you:

Study: Wikipedia as accurate as Britannica

Wikipedia is about as good a source of accurate information as Britannica, the venerable standard-bearer of facts about the world around us, according to a study published this week in the journal Nature. (
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 12:23:15 PM
Not one bit. 

I work with a lot of women and they are all extremely intelligent.  I live in a house full of women, and they are all very smart.  I encounter women in the marketplace and the classroom, and they are very bright.  Our governor is female.  The leader of our state senate is female.  They hold important positions all throughout this state. 

The attempt to call them genetically inferior is something I would expect to hear over 100 years ago.  The fact we have young people spouting this nonsense today is sad. 

All examples of positions requiring social skills, which women have more of and are superior in. Where are the Nobel Prize winning chemists, physicists, mathematicians? The legendary writers? The artists? I rest my case. I am not talking about public office here.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 12:30:00 PM
All examples of positions requiring social skills, which women have more of and are superior in. Where are the Nobel Prize winning chemists, physicists, mathematicians? The legendary writers? The artists? I rest my case. I am not talking about public office here.

I'd like to continue this, but I have to conserve my brain cells.  Not working with much to begin with, and I fear this conversation will make me dumber.  :-\ 

Deicide you obviously hate women. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 12:54:57 PM
All examples of positions requiring social skills, which women have more of and are superior in. Where are the Nobel Prize winning chemists, physicists, mathematicians? The legendary writers? The artists? I rest my case. I am not talking about public office here.

It's sort of a crappy case, though. You're discounting the impact simply being female would have had in allowing women to even gain a foothold in these fields throughout most of history. Today, here in America, you can maybe make the argument that we are largely a merit-based society. I wouldn't make that claim, but it is closer to true now than at any time in history. Patronage and money played enormous roles in all the fields you listed, so a dearth of women practicing in those professions was to be completely expected.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:00:38 PM
Jag when will you understand no one bothers with your videos?

Just you bother with Matt videos?'re the same..nothing but wasted bandwidth.

leave jag alone..LOL..I thought the vid was good
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Parker on May 08, 2009, 01:01:46 PM
Dominance Hierarchy forces men to compete against each other for the attention of women whereby some men in their strivings rise to the absolute top and others get pushed to the bottom. There is no such Dominance Hierarchy with women whose assets are not found in achievements but youth, beauty and fertility. Thus the reason why women in most positions tend to perform in a mediocre manner compared to men. That doesn't make sense?

Thing is, women can't handle competing with one another---when they do, it usually over beauty, and the end result is the fashion industry Supermodel look...long thing arms and legs, no hips, breasts, and exeggerated walk, and androgynous facial features.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 01:02:00 PM
It's sort of a crappy case, though. You're discounting the impact simply being female would have had in allowing women to even gain a foothold in these fields throughout most of history. Today, here in America, you can maybe make the argument that we are largely a merit-based society. I wouldn't make that claim, but it is closer to true now than at any time in history. Patronage and money played enormous roles in all the fields you listed, so a dearth of women practicing in those professions was to be completely expected.

Ah, this tired old argument. Well for starters women have all the opportunities they want NOW. Where are the great female mathematicians, physicists? Artists? Who was the last female who won the Nobel Prize in the sciences. For 40 some years women have had access to all the same possibilities men have. There is a longer, more complex historical argument, but I don't feel like writing pages. Women and men are different. See the original argument involving Dominance Hierarchy, which is the defining difference, as women have no such thing.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 01:03:38 PM
Thing is, women can't handle competing with one another---when they do, it usually over beauty, and the end result is the fashion industry Supermodel look...long thing arms and legs, no hips, breasts, and exeggerated walk, and androgynous facial features.

Precisely. Women's competition amounts to little else than comparing their physical assets because men are primarily interested in a woman's youth and beauty; the opposite can not be claimed of men which is why DH exists.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:12:12 PM
1) You mean like all the other Afro-Utopian countries that have had control of their country for generations, like eeeeerrrrrm - well there is the-eeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr - no I mean, that one where you know,  thingy - NAME THEM

2) the ones who have been in-breeding for FIVE generations ?? - very scientific

well..pillow you make my point......just how long have these black african countires been governed by their own people?...not that long...maybe not even 60 years.....most were ruled through colonialism as you alrerady they have not had time to develop democratic traditions and rule of law....also...and I know you will deny this of course because you never concede a point to the other side even when it's true, but the colonialists (british, dutch, french, portuguese, etc....) started these regimes on the road to dysfunction by installing puppets and strongmen to rule by proxy.....persons who were ill-equipped to govern and beholden to the colonialists...these strongmen began in turn to display the same brutality as the colonialists to stay in power...thus beginning a cycle of coups, conflicts and social unrest.......

second....I was not trying to be scientific with the point about appalachians v.s the rich......I don't have the time to do the research on that nor do I care to...I was trying to show a correlation which I think has some merit.....the rich and better off will tend to have higher IQ's..thats the key....IQ is most likely more determined by status than race.....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:15:17 PM
Nothing comes close eh? Haha please.  A quick fact check would prove otherwise
For example, the majority of the data points in Lynn's book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" were not based on residents of the countries in question. The datum for Suriname was based on tests given to Surinamese who had migrated to the Netherlands, and the datum for Ethiopia was based on the IQ scores of a highly selected group that had emigrated to Israel, and, for cultural and historical reasons, was hardly representative of the Ethiopian population. The datum for Mexico was based on a weighted averaging of the results of a study of “Native American and Mestizo children in Southern Mexico” with result of a study of residents of Argentina.

The datum that Lynn and Vanhanen used for the lowest IQ estimate, Equatorial Guinea, was the mean IQ of a group of Spanish children in a home for the developmentally disabled in Spain

Other studies have found that blacks in Africa with a good education score better on IQ and other standardized tests than do whites. Crawford-Nutt (1976) found that African black students enrolled in westernized schools scored higher on progressive matrix tests than did American white students. The study was meant to examine perceptual/cultural differences between groups, and demonstrated that one’s performance on western standardized tests correspond more closely with the quality and style of schooling that one receives more so than other factors.

Which is exactly what the Flynn effect correlates to.  Better environment for learning and study throughout the generations WHICH is what Gladwell eloquently points out.  Meanwhile your racist vdare rubbish tries to discredit him.  While all these pioneer fund lackies circle the wagon to skew science to prove something which is not true.  Blacks (or any race) are not fundamentally less intelligent than another race, when all given the equal opportunity they have shown to be on par. 

Shuttleworth-Edwards et al (2004) conducted a study with black South Africans between the ages of 19–30, where highly significant effects for both level and quality of education within groups whose first language was an indigenous black African language, was revealed. Black African first language groups (as well as white English speaking groups) with advantaged education were comparable with the US standardization in IQ test scores (e.g. WAIS-III)

In a critical review of The Bell Curve, psychologist Leon Kamin accused Lynn of disregarding scientific objectivity, misrepresenting data, and racism.[40] Kamin argues the studies of cognitive ability of Africans in Lynn's meta-analysis cited by Herrnstein and Murray show strong cultural bias. Kamin also criticized Lynn for "concocting" IQ values from test scores that have no correlation to IQ.[41] Furthermore, Kamin argues Lynn selectively excluded a study that found no difference in White and Black performance, and ignored the results of a study which showed Black scores were higher than White scores.

Sh*t i didn't even have to try to find this information.  It's so easily obtainable.  Really MattC you should move out of Bumfu*k Manitoba and lose the small minded racism.  You never know you might even find that these dark skinned people you demonize aren't quite so bad after all.

incredible mind-blowing post, KCBaller.......good job... and a very nice read
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 01:26:20 PM
Ah, this tired old argument. Well for starters women have all the opportunities they want NOW. Where are the great female mathematicians, physicists? Artists? Who was the last female who won the Nobel Prize in the sciences. For 40 some years women have had access to all the same possibilities men have. There is a longer, more complex historical argument, but I don't feel like writing pages. Women and men are different. See the original argument involving Dominance Hierarchy, which is the defining difference, as women have no such thing.

Most recent nobel prize science winners were born in the 1940s or earlier. Meaning, their female classmates would have already come of age by the time the American women's movement began.

Why do you believe that women have all the opportunities they want now? What flash occurred that opened all doors 40 years ago with no residual impact? Was it anything like the one that obliterated the concept of racism?

 There are still ceilings in fields with a large percentage of women working in them. How could you expect these obstacles to disappear overnight in fields with such a small female representation?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:26:32 PM
All examples of positions requiring social skills, which women have more of and are superior in. Where are the Nobel Prize winning chemists, physicists, mathematicians? The legendary writers? The artists? I rest my case. I am not talking about public office here.

Your argument sounds rational but you're forgetting that the reason why women have not been chemists, physicists, etc is because for generations men (especially white men) pushed women into occupations which THEY felt women were most suited for.....such as nurses, teachers, etc...women were discriminated against when they wanted to go into medicine (as doctors), or into other male dominated fields because society told them that if they did it would not be feminine to do so, or they could not compete with men in those fields......40 years ago there were few women doctors and it was not uncommon for men not to want treatment from a woman doctor....had women been allowed to become physicists, mathematicians, etc..then their sheer numbers and increased presence in those professions would have produced many more female nobel prize winners in those fields by now
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:29:21 PM
It's sort of a crappy case, though. You're discounting the impact simply being female would have had in allowing women to even gain a foothold in these fields throughout most of history. Today, here in America, you can maybe make the argument that we are largely a merit-based society. I wouldn't make that claim, but it is closer to true now than at any time in history. Patronage and money played enormous roles in all the fields you listed, so a dearth of women practicing in those professions was to be completely expected.

sorry....didn't read your post before posting mine said the same thing I said and you said it before me.....I wasn't trying to steal your thunder.....I give you credit as being the originator of the above......very good post...we were thinking alike here
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:34:01 PM
Ah, this tired old argument. Well for starters women have all the opportunities they want NOW. Where are the great female mathematicians, physicists? Artists? Who was the last female who won the Nobel Prize in the sciences. For 40 some years women have had access to all the same possibilities men have. There is a longer, more complex historical argument, but I don't feel like writing pages. Women and men are different. See the original argument involving Dominance Hierarchy, which is the defining difference, as women have no such thing.

dude you are playing games are too smart not to know that 40 years means  nothing in terms progression for a group.....your point would be more valid after maybe 100-200 years or so.....white men in America had over a 200 year headstart...also alot of the Nobel winners are old men...who have dominated their fields for 30-40 years....women are only now starting to get into those fields in somewhat large numbers
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 01:39:19 PM

Your argument sounds rational but you're forgetting that the reason why women have not been chemists, physicists, etc is because for generations men (especially white men) pushed women into occupations which THEY felt women were most suited for.....such as nurses, teachers, etc...women were discriminated against when they wanted to go into medicine (as doctors), or into other male dominated fields because society told them that if they did it would not be feminine to do so, or they could not compete with men in those fields......40 years ago there were few women doctors and it was not uncommon for men not to want treatment from a woman doctor....had women been allowed to become physicists, mathematicians, etc..then their sheer numbers and increased presence in those professions would have produced many more female nobel prize winners in those fields by now

This has been shown to be a fabrication, just as the wage gap has been shown to be. Women even now, naturally gravitate towards jobs which are more social in nature because women ARE more social and tend to work fewer hours out of CHOICE. There have been numerous studies done on this. Men and women are different in their approaches to things. This is a consequence of evolution.

I highly recommend this book if you are openminded:

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 01:40:55 PM
Precisely. Women's competition amounts to little else than comparing their physical assets because men are primarily interested in a woman's youth and beauty; the opposite can not be claimed of men which is why DH exists. a created the rules in this is a patriarchial society......we insisted that women be feminine, look good, produce babies, and stay in the kitchen while we as men went out and did what we pleased....

not to mention.....the reason why men as a whole have been able to suceed on such a vast scale is because women took care of our children, cooked for us, cleaned our dirty underwear, and freed us from the responsibility to do so.....thus we had time to work outside the home and create stuff and invent this and that......if we were the ones doing the women's chores and the situation was reversed, women would be winning all the noble prizes and we would be the ones trying to reduce our pot bellies to look young and look good for them....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 01:49:33 PM
Quote a created the rules in this is a patriarchial society......we insisted that women be feminine, look good, produce babies, and stay in the kitchen while we as men went out and did what we pleased....

We didn't create anything. All the rules are a product of evolution and natural selection. No one insisted on anything; that is just the way things have always beem, for all species, and we are no exception. Men have hardly done as they pleased. The haven broken their backs in hard labour to provide for their families with little or no acknowledgement throughout history.

not to mention.....the reason why men as a whole have been able to suceed on such a vast scale is because women took care of our children, cooked for us, cleaned our dirty underwear, and freed us from the responsibility to do so.....thus we had time to work outside the home and create stuff and invent this and that......if we were the ones doing the women's chores and the situation was reversed, women would be winning all the noble prizes and we would be the ones trying to reduce our pot bellies to look young and look good for them....

You really do not believe in evolution or biology, do you? Men and women are not the same and it is not a matter of simple role reversal that would change everything to the opposite. Regardless of cultural advancements we are the same animals we were 100,000 years ago and play by the same rules.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 02:00:27 PM
We didn't create anything. All the rules are a product of evolution and natural selection. No one insisted on anything; that is just the way things have always beem, for all species, and we are no exception. Men have hardly done as they pleased. The haven broken their backs in hard labour to provide for their families with little or no acknowledgement throughout history.

