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Getbig Misc Discussion Boards => Religious Debates & Threads => Topic started by: Government_Controlled on August 15, 2009, 06:57:59 AM

Post by: Government_Controlled on August 15, 2009, 06:57:59 AM
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.



Post by: Sir Humphrey on August 15, 2009, 07:09:02 AM
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In Genesis 2:7 it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as Genesis states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?


Where in the Bible does it say that Moses "new" the scientific information that "the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements... carbon, iron, oxygen, and others"?
Post by: Sir Humphrey on August 15, 2009, 07:40:41 AM

He didn't. But he wrote down what he was told. By him stating we came from the ground, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between the ground and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?


If he had said that

we came from apes, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between apes and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?

would you believe in evolution?  :P
Post by: The Luke on August 17, 2009, 07:55:14 PM
If "God" himsef actually wrote the Bible, the question becomes why did he plagiarise so much of it from earlier pagan sources?

Huge tracts of Genesis are pagan in origin; mostly astrological metaphor.

Besides, Hebrew tradition has always maintained that Moses (most probably the Semitic Egyptian priest Kamose) wrote the first five books of the Bible.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on August 17, 2009, 08:16:36 PM
If "God" himsef actually wrote the Bible, the question becomes why did he plagiarise so much of it from earlier pagan sources?

Huge tracts of Genesis are pagan in origin; mostly astrological metaphor.

That mess is just as inaccurate as it was the last 25 times you posted it.

Besides, Hebrew tradition has always maintained that Moses (most probably the Semitic Egyptian priest Kamose) wrote the first five books of the Bible.

The Luke

Dead wrong as usual, Luke. As a matter of fact, while looking for one of my favorite muscle magazines, I happen to glance at the cover of "Skeptic" magazine. And, surprise, SURPRISE, the cover story is basically about how woefully inaccurate that Zeitgeist video that you posted a while back actually.

Imagine my surprise, when after reading article, I saw a number of the EXACT SAME ARGUMENTS that I used, when you presented that mess here.

Post by: The Luke on August 17, 2009, 08:24:15 PM
Read your Genesis McWay.

A tree in the middle of a garden with a snake wrapped around it? Why isn't that an astrological metaphor in Genesis when it most clearly and expressly is in Viking folklore?

The Luke
Post by: Necrosis on August 17, 2009, 08:45:42 PM

He didn't. But he wrote down what he was told. By him stating we came from the ground, makes his statement accurate. Later, when humans finally figured out the commonalities between the ground and humans, isn't it odd that he could make such an accurate statement?


jesus dude that is the most convaluted logic i have yet to witness. You act as if early man was the equivalent of a downs syndrome sufferer. Brilliant people existed in those times, just without the knowledge we have today, im sure that more obvious scientific evidence could have been presented. God should write a second book
Post by: MCWAY on August 17, 2009, 08:57:49 PM
Read your Genesis McWay.

A tree in the middle of a garden with a snake wrapped around it? Why isn't that an astrological metaphor in Genesis when it most clearly and expressly is in Viking folklore?

The Luke

For the same reason all the foolish supposed astrological metaphor about Jesus Christ don't mesh, whatsoever.
Post by: The Luke on August 17, 2009, 09:17:02 PM
For the same reason all the foolish supposed astrological metaphor about Jesus Christ don't mesh, whatsoever.

...and that reason is?

The Luke
Post by: big L dawg on August 17, 2009, 09:49:36 PM
Post by: gcb on August 17, 2009, 11:49:14 PM
The answer to your question is no
Post by: Government_Controlled on August 18, 2009, 12:30:25 AM
Before any of the Athesist comment on this thread, don't you think you should have studied the bible first? What is the Theme? If you can answer this, then I'll proceede to answer/relpy to your questions.  :)

Post by: Government_Controlled on August 18, 2009, 01:02:35 AM
jesus dude that is the most convaluted logic i have yet to witness. You act as if early man was the equivalent of a downs syndrome sufferer. Brilliant people existed in those times, just without the knowledge we have today, im sure that more obvious scientific evidence could have been presented. God should write a second book

How is that possible in the realm of evolution? Man was primitive at the start according to the evlolution theory, right?  I guess you ASSUME Moses knew this, however, he credited God for it.  ;) We're making progress tho, at least you don't think Moses was illogical.  :)

Post by: MCWAY on August 18, 2009, 06:00:22 AM

...and that reason is?

The Luke

That would be, boy genius, the authorship of Scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with astrology, despite your repeated and pathetic attempts to paint it as such.

Before any of the Athesist comment on this thread, don't you think you should have studied the bible first? What is the Theme? If you can answer this, then I'll proceede to answer/relpy to your questions.  :)


Some Bible study would help. At least then, you can have some interesting conversation. Otherwise, you get tomfoolery, Luke-style, void of accuracy and saturated with silliness.
Post by: Necrosis on August 18, 2009, 08:30:07 AM
That would be, boy genius, the authorship of Scripture has absolutely NOTHING to do with astrology, despite your repeated and pathetic attempts to paint it as such.

Some Bible study would help. At least then, you can have some interesting conversation. Otherwise, you get tomfoolery, Luke-style, void of accuracy and saturated with silliness.

so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?
Post by: Sir Humphrey on August 18, 2009, 08:33:16 AM
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

Christianity was not born in a cultural vacuum. Of course, the early Christians lived in a world with lots of myths and mythologies and traditions and belief systems and festivals etc. I don't think they stole "anything," things just fell into place. The early Christians just adapted and mixed the world they lived in to their nascent religion and vice versa.
Post by: MCWAY on August 18, 2009, 08:43:09 AM
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

There are no such similarities, Necrosis. Luke feebly tried to paint such a picture. But, a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance.

That's why I made that previous statement.

Post by: big L dawg on August 18, 2009, 09:03:25 AM
so the similarities dont strike you as odd between jesus and all the other gods. The stealing of christmas from a pagan tradition along with all the othere issues?

don't bother man.MCGAY will grasp on to his fable's regardless.They will tell you to study there religion.but if they studied early religion's that predate Christianity they would see not only similarity's but the fallacy that is there make believe man made god not vice versa...
Post by: MCWAY on August 18, 2009, 11:16:53 AM
don't bother man.MCGAY will grasp on to his fable's regardless.They will tell you to study there religion.but if they studied early religion's that predate Christianity they would see not only similarity's but the fallacy that is there make believe man made god not vice versa...

What part of "a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance" fails to register in that skull of yours, Puppy boy?

The pagan gods from Jesus was supposedly crafted turn out to be NOTHING LIKE CHRIST at all.
Post by: The Luke on August 18, 2009, 06:49:02 PM
What part of "a basic examination of the account of Christ and the pagan deities reveals the huge DIFFERENCES, in terms of form, function, purpose (of life and death), and performance" fails to register in that skull of yours, Puppy boy?

The pagan gods from Jesus was supposedly crafted turn out to be NOTHING LIKE CHRIST at all.

...ell, let's put it this way: the Vikings had a genesis/creation story in which there was a garden and a snake, a creation mythos which predates not just Christianity, but Judaism itself.

In the Viking story the tree of life in the centre of the garden is called Yggdrasil (spelling?), the world tree. Which the Vikings took as being synonymous with the axis of the Earth, it's leaves were eternally changing between glowing green and fiery orange as they died only to be replenished. Similarly the Vikings associated these burning yet not consumed leaves with the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole.

So the garden is symbolic of the world; the tree is a metaphor for the worlds rotational axis; the burning yet unburnt leaves are a metaphor for the Aurora Borealis.

The Vikings associated this "tree" with knowledge; star lore and astrology, yet maintained the mystery tradition that there as another secret tree at the centre of the garden; a tree of eternal life which was unreachable by man (the southern pole and the Aurora Australis).

Surprise, surprise the Vikings even had a snake entwined about the centre of their mythical tree (or double ended trees if you understood the metaphor): the fabled Midgard Serpent.

Guess what? "Midgard" is Viking for "equator".

Doesn't any of this sound suspiciously familiar to any Christians reading?

A garden, with two trees. A tree of knowlede from which man may eat if he is willing to accept the consequences and an unreachable tree of everlasting life beyond mans grasp. A snake, and the first two people in the world. A garden paradise; and a choice between consciousness and our baser animal existence?

Can't you people comprehend metaphor?

The Luke
Post by: Necrosis on August 18, 2009, 07:05:48 PM
jesus christmas is winter solstice for christs sakes.
Post by: MCWAY on August 18, 2009, 08:54:57 PM
jesus christmas is winter solstice for christs sakes.

That's where the Roman Catholic church decided to an official celebration and recognition of the birth of Jesus Christ. But, that does NOT mean that Christ himself was formed from pagan deities.

...ell, let's put it this way: the Vikings had a genesis/creation story in which there was a garden and a snake, a creation mythos which predates not just Christianity, but Judaism itself.

In the Viking story the tree of life in the centre of the garden is called Yggdrasil (spelling?), the world tree. Which the Vikings took as being synonymous with the axis of the Earth, it's leaves were eternally changing between glowing green and fiery orange as they died only to be replenished. Similarly the Vikings associated these burning yet not consumed leaves with the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole.

A tree of life with DYING leaves? Boy, this is going to be FUN!!! Genesis account says NOTHING of the sort!!!

So the garden is symbolic of the world; the tree is a metaphor for the worlds rotational axis; the burning yet unburnt leaves are a metaphor for the Aurora Borealis.

The Vikings associated this "tree" with knowledge; star lore and astrology, yet maintained the mystery tradition that there as another secret tree at the centre of the garden; a tree of eternal life which was unreachable by man (the southern pole and the Aurora Australis).

Let the dismemberment begin.

Surprise, surprise the Vikings even had a snake entwined about the centre of their mythical tree (or double ended trees if you understood the metaphor): the fabled Midgard Serpent.

Guess what? "Midgard" is Viking for "equator"

Doesn't any of this sound suspiciously familiar to any Christians reading?

A garden, with two trees. A tree of knowlede from which man may eat if he is willing to accept the consequences and an unreachable tree of everlasting life beyond mans grasp. A snake, and the first two people in the world. A garden paradise; and a choice between consciousness and our baser animal existence?

Can't you people comprehend metaphor?

The Luke

Can't you comprehend simple sentences? Suspicisously familiar? PLEASE!!!

The Garden of Eden has far more than two trees; so that little blurb basically gets the boot. The choice is hardly between consciousness and animal existence. It's simply eternal life for the two people and ALL LIVING BEINGS or death for Adam, Eve, and all life on the planet. If that weren't enough, the tree of life was NOT unreachable to Adam and Eve. They ate of it; however, once sin entered the world, they were banished from eating of it.

The Midgard Serpent, per the account grows big enough to encircle the planet. The serpent mentioned in Genesis? CURSED, upon its belly to eat dust. And nothing indcates that this serpent is large enough to circumvent the planet.

And, once again, per the Genesis creation account, there is NO DEATH of any kind, prior to sin, a far cry from the Norse stuff we read.

Once again, we see a flat-out comparison between the two accounts, with virtually nothing to suggest that Moses got the Creation/Garden of Eden account from a Viking legend.

Nice try, Luke. But, that doggie hunteth not!!!

The Viking account incorporate the concept of DEATH before sin, something that is not in the Genesis, whatsoever. The Viking accounts however have the universe deriving from the corpse of one of the Norse gods.

More on this place called Midgard,

Midgard, also Middel-erde, Middangeard or Middle-earth is an old Germanic name for this world, derived from the Old Norse word Midhgardhr ("middle garden").

Midgard is the realm of the humans in Norse mythology. Pictured as placed somewhere in the middle of Yggdrasil, Midgard is surrounded by a world of water or ocean, which is impassable. The ocean is inhabited by the great sea serpent Jormungand, who is so huge that he encircles the world entirely, grasping his own tail.

It is depicted as an intermediate world between heaven (Asgard) and hell (Nifelheim or Hel). Thus it is part of a triad of upper (Heaven), middle (Earth), and lower (Underworld). It was said to have been formed from the flesh and blood of the frost giant Ymir, his flesh constituting the land and his blood the oceans, and was connected to Asgard by the Bifrost Bridge, guarded by Heimdall.

According to legend, Midgard will be destroyed in Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world. Jormungand will arise from the ocean, poisoning the land and sea with his venom and causing the sea to rear up and lash against the land. The final battle will take place on the plain of Vigrond, following which Midgard and almost all life on it will be destroyed, with the earth sinking into the sea. (

Post by: The Luke on August 18, 2009, 09:05:35 PM
Way to go McWay...

Just keep pointing and shouting: "No! No! Not the same! My god has a different hat!"

I see you highlighting differences, but you never address the coincidences.

Whoever wrote the Bible, they were at least plagiarising pagan religions.

Garden paradise; two trees; a snake; the first two people... all the rest is just spin.

By the way, did you hear that they've dug up the Garden of Eden in Kurdish Turkey?

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on August 18, 2009, 09:17:30 PM
Way to go McWay...

Just keep pointing and shouting: "No! No! Not the same! My god has a different hat!"

I see you highlighting differences, but you never address the coincidences.

Whoever wrote the Bible, they were at least plagiarising pagan religions.

Garden paradise; two trees; a snake; the first two people... all the rest is just spin.

That's about as dumb as your pitiful attempts to use casual references to trees from other deities and morph them into a crucifixion of those deities, DESPITE the fact that the accounts clearly indicate that their deaths were by completley DIFFERENT METHODS (for completely different reasons).

Same goes for this stuff. The differences, in form, function, purpose, and practice are NOWHERE NEAR what the Genesis account has.

BTW, plagiarising is taking someone else's work and depicting it as your own. Let's look more at this Midgard Serpent:

Iormungand, the Midgard Serpent, was one of three children fathered on the giantess Angroba by Loki, the Norse god of mischief and trickery. The others were Fenris the wolf and Hel, which means Death. When the gods learned of these offspring they remembered certain prophecies of the doom they would bring. So Odin the Allfather ordered they be brought to him to decide their fate. Hel was given charge of the Underworld, Niflhein, to which go all those who suffer the humiliation of dying of old age or sickness, instead of falling nobly in battle.. Fenris the wolf was fostered by the gods who tried to tame his savage nature. The Midgard Serpent was cast by Odin into the ocean where she grew so huge that with her tail in her mouth she soon encompassed the whole world, and the churnings of her coils raise the tsunami and tempests that drown sailors.

Well, well, well!!! It appears that, per this account, this serpent is going around killing ALREADY EXISITING PEOPLE, far more than just two of them to boot. And, lost in all this, is the ever conspicuous concept of death before sin, something that is NOT part of the Genesis account.

So, it appears (just as with your silly attempts to paint Jesus Christ as a product of pagan deities), not only don't you have your facts straight about the Biblical account, you DON'T EVEN HAVE YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT about the accounts from which the Biblical allegedly plagiarized.

Post by: The Luke on August 20, 2009, 10:55:45 AM
I really don't want to get into this again with you McWay.

Last time we had this discussion I mentioned that many ancient pagan deities, especially the mystery solar deities, prefigured the Jesus myth in so many ways that the eary Church had to invent the Doctrine of Diabolical mimicry to explain away the obvious plagiarism. ("Diabolical Mimicry" is the idea that the Devil, capable of seeing the future, invented simulacra gods which pre-emptively paralled Jesus in order to deny Jesus his obvious originality: a doctrine of chronic apologetic bunkum which remains the Church's only defense on this subject).

I mentioned Attis as one of these prefigurers of Jesus: a solar deity who was nailed to a cross after his death.

In response, you posted page after page of cut and paste... these encyclopedia excerpts explained in graphic detail how the Attians (followers of Attis):

-celebrate Attis' suicide at Easter time

-walk a sacred procession to a sacred grove of trees (Gethsemane?)

-cut don a sacred tree so that an Attian priest would carry it on his back through the streets

-the tree would be set up in their temple

-a statue of the dead Attis would be either tied to the tree or nailed to it

-the Attians called this "The Day of Mourning"

-lock themselves in the temple and mourn for three days

-celebrate "The Day of Joy" on the spring equinox/Easter

-restart all their yearly celebrations as if Attis had returned to life

...yet you posted all of this while arguing that Attis in no way coincided or overlapped the "wholely original" Jesus story.

I can't make the blind see, nor those who refuse to open their eyes.

Congratulations McWay, you have won yet another argument by stubbornly refusing to read or comprehend neither the argments of others nor the bullshit you yourself regurgitate to justify your own delusions.

Ignorance wins out.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on August 20, 2009, 09:32:37 PM
I really don't want to get into this again with you McWay.

Of course you don't. Even you get tired of looking dopey, after a while.

Last time we had this discussion I mentioned that many ancient pagan deities, especially the mystery solar deities, prefigured the Jesus myth in so many ways that the eary Church had to invent the Doctrine of Diabolical mimicry to explain away the obvious plagiarism. ("Diabolical Mimicry" is the idea that the Devil, capable of seeing the future, invented simulacra gods which pre-emptively paralled Jesus in order to deny Jesus his obvious originality: a doctrine of chronic apologetic bunkum which remains the Church's only defense on this subject).

I mentioned Attis as one of these prefigurers of Jesus: a solar deity who was nailed to a cross after his death.

Listen to what you just said, Einstein!!! It's just another example of your inability to read and digest simple words. Attis was NOT nailed to a tree, number one (an effigy of him was); and, number two, Attis DIED BY CHOPPING OFF HIS OWN NUTS!!! Jesus died BY CRUCIFIXION!! What part of that don't you understand?

In response, you posted page after page of cut and paste... these encyclopedia excerpts explained in graphic detail how the Attians (followers of Attis):

What I did was CLEARLY show that the claims you were making about Attis were totally and completely.....FALSE, by using actual references (something that seems to put you on your face, time and time again), so that people can read the account for themselves.

It's amazing how much buffoonery you can squeeze in such few sentences. Where do I start?

-celebrate Attis' suicide at Easter time

One, Jesus didn't kill Himself; Two, Christians don't celebrate His death on what's known as Easter; they celebrate HIS RESURRECTION (i.e. something that Attis did NOT HAVE, genius!!).

-walk a sacred procession to a sacred grove of trees (Gethsemane?)

NO, not even close. There's not hing sacred about the Garden of Gesthsemane, or any trees therein. Once again, in sheer inaccurate bliss, you have made humorously stupid, supremely off-the-mark statements, in your attempt to paint Christ as a clone of Attis.

-cut don a sacred tree so that an Attian priest would carry it on his back through the streets

What does this have to do with the account of Jesus.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (as usual).

-the tree would be set up in their temple

-a statue of the dead Attis would be either tied to the tree or nailed to it

How and why did Attis die again? OH THAT'S RIGHT!!! SELF-CASTRATION out of lust for his own mama!! What's done with his dead, testicle-deprived corpse (in effigy or actuality) means exactly diddly squat!!!

-the Attians called this "The Day of Mourning"

Generally, when someone dies, genius, you have a day of mourning. This is, even by previous Luke standards, downright pitiful.

-lock themselves in the temple and mourn for three days

The disciples of Jesus did no such thing.......boy, this is just sad!!!

-celebrate "The Day of Joy" on the spring equinox/Easter

Of course, it has yet to dawn on you that there's a HUGE difference between the Roman Catholic Church ASSIGNING a celebration of Jesus' resurrection during that time and Scripture actually claiming that the Resurrection actually occuring during that time.

-restart all their yearly celebrations as if Attis had returned to life

NEWS FLASH!!! Attis DID NOT return to life; Jesus did......GAME OVER!!!

...yet you posted all of this while arguing that Attis in no way coincided or overlapped the "wholely original" Jesus story.

Someone please give this guy a clue. He can't comprehend the simplest of sentences, it seems.

Did Attis die via crucifixion? NO!!

Did Attis die for the salvation of mankind? NO!!

Was Attis born of a virgin (i.e. no male god, getting his freak on the sneak)? NO!!

Did Attis rise from the dead? NO!!

And that's just the short list!!!!

I can't make the blind see, nor those who refuse to open their eyes.

That would explain why your Ray Charles/Stevie Wonder impressions are dead on the money!!!

You've taken a bunch of downright silly statements, some of which aren't even accurate as it relates to Attis (which I've shown repeatedly), and you try to claim that Jesus was copied from this.

It is to laugh.

Congratulations McWay, you have won yet another argument by stubbornly refusing to read or comprehend neither the argments of others nor the bullshit you yourself regurgitate to justify your own delusions.

Ignorance wins out.

The Luke

The only ignorance here comes from your silliness-fueled fingers. Not only have I read and comprehended your arguments, Boy genius, I went one step further. I actually produced the accounts of Attis and showed that your claims about him were DEAD WRONG!!! It's called references, things you refuse to produce, because once items appear, they exposed your statements for the mindless gibberish that it is.

You can't get your facts straight about Attis, or any of the other figures from which you, in true rock-skulled fashion, keep claiming Jesus was crafted. And, I've exposed that more times than I care to count.

Post by: big L dawg on August 20, 2009, 09:36:55 PM
Post by: Government_Controlled on August 21, 2009, 07:07:00 AM
For my Christians friends. Can you see this begining to occur? It's not complete, however, it has started!

Luke 21:25-31  

"(25) And there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and upon the earth [there will be] distress (trouble and anguish) of nations in bewilderment and perplexity [without resources, left wanting, embarrassed, in doubt, not knowing which way to turn] at the roaring (the echo) of the tossing of the sea, (26) Men swooning away or expiring with fear and dread and apprehension and expectation of the things that are coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken and caused to totter. (27) And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with great (transcendent and overwhelming) power and [all His kingly] glory (majesty and splendor). (28) Now when these things begin to occur, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption (deliverance) is drawing near.

(29) And He told them a parable: Look at the fig tree and all the trees; (30) When they put forth their buds and come out in leaf, you see for yourselves and perceive and know that summer is already near. (31) Even so, when you see these things taking place, understand and know that the kingdom of God is at hand."


Post by: Government_Controlled on August 21, 2009, 07:16:36 AM
These are in complete fullfulment! Peace!

2 Timothy 3:1-5

(1) BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. (2) For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. (3) [They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, troublemakers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. (4)[They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. (5) For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].

Post by: Government_Controlled on August 21, 2009, 07:27:34 AM

Some Bible study would help. At least then, you can have some interesting conversation. Otherwise, you get tomfoolery, Luke-style, void of accuracy and saturated with silliness.

All we can do my friend is try. Remember the Scribes ,Pharisees ,Sadducees, etc.? Also there are a couple of Scriptures I will PM you with, if you give me the go!. Peace!

BTW, you, Loco, BeachBum and some others are doing a fine job in "defending the faith". When I PM those scripts. am sure you will see why this is going nowhere with these few. Keep up the fine work, my friend!

Post by: MCWAY on August 21, 2009, 08:36:48 AM

All we can do my friend is try. Remember the Scribes ,Pharisees ,Sadducees, etc.? Also there are a couple of Scriptures I will PM you with, if you give me the go!. Peace!

BTW, you, Loco, BeachBum and some others are doing a fine job in "defending the faith". When I PM those scripts. am sure you will see why this is going nowhere with these few. Keep up the fine work, my friend!


Thank you, GC!!! PM away, brother!!!

Post by: The Luke on August 21, 2009, 03:18:11 PM
Why do you continue to hound me McWay?

You've already won me over, I now understand how:

-Attis' body being nailed to a tree at Easter time, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

-Orpheus-Bacchus being lashed to a tree (sometimes an anchor) at Easter time, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

-The dying Hercules lying arms outstretched upon a felled tree, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

...and the other crucified Mystery Religion solar deities similarly crucified in a symbolic representation of the sun "dying" upon the Southern Cross constellation:

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

...all have nothing at all to do with; and in no way resemble the Jesus story in which your particular choice of Mystery Religion solar deity is nailed to a cross at Easter time (Passover). Because in this instance of a dying/resurrecting godman, and in this instance only, the cross/tree is an actual cross/tree and does not symbolise the Southern Cross constellation.

I now understand that Jesus was an actual historical person, whose life just happened to conform to the long established conceits of the popular Middle Eastern solar deity Mystery Religion traditions. He was also magic.

Before I understood this important distinction, I mistakenly interpreted these abundant coincidences as plain old plagiarism. So there is no need to labour the point, I've seen the error of my ways.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on August 23, 2009, 04:39:54 PM
Why do you continue to hound me McWay?

You've already won me over, I now understand how:

-Attis' body being nailed to a tree at Easter time, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

What part of "Attis died by cutting his own nuts off?" fails to register in that head of yours?

-Orpheus-Bacchus being lashed to a tree (sometimes an anchor) at Easter time, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

-The dying Hercules lying arms outstretched upon a felled tree, symbolising the transfixing of the "dying" setting sun upon the Southern Cross constellation

...and the other crucified Mystery Religion solar deities similarly crucified in a symbolic representation of the sun "dying" upon the Southern Cross constellation:

Now how many of these, upon further research will pan out to be as DEAD WRONG as your silly take on Attis?

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

See Below!!

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

Nope!!! He gets porked to death, LITERALLY!!! And, he doesn't rise from the dead, either. See Below!!

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

...all have nothing at all to do with; and in no way resemble the Jesus story in which your particular choice of Mystery Religion solar deity is nailed to a cross at Easter time (Passover). Because in this instance of a dying/resurrecting godman, and in this instance only, the cross/tree is an actual cross/tree and does not symbolise the Southern Cross constellation.

One, Jesus isn't a solar deity. Two, your dying-resurrecting godman flap continues to be pitifully off the mart, largely because (among other reasons) the deities you list DO NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD.

I now understand that Jesus was an actual historical person, whose life just happened to conform to the long established conceits of the popular Middle Eastern solar deity Mystery Religion traditions. He was also magic.

Before I understood this important distinction, I mistakenly interpreted these abundant coincidences as plain old plagiarism. So there is no need to labour the point, I've seen the error of my ways.

The Luke

I don't know what's worse, your pretended attempts at this or your weak tries at sarcasm!!!

Rather than see the error of your ways, you've merely posted more gibberish while hiding your sources, which in this case appears to be from the Jews for Allah site, "Borrowed Crucifixion" section.

Of course, that listing has absolutely NO references or data to support its claims. And a little research will cripple those takes, as well. Rather than go through the remaining figures (some of which I've already covered), I will address this mess from a more general perspective.

From Dr. Edwin Yamauchi's, "Easter: Myth, Hallucination, or History":

Easter as Myth

A. Dying and Rising Fertility Gods
John H. Randall, emeritus professor of philosophy at Columbia University, has asserted: "Christianity, at the hands of Paul, became a mystical system of redemption, much like the cult of Isis, and the other sacramental or mystery religions of the day" (Hellenistic Ways of Deliverance and the Making of the Christian Synthesis, 1970, p. 154). Hugh Schonfield in Those Incredible Christians (1968, p. xii) has declared: "The revelations of Frazer in The Golden Bough had not got through to the masses.... Christians remained related under the skin to the devotees of Adonis and Osiris, Dionysus and Mithras."

The theory that there was a widespread worship of a dying and rising fertility god-Tammuz in Mesopotamia, Adonis in Syria, Attis in Asia Minor, and Osiris in Egypt-was propounded by Sir James Frazer, who gathered a mass of parallels in part IV of his monumental work The Golden Bough ( 1906, reprinted in 1961). This view has been adopted by many who little realize its fragile foundations. The explanation of the Christian Resurrection by such a comparative-religions approach has even been reflected in official Soviet propaganda (cf. Paul de Surgy, editor, The Resurrection and Modern Biblical Thought, 1966, pp. 1, 131).

In the 1930s three influential French scholars, M. Goguel, C. Guignebert, and A. Loisy, interpreted Christianity as a syncretistic religion formed under the influence of Hellenistic mystery religions. According to A. Loisy ("The Christian Mystery," Hibbert Journal, X [1911-12], 51), Christ was "a saviour-god, after the manner of an Osiris, an Attis, a Mithra.... Like Adonis, Osiris, and Attis he had died a violent death, and like them he had returned to life...." (

Skeptics sometimes cite Kersey Graves in Sixteen Crucified Saviors or Godfrey Higgins' Anacalypsis (which Graves drew from) in asserting that Krishna was a crucified deity. No such event occurred in the Gita or in any recognized Hindu scripture. Given the pronounced syncretic tendency of Hinduism, it is safe to assume that any odd tales of Krishna's being crucified arose only after the existence of Christian proselytism, in imitation of the Christian narrative. It is neither authentic to Hinduism nor is Hinduism the source of that portion of the Christian narrative. The same may be said for most of the purported nativity stories. In my opinion, both Higgins and Graves are highly unreliable sources and should be ignored.

Though the quote above comes from a Skeptic, many of that guild have not heard the news. One who has not says, "There is a tradition, though not to be found in the Hindoo scriptures, that Krishna, like Christ, was crucified...Indeed, there are found in India images of crucified gods, one of whom apparently is Krishna, important information not to be encountered in mainstream resources such as today's encyclopedias." For good reason. There is no evidence that these images were constructed prior to Christian influence in India...if these images exist at all. (

This is regarding the whole Tammuz deal:

The name of a Phoenician deity, the Adonis of the Greeks. He was originally a Sumerian or Babylonian sun-god, called Dumuzu, the husband of Ishtar, who corresponds to Aphrodite of the Greeks. The worship of these deities was introduced into Syria in very early times under the designation of Tammuz and Astarte, and appears among the Greeks in the myth of Adonis and Aphrodite, who are identified with Osiris and Isis of the Egyptian pantheon, showing how widespread the cult became. The Babylonian myth represents Dumuzu, or Tammuz, as a beautiful shepherd slain by a wild boar, the symbol of winter. Ishtar long mourned for him and descended into the underworld to deliver him from the embrace of death (Frazer, Adonis, Attis and Osiris). This mourning for Tammuz was celebrated in Babylonia by women on the 2nd day of the 4th month, which thus acquired the name of Tammuz (see CALENDAR). This custom of weeping for Tammuz is referred to in the Bible in the only passage where the name occurs (Ezek 8:14). The chief seat of the cult in Syria was Gebal (modern Gebail, Greek Bublos) in Phoenicia, to the South of which the river Adonis (Nahr Ibrahim) has its mouth, and its source is the magnificent fountain of Apheca (modern `Afqa), where was the celebrated temple of Venus or Aphrodite, the ruins of which still exist. The women of Gebal used to repair to this temple in midsummer to celebrate the death of Adonis or Tammuz, and there arose in connection with this celebration those licentious rites which rendered the cult so infamous that it was suppressed by Constantine the Great. (

And as for Tammuz' alleged resurrection....from Dr. Edwin Yamauchi's "Easter: Myth, Hallucination, or History?"

B. Reexamination of the Evidences

A reexamination of the sources used to support the theory of a mythical origin of Christ's resurrection reveals that the evidences are far from satisfactory and that the parallels are too superficial.

In the case of the Mesopotamian Tammuz (Sumerian Dumuzi), his alleged resurrection by the goddess Inanna-Ishtar had been assumed even though the end of both the Sumerian and the Akkadian texts of the myth of "The Descent of Inanna (Ishtar)" had not been preserved. Professor S. N. Kramer in 1960 published a new poem, "The Death of Dumuzi," that proves conclusively that instead of rescuing Dumuzi from the Underworld, Inanna sent him there as her substitute (cf. my article, "Tammuz and the Bible," Journal of Biblical Literature, LXXXIV [1965], 283-90). A line in a fragmentary and obscure text is the only positive evidence that after being sent to the Underworld Dumuzi may have had his sister take his place for half the year (cf. S. N. Kramer, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 183 [1966], 31).

Post by: MCWAY on August 23, 2009, 05:09:47 PM

What this fellow can't quite seem to comprehend is that aa "religion" is defined based on WHAT IS WORSHIPPED, not what isn't.

As I've stated on other occasions, for all practical purposes, atheism is man worshipping.....HIMSELF!!! Therefore, man's "logic and reason" has become effectively his deity or god. It's a mere substitution of a natural deity for a supernatural one.

Christians are deemed such, based on whom they DO worhsip, not on whom they DON'T worship. Same goes for Muslims and Allah, Buddhists and Buddha (or to whomever Buddha answers), etc.
Post by: The Luke on August 23, 2009, 08:06:31 PM
I dont know what you're trying to prove here....?

I agree with you that the minutiae of the crucifictions of ALL of the other gods I listed differed from the Jesus myth crucifiction in some tiny detail.

That's why Jesus is wholely orignal and new.... for example, Attis castrated himself, and his dead body was nailed to a tree symbolising the Southern Cross constellation at Easter time (when the sun "overcomes" the night). In tree Jesus was nailed to has no symbolic significance... even if early Christian Church Fathers admitted that it did.

Similarly, just because the pagan Mystery Religion solar deity Hesus of the Druids:
-bears the same name as Jesus
-was the son of "God the Father"
-was a god made human flesh
-was represented as an innocent lamb
-was known as the "Lamb of God"
-was crucified between a lamb (representing his innocence) and an elephant representing the magnitude of the worlds sins (which he wiped clean by taking them upon himself as a substitutional sacrifice)

...none of that has anything in common with Jesus.

After all, its not as if the "H" in Hesus and the "J" in Jesus were interchangeable letters at the time, is it?

In conclusion, the Mystery Religion dying/resurrecting godman solar deity Jesus is completely separate from the earlier versions of the Mystery Religion dying/resurecting odman solar deities from which he is plagiarised.
Jesus is completely original, because as a Jew he wore a yamika.

In short, Jesus is different because he has a funny hat.

That, and he's magic.

The Luke
Post by: Necrosis on August 23, 2009, 10:30:12 PM
What this fellow can't quite seem to comprehend is that aa "religion" is defined based on WHAT IS WORSHIPPED, not what isn't.

As I've stated on other occasions, for all practical purposes, atheism is man worshipping.....HIMSELF!!! Therefore, man's "logic and reason" has become effectively his deity or god. It's a mere substitution of a natural deity for a supernatural one.

Christians are deemed such, based on whom they DO worhsip, not on whom they DON'T worship. Same goes for Muslims and Allah, Buddhists and Buddha (or to whomever Buddha answers), etc.

are you serious? i mean you haven't even made an argument how atheism the opposite of theism is man worshipping himself. You just state it like fact, a clearly erroneous one.
Post by: Government_Controlled on August 28, 2009, 10:25:36 PM
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.



Post by: Government_Controlled on September 02, 2009, 05:53:54 AM

I agree with you that the minutiae of the crucifictions of ALL of the other gods I listed differed from the Jesus myth crucifiction in some tiny detail.

Attis castrated himself, and his dead body was nailed to a tree symbolising the Southern Cross constellation at Easter time (when the sun "overcomes" the night). In tree Jesus was nailed to has no symbolic significance... even if early Christian Church Fathers admitted that it did.

Similarly, just because the pagan Mystery Religion solar deity Hesus of the Druids:

-bears the same name as Jesus
-was the son of "God the Father"
-was a god made human flesh
-was represented as an innocent lamb
-was known as the "Lamb of God"
-was crucified between a lamb (representing his innocence) and an elephant representing the magnitude of the worlds sins (which he wiped clean by taking them upon himself as a substitutional sacrifice)

In conclusion, the Mystery Religion dying/resurrecting godman solar deity Jesus is completely separate from the earlier versions of the Mystery Religion dying/resurecting odman solar deities from which he is plagiarised.

The Luke

Luke, do you know if those writtings/teachings occurred before or after the prophecies regarding the Messiah? I'm curious! If so do you have the dates?

Post by: MCWAY on September 02, 2009, 06:22:30 AM
I dont know what you're trying to prove here....?

I agree with you that the minutiae of the crucifictions of ALL of the other gods I listed differed from the Jesus myth crucifiction in some tiny detail.

The details, as it were, are anything but tiny, which is why your claims continue to be exposed for the fallacies that they are.

That's why Jesus is wholely orignal and new.... for example, Attis castrated himself, and his dead body was nailed to a tree symbolising the Southern Cross constellation at Easter time (when the sun "overcomes" the night). In tree Jesus was nailed to has no symbolic significance... even if early Christian Church Fathers admitted that it did.

Jesus' crucifixion has absolutely NOTHING to do with a Southern Cross constellation, any more than does the crucifixion of the men beside him. That was a common method by which Romans executed criminals. I supposed everyone who has ever been crucified is now representative of some silly astrological stuff.  ::).

Similarly, just because the pagan Mystery Religion solar deity Hesus of the Druids:
-bears the same name as Jesus
-was the son of "God the Father"
-was a god made human flesh
-was represented as an innocent lamb
-was known as the "Lamb of God"
-was crucified between a lamb (representing his innocence) and an elephant representing the magnitude of the worlds sins (which he wiped clean by taking them upon himself as a substitutional sacrifice)

...none of that has anything in common with Jesus.

And, as is often the case, one quick look at this deity will show that he has little in common with Jesus Christ, just like the rest of them.

After all, its not as if the "H" in Hesus and the "J" in Jesus were interchangeable letters at the time, is it?

In conclusion, the Mystery Religion dying/resurrecting godman solar deity Jesus is completely separate from the earlier versions of the Mystery Religion dying/resurecting odman solar deities from which he is plagiarised.
Jesus is completely original, because as a Jew he wore a yamika.

In short, Jesus is different because he has a funny hat.

That, and he's magic.

The Luke

DEAD WRONG and woefully silly as usual, Luke. One more time, your screwball dying-resurrecting godman claims simply don't fly, for the simplest of reasons, which don't seem to register in that skull of yours. Those being:

1) They aren't born of virgins; it's usually Zeus or some other guy getting his supernatural freak on (usually on the down-low).

2) They don't die via crucifixion.

3) They don't die for the sins of mankind.

4) Most of the figures you mention DO NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD.

And, that's just the short list.

I've listed the details of those figures, more times than I care to count. They don't match Jesus in the slightest, despite your rather ridiculous claims to the contrary (and I have the references to prove it). So, once again, your blather has been shown for the rank-and-file skeptic foolishness that it is.

But, what else is new?
Post by: MCWAY on September 02, 2009, 06:26:54 AM
are you serious? i mean you haven't even made an argument how atheism the opposite of theism is man worshipping himself. You just state it like fact, a clearly erroneous one.

Apparently, you need some Visine.

Atheists believe there is no God and thus no being higher than man. Therefore, whose "logic and reason" is it that they cherish so much, in regards to their philosophies of life?

Do you value "logic and reason" from elephants, gnus, moose, elk, butterflies, etc? OF COURSE NOT!! You value such from.......MAN!!!

It's quite simple. Either you believe that a higher being created life on this Earth or you don't. If the latter is true, you are an atheist and regard NO OTHER authority other than your own (as in that of man, versus that of God).

Post by: Government_Controlled on September 02, 2009, 06:38:33 AM
are you serious? i mean you haven't even made an argument how atheism the opposite of theism is man worshipping himself. You just state it like fact, a clearly erroneous one.

Apparently, you need some Visine.

Atheists believe there is no God and thus no being higher than man. Therefore, whose "logic and reason" is it that they cherish so much, in regards to their philosophies of life?

Do you value "logic and reason" from elephants, gnus, moose, elk, butterflies, etc? OF COURSE NOT!! You value such from.......MAN!!!

It's quite simple. Either you believe that a higher being created life on this Earth or you don't. If the latter is true, you are an atheist and regard NO OTHER authority other than your own (as in that of man, versus that of God).


"Historically, practical atheism has been associated with moral failure, willful ignorance and impiety. Those considered practical atheists were said to behave as though God, ethics and social responsibility did not exist; they abandoned duty and embraced HEDONISM (the doctrine that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life). According to the French Catholic philosopher Étienne Borne, 'Practical atheism is not the denial of the existence of God, but complete godlessness of action; it is a moral evil, implying not the denial of the absolute validity of the moral law but simply rebellion against that law.'

The view that children are born atheist is relatively recent. Prior to the 18th century, the existence of God was so universally accepted in the western world that even the possibility of true atheism was questioned. This is called theistic innatism—the notion that all people believe in God from birth; within this view was the connotation that atheists are simply in denial. It is also asserted that atheists are quick to believe in God in times of crisis—that atheists make deathbed conversions, or that 'there are no atheists in foxholes'

Practical atheism can take various forms:

Post by: The Luke on September 02, 2009, 01:04:33 PM

...self-serving copy and paste; blah; blah; blah.


...there is a well established statistical correlation between atheism and morally correct behaviour.

There is no denying this, as the sheer weight of evidence is overwhelming... and NOT open to any other interpretation.

The more atheists in a society, the less crime. The more fundamentalist believers; the more crime and antisocial behaviour. This is reality, don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.

If authorship of the Bible can be ascribed to any particular supernatural entity... it would be Satan.

The Luke
Post by: big L dawg on September 02, 2009, 04:19:52 PM
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 03, 2009, 08:52:40 AM
-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

Luke, Jesus was mentioned in Genesis as relating to the Messiah, long before any of these so called 'gods' came into play. Where are you getting the idea that the teachings of Jesus are the works of plagiarism? If anything, it's the other way around. The Bible is the originator of Jesus the Messiah.

Also, as it's been pointed out these gods you have mentioned don't come close to Jesus' personality. Sure there are similarities to certain events that took place, however, that is a far cry from those events proving that Jesus was plagiarized from these so called gods.

Post by: Government_Controlled on September 03, 2009, 09:06:14 AM

...there is a well established statistical correlation between atheism and morally correct behaviour.

There is no denying this, as the sheer weight of evidence is overwhelming... and NOT open to any other interpretation.

The more atheists in a society, the less crime. The more fundamentalist believers; the more crime and antisocial behaviour. This is reality, don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise.

If authorship of the Bible can be ascribed to any particular supernatural entity... it would be Satan.

The Luke

Hey friend, I apologize for offending you. I didn't mean to do that. This wasn't merely just a "copy and paste" episode. With me formerly being a hardcore/hardshell Atheist myself, I was only trying to convey my sentiments/past experience relating to being one myself.

So I cited/quoted a reliable source that would back what I had experienced personally. Again, I'm am sincerely sorry for being to harsh with this post. Peace!

Post by: The Luke on September 03, 2009, 09:43:05 AM
So I cited/quoted a reliable source that would back what I had experienced personally. Again, I'm am sincerely sorry for being to harsh with this post. Peace!

GC/DEA_AGENT offense taken.

It was the blatant factual inaccuracy of the quote that I took issue with. It is simply a sociological fact that athiests are more moral in their behaviour than theists. Fact.

Check the crime statistics for Norway; Sweden; Finland... Scandinavia is over 80% athiest.

Whereas Afghanistan; Pakistan; Iraq; Darfur.... ?

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 03, 2009, 12:41:14 PM offense taken.

It was the blatant factual inaccuracy of the quote that I took issue with. It is simply a sociological fact that athiests are more moral in their behaviour than theists. Fact.

Check the crime statistics for Norway; Sweden; Finland... Scandinavia is over 80% athiest.

Whereas Afghanistan; Pakistan; Iraq; Darfur.... ?

The Luke

Thanks friend!. I will take u up on that. I should have researched before I posted that erroneous info beforehand. I remember your post in the "Brad Pit" thread ref. those stats. I meant to do it then, but forgot. This is one of those cases of "putting the cart before the horse".  :-[

It's a shame that religions claiming to represent the "God" of the Bible have skewed/brought reproach on "God's" dear name. I attended so called "Christian" schools for a good portion of my required school years, and I can say that, for the most part, the people in these schools were hypocrites (one of the reasons for my Atheist choice at the time).

Anyway, once I studied the Bible for myself, it was obvious those folks were not following it's teachings. So, I can see your point quiet vividly!. Peace!

Post by: The Luke on September 03, 2009, 03:20:22 PM
Anyway, once I studied the Bible for myself, it was obvious those folks were not following it's teachings. So, I can see your point quiet vividly!. Peace!

GC/DEA_AGENT! How much of that shit could a rational adult read without concluding it's bullshit?

I agree most Christians are hypocrites, but it's an intellectual hypocrisy... not because they read the bible and "were not following it's teachings".

You don't have to read very far into the Old Testament to find Yahweh endorsing slavery; rape; infanticide; genocide and all sorts of other base, depraved... oh so very human cruelties. Those are God's "teachings".

God's failings are mans failings... as god does not exist outside of the human mind. God is a mirror to the human psyche precisely because he is a product of the human psyche... nothing more.

Yahweh never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by primitive superstitious people who saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

Likewise, Jesus never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by only slightly less primitive people who still saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

The God of the Old Testament cannot progress with man as he is concreted in words and scripture, the GodS (plural) of the Genesis story have at least had a re-write, but not much else of the Bible has been so lucky. It's long overdue.

It's a simple choice...
Either slavery; rape; infanticide; and genocide were actually morally correct at some time in the recent past... or God used to be an asshole.

No middle ground, pick a side.

The Luke
Post by: Necrosis on September 03, 2009, 06:07:56 PM

Thanks friend!. I will take u up on that. I should have researched before I posted that erroneous info beforehand. I remember your post in the "Brad Pit" thread ref. those stats. I meant to do it then, but forgot. This is one of those cases of "putting the cart before the horse".  :-[

It's a shame that religions claiming to represent the "God" of the Bible have skewed/brought reproach on "God's" dear name. I attended so called "Christian" schools for a good portion of my required school years, and I can say that, for the most part, the people in these schools were hypocrites (one of the reasons for my Atheist choice at the time).

Anyway, once I studied the Bible for myself, it was obvious those folks were not following it's teachings. So, I can see your point quiet vividly!. Peace!


the bible states that adulterers should be stoned to death? do you think that is a fair punishment?

also, children who misbehave should be stoned, do you agree with this?

hell, an eternal torture is an immoral punishment for a finite act.

Post by: Government_Controlled on September 05, 2009, 04:08:04 PM

The Bible doesn't teach that Christ was born on that date (Dec. 25th). It's definitely not a Bible teaching.

Post by: Government_Controlled on September 05, 2009, 04:11:46 PM
the bible states that adulterers should be stoned to death? do you think that is a fair punishment?

Christians are not under the Mosaic law, so this isn't true.

also, children who misbehave should be stoned, do you agree with this?

Not a Christian teaching that I'm aware of. I would have to review the scriptural ref. in regards to this under the Mosaic law to see if it is so in the Hebrew portion.

hell, an eternal torture is an immoral punishment for a finite act.

Not a Bible teaching.


Post by: Government_Controlled on September 05, 2009, 04:29:50 PM

I agree most Christians are hypocrites, but it's an intellectual hypocrisy... not because they read the bible and "were not following it's teachings".

I'm not sure if I follow what you are saying, Luke. So if one does follow the teachings of the Bible, you still feel like that one is being mislead by the teachings of said Bible? I'm assuming for the reason that you feel like the God of the Bible is a hypocrite?  :-\

You don't have to read very far into the Old Testament to find Yahweh endorsing slavery; rape; infanticide; genocide and all sorts of other base, depraved... oh so very human cruelties. Those are God's "teachings".

I believe McWay covered these topics quiet well. Go back and read those. I concure with what he wrote about this.

God's failings are mans failings... as god does not exist outside of the human mind. God is a mirror to the human psyche precisely because he is a product of the human psyche... nothing more.

That's pretty much how I felt before I studied for myself and cleared up the misinformation that others had taught me abut the Bible.

Yahweh never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by primitive superstitious people who saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

Likewise, Jesus never mentions the immorality of slavery because he was invented by only slightly less primitive people who still saw no moral failing in the practice of slavery.

Again, look at McWay's explanation of this.

The God of the Old Testament cannot progress with man as he is concreted in words and scripture, the GodS (plural) of the Genesis story have at least had a re-write, but not much else of the Bible has been so lucky. It's long overdue.

Not really. God mentions other writtings that have not been revealled yet. The ones we have tho, are practical to this day.

Post by: big L dawg on September 06, 2009, 10:37:26 AM
"Jesus' last words on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" hardly seem like the words of a man who planned it that way. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure there is something wrong here." --Donald Morgan
Post by: The Luke on September 06, 2009, 04:32:33 PM
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

That is tantamount to arguing that Peter Jackson's King Kong is wholly new and original unless a frame-for-frame; pixel-for-pixel; digital-bit-for-digital-bit EXACT duplicate produced earlier than 2004 can be presented...

...that reasoning doesn't win an argument. Jesus is still just a shoddy big-budget remake.

A question you won't see McWay or any of the other fundies answer is which details of the stories of these other gods will they concede DO MATCH the later Jesus fable?

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 06, 2009, 05:07:03 PM
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

Luke, I can see your point. So, help me to understand fully where we need to start with this. I need dates that will back your theory.

Please start with ONE at a time so that ALL that are viewing won't get lost, including me.  ;D

For instance, what would be the first occurrence of the "Jesus" story being plagiarized? Once again, start with ONLY ONE example so that I can address it with accuracy and in hopes of not allwowing the content to expand beyond the laman's conception. Thanks in advance.

Post by: The Luke on September 06, 2009, 05:33:27 PM
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

Anyway, here goes, knock yourself out.

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.


...but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

McWay often uses this version-swapping tactic... it's disingenuous.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 06, 2009, 07:08:29 PM
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

You did, but you never responded to my question in regards to it. :)

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

As McWay brought out, there are similarties, yet hardly leading to proof of plagiarism. It would need to be the same in all regards in my opinion. Also, there are allot of similarities being drawn out that don't exist between the "Jesus" account and these aforementioned "gods". I'm not sure where you are getting that your "Jesus" story from based on this?

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

Again, from what I can tell, most of those similarities are not consistent with the Jesus story.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

I only stick to the Bible's rendition. Let's see if it (Bible) agrees with this notion.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

This definitely doesn't agree with the Bible.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least....but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

I have a problem with saying that written recorded human history is past 6000 years or so. Why? Do the results of scientific dating affect our understanding of the Bible? That depends on our viewpoint. If we have held to the fundamentalist interpretation that the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars - not just mankind - were all created in just six 24-hour days, we have to admit that the scientific evidence is unsettling.

On the other hand, if we understand that the days of Genesis were long periods of thousands of years, with billions of years prior thereto for planet Earth’s formation, there is no problem.

A conflict does arise, however, when a few radiocarbon dates indicate that there were men burning campfires, making tools, or building houses more than 6,000 years ago. Such dates contradict Bible chronology. Which should we believe?

From the time Adam was created, the Bible gives a year-by-year count of time that links up with reliable secular history about 25 centuries ago. The years were marked by the annual march of the sun from the summer to the winter solstice and back again, a sign God put in the sky for that purpose. Intelligent men noted and logged the successive years from one historic event to another. The records were incorporated in the early books of the Bible and preserved thereafter as part of the sacred treasury of the Jewish people as long as their national existence continued. This history of unmatched accuracy and authority tells us that mankind has been on the earth only about 6,000 years.

In contrast with this definite and positive authority, look at the radiocarbon theory. It is based on assumptions that have all been questioned, revised, and qualified, and many of which are still clouded in serious doubts. How can it seriously challenge the historical chronology of the Bible?

What, then, may we conclude? We have seen that geologists find generally good support in radiometric dating for their theories on the history of the earth, although most of the dates are far from certain.

Paleontologists, most of whom are prejudiced by their training and by their associates in favor of the theory of evolution, keep looking for support from radiometric dating for their claims that supposed fossils of ape-men are millions of years old. But their pursuit is a frustrating one.