You really do not believe in evolution or biology, do you? Men and women are not the same and it is not a matter of simple role reversal that would change everything to the opposite. Regardless of cultural advancements we are the same animals we were 100,000 years ago and play by the same rules.

exactly my point.....and who do you think was in charge and setting the rules 100,000 years ago???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 02:06:37 PM
I just pulled this off the net:

In 1903, only two years after the Nobel Foundation was established, a Nobel Prize was awarded to a woman, Marie Curie, for the first time. Women have been winning Nobel Prizes ever since. In fact, one woman, Bertha von Suttner was influential in convincing Alfred Nobel to establish a Prize for Peace. Women have won Prizes in all categories with the exception of Economics (which was established in 1968 and first awarded in 1969). Feel free to let your opinions be heard on how we can increase the role of women in the Arts & Sciences on our public forum!.

Physics: 1903 Marie Sklodowska Curie
1963 Maria Goeppert Mayer

Chemistry: 1911 Marie Sklodowska Curie
1935 Irene Joliot-Curie
1964 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Physiology & Medicine: 1947 Gerty Radnitz Cori
1977 Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
1983 Barbara McClintock
1986 Rita Levi-Montalcini
1988 Gertrude Elion
1995 Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
2004 Linda B. Buck
2008 Francoise Barre-Sinoussi

Peace: 1905 Baroness Bertha von Suttner
1931 Jane Addams
1946 Emily Greene Balch
1976 Betty Williams
1976 Mairead Corrigan
1979 Mother Teresa
1982 Alva Myrdal
1991 Aung San Suu Kyi
1992 Rigoberta Menchu Tum
1997 Jody Williams
2003 Shirin Ebadi
2004 Wangari Maathai

Literature: 1909 Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlof
1926 Grazia Deledda
1928 Sigrid Undset
1938 Pearl Buck
1945 Gabriela Mistral
1966 Nelly Sachs
1991 Nadine Gordimer
1993 Toni Morrison
1996 Wislawa Szymborska
2004 Elfriede Jelinek
2007 Doris Lessing
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:15:56 PM
I just pulled this off the net:

In 1903, only two years after the Nobel Foundation was established, a Nobel Prize was awarded to a woman, Marie Curie, for the first time. Women have been winning Nobel Prizes ever since. In fact, one woman, Bertha von Suttner was influential in convincing Alfred Nobel to establish a Prize for Peace. Women have won Prizes in all categories with the exception of Economics (which was established in 1968 and first awarded in 1969). Feel free to let your opinions be heard on how we can increase the role of women in the Arts & Sciences on our public forum!.

Physics: 1903 Marie Sklodowska Curie
1963 Maria Goeppert Mayer

Chemistry: 1911 Marie Sklodowska Curie
1935 Irene Joliot-Curie
1964 Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin

Physiology & Medicine: 1947 Gerty Radnitz Cori
1977 Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
1983 Barbara McClintock
1986 Rita Levi-Montalcini
1988 Gertrude Elion
1995 Christiane Nusslein-Volhard
2004 Linda B. Buck
2008 Francoise Barre-Sinoussi

Peace: 1905 Baroness Bertha von Suttner
1931 Jane Addams
1946 Emily Greene Balch
1976 Betty Williams
1976 Mairead Corrigan
1979 Mother Teresa
1982 Alva Myrdal
1991 Aung San Suu Kyi
1992 Rigoberta Menchu Tum
1997 Jody Williams
2003 Shirin Ebadi
2004 Wangari Maathai

Literature: 1909 Selma Ottilia Lovisa Lagerlof
1926 Grazia Deledda
1928 Sigrid Undset
1938 Pearl Buck
1945 Gabriela Mistral
1966 Nelly Sachs
1991 Nadine Gordimer
1993 Toni Morrison
1996 Wislawa Szymborska
2004 Elfriede Jelinek
2007 Doris Lessing

And compare it to the list of men.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:18:41 PM

exactly my point.....and who do you think was in charge and setting the rules 100,000 years ago???

No one was/is in charge. These terms are meaningless. The rules came about as a result of natural selection and evolution. We simply follow our instincts. There was no 'creation process' involved. I see you are too close minded to read the book I recommended to you. If you did you would see how much is wrong about feminism and what it purports.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 08, 2009, 02:19:04 PM

well..pillow you make my point......just how long have these black african countires been governed by their own people?...not that long...maybe not even 60 years.....

2)Ok, S.Africa ??

Let 'NM' out of prison, abolish apartheid,  give the 'ANC' control & the country........

& it goes to shit !!  ??? ??? ???

Crime is out of control, South Africa has the highest levels of - murder/burglary-rape/car jacking, etc - in the world - WTF ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: kcballer on May 08, 2009, 02:21:10 PM
And compare it to the list of men.

I think you should say - compare it to a list of men who faced and still face discrimination because of their gender. 

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:22:11 PM
Dominance Hierarchy forces men to compete against each other for the attention of women whereby some men in their strivings rise to the absolute top and others get pushed to the bottom. There is no such Dominance Hierarchy with women whose assets are not found in achievements but youth, beauty and fertility. Thus the reason why women in most positions tend to perform in a mediocre manner compared to men. That doesn't make sense?

Beach is talking about intelligence, ...and you're talking about mating rituals?  ::)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 02:22:40 PM
This has been shown to be a fabrication, just as the wage gap has been shown to be. Women even now, naturally gravitate towards jobs which are more social in nature because women ARE more social and tend to work fewer hours out of CHOICE. There have been numerous studies done on this. Men and women are different in their approaches to things. This is a consequence of evolution.

I highly recommend this book if you are openminded:

Great. More "new" science.

I have a feeling that that "wage gap" comment may have been directed at me. If so, let's make it clear that I never said there was a wage gap. I said there was a "glass ceiling." Two diff things.

I am in advertising and used to analyze demographics full time. The wage gap among college grads was always attributable to a lot of variables. One of the notable things about that gap is that even though women do consistently work fewer hours, the percentage gap has closed by nearly 30% over the last 20 years. This is almost entirely due to women moving into higher paying fields traditionally dominated by men.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 02:24:08 PM
I think you should say - compare it to a list of men who faced and still face discrimination because of their gender. 

Yeah, it's been posted several times but you can't remove actual history from history.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 02:28:30 PM
Here is a timeline showing women in space:

Women in Space - Timeline
A Chronology of Women Astronauts, Cosmonauts, and Other Space Pioneers
By Jone Johnson Lewis,
NASA Space Center
 1959 - Geraldine (Jerrie) Cobb passes tests for the Mercury astronaut training program

1963 - June - Valentina Tereshkova, cosmonaut from the USSR, becomes the first woman in space

1978 - Six women chosen as astronaut candidates by NASA: Rhea Seddon, Kathryn Sullivan, Judith Resnik, Sally Ride, Anna Fisher and Shannon Lucid

1983 - June - Sally Ride, American astronaut, becomes the first American woman in space

1984 - July - Svetlana Savitskaya, USSR cosmonaut, becomes first woman to walk in space

1984 - October - Kathryn Sullivan, American astronaut, becomes first American woman to walk in space

1984 - August - Anna Fisher becomes the first person to retrieve a malfunctioning satellite, using the orbiter remote manipulator arm

1992 - May - Kathy Thornton, the second woman to walk in space, holds record for longest space walk by a woman as of 2002

1992 - June/July - Bonnie Dunbar and Ellen Baker are among the first American crew to dock with the Russian space station

1992 - September - Mae Jemison becomes first African American woman in space

1993 - April - Ellen Ochoa becomes first Hispanic American woman in space

1994 - July - Chiaki Mukai becomes the first Japanese woman in space

1995 - February - Eileen Collins becomes first woman to pilot a space shuttle

1996 - September - Shannon Lucid returns from her six months on Mir, the Russian space station, with a record for the time in space for women and for Americans -- she is also the first woman to be awarded the Congressional Space Medal of Honor

1998 - May - Nearly 2/3 of the flight control team for STS-95 were women, including the launch commentator, Lisa Malone, the ascent commentator, Eileen Hawley, the flight directory, Linda Harm, and the communicator between crew and mission control, Susan Still

1998 - December - Nancy Currie completes the first task in assembling the International Space Station

1999 - July - Eileen Collins becomes the first woman to command a space shuttle
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:29:16 PM
It's sort of a crappy case, though. You're discounting the impact simply being female would have had in allowing women to even gain a foothold in these fields throughout most of history. Today, here in America, you can maybe make the argument that we are largely a merit-based society. I wouldn't make that claim, but it is closer to true now than at any time in history. Patronage and money played enormous roles in all the fields you listed, so a dearth of women practicing in those professions was to be completely expected.

Add to this the fact that women are often required to postpone their careers for childbirth & child rearing.
Something not required of men. 30 years of continuous career advancement provides a tremendous advancement over those whose careers progress in fits and starts with notably lengthy periods of inactivity. Deicide needs to get a clue.

...maybe if he got laid more often, he'd be more aware of the reality of childbirth and how it can impede a woman's career progress.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 02:33:51 PM
Here is an article talking about female CEOs at Fortune 500 companies:

Women CEOs slowly gain on Corporate America
Updated 1/2/2009 5:00 AM | Comments 55  | Recommend 7  E-mail | Save | Print | Reprints & Permissions |   
By Del Jones, USA TODAY

Ellen Kullman replaced Chad Holliday at DuPont (DD) Thursday to start 2009, which brings to 13 the number of female CEOs running the USA's largest 500 publicly traded companies.

That's a record. But it's only one more than last year, a year when Hillary Rodham Clinton and Sarah Palin missed becoming the first female president and vice president, and a year when frustration continued to mount on the corporate side over the plodding progress of women.

It's not just that the number of female CEOs is barely inching up. Women now receive about six in 10 college degrees, yet near the top there remains slow progress in the number of female directors, officers, highest paid — and women in the pipeline, according to research by Catalyst, Corporate Library and others.

USA TODAY has tracked the stock performance of female CEOs in the Fortune 500 for years. The annual examination began in 2003, when female CEOs so out-performed men, and again in 2004, that it looked like there might be something to the gender advantage, or at least something to the theory that the glass ceiling was so difficult to crack that the women who made it to the top were more talented than their male counterparts.
. . . .
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:34:30 PM
Beach is talking about intelligence, ...and you're talking about mating rituals?  ::)

That Ms. 160 IQ is the sole purpose of why we are here, as far as evolution is concerned.

Intelligence is merely a means to place oneself higher up in the DH. Achievements brought about through intelligence serve to elevate on in the DH, thus higher mate selection status, akin to wealth. Everything is essentially about the propagation of DNA.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 02:39:17 PM
The following colleges (among others) have female presidents:

U Penn
Barnard College
Hunter College
University of California - San Diego
University of San Diego
Cal State Northridge
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:41:16 PM
Add to this the fact that women are often required to postpone their careers for childbirth & child rearing.
Something not required of men. 30 years of continuous career advancement provides a tremendous advancement over those whose careers progress in fits and starts with notably lengthy periods of inactivity. Deicide needs to get a clue.

...maybe if he got laid more often, he'd be more aware of the reality of childbirth and how it can impede a woman's career progress.

Says the Communist Female 160 IQ who is herself childless. You would appear to be just as 'clueless' as I am on this issue.

No one is going to argue against the issue of child birth and child rearing. That is the way nature is and not subject to cultural dissection. You cannot rail against the facts. Yet it is people like you and others that argue that men and women are identical. Identical? Strange...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:41:49 PM

Your argument sounds rational but you're forgetting that the reason why women have not been chemists, physicists, etc is because for generations men (especially white men) pushed women into occupations which THEY felt women were most suited for.....such as nurses, teachers, etc...women were discriminated against when they wanted to go into medicine (as doctors), or into other male dominated fields because society told them that if they did it would not be feminine to do so, or they could not compete with men in those fields......40 years ago there were few women doctors and it was not uncommon for men not to want treatment from a woman doctor....had women been allowed to become physicists, mathematicians, etc..then their sheer numbers and increased presence in those professions would have produced many more female nobel prize winners in those fields by now

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 02:45:50 PM
I think you should say - compare it to a list of men who faced and still face discrimination because of their gender. 

Another interesting comparison would be how many of those Nobel Laureates have children?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:46:29 PM
Another interesting comparison would be how many of those Nobel Laureates have children?

Do you have children?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 02:48:14 PM
There are more women in college than men (2005 article):

College gender gap widens: 57% are women
By Mary Beth Marklein, USA TODAY

In May, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education posted the inevitable culmination of a trend: Last year for the first time, women earned more than half the degrees granted statewide in every category, be it associate, bachelor, master, doctoral or professional.
Women currently make up 57% of all college students. 
By Alison Redlich, The Burlington Free Press

Cause for celebration — or for concern?

Before you answer, consider the perspective of Jim McCorkell, founder of Admission Possible, a St. Paul program to help low-income high school kids prepare for college. Last year, 30% of the students were boys. This fall, that has inched up to 34%, but only because "we actually did a little affirmative action," McCorkell says. "If we had a tie (between a male and a female applicant), we gave it to a boy."

As women march forward, more boys seem to be falling by the wayside, McCorkell says. Not only do national statistics forecast a continued decline in the percentage of males on college campuses, but the drops are seen in all races, income groups and fields of study, says policy analyst Thomas Mortenson, publisher of the influential Postsecondary Education Opportunity newsletter in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since 1995, he has been tracking — and sounding the alarm about — the dwindling presence of men in colleges.

. . . .
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 02:49:19 PM
There are more women in college than men (2005 article):

College gender gap widens: 57% are women
By Mary Beth Marklein, USA TODAY

In May, the Minnesota Office of Higher Education posted the inevitable culmination of a trend: Last year for the first time, women earned more than half the degrees granted statewide in every category, be it associate, bachelor, master, doctoral or professional.
Women currently make up 57% of all college students. 
By Alison Redlich, The Burlington Free Press

Cause for celebration — or for concern?

Before you answer, consider the perspective of Jim McCorkell, founder of Admission Possible, a St. Paul program to help low-income high school kids prepare for college. Last year, 30% of the students were boys. This fall, that has inched up to 34%, but only because "we actually did a little affirmative action," McCorkell says. "If we had a tie (between a male and a female applicant), we gave it to a boy."

As women march forward, more boys seem to be falling by the wayside, McCorkell says. Not only do national statistics forecast a continued decline in the percentage of males on college campuses, but the drops are seen in all races, income groups and fields of study, says policy analyst Thomas Mortenson, publisher of the influential Postsecondary Education Opportunity newsletter in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since 1995, he has been tracking — and sounding the alarm about — the dwindling presence of men in colleges.

. . . .

Do you think women are identical to men?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:02:50 PM
Do you think women are identical to men?

Of course not.  But that wasn't the point.  You and apparently some others think women are genetically superior to men.  The facts don't support you.  My next post was going to be about women in graduate school, but I think I made my point.   

I can't believe I let myself get sucked into this.  :-\
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:08:14 PM
Of course not.  But that wasn't the point.  You and apparently some others think women are genetically superior to men.  The facts don't support you.  My next post was going to be about women in graduate school, but I think I made my point.   

I can't believe I let myself get sucked into this.  :-\

Different, not superior. Men are more violent and less nuturing. Women are 'superior' to men in this respect. Your lists just prove what I have been saying. Women fill out the middle with men tending to fill out the very bottom or the very top: the GREATEST scientists, poets, artists, mathematicians, etc. were all men and will always be men.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 03:17:04 PM
Do you have children?

Whether I have children is irrelevant to the premise I proposed. my point is women who forego having families often progress further & faster in their careers than those who do not, because of the extra burden children give to women in society as opposed to men. Men with children are often free to advance their careers because their wives often bear the lionshare of child rearing. That was my point.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:21:46 PM
Whether I have children is irrelevant to the premise I proposed. my point is women who forego having families often progress further & faster in their careers than those who do not, because of the extra burden children give to women in society as opposed to men. Men with children are often free to advance their careers because their wives often bear the lionshare of child rearing. That was my point.

Well, you don't have a clue about birthing a child. You said I didn't have a clue; neither do you.

Yeah, and men put in 60 hour work weeks to support their families. What is your point?, they do different things.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:23:32 PM
Different, not superior. Men are more violent and less nuturing. Women are 'superior' to men in this respect. Your lists just prove what I have been saying. Women fill out the middle with men tending to fill out the very bottom or the very top: the GREATEST scientists, poets, artists, mathematicians, etc. were all men and will always be men.

Poppycock.  You said men have higher IQs then women:

Men do have an average of 5 more IQ points than women.

Then you claimed women can't compete in chemistry, physics, math, etc.:

All examples of positions requiring social skills, which women have more of and are superior in. Where are the Nobel Prize winning chemists, physicists, mathematicians? The legendary writers? The artists? I rest my case. I am not talking about public office here.

I then gave you a list of Nobel Prize winners, astronauts, CEOs, college presidents, and college student statistics.  

Now you're saying men are the "greatest"??  Sorry.  Doesn't fly.  

One thing that men do a whole lot better than women is commit crime.        
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:29:29 PM
Poppycock.  You said men have higher IQs then women:

Then you claimed women can't compete in chemistry, physics, math, etc.:

I then gave you a list of Nobel Prize winners, astronauts, CEOs, college presidents, and college student statistics.  

Now you're saying men are the "greatest"??  Sorry.  Doesn't fly.  

One thing that men do a whole lot better than women is commit crime.         

Ah, I see you hate your own gender. Do you really believe that statement?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:33:13 PM
Ah, I see you hate your own gender. Do you really believe that statement?

lol.  Nice try.  You hate women Deicide.  That's patently obvious by your comments on this board.

What I made was a factual statement.  Men commit the overwhelming majority of crime in this country.  You deny this? 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 03:35:24 PM

2)Ok, S.Africa ??

Let 'NM' out of prison, abolish apartheid,  give the 'ANC' control & the country........

& it goes to shit !!  ??? ??? ???

Crime is out of control, South Africa has the highest levels of - murder/burglary-rape/car jacking, etc - in the world - WTF ??

no...not least not the way you are putting it......yes does South Africa have crime?..sure.....but to say that South Africa went to shit after white rule was discontinued is not really scientific.......

South Africa was ruled by a brutal dictatorship which murdered many blacks and forced them to live in shanty towns far from the cities in poverty....they had a brutal networlk of secret police to enforce it's rule......of course once a brutal, ruthless regime gives up power, the population experiences a surge in lawlessness.....

This happened in Russia when the communists were thrown out....Russia descended into crime, anarchy, and choas for a while with lots of murder, poverty, and did Iraq after Saddham Hussein.....If you look at the newly- formed democracies of Eastern Europe, you will see increased levels of lawlessness and open prostitution...stuff you would never have seen during the communist dictatorships of the past...many Europeans that I know are dismayed at this as well....

How many black people are in Russia?....How many are in Iraq?....How many are in Europe?......did those countries slip into increased lawlessness due to black people?.....

your points always sounds good on the surface but upon further examination and refutation, they inevitably fall apart because you  so much want to find fault with black people that you stretch your theories beyond believability and credulity... your mind and stop trying to blame blacks for are eating yourself alive with hate and driving yourself crazy!

and I know you will do as you always won't acknowledge that any of my points have some truth to them and you will come up with another set of arguments that will again inevitably be flawed as well
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 08, 2009, 03:36:20 PM
lol.  Nice try.  You hate women Deicide.  That's patently obvious by your comments on this board.

What I made was a factual statement.  Men commit the overwhelming majority of crime in this country.  You deny this? 

I'm not defending him, but do you have any evidence that intelligence equates to capacity to commit crimes?  Bush is an extremely intelligent man and look at the crimes him and his Administration have committed.  
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:37:52 PM
lol.  Nice try.  You hate women Deicide.  That's patently obvious by your comments on this board.

What I made was a factual statement.  Men commit the overwhelming majority of crime in this country.  You deny this? 

No, I don't deny it. It is factual. I do deny that that is the ONLY thing men do better than women.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:39:29 PM
I'm not defending him, but do you have any evidence that intelligence equates to capacity to commit crimes?  Bush is an extremely intelligent man and look at the crimes him and his Administration have committed.  

Just the fact that crime correlates with income and education more than anything else, and both have a direct impact on intelligence. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 03:40:48 PM
Whether I have children is irrelevant to the premise I proposed. my point is women who forego having families often progress further & faster in their careers than those who do not, because of the extra burden children give to women in society as opposed to men. Men with children are often free to advance their careers because their wives often bear the lionshare of child rearing. That was my point.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:42:42 PM
No, I don't deny it. It is factual. I do deny that that is the ONLY thing men do better than women.

You're right.  We blow up stuff, break things, throw the ball farther, run faster, and hit harder than women.  
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:43:35 PM
Just the fact that crime correlates with income and education more than anything else, and both have a direct impact on intelligence. 

LOL. Men are more aggressive and violent because of their inherently higher testosterone levels and other hormonal conditions that differ from women's.

And obsessing over this allows women who ARE violent to get off scott free.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 03:49:25 PM
LOL. Men are more aggressive and violent because of their inherently higher testosterone levels and other hormonal conditions that differ from women's.

And obsessing over this allows women who ARE violent to get off scott free.

I've always said, sort of tongue in cheek, that testosterone kills brain cells.   :)  Makes us do really dumb stuff. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 03:52:28 PM
You're right.  We blow up stuff, break things, throw the ball farther, run faster, and hit harder than women.  

Yes, the only thing.


Leonardo da Vinci
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Miguel de Cervantes
and so on and so on...

These are examples of the GREATEST...and don't tell me they aren't women because women were 'suppressed'.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: 24KT on May 08, 2009, 03:52:43 PM
LOL. Men are more aggressive and violent because of their inherently higher testosterone levels and other hormonal conditions that differ from women's.

And obsessing over this allows women who ARE violent to get off scott free.

Oh yeah??? Tell that to Sally McNeil and Aileen Wuornos.  ::)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 04:00:40 PM
Yes, the only thing.


Leonardo da Vinci
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Miguel de Cervantes
and so on and so on...

These are examples of the GREATEST...and don't tell me they aren't women because women were 'suppressed'.

Go ahead and plug your ears.  That's exactly what has happened both in this country and others (oppression).  Women were considered property in this country.  We didn't let them enter the professions.  We didn't let them vote.  We didn't let them own property.  If you don't think all of this has impeded the progress of women then you're in denial. 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 04:04:43 PM
Oh yeah??? Tell that to Sally McNeil and Aileen Wuornos.  ::)

Rare exceptions. Women are privileged in society and always have been.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 08, 2009, 04:05:03 PM
Go ahead and plug your ears.  That's exactly what has happened both in this country and others (oppression).  Women were considered property in this country.  We didn't let them enter the professions.  We didn't let them vote.  We didn't let them own property.  If you don't think all of this has impeded the progress of women then you're in denial. 

Why didn't women take the dominant position from the beginning and put men in the position we put women in?  ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 08, 2009, 04:07:48 PM
Why didn't women take the dominant position from the beginning and put men in the position we put women in?  ???

We never 'put' women in any place. We didn't create anything; this is a consequence of evolution. We can pretend that the rules don't apply anymore but they do. Women like men for the same reasons they did 50,000 years ago and vice versa.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 04:09:07 PM
Why didn't women take the dominant position from the beginning and put men in the position we put women in?  ???

I'll share a line I've used with my kids when we're fighting for position on the couch, when I get the "I was here first!" line:  "I was here second, and I'm bigger than you."   :)  

Seriously, I don't know exactly, but a lot of male dominance has been based on intimidation, force, and violence.  It still happens, although we have done a very good job of reigning that stuff in.    
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 08, 2009, 04:09:23 PM
I don't understand why discussions on Race are so taboo?

To say different races don't generally have different mental traits (good and bad) seems crazy to me.  
It's easy to see that different races have different physical characteristics, but mentally we all develop the same?  ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on May 08, 2009, 04:10:22 PM
I'll share a line I've used with my kids when we're fighting for position on the couch, when I get the "I was here first!" line:  "I was here second, and I'm bigger than you."   :)  

haha been there done that  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 08, 2009, 04:18:42 PM
I don't understand why discussions on Race are so taboo?

To say different races don't generally have different mental traits (good and bad) seems crazy to me.  
It's easy to see that different races have different physical characteristics, but mentally we all develop the same?  ???

They're not taboo. 

Regarding supposed genetic differences in races and gender, what is the purpose of those discussions?  To set policy?  Foster bias?  Create message board material?  What I've seen is those discussions are most often a vehicle for some to validate whatever bias they might have.   

For those men who believe you are genetically superior to women (have a higher IQ, whatever), what do you do with this belief?  Treat women differently? 
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 04:23:11 PM
Yes, the only thing.


Leonardo da Vinci
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Miguel de Cervantes
and so on and so on...

These are examples of the GREATEST...and don't tell me they aren't women because women were 'suppressed'.
Why do you keep attempting to pound this point. It is A HISTORICAL FACT that there weren't many women able to work in these fields throughout most of history. It is also a statistical fact that as each year passes, more women enter fields traditionally dominated by men.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 08, 2009, 06:42:46 PM
Yes, the only thing.


Leonardo da Vinci
William Shakespeare
Dante Alighieri
Albert Einstein
Isaac Newton
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Miguel de Cervantes
and so on and so on...

These are examples of the GREATEST...and don't tell me they aren't women because women were 'suppressed'.

Deicide you are slowly losing the respect that you have worked hard to gain over the years here at are a smart guy which leads me to believe you are just setting up straw men for the sake of argument.....

Now you damn well know that in the days of shakespeare and Newton that women had practically no access to higher learning or university studies as the men in those times did (unless they were rich)...

which means that they could not become physicists and stuff like that....and even when they did a lot of times their theories were not deemed to be the equal of those of men...

Deicide..stop this nonsense right now and admit that you are dead wrong
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 08, 2009, 07:45:21 PM
Damn! Now I understand!

Decide is gay, he supports them to death, keep saying that he hang with lots of gay friends and hate women and think they're shit.

Classical in the closet gay man.

Also it's incredibly ironic that he defend gays so much yet attack the whole female gender lol.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: DAMY on May 08, 2009, 08:17:11 PM
Lame argument.

First of all, Matt dragged his info from Vdare, a conservative website that doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Simply skimming the article shows that the author wasn't even honest about his comparisons. Wikipedia is practically the holy bible in comparison.

Secondly, the value of a wikipedia article is the sources it cites. The wikipedia article I referenced cited multiple scientific journals, reviews from respected newspapers and interviews with the authors themselves. Just as you can't (and I didn't) claim that a wikipedia article is 100% reliable simply because it's on the site, you can't dismiss all facts contained in an article and expect to be taken seriously.