On the one hand, the geological clocks, uranium and potassium, run so slowly that they are not suitable. On the other hand, the radiocarbon clock, which works fairly well for just a few thousand years back, gets hopelessly entangled in difficulties beyond that. Even so, the overwhelming majority of radiocarbon measurements fall within the Biblical 6,000-year range. The few older dates, to which evolutionists cling desperately, are all suspect.

Other scientific dating methods, of which amino-acid racemization was foremost in the attack on the Bible's history of man’s creation, have failed evolutionists miserably.

We can confidently stand on this fact: The chronology in the Bible stands unimpeached by any scientific dating.

Also, some quotes from trusted sources.

A report in New Scientist of March 18, 1982, reads - “‘I am staggered to believe that as little as a year ago I made the statements that I made.’ so said Richard Leakey, before the elegant audience of a Royal Institution evening discourse last Friday. He had come to reveal that the conventional wisdom, which he had so recently espoused in his BBC television series The Making of Mankind, was ‘probably wrong in a number of crucial areas.’ In particular, he now sees man’s oldest ancestor as being considerably younger than the 15-20 million years he plumped for on television.” - P. 695.

The New Encyclopedia Britannica (1976, Macropaedia, Vol. 5, p. 509) says -  “Hope rather than accomplishment mainly characterizes the status of thermoluminescence dating at the present time.” Also, Science (August 28, 1981, p. 1003) reports that a skeleton showing an age of 70,000 years by amino acid racemization gave only 8,300 or 9,000 years by radioactive dating.

Popular Science (November 1979, p. 81) reports that physicist Robert Gentry “believes that all of the dates determined by radioactive decay may be off—not only by a few years, but by orders of magnitude.” The article points out that his findings would lead to the conclusion that “man, instead of having walked the earth for 3.6 million years, may have been around for only a few thousand.”

I could go on and on, but I think you see what I'm getting at. Peace!


Post by: big L dawg on September 06, 2009, 07:35:29 PM
Government controlled = Mcgay
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 06, 2009, 07:45:02 PM
Government controlled = McWay

Your kidding, right?

Post by: The Luke on September 06, 2009, 07:50:12 PM
As McWay brought out, there are similarties, yet hardly leading to proof of plagiarism. It would need to be the same in all regards in my opinion.

...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke
Post by: big L dawg on September 06, 2009, 07:50:37 PM
"The god of the Bible measures up to the level of a petty and vicious tyrant. The god of the bible punishes babies for the sins of their parents (Exodus 20:5, 34:7; Numbers 14:18; 2 Samuel 12:13-19); punishes people by causing them to become cannibals and eat their children (2 Kings 6:24-33, Lamentations 4:10-11); gives people bad laws, even requiring the sacrifice of their firstborn babies, so that they can be filled with horror and know that god is their lord (Ezekiel 20:25-26); causes people to believe lies so that he can send them to hell (2 Thessalonians 2:11), and many other atrocities, far too many to list here. It would not be hard to measure up to, and exceed, that level of moral purity.  Atheists surpass it every day."
- Doug Krueger, "That Colossal Wreck"
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 07, 2009, 06:28:33 PM
...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke

This example nor the others that you have posted prove Jesus of the Bible was plagiarized. Why? The, Messiah (Jesus) must appear at an exact time. None of your examples fit this criteria! So, WHEN I'm sure you want to know? Well, Luke, the angel Gabriel told Daniel, and this prophet tells us - “Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the anointed one, the prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks.” - (Dan. 9:24, 25).

So “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem” unto Messiah the prince would be sixty-nine weeks. How long are these sixty-nine weeks, "The Luke"? They are not weeks of days but weeks of years, in harmony with the rule “each day for a year,” often found in Bible chronology. - (Ezek. 4:6; Num. 14:34).

When do these sixty-nine weeks of years, or 483 years, begin counting? They begin, as Daniel said, “from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem.” When was this? History tells us it was 455 B.C. That year King Artaxerxes decreed that Jerusalem and its wall be rebuilt. This is found at (Nehemiah 2:1-8). So starting with 455 B.C., the 483 years would end A.D. 29. This is the exact time for Messiah to appear. He could not appear on earth either before or after that date.

Well, "The Luke", did Messiah appear A.D. 29? Indeed he did! ( Luke 3:1-4, not any relation to you, 'The Luke') says - “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, - God’s declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness. So he came into all the country around the Jordan, preaching baptism of those repenting for forgiveness of sins.” About six months later Jesus of Nazareth came to John and was baptized, and at this baptism it was evidenced that Jesus became the Messiah, the Anointed One; for he was anointed with God’s holy spirit. - (Take a look see at Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:32-34 and Luke 4:17-19).


Post by: The Luke on September 07, 2009, 06:59:16 PM, no one could be that dumb.

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa as a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

The Luke

Post by: Government_Controlled on September 07, 2009, 07:03:54 PM, no one could be that dumb.

*Sigh*. I'm beginning to wonder. Maybe the intellects can out smart themselves?

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

Well, Luke, did Issa get baptized/anointed in that said year?

Post by: MCWAY on September 08, 2009, 07:50:07 AM
Didn't I give a huge list of twenty-odd precursor gods from whom Jesus is plagiarised, just a little earlier in this thread...?

Anyway, here goes, knock yourself out.

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.


Yep!! And I've ripped apart never every claim you've made on these figures, either here or on other threads. If I've missed any, it's simply because every time I take one apart, you leap to another one, hoping to support your pathetic claims.

...but if you want one that predates even Genesis (the founding document of Judaism) you might want to try "Horus, the miracle child" (Egyptian).

But be careful not to use Christian apologist websites for your info (as McWay does) as many of these gods have different versions: a folklore version; an adapted version; a metaphorical/astrological solar deity version; a fascist version etc etc... the Christian apologists are happy to quote the discrepancies between the Jesus story and (say) the folklore version of whichever god... seldom do they acknowledge the blatant and obvious parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and the Mystery Religion solar deity version of some other god.

ALL Mystery Religion solar deities have the same basic blueprint, including Jesus.

That is simply Luke's silly way of saying "Don't research the topic for yourself, else you'll find that the figures don't match Jesus Christ in the slightest". Both I and Loco have asked Luke, more times than the law allows, to produce the so-called "metaphorical/astrological solar deity version" that allegedly mirrors the account of Jesus Christ.

Instead of doing such, Luke has come up with more excuses than a convict in the state penn (the last one, if I remember, was a workout that took over two weeks). The "folklore" version (as it turns out) is indeed the actual account of these figures and, as has been shown REPEATEDLY, they do no match Jesus Christ in form, function, purpose, or practicality.

And, the last time you tried using Horus (i.e. that moronic Zeitgest video), that got torn to shreds, courtesy of references from a site I used, pointing out the collosal errors in both your assertions and that of the video.

As I've stated numerous times, not only do you NOT have your facts straight about Jesus Christ, you DON'T EVEN have them straight, regarding the figures from whom Jesus was supposedly crafted. And neither did that silly video you linked.

McWay often uses this version-swapping tactic... it's disingenuous.

For example, I could assert that Jesus never rose from the dead IF I disingenuously referenced the Gnostic/Buddhist version of the Jesus story as practiced and preached by Cathar Christians from 200 AD till the Middle Ages.

The Cathars rejected the resurrection; and Jesus' divinity; and Judas as betrayer; and the Holy Trinity; and heaven and hell; and Saint Peter etc etc

The (common consensus) Biblical version of Jesus is only the last surviving version of this Jesus myth, the Catholic Church wiped out almost all others.

This is a case of more excuse-making on Luke's part. Of course, he conveniently forget that long before there ever was a Catholic Church, we have the manuscripts of the New Testament, that tell of the life, death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as we know it today.

But, never let the facts interfere with Luke's factually-void blather.

The Biblical version of Jesus as we have it today is a metaphorical solar deity in the tradition of the Mystery Religion... except the revelatory oral tradition which enlightens the symbolism involved has been lost.

The Mystery Religion itself is older than Atlantis or Eden... so 10,500 BC to 12,000 BC at least.

Yet, more grade-A buffoonery!!! The New Testament accounts of Jesus Christ have ZIP to do with a mystery religion. And every attempt by Luke to try and fuse the two, I've bascially dismantled, using facts, figures, and references which anyone can access at any time.

Post by: MCWAY on September 08, 2009, 08:07:48 AM, no one could be that dumb.

If Jesus and Issa are the same person, and lived the same life, at the same time, in the same place... then how does you argument of seventy weeks of years factor into this?

How does this "prophecy" eliminate Issa a source for the plagiarism of the Jesus story?

The Luke

Look who's talking about "dumb"!!

Issa is the MUSLIM NAME for Jesus. In other words, boy genius, the people of that region believe that they are ONE AND THE SAME, not that the Jewish people copied from another source.

As usual, I brought that up, when you jumped to the whole Issa thing, after your pathetic attempts to turn Attis' self-castration and Osiris' drowning into crucifixion fell flat.

...even setting aside the FACT that EVERY detail of the Jesus story is preempted by other earlier gods (not even the name is original, nor him being Jewish), what about Issa?

Issa was a Jewish man of the line of David, born circa 5 BC who:

-was recognised by three traveling (Buddhist) sages at birth
-knew everything by age 12
-traveled to the Far East to study Buddhism
-returned in triumph to Jerusalem as an adult
-took twelve disciples
-preached to the masses
-proclaimed himself "Son of God"
-healed the sick
-healed the lame
-healed the blind
-raised the dead
-was betrayed
-was crucified by the Romans under Pilate circa 35 AD
-rose from the dead three days later

It's hard to argue that Jesus wasn't plagiarised/conflated with Issa when every single minute detail of Issa's life matches the Jesus story exactly.

Every single minute detail? How many times can you post such foolishness, before it dawns on you that your information is as right as two left shoes?

First of all (and this is where I initially went to carving up this mess), your very first "minute detail" is wrong.

One, the sages (it took you this long just realize they weren't kings) weren't Buddhist.

Two, nowhere in Scripture does it indicate that there were exactly three of them. That number is credited to Western Tradition, which cites three of them, based on the gifts Jesus received.

Three, and I don't know how many times you need to be told this, the wise men DID NOT FIND JESUS at His birth. According to Scripture, He was approximately TWO YEARS OLD, when the magi appears. See Matt 2:7,16.

BTW, where does it state that Jesus traveled to the Far East and studies Buddhism, again? And, nowhere in Scripture does it indicate that He "knew everything" by age 12.

And, lost in all of this, is that fact that He worked AS A CARPENTER in Nazareth. That is how he was identified, in the book of Mark.

Unless, of course, you believe Issa and Jesus might be the same person?

If you do... congratulations, your god (and his trusty donkey) are buried in Kashmir (twixt India and Pakistan) where he died a very old man.

You can even go visit his grave; just get on the pilgrim trail for Saint Issa's grave... but don't pay any attention to all the inscriptions of Issa's sayings. Luckily for you the inscriptions recording that Issa claimed to actually be the very same Jesus the Nazorite whom the Christians worship have been suitably hacked away by pious Christian pilgrims during the Dark Ages (after Muslim scholars recorded them).

No questions on this post please... I understand if English is not your first language, but your lack of reading comprehension means I'm explaining in vain when you fail to understand what I write.

The Luke

The last person that needs to be criticizing someone else about reading comprehension is YOU. Virtually all of your screwball assertions have been shown to be categorically false. And I have the references and notes to prove it.

Get a clue and come back, when you have something of substance to report, rather than the usual skeptic gibberish that's been dismembered repeatedly, here and elsewhere.
Post by: MCWAY on September 08, 2009, 08:42:11 AM
I don't know why Christian true-believers debate this type of thing... especially considering that they continuously evade every question put to them and persevere in re-framing the argument with impossible to fulfill requirements and preconditions.

For example:
I contend that the entire Jesus story is wholly plagiarised from earlier traditions... I back up this assertion by noting that the Jesus story rigidly conforms to the dying/resurrecting godman blueprint common to dozens of Middle Eastern religions; while simultaneously pointing out that EVERY aspect of the Jesus story can be found in other such Mystery Religion solar deity stories.

But that is refuted on the grounds that there is no other mystery religion solar deity who conforms to EVERY SINGLE MINUTE TRIVIAL detail of the Jesus story.

Make up your mind here. One minute, you’re claiming that there “no other mystery religion solar deity” that conforms to every single minute details. The next, you’re claim that Issa (which is the Muslim name for Jesus, BTW) does just that.

Open mouth; insert foot…..AGAIN!!!!

That is tantamount to arguing that Peter Jackson's King Kong is wholly new and original unless a frame-for-frame; pixel-for-pixel; digital-bit-for-digital-bit EXACT duplicate produced earlier than 2004 can be presented...

...that reasoning doesn't win an argument. Jesus is still just a shoddy big-budget remake.

A question you won't see McWay or any of the other fundies answer is which details of the stories of these other gods will they concede DO MATCH the later Jesus fable?

The Luke

And what details would those be, Luke? That’s what YOU’VE BEEN ASKED to produce time and time again. Yet, the only thing you’ve brought is excuses.

You were asked to produce the SPECIFIC so-called mystery religion accounts that show that these other figures were born, lived, died, and resurrected as Jesus Christ was. You have produced, to date, ZILCH (sans the aforementioned excuses).


Jesus died via crucifixion.

Did Attis? NOPE!! He castrated himself.
Did Osiris? NOPE!!! He got drowned.
Did Dionysus? Sorry, He got gored to death by a wild boar.
When those details were brought to the forefront, you came up with this crackbrained attempt to make a post-mortem crucifixion out of the accounts of those two figures (and others).

And, a question that YOU won’t answer is how exactly do those two figures (among others) fit the so-called dying/resurrecting godman blueprint, WHEN THEY DON’T RISE FROM THE DEAD?

Then, there’s the fact that you keep trying to assert that three kings (although you recently reduced them to mere sages) attended the birth of Jesus, even though I’ve pointed out MULTIPLE TIMES that:

- They were simply magi, not kings
- No exact number of them is given
- They don’t find Jesus at birth but as a toddler, approx. 2 years old. (lost in all of this is how the shepherds, who did find Jesus immediately after His birth, did so WITHOUT a star, which you foolishly claimed was part of some astrological mumbo-jumbo).

The simple fact is that, every time the details are examined and it is shown that the accounts of these other figures DO NOT match Jesus Christ in the slightest, you concoct some bird-brained idea, attempting to make a link that ain't there; or, you revert to the "that's the folklore version". That's what you did when mutiple accounts of Attis were referenced, only to show that NONE OF THEM remotely match that of Jesus Christ.

That's why we (Loco and I) asked YOU to produce the "mystery religion" version. But, I guess it's so mysterious that YOU CANNOT bring it forth, when called to do so, to back your silly claims.
Post by: The Luke on September 08, 2009, 09:23:43 AM

I'm not responsible for your stupidity.

Just a few factual errors in your critique of my assertions:
-Issa is not a dying/resurrecting godman
-the Issa I am referring to is not the Muslim Jesus, but "Saint Issa" of Kashmir

Likewise, when I claim there are parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and other Mystery Religion solar deities... you can't discount these assertions by comparing Jesus with the FOLKLORE versions of these other gods.

Compare like with like...

I concede that Attis did not die via crucifixion, he castrated himself under a tree.

If I can concede this, will you concede his body was nailed to the tree after his death?

Will you similarly concede that all the following were crucified in certain traditions?

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

...sure, there are versions of these gods stories in which they are NOT crucified. But that doesn't negate the fact that there are traditions/versions in which they ARE crucified.

For example, there are many Cathar traditions in which Jesus did not rise from the dead at all, and these Gnostic traditions are in fact older than Christianity itself.

Saint Issa is a version of the Jesus story in which Jesus/Issa did not ascend into heaven.

But I'm not quoting these versions of the Jesus story as evidence that the Bible account does not exist...

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 08, 2009, 09:38:28 AM

I'm not responsible for your stupidity.

You're responsible for your own, but that's another issue.

Just a few factual errors in your critique of my assertions:
-Issa is not a dying/resurrecting godman
-the Issa I am referring to is not the Muslim Jesus, but "Saint Issa" of Kashmir

Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

Likewise, when I claim there are parallels between Jesus (a Mystery Religion solar deity) and other Mystery Religion solar deities... you can't discount these assertions by comparing Jesus with the FOLKLORE versions of these other gods.

One, Jesus is NOT a mystery religion solar diety. Two, and this has been asked of you MULTIPLE TIMES, where are these so-called mysterly religion account that, in fact, depict these other figures in the same likeness of Jesus Christ?

I've asked you that; Loco asked you that; yet you have produced absolutely NOTHING. Put up or shut up!!!

Compare like with like...

I concede that Attis did not die via crucifixion, he castrated himself under a tree.

If I can concede this, will you concede his body was nailed to the tree after his death?[/quote]

If Attis castrated himself under a tree and died, that manner of death is FAR different than that of Jesus Christ. What happens to his body afterwards is immaterial. Not only did Attis not die in the same manner, he didn't even die for the same purpose. Jesus died for the sins of mankind; Attis died OUT OF INCESTUOUS LUST for his own mother.

And, Attis DOES NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD, disqualifying him from that precious "dying/resurrecting godman blueprint" you love so much.

Will you similarly concede that all the following were crucified in certain traditions?

-the god Chrishna/Krishna of India, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Sakia (Hindu), crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Thammuz/Tammuz of Syria, crucified circa 1160 B.C.

-the god Wittoba of the Telinogonesic, crucified circa 552 B.C.

-the god Iao of Nepal (sometimes conflated with Buddha), crucified circa 622 B.C.

-the god Hesus (not to be confused with his namesake Jesus) of the Celtic Druids, crucified circa 834 B.C.

-the god Quexalcote/Quetzylcoatl of Mexico, crucified circa 587 B.C.

-the god Quirinus of Rome (possibly Etruscan in origin), crucified circa 506 B.C.

-the god/titan (Aeschylus) Promotheus, crucified circa 547 B.C.

-the god Thulis of Egypt, crucified circa 1700 B.C.

-the god Indra of Tibet/Bhutan, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Alcestos of Euripides, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god Crite/Krite of the Chaldeans, crucified circa 1200 B.C.

-the god Bali of Orissa, crucified circa 725 B.C.

-the god Mithra/Mithras of Persia, crucified circa 600 B.C.

-the god/demigod Ixion, crucified circa 400 B.C.

I will concede no such thing, because I've read the accounts (displaying some of them here on this site) and they don't match, period.

...sure, there are versions of these gods stories in which they are NOT crucified. But that doesn't negate the fact that there are traditions/versions in which they ARE crucified.

Yet, for some strange reason, you can't produce those traditions, despite being asked to do so for MONTHS on end.

For example, there are many Cathar traditions in which Jesus did not rise from the dead at all, and these Gnostic traditions are in fact older than Christianity itself.

Utter hogwash!!! You are foolishly the genesis of Christianity with the start of the Roman Catholic Church, a common fallacy done by skeptics in their attempt to discredit the Christian faith.

Saint Issa is a version of the Jesus story in which Jesus/Issa did not ascend into heaven.

But I'm not quoting these versions of the Jesus story as evidence that the Bible account does not exist...

The Luke

What are you talking about? What you've asked to do is to actually produce the SPECIFIC references that show these so-called mystery religion accounts and that they depict certain figures in the exact (or near-exact) same format as that of Jesus Christ.

The simple fact is that you have yet to do do, likely because YOU CAN'T. The accounts we have on the aforementioned figures indicates that they are NOT like Jesus Christ, with regards to several major important details.
Post by: The Luke on September 08, 2009, 09:48:50 AM
Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

...Do YOU believe Saint Issa and Jesus are one in the same person?

The Luke
Post by: The Luke on September 13, 2009, 06:42:38 AM
Ummm...Einstein. We went over this before. the "Saint Issa" to which you make reference is believed to be THE EXACT SAME JESUS CHRIST from the New Testament. I referenced several links that mention this.

...Do YOU believe Saint Issa and Jesus are one in the same person?

...notice how this question ended the thread?

I suppose McWay googled "Saint Issa" and is now curled up in the corner of the room sobbing.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 17, 2009, 02:48:47 AM

What's your take on this prophecy? It kills "The Luke's" 'Issa' link, eh?

Post by: The Luke on September 17, 2009, 06:02:43 AM
What's your take on this prophecy? It kills "The Luke's" 'Issa' link, eh? It applies equally well to Issa himself.

Remember, McWay thinks Jesus and Issa are the same person.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 17, 2009, 06:24:12 AM It applies equally well to Issa himself.

Remember, McWay thinks Jesus and Issa are the same person.

The Luke

Eh, are you taking medication? Didn't you ask McWay IF he THINKS  they are the same? Also, why are you answering for Mcway?

Post by: The Luke on September 17, 2009, 06:44:23 AM
Eh, are you taking medication? Didn't you ask McWay IF he THINKS  they are the same? Also, why are you answering for McWay.

...I did, AFTER he asserted Issa was merely the Muslim name for Jesus.

McWay will never answer whether Issa and Jesus are the same person:

-if he differentiates beween them, then he loses his claim that Jesus is original and couldn't have been plagiarised from other deities because the Jesus story and the Issa story are identical in every single respect: there is NO variation, other than the spelling

-if he conflates the two, (as some religious sects do) then he has to account for the fact that Issa is buried in Kashmir, where he retired after his resurrection, living to the ripe old age of 120

Besides, I thought YOU were McWay? I'm not the only one who thinks so either.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 17, 2009, 06:57:45 AM
...I did, AFTER he asserted Issa was merely the Muslim name for Jesus.

I still think you are taking medication. McWay also acknowleged that it's accepted as you stated. However, not himself agreeing.

McWay will never answer whether Issa and Jesus are the same person:

-if he differentiates beween them, then he loses his claim that Jesus is original and couldn't have been plagiarised from other deities because the Jesus story and the Issa story are identical in every single respect: there is NO variation, other than the spelling

-if he conflates the two, (as some religious sects do) then he has to account for the fact that Issa is buried in Kashmir, where he retired after his resurrection, living to the ripe old age of 120

Why do you answer for McWay?

Besides, I thought YOU were McWay? I'm not the only one who thinks so either.

Well, I guess that's par for the course. Cause I thought YOU are McWaY!

Post by: The Luke on September 17, 2009, 07:22:15 AM
Why do you answer for McWay?

...I didn't answer for him, I explained why he can't and won't answer: either option would force him to question Zombie Jeebus.

Different guys, then Jesus ain't so original no more.

Same guy, then the ascension into heaven never happened and the Bible is wrong.

It's like catching a computer in a logic paradox, it can't think, it can only obey it's programming.

YOU won't answer the question either.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on September 17, 2009, 08:47:15 AM
...I didn't answer for him, I explained why he can't and won't answer: either option would force him to question Zombie Jeebus.

Ok, I'll give ya this one. It's a technicality, but by Jove, I'll give to ya anyway!. Medicated people tend to need these types of perks.

On a side note tho: You really didn't answer MY question to him. You merely reiterated  YOUR question to him.

It's like catching a computer in a logic paradox, it can't think, it can only obey it's programming.

Not really, you would be catching the programmer.

YOU won't answer the question either.

I already did, you didn't understand the answer.


Post by: The Luke on September 17, 2009, 03:24:05 PM
Not really, you would be catching the programmer.

...are you admitting you are programmed? Who or what is it that is programming you? Religion?

I already did, you didn't understand the answer. to reiterate?

I must have missed that.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 20, 2009, 05:06:30 AM

...notice how this question ended the thread?

I suppose McWay googled "Saint Issa" and is now curled up in the corner of the room sobbing.

The Luke

And, like so many of your other stupid post, this one is DEAD WRONG, too.

Unless that memory of yours is SHOT once again, you will recall that I'm the one who linked the site, regarding a Muslim professor whose research project claims that Issa is the same Jesus Christ.

And, lest you forget, I did that right after you brought up Issa, once your pathetic claims to equate Attis' self-castration to Jesus' crucifixion crashed and burned. That is your standard route of silliness. When the facts don't' match with one figure, you run and hide behind the next. When that one gets exposed, you try to prop up another.

As I've said numerous times, there are Buddhist who believe that St. Issa is, in fact, Jesus Christ. Most do not, INCLUDING ME, which is hardly news.

Of course, that certainly doesn't make the ridiculous case that the Jewish people copied Jesus Christ from somewhere else.

Get a clue and some sense, for once.
Post by: MCWAY on September 20, 2009, 05:25:10 AM
...I didn't answer for him, I explained why he can't and won't answer: either option would force him to question Zombie Jeebus.

Different guys, then Jesus ain't so original no more.

Same guy, then the ascension into heaven never happened and the Bible is wrong.

One, I answered this question of yours MONTHS AGO. But, since the Alzheimers disease is kicking into gear again....NO, Issa and Jesus Christ are NOT the same person (though some Buddhists believe that to be the case).

However, your pitiful attempt at painting a no-win scenario don't quite hunt.

You, of course, are making the cracked assumption that the error here is on the Bible and not on those claiming that guy buried in Kashmir and Jesus are one and the same.

It's like catching a computer in a logic paradox, it can't think, it can only obey it's programming.

YOU won't answer the question either.

The Luke

Spare me your projection attempts again, Luke. Regurgitating cornball skeptic theories (the sources of which you lack the spine to produce), which have been ripped apart repeatedly by historical facts and simple common sense, hardly qualifies as thinking. You are simply obeying YOUR programming.

Post by: MCWAY on September 20, 2009, 07:39:49 AM

The Bible doesn't teach that Christ was born on that date (Dec. 25th). It's definitely not a Bible teaching.