 Wikipedia is one of the most reliable resources on the web.  Interestingly, independent studies have found that it is almost as reliable as Britannica. Some appalling research for you: (

So one can skim-read data and reach reliable conclusions? Good, then we can skim-read all of your subsequent posts.

Scientific journals. Scientists and scholars can be biased and publish bullshit too. Perhaps more effectively than can laymen.

Respected newspapers. For 'respected' (everyone's favourite word) to mean anything, we must look at who's doing the respecting. Here in the UK, we have 'respected' journos and broadcasters like Trisha Goddard, Lorraine Kelly, Jeremy Kyle, none of whom knows arse from elbow. But they have a huge audience. Funny, that.

You can't dismiss all facts in an article and expect to be taken seriously.  Whyever not? If even a single statement is found to be nonsense, surely that tarnishes the author's credibility?

Independent studies. That's just more words. Independent of whom or what? How can 'independent' be verified? Quick answer is, it can't.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: DAMY on May 08, 2009, 09:29:14 PM
incredible mind-blowing post, KCBaller.......good job... and a very nice read

Incredible KCBaller-blowing post, Andre......blow job.... and a very nice load.

Mmmmmmm! *wipes mouth with back of hand*


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 08, 2009, 11:48:54 PM

So one can skim-read data and reach reliable conclusions? Good, then we can skim-read all of your subsequent posts.
You can skim read whatever you like, but you completely missed the point of my statement. My point was that you don't even have to read the article closely to see that the author was distorting and misrepresenting the parts of the book he was criticizing. From paragraph to paragraph, the argument had no continuity.

Scientific journals. Scientists and scholars can be biased and publish bullshit too. Perhaps more effectively than can laymen.
Once again, you completely missed the point of my statement. I know scientists can be biased. This post was in regards to a "scientific" book which I considered to be biased. I was pointing out that other scientists had criticized the book for not following standard scientific method.

Respected newspapers. For 'respected' (everyone's favourite word) to mean anything, we must look at who's doing the respecting. Here in the UK, we have 'respected' journos and broadcasters like Trisha Goddard, Lorraine Kelly, Jeremy Kyle, none of whom knows arse from elbow. But they have a huge audience. Funny, that.

Once again, you completely missed the point of my statement. I didn't claim that if an article contained errors, that they should be overlooked. I said that simply because an article was on that site didn't mean it should be considered completely fictitious. The poster I responded to quite specifically compared the accuracy of Wikipedia to that of Britannica. I showed that the accuracy of the two has been compared and they are actually pretty similar.

Furthermore, your statement is simply wrong. Every journalist, author and informational body has at one point or another printed something that wasn't entirely accurate. Most newspapers have daily corrections pages. Just because an article contains an error, doesn't mean every other fact is rendered untrue or irrelevant. Just as the author is not a machine incapable of mistakes, the reader is not a machine incapable of independent thought. It is up to the reader to analyze all available facts and determine articles credibility. This was my point to begin with.
You can't dismiss all facts in an article and expect to be taken seriously.  Whyever not? If even a single statement is found to be nonsense, surely that tarnishes the author's credibility?

Independent studies. That's just more words. Independent of whom or what? How can 'independent' be verified? Quick answer is, it can't.


This is simply wrong. Independent can easily be verified. The journal cited in that article is over 100 years old and does not accept advertising. The methods used to conduct the study were published in the magazine.It is, in fact, extremely easy to verify whether or not a study is independent.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 09, 2009, 12:06:27 AM
If you did you would see how much is wrong about feminism and what it purports.

& who funded 'Feminism' In the states to a large extent ??
Why did they do this ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 09, 2009, 12:21:19 AM

Deicide you are slowly losing the respect that you have worked hard to gain over the years here at are a smart guy which leads me to believe you are just setting up straw men for the sake of argument.....

Now you damn well know that in the days of shakespeare and Newton that women had practically no access to higher learning or university studies as the men in those times did (unless they were rich)...

which means that they could not become physicists and stuff like that....and even when they did a lot of times their theories were not deemed to be the equal of those of men...

Deicide..stop this nonsense right now and admit that you are dead wrong

As much as it sticks in my throught to say this, but - 'AM' has got a good point there !!

Can we see any recent data (21st century) on psychometric 'IQ' testing on Men & Women that show men to be far higher in intelligence ??
I think the amount of Women gaining credibility in various fields of science, blows your theory out of the water...........
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 09, 2009, 12:59:03 AM

no...not least not the way you are putting it......yes does South Africa have crime?..sure.....but to say that South Africa went to shit after white rule was discontinued is not really scientific.......

South Africa was ruled by a brutal dictatorship which murdered many blacks and forced them to live in shanty towns far from the cities in poverty....they had a brutal networlk of secret police to enforce it's rule......of course once a brutal, ruthless regime gives up power, the population experiences a surge in lawlessness.....

We will get to this (you guessed, rightly as it happens).

But first answer point NO.1 - as it is imperative to get a Historical, perspective, to work from when debating the continent of Africa.


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: quadzilla456 on May 09, 2009, 01:02:45 AM
Why has no-one taken a scoped 'Accuracy international' .308 cal & plotted up over the street for her house, & the moment she stepped out of the morn to get in her car................BLOW HER ASININE, LITTLE GREY HEAD, OFF HER FUCKING SHOULDERS!! *CONFUSED*  ??? ???

Good question. An even better questions, why have you not done it yet. I can't fathom why not - we all know it's needed - badly!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 02:40:40 AM
Lame argument.

First of all, Matt dragged his info from Vdare, a conservative website that doesn't even pretend to be unbiased. Simply skimming the article shows that the author wasn't even honest about his comparisons. Wikipedia is practically the holy bible in comparison.

Secondly, the value of a wikipedia article is the sources it cites. The wikipedia article I referenced cited multiple scientific journals, reviews from respected newspapers and interviews with the authors themselves. Just as you can't (and I didn't) claim that a wikipedia article is 100% reliable simply because it's on the site, you can't dismiss all facts contained in an article and expect to be taken seriously.

 Wikipedia is one of the most reliable resources on the web.  Interestingly, independent studies have found that it is almost as reliable as Britannica. Some appalling research for you: (

[wikipedia] What a mine of unreliable information

There is a very high instance of errors in Wikipedia

Wikipedia founder admits to serious quality problems

Wikipedia is unreliable in its current form.

[wikipedia] Unreliable (adj): log on and see:

Wikipedia, the error-ridden encyclopaedia, has become a dangerous tool



Nature mag cooked Wikipedia study

Britannica lambastes Wikipedia findings,-Britannica-lambastes-Wikipedia-findings/2100-1025_3-6053754.html

Now, take your wikifu and disappear.

As has been stated, you have NOTHING that comes close to rebutting my position here.

Honestly, your attempted rebuttals reek of desperation at this point.  Try harder!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 02:57:14 AM
well..pillow you make my point......just how long have these black african countires been governed by their own people?...not that long...maybe not even 60 years..

white men in America had over a 200 year headstart

So tell me what Africa was like before whites arrived there.  What kind of culture and society did they form?  Discuss please.

Why do you believe that women have all the opportunities they want now? What flash occurred that opened all doors 40 years ago with no residual impact? Was it anything like the one that obliterated the concept of racism?

...The "CONCEPT", LOL.

How many years will it take for Africans to realize that the high levels of violent crime they engage in are not career decisions?  How many years will it take for them to purge this "concept"?

Doggity, you have - as you revealed yesterday with your endorsement of Finnish race laws, and again here with your "It's only been 60 years" whimsical explanation for African behaviour - played your apologist hand, re: your OBVIOUS love for a society where whites are placed under the jackboot of racial purgatory.

Do you realize that the dysfunctional societies multiculturalism creates is the POINT to all of it?  Do you realize that it is much easier to control a divided society with no shared common interest and no shared common bond?  Diversity does as it says it does - it DIVIDES.  It's half the battle when it comes to social engineers engaging in a "divide and conquer" tactic and it is quite effective.

Honestly, this "It's only been 60 years, the white man's fault still has resonance" bullshit HAS to stop.  It is offensive and racist.

The wonders of multiculturalism - the diversification of crime!

Now we have multicultural gang wars.  White people are no longer tolerating it in Europe and this movement will hit critical mass very soon.

Just the fact that crime correlates with income and education more than anything else, and both have a direct impact on intelligence.  

As we know - and has been graphically demonstrated - the biggest indicator for a preponderance to crime is one's race.  Socioeconomic status, unemployment rates, and dropout rates COMBINED do NOT predict crime as accurately as one's race does.  THIS IS A STATISTIC SO DO NOT BOTHER REFUTING IT.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 09, 2009, 03:52:59 AM
It = very interesting to see how many people deny the validity of IQ research immediately instead of diving into the research themselves before making a judgement.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 09, 2009, 04:00:12 AM
IQ is most likely more determined by status

It = not a one way street, IQ influences status, just as status influences IQ.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 09, 2009, 04:01:26 AM
Damn! Now I understand!

Decide is gay, he supports them to death, keep saying that he hang with lots of gay friends and hate women and think they're shit.

Classical in the closet gay man.

Also it's incredibly ironic that he defend gays so much yet attack the whole female gender lol.

I happen not to be gay. I don't support them, I am indifferent to them because what they do has no bearing on my life. I don't see where I attacked women. I just pointed out biological differences and the fact that the genders have different roles in their evolutionary makeup but it seems you and others would like to pretend that gender is merely a social construct. I certainly do not hate women. Much like gays, I am indifferent to them. Do you think we have somehow 'beat' our evolutionary roles?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 04:03:42 AM
I happen not to be gay. I don't support them, I am indifferent to them because what they do has no bearing on my life. I don't see where I attacked women. I just pointed out biological differences and the fact that the genders have different roles in their evolutionary makeup but it seems you and others would like to pretend that gender is merely a social construct. I certainly do not hate women. Much like gays, I am indifferent to them. Do you think we have somehow 'beat' our evolutionary roles?

So by your logic gays are useless since they don't have any evolutionary role? They ceased to be a part of the evolution process once they turned gay.

Wow....nice man...keep it coming you're giving me some good material to work with.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 09, 2009, 04:12:37 AM
So by your logic gays are useless since they don't have any evolutionary role? They ceased to be a part of the evolution process once they turned gay.

Wow....nice man...keep it coming you're giving me some good material to work with.

All we know is that homosexuality is present in hundreds and hundreds of species and whilst no one understands the precise role of homosexuality, its ubiquity is a sure sign that it must play SOME role. One prominent theory is that homosexuality serves as population control. In any event no one knows, but it is everywhere and will continue to be, likely until the extinction of our species. There are still many things about evolution that we don't understand and the purpose/place of homosexuality is one of them. But even if it were true that gays serve no purpose it would be irrelevant to my life. I am not gay and thus has no bearing. My principle is live and let live, as long as no one is causing harm to others, then everything is ok.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 04:40:34 AM
. My principle is live and let live, as long as no one is causing harm to others, then everything is ok.Unless you're a women.

Seriously, you should just out yourself.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 09, 2009, 04:46:09 AM
Seriously, you should just out yourself.

I see you find the need to engage in calumny. I didn't write that. If I were gay I would have no problem admitting to it. I happen not to be. Why does what two people do in the privacy in the bedroom bother you so much and why are you so obsessed with the issue? Who cares? If you are not gay, it has nothing to do with you. Why are you so concerned about gay people?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 05:01:36 AM
I see you find the need to engage in calumny. I didn't write that. If I were gay I would have no problem admitting to it. I happen not to be. Why does what two people do in the privacy in the bedroom bother you so much and why are you so obsessed with the issue? Who cares? If you are not gay, it has nothing to do with you. Why are you so concerned about gay people?

I'm not, but you seem to be a classical in the closet case.

Baseless defence on gays no matter what + hatred towards woman.

I'm only stating what we all see.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 09, 2009, 05:07:46 AM
I'm not, but you seem to be a classical in the closet case.

Baseless defence on gays no matter what + hatred towards woman.

I'm only stating what we all see.

Defence of gays? What crimes have 'gays' committed? What am I defending them against? Should gay people be jailed? Should they be exterminated? What are you implying? I don't hate women, I am suspicious about claims that they are suppressed and that there is any such thing as 'patriarchy' or that men are privileged over women.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 05:12:54 AM
Defence of gays? What crimes have 'gays' committed? What am I defending them against? Should gay people be jailed? Should they be exterminated? What are you implying? I don't hate women, I am suspicious about claims that they are suppressed and that there is any such thing as 'patriarchy' or that men are privileged over women.

Nice try to spin things, you defend their actions,motives etc. For example gay marriage and the outing of that guy in west point.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 09, 2009, 05:21:22 AM
Nice try to spin things, you defend their actions,motives etc. For example gay marriage and the outing of that guy in west point.

I wouldn't call it a defence. To be honest I don't care either way. The only reason gays want to get married is for tax exemption and state benefits, same reason straights want to get married for. Get rid of the welfare state and then lots of people both gay and straight won't want to get married anymore. It's just gays clamouring for the same state welfare that straights get. I say get the state benefits out of marriage and you have the problems solved. But as I said I don't really care that much about it. I don't live in the states anymore so it is more a side issue.You guys can duke it out. Be nice if people could forget about petty issues like this and start talking about foreign policy.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 09, 2009, 05:49:59 AM
Seriously, you should just out yourself.

Are you Homophobic ?? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 09, 2009, 06:34:03 AM

Incredible KCBaller-blowing post, Andre......blow job.... and a very nice load.

Mmmmmmm! *wipes mouth with back of hand*



hahahah..I have to admit I laughed at your post above, DAMY(Pillowtalk)....that was funny....keep posting stuff like's a welcome relief from your unsubstantiated theories which make sense only to you
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 09, 2009, 06:38:49 AM
As much as it sticks in my throught to say this, but - 'AM' has got a good point there !!

Can we see any recent data (21st century) on psychometric 'IQ' testing on Men & Women that show men to be far higher in intelligence ??
I think the amount of Women gaining credibility in various fields of science, blows your theory out of the water...........

WOW!!!..Pillowtalk and I have finally agreed on something..(tears in my eyes)...Pillowtalk...shall you and I finally hold hands and sing "Kumbaya"? ;)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Stormspirit on May 09, 2009, 06:48:46 AM
andre would make a great wabenzi, no doubt about it.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 09, 2009, 06:50:17 AM
We will get to this (you guessed, rightly as it happens).

But first answer point NO.1 - as it is imperative to get a Historical, perspective, to work from when debating the continent of Africa.

what happened in africa before the white man got there Pillowtalk is the same that happened in Europe during that same period..Africans fed themselves and managed to survive just fine.....they didn't need anyone to come along and take care of them......we may not like the way they lived and we may not have liked their traditions of which admittedly many were arcane, primative and not suitable for the modern world.....

I will concede the point to you that the white man did some good in Africa from a historical perspective by forcing change so that Africa could modernize and become a part of the civilized world..

But they could have done this without the rape, murder, torture, confiscation of other people's property by force, and stealing the  natural resources of these countries that rightly belonged to the indigenous populations of those countries ...

had whites brought about change in Africa without resorting to the above, Africa would be stronger for this today and would not be in the constant crisis that it is in now....whites had the technical knowhow, the resources, and the compassion to do this but instead, let their greed win out
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 09, 2009, 08:42:43 AM
[wikipedia] What a mine of unreliable information

There is a very high instance of errors in Wikipedia

Wikipedia founder admits to serious quality problems

Wikipedia is unreliable in its current form.

[wikipedia] Unreliable (adj): log on and see:

Wikipedia, the error-ridden encyclopaedia, has become a dangerous tool



Nature mag cooked Wikipedia study

Britannica lambastes Wikipedia findings,-Britannica-lambastes-Wikipedia-findings/2100-1025_3-6053754.html

Now, take your wikifu and disappear.

As has been stated, you have NOTHING that comes close to rebutting my position here.

Honestly, your attempted rebuttals reek of desperation at this point.  Try harder!

I'm the one who reeks of desperation?  ;)

Matt there are serious problems with each and every link you provided. Even the claim that the 'Nature' study was cooked is wrong. The only reason I'm not going to go down that entire list and point out all of the flaws is because it is veers so far off track from the actual point of my argument.

This is what I pulled from Wikipedia and posted a few pages back:

National averages weren't available for nearly half the countries and several of the averages were pulled from data decades apart. Many of the averages were pulled from data on young children and many of the averages were pulled from different types of tests. I could go on and on, but basically, they had an idea and they manipulated the data to support it.

Okay, so you don't want to believe it because it's on wikipedia. Considering all of this is actually in the book, with what are you taking issue? Their data method is actually an entire chapter in the book.

Finally, just from what you've said about the book, it's clear you haven't read it. Why do you keep referencing it when a lot of the positions in the book are, literally, the direct opposite of your argument?

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Dos Equis on May 09, 2009, 12:12:37 PM

As we know - and has been graphically demonstrated - the biggest indicator for a preponderance to crime is one's race.  Socioeconomic status, unemployment rates, and dropout rates COMBINED do NOT predict crime as accurately as one's race does.  THIS IS A STATISTIC SO DO NOT BOTHER REFUTING IT.

I refute it.  Nonsense.  And I don't even need all caps to do it.  Prisons are not filled with college graduates and/or middle America. 

And given the plethora of race-mixing in this country, race-based statistics are completely unreliable.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 01:02:11 PM
It = not a one way street, IQ influences status, just as status influences IQ.

Exactly!  If a billion people with 70 IQs formed a continent, what would that continent look like?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 01:26:33 PM
First, the Crawford Nutt stuff:

An exception to the pattern of low African test scores is a study by Crawford-Nutt (1976) who found that 228 African high school students from Johannesburg had a mean score equal to that for Whites. Crawford-Nutt (1976) used a special demonstration apparatus to administer the SPM to ensure complete understanding of the test requirements. The mean score for the African pupils was the same as the mean for the Raven's normative group. The author concluded that "[T]he frequently encountered poor performance of Blacks on tests of ability could be simply an artifact of the method of administering the test'' (p. 205). Unfortunately, the author did not use a control group, which did not receive the special instructions. Whether the performance of Crawford-Nutt's testees is attributable to the special test instructions or to the fact that this particular high school attracts only the top students from feeder schools is not clear

Secondly, let's go back over that which we have discussed before, that being, the very substance pointing toward intelligence being genetic i.e: read the below piece, and pay attention to the bullet points which list the evidence to suggest IQ is genetic - things such as adoption studies and CONSISTENT IQ scores over the years, again all of which I have stated MANY times...oh and, PAY ATTENTION TO THE RESEARCH CITED, and moreover, OBSERVE WHICH ACADEMIC BODIES AND LEARNED ASSOCIATIONS ARE INVOLVED i.e: You can see EXACTLY what constitutes the PROFESSIONAL consensus on the matter.

Study claims IQ differences at least 50% genetic:

A 60-page review of the scientific evidence, some based on state-of-the-art magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain size, has concluded that race differences in average IQ are largely genetic. The lead article in the June 2005 issue of Psychology, Public Policy and Law, a journal of the American Psychological Association, examined 10 categories of research evidence from around the world to contrast "a hereditarian model (50% genetic-50% cultural) and a culture-only model (0% genetic-100% cultural)."

The paper, "Thirty Years of Research on Race Differences in Cognitive Ability," by J. Philippe Rushton of the University of Western Ontario and Arthur R. Jensen of the University of California at Berkeley, appeared with a positive commentary by Linda Gottfredson of the University of Delaware, three critical ones (by Robert Sternberg of Yale University, Richard Nisbett of the University of Michigan, and Lisa Suzuki & Joshua Aronson of New York University), and the authors' reply.

"Neither the existence nor the size of race differences in IQ are a matter of dispute, only their cause," write the authors. The Black-White difference has been found consistently from the time of the massive World War I Army testing of 90 years ago to a massive study of over 6 million corporate, military, and higher-education test-takers in 2001.

"Race differences show up by 3 years of age, even after matching on maternal education and other variables," said Rushton. "Therefore they cannot be due to poor education since this has not yet begun to exert an effect. That's why Jensen and I looked at the genetic hypothesis in detail. We examined 10 categories of evidence."

1. The Worldwide Pattern of IQ Scores. East Asians average higher on IQ tests than Whites, both in the U. S. and in Asia, even though IQ tests were developed for use in the Euro-American culture. Around the world, the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; and for Blacks about 85 in the U.S. and 70 in sub-Saharan Africa.

2. Race Differences are Most Pronounced on Tests that Best Measure the General Intelligence Factor (g). Black-White differences, for example, are larger on the Backward Digit Span test than on the less g loaded Forward Digit Span test.

3. The Gene-Environment Architecture of IQ is the Same in all Races, and Race Differences are Most Pronounced on More Heritable Abilities. Studies of Black, White, and East Asian twins, for example, show the heritability of IQ is 50% or higher in all races.

4. Brain Size Differences. Studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) find a correlation of brain size with IQ of about 0.40. Larger brains contain more neurons and synapses and process information faster. Race differences in brain size are present at birth. By adulthood, East Asians average 1 cubic inch more cranial capacity than Whites who average 5 cubic inches more than Blacks.

5. Trans-Racial Adoption Studies. Race differences in IQ remain following adoption by White middle class parents. East Asians grow to average higher IQs than Whites while Blacks score lower. The Minnesota Trans-Racial Adoption Study followed children to age 17 and found race differences were even greater than at age 7: White children, 106; Mixed-Race children, 99; and Black children, 89.

6. Racial Admixture Studies. Black children with lighter skin, for example, average higher IQ scores. In South Africa, the IQ of the mixed-race "Colored" population averages 85, intermediate to the African 70 and White 100.

7. IQ Scores of Blacks and Whites Regress toward the Averages of Their Race. Parents pass on only some exceptional genes to offspring so parents with very high IQs tend to have more average children. Black and White children with parents of IQ 115 move to different averages--Blacks toward 85 and Whites to 100.

8. Race Differences in Other "Life-History" Traits. East Asians and Blacks consistently fall at two ends of a continuum with Whites intermediate on 60 measures of maturation, personality, reproduction, and social organization. For example, Black children sit, crawl, walk, and put on their clothes earlier than Whites or East Asians.

9. Race Differences and the Out-of-Africa theory of Human Origins. East Asian-White-Black differences fit the theory that modern humans arose in Africa about 100,000 years ago and expanded northward. During prolonged winters there was evolutionary selection for higher IQ created by problems of raising children, gathering and storing food, gaining shelter, and making clothes.

10. Do Culture-Only Theories Explain the Data? Culture-only theories do not explain the highly consistent pattern of race differences in IQ, especially the East Asian data. No interventions such as ending segregation, introducing school busing, or "Head Start" programs have reduced the gaps as culture-only theory would predict.

In their article, Rushton and Jensen also address some of the policy issues that stem from their conclusions. Their main recommendation is that people be treated as individuals, not as members of groups. They emphasized that their paper pertains only to average differences. They also called for the need to accurately inform the public about the true nature of individual and group differences, genetics and evolutionary biology.

Rushton and Jensen are well-known for research on racial differences in intelligence. Jensen hypothesized a genetic basis for Black-White IQ differences in his 1969 Harvard Educational Review article. His later books Bias in Mental Tests (1980) and The g Factor (1998), as well as Rushton's (1995) Race, Evolution, and Behavior, show that tests are not biased against English speaking minorities and that Black-White-East Asian differences in brain size and IQ belong in an evolutionary framework.

From Charles Darwin Research Institute



Journalists have...clearly misrepresented the views of the relevant scientific community as to the interaction between genetic and environmental factors in explaining differences in IQ...One would be forced to conclude from reading the newspapers and newsmagazines and watching television that only a few maverick "experts" support the view that genetic variation plays a significant role in individual or group differences, while the vast majority of experts believe that such differences are purely the result of environmental factors.

Taken from: "The IQ Controversy, by Rothman and Snyderman"

Check out this wiki page - ignore the bullshit cynical slant wiki gives it, just focus on the substance:

Mainstream Science on Intelligence:

Now, any questions?

To make a long story short: it's all about GENETICS baby!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Parker on May 09, 2009, 01:49:22 PM
So tell me what Africa was like before whites arrived there.  What kind of culture and society did they form?  Discuss please.

...The "CONCEPT", LOL.

How many years will it take for Africans to realize that the high levels of violent crime they engage in are not career decisions?  How many years will it take for them to purge this "concept"?

Doggity, you have - as you revealed yesterday with your endorsement of Finnish race laws, and again here with your "It's only been 60 years" whimsical explanation for African behaviour - played your apologist hand, re: your OBVIOUS love for a society where whites are placed under the jackboot of racial purgatory.

Do you realize that the dysfunctional societies multiculturalism creates is the POINT to all of it?  Do you realize that it is much easier to control a divided society with no shared common interest and no shared common bond?  Diversity does as it says it does - it DIVIDES.  It's half the battle when it comes to social engineers engaging in a "divide and conquer" tactic and it is quite effective.

Honestly, this "It's only been 60 years, the white man's fault still has resonance" bullshit HAS to stop.  It is offensive and racist.

The wonders of multiculturalism - the diversification of crime!

Now we have multicultural gang wars.  White people are no longer tolerating it in Europe and this movement will hit critical mass very soon.

As we know - and has been graphically demonstrated - the biggest indicator for a preponderance to crime is one's race.  Socioeconomic status, unemployment rates, and dropout rates COMBINED do NOT predict crime as accurately as one's race does.  THIS IS A STATISTIC SO DO NOT BOTHER REFUTING IT.

1st, thru observation, indoctrination, and ignorance is the reasons why this occurs, cycles exists, and people continue the cycle, and many don't answer the reason why.

Two, your significant lack of understanding in diverse populations hinders your understanding. Because two of the most diverse countries in the Western Hemisphere are America and Brazil, and the reason why, is because white men made it that way with their DNA (catch the drift) I do agree with the divide and conquer that you alluded to, but why create situations (race mixing) in which the populace is divided? Doesn't sound like a smart idea to me, how about to you? It seems like certain people were thinking with the wrong head, but yet say that the people they sleep with are the highly sexed ones.

You also forget the how not just race, but class, wealth and education plays into all of this. No matter where you go in this world, it is the rich and educated that rule, and many times they both go hand in hand, and others rule by proxy. For instance, in America, by keeping others ignorant, lacking education , and showing that it is only the upper class (or white race) that garners education, over time it is assumed that doing well in school is considered "white", whereas doing not so well is considered "black", because  black's were taught thru again indoctrination and observation that they will not and do perform well in school.

And let's not forget that white people have not gotten along with each other as well...We all know how the Barbarians and the Romans got all huggy with each , correct, or how of course the Germans decided to kill a whole bunch of white people, who look like them, just a diff religion.