And, what's worse, L Dawg is using the same silly Zeitgeist (sp?) video that Luke did months ago, a video that I easily carved up, courtesy of a site which broke down nearly every single one of its erroneous claims.

It's also worth noting that the current issue of "Skeptic" magazine mentions how poor and pathetic the scholarship of this particular video really is.
Post by: big L dawg on September 20, 2009, 11:22:40 AM
Carl Sagan- You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe.
Post by: MCWAY on September 20, 2009, 11:43:32 AM
Carl Sagan- You can't convince a believer of anything; for their belief is not based on evidence, it's based on a deep-seated need to believe.

Another worthless one-liner, brought to you by someone who wouldn't know evidence, if it put the billy clubs to him, LAPD-to-Rodney-King style.

When Sagan and the rest of his ilk can come up with some genuine discussion items, business will pick up. Until then, it's the same easily-refuted foolishness, we've heard time and time again.

Post by: The Luke on September 20, 2009, 01:29:04 PM
As I've said numerous times, there are Buddhist who believe that St. Issa is, in fact, Jesus Christ. Most do not, INCLUDING ME, which is hardly news.'re a Buddhist now?

I thought you were a literalist Christian fundamentalist?

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 21, 2009, 07:13:51 AM're a Buddhist now?

I thought you were a literalist Christian fundamentalist?

The Luke

When did I say I was a Buddhist?

Let me clarify, most of the people who believe that the Issa guy, buried in Kashmir, is Jesus Christ, are Buddhists.

However, the overwheliming majority of people (including myself) DO NOT hold that such is the case.
Post by: big L dawg on September 21, 2009, 09:50:55 AM
so the majority decide the truth... :P
Post by: MCWAY on September 21, 2009, 12:39:15 PM
so the majority decide the truth... :P

It appears Luke does not hold the sole patent on utterly boneheaded statements.

The evidence, supporting the life and death (along with the resurrection of Christ), is why the majority of people DO NOT hold that He is buried in Kashmir.

Reason (since you love quotes and citations)  ;D  :

If it (the Resurrection) had just been a spiritual resurrection, the enemies of the New Testament church would have taken the body of Jesus Christ, put it on a cart and walked it down the streets of Jerusalem, killing Christianity not just in the cradle but in the womb. There would have been no New Testament church, if they had the body" – Josh McDowell

”Where did Christianity first begin, in terms of the organized proclamation that Jesus rose from the dead? Only one place on Earth, Jerusalem. There, least of all, could Christianity have ever gotten started, if the moldering body of Jesus of Nazareth were available, anytime after Sunday morning.” – Dr. Paul Meier, Russell H. Seibert Professor of Ancient History, Western Michigan University.

I doubt the Roman antagonists of 2nd century A.D. would have complained about the growing nuisance (in their eyes) of Christianity, knowing that one trip to Kashmir to unearth His alleged body would have ended all the fuss (notwithstanding the fact that they already knew where and when Jesus Christ was killed and who executed Him).
Post by: Samourai Pizzacat on September 21, 2009, 01:37:02 PM
The bible is an edited volume, different writing styles, contradictions. If it was the work of God he would be a very erratic and schizophrenic character. 
Post by: big L dawg on September 21, 2009, 02:15:39 PM
Religion is the opiate of the masses. – Karl Marx

Post by: The Luke on September 21, 2009, 02:51:35 PM
I don't understand McWay's position here...?

If there is a guy buried in Kashmir whose life story matches the Jesus story in every single regard right up until the supposed ascension into heaven... why couldn't the Jesus story be copied from this guy?

More importantly, this Issa character sets the precedent for another dying/resurrecting godman being crucified under Pontius Pilate circa 35 AD then rising from the dead three days later.

You can't concede the existence of such a character, stipulate to the claims made about him and then still proclaim the Jesus story to be wholly original.

The Luke 
Post by: MCWAY on September 21, 2009, 09:36:37 PM
I don't understand McWay's position here...?

If there is a guy buried in Kashmir whose life story matches the Jesus story in every single regard right up until the supposed ascension into heaven... why couldn't the Jesus story be copied from this guy?

Because, Einstein, the guy buried in Kashmir IS NOT the same guy. Claiming that he is and such actually being the case are two totally different issues, a simple concept that (for some strange reason) you can't quite grasp.

More importantly, this Issa character sets the precedent for another dying/resurrecting godman being crucified under Pontius Pilate circa 35 AD then rising from the dead three days later.

Earth to Luke, there's no precedent to set because (as has been shown repeatedly) the figures you tout DO NOT match, whatsoever.

You ran to this pathetic Issa stuff, after being shown MULTIPLE times that Attis did not die in the same manner as Jesus Christ, NOR DID HE EVER RISE FROM THE DEAD. Same goes for Osiris, Dionysus, etc.

You can't concede the existence of such a character, stipulate to the claims made about him and then still proclaim the Jesus story to be wholly original.

The Luke  

One of these days, a grain of sense will germinate in that skull of yours. The Issa guy in Kashmir isn't the same guy. Were that the case, as McDowell and Dr. Meier indicate, the antagonists of late first/second century Christians would have simply produce the body and Christianity would have been DOA.

They knew where Jesus was buried, how He died, who executed Him, when and where. So, your repeatedly silly claims get crushed (yet again) by the historical evidence, regarding Christ.
Post by: MCWAY on September 21, 2009, 09:38:21 PM
Religion is the opiate of the masses. – Karl Marx

The fool hath said in his heart, "There is no God" - David, king of Israel circa 1000-950 B.C.

Post by: The Luke on September 21, 2009, 09:53:34 PM
Earth to Luke, there's no precedent to set because (as has been shown repeatedly) the figures you tout DO NOT match, whatsoever.

...they do indeed match. Up until the ascension into heaven anyway... Jesus flies away, Issa retreats to Kashmir.

Prior to that, not even one single detail of their stories differ in any way.

Issa even claimed to be Jesus, and if Issa is Jesus....

The Issa guy in Kashmir isn't the same guy. Were that the case, as McDowell and Dr. Meier indicate, the antagonists of late first/second century Christians would have simply produce the body and Christianity would have been DOA.

They knew where Jesus was buried, how He died, who executed Him, when and where. So, your repeatedly silly claims get crushed (yet again) by the historical evidence, regarding Christ.

Notwithstanding the fact that the bulk of Christians didn't even believe Jesus ever rose from the dead till the triumph of Catholic orthodoxy over Cathar/Bogomil Gnosticism in the thirteenth century... would the critics of Christianity have nown Jesus/Issa was buried in Kashmir?

You have worldwide news media; tv; newspapers; sattellite photography covering the entire planet; GPS mapping; and the god-damn internet... and you didnt know anything about Issa or his burial place till I pointed it out to you.

Either Issa is Jesus, or there was another Jesus... you can't assert one without conceding the other.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 21, 2009, 10:08:04 PM
...they do indeed match. Up until the ascension into heaven anyway... Jesus flies away, Issa retreats to Kashmir.

Prior to that, not even one single detail of their stories differ in any way.

Issa even claimed to be Jesus, and if Issa is Jesus....

Once again, Einstein, CLAIMING to be Jesus and actually being Jesus are two separate issues.

Notwithstanding the fact that the bulk of Christians didn't even believe Jesus ever rose from the dead till the triumph of Catholic orthodoxy over Cathar/Bogomil Gnosticism in the thirteenth century...

From where do you get this comical yet pitiful tripe? Christians believed in the Resurrection of Christ LONG BEFORE THERE EVER WAS A CATHOLIC CHURCH.

First and second century Christians spread the faith, despite facing great persecution. That is well documented. For you to make such a pea-brained statement smacks of your typical yet feeble attempt at revisionist history. would the critics of Christianity have nown Jesus/Issa was buried in Kashmir?

The Roman ruled the planet. If they wanted to know where Jesus was buried (which they already knew, BTW), they would have found Him. They produce the body, kill Christianity by destroying the very foundation of the faith.....GAME OVER!!!

You have worldwide news media; tv; newspapers; sattellite photography covering the entire planet; GPS mapping; and the god-damn internet... and you didnt know anything about Issa or his burial place till I pointed it out to you.

Lay off the weed, Luke. I knew about Issa already (the particulars being that as the Muslim name for Jesus Christ).

Either Issa is Jesus, or there was another Jesus... you can't assert one without conceding the other.

The Luke

Fortunately, I am not beholden to your screwball logic. Whoever that Issa guy is buried in Kashmir, he is NOT (let me say that SLOWLY, since you don't get it) He   IS    NOT   JESUS    CHRIST!!!

There is but one Christ and he ain't in Kashmir. Let that sit in your skull and marinate for a while.

Your pathetic claiims don't hold up to the historical evidence or basic common sense. But, if you wish to continue making a fool of yourself, spouting this nonsense which I can easy dismantle with little-to-no-effort, knock yourself out.
Post by: The Luke on September 21, 2009, 10:46:35 PM
Once again, Einstein, CLAIMING to be Jesus and actually being Jesus are two separate issues.

...then how did a holy man living in Kashmir (thousands of miles from Judea) know every detail of the Jesus story before any of the Gospels were written? Issa arrived in Kashmir circa 50 AD.

Was he one of the disciples? How else could he know all of Jesus teachings? (even the inimate ones)

More importantly, how did he heal the sick/lame/blind?

Why did he have crucifixion wounds upon his body? (even depicted on his grave)

Why did he claim to have risen from the dead after being crucified by Pilate in Judea?

Why did he claim to be Jesus...? ...and why make such a claim in Kashmir? Why not Judea? Why not Jew-populated southern France? Why stick to the story for 70 years?
Most interestingly, why did some early Christian missionaries recognise him as Jesus and build a new religion around pilgrimage to his tomb?

From where do you get this comical yet pitiful tripe? Christians believed in the Resurrection of Christ LONG BEFORE THERE EVER WAS A CATHOLIC CHURCH.

...not all of them.

The Cathars, Bogomils, Aryans, Old Believers, (some) Albigensians and the Gnostics did NOT hold to the resurrection, nor the divinity of Jesus himself. In fact, a resurrecting divine Jesus was a minority view till the sixth centuy or so.

Read up on it... don't just copy and paste the first screed denouncing this historical act you scrounge off some apologist Christian think-tank website.

First and second century Christians spread the faith, despite facing great persecution. That is well documented. For you to make such a pea-brained statement smacks of your typical yet feeble attempt at revisionist history.

...apparently Issa was on his way to Kashmir immediately after the crucifixion.

The Roman ruled the planet. If they wanted to know where Jesus was buried (which they already knew, BTW), they would have found Him. They produce the body, kill Christianity by destroying the very foundation of the faith.....GAME OVER!!!

...this is patently laughable! The "planet"? China too?
Besides, Kashmir was never under Roman control.

Lay off the weed, Luke. I knew about Issa already (the particulars being that as the Muslim name for Jesus Christ).

...then why weren't you off to Kashmir post haste to excavate your gods tomb?

Fortunately, I am not beholden to your screwball logic. Whoever that Issa guy is buried in Kashmir, he is NOT (let me say that SLOWLY, since you don't get it) He   IS    NOT   JESUS    CHRIST!!!

There is but one Christ and he ain't in Kashmir. Let that sit in your skull and marinate for a while.

...maybe so, but then who is this buried Issa? Another Jesus maybe?

The original version of Jesus maybe?

The source account from which Jesus was plagiarised, perhaps.

Your pathetic claiims don't hold up to the historical evidence or basic common sense. But, if you wish to continue making a fool of yourself, spouting this nonsense which I can easy dismantle with little-to-no-effort, knock yourself out.

Come on McWay, either Issa is Jesus or there was another Jesus.

The Luke 
Post by: MCWAY on September 22, 2009, 06:58:22 AM
...then how did a holy man living in Kashmir (thousands of miles from Judea) know every detail of the Jesus story before any of the Gospels were written? Issa arrived in Kashmir circa 50 AD.

Was he one of the disciples? How else could he know all of Jesus teachings? (even the inimate ones)

Intimate ones? That's rich. Knowing the teachings of Jesus Christ was quite easy. Paul was taught Christ's teachings by fellow Christians and the disciples were spreading the Gospel as well. Not that hard to know what Jesus taught and the words He spoke, boy genius.

More importantly, how did he heal the sick/lame/blind?

Why did he have crucifixion wounds upon his body? (even depicted on his grave)

Why did he claim to have risen from the dead after being crucified by Pilate in Judea?

Why did he claim to be Jesus...? ...and why make such a claim in Kashmir? Why not Judea? Why not Jew-populated southern France? Why stick to the story for 70 years?

Who knows and really who cares? Claims alone DO NOT make that guy Jesus Christ.

Most interestingly, why did some early Christian missionaries recognise him as Jesus and build a new religion around pilgrimage to his tomb?

I'm sorry. Didn't Paul and the disciples of Christ warn that there would be imposters, claiming to be Jesus Christ? This fellow, it seems, is simply one of them.

...not all of them.

The Cathars, Bogomils, Aryans, Old Believers, (some) Albigensians and the Gnostics did NOT hold to the resurrection, nor the divinity of Jesus himself. In fact, a resurrecting divine Jesus was a minority view till the sixth centuy or so.

More baloney on your part. The view of a resurrected Christ was part and parcel of the Christian faith, a fact lost on you in your futile attempt to make your lame claims stick.

Rom 10:8,9

But what does it say? "THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART"--that is, the word of faith which we are preaching,  that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Paul taught that to those with whom he came in contact. And he was taught that by other Christians (i.e. his mentors, Aquilla and Priscilla, as well as some of Jesus' disciples).

Read up on it... don't just copy and paste the first screed denouncing this historical act you scrounge off some apologist Christian think-tank website.

Look who's talking!!! The guy who scrounge silly skeptic and atheist sites, posting this drivel (yet lacking the actual spine to reveal his sources).

...this is patently laughable! The "planet"? China too?
Besides, Kashmir was never under Roman control.

As if the Romans, far closer to the situation than you or any of the folks who espouse this mess, could not ascertain Jesus' location (especially when they had a expressed interest to end Christianity). ::)

...then why weren't you off to Kashmir post haste to excavate your gods tomb?

Because, Einstein, my God is not in that tomb (or any other for that matter)

...maybe so, but then who is this buried Issa? Another Jesus maybe?

The original version of Jesus maybe?

Who is he makes no difference; who he IS NOT is Jesus Christ, end of story.

The source account from which Jesus was plagiarised, perhaps.

Come on McWay, either Issa is Jesus or there was another Jesus.

The Luke  

Once again, I am not subject to you pea-brained logic. There is only one Jesus Christ and this Issa character, buried in Kashmir, ain't He, pure and simple.

Post by: big L dawg on September 22, 2009, 07:41:21 AM
ever notice how mcway and gov controlled are the same person..Mcgay has been posting excessively since sep to guess when the last time gov controll posted? guessed it the 17th...and guess who was on hiatus prior to that when gov was doing all the posting...yep mcgay....
factor in they post at the same time of day and you realize just how pathetic it really is.ha ha

the only thing worse than a delusional religious extremest is one with a split personality....

although now I'm sure mysteriously the post patterns will change now that it's been exposed.
Post by: MCWAY on September 22, 2009, 09:53:00 AM
ever notice how mcway and gov controlled are the same person..Mcgay has been posting excessively since sep to guess when the last time gov controll posted? guessed it the 17th...and guess who was on hiatus prior to that when gov was doing all the posting...yep mcgay....
factor in they post at the same time of day and you realize just how pathetic it really is.ha ha

Woefully wrong, as usual, Puppy boy!!

I've been on hiatus, due to my being on vacation with my wife and kids. Now, that I'm back on my usual routine, I can post here as I usually do.

Lost in your inaccurate tripe is why exactly would I need to post as someone else. I've been here far longer than you and will be here, long after you tuck your proverbial tail and whimper away.

You are engaging in nothing more than the standard GetBig flap, in which a poster gets accused of being dead or pretending to be someone else, when he doesn't post here for couple of weeks.

During my duration here on GetBig I've been accused of everything from being a rep for MuscleTech to a PR guy for Bally (I did work there during the summer of '95, between college semester), to being a GNC manager to even working for Weider.

All of those accusations were false, as is this pathetic spiel of yours, claiming that I'm GC.

I guess that what's happens when you have nothing but cheap and silly one-liners from cracked atheists and factually-void videos, posted with little thought.

Carry on!

Post by: big L dawg on September 22, 2009, 01:40:17 PM
Post by: The Luke on September 22, 2009, 05:59:43 PM
More baloney on your part. The view of a resurrected Christ was part and parcel of the Christian faith, a fact lost on you in your futile attempt to make your lame claims stick.

I think you'll find that this assertion is patently untrue as a matter of historical fact.

Quoting a verse from a book of the New Testament doesn't really suffice as evidence here, as it is well known that the current Christian canon of four agreed-upon Gospels were gleaned from more than 80 source gospels at the Council of Nicea (325 AD I think).

I live in Ireland, where a variant of Aryan Christianity was esablished circa 500 AD and persisted right up until the Albigensian Crusade in the Middle Ages.

Right throughout the Dark Ages a bodily resurrection of Christ was a minority view among Christians worldwide. As I said, many groups such as the Cathars, Bogomils, Aryans, Old Believers, (some) Albigensians and the Gnostics did NOT hold to the resurrection. Mandeans (Iraqi Swamp Kurds) deny such an occurrence to this day.

The Hibernian Church (Ireland) certainly didn't preach a bodily, earthly resurrection... neither did they believe in a holy trinity, nor the divinity of Jesus. In fact there is good evidence they retained many pagan aspects of early Christianity, they even practiced divorce and gay marriage.

Read up on this, Im not making it up... in fact, I think you might find that St Paul (Saul of Tarsus) was seemingly unaware of the vast majority of the Jesus story himself.

But this type of dismissal is probably the most dishonest tactic:

Who knows and really who cares? Claims alone DO NOT make that guy Jesus Christ.

...but your claim makes Jesus into Christ?

Because, Einstein, my God is not in that tomb (or any other for that matter)

Who is he makes no difference; who he IS NOT is Jesus Christ, end of story.

Once again, I am not subject to you pea-brained logic. There is only one Jesus Christ and this Issa character, buried in Kashmir, ain't He, pure and simple.

...why even bother to discuss these topics if dismissal is your preferred tactic?

None of this will persuade any undecided person reading this thread. Why even bother quoting my points if you can't even address them?

Personally I dont see why this Issa character couldn't be Jesus... at the very least he seems to have been some sort of proto-Jesus, if not the source of the Jesus myth itself. You haven't provided any argument beyond your steadfast insistence to the contrary.

After all:
Didn't Paul and the disciples of Christ warn that there would be imposters, claiming to be Jesus Christ?

...we must consider that the orthodox New Testament Jesus is the imposter?

Ater all, isn't it far more likely that a holy man who had luckily survived three hours on a cross might run off to Kashmir (supposed homeland of the lost tribe of Israel whom the messiah was prophecised to find), more likely than him floating into the air leaving no trace?

A body is some sort of proof after all... better than no proof.

One thing I think we can all agree upon... if McWay had been born in this remote part of Kashmir, he'd be the one making the argument for Issa.

And he'd have better evidence than he has for American Jesus.

The Luke
Post by: liberalismo on September 23, 2009, 05:22:32 AM
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In (Genesis 2:7) it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as (Genesis) states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?

  • Believe it or not, some people are surprised to learn that Adam and Eve are mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bible. What insight do these references shed on the historicity of the Genesis account? Consider, for example, the Jewish ancestral lists recorded in the Bible book of (1 Chronicles 1-9) and in the Gospel of (Luke chapter 3). These remarkably detailed genealogical recrods span 48 and 75 generations respectively. Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus Christ, while (Chronicles) records the royal and priestly ancestral lines for the nation of Israel. Both lists include the names of such well-known figures as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and finally Adam. All the names in the two lists represent real people, and Adam was the original real person on each list. The Greek scriptures confirms the historicity of the account given in the early chapters of (Genesis).

  • Regarding the shape of earth ,the Bible reports that the planet was ROUND. (Isaiah 40:22) - "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,and its people are like gasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,and spreads them out like a tent to live in". It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then. Only in the 20th century has it been possible for humans to observe the shape of the earth. How did the Bible know this?

  • (Lev. 11:6) - "The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you." Critics attacked this for quite some time, yet the rabbit's cud chewing was finally observed by William Cowper (Englishmen) in the 18th century. The unusual way in which it is done was described in 1940 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 110, Series A, pp. 159-163. (Leviticus) was written by Moses. Again, how would Moses know this info? He wrote this around 1512 B.C. If you think Moses got fortunate again or observed this, then why did he give God the credit? Did Moses lie?

  • The internal harmony is staggering/significant, to say the least. This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were written by 40 men as different as night and day such as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail. Isn't this a little to coincidental?

  • The fulfillment of prophecies is nothing short of extraordinary!

    (Isa. 44:24, 27, 28; 45:1-4) - (24) "This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things,who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, (27) who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your streams,' (28) who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid." '

    (1) "This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: (2) I will go before you and will level the mountains ; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. (3) I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD,the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (4) For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me"
    .    (The book of (Isaiah) was finished around  732 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: It's known that Cyrus had not been born when this prophecy was written. The Jews were exiled to Babylon in 617-607 B.C., the temple and  Jerusalem  were not destroyed until 607 B.C. The prophecy was fulfilled in detail starting in 539 B.C. The river gates of Babylon were carelessly left open during feasting in the city allowing Cyrus to divert the waters of the Euphrates River into a fake lake,  thereby Babylon was overtaken by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus. So then, Cyrus liberated the Jewish exiles and sent them back to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the  God of Abraham's temple there. - The Encyclopedia Americana (1956), Vol. III, p. 9; Light From the Ancient Past (Princeton, 1959), Jack Finegan, pp. 227-229.

    (Luke 19:41-44; 21:20,21) - (41) "Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, (42) saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. (43) For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, (44) and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

    (20) But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. (21) Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her'"
    . (Jesus stated this Prophecy in 33 A.D.)

    * Fulfillment: In 66 A.D., Jerusalem rebelled against Rome. Cestius Gallus (Roman army officer) attacked the city. However, Gallus without hesitation stopped the attack. As Josephus stated - "suddenly called off his men, abandoned hope though he had suffered no reverse, and flying in the face of all reason retired from the City". (Josephus, the Jewish War, Penguin Classics, 1969, p. 167)

    This gave the Christians time to leave the city, which they did, moving to Pella, beyond the Jordan. (Eusebius Pamphilus in his Ecclesiastical History, which was translated by C. F. Cruse, London, 1894, p. 75).

    General Titus took the city around Passover time in 70 A.D. He did this by installing fence 4.5 miles long around the city in three days, thereby after five months Jerusalem was conquered. "Jerusalem itself was systematically destroyed and the Temple left in ruins. Archaeological work shows us today just how effective was the destruction of Jewish buildings all over the land". (The Bible and Archaeology [Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1962], J. A. Thompson, p. 299).

    Jer. 49:17, 18 - “‘Edom must become an object of astonishment. Everyone passing along by her will stare in astonishment and whistle on account of all her plagues. Just as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and her neighbor towns,’ the God of Israel has said, ‘no man will dwell there.’” (Completed by 580 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: "They [the Edomites] were driven from Palestine in the 2nd century B.C. by Judas Maccabaeus, and in 109 B.C. John Hyrcanus, Maccabaen leader, extended the kingdom of Judah to include the w. part of Edomitic lands. In the 1st century B.C. Roman expansion swept away the last vestige of Edomitic independence . . . After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. . . . the name Idumae [Edom] disappeared from history." (The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952, Vol. 11, p. 4114) This realization extends down to our day. In no way can it be argued that this prophecy was written after the events had taken place.

  • How about the Bible's knowledge of mountains? Here is a quote on geology from a textbook - “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated." This is what the Bible says - (6) "You [God] covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. (Eight) The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You [God] established for them." (Psalms 104:6,8)

  • The Bible speaks about the earth's water cycle. (Ecclesiates 1:7) - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again". (This was written before 1000 B.C.)! Did the Bible get fortunate again?

  • What about the laws that govern the universe? Take a look see at what (Jeremiah 33:25) has to say -(24) "Haven't you noticed what these people are saying? They say, 'The Lord once chose the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now he has turned his back on them.' So they hate my people. They do not think of them as a nation anymore. (25) I say, 'What if I had not made my covenant with day and night? What if I had not established the laws of heaven and earth?  Again, did the Bible get fortunate? (This was written before 580 B.C.)

  • How about the earth being suspended in space! (Job 26:7) - "He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing". (Written about 1613 B.C.) These men never took credit for this info!

  • According to the book of (Daniel), Babylon's last leader was named Belshazzar this is of course before it (Babylon) fell to the Persians. (Daniel 5:1-30) Critics claimed the Bible was wrong about the existence of Belshazzar, since only the Bible mentioned him. However in the 19th century, several cuneiform were discovered in some ruins in southern Iraq. In these (cuneiform) writting's a prayer for the health of the oldest son of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. Belshazzar was his name.

    So there was a Belshazzar! But was he a king, when Babylon fell? Most documents subsequently found referred to him as the son of the king, the crown prince. But a cuneiform document described as the “Verse Account of Nabonidus” shed more light on Belshazzar’s true position. It stated - “He (Nabonidus) entrusted the ‘Camp’ to his oldest (son), the firstborn, the troops everywhere in the country he ordered under his (command). He let (everything) go, he entrusted the kingship to him.” So Belshazzar was entrusted with the kingship. This relationship between Belshazzar and his father, Nabonidus, explains why Belshazzar, during that final banquet in Babylon, offered to make Daniel the third ruler in the kingdom. (Daniel 5:16) Since Nabonidus was the first ruler, Belshazzar himself was only the second ruler of Babylon.