What do you really propose....think carefully, because the way things are going in America chances are your lil daughter maybe bringing a black (of mixed race), latino male home in 16 yrs. And if you know jack about kids, the more you say no, the more they will do the opposite ;)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 02:05:17 PM
1st, thru observation, indoctrination, and ignorance is the reasons why this occurs, cycles exists, and people continue the cycle, and many don't answer the reason why.

Two, your significant lack of understanding in diverse populations hinders your understanding. Because two of the most diverse countries in the Western Hemisphere are America and Brazil, and the reason why, is because white men made it that way with their DNA (catch the drift) I do agree with the divide and conquer that you alluded to, but why create situations (race mixing) in which the populace is divided? Doesn't sound like a smart idea to me, how about to you? It seems like certain people were thinking with the wrong head, but yet say that the people they sleep with are the highly sexed ones.

You also forget the how not just race, but class, wealth and education plays into all of this. No matter where you go in this world, it is the rich and educated that rule, and many times they both go hand in hand, and others rule by proxy. For instance, in America, by keeping others ignorant, lacking education , and showing that it is only the upper class (or white race) that garners education, over time it is assumed that doing well in school is considered "white", whereas doing not so well is considered "black", because  black's were taught thru again indoctrination and observation that they will not and do perform well in school.

And let's not forget that white people have not gotten along with each other as well...We all know how the Barbarians and the Romans got all huggy with each , correct, or how of course the Germans decided to kill a whole bunch of white people, who look like them, just a diff religion.

What do you really propose....think carefully, because the way things are going in America chances are your lil daughter maybe bringing a black (of mixed race), latino male home in 16 yrs. And if you know jack about kids, the more you say no, the more they will do the opposite ;)

Where does such indoctrination occur?  In the media?  The government?  Where?  If you are saying this occurs, show me an example.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 09, 2009, 02:57:41 PM
Exactly!  If a billion people with 70 IQs formed a continent, what would that continent look like?

Nope...IQ may equal status only when there is also opportunity along with it...for many many years blacks did not have opportunity....but even the most dumb white guy had opportunity and the chance to succeed..

there were a plethora of laws enacted to DENY blacks opportunity in America....Blacks could not vote so they could not change the status quo.....they were not allowed to inter-marry which may have helps blacks raise their standard of living, being a part of a white family....and education was segregated so blacks could not go to prestigious universities to have acces to higher paying jobs....

so come off it Matt know this yet you persist with your nonsense diudn't even address my point about how countries such as Russia, Iraq, and other European countries descended into crime and chaos once harsh rule was chose to believe this only happened in africa....which shows that you ignore the stuff you can't explain....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 03:08:27 PM
Are you Homophobic ?? ??? ??? ???

Nope but I'm certainly disgusted by trannys and tranny fuckers like you.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Parker on May 09, 2009, 03:36:59 PM
Where does such indoctrination occur?  In the media?  The government?  Where?  If you are saying this occurs, show me an example.

Your doing it "write" now. Very subtlely. Thru your posts over the yrs. And yes also thru various forms of media (popular culture is one form), also thru parents, who in turn had it done to them, a cycle. And thru the annuals of history (slavery was unque form of indoctrination).

Stop playing dumb, don't you know that a survival technique in black culture is the "play dumb" to placate others, and has  perfected that to an art form so much so that we know when someone is acting :P It is assume (correctly for the most part) you think we don't know because we are black , but pretend we don't gain more info....

I lead you to the water, now you go and find specific examples. I'm at work, I'm not working for you.

Or will still ignore the stuff you can't explain.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 03:40:47 PM
Your doing it "write" now. Very subtlely. Thru your posts over the yrs. And yes also thru various forms of media (popular culture is one form), also thru parents, who in turn had it done to them, a cycle. And thru the annuals of history (slavery was unque form of indoctrination).

Stop playing dumb, don't you know that a survival technique in black culture is the "play dumb" to placate others, and has  perfected that to an art form so much so that we know when someone is acting :P It is assume (correctly for the most part) you think we don't know because we are black , but pretend we don't gain more info....

I lead you to the water, now you go and find specific examples. I'm at work, I'm not working for you.

Or will still ignore the stuff you can't explain.

Why do you bother with him?

Time is the most precious commodity in the universe, don't waste it on him.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The Master on May 09, 2009, 03:43:36 PM
Nope but I'm certainly disgusted by trannys and tranny fuckers like you.

For some reason Debussey laughed out loud when reading this post ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 03:45:51 PM

For some reason Debussey laughed out loud when reading this post ;D

 :D ;)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 09, 2009, 03:46:23 PM
Okay, Matt. This is the darwin institute's website from your link:

Okay. So, it's pretty amateurish. It's still a science organization, right?

From the website:

Founded in 1989 by Guggenheim Fellow and University of Western Ontario psychology professor J. Philippe Rushton, the CDRI is a 501(c)(3) charity set up to guarantee academic freedom for research on race differences.

Reading the bullet points you posted, you see that they compiled old research that they didn't necessarily perform. Not necessarily a bad thing, but when you factor in the fact that they've been publishing papers with similar conclusions since the 70s, it's easy to question their biases. You criticize me for posting stuff you think is biased, but this  paper is disseminated by a charity whose sole purpose is to publicize differences in race. They did not perform the research on behalf of the universities they work for or formerly worked for; they compiled other people's research  for the charity they started.

This ain't the smoking gun you think it is.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 09, 2009, 03:47:45 PM

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 09, 2009, 08:59:32 PM
Is my mentally disabled friend only of low intelligence because I indoctrinate him to believe it, or is it genetic?


The reality is that the proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

Read this one, it MAPS crimes according to state and race, its inarguable:

See, real things that objectively support an argument being made by a rational person rather than the stuff that gets posted here.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 09, 2009, 10:55:28 PM
Is my mentally disabled friend only of low intelligence because I indoctrinate him to believe it, or is it genetic?


The reality is that the proportion of blacks and Hispanics in an area is the single best indicator of how dangerous it is. The racial mix is a much better predictor of crime rates than poverty, unemployment, and dropout rates combined.

Read this one, it MAPS crimes according to state and race, its inarguable:

See, real things that objectively support an argument being made by a rational person rather than the stuff that gets posted here.

Any site that dedicates a huge page just that it isn't racist is most certainly racist.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 10, 2009, 12:28:34 AM
Nope but I'm certainly disgusted by trannys and tranny fuckers like you.


Oxford English deluxe...........

Noun - an extreme and irrational aversion to homosexuality and homosexuals.

  — DERIVATIVES homophobe noun homophobic adjective.

So that would be, YES - then !!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 10, 2009, 12:38:24 AM

what happened in africa before the white man got there Pillowtalk is the same that happened in Europe during that same period..Africans fed themselves and managed to survive just fine.....they didn't need anyone to come along and take care of them......we may not like the way they lived and we may not have liked their traditions of which admittedly many were arcane, primative and not suitable for the modern world.....

NO, I beg to differ.
How many stone monuments were there (sub-Sahara) of any size, never mind monolithic, Like Baalbeck - Giza - Stone henge - Muchu Pichu - Tiahuanacu - Easter Island, etc........??

How many buildings over one story, that were not made of mud & wood ??

How many ships that were sea worthy ??

Mathematics ?? an advanced method of spherical geometry (needed in the art of cartography) ??

Calculation of time, split into 24 hours  60 mins - 60 seconds ??

I could go on, but you have enough to get on with here !!

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 10, 2009, 12:47:18 AM
Any site that dedicates a huge page just that it isn't racist is most certainly racist.

If the website is racist it should be all that much easier to refute its content.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 10, 2009, 01:52:32 AM
If the website is racist it should be all that much easier to refute its content.

If a website is nothing but retards like you I don't bother with it, I got better things to do.

And to tranny fucker, I got a question, how do you decide who fucks who first? You a condom full of cum and the one who catch it get to go first?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 10, 2009, 01:54:04 AM
If a website is nothing but retards like you I don't bother with it, I got better things to do.

And to tranny fucker, I got a question, how do you decide who fucks who first? You a condom full of cum and the one who catch it get to go first?

English translation ?? ??? ??? ???
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 10, 2009, 02:22:03 AM
English translation ?? ??? ??? ???

I forgot to write "toss" after "You".

So how do you decide who gets banged first?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Hugo Chavez on May 10, 2009, 02:28:41 AM
English translation ?? ??? ??? ???
hahahahaha,.... seems you get asked this quite a bit there IFBBLOL
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 10, 2009, 02:40:12 AM
hahahahaha,.... seems you get asked this quite a bit there IFBBLOL

I'm busy so I write quickly  ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 10, 2009, 02:46:44 AM
I'm busy so I write quickly  ;D

Retarded to write properly.

This is what you meant, yes ??

A Homophobe calling out a racist ??  ??? ??? this is fucking priceless - only in America - OH-MY !!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 10, 2009, 03:32:10 AM
Retarded to write properly.

This is what you meant, yes ??

A Homophobe calling out a racist ??  ??? ??? this is fucking priceless - only in America - OH-MY !!

A Nazi tranny fucker...only in Hitler death camps  :-*
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 10, 2009, 05:02:08 AM
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: DAMY on May 10, 2009, 08:31:19 PM
You can skim read whatever you like, but you completely missed the point of my statement. My point was that you don't even have to read the article closely to see that the author was distorting and misrepresenting the parts of the book he was criticizing. From paragraph to paragraph, the argument had no continuity.
Once again, you completely missed the point of my statement. I know scientists can be biased. This post was in regards to a "scientific" book which I considered to be biased. I was pointing out that other scientists had criticized the book for not following standard scientific method.

Once again, you completely missed the point of my statement. I didn't claim that if an article contained errors, that they should be overlooked. I said that simply because an article was on that site didn't mean it should be considered completely fictitious. The poster I responded to quite specifically compared the accuracy of Wikipedia to that of Britannica. I showed that the accuracy of the two has been compared and they are actually pretty similar.

Furthermore, your statement is simply wrong. Every journalist, author and informational body has at one point or another printed something that wasn't entirely accurate. Most newspapers have daily corrections pages. Just because an article contains an error, doesn't mean every other fact is rendered untrue or irrelevant. Just as the author is not a machine incapable of mistakes, the reader is not a machine incapable of independent thought. It is up to the reader to analyze all available facts and determine articles credibility. This was my point to begin with.
You can't dismiss all facts in an article and expect to be taken seriously.  Whyever not? If even a single statement is found to be nonsense, surely that tarnishes the author's credibility?

This is simply wrong. Independent can easily be verified. The journal cited in that article is over 100 years old and does not accept advertising. The methods used to conduct the study were published in the magazine.It is, in fact, extremely easy to verify whether or not a study is independent.


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 11, 2009, 12:05:23 PM
Tim Wise (born October 4, 1968 in Nashville, Tennessee) is an American activist and writer.

Tim Wise is a prominent white anti-racist writer and activist in the U.S., who started giving lectures in 1995 at over 500 college campuses across the US. He has trained a multitude of teachers, corporate employees, non-profit organizations and law enforcement officers in methods for addressing and dismantling racism in their institutions.

Wise argues that racism in the United States is institutionalized, due to past overt racism, and the ongoing effects of that past racism, along with current-day discrimination. Although he contends that personal, overt bias is less common than in the past (or at least less likely to be openly articulated), Wise argues that institutions have been set up to privilege those who are white, and that subtle, impersonal, and even ostensibly race-neutral policies contribute to racism and racial inequality today.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Al Doggity on May 11, 2009, 12:08:52 PM


Are you saying that you had a meltdown after reading my post? If not, I don't think you know what a "meltdown" is.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 11, 2009, 01:19:50 PM
Tim Wise (born October 4, 1968 in Nashville, Tennessee) is an American activist and writer.

Tim Wise is a prominent white anti-racist writer and activist in the U.S., who started giving lectures in 1995 at over 500 college campuses across the US. He has trained a multitude of teachers, corporate employees, non-profit organizations and law enforcement officers in methods for addressing and dismantling racism in their institutions.

Wise argues that racism in the United States is institutionalized, due to past overt racism, and the ongoing effects of that past racism, along with current-day discrimination. Although he contends that personal, overt bias is less common than in the past (or at least less likely to be openly articulated), Wise argues that institutions have been set up to privilege those who are white, and that subtle, impersonal, and even ostensibly race-neutral policies contribute to racism and racial inequality today. ly a voice of reason
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 11, 2009, 01:40:44 PM
Can I get a response to this, as you are posting "AM"

what happened in africa before the white man got there Pillowtalk is the same that happened in Europe during that same period..Africans fed themselves and managed to survive just fine.....they didn't need anyone to come along and take care of them......we may not like the way they lived and we may not have liked their traditions of which admittedly many were arcane, primative and not suitable for the modern world.....

NO, I beg to differ.
How many stone monuments were there (sub-Sahara) of any size, never mind monolithic, Like Baalbeck - Giza - Stone henge - Muchu Pichu - Tiahuanacu - Easter Island, etc........??

How many buildings over one story, that were not made of mud & wood ??

How many ships that were sea worthy ??

Mathematics ?? an advanced method of spherical geometry (needed in the art of cartography) ??

Calculation of time, split into 24 hours  60 mins - 60 seconds ??

I could go on, but you have enough to get on with here !!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 11, 2009, 04:28:07 PM
Tim Wise (born October 4, 1968 in Nashville, Tennessee) is an American activist and writer.