  • The Bible's account regarding the ORGIN OF THE UNIVERSE conforms to astronomical evidence! (Gen. 1:1) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  Robert Jastrow stated -  “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy.” - God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.


All Bullshit.

You know...I would take the time to explain why, and in detail, but I just don't think you're even smart enough for me to bother.
Post by: MCWAY on September 23, 2009, 05:31:41 AM
I think you'll find that this assertion is patently untrue as a matter of historical fact.

Quoting a verse from a book of the New Testament doesn't really suffice as evidence here, as it is well known that the current Christian canon of four agreed-upon Gospels were gleaned from more than 80 source gospels at the Council of Nicea (325 AD I think).

The problem with your take is that, the canonical Gospels were already circulating, either orally or written, long before 325 AD.

I live in Ireland, where a variant of Aryan Christianity was esablished circa 500 AD and persisted right up until the Albigensian Crusade in the Middle Ages.

Right throughout the Dark Ages a bodily resurrection of Christ was a minority view among Christians worldwide. As I said, many groups such as the Cathars, Bogomils, Aryans, Old Believers, (some) Albigensians and the Gnostics did NOT hold to the resurrection. Mandeans (Iraqi Swamp Kurds) deny such an occurrence to this day.


At last check, those groups DO NOT comprise the entire body of Christians and long before those particular sects were even formed, Chirstians (1st and 2nd century, in particular) preached and taught the basis and foundation of the Christian faith: The RESURRECTION of Jesus Christ.

The Hibernian Church (Ireland) certainly didn't preach a bodily, earthly resurrection... neither did they believe in a holy trinity, nor the divinity of Jesus. In fact there is good evidence they retained many pagan aspects of early Christianity, they even practiced divorce and gay marriage.

Your point would be what??

Since the apostle Paul warned long ago, that people would stray from the faith and pervert it, groups like this are hardly a surprise.

Plus, I don't know what your point was for mentioning divorce, as Scripture allows such in specific cases (most notably, adultery).

Read up on this, Im not making it up... in fact, I think you might find that St Paul (Saul of Tarsus) was seemingly unaware of the vast majority of the Jesus story himself.

Wrong again, Luke. Again, Paul was taught about Christ by Jesus' disciples (i.e. Peter and John), as well as other Christians, some of whom met with the aforementioned fellow.

But this type of dismissal is probably the most dishonest tactic:

...but your claim makes Jesus into Christ?

No, my claim does not. The historical evidence does, as well as disqualifying this Issa guy buried in Kashmir (some cat named Yuz Asaf) as being Jesus Christ.

...why even bother to discuss these topics if dismissal is your preferred tactic?

None of this will persuade any undecided person reading this thread. Why even bother quoting my points if you can't even address them?

I've already address many of your points (some of which you tend to re-hash, while falsely claiming that I haven't talked about them).

Personally I dont see why this Issa character couldn't be Jesus... at the very least he seems to have been some sort of proto-Jesus, if not the source of the Jesus myth itself. You haven't provided any argument beyond your steadfast insistence to the contrary.

You might want to get your eyes checked, Luke.

The folks who tout this theory can't get to get their stories straight. One minute this "Issa" dies at 80; the next it's 110; later, it's 120.

Moreover, there's the flip-flopping between the "Swoon theory" and an actual resurrection. And, the saddest part is that those who support the later talk out both sides of their mouths, still claiming that Jesus Christ didn't exist.

There is no motivation for the Jews to fabricate a character like Jesus Christ. For starters, prophecies regarding Him were written up to a near-millenium before He was even born. Add to that, we have historical documents chronicling His life from several non-Christian sources, ones with absolutely NO MOTIVE to promote Christianity.

After all:
...we must consider that the orthodox New Testament Jesus is the imposter?

Ater all, isn't it far more likely that a holy man who had luckily survived three hours on a cross might run off to Kashmir (supposed homeland of the lost tribe of Israel whom the messiah was prophecised to find), more likely than him floating into the air leaving no trace?

Luckily survived the cross? <<pause for hysterical laughter>>

All you've done, Luke, is re-hash the tired (oft-dissected and dismissed) "Swoon Theory".

First, surviving crucifixion isn't "likely", As Dr. Gary Habermas puts it, "Death by crucifixion is essentially death by asphyxiation; you don't come down off the cross alive" Add to that, Christ got stabbed in the side, which "in short..would have killed Him, if He wasn't already dead."

Then, there's the little matter that Pilate didn't even release custody of Jesus' body, UNTIL he got confirmation from one of his centurions that Jesus was actually DEAD (see Mark 15).

Sprinkle in the Pharisees' request for a guard for the tomb (which came with Pilate's seal) and the "Swoon Theory" gets squished, yet again.

Lost in all this is the minor fact that, it would have taken extensive medical care for Jesus to have had any chance of surviving the cross (as if the Roman guards are simply going to stand there and let doctors get to Jesus (whom they've been ordered to execute  ::)  ).

A body is some sort of proof after all... better than no proof.

"A body" is NOT some sort of proof......THE BODY is proof.

The Romans knew the particulars with regards to Jesus' death (who, where, when).

As McDowell stated, producing Jesus' body ENDS Christianity before it even starts (i.e. No Cathars, Bogomils, Aryans, Old Believers, Albigensians, Gnostics, etc.).

One thing I think we can all agree upon... if McWay had been born in this remote part of Kashmir, he'd be the one making the argument for Issa.

And he'd have better evidence than he has for American Jesus.

The Luke

And if Scott Norwood's kick were 2 more feet to the left, the Buffalo Bills would have won the Super Bowl.

Again, your point would be......
Post by: The Luke on September 23, 2009, 11:56:59 AM
McWay, dude, you are hilarious... so many lies, so many excuses. Cognitive dissonance much?

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 23, 2009, 01:03:12 PM
McWay, dude, you are hilarious... so many lies, so many excuses. Cognitive dissonance much?

The Luke

This coming from someone who claims on another forum that the USA never really won any wars.......... ::)  In fact, the folks there are waiting for you to defend your statement. But, you will likely cower as is usually the case, when you can't back your flak.

Project much?

I have enough shortcomings; I don't need (or want) yours.

But, I digress!!!

One, the canonical Gospels were written before the council of Nicea. And those Gospels clearly preach a resurrected Christ. This is what the first and second century AD Christians preach, simple fact.

Two, your claim about Paul not knowing about the "Jesus story" is equally incorrect. He learned from the very disciples of Christ, as well as other Christians. He even talked with Luke (he wasn't a disciple of Jesus and HE knew of Jesus' early life).

Three, you got some 'splainin' to do, regarding your claims about Yuz Asaf/Issa. Was he 80, 110, or 120 when he died?

Again, does he actually die on the cross and rise from the dead; or does he survive the cross (i.e. somehow fools the Roman guards into believing he's dead, with these same guards allowing physicians to treat him to keep him from dying)?

Of course, the latter also require explaining that Pilate thing, regarding custody.

It's time to quit the clucking and bring some meat to the feeble bones of your silly claims.
Post by: The Luke on September 23, 2009, 02:21:46 PM
Stop skimming and start reading.

One, the canonical Gospels were written before the council of Nicea. And those Gospels clearly preach a resurrected Christ. This is what the first and second century AD Christians preach, simple fact.

...this is not a logical argument.

All 80-odd gospels predate the Council of Nicea... so what type of argument is that?

The Nag Hamadi scrolls, Gnostic Gospels and Qumran writings also predate the Council of Nicea and they're full of crazy shit: Gospel of Pontius Pilate; Gospel of Mary Magdalene; sixteen different disciples between the various writings (no set of twelve the same); The Wisdom of Jesus (a word for word copy of The Wisdom of Plato with "Jesus said:" inserted before every paragraph); there's even an account of a young Jesus striking his playmates and teachers dead with lightning bolts.

You can't honestly argue selective provenance.

The Gospel of Judas (yes Judas) has equally as authentic provenance as any of the canonical gospels... in fact, probably the oldest and therefore most authentically early Christian writing is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

Remember, the Emperor Constantine, (who is still a saint in the Christian Church today) recognised Jesus as an alter ego of Sol Invictus (the invincible sun); a conflation god encompassing all the Mystery religion solar deities on the very grounds that most of the Christian gospels (most of the 80) were simply reworkings of long established pagan traditions.

Obviously there must be some truth to this if we now know that Plato's writings were being appropriated by early Christians and (falsely) attributed to Jesus.

Besides, this is the crux of this thread... the Bible is not infallible, it changes with the times as it is rewritten and redacted.

The very oldest Christian traditions are the Cathars (Bogomils) and the Catholics; Catholics hold to the bodily resurrection of Jesus... most Cathars did not (maybe still don't).

Sure the Catholic/Pauline tradition was founded by St Paul (and claims a dubious link to Peter) with a founding document (the Gospel of Mark) which may have been written as early as the first century, and the oldest copy of which can be dated to approx 155 AD.

But compare that to the Cathars, who were founded by the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene only a couple of years after the crucifixion; have a founding document (Gospel of Mary Magdalene) which we can date to 60 AD (-ish) and maintained an unbroken tradition of early Christian beliefs up until the Crusades.

In fact, the only two Christian sects who had copies of the Secret Gospel of Mark (that we know of) were the Pauline Catholics and the Carpocratians, a document exclusive to the original disciples.

The Carpocratians believed in reincarnation; communism; rejected the divinity of Jesus; denied the resurrection and advocated sexual deviancy... where did that stuff come from if their only source documents were the gospels... and this Secret Gospel of Mark?

McWay, I don't think you know as much about Christianity as you think... maybe widen your sources beyond the work of Christian apologists and believers justifying their own delusions.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 23, 2009, 02:52:27 PM
Stop skimming and start reading.

...this is not a logical argument.

All 80-odd gospels predate the Council of Nicea... so what type of argument is that?

No, they don't! That's your first of several mistakes on this post.

The Nag Hamadi scrolls, Gnostic Gospels and Qumran writings also predate the Council of Nicea and they're full of crazy shit: Gospel of Pontius Pilate; Gospel of Mary Magdalene; sixteen different disciples between the various writings (no set of twelve the same); The Wisdom of Jesus (a word for word copy of The Wisdom of Plato with "Jesus said:" inserted before every paragraph); there's even an account of a young Jesus striking his playmates and teachers dead with lightning bolts.

You can't honestly argue selective provenance.

The Gospel of Judas (yes Judas) has equally as authentic provenance as any of the canonical gospels... in fact, probably the oldest and therefore most authentically early Christian writing is the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.

STRIKE TWO!!! The Gospel of Judas is hardly as authentic as the canonical Gospels and sure ain't the oldest. The earliest known copy is dated late 3rd/early 4th century A.D. The canonical Gospels date much earlier than that.

Remember, the Emperor Constantine, (who is still a saint in the Christian Church today) recognised Jesus as an alter ego of Sol Invictus (the invincible sun); a conflation god encompassing all the Mystery religion solar deities on the very grounds that most of the Christian gospels (most of the 80) were simply reworkings of long established pagan traditions.

Correction!!! he is a saint in the CATHOLIC church. And, lest you forget, Constantine grafted several religions together to create a government religion (with a Christian face). As for the mystery solar deity stuff, I've ready taken apart that claim numerous times....namely by citing the alleged deities from whom Jesus was supposedly crafted and showing that they don't match Jesus Christ in the slightest (the virgin-birth requirement alone drops nearly half of them).

Obviously there must be some truth to this if we now know that Plato's writings were being appropriated by early Christians and (falsely) attributed to Jesus.

Besides, this is the crux of this thread... the Bible is not infallible, it changes with the times as it is rewritten and redacted.

The crux of the thread is whether or not the Bible is the inspired word of God.

The very oldest Christian traditions are the Cathars (Bogomils) and the Catholics; Catholics hold to the bodily resurrection of Jesus... most Cathars did not (maybe still don't).

Sure the Catholic/Pauline tradition was founded by St Paul (and claims a dubious link to Peter) with a founding document (the Gospel of Mark) which may have been written as early as the first century, and the oldest copy of which can be dated to approx 155 AD.

But compare that to the Cathars, who were founded by the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene only a couple of years after the crucifixion; have a founding document (Gospel of Mary Magdalene) which we can date to 60 AD (-ish) and maintained an unbroken tradition of early Christian beliefs up until the Crusades.

I beg to differ. Scholars cite the "Gospel" of Mary Magdalene to 2nd century AD, AT BEST. More likely, it is a 3rd century work.

Plus, the early Christians traditions (which date FAR EARLIER than the Catholic church) had, at the center of its teachings, the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

As for the Cathars, their origins begin around 10th century A.D. Furthermore, the citing of Mary as a perpetual virgin stems more from the Catholics. Nowhere in Scripture is Mary stated to have remain in such a state, especially with the Gospels giving the names of Jesus' brothers as well as referencing his sister (not to mention the non-Christian references to at least one of Jesus' siblings).

In fact, the only two Christian sects who had copies of the Secret Gospel of Mark (that we know of) were the Pauline Catholics and the Carpocratians, a document exclusive to the original disciples.

The Carpocratians believed in reincarnation; communism; rejected the divinity of Jesus; denied the resurrection and advocated sexual deviancy... where did that stuff come from if their only source documents were the gospels... and this Secret Gospel of Mark?

All of which were grossly CONTRARY to, not only the teachings of Jesus Christ, but to the teachings of God, prior to Christ's appearance. That among other reasons is why this got scrapped. The people who walked and talked with Christ and their followers KNEW that this mess did not come from Jesus.

McWay, I don't think you know as much about Christianity as you think... maybe widen your sources beyond the work of Christian apologists and believers justifying their own delusions.

The Luke

I know more than enough, to make short work of the drivel you continue to spew. And, it's not that hard to do.

BTW, you still ducked the earlier-asked questions regarding your beloved Issa/Yuz Asaf.
Post by: The Luke on September 23, 2009, 04:09:48 PM
No, they don't! That's your first of several mistakes on this post.

...then how did they pick the canonical gospels from these 80 gospels at the Council of Nicea?

STRIKE TWO!!! The Gospel of Judas is hardly as authentic as the canonical Gospels and sure ain't the oldest. The earliest known copy is dated late 3rd/early 4th century A.D. The canonical Gospels date much earlier than that.

...I thought only Mark dates to earlier than that?

Aren't the earliest extant copies of Matthew, Luke and John likewise 3rd/4th century?... validating my claim?

I beg to differ. Scholars cite the "Gospel" of Mary Magdalene to 2nd century AD, AT BEST. More likely, it is a 3rd century work.

...even accepting such an assertion (I've read differently), Mary Magdalene's tomb in southern France dates to the first century?

Plus, the early Christians traditions (which date FAR EARLIER than the Catholic church) had, at the center of its teachings, the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

...except for the Gnostics, and the Gnostics made up the majority of Christians up until the Dark Ages.

Bodily resurrection of Jesus was the minority opinion among Christians worldwide until the Catholic Church established its hegemony.

As for the Cathars, their origins begin around 10th century A.D. terribly wrong.

Read up on this... you don't really believe the Cathars originated in the 10th century only to be exterminated in the 12th and 13th centuries do you?

We had Cathar-style Christianity in Ireland by the sixth century, spread by Cathar/Aryan Gnostic missionaries from Britain, who got it from France. The French Cathar tradition goes back all the way to the first century, certain paganistic Cathar sects are even known (to this day) as "Old Believers" due to their religion predating the newer Pauline Christianity.

Furthermore, the citing of Mary as a perpetual virgin stems more from the Catholics. Nowhere in Scripture is Mary stated to have remain in such a state, especially with the Gospels giving the names of Jesus' brothers as well as referencing his sister (not to mention the non-Christian references to at least one of Jesus' siblings).

...what are you reading? I never made any such claim, I just used the title.

You're scanning, not reading.

By the way, the Cathars claim to have been founded by the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene and seem to have buried both as holy saints in the first century.

That's a lot earlier than the tenth century... or the Council of Nicea, or even Pauline Christianity itself.

All of which were grossly CONTRARY to, not only the teachings of Jesus Christ, but to the teachings of God, prior to Christ's appearance. That among other reasons is why this got scrapped. The people who walked and talked with Christ and their followers KNEW that this mess did not come from Jesus.

...then why did they keep this Secret Gospel of Mark under wraps? Even after acknowledging the existence of such a secret tradition. I'd believe the Carpocratians, they weren't keeping it a secret... why would they have any incentive to lie?

Maybe it's true, giving the Pauline Christians an incentive to keep it secret, as they have.

Have you read the Secret Gospel of Mark?

Why is it so secret?

More interestingly, why did so many of these Early Church Fathers abandon Christianity in favour of joining the Gnostics? Did they read this secret gospel?

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 23, 2009, 06:22:54 PM
...then how did they pick the canonical gospels from these 80 gospels at the Council of Nicea?

...I thought only Mark dates to earlier than that?

Aren't the earliest extant copies of Matthew, Luke and John likewise 3rd/4th century?... validating my claim?

Not quite, there are partial copies and fragments of the Gospels (i.e. John that date early 2nd century).

...even accepting such an assertion (I've read differently), Mary Magdalene's tomb in southern France dates to the first century?

...except for the Gnostics, and the Gnostics made up the majority of Christians up until the Dark Ages.

Bodily resurrection of Jesus was the minority opinion among Christians worldwide until the Catholic Church established its hegemony.

More BS from your feeble fingers!! terribly wrong.

Read up on this... you don't really believe the Cathars originated in the 10th century only to be exterminated in the 12th and 13th centuries do you?

We had Cathar-style Christianity in Ireland by the sixth century, spread by Cathar/Aryan Gnostic missionaries from Britain, who got it from France. The French Cathar tradition goes back all the way to the first century, certain paganistic Cathar sects are even known (to this day) as "Old Believers" due to their religion predating the newer Pauline Christianity.

Listen to what you just said. You think that Cathars and their doctrine date earlier than their established dates in 10th century.

Yet, for some reason, the concept of a Christian church (with the Resurrection as its primary message) dating earlier than the Roman Catholic church seems to be a tough pill for you to swallow.

...what are you reading? I never made any such claim, I just used the title.

You're scanning, not reading.

What are YOU reading? I never cited or credited you with holding to the prepetual virginity of Mary. I specifically stated that such "stems from the Catholics".

Maybe you're the one "scanning, not reading".

By the way, the Cathars claim to have been founded by the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene and seem to have buried both as holy saints in the first century.

That's a lot earlier than the tenth century... or the Council of Nicea, or even Pauline Christianity itself.

...then why did they keep this Secret Gospel of Mark under wraps? Even after acknowledging the existence of such a secret tradition. I'd believe the Carpocratians, they weren't keeping it a secret... why would they have any incentive to lie?

Maybe it's true, giving the Pauline Christians an incentive to keep it secret, as they have.

Have you read the Secret Gospel of Mark?

Why is it so secret?

More interestingly, why did so many of these Early Church Fathers abandon Christianity in favour of joining the Gnostics? Did they read this secret gospel?

The Luke

One, the early Fathers didn't abandon Christianity.

Two, those who did likely fled, due to their refusal to abandon certain sinful practices. Of course, Paul mentioned several instances of such happenings in the letters he wrote to his fellow believers.
Post by: The Luke on September 23, 2009, 07:11:26 PM
Listen to what you just said. You think that Cathars and their doctrine date earlier than their established dates in 10th century.

Yet, for some reason, the concept of a Christian church (with the Resurrection as its primary message) dating earlier than the Roman Catholic church seems to be a tough pill for you to swallow.

...both existed: both trace their roots all the way back to the first century.

What you have done is pick four of the 80 or so gospels (all with equal claims to authenticity) and decide that the four you read and chose to believe are infallibly correct.

You're just siding with the winning sect... had the Cathars won out you'd be arguing Cathar dogma.

If a book is rewritten, and rewritten and edited and redacted... stitched with interpolations and translated over and over again, what arrogance is it to believe that such a book reached a divine state of being perfectly true and historically accurate only when YOU chose to read it.

One, the early Fathers didn't abandon Christianity.

Two, those who did likely fled, due to their refusal to abandon certain sinful practices. Of course, Paul mentioned several instances of such happenings in the letters he wrote to his fellow believers.

One, they did not... two, they did...?

Come on, more of the Early Church Fathers died as Gnostics than founding members dropped out of the Church of Scientology.

I think your argument betrays the method of brainwashing that produces such contradictory dismissive reactions. Read this sentence very carefully...

"...those who did likely fled, due to their refusal to abandon certain sinful practices."

...remember you are explaining away something you refuse to concede. That's very telling.

What would cause someone to dismiss in a reactionary way, then immediately seek to justify, then only look to rationalise last of all? Defend; excuse; rationalise.

Well let's stick with our Scientology parallel... those who left Scientology after the death of L Ron Hubbard were subject to the very same reaction.

Firstly, it was denied that they left Scientology at all. (Defend)

Then it was admitted that some of them had indeed left because they couldn't accept the immortal L Ron had ascended to a higher plane of existence, which of course he did because as an immortal he couldn't die. (Excuse)

Finally, it became Scientology doctrine that only criminals worried they would be found left the Church of Scientology. Now Scientologists are taught that none of the founding members of Scientology ever left the church because only criminals leave Scientology and criminals cannot rise up the ranks of Scientology.

That's how delusional reinforcement works.

Lucky you recognised the one and only true version of the 34,000 variants of Christianity and didn't end up in something whacky like Scientolgy: with it's ridiculous tenets and rewritten history.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 23, 2009, 07:58:00 PM
...both existed: both trace their roots all the way back to the first century.

What you have done is pick four of the 80 or so gospels (all with equal claims to authenticity) and decide that the four you read and chose to believe are infallibly correct.

You're just siding with the winning sect... had the Cathars won out you'd be arguing Cathar dogma.

I'm doing no such thing. What I'm doing (and have done) is examine the evidence which supports the veracity of the four canonical Gospels, which also cuts the claims of the other so-called Gospels. Other folks have done the same.

Your touting and spewing the claims of these other "Gospels", because they have some mystic mess you happen to like or because you think they undercut the authority of Scripture is little more than the standard skeptic spiel I've seen time and time and time again.

If a book is rewritten, and rewritten and edited and redacted... stitched with interpolations and translated over and over again, what arrogance is it to believe that such a book reached a divine state of being perfectly true and historically accurate only when YOU chose to read it.

One, they did not... two, they did...?

Come on, more of the Early Church Fathers died as Gnostics than founding members dropped out of the Church of Scientology.

I think your argument betrays the method of brainwashing that produces such contradictory dismissive reactions. Read this sentence very carefully...

"...those who did likely fled, due to their refusal to abandon certain sinful practices."

...remember you are explaining away something you refuse to concede. That's very telling.

Wrong again, Luke!!!

What would cause someone to dismiss in a reactionary way, then immediately seek to justify, then only look to rationalise last of all? Defend; excuse; rationalise.

Once again, in your silly attempt to duck the questions put your way, you revert to your usual projection exercises.

Well let's stick with our Scientology parallel... those who left Scientology after the death of L Ron Hubbard were subject to the very same reaction.

Firstly, it was denied that they left Scientology at all. (Defend)

Then it was admitted that some of them had indeed left because they couldn't accept the immortal L Ron had ascended to a higher plane of existence, which of course he did because as an immortal he couldn't die. (Excuse)

Finally, it became Scientology doctrine that only criminals worried they would be found left the Church of Scientology. Now Scientologists are taught that none of the founding members of Scientology ever left the church because only criminals leave Scientology and criminals cannot rise up the ranks of Scientology.

That's how delusional reinforcement works.

Lucky you recognised the one and only true version of the 34,000 variants of Christianity and didn't end up in something whacky like Scientolgy: with it's ridiculous tenets and rewritten history.

The Luke

Oh brother!!!! If you realize how utterly ridiculous you sound, at times, you'd be a red as a strawberry. "Our" scientology parallel? No one here is talking about scientology here. This is but another bone-headed tactic of yours, when you can't defend your takes or answer the simple questions put your way.

BTW, the clock's still ticking about the whole Issa/Yuz Asaf deal, regarding how he supposedly died and resurrected vs. surviving the cross and how old he was when he supposedly died.

You plan to take on that issue, or is another two-week workout is the works?  ::)
Post by: Necrosis on September 24, 2009, 09:41:56 AM
luke is attempting to use facts and logical arguments and mcway resorts to denial, ad hominems and dishonest tactics.

Funny thread to read.
Post by: MCWAY on September 24, 2009, 11:46:49 AM
luke is attempting to use facts and logical arguments and mcway resorts to denial, ad hominems and dishonest tactics.

Funny thread to read.

And these alleged "dishonest" tactics would be what?

As for Luke's "facts", I'm still waiting for him to explain exactly how, if this Issa/Yuz Asaf fellow is supposedly Jesus Christ, how he supposedly got off that cross alive.

As I've stated earlier, Luke's "facts" are usually anything but that. He has yet to produce the "mystery religion" versions of these other figures, demsontrating that their accounts are the ones from which Jesus Christ was supposedly crafted.

When the actual accounts are brought to the surface (and it's shown that they hardly match that of Christ), Luke runs, hides, and generates a ton of excuses. He still spouting that mess about three "kings" (oops, at last check, he referred to them recently as "sages") meeting Jesus Christ at birth.  ::)

He's gaffed on Attis, Horus, Osiris, Dionysus, and now this Issa fellow (notice how he hops between them, once I get to dissecting his takes).