Tim Wise is a prominent white anti-racist writer and activist in the U.S., who started giving lectures in 1995 at over 500 college campuses across the US. He has trained a multitude of teachers, corporate employees, non-profit organizations and law enforcement officers in methods for addressing and dismantling racism in their institutions.

Wise argues that racism in the United States is institutionalized, due to past overt racism, and the ongoing effects of that past racism, along with current-day discrimination. Although he contends that personal, overt bias is less common than in the past (or at least less likely to be openly articulated), Wise argues that institutions have been set up to privilege those who are white, and that subtle, impersonal, and even ostensibly race-neutral policies contribute to racism and racial inequality today.

Why are you reading about "white privilege" coming from a Jewish extremist like Tim Wise?

Also, notice the part in bold.  Here he is basically saying that since we can't objectively point to any major instances of racism these days, it must exist anyway - perhaps through osmosis or witchcraft!  This Jewish extremist sells white guilt and makes me sick.

White racism causes nighttime blood pressure to rise in Africans!!!

God, this is as stupid as blaming witchcraft on unexplainable phenomenons in the middle ages!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 11, 2009, 04:29:54 PM
Why are you reading about "white privilege" coming from a Jewish extremist like Tim Wise?

Also, notice the part in bold.  Here he is basically saying that since we can't objectively point to any major instances of racism these days, it must exist anyway - perhaps through osmosis or witchcraft!  This Jewish extremist sells white guilt and makes me sick.

White racism causes nighttime blood pressure to rise in Africans!!!

God, this is as stupid as blaming witchcraft on unexplainable phenomenons in the middle ages!

What is the percentage of Jews in the world who control everything MattC?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Matt C on May 11, 2009, 04:43:54 PM
What is the percentage of Jews in the world who control everything MattC?

"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-Semitism but they are marginal. There’s plenty of racism, but it’s directed against Blacks, Latinos, Arabs are targets of enormous racism, and those problems are real. Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It’s raised, but it’s raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control. That’s why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue. Not because of the threat of anti-Semitism; they want to make sure there’s no critical look at the policies the US (and they themselves) support in the Middle East." - Noam Chomsky
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 12, 2009, 04:55:26 AM
"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-Semitism but they are marginal. There’s plenty of racism, but it’s directed against Blacks, Latinos, Arabs are targets of enormous racism, and those problems are real. Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It’s raised, but it’s raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control. That’s why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue. Not because of the threat of anti-Semitism; they want to make sure there’s no critical look at the policies the US (and they themselves) support in the Middle East." - Noam Chomsky
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 05:02:57 AM
"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-Semitism but they are marginal. There’s plenty of racism, but it’s directed against Blacks, Latinos, Arabs are targets of enormous racism, and those problems are real. Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It’s raised, but it’s raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control. That’s why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue. Not because of the threat of anti-Semitism; they want to make sure there’s no critical look at the policies the US (and they themselves) support in the Middle East." - Noam Chomsky

You didn't answer my question. How many of these Jews pull all the strings? Is Ron part of the power group? BTW, bad for you to cite Chomsky as he believes the Holocaust was an actual historical event as does Norman Finkelstein...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 12, 2009, 05:05:06 AM
Matt posting the quote above you have kinda owned yourself because in the quote it acknowledeges that blacks, latinos and others have been discriminated against by whites .....

by posting this quote you are basically acknowledging that you agree with the person being quoted.....

way to go Matt....I knew you'd come around eventually ;)

keep up the good work
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 05:07:24 AM
Matt posting the quote above you have kinda owned yourself because in the quote it acknowledeges that blacks, latinos and others have been discriminated against by whites .....

by posting this quote you are basically acknowledging that you agree with the person being quoted.....

way to go Matt....I knew you'd come around eventually ;)

keep up the good work

Do you believe the Jews control everything in the world as well? If so, what percentage of them sit in the seats of power?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 12, 2009, 05:18:57 AM
Why are you reading about "white privilege" coming from a Jewish extremist like Tim Wise?

Also, notice the part in bold.  Here he is basically saying that since we can't objectively point to any major instances of racism these days, it must exist anyway - perhaps through osmosis or witchcraft!  This Jewish extremist sells white guilt and makes me sick.

White racism causes nighttime blood pressure to rise in Africans!!!

God, this is as stupid as blaming witchcraft on unexplainable phenomenons in the middle ages!

"By now Jews in the US are the most privileged and influential part of the population. You find occasional instances of anti-Semitism but they are marginal. There’s plenty of racism, but it’s directed against Blacks, Latinos, Arabs are targets of enormous racism, and those problems are real. Anti-Semitism is no longer a problem, fortunately. It’s raised, but it’s raised because privileged people want to make sure they have total control, not just 98% control. That’s why anti-Semitism is becoming an issue. Not because of the threat of anti-Semitism; they want to make sure there’s no critical look at the policies the US (and they themselves) support in the Middle East." - Noam Chomsky
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 05:44:37 AM
Matt posting the quote above you have kinda owned yourself because in the quote it acknowledeges that blacks, latinos and others have been discriminated against by whites .....

by posting this quote you are basically acknowledging that you agree with the person being quoted.....

way to go Matt....I knew you'd come around eventually ;)

keep up the good work

Jews' fault...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 12, 2009, 08:00:47 AM
Jews' fault...

Who are you, Mel Gibson?   :)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 08:06:03 AM
Who are you, Mel Gibson?   :)

When your sink faucet doesn't work it's also the Jews' fault.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 08:39:07 AM
When your sink faucet doesn't work it's also the Jews' fault.

How many lists have been posted now of JOO's who are key-positions of power.

We are drowning on the fuckers, how many more do you need, FFS.

Less than 2% of the total population of the states, yeah we are - Loco Penedjo -  ??? ??? ???

From the 'FED' to the 'CFR' to Washington & on down the food chain (the media - Hollyweird), it has been shown time & again in posts here !!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 08:41:22 AM
Matt posting the quote above you have kinda owned yourself because in the quote it acknowledeges that blacks, latinos and others have been discriminated against by whites .....

I see you have chosen to ignore my points about Africa - pre-whites on, no less than two occasions now.
I even re-posted it for you on this page.

Can't say as I blame you though, it is a tough one  ;) ;D
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 12, 2009, 09:01:35 AM
Loco Penedjo -  ??? ??? ???

You talking to me?  What does that mean?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 09:15:54 AM
You talking to me?  What does that mean?

Você fala o Espanhol ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 09:16:47 AM
How many lists have been posted now of JOO's who are key-positions of power.

We are drowning on the fuckers, how many more do you need, FFS.

Less than 2% of the total population of the states, yeah we are - Loco Penedjo -  ??? ??? ???

From the 'FED' to the 'CFR' to Washington & on down the food chain (the media - Hollyweird), it has been shown time & again in posts here !!

And the key question I have asked again and again is what percentage of the Jewish population is in control of everything, what percentage is 'in on it'?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: DAMY on May 12, 2009, 09:27:43 AM
Who are you, Mel Gibson?   :)

Mel Gibson got his knickers in a knot because Jew studios wouldn't produce The Passion of the Christ.

The story only ended up out there because asshole patrol cops couldn't just do their jobs and keep their mouths shut.

Not that I give a fuck about Gibson. Soon as slebs get to middle age, let some boring-ass religion supplant their passion for tits and ass, I tend to lose interest in them.

But his tirade brought attention to the fact that you 'realist' wankers choose to overlook. That is, Jews appear to have an inborn arrogance, be they nobody parents who shit themselves if their kid dates a non-kike, or wealthy studio execs who refuse to accommodate a movie that shows Jews of any era in a less than flattering light.

So fuck you.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 09:30:52 AM
Mel Gibson got his knickers in a knot because Jew studios wouldn't produce The Passion of the Christ.

The story only ended up out there because asshole patrol cops couldn't just do their jobs and keep their mouths shut.

Not that I give a fuck about Gibson. Soon as slebs get to middle age, let some boring-ass religion supplant their passion for tits and ass, I tend to lose interest in them.

But his tirade brought attention to the fact that you 'realist' wankers choose to overlook. That is, Jews appear to have an inborn arrogance, be they nobody parents who shit themselves if their kid dates a non-kike, or wealthy studio execs who refuse to accommodate a movie that shows Jews of any era in a less than flattering light.

So fuck you.


Every Jew has an inborn arrogance? What is up with the gross generalisations?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 09:35:18 AM
How many lists have been posted now of JOO's who are key-positions of power.

We are drowning on the fuckers, how many more do you need, FFS.

Less than 2% of the total population of the states, yeah we are - Loco Penedjo -  ??? ??? ???

From the 'FED' to the 'CFR' to Washington & on down the food chain (the media - Hollyweird), it has been shown time & again in posts here !!

 Yes, some Jews may be in positions of power and authority but that still does not mean that EVERY Jew on earth is trying to control the world or is part of some giant conspiracy. There is no evidence for that.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: DAMY on May 12, 2009, 09:39:59 AM
Every Jew has an inborn arrogance? What is up with the gross generalisations?

Oh do fuck off!

So physical racial traits (fuck off again, Jews are a race) like the sprinting vs swimming thing are okay, but personality traits aren't?


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 09:50:04 AM

Oh do fuck off!

So physical racial traits (fuck off again, Jews are a race) like the sprinting vs swimming thing are okay, but personality traits aren't?



You really believe that Jews are a race in the same sense that Koreans are or people from Polynesia are? Do you believe that all Jews are trying to control the world without exception? And there are no exceptions to the arrogance of some Jews? None?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 12, 2009, 09:59:16 AM
Você fala o Espanhol ??

Hablo Español.  Is that Portuguese?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: loco on May 12, 2009, 10:02:04 AM
Mel Gibson got his knickers in a knot because Jew studios wouldn't produce The Passion of the Christ.

The story only ended up out there because asshole patrol cops couldn't just do their jobs and keep their mouths shut.

Not that I give a fuck about Gibson. Soon as slebs get to middle age, let some boring-ass religion supplant their passion for tits and ass, I tend to lose interest in them.

But his tirade brought attention to the fact that you 'realist' wankers choose to overlook. That is, Jews appear to have an inborn arrogance, be they nobody parents who shit themselves if their kid dates a non-kike, or wealthy studio execs who refuse to accommodate a movie that shows Jews of any era in a less than flattering light.

So fuck you.


Me?  What's the matter?  When have I offended you or insulted you?  A lot of anger and hatred in this board.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The ChemistV2 on May 12, 2009, 10:02:16 AM
Can I get a response to this, as you are posting "AM"
How many buildings over one story, that were not made of mud & wood ??

Are you saying that the African's greatest Architectural achievement was the construction of the Mudhut and pales in comparison to the construction abilities of the common Beaver?
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 10:16:45 AM
Are you saying that the African's greatest Architectural achievement was the construction of the Mudhut and pales in comparison to the construction abilities of the common Beaver?

Sub-Sahara - yes !!

The only stone structure of note was built by the Order of the Knights Templar, in 'Ethiopia' - Caucasians.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: OzmO on May 12, 2009, 02:18:50 PM
Sub-Sahara - yes !!

The only stone structure of note was built by the Order of the Knights Templar, in 'Ethiopia' - Caucasians.

You forgot the pyramid shape mud huts built of stone.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 12, 2009, 03:00:51 PM
I see you have chosen to ignore my points about Africa - pre-whites on, no less than two occasions now.
I even re-posted it for you on this page.

Can't say as I blame you though, it is a tough one  ;) ;D

Pillowtalk I wasn't ignoring your post....I had answered your post previously that before the white man came to Africa, blacks fed themselves and clothed themselves and lived their may not have been in a manner that you or I would agree with and yes it was somewhat primitive, BUT...the africans did not starve.....they took care of themselves.....long before whites arrived's not as if whites came to their continent and suddenly the Africans were fed and clothed and housed...they did that for themselves long before whites got there

you didnt address my point about how whites could have done many good things for the Africans without the violence and subservitude they inflicted on the Africans.....the mass confiscations of land....(yes even the fertile farming lands that whites stole which in Zimbabwe Mugabe tried to confiscate back from whites), the confiscation of natural resources and the massacres of black civilians...none of that was necessary by the "so-called civilized" whites.....

believe me..I am not prejudiced at all against whites... I simply point out the historical truth....that wherever whites have gone in their travels around the globe, violence on a genocidal scale has occurred..from Australia, to Africa, America, etc......whites have attempted to wipe out entire races and cultures for pure you deny this?....

I bring this up to counter the point about how blacks are a violent race of people......the fact of the matter is that in the U.S. blacks commit far more than their share of crime..I can concede that....but it's not because of the blackness of our's due to the racial discrimination and due to the fact that blacks comprise the poorest population..I guarantee you that if you go to any country on earth. the most crimes will be committed by the poorest minority population of that country.....the color has nothing to do with's the lack of status and wealth in certain populations that does ....
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 03:05:18 PM

Pillowtalk I wasn't ignoring your post....I had answered your post previously that before the white man came to Africa, blacks fed themselves and clothed themselves and lived their may not have been in a manner that you or I would agree with and yes it was somewhat primitive, BUT...the africans did not starve.....they took care of themselves.....long before whites arrived's not as if whites came to their continent and suddenly the Africans were fed and clothed and housed...they did that for themselves long before whites got there

you didnt address my point about how whites could have done many good things for the Africans without the violence and subservitude they inflicted on the Africans.....the mass confiscations of land....(yes even the fertile farming lands that whites stole which in Zimbabwe Mugabe tried to confiscate back from whites), the confiscation of natural resources and the massacres of black civilians...none of that was necessary by the "so-called civilized" whites.....

believe me..I am not prejudiced at all against whites... I simply point out the historical truth....that wherever whites have gone in their travels around the globe, violence on a genocidal scale has occurred..from Australia, to Africa, America, etc......whites have attempted to wipe out entire races and cultures for pure you deny this?....