And, to this day, he can't explain exactly how these guys (among others) fit this so-called "dying/resurrecting godman blueprint" he keeps espousing, when they DO NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD. But don't take my word for it:

The Dying and Rising Gods

This is an older category, originally brilliantly championed by Frazer in The Golden Bough,  that has been abandoned by scholars in that field:
The Frazerian construct of a general ‘Oriental’ vegetation god who periodically dies and rises from the dead has been discredited by more recent scholarship. There is no evidence for a resurrection of Attis; even Osiris remains with the dead; and if Persephone returns to the world every year, a joyous event for gods and men, the initiates do not follow her. There is a dimension of death in all of the mystery initiations, but the concept of rebirth or resurrection of either gods or mystai is anything but explicit.
– Walter Burkert, “Ancient Mystery Cults”, Harvard:1987 (

Worst of all, not only are his facts off, regarding Christ, they are also inaccurate regarding these other figures and I've shown the references and accounts to prove it (unlike Luke who cowardly refuses to divulge any of his sources in his weak attempt to show that he knows all of this from memory).

Post by: Necrosis on September 24, 2009, 06:22:45 PM
And these alleged "dishonest" tactics would be what?

As for Luke's "facts", I'm still waiting for him to explain exactly how, if this Issa/Yuz Asaf fellow is supposedly Jesus Christ, how he supposedly got off that cross alive.

As I've stated earlier, Luke's "facts" are usually anything but that. He has yet to produce the "mystery religion" versions of these other figures, demsontrating that their accounts are the ones from which Jesus Christ was supposedly crafted.

When the actual accounts are brought to the surface (and it's shown that they hardly match that of Christ), Luke runs, hides, and generates a ton of excuses. He still spouting that mess about three "kings" (oops, at last check, he referred to them recently as "sages") meeting Jesus Christ at birth.  ::)

He's gaffed on Attis, Horus, Osiris, Dionysus, and now this Issa fellow (notice how he hops between them, once I get to dissecting his takes).

And, to this day, he can't explain exactly how these guys (among others) fit this so-called "dying/resurrecting godman blueprint" he keeps espousing, when they DO NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD. But don't take my word for it:

The Dying and Rising Gods

This is an older category, originally brilliantly championed by Frazer in The Golden Bough,  that has been abandoned by scholars in that field:
The Frazerian construct of a general ‘Oriental’ vegetation god who periodically dies and rises from the dead has been discredited by more recent scholarship. There is no evidence for a resurrection of Attis; even Osiris remains with the dead; and if Persephone returns to the world every year, a joyous event for gods and men, the initiates do not follow her. There is a dimension of death in all of the mystery initiations, but the concept of rebirth or resurrection of either gods or mystai is anything but explicit.
– Walter Burkert, “Ancient Mystery Cults”, Harvard:1987 (

Worst of all, not only are his facts off, regarding Christ, they are also inaccurate regarding these other figures and I've shown the references and accounts to prove it (unlike Luke who cowardly refuses to divulge any of his sources in his weak attempt to show that he knows all of this from memory).

I thought luke contended that saint issa predated jesus and was a different person, thus the story is copied, but you claim issa is the muslim name for jesus so he is the same person.

If i got it wrong correct me. But if what i said is true i can make the assumption that you reconize that there is an issa and the stories are the same/similar. As they would have to be if they are one in the same. So, luke has to prove that they are different and boom, copyright infringement.

also, why do you insist every detiai line up? If 5 of 25 unique facts lined up i would be disturbed as a christian.

anyway, carry on, it is an interesting subject, although you seem to be attacking luke more then the material, just my two cents.
Post by: The Luke on September 24, 2009, 07:59:25 PM
The Dying and Rising Gods

The Frazerian construct of a general ‘Oriental’ vegetation god who periodically dies and rises from the dead has been discredited by more recent scholarship. There is no evidence for a resurrection of Attis; even Osiris remains with the dead; and if Persephone returns to the world every year, a joyous event for gods and men, the initiates do not follow her. There is a dimension of death in all of the mystery initiations, but the concept of rebirth or resurrection of either gods or mystai is anything but explicit.
– Walter Burkert, “Ancient Mystery Cults”, Harvard:1987

christian-thinktank[/b].com/copycatwho1.html] (http://www.[b)

...well there's your problem.


The last time we had this agument I had to give up in disgust.

McWay posted reams and reams of copy and paste articles from Christian apologist websites detailing the practices of the worshippers of Attis.

HE (McWay) posted all the evidence from Roman sources of how the Attians:
-celebrated the death of Attis each year at Easter
-held a processional march to a sacred grove
-cut down a sacred tree symbolic of the tree under which Attis died (to which his body was nailed)
-carried the sacred tree back to their temple on the back of the high priest (sometimes with a statue of Attis nailed to it)
-stood up the tree in the temple
-hoisted a wooden statue of the dead Attis into the tree (via the nail holes in his hands)
-tied or nailed the statue of Attis to the tree
-called this eerily familiar festival "the Day of Woe"
-locked themselves in the temple for three days and nights lamenting
-left the temple on the third day proclaiming the "Day of Joy"
-began the entire Attis festival cycle all over again as if he hadn't died

When I asked if McWay saw any similarities between this and the younger Christian tradition he made the argument:
-Jesus died on the cross; Attis bled to death under it
-Jesus died for the redemption of sins of mankind; Attis committed suicide for love of his mother (symbloic of the world)
-Jesus rose from the dead; the Attians didn't openly claim a bodily resurrection of Attis (it was a secret)

Yes there are differences.

But you could argue that Jesus was Jewish and wore a yamika meaning he had a different funny hat than Attis too... but it isn't an important substantive difference.

But to claim Jesus is wholly original (as McWay does) when there are more than a dozen of these dying resurrecting godmen with similar stories who predate Jesus is just plain dishonest.

Refusing to concede any similarity at all (as McWay does) is just plain wilfull ignorance.

Filtering all historical evidence so as to dismiss eveything contrary to your argument (as McWay does) is just plain hysterical blindness.

He'll probably write a screed highlighting minute differences between Jesus and Attis while ignoring the parallels in answer to this.

Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the thread.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 25, 2009, 07:15:58 PM
...well there's your problem.


The last time we had this agument I had to give up in disgust.

You gave up, because your posts got ripped apart with the accounts about Attis, which show that his life and death DO NOT MATCH that of Jesus Christ in the slightest.

McWay posted reams and reams of copy and paste articles from Christian apologist websites detailing the practices of the worshippers of Attis.

Of course, I did. They make your claims sound even more preposterous than they already are, destroying them with these querky things called SPECIFIC FACTS and REFERENCES.

HE (McWay) posted all the evidence from Roman sources of how the Attians:
-celebrated the death of Attis each year at Easter
-held a processional march to a sacred grove
-cut down a sacred tree symbolic of the tree under which Attis died (to which his body was nailed)
-carried the sacred tree back to their temple on the back of the high priest (sometimes with a statue of Attis nailed to it)
-stood up the tree in the temple
-hoisted a wooden statue of the dead Attis into the tree (via the nail holes in his hands)
-tied or nailed the statue of Attis to the tree
-called this eerily familiar festival "the Day of Woe"
-locked themselves in the temple for three days and nights lamenting
-left the temple on the third day proclaiming the "Day of Joy"
-began the entire Attis festival cycle all over again as if he hadn't died

 Edit - Are you referring to a statement such as this:

All of the attempts in the scholarly literature to identify Attis as a dying and rising deity depend not on the mythology but rather on the ritual, in particular a questionable interpretation of the five-day festival of Cybele on 22-27 March. The question of the relationship between the Day of Blood (24 March) and the Day of Joy (25 March) caught the attention of some scholars, who, employing the analogy of the relationship of Good Friday to Easter Sunday, reasoned that if among other activities on the Day of Blood there was mourning for Attis, then the object of the 'joy' on the following day must be Attis's resurrection. Unfortunately, there is no evidence that this was the case. The Day of Joy is a late addition to what was once a three-day ritual in which the Day of Blood was followed by a purificatory ritual and the return of the statue of the goddess to the temple. Within the cult, the new feast of the Day of Joy celebrates Cybele. The sole text that connects the Day of Joy with Attis is a fifth-century biography of Isidore the Dialectician by the Neoplatonic philosopher Damascius, who reports that Isidore once had a dream in which he was Attis and the Day of Joy was celebrated in his honor!"

None of this has a blessed thing to do with Jesus Christ. Christ was crucified; Attis was not (he chopped off his own nuts and died). As if that weren't enough, nowhere did the early Christians (1st century A.D.) begin a festival, re-enacting the crucifixion of Christ.

Once again, you don't have your facts straight. The Day of Joy celebrates CYBELE (Attis' mother) not Attis.

When I asked if McWay saw any similarities between this and the younger Christian tradition he made the argument:
-Jesus died on the cross; Attis bled to death under it
-Jesus died for the redemption of sins of mankind; Attis committed suicide for love of his mother (symbloic of the world)
-Jesus rose from the dead; the Attians didn't openly claim a bodily resurrection of Attis (it was a secret)

How many times can you screw this up, Luke? Once again, you and facts go together like peanut butter and castor oil.

One, NOWHERE did I claim that Attis bled to death under a cross. As a matter of fact, YOU were the one, foolishly trying to equate any remote tree reference in the Attis account to the cross of Jesus Christ.

Two, Attis died out of LUST for his own mother (he wanted to get his freak on with mama, a far cry from what Jesus Christ did for the sins of mankind). And, as usual, you keep inserting crap that ain't there, trying to piece your shattered claims together.

Three, the worshippers of Attis didn't claim ANY FORM OF RESURRECTION for their deity. In fact, I posted the specific reference stating that the pleas to raise Attis from the dead WERE FLATLY REJECTED by Zeus/Jupiter.

Edit - Four, The late-added "Day of Joy" was in celebration of CYBELE, not Attis.

And that shatters your silly quips about Attis being a "dying/resurrecting godman". Attis DOES NOT rise from the dead, PERIOD!!!

Yes there are differences.

But you could argue that Jesus was Jewish and wore a yamika meaning he had a different funny hat than Attis too... but it isn't an important substantive difference.

But to claim Jesus is wholly original (as McWay does) when there are more than a dozen of these dying resurrecting godmen with similar stories who predate Jesus is just plain dishonest.

Again lay off the weed, Luke. Plain dishonest? You are the one who keeps mindlessly posting this "dying resurrecting godmen" crap, despite the simple fact that nearly every figure you have mentioned either DOES NOT DIE or DOES NOT RISE FROM THE DEAD, if killed.

Refusing to concede any similarity at all (as McWay does) is just plain wilfull ignorance.

Filtering all historical evidence so as to dismiss eveything contrary to your argument (as McWay does) is just plain hysterical blindness.

He'll probably write a screed highlighting minute differences between Jesus and Attis while ignoring the parallels in answer to this.

Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the thread.

The Luke

Minute difference? Yet, another stupid quip from the factually-challenged Luke.

Let's look as these "minute" differences, one more time!!!

Virgin birth:

Jesus - YES!! Attis, NO; Osiris, NO; Dionysus; NO

Mode of death:

Jesus - Crucifixion; Attis - Self-castration; Osiris - drowning; Dionysus - gored by wild boar


Jesus - YES!! Attis - NO; Osiris - NO; Dionysus - NO

And, that's just the short list.

The heart of your argument, boy genius, is that these figures are "dying/resurrecting godmen" that predate Jesus.

Therefore, Einstein, there is no "minute" difference when Jesus rises from the dead but the figures you list DO NOT.

Nor is it a "minute" difference when Jesus is born of a virgin; while those other figures result from cosmic freaky-deaky sex between gods (particularly a birdy-formed Isis, bumping and grinding with a DEAD Osiris to produce Horus).

Post by: MCWAY on September 25, 2009, 07:23:24 PM
I thought luke contended that saint issa predated jesus and was a different person, thus the story is copied, but you claim issa is the muslim name for jesus so he is the same person.

NOOOOOO!!! What I claim is that, while Issa is the Muslim name for Jesus (and the Muslims believe Him to be the same person), Issa/Yuz Asaf is NOT Jesus Christ.

If i got it wrong correct me. But if what i said is true i can make the assumption that you reconize that there is an issa and the stories are the same/similar. As they would have to be if they are one in the same. So, luke has to prove that they are different and boom, copyright infringement.

also, why do you insist every detiai line up? If 5 of 25 unique facts lined up i would be disturbed as a christian.

anyway, carry on, it is an interesting subject, although you seem to be attacking luke more then the material, just my two cents.

The antagonists of the early Christians (namely the Roman empire and the Jewish Pharisees) bear witness as to who Jesus Christ was and where He died.

Again, there would be no Christian church or early Christian faith, if (as Dr. Paul Meier put it) "the moldering body of Jesus of Nazareth were availably anytime after Sunday morning."

Plus, one point that Luke doesn't quite want to address is exactly how, if Issa is Jesus Christ, how he survived the cross (as some who claim that they are one and the same tend to think). This is part of what's known as the "Swoon Theory".

We have non-Christians sources that indicate that Jesus Christ was killed, executed, put to death that match the Gospel accounts.

Luke's claims make absolutely no sense. How can the people allegedly fabricating Jesus Christ from other figures go from using ones that DON'T MATCH Christ at all to using Issa/Yuz Asaf, who supposedly is a near-identical match. All Luke is doing is hopping from figure to figure, every time I demonstrate that the traits he claims they have (that were taken to form Jesus Christ) are patently false.

When Attis didn't work; he flipped to Osiris. When that bombed, he went to another figure. Now, Issa/Yuz Asaf is his flavor-of-the-month.
Post by: The Luke on September 26, 2009, 08:27:57 PM
So let me get this straight...

None of these other gods who parallel Jesus can be a source for the Jesus myth because none of them EXACTLY match Jesus in every regard.

Yet, the one other parallel god who does match Jesus in every regard also cannot be a source for the Jesus myth because he rose from the dead... which somehow differs from the Jesus story?

I'm sorry McWay, I don't understand your dismissal of the Issa story?

You dismiss the Mystery Religion solar deities because they differ slightly from Jesus... but you concede Issa either is Jesus or exactly matches Jesus... then you dismiss Issa too?


The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 27, 2009, 07:44:46 AM
So let me get this straight...

None of these other gods who parallel Jesus can be a source for the Jesus myth because none of them EXACTLY match Jesus in every regard.

Yet, the one other parallel god who does match Jesus in every regard also cannot be a source for the Jesus myth because he rose from the dead... which somehow differs from the Jesus story?

I'm sorry McWay, I don't understand your dismissal of the Issa story?

You dismiss the Mystery Religion solar deities because they differ slightly from Jesus... but you concede Issa either is Jesus or exactly matches Jesus... then you dismiss Issa too?


The Luke

It appears that your inability to read has reared its ugly head once again.

YOU claim that Attis, Osiris, Dionysys, and several other figures were part of some "dying-reussrecting godman" blueprint. Cease with the stupid semantics and face the facts.

For that to be the case, boy genius, they must actually DIE and RISE FROM THE DEAD!!!

I've shown repeatedly that Attis, Osiris, and Dionysus (just to name a few) do not, I repeat, DO NOT rise from the dead. That destroys your ENTIRE premise.

And, the differences don't stop there, despite your stupid attempts to play semantics and claim that such are merely "slight".

For this reason, you keep foolishly hopping from figure to figure, hoping you'll find one that matches your ridiculous claims.

One more time:

Virgin birth:

Jesus - YES!! Attis, NO; Osiris, NO; Dionysus; NO

Mode of death:

Jesus - Crucifixion; Attis - Self-castration; Osiris - drowning; Dionysus - gored by wild boar


Jesus - YES!! Attis - NO; Osiris - NO; Dionysus - NO

And, that's just the short list.

Isaa/Yuz Asaf is NOT Jesus Christ, despite the Muslim claims to the contrary. Among the many reasons (and here's another issue from which you flee like the coward that you are), the Issa folks claim that he SURVIVED the crucifixion, which is refuted by both the Christian and non-Chrisitian historical sources that confirm Jesus' death on the cross.

And, the Resurrection was/is at the heart of Christianity, which would have been easily destroyed, with a dead Jesus Christ available at any time (another fact from which you continue to cower)

Of course, you're hiding behind Issa/Yuz Asaf, because you can't back your claims about the other figures.

To top it all off, as is usually the case, you don't even have your facts straight with the other figures, from whom Christ was supposedly crafted, which is really sad, because you once claims that nearly ALL of those figures matched Jesus Christ (and you tried using that ridiculous "Zeitgeist" film to support your odd and off-the-mark statements).
Post by: big L dawg on September 27, 2009, 10:14:09 AM
shouldn't you have something more spiritual to do on a sunday morning than post on a bodybuilding forum about your fables and mythology
Post by: The Luke on September 27, 2009, 02:35:31 PM
I've shown repeatedly that Attis, Osiris, and Dionysus (just to name a few) do not, I repeat, DO NOT rise from the dead. That destroys your ENTIRE premise.

...according to Gnostic Christianity (the majority view among early Christians and Cathars; Bogomils; Old Believers and Aryans right up until the Renaissance) neither did Jesus.

In fact, during the past two thousand years more Christians have lived their lives believing Jesus did NOT bodily rise from the dead, than believed he did.

That is a conceit peculiar to Pauline Christianity.

Isaa/Yuz Asaf is NOT Jesus Christ, despite the Muslim claims to the contrary. keep insisting upon this, why?

Saying it doesn't make it so (unless you're repeating this statement attempting to convince yourself).

Among the many reasons (and here's another issue from which you flee like the coward that you are), the Issa folks claim that he SURVIVED the crucifixion, which is refuted by both the Christian and non-Chrisitian historical sources that confirm Jesus' death on the cross.

...non-Christian sources that confirm Jesus' death upon the cross? Are they secret sources?

There is absolutely NO evidence that Jesus ever existed from ANY contemporaneous source... just later gospels and interpolations added by Christian transcribers centuries later.

Besides, Issa's followers do NOT claim he survived the cross... they claim he died and rose from the dead, they claim he is Jesus and have stuck to this story since the first century. His resurrection was a major claim to fame, his resurrection wounds are depicted upon his (Jewish style) tomb in Kashmir.

There is absolutely NO difference between Issa and Jesus at all, till the point (after the crucifixion and resurrection) where the disciples claim Jesus rose bodily into heaven (convenient) and Issa's followers claim he fled to Kashmir (sounds plausible).

I think this debate has broken your brain... you are simply insisting.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 27, 2009, 07:55:13 PM
...according to Gnostic Christianity (the majority view among early Christians and Cathars; Bogomils; Old Believers and Aryans right up until the Renaissance) neither did Jesus.

In fact, during the past two thousand years more Christians have lived their lives believing Jesus did NOT bodily rise from the dead, than believed he did.

That is a conceit peculiar to Pauline Christianity.

That is utter BS, Luke. The Resurrection of Christ is THE cornerstone of Christianity. The historical references over the last two millenia prove it.

Whereas, you have absolutely NOTHING backing your weak words. keep insisting upon this, why?

Saying it doesn't make it so (unless you're repeating this statement attempting to convince yourself).

You're projecting again, Luke. That's the stuff you tried to do with your ridiculous statements with absolutely nothing to support it.

...non-Christian sources that confirm Jesus' death upon the cross? Are they secret sources?

Ummm......NO!! In fact, Loco and I have mentioned these sources REPEATEDLY for several months. There's nothing "secret" about it, unlike your silly claims.

There is absolutely NO evidence that Jesus ever existed from ANY contemporaneous source... just later gospels and interpolations added by Christian transcribers centuries later.

DEAD WRONG AGAIN, Luke!! Try Tacitus, Pliny the Younger and Lucian (just to name a few).

Here's just a small sample:

The Christians, you know, worship a man to this day - the distinguished personage who introduced their novel rites, and was crucified on that account. . . . You see, these misguided creatures start with the general conviction that they are immortal for all time, which explains the contempt of death and voluntary self-devotion which are so common among them; and then it was impressed on them by their original lawgiver that they are all brothers, from the moment that they are converted, and deny the gods of Greece, and worship the crucified sage, and live after his laws. All this they take quite on faith, with the result that they despise all worldly goods alike, regarding them merely as common property." - Lucian of Samosata

Besides, Issa's followers do NOT claim he survived the cross... they claim he died and rose from the dead, they claim he is Jesus and have stuck to this story since the first century. His resurrection was a major claim to fame, his resurrection wounds are depicted upon his (Jewish style) tomb in Kashmir.

Oh, really!!! Tell that to these guys: (

In fact, most (if not all) of the folks who claim that this Issa guy is Jesus Christ espouse the oft-dismantled "Swoon Theory", claiming that Jesus survived the crucifixion. In fact, Muslims teach from the Koran that Jesus survived the cross.

So, once again, your nonsensical claims fall flat on their faces.

There is absolutely NO difference between Issa and Jesus at all, till the point (after the crucifixion and resurrection) where the disciples claim Jesus rose bodily into heaven (convenient) and Issa's followers claim he fled to Kashmir (sounds plausible).

I think this debate has broken your brain... you are simply insisting.

The Luke

This is hardly a debate. It's you, making utterly stupid statements with no references or specifics to back them and my dismantling them, using the specifics and giving the particulars.

And, as usual, you keep ducking and hiding, failing to address the issues brought your way numerous times, namely your "dying resurrecting godman" flap not working, because of the figures mentioned who DO NOT rise from the dead.
Post by: The Luke on September 27, 2009, 08:20:23 PM
I dont understand your argument McWay, you seem to just be melting with every post now.

You dismiss the Issa story because he "survived" the cross? Didn't Jesus "survive" the cross too? Don't Issa's followers claim he actually died and rose from the dead? Don't Issa's followers claim he IS Jesus?

You delineate tiny differnces and exaggerate their importance.

But you don't address the fact that both he and Jesus led eactly parallel lives at the same time in he same place. You likewise evade Issa's claim that he and Jesus are one in the same person?

Instead of posting non sequitur insults after each quoted line of my posts (which doesn't help the debate), why don't you try explaining your thinking in detail?

How exactly do you reconcile this Issa character with your faith in Jesus?

You keep repeating half-arguments, we've all heard them, but that's not the part of your argument I have trouble understanding: it's the unspoken, the evaded, the unexplained reasoning... elucidate that for us?

-which similarities between Jesus and oter gods DO you concede?

-why do you think ALL Christians throughout history adhered to Pauline doctrine?

-why do you insist the Cathars; Bogomils; Arans etc were Pauline Christians?

Explain yourself properly. I'll listen.

The Luke
PS cut-and-pastes.
Post by: MCWAY on September 27, 2009, 08:42:50 PM
I dont understand your argument McWay, you seem to just be melting with every post now.

You dismiss the Issa story because he "survived" the cross? Didn't Jesus "survive" the cross too? Don't Issa's followers claim he actually died and rose from the dead? Don't Issa's followers claim he IS Jesus?

You delineate tiny differnces and exaggerate their importance.

You understand my argument. You simply resort to this "playing dumb", because you can't address the issues at hand (much the same as you've done on another thread on the Politics forum).

There's a difference between dying on a cross and rising from the dead and NOT DYING via crucifixion in the first place, which those who say this Issa/Yuz Asaf is actually Christ claimed to have happened.

So, it is you, trying to diminish the major differences between these figures, clamining that they're "tiny" or "minor", because they topple your arguments completely.

But you don't address the fact that both he and Jesus led eactly parallel lives at the same time in he same place. You likewise evade Issa's claim that he and Jesus are one in the same person?

You're hardly one to talk about evading and not addressing items (see the question about your "dying resurrecting godman" claims, as well as your claim about Moses' tomb in the Exodus thread).

Plus, I've address the issue. What I've stated, multiple times, is that the man in that tomb in Kashmir is not Jesus Christ, for reasons mentioned numerous times beforehand, namely the historical data that cites the time, date, location and manner of Christ's actual death.

That doesn't jive with the claims of Issa/Yuz Asaf.

Instead of posting non sequitur insults after each quoted line of my posts (which doesn't help the debate), why don't you try explaining your thinking in detail?

I've explained my statement in detail, and that's why you continue to run and hide, not addressing the specific issues brought to you.

How exactly do you reconcile this Issa character with your faith in Jesus?

You keep repeating half-arguments, we've all heard them, but that's not the part of your argument I have trouble understanding: it's the unspoken, the evaded, the unexplained reasoning... elucidate that for us?

-which similarities between Jesus and oter gods DO you concede?


You're the one who claimed that those other figures were all "dying resurrecting godmen". When faced with the facts and references, showing that they ARE NOT SUCH, you continue to balk, squawk, hide, and make excuses.

-why do you think ALL Christians throughout history adhered to Pauline doctrine?

-why do you insist the Cathars; Bogomils; Arans etc were Pauline Christians?

Explain yourself properly. I'll listen.

I never claimed that the Cathars or any of those other folks were "Pauline Christians". Furthermore, the idea of the resurrected Christ is NOT "Pauline doctrine". Paul was taught the foundations of the faith by Jesus' early followers (including some of His disciples).

The Luke
PS cut-and-pastes.

I can "cut and paste" whatever I wish, if I feel that such illustrate the point properly (especially when doing such, citing the source material, crushes your unsubstantiated claims). The one difference, however, is that I actually cite my sources; whereas you don't, foolishly trying to convince people that you're pulling all of these statements from pure memory.
Post by: The Luke on September 27, 2009, 08:59:43 PM
Plus, I've address the issue. What I've stated, multiple times, is that the man in that tomb in Kashmir is not Jesus Christ, for reasons mentioned numerous times beforehand, namely the historical data that cites the time, date, location and manner of Christ's actual death.

That doesn't jive with the claims of Issa/Yuz Asaf.

...more on this please.

Explain it in detail as you would to a child... 'cos I'm confused.

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 27, 2009, 09:13:40 PM
...more on this please.

Explain it in detail as you would to a child... 'cos I'm confused.

The Luke

You're not confused; you're in denial. I've already mentioned the historical sources that cite Jesus' death via crucifixion. Those do not match the claims of Issa surviving the crucifixion, whatsoever.

Plus, you're hiding again, trying to dodge the issue, regarding your "dying resurrection godmen" claims.
Post by: The Luke on September 27, 2009, 09:28:18 PM
You're not confused; you're in denial. I've already mentioned the historical sources that cite Jesus' death via crucifixion. Those do not match the claims of Issa surviving the crucifixion, whatsoever. so?

Issa's followers maintain that he IS Jesus; that he was crucified; died; and rose from the dead.

Remember, Issa's followers claim he actual resurrected from the dead... it is only the archaeologists who argue that he must have somehow survived the cross without dying because they have actual proof of an actual person (the body) who was crucified (the wounds depicted on his tomb) yet lived on.

It is only the scientists wo argue the swoon theory because they don't accept resurrection as a logical argument.

So if Issa lived the same lif as Jesus, at the same time, in the same place, and many believe he actually IS Jesus... then the stories ONLY diverge when Jesus ascends into heaven, and Issa retires to Kashmir.

Am I following...?

The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 28, 2009, 05:07:05 AM so?

Issa's followers maintain that he IS Jesus; that he was crucified; died; and rose from the dead.

Remember, Issa's followers claim he actual resurrected from the dead... it is only the archaeologists who argue that he must have somehow survived the cross without dying because they have actual proof of an actual person (the body) who was crucified (the wounds depicted on his tomb) yet lived on.

You miss again, Luke. The lion's share of folks who hold that Issa is Jesus Christ are Muslim and their teachings FROM THE KORAN claim that Issa did not die via crucifixion.

It is only the scientists wo argue the swoon theory because they don't accept resurrection as a logical argument.

Wrong, yet again!!

So if Issa lived the same lif as Jesus, at the same time, in the same place, and many believe he actually IS Jesus... then the stories ONLY diverge when Jesus ascends into heaven, and Issa retires to Kashmir.

Am I following...?

The Luke

Not even close!! And, like the coward you are, you continue to evade and flee from defending your claims about the "dying resurrecting godmen". Since you can't escape the fact that the figures you claim were "dying resurrecting godmen" are definitely NOT SUCH, you're now on your new flavor of the month, "Issa".

But, as usual, your facts about the claims for Issa are just as inaccurate as those, regarding Osiris, Attis, Dionysus, et. al.

Post by: The Luke on September 28, 2009, 12:41:28 PM
So you don't believe Attis; Dionysus; Bacchus; Hercules; Mithras etc etc are dying and resurrecting godmen because there are versions of their stories in which they do not rise from the dead. Seems a little selective, but it's a defensible viewpoint. 

But you insist Jesus DID rise from the dead because the canonical gospels claim such, despite the fact that there are plenty of other versions of the Jesus story in which he does not rise from the dead.

Again, you are protecting your particular favorite godman from the rigours of the selective standards you use to dismiss his counterparts.

Epic double standard.

The Luke 
Post by: MCWAY on September 28, 2009, 01:35:29 PM
So you don't believe Attis; Dionysus; Bacchus; Hercules; Mithras etc etc are dying and resurrecting godmen because there are versions of their stories in which they do not rise from the dead. Seems a little selective, but it's a defensible viewpoint. 

You've been asked FOR months, to produce the so-called "mystery religion" versions that show these figures rising from the dead. To date, you've come up with SQUAT!

But you insist Jesus DID rise from the dead because the canonical gospels claim such, despite the fact that there are plenty of other versions of the Jesus story in which he does not rise from the dead.

Again, you are protecting your particular favorite godman from the rigours of the selective standards you use to dismiss his counterparts.

Epic double standard.

The Luke 

There's no "protecting" involving. The allegedly plenty of other version of the Jesus story have pretty much been refuted by historical and archaeological data. The one that has withstood the test of time and scrutiny, far greater than that of 19th-21st century skeptics, is that given from the canonical Gospels.

Post by: The Luke on September 28, 2009, 01:40:38 PM
The one that has withstood the test of time and scrutiny, far greater than that of 19th-21st century skeptics, is that given from the canonical Gospels.


The Luke
Post by: MCWAY on September 28, 2009, 01:42:43 PM

The Luke

NOPE!! That would be Jesus Christ. And Issa/Yuz Asaf or whoever is buried in Kashmir simply ain't the guy.
Post by: The Luke on September 28, 2009, 01:52:50 PM
NOPE!! That would be Jesus Christ. And Issa/Yuz Asaf or whoever is buried in Kashmir simply ain't the guy.


The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on October 02, 2009, 09:48:03 PM
MCWAY, what is your take on this prophecy?

The, Messiah (Jesus) must appear at an exact time. So, WHEN I'm sure you want to know? The angel Gabriel told Daniel, and this prophet tells us - Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the anointed one, the prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks. - (Dan. 9:24, 25).

So from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah the prince would be sixty-nine weeks. How long are these sixty-nine weeks,? They are not weeks of days but weeks of years, in harmony with the rule each day for a year, often found in Bible chronology. - (Ezek. 4:6; Num. 14:34).

When do these sixty-nine weeks of years, or 483 years, begin counting? They begin, as Daniel said, from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. When was this? History tells us it was 455 B.C. That year King Artaxerxes decreed that Jerusalem and its wall be rebuilt. This is found at (Nehemiah 2:1-8). So starting with 455 B.C., the 483 years would end A.D. 29. This is the exact time for Messiah to appear. He could not appear on earth either before or after that date.

Did Messiah appear A.D. 29? Indeed he did! ( Luke 3:1-4, ) says - In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, - God's declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness. So he came into all the country around the Jordan, preaching baptism of those repenting for forgiveness of sins. About six months later Jesus of Nazareth came to John and was baptized, and at this baptism it was evidenced that Jesus became the Messiah, the Anointed One; for he was anointed with God's holy spirit. - (Take a look see at Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:32-34 and Luke 4:17-19).


Post by: MCWAY on October 05, 2009, 07:34:27 AM
MCWAY, what is your take on this prophecy?

The, Messiah (Jesus) must appear at an exact time. So, WHEN I'm sure you want to know? The angel Gabriel told Daniel, and this prophet tells us - Seventy weeks are decreed upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy. Know therefore and discern, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the anointed one, the prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks. - (Dan. 9:24, 25).

So from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah the prince would be sixty-nine weeks. How long are these sixty-nine weeks,? They are not weeks of days but weeks of years, in harmony with the rule each day for a year, often found in Bible chronology. - (Ezek. 4:6; Num. 14:34).

When do these sixty-nine weeks of years, or 483 years, begin counting? They begin, as Daniel said, from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem. When was this? History tells us it was 455 B.C. That year King Artaxerxes decreed that Jerusalem and its wall be rebuilt. This is found at (Nehemiah 2:1-8). So starting with 455 B.C., the 483 years would end A.D. 29. This is the exact time for Messiah to appear. He could not appear on earth either before or after that date.

Did Messiah appear A.D. 29? Indeed he did! ( Luke 3:1-4, ) says - In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, - God's declaration came to John the son of Zechariah in the wilderness. So he came into all the country around the Jordan, preaching baptism of those repenting for forgiveness of sins. About six months later Jesus of Nazareth came to John and was baptized, and at this baptism it was evidenced that Jesus became the Messiah, the Anointed One; for he was anointed with God's holy spirit. - (Take a look see at Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:32-34 and Luke 4:17-19).


I've heard of the prophecy before, back when I was in my 20s. It's basically a backdrop to citing when Jesus would be born.

It's pretty much on the money. And, it's also why traditional Bible scholars have held Luke in high regards as an historian, as it relates to his Gospel account of Jesus.
Post by: Necrosis on October 05, 2009, 08:27:25 PM
I've heard of the prophecy before, back when I was in my 20s. It's basically a backdrop to citing when Jesus would be born.

It's pretty much on the money. And, it's also why traditional Bible scholars have held Luke in high regards as an historian, as it relates to his Gospel account of Jesus.

wasnt the bible written after the jesus? is so, doesnt that defeat any credibility of prophecy.
Post by: MCWAY on October 06, 2009, 10:45:04 AM
wasnt the bible written after the jesus? is so, doesnt that defeat any credibility of prophecy.

Part of it, the portion to which we refer as the New Testament (Matthew to Revelation) was.

The other 39 books, Genesis to Malachi, was written before Christ birth. This is the Hebrew Tanakh, or what Christians call the Old Testament.
Post by: Government_Controlled on October 06, 2009, 10:44:08 PM

[Author = GC/DEA_AGENT]

So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In (Genesis 2:7) it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as (Genesis) states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?

  • Believe it or not, some people are surprised to learn that Adam and Eve are mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bible. What insight do these references shed on the historicity of the Genesis account? Consider, for example, the Jewish ancestral lists recorded in the Bible book of (1 Chronicles 1-9) and in the Gospel of (Luke chapter 3). These remarkably detailed genealogical recrods span 48 and 75 generations respectively. Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus Christ, while (Chronicles) records the royal and priestly ancestral lines for the nation of Israel. Both lists include the names of such well-known figures as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and finally Adam. All the names in the two lists represent real people, and Adam was the original real person on each list. The Greek scriptures confirms the historicity of the account given in the early chapters of (Genesis).

  • Regarding the shape of earth ,the Bible reports that the planet was ROUND. (Isaiah 40:22) - "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,and its people are like gasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,and spreads them out like a tent to live in". It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then. Only in the 20th century has it been possible for humans to observe the shape of the earth. How did the Bible know this?

  • (Lev. 11:6) - "The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you." Critics attacked this for quite some time, yet the rabbit's cud chewing was finally observed by William Cowper (Englishmen) in the 18th century. The unusual way in which it is done was described in 1940 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 110, Series A, pp. 159-163. (Leviticus) was written by Moses. Again, how would Moses know this info? He wrote this around 1512 B.C. If you think Moses got fortunate again or observed this, then why did he give God the credit? Did Moses lie?

  • The internal harmony is staggering/significant, to say the least. This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were written by 40 men as different as night and day such as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail. Isn't this a little to coincidental?

  • The fulfillment of prophecies is nothing short of extraordinary!

    (Isa. 44:24, 27, 28; 45:1-4) - (24) "This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things,who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, (27) who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your streams,' (28) who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid." '

    (1) "This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: (2) I will go before you and will level the mountains ; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. (3) I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD,the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (4) For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me"
    .    (The book of (Isaiah) was finished around  732 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: It's known that Cyrus had not been born when this prophecy was written. The Jews were exiled to Babylon in 617-607 B.C., the temple and  Jerusalem  were not destroyed until 607 B.C. The prophecy was fulfilled in detail starting in 539 B.C. The river gates of Babylon were carelessly left open during feasting in the city allowing Cyrus to divert the waters of the Euphrates River into a fake lake,  thereby Babylon was overtaken by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus. So then, Cyrus liberated the Jewish exiles and sent them back to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the  God of Abraham's temple there. - The Encyclopedia Americana (1956), Vol. III, p. 9; Light From the Ancient Past (Princeton, 1959), Jack Finegan, pp. 227-229.

    (Luke 19:41-44; 21:20,21) - (41) "Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, (42) saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. (43) For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, (44) and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

    (20) But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. (21) Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her'"
    . (Jesus stated this Prophecy in 33 A.D.)

    * Fulfillment: In 66 A.D., Jerusalem rebelled against Rome. Cestius Gallus (Roman army officer) attacked the city. However, Gallus without hesitation stopped the attack. As Josephus stated - "suddenly called off his men, abandoned hope though he had suffered no reverse, and flying in the face of all reason retired from the City". (Josephus, the Jewish War, Penguin Classics, 1969, p. 167)

    This gave the Christians time to leave the city, which they did, moving to Pella, beyond the Jordan. (Eusebius Pamphilus in his Ecclesiastical History, which was translated by C. F. Cruse, London, 1894, p. 75).

    General Titus took the city around Passover time in 70 A.D. He did this by installing fence 4.5 miles long around the city in three days, thereby after five months Jerusalem was conquered. "Jerusalem itself was systematically destroyed and the Temple left in ruins. Archaeological work shows us today just how effective was the destruction of Jewish buildings all over the land". (The Bible and Archaeology [Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1962], J. A. Thompson, p. 299).

    Jer. 49:17, 18 - “‘Edom must become an object of astonishment. Everyone passing along by her will stare in astonishment and whistle on account of all her plagues. Just as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and her neighbor towns,’ the God of Israel has said, ‘no man will dwell there.’” (Completed by 580 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: "They [the Edomites] were driven from Palestine in the 2nd century B.C. by Judas Maccabaeus, and in 109 B.C. John Hyrcanus, Maccabaen leader, extended the kingdom of Judah to include the w. part of Edomitic lands. In the 1st century B.C. Roman expansion swept away the last vestige of Edomitic independence . . . After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. . . . the name Idumae [Edom] disappeared from history." (The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952, Vol. 11, p. 4114) This realization extends down to our day. In no way can it be argued that this prophecy was written after the events had taken place.

  • How about the Bible's knowledge of mountains? Here is a quote on geology from a textbook - “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated." This is what the Bible says - (6) "You [God] covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. (Eight) The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You [God] established for them." (Psalms 104:6,8)

  • The Bible speaks about the earth's water cycle. (Ecclesiates 1:7) - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again". (This was written before 1000 B.C.)! Did the Bible get fortunate again?

  • What about the laws that govern the universe? Take a look see at what (Jeremiah 33:25) has to say -(24) "Haven't you noticed what these people are saying? They say, 'The Lord once chose the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now he has turned his back on them.' So they hate my people. They do not think of them as a nation anymore. (25) I say, 'What if I had not made my covenant with day and night? What if I had not established the laws of heaven and earth?  Again, did the Bible get fortunate? (This was written before 580 B.C.)

  • How about the earth being suspended in space! (Job 26:7) - "He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing". (Written about 1613 B.C.) These men never took credit for this info!

  • According to the book of (Daniel), Babylon's last leader was named Belshazzar this is of course before it (Babylon) fell to the Persians. (Daniel 5:1-30) Critics claimed the Bible was wrong about the existence of Belshazzar, since only the Bible mentioned him. However in the 19th century, several cuneiform were discovered in some ruins in southern Iraq. In these (cuneiform) writting's a prayer for the health of the oldest son of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. Belshazzar was his name.

    So there was a Belshazzar! But was he a king, when Babylon fell? Most documents subsequently found referred to him as the son of the king, the crown prince. But a cuneiform document described as the “Verse Account of Nabonidus” shed more light on Belshazzar’s true position. It stated - “He (Nabonidus) entrusted the ‘Camp’ to his oldest (son), the firstborn, the troops everywhere in the country he ordered under his (command). He let (everything) go, he entrusted the kingship to him.” So Belshazzar was entrusted with the kingship. This relationship between Belshazzar and his father, Nabonidus, explains why Belshazzar, during that final banquet in Babylon, offered to make Daniel the third ruler in the kingdom. (Daniel 5:16) Since Nabonidus was the first ruler, Belshazzar himself was only the second ruler of Babylon.

  • The Bible's account regarding the ORGIN OF THE UNIVERSE conforms to astronomical evidence! (Gen. 1:1) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  Robert Jastrow stated -  “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy.” - God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.

All Bullshot.

You know...I would take the time to explain why, and in detail, but I just don't think you're even smart enough for me to bother.

Aren't YOU the ONE who had to be schooled about Lucifer? Or did we forget so quick? Peace!

Title: McWay
Post by: Government_Controlled on October 15, 2009, 06:12:07 PM
I've heard of the prophecy before, back when I was in my 20s. It's basically a backdrop to citing when Jesus would be born.

It's pretty much on the money. And, it's also why traditional Bible scholars have held Luke in high regards as an historian, as it relates to his Gospel account of Jesus.

What stuck out to me friend, is the fact that, that prophecy indicates that Jesus would be baptized in 29 C.E. This makes "The Luke's" so called "Mystery Religion" fallacies (claims) in regards to applying it to the Jesus of the Bible, just that, utter Bull-shot! NOBODY in any recorded history makes this claim! No matter who, what, where or for that matter, made up can say that it would happen in the ripe Ole year of 29 C.E. This makes the Jesus of the Bible TOTALLY and COMPLETELY UNIQUE!. Peace!

Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 15, 2009, 07:26:35 PM
What stuck out to me friend, is the fact that, that prophecy indicates that Jesus would be baptized in 29 C.E. This makes "The Luke's" so called "Mystery Religion" fallacies (claims) in regards to applying it to the Jesus of the Bible, just that, utter Bull-shot! Nobody an any recorded history makes this claim! No matter who, what, where or for that matter, made up can say that it would happen in the ripe Ole year of 29 C.E. This makes the Jesus of the Bible TOTALLY and COMPLETELY UNIQUE!. Peace!

Epic calculation... did you remember to subtract a year after you willy-nilly equated weeks with weeks of years?

There is no year ZERO... maybe you should redo the maths.

The Luke
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: Government_Controlled on October 16, 2009, 04:34:53 AM
Epic calculation... did you remember to subtract a year after you willy-nilly equated weeks with weeks of years?

There is no year ZERO... maybe you should redo the maths.

The Luke

Are YOU SURE about that, "The Luke? Please, explain in detail, I can't wait!

Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 16, 2009, 11:42:07 AM
Are YOU SURE about that, "The Luke? Please, explain in detail, I can't wait! you think there is a year zero in the Christian calendar? There isn't.

The Luke
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: Government_Controlled on October 20, 2009, 08:18:12 AM you think there is a year zero in the Christian calendar? There isn't.

The Luke

Are YOU 100% positive?

Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 21, 2009, 05:56:15 AM
Are YOU 100% positive?


The Christians who worked out the AD/BC chronology had Christ born in 1 AD, it should have been Zero AD. Not only that, but they also calculated the dates incorrectly... a proper calculation puts Jesus birth somewhere around 4-6 BC.

They fooked-up!

So what does all that do to your prophecies?

The Luke
Post by: Skip8282 on October 21, 2009, 06:47:18 PM

The Christians who worked out the AD/BC chronology had Christ born in 1 AD, it should have been Zero AD. Not only that, but they also calculated the dates incorrectly... a proper calculation puts Jesus birth somewhere around 4-6 BC.

They fooked-up!

So what does all that do to your prophecies?

The Luke

I'm not sure if it was a fuck-up, so much as an inability.  As I understand it, the mathematics at that time didn't allow for the use of zeroes.
Post by: The Luke on October 22, 2009, 07:06:07 AM
You don't need a zero to know that Jesus shouldn't be having his first birthday in 2 AD.

The Luke
Post by: Skip8282 on October 22, 2009, 04:55:29 PM
If the math your using doesn't permit zeroes, of course his bd would fall wrongly.  It's basic math to us now, not so much to them.

I'm not a believer either Luke, but at least apply a modicum of common sense.
Post by: The Luke on October 22, 2009, 07:14:38 PM
I'm not a believer either Luke, but at least apply a modicum of common sense.

The Romans got around this problem pretty simply...

They measured their years "a urbe condita" ie: "from the founding of the city (Rome)"... They made 753 BC the year of Rome's founding (a sort of effective zero year) and measured only the year afterwards as 1 AUC (ad urbe condita)... and the year before it as 1 AU (ante urbem: before Rome).

It's a simple correction and easily understood: you can count backwards and forwards from a certain YEAR but not from a particular day or event (not without the miscounted zero error).

I think I've scared poor Government Controlled into re-evaluating his prophecy spiel... the fulfillment of prophecy seems to be favourite affirmation of the religiously minded. Everyone forgets that much of the Old Testament was rewritten and edited to fit with the Jesus myth, which itsef was tweaked in ater centuries to fit prophecy as discrepancies were noticed.

The Luke
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: MCWAY on October 23, 2009, 08:05:22 AM

The Christians who worked out the AD/BC chronology had Christ born in 1 AD, it should have been Zero AD. Not only that, but they also calculated the dates incorrectly... a proper calculation puts Jesus birth somewhere around 4-6 BC.

They fooked-up!

So what does all that do to your prophecies?

The Luke

Basically.......nothing!! If Jesus is born 6-4 B.C., and His appearing as Messiah during Tiberius' 15th year (28 A.D.), that would put Jesus in his early 30s or "about 30" as Luke mentioned in chapter 3 of his Gospel.

Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 23, 2009, 03:28:57 PM
Basically.......nothing!! If Jesus is born 6-4 B.C., and His appearing as Messiah during Tiberius' 15th year (28 A.D.), that would put Jesus in his early 30s or "about 30" as Luke mentioned in chapter 3 of his Gospel.

...yeah, but he has to be dead by 33, like the original Son of God. You know who that is right?

The Luke
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: MCWAY on October 26, 2009, 05:58:26 AM
...yeah, but he has to be dead by 33, like the original Son of God. You know who that is right?

The Luke

Yep!! And it ain't your flavor-of-the-month, alleged "dying-resurrecting godman" (who, upon further review, doesn't die in the same manner as Jesus Christ nor does he rise from the dead, whatsoever).

Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 26, 2009, 09:54:17 AM
Yep!! And it ain't your flavor-of-the-month, alleged "dying-resurrecting godman" (who, upon further review, doesn't die in the same manner as Jesus Christ nor does he rise from the dead, whatsoever).

...yep, Alexander the Great.

The Luke
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: loco on October 26, 2009, 10:24:41 AM
...yep, Alexander the Great.

The Luke

Alexander the Great was 32 when he died.

Depuydt L. "The Time of Death of Alexander the Great: 11 June 323 BC, ca. 4:00-5:00 PM". Die Welt des Orients 28: 117-135.
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: MCWAY on October 26, 2009, 10:34:30 AM
...yep, Alexander the Great.

The Luke

I'm sorry! I missed the claims of Alexandar dying via crucifixion or rising from the dead.
Title: Re: McWay
Post by: The Luke on October 30, 2009, 03:46:29 PM
...yeah, but he has to be dead by 33, like the original Son of God. You know who that is right?

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 15, 2010, 03:00:50 AM
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) Does this mean the earth was created in a literal 24 hour day?. Not hardly, people who study the Bible, particularly Scholars, agree this verse elucidates an action divergent from the creative days recapitulated from verse 3 onward. The belief is sagacious. The Scriptures' beginning account, the universe, including Earth, was in real time for an indefinite duration before the creative days began.

So then, do these findings, (the earth is about 4 billion years old and the universe to be around 15 billion years or so old) or their (scientist) potential future refinements, contradict Genesis 1:1? Not from what I can tell. The scriptures do not specify the actual age of "the heavens and the earth". Science doesn't disprove this Biblical text.

Hence, how long were the Creative Days? Were they a literal 24 hour period of time?

Post by: MCWAY on February 17, 2010, 07:07:32 AM
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Genesis 1:1) Does this mean the earth was created in a literal 24 hour day?. Not hardly, people who study the Bible, particularly Scholars, agree this verse elucidates an action divergent from the creative days recapitulated from verse 3 onward. The belief is sagacious. The Scriptures' beginning account, the universe, including Earth, was in real time for an indefinite duration before the creative days began.

So then, do these findings, (the earth is about 4 billion years old and the universe to be around 15 billion years or so old) or their (scientist) potential future refinements, contradict Genesis 1:1? Not from what I can tell. The scriptures do not specify the actual age of "the heavens and the earth". Science doesn't disprove this Biblical text.

Hence, how long were the Creative Days? Were they a literal 24 hour period of time?


Doesn't the book of Genesis cite the "evening and the morning" were the "first day", the "second day", etc.?
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 20, 2010, 08:54:26 AM
Doesn't the book of Genesis cite the "evening and the morning" were the "first day", the "second day", etc.?

1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2) Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3) And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4) God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5) God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Yes it does, friend. The problem tho is with interpretation of what a "day" means. There is indication that those creative "days" you are referring to, do NOT mean a literal "24 hour period of time. For instance, I could say "back in my "day" I walked around 0% bf, all water squeezed out, and carried 250lbs of bw at 5'5"". Does that mean I'm speaking of a particular 24 hour period? No, I could mean that for a extended period of time, maybe 5 years, I walked around in this condition.

So, "day" when mentioned in these accounts, when studied, show that "day" was being used to indicate a certain period of time, not a literal "24" period.

Post by: Necrosis on February 20, 2010, 04:13:08 PM
1) In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2) Now the earth was [a] formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3) And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4) God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. 5) God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

Yes it does, friend. The problem tho is with interpretation of what a "day" means. There is indication that those creative "days" you are referring to, do NOT mean a literal "24 hour period of time. For instance, I could say "back in my "day" I walked around 0% bf, all water squeezed out, and carried 250lbs of bw at 5'5"". Does that mean I'm speaking of a particular 24 hour period? No, I could mean that for a extended period of time, maybe 5 years, I walked around in this condition.

So, "day" when mentioned in these accounts, when studied, show that "day" was being used to indicate a certain period of time, not a literal "24" period.


When studied? i see day and night with evening, called a day, how can you interpret it any other way?
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 20, 2010, 07:49:30 PM
When studied? i see day and night with evening, called a day, how can you interpret it any other way?

*sigh* You're going to have to take a beginners course in Bible 101, necrosis. This thread is a tad, shad above your knowledge as of yet. I could give you the answer, but it would merely SOAR FAR ABOVE your wisdom for now. Check back when you have taken the course.

P.S. I'm still studying, with 16 years under the bridge. Right at, half of my life.

Post by: The Luke on February 21, 2010, 07:35:26 PM
Wouldn't a beginners course in Bible studies begin with the mistranslations endemic in the English-language versions of Genesis...?

You guys are arguing the technicalities of what constitutes the first day... all the while overlooking the very serious mistranslations involved.

For example, the plurals... in the beginning, who is God talking to? It's Astarte (his wife/alternate deity). Then THEY (Yahweh and Astarte) are talking to the OTHERS (the zodiac gods). Then THEY collectively (Yahweh, Astarte and the zodiac gods) are talking to the planetary gods.