I bring this up to counter the point about how blacks are a violent race of people......the fact of the matter is that in the U.S. blacks commit far more than their share of crime..I can concede that....but it's not because of the blackness of our's due to the racial discrimination and due to the fact that blacks comprise the poorest population..I guarantee you that if you go to any country on earth. the most crimes will be committed by the poorest minority population of that country.....the color has nothing to do with's the lack of status and wealth in certain populations that does ....

All your problems are the Jews' fault...
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 12, 2009, 03:08:10 PM
Just to go a little further, the problem with you Pillowtalk is that you believe that whites have done absolutely nothing wrong and share no responsibility for what blacks and others have had to go through.....even though the historical record proves otherwise....

you can come up with all the opinions you want, but just look at the historical record is all I ask....I know that you won't.....but you should...if you do, there is no way in hell you can deny my above post

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: andreisdaman on May 12, 2009, 03:09:45 PM
All your problems are the Jews' fault...

funny ;D...but unfortunately some will say that in order to put the blame squarely on them......
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 03:10:33 PM
Just to go a little further, the problem with you Pillowtalk is that you believe that whites have done absolutely nothing wrong and share no responsibility for what blacks and others have had to go through.....even though the historical record proves otherwise....

you can come up with all the opinions you want, but just look at the historical record is all I ask....I know that you won't.....but you should...if you do, there is no way in hell you can deny my above post


I am glad you realise that all your problems are caused by Jews. :)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 03:12:38 PM
You forgot the pyramid shape mud huts built of stone.

They moved 'Giza' to a sub-Saharan location ??

I always thought Egypt was N.E.Africa (but then I was shit at geography at school) ::)

This guy is great, he starts to cook at around 5 mins into the clip.

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 03:14:40 PM
I am glad you realise that all your problems are caused by Jews. :)

Well I would discuss the issue now if I were you, while you still  can & remain out of jail.

This is geared towards our American guests, as there is no longer any Freedom of Speech in most of Europe & other places like Canada. The following article is by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. Got any labels to toss at him before you read the article ?? Maybe "anti-Semitic" comes to mind ?? If it did, then you have been successfully conditioned, A+ !!

On October 16, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Israel Lobby’s bill, the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act. This legislation requires the US Department of State to monitor anti-semitism world wide.

To monitor anti-semitism, it has to be defined. What is the definition? Basically, as defined by the Israel Lobby and Abe Foxman, it boils down to any criticism of Israel or Jews.

Rahm Israel Emanuel (Mossad) hasn’t been mopping floors at the White House.
As soon as he gets the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 passed, it will become a crime for any American to tell the truth about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and theft of their lands.

It will be a crime to report the extraordinary influence of the Israel Lobby on the White House and Congress, such as the AIPAC-written resolutions praising Israel for its war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza that were endorsed by 100 per cent of the US Senate and 99 per cent of the House of Representatives, while the rest of the world condemned Israel for its barbarity.

It will be a crime to doubt the Holocaust NO.6 (revise the new evidence that has come to light).

It will become a crime to note the disproportionate representation of Jews in the media, finance, and foreign policy. DING DING DING! - Coming from someone that would know

In other words, it means the end of free speech, free inquiry, and the First Amendment to the Constitution. Any facts or truths that cast aspersion upon Israel will simply be banned.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 12, 2009, 03:42:26 PM

Well I would discuss the issue now if I were you, while you still  can & remain out of jail.

This is geared towards our American guests, as there is no longer any Freedom of Speech in most of Europe & other places like Canada. The following article is by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. Got any labels to toss at him before you read the article ?? Maybe "anti-Semitic" comes to mind ?? If it did, then you have been successfully conditioned, A+ !!

On October 16, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Israel Lobby’s bill, the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act. This legislation requires the US Department of State to monitor anti-semitism world wide.

To monitor anti-semitism, it has to be defined. What is the definition? Basically, as defined by the Israel Lobby and Abe Foxman, it boils down to any criticism of Israel or Jews.

Rahm Israel Emanuel (Mossad) hasn’t been mopping floors at the White House.
As soon as he gets the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 passed, it will become a crime for any American to tell the truth about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and theft of their lands.

It will be a crime to report the extraordinary influence of the Israel Lobby on the White House and Congress, such as the AIPAC-written resolutions praising Israel for its war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza that were endorsed by 100 per cent of the US Senate and 99 per cent of the House of Representatives, while the rest of the world condemned Israel for its barbarity.

It will be a crime to doubt the Holocaust NO.6 (revise the new evidence that has come to light).

It will become a crime to note the disproportionate representation of Jews in the media, finance, and foreign policy. DING DING DING! - Coming from someone that would know

In other words, it means the end of free speech, free inquiry, and the First Amendment to the Constitution. Any facts or truths that cast aspersion upon Israel will simply be banned.

I don't believe in censorship but I also don't believe in collectivising whole groups of people based on some individuals.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The ChemistV2 on May 12, 2009, 04:04:15 PM

Well I would discuss the issue now if I were you, while you still  can & remain out of jail.

This is geared towards our American guests, as there is no longer any Freedom of Speech in most of Europe & other places like Canada. The following article is by Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration. Got any labels to toss at him before you read the article ?? Maybe "anti-Semitic" comes to mind ?? If it did, then you have been successfully conditioned, A+ !!

On October 16, 2004, President George W. Bush signed the Israel Lobby’s bill, the Global Anti-Semitism Review Act. This legislation requires the US Department of State to monitor anti-semitism world wide.

To monitor anti-semitism, it has to be defined. What is the definition? Basically, as defined by the Israel Lobby and Abe Foxman, it boils down to any criticism of Israel or Jews.

Rahm Israel Emanuel (Mossad) hasn’t been mopping floors at the White House.
As soon as he gets the Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 passed, it will become a crime for any American to tell the truth about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians and theft of their lands.

It will be a crime to report the extraordinary influence of the Israel Lobby on the White House and Congress, such as the AIPAC-written resolutions praising Israel for its war crimes against the Palestinians in Gaza that were endorsed by 100 per cent of the US Senate and 99 per cent of the House of Representatives, while the rest of the world condemned Israel for its barbarity.

It will be a crime to doubt the Holocaust NO.6 (revise the new evidence that has come to light).

It will become a crime to note the disproportionate representation of Jews in the media, finance, and foreign policy. DING DING DING! - Coming from someone that would know

In other words, it means the end of free speech, free inquiry, and the First Amendment to the Constitution. Any facts or truths that cast aspersion upon Israel will simply be banned.
This is a good point. Scary stuff...If this becomes true, if you say there is on person less than 6,000,000 ( a number that's been used several times throughout history)that perished in the Holocaust, you could be committing a crime. Crazy!
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 12, 2009, 11:48:48 PM
You forgot the pyramid shape mud huts built of stone.

Ozmo - did you even read my fucking post, or just speed read with a need to find a sarcastic response.
You may want to spend a little more time reading, & less time dropping the ball. ;) ;D ;D

In your desperation to show me up, you made your self look a CLOWN - OR WAS IT THAT, LIKE YOUR LAST PRESIDENT - you had NO-fucking-idea where the 'Sahara desert' was in relation to the 'Giza plateau' ?? what is it that yanks are know worldwide to be absolutely shit at ??
Geography past Mexico & Canada, hahahahahahah........... .. :o ::) :o ::) ::

Do you think the Vulture (in the Sudan) got to eat that day, or did it take another night for this little cretin to snuff it ??
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 13, 2009, 12:18:12 AM
This is a good point. Scary stuff...If this becomes true, if you say there is on person less than 6,000,000 ( a number that's been used several times throughout history)that perished in the Holocaust, you could be committing a crime. Crazy!

You are American, are you not ?? what do you mean IF !!

Do a Google search on Holocaust deniers in jail, you will get pages of hits.
But it is always the JOO media that uses this word - DENIER - (it's all about the 'NLP') "revisionist" is not such an easy word to Tar & feather, is it ??

The most famous of all these men is 'Ernst Zundel'

What do you think 'Zibignew & Rahm' have been up to all this time ?? baking cookies ??
You do not find it odd that 'Rahm' get's his own 'IDF' the moment 'On-Bongo' gets in the Oval office ??

With as much funding as the Police & the military budget - WTF - DUDE ARE YOU ASLEEP ??
Or are you that anesthetized ??  :o :o :o
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 13, 2009, 12:25:10 AM
I don't believe in censorship but I also don't believe in collectivising whole groups of people based on some individuals.

You are a clown at times, do you just try & sound dumb so you can fit in ?? never been my bag that one !!


Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 13, 2009, 07:59:16 AM
You are a clown at times, do you just try & sound dumb so you can fit in ?? never been my bag that one !!



Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: The ChemistV2 on May 13, 2009, 08:02:37 AM
You are American, are you not ?? what do you mean IF !!

Do a Google search on Holocaust deniers in jail, you will get pages of hits.
But it is always the JOO media that uses this word - DENIER - (it's all about the 'NLP') "revisionist" is not such an easy word to Tar & feather, is it ??

The most famous of all these men is 'Ernst Zundel'

What do you think 'Zibignew & Rahm' have been up to all this time ?? baking cookies ??
You do not find it odd that 'Rahm' get's his own 'IDF' the moment 'On-Bongo' gets in the Oval office ??

With as much funding as the Police & the military budget - WTF - DUDE ARE YOU ASLEEP ??
Or are you that anesthetized ??  :o :o :o
No, not asleep or anesthetized..I'm well informed, in fact. I was just stating I hope it doesn't become  here (U.S) like in Europe where people seem to be getting arrested for speaking their mind on these matters. But yes...I'm afraid you're right that it will.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 13, 2009, 12:26:33 PM
No, not asleep or anesthetized..I'm well informed, in fact. I was just stating I hope it doesn't become  here (U.S) like in Europe where people seem to be getting arrested for speaking their mind on these matters. But yes...I'm afraid you're right that it will.

Many Americans have been brainwashed by the propaganda that Palestinians are terrorists who threaten innocent Israelis.
These Americans will see the censorship as merely part of the necessary 'war on terror'.
They will accept the demonization of fellow citizens who report unpalatable facts about Israel & agree that such people should be punished for aiding & abetting terrorists.
Sounds like a day on GetBig Political forum to me,(Indian accent)  business as usual then, memsab.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 13, 2009, 01:08:53 PM
A massive push is underway to criminalize criticism of Israel. American university professors have fallen victim to the well organized attempt to eliminate all criticism of Israel.
'Norman Finkelstein' was denied tenure at a Catholic university because of the power of the Israel Lobby. Now the Israel Lobby is after University of California (at - Santa Barbara,) professor 'Wiliam Robinson'.
Robinson’s crime: his course on global affairs included some reading assignments critical of Israel’s invasion of Gaza.

Democracy & free speech in action & then you have Cozmo uttering idiotic bull-shit like this response to some of 'DEE's' art.


Maybe simple folk like yourself.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 14, 2009, 02:32:48 AM
Whites like '240isback' & crew (you know who you are)  have a - HUGE - shock coming to them when this plays out to it's fullest extent.

& has been said before "I for one (other) can't wait, my only regret is that I will not be there to see the facial, expression, when the penny/Dime drops - HO-HUM - perhaps that is just the Human in me still talking ?? who knows................... ..


The Israel Lobby has succeeded in convincing the Obama Justice (sic) Department that it is anti-semitic to accuse two Jewish 'AIPAC' officials, Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, of spying.
The Israyhell Lobby succeeded in getting their trial delayed for four years, and now Attorney General Eric Holder has dropped charges. Yet, Larry Franklin, the 'DOD' official accused of giving secret material to 'Rosen & Weissman', is serving 12 years and 7 months in prison (justice in action people - Americy stylee - hahaha)

The absurdity is extraordinary.
The two Israeli agents are not guilty of receiving secrets, but the American official is guilty of giving secrets to them !! If there is no spy in the story, how was Franklin convicted of giving secrets to a spy ??

Just keep buying the lies - oh, & the path ?? - just keep walking - follow the one in front - the herd id good - the herd protects you - what's that sound - what are the metal run ways we walk on  - why is there a strong smell of blood in the air - what is that compressed air gun sound.

GOOD NIGHT VIENNA. :o :o :o TO LATE.................... ...................
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 14, 2009, 04:42:43 AM
Can anyone ban this TA/Matt gimmick? He's boring.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 15, 2009, 01:19:02 AM
Can anyone ban this TA/Matt gimmick? He's boring.

Yeah, & you offer - sooooooooo - much, in the way of contribution, huh  ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: IFBBwannaB on May 15, 2009, 03:06:54 AM
Yeah, & you offer - sooooooooo - much, in the way of contribution, huh  ::) ::) ::)

I don't lie and I support my claims with facts or logic. This is why none here have manage to prove me wrong and tried to attack my grammer and other meaningless shit.
Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: Deicide on May 15, 2009, 03:28:41 AM
Great 80's song...

Title: Re: Anti-white workplace brainwashing.
Post by: pillowtalk on May 15, 2009, 05:04:56 AM
I don't lie and I support my claims with facts or logic.

Know I know you are taking the piss  :-X :-X :-X