...oh, and none of them CREATE anything. The Hebrew word "bara" only had one meaning at the time Genesis was written... it meant "to separate", not "create".

Guess that's what this thread is all about... if you believe God wrote the Bible, how do you reconcile that with all the obvious errors in the Bible?

...and all of this is before we get into the really disturbing stuff: Adam's first wife Lilith, the emasculation of Adam, Cain and Abel fighting over their sister.

What a mess.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 24, 2010, 04:35:50 PM
Wouldn't a beginners course in Bible studies begin with the mistranslations endemic in the English-language versions of Genesis...?

You guys are arguing the technicalities of what constitutes the first day... all the while overlooking the very serious mistranslations involved.

For example, the plurals... in the beginning, who is God talking to? It's Astarte (his wife/alternate deity). Then THEY (Yahweh and Astarte) are talking to the OTHERS (the zodiac gods). Then THEY collectively (Yahweh, Astarte and the zodiac gods) are talking to the planetary gods.

...oh, and none of them CREATE anything. The Hebrew word "bara" only had one meaning at the time Genesis was written... it meant "to separate", not "create".

Guess that's what this thread is all about... if you believe God wrote the Bible, how do you reconcile that with all the obvious errors in the Bible?

...and all of this is before we get into the really disturbing stuff: Adam's first wife Lilith, the emasculation of Adam, Cain and Abel fighting over their sister.

What a mess.

The Luke


Post by: The Luke on February 24, 2010, 05:16:39 PM

...I don't get the joke? Explain, please.

The Luke
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 24, 2010, 05:49:40 PM
...I don't get the joke? Explain, please.

The Luke


Post by: The Luke on February 24, 2010, 05:54:43 PM

Still don't get it...? Is English your first language?

The Luke
Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 24, 2010, 08:52:59 PM
So, if you have points that can be made to prove the Bible's credibility regarding authorship, lets see it.

  • In (Genesis 2:7) it says that Adam was made from the ground (earth). It's known that the human body is made up of 41 chemical elements. These basic elements---carbon, iron, oxygen, and others---are all present in the "dust" of the earth. Therefore, as (Genesis) states, humans truly are formed "out of the dust from the ground". This was written around 4,500 years ago (give or take) by Moses. How is it possible that Moses new of this scientific info regarding a humans composition, when in that day this info was not known?

  • Believe it or not, some people are surprised to learn that Adam and Eve are mentioned repeatedly throughout the Bible. What insight do these references shed on the historicity of the Genesis account? Consider, for example, the Jewish ancestral lists recorded in the Bible book of (1 Chronicles 1-9) and in the Gospel of (Luke chapter 3). These remarkably detailed genealogical recrods span 48 and 75 generations respectively. Luke traces the genealogy of Jesus Christ, while (Chronicles) records the royal and priestly ancestral lines for the nation of Israel. Both lists include the names of such well-known figures as Solomon, David, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and finally Adam. All the names in the two lists represent real people, and Adam was the original real person on each list. The Greek scriptures confirms the historicity of the account given in the early chapters of (Genesis).

  • Regarding the shape of earth ,the Bible reports that the planet was ROUND. (Isaiah 40:22) - "He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth,and its people are like gasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy,and spreads them out like a tent to live in". It was not until over 200 years after this Bible text had been written that a school of Greek philosophers reasoned that the earth likely was spherical, and in about another 300 years a Greek astronomer calculated the approximate radius of the earth. But the idea of a spherical earth was not the general view even then. Only in the 20th century has it been possible for humans to observe the shape of the earth. How did the Bible know this?

  • (Lev. 11:6) - "The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you." Critics attacked this for quite some time, yet the rabbit's cud chewing was finally observed by William Cowper (Englishmen) in the 18th century. The unusual way in which it is done was described in 1940 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Vol. 110, Series A, pp. 159-163. (Leviticus) was written by Moses. Again, how would Moses know this info? He wrote this around 1512 B.C. If you think Moses got fortunate again or observed this, then why did he give God the credit? Did Moses lie?

  • The internal harmony is staggering/significant, to say the least. This is especially so in view of the fact that the books of the Bible were written by 40 men as different as night and day such as king, prophet, herdsman, tax collector, and physician. They did the writing over a period of 1,610 years; so there was no opportunity for collusion. Yet their writings agree, even in the smallest detail. Isn't this a little to coincidental?

  • The fulfillment of prophecies is nothing short of extraordinary!

    (Isa. 44:24, 27, 28; 45:1-4) - (24) "This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, who has made all things,who alone stretched out the heavens, who spread out the earth by myself, (27) who says to the watery deep, 'Be dry, and I will dry up your streams,' (28) who says of Cyrus, 'He is my shepherd and will accomplish all that I please; he will say of Jerusalem, "Let it be rebuilt," and of the temple, "Let its foundations be laid." '

    (1) "This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: (2) I will go before you and will level the mountains ; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. (3) I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD,the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (4) For the sake of Jacob my servant, of Israel my chosen, I summon you by name and bestow on you a title of honor, though you do not acknowledge me"
    .    (The book of (Isaiah) was finished around  732 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: It's known that Cyrus had not been born when this prophecy was written. The Jews were exiled to Babylon in 617-607 B.C., the temple and  Jerusalem  were not destroyed until 607 B.C. The prophecy was fulfilled in detail starting in 539 B.C. The river gates of Babylon were carelessly left open during feasting in the city allowing Cyrus to divert the waters of the Euphrates River into a fake lake,  thereby Babylon was overtaken by the Medes and Persians under Cyrus. So then, Cyrus liberated the Jewish exiles and sent them back to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the  God of Abraham's temple there. - The Encyclopedia Americana (1956), Vol. III, p. 9; Light From the Ancient Past (Princeton, 1959), Jack Finegan, pp. 227-229.

    (Luke 19:41-44; 21:20,21) - (41) "Now as He drew near, He saw the city and wept over it, (42) saying, 'If you had known, even you, especially in this your day, the things that make for your peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. (43) For days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment around you, surround you and close you in on every side, (44) and level you, and your children within you, to the ground; and they will not leave in you one stone upon another, because you did not know the time of your visitation.

    (20) But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is near. (21) Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, let those who are in the midst of her depart, and let not those who are in the country enter her'"
    . (Jesus stated this Prophecy in 33 A.D.)

    * Fulfillment: In 66 A.D., Jerusalem rebelled against Rome. Cestius Gallus (Roman army officer) attacked the city. However, Gallus without hesitation stopped the attack. As Josephus stated - "suddenly called off his men, abandoned hope though he had suffered no reverse, and flying in the face of all reason retired from the City". (Josephus, the Jewish War, Penguin Classics, 1969, p. 167)

    This gave the Christians time to leave the city, which they did, moving to Pella, beyond the Jordan. (Eusebius Pamphilus in his Ecclesiastical History, which was translated by C. F. Cruse, London, 1894, p. 75).

    General Titus took the city around Passover time in 70 A.D. He did this by installing fence 4.5 miles long around the city in three days, thereby after five months Jerusalem was conquered. "Jerusalem itself was systematically destroyed and the Temple left in ruins. Archaeological work shows us today just how effective was the destruction of Jewish buildings all over the land". (The Bible and Archaeology [Grand Rapids, Mich.; 1962], J. A. Thompson, p. 299).

    Jer. 49:17, 18 - “‘Edom must become an object of astonishment. Everyone passing along by her will stare in astonishment and whistle on account of all her plagues. Just as in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and her neighbor towns,’ the God of Israel has said, ‘no man will dwell there.’” (Completed by 580 B.C.)

    * Fulfillment: "They [the Edomites] were driven from Palestine in the 2nd century B.C. by Judas Maccabaeus, and in 109 B.C. John Hyrcanus, Maccabaen leader, extended the kingdom of Judah to include the w. part of Edomitic lands. In the 1st century B.C. Roman expansion swept away the last vestige of Edomitic independence . . . After the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. . . . the name Idumae [Edom] disappeared from history." (The New Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, 1952, Vol. 11, p. 4114) This realization extends down to our day. In no way can it be argued that this prophecy was written after the events had taken place.

  • How about the Bible's knowledge of mountains? Here is a quote on geology from a textbook - “From Pre-Cambrian times down to the present, the perpetual process of building and destroying mountains has continued. . . . Not only have mountains originated from the bottom of vanished seas, but they have often been submerged long after their formation, and then re-elevated." This is what the Bible says - (6) "You [God] covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. (Eight) The mountains rose; the valleys sank down to the place which You [God] established for them." (Psalms 104:6,8)

  • The Bible speaks about the earth's water cycle. (Ecclesiates 1:7) - "All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full; unto the place from whence the rivers come, thither they return again". (This was written before 1000 B.C.)! Did the Bible get fortunate again?

  • What about the laws that govern the universe? Take a look see at what (Jeremiah 33:25) has to say -(24) "Haven't you noticed what these people are saying? They say, 'The Lord once chose the two kingdoms of Israel and Judah. But now he has turned his back on them.' So they hate my people. They do not think of them as a nation anymore. (25) I say, 'What if I had not made my covenant with day and night? What if I had not established the laws of heaven and earth?  Again, did the Bible get fortunate? (This was written before 580 B.C.)

  • How about the earth being suspended in space! (Job 26:7) - "He stretcheth out the north over empty space, And hangeth the earth upon nothing". (Written about 1613 B.C.) These men never took credit for this info!

  • According to the book of (Daniel), Babylon's last leader was named Belshazzar this is of course before it (Babylon) fell to the Persians. (Daniel 5:1-30) Critics claimed the Bible was wrong about the existence of Belshazzar, since only the Bible mentioned him. However in the 19th century, several cuneiform were discovered in some ruins in southern Iraq. In these (cuneiform) writting's a prayer for the health of the oldest son of Nabonidus, king of Babylon. Belshazzar was his name.

    So there was a Belshazzar! But was he a king, when Babylon fell? Most documents subsequently found referred to him as the son of the king, the crown prince. But a cuneiform document described as the “Verse Account of Nabonidus” shed more light on Belshazzar’s true position. It stated - “He (Nabonidus) entrusted the ‘Camp’ to his oldest (son), the firstborn, the troops everywhere in the country he ordered under his (command). He let (everything) go, he entrusted the kingship to him.” So Belshazzar was entrusted with the kingship. This relationship between Belshazzar and his father, Nabonidus, explains why Belshazzar, during that final banquet in Babylon, offered to make Daniel the third ruler in the kingdom. (Daniel 5:16) Since Nabonidus was the first ruler, Belshazzar himself was only the second ruler of Babylon.

  • The Bible's account regarding the ORGIN OF THE UNIVERSE conforms to astronomical evidence! (Gen. 1:1) “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".  Robert Jastrow stated -  “Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy.” - God and the Astronomers (New York, 1978), p. 14.


How did these books come to be written? There's a wide range of opinion. Let me present the two most commonly held views--what we'll call the "traditional view" and the "scholarly view."

 The traditional explanation is that the Five Books of Moses were written by Moses himself. There are several variants of this explanation:

    * Traditional Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity believe that the text was dictated by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, letter for letter (or pretty much letter for letter).
    * Other religious groups still ascribe authorship to Moses, but use words like "divinely inspired" rather than "dictated letter for letter."
    * Still others say Moses was the sole author, but there's nothing "divine" about it except in the sense that all great works of literature and poetry are "inspired."

Mosaic authorship would mean the five books were written around 1280 to 1250 BC, the most commonly accepted range of dates for the exodus from Egypt, give or take 30 years.

It has long been recognized that there were a few problems with the traditional view of Moses as author. The text reports the death of Moses--how could Moses have written of his own death? It also describes Moses as "the most humble man who ever lived"--how could Moses write that about himself? But these are minor issues. Some say Moses' successor Joshua wrote the few lines that describe the death of Moses; others say that Moses himself was commanded to write that text before it happened. None of this represents a serious challenge to Mosaic authorship.

As time went on, however, scholars became increasingly skeptical of the idea of Moses as single author. Among their objections:

    * Several stories are repeated, with different characters or different emphasis (called "doublets"). For instance, there are two creation stories (Gen 1 and Gen 2). There are three stories of a patriarch traveling among pagans and pretending his wife is his sister. There are two stories of Moses striking a rock to produce water. There are two versions of the Ten Commandments (one in Exodus, one that Moses recaps in Deuteronomy) with slightly different wording. There are, in fact, a lot of these doublets.

    * There are internal inconsistencies. The number of days of the Flood story don't add up right. At one point, Noah takes two of each animal; at another point, he takes two of some, seven of others.  Joseph is sold into slavery to Ishmaelites in one verse, to Midianites a few verses later. The Mountain of Revelation is sometimes called Sinai and sometimes Horeb. Moses' father-in-law is sometimes called Yitro and sometimes Ruel, and so on.

Post by: Government_Controlled on February 24, 2010, 09:09:33 PM

How did these books come to be written? There's a wide range of opinion. Let me present the two most commonly held views--what we'll call the "traditional view" and the "scholarly view."

 The traditional explanation is that the Five Books of Moses were written by Moses himself. There are several variants of this explanation:

    * Traditional Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity believe that the text was dictated by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, letter for letter (or pretty much letter for letter).
    * Other religious groups still ascribe authorship to Moses, but use words like "divinely inspired" rather than "dictated letter for letter."
    * Still others say Moses was the sole author, but there's nothing "divine" about it except in the sense that all great works of literature and poetry are "inspired."

Mosaic authorship would mean the five books were written around 1280 to 1250 BC, the most commonly accepted range of dates for the exodus from Egypt, give or take 30 years.

It has long been recognized that there were a few problems with the traditional view of Moses as author. The text reports the death of Moses--how could Moses have written of his own death? It also describes Moses as "the most humble man who ever lived"--how could Moses write that about himself? But these are minor issues. Some say Moses' successor Joshua wrote the few lines that describe the death of Moses; others say that Moses himself was commanded to write that text before it happened. None of this represents a serious challenge to Mosaic authorship.

As time went on, however, scholars became increasingly skeptical of the idea of Moses as single author. Among their objections:

    * Several stories are repeated, with different characters or different emphasis (called "doublets"). For instance, there are two creation stories (Gen 1 and Gen 2). There are three stories of a patriarch traveling among pagans and pretending his wife is his sister. There are two stories of Moses striking a rock to produce water. There are two versions of the Ten Commandments (one in Exodus, one that Moses recaps in Deuteronomy) with slightly different wording. There are, in fact, a lot of these doublets.

    * There are internal inconsistencies. The number of days of the Flood story don't add up right. At one point, Noah takes two of each animal; at another point, he takes two of some, seven of others.  Joseph is sold into slavery to Ishmaelites in one verse, to Midianites a few verses later. The Mountain of Revelation is sometimes called Sinai and sometimes Horeb. Moses' father-in-law is sometimes called Yitro and sometimes Ruel, and so on.


Are you debating, or asking? At any rate, this is too basic for me. My expertise is higher and my knowledge regarding these easy dismissable so-called "inconsistencies". One of the resident, beginners should be able to chime in and set you straight. I cannot tolerate this low-level inquiry/argument anymore. I wish you the best!

Post by: MCWAY on February 24, 2010, 09:18:28 PM

How did these books come to be written? There's a wide range of opinion. Let me present the two most commonly held views--what we'll call the "traditional view" and the "scholarly view."

 The traditional explanation is that the Five Books of Moses were written by Moses himself. There are several variants of this explanation:

    * Traditional Judaism and fundamentalist Christianity believe that the text was dictated by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, letter for letter (or pretty much letter for letter).
    * Other religious groups still ascribe authorship to Moses, but use words like "divinely inspired" rather than "dictated letter for letter."
    * Still others say Moses was the sole author, but there's nothing "divine" about it except in the sense that all great works of literature and poetry are "inspired."

Mosaic authorship would mean the five books were written around 1280 to 1250 BC, the most commonly accepted range of dates for the exodus from Egypt, give or take 30 years.

It has long been recognized that there were a few problems with the traditional view of Moses as author. The text reports the death of Moses--how could Moses have written of his own death? It also describes Moses as "the most humble man who ever lived"--how could Moses write that about himself? But these are minor issues. Some say Moses' successor Joshua wrote the few lines that describe the death of Moses; others say that Moses himself was commanded to write that text before it happened. None of this represents a serious challenge to Mosaic authorship.

As time went on, however, scholars became increasingly skeptical of the idea of Moses as single author. Among their objections:

    * Several stories are repeated, with different characters or different emphasis (called "doublets"). For instance, there are two creation stories (Gen 1 and Gen 2). There are three stories of a patriarch traveling among pagans and pretending his wife is his sister. There are two stories of Moses striking a rock to produce water. There are two versions of the Ten Commandments (one in Exodus, one that Moses recaps in Deuteronomy) with slightly different wording. There are, in fact, a lot of these doublets.

    * There are internal inconsistencies. The number of days of the Flood story don't add up right. At one point, Noah takes two of each animal; at another point, he takes two of some, seven of others.  Joseph is sold into slavery to Ishmaelites in one verse, to Midianites a few verses later. The Mountain of Revelation is sometimes called Sinai and sometimes Horeb. Moses' father-in-law is sometimes called Yitro and sometimes Ruel, and so on.


For starters, there aren't two Creation accounts. This blurb is usually done, under the assumption that when the accounts are listed in Gen.2, that they occured in that particular order. However, there is NO time constraints in Gen. 2.

Gen. 1 states when what was created and on which day. Unless something in Gen. 2 states that something was created on a day DIFFERENT than that which was listed in Gen. 1, there is no conflict.

It's like this: If I say I had fish on Monday, beef on Tuesday, and chicken on Wednesday.

ay in one letter. Then I write in another letter that I had chicken, beef, and fish over the last three days. That doens't mean that the account clashed. Why? In the second letter, I DO NOT MENTION on which days I had certain meats.
Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 24, 2010, 09:27:05 PM
For starters, there aren't two Creation accounts. This blurb is usually done, under the assumption that when the accounts are listed in Gen.2, that they occured in that particular order. However, there is NO time constraints in Gen. 2.

Gen. 1 states when what was created and on which day. Unless something in Gen. 2 states that something was created on a day DIFFERENT than that which was listed in Gen. 1, there is no conflict.

It's like this: If I say I had fish on Monday, beef on Tuesday, and chicken on Wednesd

ay in one letter. Then I write in another letter that I had chicken, beef, and fish over the last three days. That doens't mean that the account clashed. Why? In the second letter, I DO NOT MENTION on which days I had certain meats.

 Try again.
Post by: MCWAY on February 24, 2010, 09:33:06 PM

 Try again.

You try again. Where is this alleged conflict, between Gen. 1 or 2, or did you just copy and paste this from an atheist/skeptic website, without studying the actual verses?
Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 24, 2010, 09:39:51 PM
You try again. Where is this alleged conflict, between Gen. 1 or 2, or did you just copy and paste this from an atheist/skeptic website, without studying the actual verses?

 Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliot Friedman, Harper & Row, 1987

Understanding the Old Testament, by Bernhard W. Anderson, Prentice-Hall, 1986

The Art of Biblical Narrative, by Robert Alter, Basic Books, 1981

The Religion of Israel, by Yehezkel Kaufmann (trans: Moshe Greenberg), University of Chicago Press, 1948
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 25, 2010, 08:21:56 AM

 Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliot Friedman, Harper & Row, 1987

Understanding the Old Testament, by Bernhard W. Anderson, Prentice-Hall, 1986

The Art of Biblical Narrative, by Robert Alter, Basic Books, 1981

The Religion of Israel, by Yehezkel Kaufmann (trans: Moshe Greenberg), University of Chicago Press, 1948

There are just as many OTHER books to show differently? Who is right? Only one opinion can be.

Post by: MCWAY on February 25, 2010, 08:52:06 AM

 Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliot Friedman, Harper & Row, 1987

Understanding the Old Testament, by Bernhard W. Anderson, Prentice-Hall, 1986

The Art of Biblical Narrative, by Robert Alter, Basic Books, 1981

The Religion of Israel, by Yehezkel Kaufmann (trans: Moshe Greenberg), University of Chicago Press, 1948

Again, what is this alleged discrepancy, between Gen. 1 and Gen. 2?
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 26, 2010, 09:19:15 PM

 Who Wrote the Bible? by Richard Elliot Friedman, Harper & Row, 1987

Understanding the Old Testament, by Bernhard W. Anderson, Prentice-Hall, 1986

The Art of Biblical Narrative, by Robert Alter, Basic Books, 1981

The Religion of Israel, by Yehezkel Kaufmann (trans: Moshe Greenberg), University of Chicago Press, 1948

Poor ole GRACIE JIU-JITSU apparently, has jitsued for his last time, it seems? What are the discrepancies? I'm curious to hear it.

Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 27, 2010, 06:16:06 AM

 Discrepancies.  1 and 2.


Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

    And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image.

Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

Genesis 1:27
(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:18-22
(The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Post by: Government_Controlled on February 27, 2010, 06:53:41 AM
Discrepancies.  1 and 2.


Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

    And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image.

Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

Genesis 1:27
(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:18-22
(The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

*sigh*. I thought you had a good one. This argument is so old, it out dates the Bible itself. This is EXTREMELY to simple for me to mess with. Maybe one of the others will entertain it.

Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 27, 2010, 07:07:43 AM

*sigh*. I thought you had a good one. This argument is so old, it out dates the Bible itself. This is EXTREMELY to simple for me to mess with. Maybe one of the others will entertain it.



 Translation... I don't know what to say.please someone help me.
Post by: MCWAY on February 28, 2010, 08:07:16 AM
Discrepancies.  1 and 2.


Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

    And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image.

Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.

Once again, refer to my chicken-beef-fish analogy. Nowhere in Gen. 1 does it state in WHICH ORDER man and animals were made.

You can easily state those verses as :

(26)And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (25) So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (26) And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 

The message is the same. There is NO chronological constraints as to which was made first.

Genesis 1:27
(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)

    So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Genesis 2:18-22
(The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.)

    And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them.... And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

WHAT!!! The verse says (1:27), "male and female, created He them". Where does it indicate that Adam and Eve were made at the same time. Using  Gen. 2:18-22, Adam could have been made at, say, 7:00 A.M., the animals and noon, and Eve at 4 P.M.

How does that clash with 1:27? All 1:27 states that God created male and female. There are NO time conflicts.

Post by: Necrosis on February 28, 2010, 11:22:36 AM
Once again, refer to my chicken-beef-fish analogy. Nowhere in Gen. 1 does it state in WHICH ORDER man and animals were made.

You can easily state those verses as :

(26)And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (25) So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (26) And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 

The message is the same. There is NO chronological constraints as to which was made first.

WHAT!!! The verse says (1:27), "male and female, created He them". Where does it indicate that Adam and Eve were made at the same time. Using  Gen. 2:18-22, Adam could have been made at, say, 7:00 A.M., the animals and noon, and Eve at 4 P.M.

How does that clash with 1:27? All 1:27 states that God created male and female. There are NO time conflicts.

so basically one can interpret these versus in anyway they see fit, as evidenced by both you and the luke. What criteria are you using?

i wonder if you can do this will all the verses.
Post by: Necrosis on February 28, 2010, 11:23:37 AM
Once again, refer to my chicken-beef-fish analogy. Nowhere in Gen. 1 does it state in WHICH ORDER man and animals were made.

You can easily state those verses as :

(26)And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (25) So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (26) And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 

The message is the same. There is NO chronological constraints as to which was made first.

WHAT!!! The verse says (1:27), "male and female, created He them". Where does it indicate that Adam and Eve were made at the same time. Using  Gen. 2:18-22, Adam could have been made at, say, 7:00 A.M., the animals and noon, and Eve at 4 P.M.

How does that clash with 1:27? All 1:27 states that God created male and female. There are NO time conflicts.

I would agree with you that it doesnt state that both were created at the same time, it just states he did create them.
Post by: GRACIE JIU-JITSU on February 28, 2010, 11:38:19 AM
Once again, refer to my chicken-beef-fish analogy. Nowhere in Gen. 1 does it state in WHICH ORDER man and animals were made.

You can easily state those verses as :

(26)And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. (25) So God created man in his [own] image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. (26) And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 

The message is the same. There is NO chronological constraints as to which was made first.

WHAT!!! The verse says (1:27), "male and female, created He them". Where does it indicate that Adam and Eve were made at the same time. Using  Gen. 2:18-22, Adam could have been made at, say, 7:00 A.M., the animals and noon, and Eve at 4 P.M.

How does that clash with 1:27? All 1:27 states that God created male and female. There are NO time conflicts.

 So you're saying that there's no difference in those paragraphs?

 Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

 Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

 Genesis 1:27
(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)

 Genesis 2:18-22
(The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.)
Post by: MCWAY on March 01, 2010, 11:22:04 AM

 So you're saying that there's no difference in those paragraphs?

 Genesis 1:25-27
(Humans were created after the other animals.)

 Genesis 2:18-19
(Humans were created before the other animals.)

Where do the words, "before" or "after" appear in those verses, again?

 Genesis 1:27
(The first man and woman were created simultaneously.)

 Genesis 2:18-22
(The man was created first, then the animals, then the woman from the man's rib.)

Again, WHAT WORDS state that they were created in that specific order in Gen. 2?

Or that Adam and Eve were created simultaneously in Gen. 1? Here's the verse, And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God said, Let us make man in our image.... So God created man in his own image.

WHERE is the indicator that Adam and Eve were made AT THE SAME time?
Post by: Government_Controlled on March 01, 2010, 10:33:54 PM

There is a difference between "create" and "make". Sometimes, when reading Genesis 1-2, confusion may arise for this reason. In Hebrew, which is what those scriptures were originally written in, "create" and "make" have DISTINCT different meanings.  ;)
